From Hawaii Republican Party
Senator Sam Slom has confirmed that the U.S. Government Accountability Office will investigate Governor Abercrombie's ill-fated Hawaii Health Connector's use of $204 million in federal grant monies.
Abercrombie's Obamacare exchange now wants an additional $4.7 million in your tax dollars to fund the program through 2015. That will bring the total of your tax dollars spent on his pet project to $208.7 million. Of that, Abercrombie's Health Connector spent $74 million on building a website.
Repeat, Governor Abercrombie spent $74 million of your tax dollars on building a website for his Health Connector.
To read more about the investigation, click here. Check out other ways Governor Abercrombie has voted to take your money by clicking here.
Below is the entire press release from our Republican Senate Minority Leader.
Share this with your friends, family and coworkers and help us defeat Abercrombie in November!
Kayla Berube
Executive Director
Hawaii Republican Party
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GAO confirms they will investigate Hawaii Health Connector
News Release from Office of Sen Sam Slom
Honolulu - April 17, 2014 — The Government Accountability Office (GAO) yesterday confirmed they will investigate the Hawaii Health Connector's use of $204 million dollars of federal grant monies.
In response to Senator Sam Slom's letter (dated March 27, 2014), David Lewis of the GAO, yesterday confirmed that the GAO will include Hawaii in their investigations into the use of federal grant monies to state exchanges. Hawaii will now join six other states being investigated for their health insurance exchanges. Mr. Lewis confirmed the GAO will investigate whether the Hawaii Health Connector followed procedures relating to the use of federal funds as well as issues pertaining to security.
At 1:00 p.m. on April 17, 2014, Mr. Lewis indicated to Senator Slom that is not common for the GAO to respond to issues presented to them by state representatives. Senator Slom says "the fact that the GAO does not usually take up issues referred to them by state representatives reflects the serious nature of the issues surrounding the Hawaii's Health Connector, and its failure to act in a transparent manner."
Slom said that taxpayers and legislators should be outraged by the Connector’s lack of planning and money management. “This is not a partisan issue, this is an economic issue.”
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