Action Needed Before the Future Arrives
by Keli'i Akina, Ph.D., President/CEO, Grassroot Institute of Hawaii
It's no surprise to anyone that Hawaii ranks at the bottom of many lists of economic vitality and opportunity. But a newly published list may be the most frightening. According to The Degree 360, "Hawaii tops the list of worst states for [college] graduates" According to the report, "The combination of one of the country's most expensive housing markets and relatively low employment opportunities means there is limited opportunity for degree holders to purchase a home."
We already know that Hawaii has more long-term residents leaving than coming in due to economic reasons. Now, it is abundantly clear that the brain-drain will escalate, and Hawaii will lose the youngest generation of economic producers.
While most policy makers are busy treating the symptoms of our economic climate, I believe that it is time to change that climate and create in Hawaii a destination for global capital at the highest levels. At Grassroot Institute, we strongly hold, based on research, that the solution is to embrace the principles of free-market economics. This month we will be demonstrating how free-market practices can have a significant impact on the affordability of housing at a blue-chip luncheon panel. See the notice below and join us there!
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September Calabash - Free Market Solutions to Homelessness & Affordable Housing
A panel discussion on the economic roots of and solutions to Hawaii's biggest issue.
Monday, September 21, 2015
11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Pacific Club
Moderated by Keli'i Akina, Ph.D., President of the Grassroot Institute

Hawaii has the highest homelessness rate in the nation, and many economists assert that this is made worse by government policies.
The Grassroot Institute of Hawaii will present researching showing that free market policies may help to alleviate homelessness and poverty in Hawaii.
Panelists will give feedback and commentary on our research while also offering their own unique first-hand perspectives on the issue.
Our expert panel will include:
- Senator Maile Shimabukuro
- Victor Geminiani of Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice
- Connie Mitchell, MS, APRN, BC of The Institute for Human Services
- Representative Andria Tupola
- Erin Rutherford of Catholic Charities Hawaii
- Lisa Darcy, Ho'omoana Foundation
We hope you can come participate in this amazing event!
Monday, September 21st | 11:30AM - 1PM | Pacific Club
LINK >>> Reserve your seat today!