Statement of Most Reverend Larry Silva, Bishop of Honolulu Regarding the passage of the Same-Sex Marriage Bill in the State Legislature
It is very sad that many of our State legislators and our Governor have confused a manufactured civil right with a true civil right based on the centuries-old respect for marriage as a stable union between one man and one woman established and publicly recognized primarily for the welfare of children. This manufactured world view is not what God, our Maker, has revealed to us, and it is symptomatic of a profound misunderstanding of the purpose of human sexuality.
This misunderstanding is manifested, not only in this legislation, but in the many ways that we all fail to live as God has designed us. We pray that we will be able to restore marriage and family to their true place in God's plan for humanity.
I want to thank all who worked so hard to express their opposition to the same-sex marriage legislation, who prayed diligently, and who contacted their legislators. May God bless you all!
We pray for all the people of our State, especially for those who supported this bill. Though we disagree profoundly, may we live in peace with one another.
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Statement of Hawaii Family Advocates on the Governor's Signing of SB1 HD1 into law
Governor and Legislature Ignore Overwhelming Opposition to Redefining Marriage by Passing Bill to Redefine Marriage to Include Same Gender Partners
A recent poll conducted by Hawaii Family Advocates (HFA) confirmed that nearly 3 in 4 residents of Hawaii believe that same-sex "marriage" should have been decided by the people and not the legislature. The rally held at the capitol on October 28th drew 10,000 participants repeatedly chanting "let the people decide on marriage.
" The overwhelming testimony in opposition at recent hearings provide strong confirmation. For 8 straight hours on November 6th, hundreds of opponents chanted outside the House chambers for the right to vote on the issue. We are strongly disappointed that our state legislature, and the Governor, have ignored the will of the people.
"People of Hawaii, like most Americans, know that marriage is the only relationship that is essential to the future of humanity," said Jim Hochberg, president of HFA. "Lawmakers in Hawaii should have put their effort into doing everything in their power to strengthen marriage – an idea with which their constituents overwhelmingly agree."
"Marriage, a unique union of a man and woman, is one of our most basic human relationships. Government didn't invent marriage, which has been upheld all throughout history, cultures, and faiths. It transcends every political system and its rights come from nature and nature's God, not the government."
Passage of this flawed legislation converts marriage from an institution centered on the needs of children to an institution focused on the desires of adults. The rhetorical arguments used to defend same-sex "marriage" can also be used to defend any voluntary relationship imaginable and we believe that this legislature got it wrong by passing SB1!
"Marriage is based on the truth that men and women are complementary, the biological fact that reproduction depends on a man and a woman, and the reality that our children need a mother and a father to best grow up to be civilized adults. Redefining marriage does not simply expand the existing understanding of marriage; it rejects these truths," said Mr. Hochberg. "We will continue to put our efforts into holding this legislature personally responsible for the inadequacies in this new law that do nothing to protect our fundamental right to religious liberty."
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News Release from Office of the Governor Nov 13, 2013

HONOLULU — Gov. Neil Abercrombie today signed into law a bill that will legalize marriage for same-sex couples in the State of Hawaii. The Governor signed Senate Bill 1 in a ceremony at the Hawaii Convention Center.
This new law recognizes marriages between individuals of the same sex and extends to same-sex couples the same rights, benefits, protections, and responsibilities of marriage that opposite-sex couples receive.
The new law takes effect on Dec. 2, 2013. Hawaii is now the 15th state in the nation to fully embrace marriage equity.
“The legalization of marriage for same-sex couples is part of the long history of civil rights movements in the United States,” said Gov. Abercrombie. “Many people have worked tireless to make this day possible. This significant piece of legislation is a clear example of people exercising courage, determination and patient perseverance. The result advances equity in marriage and honors all First Amendment religious imperatives.”
“We have moved into a new era of Aloha for same-sex couples, who can now share in the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” said Attorney General David Louie.
“Although Hawaii was not the first to enact same-sex marriage, what shouldn’t be lost is Hawaii was the first in the Baehr v. Lewin lawsuit, that started the same-sex marriage discussion nationally,” said Sen. Clayton Hee, chair of the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Labor. “I am pleased today to be able to open a new chapter in our state’s history and to join the growing list of states in conferring to all Americans equal treatment under the law.”
Gov. Abercrombie has always been a strong advocate for equal rights. In 2011, the first bill he signed into law as Governor legalized civil unions, making Hawaii the seventh state to grant such privileges to same-sex couples.
In June, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a key provision of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act that denied federal benefits to same-sex couples who were married under state law. The court’s decision means that same-sex couples who are married in states where it is legal can take advantage of tax breaks, pension rights and other benefits available to married couples.
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