by Andrew Walden
According to Gallup's recently released annual State of the States project, Hawaii adults self-described ideology breaks down as 27.7% conservative, 37.5% moderate, and 29.6% liberal. Liberals outnumber conservatives by just 1.9%. The only other states where liberals outnumber conservatives are Massachusetts and Vermont.
Gallup repeats this poll annually and the results are consistent over time.
Notably Gallup's polling sample consists of adults, not voters. Hawaii has the lowest voter participation of any state. The discrepancy between Gallup's numbers and Hawaii election results shows clearly that Republicans and conservatives are overrepresented in the non-voting population of Hawaii.
Regarding President Obama's approval rates among Hawaii adults, Gallup reports Hawaii is #2 in the USA, behind only Massachusetts:
52.5% approve, 38.9% disapprove, 8.6% no opinion.
Regarding Democrat or Republican preference among Hawaii adults, Gallup reports Hawaii is #7 in the USA:
49.3% Democrat to 34.8% Republican (and by inference, 15.9% no preference). This gives Democrats a 14.5% advantage.
What is missing on the conservative side is leadership.
A one-party state cannot exist without political enforcers. The contrast between Gallup's numbers and Hawaii election results shows that the activities of the enforcers--to obstruct conservative leadership development--are far more important to electoral outcomes than any inherent characteristics of the electorate.
Gallup: Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana Most Conservative States

Gallup: Massachusetts, Maryland Most Democratic States
February 5, 2015

Gallup: Majorities in Five States Approved of Obama in 2014
PRINCETON, N.J.-- Residents of five states gave President Barack Obama 50% or better job approval ratings in 2014, with Massachusetts and Hawaii leading the list at roughly 53%. Wyoming residents were the least approving, at 19.3%....