FEDS: December was 14th coldest in 115 years...
UK Daily Mail: Global cooling may set in for 20-30 years! UN scientist admits: 'Global warming has paused, may be some cooling'...

Orlando Sentinel: Florida sea turtles suffering from cold shock
More than 160 cold-stunned turtles have been found floating this week in the Mosquito Lagoon.
Sun-Sentinel: Cold sea turtles overwhelm new Boca Raton rehabilitation center
Rescuers work day and night to save some of AlGore's victims.
Vets try to save turtle afflicted by "cold stun". Others died before rescuers could get to them.
WBIR: Sea turtles suffering from cold shock rescued
WSB TV: Volunteers Rescue Turtles From Florida Cold
WPBF: Cold Stress Contributes To Record Number Manatee Deaths (Could this be the first mass extinction caused by Global Cooling?)
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- State wildlife officials said 429 manatees died in Florida last year, nearly 100 more deaths than in 2008. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said Wednesday the increased deaths can be attributed, in part, to cold stress during the winter months of 2008 and 2009....Officials found 337 dead manatees in Florida in 2008. Manatees remain protected under both state and federal laws. (Will Al Gore and the other Global Warming profiteers be prosecuted for causing these deaths?)

WFTV VIDEO: 100 Manatees Crowd Into Brevard County Canal for warmth
Science daily: How A Little Bit Of Cold Can Kill A Big Manatee
FOX: It's raining iguanas in South Florida
A remarkable cold snap that brought temperatures in the mid-30s to the Miami area Thursday morning also brought lizards falling out of trees....
A victim of Global Cooling lies on the frozen soil of South Florida.
UK Telegraph: Kamikaze iguanas fall from Florida's frozen trees
Another victim of Global Cooling.
WESH: Cold Snap Causes Frozen Iguana Shower
Yet another victim of Global Cooling. Amazingly, some people still think the Earth is warming. But then some still believe in Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster.
KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. -- Wednesday night's bitter cold temperatures rattled tree-dwelling iguanas in South Florida. The large green reptiles drop out of the trees and litter the ground when temperatures drop in sunny South Florida.
VIDEO: How to handle a frozen iguana (You can do your part to save Al Gore's victims.)
Puerto Rico Daily Sun: So cold in Florida ‘frozen’ iguanas falling out of trees
How cold is it in Florida? Cold enough for frozen iguanas to be falling out of trees.
The iguanas, paralyzed by the cold, were spotted in ‘frozen’ condition, clinging from trees or stuck to the ground, according to reports from the so-called Sunshine State, where temperatures have plummeted to the 20s in the past few days.
It was ‘balmier’ in South Florida, where the thermometer registered in the 30s. At 7 a.m. Wednesday the temperature climbed to 40 degrees in Miami and 38 degrees in Fort Lauderdale, according to the Miami Herald.
The record number of consecutive days when the thermometer stayed below 50 degrees in Miami occurred in early 1940. It was 13 straight days. In Fort Lauderdale, the record was set in January 1956 when it remained under 50 degrees for 12 straight days.
It’s six days and counting this year for Miami and Fort Lauderdale, the Herald noted...
Just last November, the Plane Stupid Video (yes that's really their name) made this TV commercial of polar bears falling from sky (image is similar to people leaping from WTC on 9-11) in an effort to guilt-bait Europeans into raising taxes and paying for worthless carbon credits. Now the terrible reality is that REAL iguanas are falling from the skies. Manatees and turtles are dying from the cold. And by their own logic, we must conclude that Global Cooling activists are responsible for the terrible mass extinction befalling the manatees and the turtles and the mass slaughter of iguanas left vulnerable by their cold-induced unconsciousness. Obviously Gore and all the other Global Warming scamsters should be brought before the World Court in chains, convicted, sentenced, and then tried, for their crimes against the environment. Turnabout IS fair play!
UK Guardian: Falling polar bears put Plane Stupid cinema ad on course for controversy