News Release from Cavasso Campaign 8/13/2014
GOP Candidate for U.S. Senate, Cam Cavasso believes there is little difference between the Democrat Candidates. Cavasso said in a recent interview[1]:
"Frankly, it doesn't really much matter to me which of them I'm running against. They're so similar in their stands and there's such a contrast between myself and them that I think it's a half dozen of one, six of another (between the democrat candidates)."
Cavasso added: "We've got many, many challenges after going pretty much one direction the last 45 to 50 years and I'll be working to bring people together."
Cavasso, like many other residents of Hawaii, feel that that the many years of Democrats running the state has not been positive for Hawaii. "Hawaii residents now pay approximately 60% more than mainlanders for many foods and goods, in addition to paying three (3) times more than mainlanders for electricity. On the issue of our high cost of living in Hawaii, I don't think it matters which party you subscribe to, the people just want someone to do something about it, and the Democrats have not stepped up.... I'll be working to reach out to Democrats, independents and Republicans (on these very issues)".
Cavasso humbly asks the people of Hawaii to consider that there is a very good chance that the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives will have a Republican majority next year and it's to Hawaii's advantage to elect a Republican to serve. "The Democrat candidates will promise the people of Hawaii, in this election, all sorts of things to get the votes, knowing that if elected they will likely achieve none of what they promise next year. We are so reliant of federal funds and it will be to Hawaii's detriment to put a Democrat back in the U.S. Senate" adds Cam Cavasso
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Puna Relief: Cam Cavasso Pitches in
From Cavasso Campaign August 12, 2014

Joseph Wirtz and his wife Ann and son Martin in front of their home just barely missed by huge tree.
They told of the fearful sounds of winds and the booming approach Of breaking trees.
One of the residential crews Cam visited w cleaning storm damaged debris.