Doses of Crazy: There's One Big Difference Between GMO Skepticism and Climate-Change Denial
by Isaac Chotiner, The New Republic January 6, 2014 (excerpts)
(The New York Times’) Harmon follows the journey of a Hawaii county councilman named Greggor Ilagan as he navigates his colleagues and a liberal constituency that are both strongly opposed to the genetic engineering of food. However, as Harmon details while tracing Ilagan's intellectual and scientific discoveries, every single one of the scare stories about genetically engineered crops is untrue; every supposedly scientific study is flawed; and nearly every claim made by opponents is entirely baseless. You really have to read the piece in full to grasp the absolute, utter discrediting of the anti-engineering side….
…as Harmon details, liberal activists have engaged in scaremongering and making wild claims, sometimes often about engineering companies….
This story, a news piece which is also pleasingly one-sided (as the evidence demands), is appearing in the most important liberal publication in the country. The liberals who rant about genetically modified food may be pushing a point of view that is objectively as crazy as believing carbon emissions are not causing global warming….
It's not that people are simply and inherently crazy; they also operate from within crazy bubbles, which is arguably just as dangerous. For this reason, my guess is that over time liberal opposition to genetic engineering will fade away….
read … The New Republic
CCF: An Honest Man against Hawaii Hypocrites
Reason: Excellent New York Times Article on the Success of the Anti-GMO Campaign in Hawaii
Boing Boing: Facts and fear about genetically modified food in Hawaii
Forbes: Fracking, Frankenfoods, and Antoinettes
B: Who's More Ignorant, Liberals or Conservatives?
Background: NYT In Hawaii: A Lonely Quest for Facts on Genetically Modified Crops