June 8, 2015
In this MegaVote for Hawaii's 1st & 2nd Congressional Districts:
Recent Congressional Votes
- Senate: Patriot Act Reauthorization – Passage
- House: Magnuson-Stevens Reauthorization – Passage
- House: Fiscal 2016 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Passage
Upcoming Congressional Bills
- Senate: Fiscal 2016 Defense Authorization
- House: Fiscal 2016 Transportation-HUD Appropriations
- House: Fiscal 2016 Defense Appropriations
Recent Senate Votes
Patriot Act Reauthorization – Passage - Vote Passed (67-32, 1 Not Voting)
The Senate passed a bill that would modify domestic surveillance authorities by prohibiting the National Security Agency's bulk collection and storage of telephone metadata and limiting collection of other bulk data. The measure would require the NSA to obtain approval from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to examine the calling records of individual target telephone numbers on a case-by-case basis, before the request for information is made to a phone company, and limit the associated calling records of a telephone number that may be examined to two "hops" from the suspect's number - essentially codifying proposals made by the president in 2014.
Sen. Brian Schatz voted YES
Sen. Mazie Hirono voted YES
Recent House Votes
Magnuson-Stevens Reauthorization – Passage - Vote Passed (225-152, 55 Not Voting)
The House passed a bill that would reauthorize the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act through fiscal year 2019. The measure would authorize $397 million annually through fiscal year 2019 for federal activities to carry out the law.
Rep. Mark Takai voted Not Voting
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard voted NO
Fiscal 2016 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations -- Passage - Vote Passed (242-183, 7 Not Voting)
The House passed a bill that would provide $51.4 billion in discretionary funds in fiscal 2016 for the departments of Commerce and Justice and other agencies such as NASA and the National Science Foundation. It would provide roughly $8.2 billion for the Commerce Department and roughly $27.9 billion for the Justice Department, including $8.5 billion for the FBI, $7.2 billion for the federal prison system and roughly $2 billion for state and local enforcement and crime prevention grant programs.
Rep. Mark Takai voted NO
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard voted NO
Upcoming Votes
Fiscal 2016 Defense Authorization - H.R.1735
The bill would reauthorize appropriations for fiscal year 2016 for military activities of the Department of Defense and for military construction, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes.
Fiscal 2016 Transportation-HUD Appropriations - H.R.2577
The bill would make appropriations for the Departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2015, and for other purposes.
Fiscal 2016 Defense Appropriations - H.R.2685
The bill would make appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2016, and for other purposes (official title to be confirmed).