From Monsanto, November 4, 2015
As part of our commitment to the islands and our pledge to transparency and dialogue, Monsanto willingly shares information about our pesticide use in Hawaii . More importantly, we also share information about how we manage and steward our farms – because pesticides by themselves don’t tell the whole story. They are only one of many different tools we use to keep our crops and farms healthy, sustainable and productive.
In Hawaii, all agricultural users combined -- including Monsanto -- account for only about one-third of total restricted use pesticide (RUP) sold in the state. Monsanto uses less than 1% of the total.

Monsanto complies with all federal and state laws regulating the responsible use of pesticides, including providing any information required by these government agencies. The Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA), which regulates the manufacture, sale and use of pesticides in Hawaii, is able to review our pesticide application records and inventories at any time. We cooperate with HDOA to provide ongoing detailed records, practices, worker protection standards and field sanitation reports as well as comply with numerous visits and audits.
In 2013, we voluntarily signed a memorandum of understanding with the County of Maui Mayor’s Office to provide information about our farming practices, including the RUPs we use on Maui and Molokai. Our annual report to the Mayor’s Office is publicly available on the County of Maui’s website. We have also voluntarily provided a list of the RUPs we use statewide, available here.