News Release from Djou Campaign June 2, 2014
Former Hawaii Congressman Charles K. Djou filed his nomination papers today at the Office of Elections. Djou is running to represent Hawaii’s 1st Congressional District.
“We have real problems facing Hawaii and America. In Hawaii, despite almost 60 years of one-party rule, we see our quality of life declining. Our economy is stagnant, our young people have to move to the mainland to find jobs, young families cannot afford to buy a home of their own, and the rising cost of living has our kupuna on fixed incomes worried,” stated Congressman Djou. “As a child of immigrants, I believe in the greatness of our nation. As an American soldier and veteran, I believe that we should never accept anything less than the very best from our nation’s leaders.”

Djou added, “We need to change the direction of our state and country. We need to stop the hyper-partisan squabbling represented by incumbent politicians. We need to focus on the real problems facing our state and nation. We must work toward balancing the budget, expanding trade and reworking the Federal government’s byzantine regulations, starting with Obamacare. We can do that, but to do so, we need to win this race.”

Djou represented Hawaii’s 1st Congressional District from 2010 to 2011. Djou previously served as a Honolulu City Councilmember and State Representative. He is a major in the Army Reserve and an Afghanistan combat veteran. Djou is married to Stacey Kawasaki Djou and together they have three children.
