by Andrew Walden

Apparently still attempting--and failing--to gain the submission of Danish editorial cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, an axe-wielding al-Qaeda terrorist broke down the door of Westergaard's home in Arhus, Denmark New Years Day. Westergaard in 2005 drew an image of Mohammad with a bomb in his turban which Islamists chose to utilize as an excuse for riots in 2006 and have used as ideological bludgeon in an attempt to get the weak-minded to abandon their free speech ever since.
Mohammed Image Archive >>> Numerous images of Mohammad from ancient Islamic and non-Islamic sources
The al-Qaeda operative chased the 74-year-old Westergaard and his five-year old granddaughter into a specially constructed safe-room from which Westergaard called police while the axe-wielding terrorist chopped at the door. When police arrived, the alQaeda operative threw his axe at a responding officer. Police shot him in the arm and knee, but did not exterminate him.
Only last August, the attacker--whose name has been withheld under the order of a Danish court--had been held by Kenyan police in connection with an assassination plot against US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton which also involved the bombing of two hotels and several busses. When he was released, he was allowed to return to Denmark.
The failed axe attack came just one week after the al-Qaeda panty bomber failed to detonate explosives on an Amsterdam to Detroit flight Christmas Day.
When Islamists chose to organize riots with the cartoons as an excuse, we at Hawai`i Free Press published Westergaard's cartoon on our front page. It wasn't a difficult decision because the free speech right is infinitely superior to the non-existent "right" of others to suppress "offensive" speech. In fact the free speech right of even a single person is infinitely superior to the hypocritical and politically manipulated "sensibilities" of all Muslims--or anybody else. This is obvious.
Honolulu Weekly also published a John Pritchett cartoon of a "politically correct" Muhammad--drawn as a smiley face.

The result was a torrent of letters from sanctimonious fools who are willing to trade away free speech in the cowardly, ignorant, and vain hope that if we jettison enough of our freedom (and maybe our treasure, our allies, and a few of our citizens) we can count on a gang of 8th century head choppers, baby-killers, and bus-bombers to leave us alone.
LINK>>> Letters to the Editor in Response Pritchett's Cartoon
The Advertiser also carried February 26, 2006 column from the Muslim Association of Hawaii denouncing the publication of the cartoons. MAH of course would later expose its true nature by tricking the Hawaii State legislature to celebrate Islam Day on September 24, 2009--a day of absolutely no significance to Muslims, which just happens to be September 11 in the Julian calendar.
A similar MAH commentary appeared in the now-defunct Hawaii Island Journal--house organ of the Hokulia shake-down operation.
(To the tune of the Danish national anthem)
News coverage of Westergaard included images of him in his home holding a framed poster of the Jyllands-Posten newspaper cartoons which Islamists radicals choose to react to in 2006 --several months after they appeared in the September 30, 2005 edition of Danish paper Jyllands-Posten. In TV coverage of the Westergaard attack, the image of this poster (below) has been digitally obscured. This is exactly the wrong message to send Islamists.
To discourage Islamist violence, all non-Muslims must boldly and repeatedly display these cartoons. Doing so will help clarify to Islamists that Allah is not moving the hearts of the infidels to desire submission to Islam -- and contrary to Osama bin-Laden's opinion, Allah is not prepared to grant victory to the Muslims.
So here it is: