Legislative Update
From Hawaii Appleseed Center, April 17, 2015
We’re in final stretch of the legislative session, but our advocacy is still in full force! Our top priorities are going to conference and we are making one last push to get them across the finish line. And be sure to check out our legislative infographics to learn more.

SB 555 - Increasing the Food/Excise Tax Credit
Hawaii levies the second highest tax burden in the country on its low-income families. A major reason for this is the General Excise tax, which taxes people on nearly everything they purchase, including necessities like groceries. This bill would increase the food/excise tax credit, which has not been updated since 2007.

HB 1354 - Affordable Housing and Homelessness
HB 1354 would address Hawaii's acute affordable housing shortage and homelessness crisis by appropriating money toward the Rental Housing Trust Fund, the development of micro-units, and Housing First programs for people experiencing chronic homelessness. We are also supporting budget appropriations for the Rental Housing Trust Fund and Housing First programs.
HB 1007 - Increased Access to Driver’s Licenses
Driver’s licenses are essential for a family’s economic self-sufficiency. This bill would create a limited purpose driver’s license for residents who cannot show documentation of their lawful presence in the US, helping ensure that everyone on the road is safe and licensed.
SB 737 - Regulating Payday Lending
The cycle of payday loans traps too many struggling families. We are supporting a 36% APR cap on fees charged by payday lenders. You may have seen in the news recently that the proposed cap is in trouble, but we are continuing to push to stop exorbitant loan fees charged to those that can least afford them.

Find more about our legislative efforts and infographics here.