Aloha, Republicans and Concerned Citizens: July 28, 2014
I am humbled that the Honolulu Star-Advertiser gave my candidacy the nod going into the Primary Election. Here's what the newspaper's editorial writers had to say about my campaign for Congress:
"In the 2nd Congressional District, representing rural Oahu and the neighbor islands, Marissa Capelouto is the only credible Republican candidate, with a pro-business, traditional-values platform. Voting in Hawaii's primary election ends on Aug. 9. Cast your ballot. Every vote counts."
While I am confident the pro-Democrat newspaper -- one that routinely stands up for the liberal establishment candidates -- will support my likely Democrat opponent Tulsi Gabbard going into the General Election, such a 'shout out' from the political observers at the largest newspaper in the state lends substantial credence to my candidacy with the Primary Election only two weeks from now and with voting by mail already underway.
Yes, I am pro-jobs. Yes, I am pro-family values. Yes, I am a serious Republican. And, yes, I do believe our state and our country have been heading in the wrong direction for decades. As someone who migrated to the 50th State and who worked my way up from earning minimum wage to becoming a successful business owner, I can say with authority that the American Dream is rapidly becoming elusive for hundreds of thousands of residents in our island home.

My campaign is about restoring the American Dream. And with your support, I will provide a strong voice and a reliable vote in the U.S. House of Representatives which can be consistently relied upon to serve taxpayers and job-creators, NOT those who live off the hard work of others. So if you want our nation and the Aloha State to become a place where families can thrive and where kids can study, graduate, work hard, realize upward mobility, and earn a good living -- rather than having to struggle for their entire lives -- then I am your candidate. Your vote for Marissa Capelouto in the Primary and General Elections and your generous donation to my campaign will help to turn the tide in favor of prosperity and equal opportunity and a level playing field for all.

Unlike Democrats and even my Republican primary opponent, my vision of Hawaii and America does not include having a permanent underclass of people who are 'permanently poor'. The laws and policies and reforms I support will make it possible for anyone to move up the ladder,if they are willing to work to succeed. A majority of voters believe that the welfare state is out of control. And so do I. Dependency on government is destroying the American Dream by killing the incentive to work and to earn a better quality of life. Moreover, the increasingly costly welfare state has been driving up the indebtedness of our country and our islands to unsustainable levels that has already begun to harm future generations of every family in Hawaii through higher prices, higher taxes, tighter credit, and fewer jobs for a growing population.
Let's turn things around. Won't you please help me to secure victory in the Primary Election and then in the General? Together, we can undo the damage of six decades of destructive Democrat policies in Hawaii and six years of harmful Obamanomics. Please kokua today with your contribution and with your vote. God bless Hawaii and the United States of America!

Marissa Capelouto
Republican Congressional Candidate
(808) 690-2887