LINK: Hawaii March for Life at Capitol
They had different backgrounds—from the 15-year-old who said he “would do anything to support this cause” to the man who was conceived when his mother was raped: “I’m here today to make sure all life is protected like I was.” Read his powerful story here.
Why did they march? Listen to these marchers tell it in their own words:
Not everyone can make it to Washington for the March for Life, and not everyone feels strongly enough about the issue to march. But it’s important to know that even Americans who oppose abortion may be forced to support it—through Obamacare. The health care law opens new avenues for funding abortion providers.
As Heritage expert Sarah Torre explains:
Federal tax subsidies will be available for health plans offered on state exchanges that include coverage of elective abortion….Some Americans could pay an abortion surcharge with private dollars, possibly without their knowledge.
Every year, millions of tax dollars were already sent to abortion—and Obamacare only made that worse.
Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) promised marchers yesterday that the House would vote next week on a bill “to end once and for all taxpayer funding for abortion.” Though it would be unlikely to pass the Senate (or get support from President Obama), Cantor said, “But I can make you this promise: The people’s House will stand for life.”
Want to stand for life in your community? Download the new booklet How to Speak Up for Life or order copies for a group.
Read the Morning Bell and more en español every day at Heritage Libertad.
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