Hold onto your wallet! In early December, another fraud from the mainland will be coming to these isles to scoop up money.
The merely stupid may drop $50 to waste Friday evening December 4 and show themselves to be the suckers they are. Those who are even more credulous can drop $150 for a Saturday December 5 scam session. It is not clear how many Hawaii legislators and Board of Education members will be present, but other locally based con-artists, advised of the opportunity to find so many marks in one place, may attend.
After dropping $50 -$200, those in attendance may then be invited to shell out some serious bucks for the books, DVDs, and CDs which keep phony psychics fat and happy. Oh and don't forget to contribute to the "Daffodil Project"--its a "non-profit" for the 580 acre "healing center" that Altea got from a dying cancer patient.
For some reason, Altea has not yet applied for Act 215/221 tax credits--maybe because the "medium" was herself scammed by her own bookkeeper. (Turnabout is fair play?) Apparently she is not quite as psychic as she thinks, but she is good enough for Larry King and Oprah Winfrey.
Is she good enough to fish money out of your pocket?
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"Psychic" Rosemary Altea Scammed
Written by Jeff Wagg Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Sometimes you have to ask: what good is it being psychic? As I'm not psychic, I will probably never know the answer to that question, but being psychic apparently doesn't protect you from having your accountant run off with $200,000 of your "hard-earned" money. Such a fate has befallen self-proclaimed psychic Rosemary Altea, who was exposed on Penn & Teller's Bullshit! as having a stacked audience for her reading.
From the Rutland Herald article:
Denise Hall of East Arlington faces one count of wire fraud and one count of filing a false tax return after investigators with the U.S. Attorney's office say she stole money from self-proclaimed spiritual medium Rosemary Altea - using four credit cards to obtain cash advances, forging checks and giving herself unauthorized electronic paychecks all under Altea's name for the past seven years, according to court records.
So, for seven years, a bookkeeper was able to swindle money from Rosemary in ways that most of us would detect simply balancing our checkbooks.
The sad thing is that Rosemary "earned" enough money from her readings to actually allow for $200,000 to be stolen. And while I don't approve of anyone breaking the law in such a manner, it is hard to feel too much animosity for Denise Hall. After all, consider how Rosemary got the money in the first place.
A little poking around shows that Rosemary influenced one Llewella Day, a dying cancer patient in Vermont, and after one meeting, Ms. Day donated her $750,000 farm to Rosemary under the condition that it remain a farm with structures intact. This last-minute change of will surprised and angered Ms. Day's family, who took Rosemary to court, and sadly lost.
In celebration of her legal victory, Rosemary demolished the farm buildings and house to create a "healing center." Which brings to mind the obvious admonition: Rosemary, heal thyself.
PHOTO: The 580 ac farm converted to "healing center". She must keep a full-time groundskeeper to mow that lawn. Do you like the soft fade on the edges? Makes it look more "spiritual".

On the other hand, if you are tired of working for a living, watch this episode of Penn and Teller "Bullshit!" and learn how Altea does it!
And if you need to learn more, Altea can help you do what she does -- for a price ....
Stealing From A Psychic http://j-walkblog.com
Usually it works the other way around: Bookkeeper steals fortune from psychic.
The former bookkeeper of an internationally known psychic from Dorset has agreed to plead guilty in court to federal felony charges levied against her by prosecutors who say she executed a scheme to swindle roughly $200,000.
Denise Hall of East Arlington faces one count of wire fraud and one count of filing a false tax return after investigators with the U.S. Attorney's office say she stole money from self-proclaimed spiritual medium Rosemary Altea - using four credit cards to obtain cash advances, forging checks and giving herself unauthorized electronic paychecks all under Altea's name for the past seven years, according to court records.
That, of course, is illegal.
But another type of thievery by scam artist Rosemary Altea is perfectly legal: Trinity Learning Course.
Welcome to the Trinity Learning Course. TLC is a learning program to develop your understanding and skills towards becoming a spiritual healer-and ultimately become a registered "Healer member" of the RAHEF, the Rosemary Altea Healing and Educational Foundation.
You'll need to send Rosemary $2,250 per year, for three years. The first year covers self-awareness, and the second year focuses on sensitivity. The good stuff happens in the third year:
In the third year you will learn to use your six senses, work with patients and learn not only to listen to them, but to hear them, and also listen to and hear the voice of your soul.
Oh yeah, she's been on Oprah and Larry King Live.
Plus, she's got a sale going on right now!
Due to the state of the economy, Rosemary understands that there are so many of you in need of her help, but that are finding it hard to afford her price point. Because of this and for the next 2-3 months she will be offering consultations for $300.00, instead of her usual $500.00!!! Save $200.00.