Message to Supporters from Hawaii Republican Party June 14, 2014
Civil Beat just released a poll by the Merriman River Group that showed Duke is leading in the polls - no matter who he faces in the General Election this November. That's right - this is the latest in a string of polls showing Duke leading Democrat hopefuls Abercrombie AND Ige, and Mufi is trailing far behind them all.

This great news comes right after we invested in state-of-the-art voice over the internet phones to support the voter identification and get out the vote efforts of all of our candidates. Momentum is truly building, but we still have a long way to go before we cross the finish line.
Please rush a $15, $25 or $50 donation today to help us cover the costs of our voter identification and get out the vote campaigns - click here to donate now!
With Duke leading the way, our candidates our coordinating and campaigning smarter than ever. We need your financial support to keep this wave going!
Kayla Berube
Executive Director
Hawaii Republican Party
P.S. Click here to help support our efforts that are already showing results!
LINK: Civil Beat Article on Poll Results
PDF: General election for Hawaii governor toplines
PDF: General election for Hawaii governor crosstabs
PDF: Democratic primary for Hawaii governor crosstabs
PDF: Democratic primary for Hawaii governor toplines