How Hawaii Will Achieve Food Sustainability: Jail a Farmer!

From Hawaii Farmers Daughter, February 19, 2014
Breaking News on GMOs: It made front page news today of the Star Advertiser that people want to have their genetically modified labeled. Well, a majority of some 642 people apparently do. So how are legislators attempting to satisfy what 487 people want?
They are going to do GE food labeling at the STATE level by the Department of Health! (Of course the anti-GMO crowd will say that 62 countries label their GMOs! So we should too! When did Hawaii become a country?!)
Of course we can’t quite figure out why this law is needed in the first place, other than people like Nomi Carmona, who believes that lilikois grow on trees and that there are GMO melons in Kunia. She apparently has an inherent “right to know.” She and others can’t figure out that foods without the organic label isn’t GMO and it’s a travesty. The others clamoring for this right to know also think that snowballs don’t melt because of chemtrails, since they apparently skipped out on science class to learn about something called sublimation.
And if you read SB2521 carefully, it is all spelled out there on how they are going to enforce such a law. No one has yet to die of GMOs, but when and if it happens, our politicians will be there to save us from it with this label. Just in case it doesn’t kills us, they were trying to make raw milk more available to help address that issue.
If one does not comply with this law after January 1, 2015, the penalties are as follows:

Yes, if that locally grown biotech food and other products aren’t labeled, you can get fined, jailed, and sued. Since the anti-GMO people can’t get it banned, the alternative is to jail the farmers and others who feed us.
Earthjustice and Center for Food Safety is also ready to work for some dough to sue food producers and farmers if this benign food is not labeled. These two groups apparently had too many GMOs shoved down their throats laced with swigs of RoundUp unwittingly from being on Kauai several months ago, which caused them to develop a severe case of dementia as a result. That’s why they never went back to defend the county as promised. But hey, they had their colons cleansed back on the mainland with their organic food and are ready to jump back into the muck of Hawaii politics for the rubbah slippah folks!
Hawaii politicians who put their name to this kind of bill should be highly commended for their skillfulness to craft laws that really look towards the future. The way to achieving affordable, local, and sustainable food supply is really simple. Jail and fine those farmers for growing food for us. That’s how our leaders do their best to support agriculture here.
It’s a really proud day in Hawaii when the politicians show their thanks to the farmers! Welcome to your cold cell Mr. Farmer!
**If you agree with this way of achieving their goal, please thank them by sending them this quick email to them. The farmers really look forward to spending time in jail over a label.**