BE THERE: Next week's "2nd Cup of Coffee" Discussions
From 'Second Cup of Coffee', December 6, 2013
Aloha Conservatives:
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your families!
Please mark your calendars and join your fellow patriots and conservatives for our next two "2nd Cup of Coffee" discussions.
Thursday, December 12th, 5:30pm to 8pm
International House of Pancakes, Windward Mall
Tuesday, December 17th, 5:30pm to 8pm
Alonzo's Restaurant, Mililani Golf Course
We really hope you can make it to one or both of these discussion events.
Much has happened in the two weeks since our last meetings.
Many are still reeling from the decision by Abercrombie and Democrat legislators to hold a special session which was designed to legitimize the idea of ignoring the will of the people. Politicians rolled their eyes while listening to their constituents, clearly bored with the idea of hearing the testimony of the people, and clearly wanting to take a vote and 'get it over with'. Can you imagine the level of disdain these elected officials bring to every issue which comes before them? For me, it's an easy prediction to make that there will be a lot of first time candidates running for office in 2014 whose collective pledge will be to provide actual representation for their communities instead of being pawns for monied special interest groups and their lobbyists. There's less than one year until the next election. It's time for good candidates to step forward. Do you know anyone who's running?
Here in Hawaii, it was revealed that the state 'exchange' established by our state legislature as a nonprofit organization (funded with $200 million in your federal tax money) to implement Obamacare in the islands was a big failure. After spending a fortune in television, radio and print advertising to promote a broken local website, Coral Andrews (a Democrat operative installed two years ago to run the so-called Hawaii Health Connector) resigned shortly after making a foolhardy attempt to keep a lid on how few people had signed up. So much for Obama and his minions promising to be "the most transparent administration in history." It didn't help either Obama or the Ms. Andrews that many, many people of Hawaii are victims of Obamacare's many false promises. It also didn't help that our geniuses in state government used the same vendor to create Hawaii's exchange website that Obama selected nationally. They should have known better when this same company, CGI, presided over a problematic $87 million upgrade of Hawaii's tax-collection system. The tax system it built has crashed repeatedly, and it will cost up to $50 million more to repair. And it probably didn't help that Hawaii insurance rates are climbing higher, more than 100,000 local residents have already been unable to "keep their plan", and local liberal news reporters are running out of enthusiasm to cover for their Dear Leader Barack Obama by covering up these facts. While Coral Andrews' last day on the job is today, nothing has changed. Heads may roll, but Obama's failed policy is still the law of the land. As many as one hundred million more Americans are expected to lose their existing plans over the next 12 months. Worst of all, many Democrats in Congress (including some from Hawaii) would love nothing more than to pass legislation which would facilitate an even bigger government takeover of the healthcare system under the banner of "single payer" socialist medicine. Gee, since government is so great at everything it does, that sounds like a really great idea. Not!
Also, here at home, it has recently come to light that Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell has joined with Republican Kym Pine and others on the City Council to raise property taxes in order to hand out big pay raises to unionized government employees at the expense of senior citizens. According to the Hawaii Free Press, city ordinance 13-32 is bad news: "This ordinance cuts homeowner exemptions for the elderly from a previous range of $140K to $200K down to a flat $120K. Kupunas on fixed incomes living in homes whose value has appreciated dramatically in the decades since their purchase will pay higher property taxes as a result. Think of it as the social engineering bill designed to clear oldsters from the neighborhood making way for someone running an illegal vacation rental to pay for his purchase."
These sessions are your opportunity to gather with like-minded patriots to discuss important issues and to become better informed. With no set agenda, the subject(s) for discussion will be whatever you want to talk about. We continue to have some really great conversations because of the concerned, interesting, reform-minded people we are.
There's a LOT to talk about, my friends. And so much has happened since our last discussion meetings in November.
So before Christmas 2013 is upon us, let's get together to discuss the big issues facing Hawaii.
Thank you very much for your patriotic conservatism and for your support for the principles which have made our country great.
If you have any questions, please contact me by phone at 690-2887 or by e-mail at SEE YOU NEXT WEEK AND THE WEEK AFTER THAT!!
![marissa signature](
Community Executive Leader
Conservative 2nd Cup of Coffee
cell: (808) 690-2887