The OHA Scandal is the Inevitable Result of their Rhetoric

Dr. Akina discusses the OHA Letter on the Mike Buck Show (690 AM).
by Keli'i Akina, Ph.D., President/CEO, Grassroot Institute of Hawaii
When the news broke last weekend that OHA CEO Kamanao Crabbe had sought the opinion of Secretary of State John Kerry regarding the legitimacy of the US and Hawaii State sovereignty in the Hawaiian Islands, many of the OHA trustees were quick to criticize Crabbe and distance themselves from the letter.
The Grassroot Institute, on the other hand, called for the trustees to take responsibility for their part in creating the atmosphere that led to the letter. The public scandal has revolved primarily around second guessing and finger-pointing, but we cannot lose sight of this simple fact: CEO Crabbe's letter was absolutely consistent with the language OHA has used and the arguments they have raised throughout their effort to create a Native Hawaiian governing entity.
If Crabbe is guilty of anything, it is of taking the trustees' position to its inevitable and logical conclusion. That he embarrassed OHA and the State of Hawaii in the process only underlines the fact that neither should be in the nation-building business.
This is why it is critical that we hold OHA accountable for their actions. Regardless of what the trustees say, it is evident from the letter that Mr. Crabbe views the submission of the letter as an extension of his duty to OHA and the Native Hawaiian Roll. This was not a personal action, but the expression of the views and goals of a state agency. With OHA's agenda now exposed, all citizens of Hawaii should demand that OHA be more open about their agenda and stop their nation-building efforts completely.