Aloha Friends and Neighbors: December 23, 2013
One of HIRA’s missions is to educate voters all year round, and we feel it is absolutely necessary to inform the people of Hawaii about what is “under the hood” of this so-called educational program “Pono Choices”. [See our first email on Pono Choices HERE.]
Since the State DOE and the University of Hawaii refused to release the curriculum or any of the associated materials to Ewa Beach representative Bob McDermott, research was undertaken to find out why they would keep this 'educational' program such a secret.

The Hawaii Republican Assembly was able to find a copy of the teachers' handbook for "Pono Choices" online. We now know exactly what our children are learning, who is behind this lascivious program and what the pushers’ real intentions are. Interestingly enough, the handbook was linked to in an article by American Life League's (ALL) Stop Planned Parenthood (STOPP). The guide is from September, 2013 when "Pono Choices" was supposedly being "tested" on our children.
HERE is the link. Brace yourselves. The content within definitely demonstrates lower values.
In case you do not have the time to read all 22 pages and click all the links, here are some select highlights of the controversial 10-module Pono Choices instruction. Here is what our children are learning instead of improving their math skills, writing skills, and reading comprehension.
Module 1 provides the jarring introduction into a world of pregnancy and infectious sexual diseases. Despite the assumed safety of the classroom for learning traditional subjects, ground rules are established by Pono Choices for a “safe learning environment”. But the road ahead is anything but safe.

In Module 2, we learn that a key resource in developing Pono Choices is a controversial group which very few in Hawaii know about: Advocates for Youth. Talk about radical social engineering; parents should be sitting down when they read this. The main philosophy of Advocates for Youth is that children have “sexual rights”. This is cited in the Pono Choices program handbook as the very conclusion children should come to in understanding what is “pono”. Good luck maintaining order in your household when your children believe they have a “right” to be sexually active.

In Module 3, “Lessons in Anatomy/Puberty”, we learn that another key resource of the Pono Choices program is the little-known Healthy Teen Network. Their vision for America is “a national community where all adolescents and young adults, including teen parents, are supported and empowered to lead healthy sexual, reproductive, and family lives.” Gosh, that sounds like a really great idea, but it is really all about sexual fulfillment as taught by educators with a presumed societal stamp of approval. Always beware of liberal programs shrouded in "nice" sounding language.

Not surprisingly, the leading partner in the Pono Choices program, Planned Parenthood (PP), makes its appearance during Module 3. Planned Parenthood just happens to be America’s largest abortion provider for profit.
Warning! PP's shocking video used by Pono Choices, “Different is Normal - Changing Bodies and Genitals,” is central to the heterosexuality preparation lessons taught here.

Module 7, “The Results of Sex” includes a video series entitled “You Can’t Get HIV Ladatt” that features sexually active teens helping our middle school audience to understand the ins and outs of AIDS prevention. It also includes an episode entitled “Hot or Not: An HIV conversation between two girlfriends before a hot date.” It’s clear that the contradicting values and low moral standards will confuse kids even more; yet, this is what the best, brightest and overpaid minds in Hawaii’s public education system have chosen to inflict on our youth.

Another video to further bewilder your children is “Mokie’s Condom Wagon”, which stars local celebrity Augie T as a guy wearing a giant condom and selling extra-large, flavored condoms to passers-by out of a lunch wagon. Suddenly, a teenager appears on screen to promote the availability of free condoms from Planned Parenthood and the Life Foundation. Then another local celebrity, Kutmaster Spaz, arrives wearing a condom hat to advise your child to “use a condom correctly every time you have vaginal, oral or anal sex.”

“Kumu” is the video short story of a transvestite drag queen who wears lipstick, eye liner, a dress, a padded bra and earrings. He enjoys working with Hawaii children as their hula teacher and kisses each one after dance practice. Apparently, Kumu teaches his students all about how gay men and lesbian women can safely have sex while avoiding AIDS: “latex condoms, gloves, or even dental dams.”

In Module 8, "Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections," the teacher’s demonstration of “correct condom usage” is based on the Pono Choices handbook’s link to Planned Parenthood’s casual sex themed “How to Put on a Condom” videos. The goal of these videos is clearly to give permission to children to engage in risky behavior rather than to avoid it.

Module 8 concludes with some suggestive advice masked as concern from Advocates for Youth: “Use a NEW condom for every act of vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse."Remember, this is being presented to 11 year olds.
Finally, Module 9 (NĀ KŪLIA: Negotiation Skills and Role Play) brings all the sex lessons together for Hawaii’s tweens so they will understand that negotiating the use of condoms with your ‘partner’ is like navigating a canoe.


The sexualization of our keiki is bad enough through popular culture. Now our schools are having children engage in sexually charged role playing, such as this: “Scene: Ben has recently learned he is HIV positive. He goes to a party where he is attracted to Terry. The attraction is mutual, and Terry invites Ben to go outside to the car.” Presumably, our kids would know just what to do by playing Pono Choices’ less-than-innocent yet recommended games like “Sex-Tac-Toe”, “Sexual Jeopardy” and “Condom Bingo.” Hawaii’s public education establishment must have a completely different world view from parents if they actually believe this material is “realistic for their peer group.”

Well that explains it. No wonder Hawaii’s Democrats have been keeping their cutting edge sex education curriculum a secret. What the public schools are now teaching our 11-13 year olds through the so-called Pono Choices program is a mind-blowing crash course in prurience, permissiveness and perversion. Hence the programs quickly adopted nickname: Porno Choices. Let’s not forget that $800,000 of your tax money was spent to develop this program.
Understanding the political agenda of the pushers of Pono Choices – the people and organizations behind this curriculum – explains everything. Adults who perceive themselves as 'really sophisticated' will undoubtedly feel that abstinence-oriented sex education is naïve because “kids are going to have sex no matter what”. Hipster educators scoff at the notion that you can set clear, unmistakable boundaries for behavior. They laugh hysterically at the idea that parents can be trusted to raise children in modern society. The rallying cry of “government knows better” cuts across every department, agency, and program, whether county, state or federal. But when the Democrat-run public education system gives multiple green lights to thisPono Choices program and dares to cite conformity with state law as justification for the program’s continuation and expansion, one must ask: Is there really a state law which legislates that it’s a great idea to maximize the sexual rights and activity of children? Of course not!
Part of their true agenda is to undermine the traditional family. They increasingly want to marginalize the roles of mothers and fathers, so that social engineers can inject their values instead. The more they can steal power from parents, the more government steps in and takes that power. Let's stop this stealing of our children's souls. Let's stop this destruction of parental rights so mothers and fathers can raise their children as they see fit.

Demand that schools teach our children the subjects and skills which made our nation great, while raising expectations for all parents to do their job of raising their children. Let's stop turning schools into a playground for liberal social engineers to sexualize and confuse the young minds and young bodies of our keiki in Hawaii. If knowledge is power, than Hawaii parents must now be pretty powerful upon learning what's been going on in public school classrooms. Tell those Democrats to put their Porno Choices curriculum in the landfill where it belongs.
Mahalo for staying informed and engaged on this and other issues. Clearly, our government has become more of a problem than a solution. The Hawaii Republican Assembly is committed to exposing and correcting the challenges presented by the politicians and bureaucrats which the Democrat Party has inflicted on the people of Hawaii. 2014 is a year which provides us with opportunities to change things. Until then, have a safe and joyous Christmas. Mele Kalikimaka!

President - Hawaii Republican Assembly
Precisely as Predicted: The transsexual agenda for Hawaii schools