Chairman's Report
Aloha Fellow Republicans, May 22th, 2014
If you missed out on our State Convention this past weekend, you really missed out! What an energizing time for our Party.
On Friday, representatives from the Republican National Committee presented training on the latest technology and voter targeting tools to a group of about 100 eager candidates, district and precinct leaders and grassroots activists.
On Saturday, over 300 delegates, candidates, and guests gathered at Ko'olau Ballrooms in Kaneohe to hear our Party's leaders speak, meet our 2014 Republican candidates, and to approve our Party's platform. Convention Chair, Roland Lagareta, did a wonderful job leading the program of the Convention. Mahalo, Roland!
The L.L.I.F.E. platform of Liberty, Limited Government, Individual Responsibility, Fiscal Accountability and Equality of Opportunity was reaffirmed, and eight Resolutions were passed, addressing a wide range of issues from Jones Act reform to Education and Taxes.
I commend our Platform Committee for their diligent work over the past several months, and especially the chairman of the committee, Mark Moses. The approval of all resolutions, with only minor corrections, is a testament to the committee's hard work and determination to produce a professional product.
Our Convention was a great kick-off to what is sure to be a successful campaign season for Republicans, and was followed by Duke Aiona's Monday morning announcement of his candidacy for Governor. I had the pleasure of joining Duke at the Capitol for his announcement. Already leading in the polls, Duke is well poised to take back the Governor's seat and restore trust, balance and respect to the highest office in the state.
This weekend, as we celebrate Memorial Day, let us honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and remember this quote from Ronald Reagan: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same..."
To victory,
Pat Saiki, State Chair