They Liked Their Health Plans, But Can’t Keep Them
by Alicia Cohn and Kelsey Harris, Heritage Foundation, November 7, 2013
“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.”
That’s a promise President Obama made at least 36 times over the past few years.
But for millions of Americans, Obamacare is bringing about a different reality: insurance cancellations, premium increases, even threats to your privacy.
Faced with the wave of bad news, Obama said last week that only “cut-rate plans” have been canceled. The New York Times editorial board claims those plans were “not worth keeping.”
But that’s simply not true for Natalie Willis, who owns her own business in Los Angeles, or Hadley Heath, a health care policy expert in Washington, DC, or even Representative Cory Gardner (R-CO), who opted out of a federal plan to share the fate of his rural constituents.
They all did their research and chose their plans according to what worked best for them. Now, their plans have been canceled.
Edie Sundby, a stage-4 gallbladder cancer survivor, needs the best care in the country. Her new option under Obamacare forces her to choose between treatment in California and Texas.
Jim Stadler of North Carolina believed the President when he made his promise. He was shocked to receive a cancellation letter. His new option increases costs and includes coverage he doesn’t need.
Carla Albers in Colorado didn’t know that making a tweak two years ago to her family’s plan would mean they’re no longer allowed to keep a plan they’ve had for seven years.
And then there’s the case of Justin Hadley, who logged on to last week to evaluate his options after his plan was canceled. He discovered a security breach that prompted questions at a congressional hearing Tuesday.
There are stories like this happening across America. Here are seven faces of the Obamacare cancellation debacle:

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