From Office of Councilmember Kymberly Marcos Pine March 6, 2014
The construction of a 50,000 panel solar farm at the entrance of the Wai‘anae Coast at Kahe Point is being proposed. Preliminary plans show that the panels nearly cover the entire surface of Keone‘oio Gulch and will forever alter the beauty of the gateway through which thousands commute daily.
Kahe Point Before
This proposal will further industrialize an area where natural beauty should be preserved. No other community would accept a project like this next to a beautiful mountainside, across the street from the ocean, or in a location where every single resident must drive by to get in and out of their community.
Wai‘anae already has numerous renewable energy projects not found in other communities and some question whether farmland and open space along the coast should be used to build large solar farms without any additional subsidies being given to residents.
While the benefits of energy sustainability are evident in solar power, it is imperative that we consider how these solar farms will affect our community and strive to be good stewards of the ‘āina. Other proposals included windmills or further expansion of the Kahe Power Plant. However, some community leaders have stated that solar panels were the better choice.
Kahe Point After? - Artistic Rendition
This solar project will bear long-term implications for the residents of the Wai‘anae Coast and it is important for you to share your thoughts and opinions. The Hawaiian Electric Company has requested regulatory approval to construct the Kahe Point solar project and as of today the case is pending before the Public Utilities Commission.
To submit a comment on the project (Docket No. 2013-0360), you can email the Public Utilities Commission at and include the docket number in your statement.
I will vigorously monitor the proposed Kahe Point project and will share any public hearing and comment opportunities with you as they are scheduled.

Seeking Volunteers for the O‘ahu Real Property Tax Advisory Commission
Are you interested in serving on the commission that reviews the City's real property tax system's classes, exemptions, credits and minimum tax? If so, please send me your resume by Friday, March 14, 2014.
Legislative Update: March 6, 2014
Last week the City Council held committee meetings to discuss legislative proposals. The next full meeting on the City Council will be held on Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at the University of Hawai‘i - West O‘ahu. Click 'read more' for more information...
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