VOTE “NO” On Constitutional Amendment #4
NO on public funds for private preschools
HSTA Message to Membership
Aloha Colleague, September 21, 2014
Starting today, the Hawaii State Teachers Association (HSTA) is launching a statewide informational campaign to encourage voters to VOTE “NO” on the constitutional amendment regarding early childhood education. If passed, the amendment would allow public, taxpayer money to be used to fund private preschools.
Why do educators, elected officials and community leaders oppose the constitutional amendment?
• The amendment will take away money from public schools to benefit wealthy private preschools, reducing funds that could be used toward improving infrastructure, technology, providing school supplies and more teachers and reducing class sizes.
• Hawaii’s neediest families will not benefit, as many of the neediest communities are not served by private preschools, and the amendment will not cover the entire cost of tuition, which can be as much as $15,000 a year.
The campaign will include television and radio ads, online, and social media, and lots of grassroots outreach. Click here>>> to preview the HSTA’s first constitutional amendment TV ad. The ads will air statewide from today, September 22 through the General Election on November 4.
We urge you to share this information with your colleagues, friends and family, and encourage them to VOTE “NO” on constitutional amendment #4 regarding early childhood education on November 4. 2014.
Wil Okabe

HSTA’s first television informational video is scheduled to begin running on most major network stations and some cable stations today. You may also watch the ConAm video on VIMEO at:
Please share this link with friends and family.
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More ConAm information is available at