NOTE: Compare the numbers OHA gave to Free Hawaii (below) to the statement of OHA Trustee Carmen Hulu Lindsey Ka Wai Ola December, 2013:
“The OHA trustees had approved $3.337 million in trust funds for the state initiative. This had all been spent by June 30, 2013. Where did these trust funds go and why was there so little to show for it in terms of results? For the past several months, the Kana‘iolowalu commissioners have come to OHA seeking additional money. These efforts began on May 21, 2012, when OHA received a letter from the commission requesting another $2.5 million for the project.”
Based on Hulu Lindsey’s December, 2013 numbers, the result would be:
18,000 new names @ $3.337M = $185.39 per name
The numbers leaked to Free Hawaii total only $2.3M. If they were accurate the result would be:
18,000 new names @ $2.3M = $127.78 per name
Published on May 7, 2014 by - Thereʻs Growing Discontent With What The Office Of Hawaiian Affairs Has Spent. The Figures Are Chilling Regarding Their Phony Nation-Building. Theyʻve Spent So Much, Itʻs Clear Theyʻre Out Of Touch. Watch This To Find Out The Cost & Why Youʻve Been Double-Crossed.
