From HIRA March 25, 2014
In an election year, Abercrombie’s political challenge is to pretend to hear what voters tell him while still pushing his ultra-liberal agenda; the completely stacked ‘Pono Choices’ task force is a ruse to do just that.
Working in secret and overflowing with liberals who favor the officially sanctioned and hyper-sexualized classroom teaching which has a decidedly pro-homosexual bias, the 10-member task force contains one conservative parent and one pastor up against a decidedly PRO-Pono Choices gaggle composed of a gay doctor, a mahu kumu that participated in making a Pono Choices video, various DOE bureaucrats, liberal activists, and more. From day one, it’s been a fait accompli, or as we say in English, a Done Deal.
Transparency is non-existent with Abercrombie’s task force. Since they've all signed non-disclosure agreements, we have absolutely no idea what's being cooked up in secret. Moreover, we have no idea when the task force will be reporting back or what consideration its members have actually given to the many, many objections raised by the highly informed opponents of Pono Choices.
One of the chief citizen groups opposing Abercrombie's sexualizing of children is the Hawaii Parent Coalition. Its website (DefendOurKeiki.com) is the go-to source for seeing what's at stake and understanding the all-out assault on traditional family values represented by Pono Choices. For the ins and outs of this whole fiasco, visit the site today.
Abercrombie’s hand-picked Board of Education oversees the Democrat dominated Department of Education. At the end of the day, the BOE and DOE will probably try to hide behind this whitewash of a review. That makes it all the more important that folks speak up now, rather than waiting for a lopsided panel to give its stamp of approval to teaching our keiki medically inaccurate, morally objectionable material which in some instances is contrary to state laws. Health experts have been warning that such reckless teaching is an invitation to disease, psychological damage and tragic statistics.
Since Pono Choices is on the short list of bad Democrat policies opposed by many party members, HIRA strongly urges all members plus readers of our newsletter to fight back. You can never do too much to let the ruling Democrats know that you think they are being out of line with their radical agenda. You can directly contact these Democrats about their "Pono Choices" program (and everything else that's wrong with public schools these days) by phone and by e-mail.
Below, we show their faces, their names, and their contact information. Please use your influence by contacting these people whom Abercrombie put in charge of your keiki's education and let them know they are dead wrong on this issue. Don't wait another minute.

Kathryn Matayoshi, D.O.E. Superintendent
Phone: (808) 586-3310
E-mail: kathryn_matayoshi@notes.k12.hi.us
Donalyn Dela Cruz, D.O.E. Director of Communications
Phone: (808) 586-3232
E-mail: donalyn_dela_cruz@notes.k12.hi.us
Donald Horner, Board of Education Chairman
Phone: (808) 586-3334
Email: boe_hawaii@notes.k12.hi.us
Dr. Kelly Roberts, Pono Choices Principal Investigator
Phone: (808) 392-9009
Email: robertsk@hawaii.edu
Mahalo for being involved in this important effort to protect our keiki.