Will Hawaii's State Government Go Bust in 2016?
From Grassroot Institute
Unfunded liabilities, downsized revenue projections & soaring project costs... Do these spell financial disaster for Hawaii's State government? Budget Director of the Senate Minority Research Office Paul Harleman says yes. Join us as a blue-ribbon panel discusses the possibility. Featured will be former Bank of Hawaii chief economist Paul Brewbaker, State Budget Director Kalbert Young, and Sen. Sam Slom. The event will be moderated by Grassroot President Keli'i Akina.

October 15, 2014
11:30 am - Registration
12:00 pm - Lunch
12:30 - 1:30 pm - Panel DiscussionPacific Club
1451 Queen Emma Street
Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813
Click here to register