by Andrew Walden
(Finally, Strykers freed from the bonds of political correctness. One downtown restaurant gave discount coupons to Stryker personnel. Hopefully they will start driving their Strykers down to Hilo on their lunch break.)
The Tribune-Herald's front-page story Friday said "controversy erupts" as the usual gaggle of anti-American war activists complained about Army Stryker vehicles participating in Hilo's Veterans Day parade. And the war activists did show up--all 15 of them--they were outnumbered 300-1 by local residents lining the parade route to support the troops and salute the veterans.
Parade-goers brought carrying signs reading "thank you", "welcome Strykers", "proud to be an American", and "freedom is not free."
Two days after an Islamist jihadi attacked unarmed soldiers at Fort Hood, this was the scene in downtown Hilo as 500 bikers led the parade.
Protesters from 9-11 trooother Jim Albertini's mis-named Malu-Aina "peace" center joined the assault with signs demanding total US withdrawal from "occupied (SIC) Hawaii." Instead of the sign they displayed October 10 at Pohakuloa calling Marines "dirty bumbs", the anti-American war activists today pretended to want to "protect our troops" from "depleted uranium"--the latest anti-American scam bogeyman.

In spite of their claims that "DU" is "a deadly carcinogenic and mutagenic poison" war activists--including former OHA trustee Moanikeala Akaka--surged forward as the Strykers passed by, shoving a TEA Party member who just happened to be an off duty police officer. "5150" is still on the books, but sadly, in spite of the strong evidence, no arrests were made.
(Yes, this person was once in charge of OHA.)
Joining the parade were supporters of the Hawaii TEA Party who stood with their backs to the protesters as ex-trustee Akaka ran around in circles babbling incoherently. County police told her to step back and not obstruct the parade.
(Many parade-goers cheered the TEA Party "Silent Majority No More" banner.)
Perhaps Akaka and her comrades didn't seem the least bit afraid of becoming "contaminated" themselves because--thanks to Hawai`i Free Press--the anti-Americans know that depleted uranium is actually a radiation shield, not a radioactive risk.
Common everyday items such as bananas, chocolate, tobacco--and of course marijuana--contain substantial quantities of the far more dangerous radioactive isotope, Potassium 40. Topsoil, in Hawaii and world-wide, naturally contains thousands of pounds of non-depleted uranium per square mile. In this context, complaints about DU are an insulting joke which nobody but Hawaii County council members could possibly be stupid enough to fall for.
Most parade floats and marchers ignored the protesters, but West Hawaii council member Brenda Ford--a close ally of the Hokulia shake-down operation--smiled broadly at the protesters and waved as many of them called out "thank you Brenda." "Islam Day" co-sponsor Rep Faye Hanohano (D-Puna) blew kisses to the war activist anti-Americans.
(From black BMW, Sen Dwight "baby Tak" Takamine salutes his protester-comrades at Veterans Day parade.)
(In aqua-blue outfit, Kona Councilwoman Brenda Ford joyfully greets Malu-Aina protesters individually by name, while Islam Day co-sponsor Rep. Faye Hanohano (D-Puna), in muumuu, blows them kisses.)
Perhaps this is because many protesters were well-known Democrat activists whose campaign signs were recycled as anti-American protest signs. Albertini, Hawaii Democrats' Precinct 3-9 Chair, is a two-time convicted felon and federal ex-convict once tagged as a "psychopath" by Judge Samuel Wilder King.
This is not Albertini's first time insulting the troops in a tag-team with jihadi killers. When four American contractors--including Paauilo, Hawaii army veteran Wesley Batalona--were murdered by an al-Qaeda led mob at Fallujah, Iraq in March, 2004, Albertini issued a leaflet condemning the four and accusing them of "war crimes."
The Hawaii Department of Education's official "History of Hawaii" textbook devotes six of its pages to a 1980s creampuff interview with Albertini.
RELATED: Big Island Weekly joins 9-11 deniers, Pohakuloa protesters: Marines are "Dirty Bumbs"
Antidotes to poisonous propaganda:
Bananas More Radioactive than Depleted Uranium
Depleted Uranium: Radioactive Propaganda
The Depleted Uranium Scam
Council denounces depleted uranium
(WW2 Intelligence Officers who specialized in Japanese-English translation -- contemporaries of Koji Ariyoshi and Karl Yoneda.)