From DukeAiona Facebook: "It's official! Trust, Respect & Balance for the people of Hawai'i starts today! #higov #dukeaiona2014 Thank you all for your continued support!"
News Release from Aiona Campaign
HONOLULU (May 19, 2014) - In front of a crowd of enthusiastic supporters at the State Capitol, James R. “Duke” Aiona, Jr. today announced his candidacy to become the eighth Governor of Hawai’i since statehood in 1959. “As a father and grandfather, I am very concerned about the direction Hawai’i is heading”, Aiona said after filling his nomination papers in Pearl City. “I feel it is my duty to once again serve the people of Hawai’i and leave the next generation a legacy of trust, respect and balance.” said Aiona.
Aiona’s careers as teacher and a coach along with his service as a Family Court judge and Lieutenant Governor make him uniquely qualified to solve Hawai’i’s most pressing challenges.
“I’m in the trenches along side the people of Hawai’i. I know how our state has veered off course over the past four years with entrenched politicians who cater to special interests, not people. The people don’t trust our politicians and more people are struggling than ever before. I believe the people deserve a leader who shares their vision for a Hawai’i in which hard-working citizens have the opportunity to lead a happy, balanced life in Hawai’i.”
Aiona grew up in Pearl City and attended St. Louis High School before completing his law degree at the University of Hawai’i Manoa. He and his wife Vivian Aiona, have four children - Makana, ‘Ohulani, Kuli’a and Ka’imilani - and one granddaughter, Rylee.
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RGA Welcomes Duke Aiona to the Hawaii Governor’s Race
News Release from RGA May 19, 2014
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Republican Governors Association Chairman Chris Christie issued the following statement regarding Duke Aiona’s announcement he will enter the Hawaii governor’s race:
“Duke Aiona’s entry into this year’s race for governor is good news for Hawaii voters. After nearly four years of Neil Abercrombie’s weak leadership and poor stewardship of taxpayer dollars, Aiona offers voters a strong alternative to Abercrombie and a fresh vision for the state’s future. A trusted, accomplished leader, Aiona has a proven record of success to build on; he knows what it will take to restore accountability in government and preserve the Aloha State’s tradition as a place where opportunity and prosperity are available to all. The Republican Governors Association welcomes Duke Aiona to the Hawaii governor’s race.”
Aiona v Abercrombie: Not a Battle of Conservative vs Liberal
KITV: "I don't consider this a rematch, not at all. This is a new campaign, new issues, different concerns," said Aiona.
Aiona says education, the economy and battling homelessness are top priorities in his campaign. Even though Catholics oppose gay marriage, he says that's not going to be a theme in the governor's race.
"I'm not going to make it an issue; the law has been passed. We'll move on with issues that are in the forefront," said Aiona.
The Republican says right now he believes this is a two-way race between him and Abercrombie. He's not willing to turn it into a battle of conservative versus liberal though.
"Right now it's myself and the Governor who have officially filed," said Aiona. "I don't use labels. I'm a republican running as a republican. I think the republican platform is all about trust, respect and balance."
Read ... Aiona Announces