Wednesday, November 6, 2013 |
How They Voted: Gay Marriage Passes Second Read 30-18
By Video @ 9:14 PM :: 8579 Views :: Family, First Amendment
SB1HD1 Second Read How They Voted
YES (30)
Rep. Della Au Belatti (D)
Rep. Tom Brower (D)
Rep. Denny Coffman (D)
Rep. Cindy Evans (D)
Rep. Faye Hanohano (D)
Rep. Mark Hashem (D)
Rep. Linda Ichiyama (D)
Rep. Kaniela Ing (D)
Rep. Derek Kawakami (D)
Rep. Bert Kobayashi (D)
Rep. Chris Lee (D)
Rep. Nicole Lowen (D)
Rep. Sylvia Luke (D)
Rep. Angus McKelvey (D)
Rep. John Mizuno (D)
Rep. Dee Morikawa (D)
Rep. Mark Nakashima (D)
Rep. Scott Nishimoto (D)
Rep. Takashi Ohno (D)
Rep. Richard Onishi (D)
Rep. Karl Rhoads (D)
Rep. Scott Saiki (D)
Rep. Calvin Say (D)
Rep. K. Mark Takai (D)
Rep. Gregg Takayama (D)
Rep. Roy Takumi (D)
Rep. Cynthia Thielen (R)
Rep. Jessica Wooley (D)
Rep. Kyle Yamashita (D)
Speaker Joseph Souki (D)
NO (18)
Rep. Henry Aquino (D)
Rep. Karen Awana (D)
Rep. Mele Carroll (D)
Rep. Lauren Cheape Matsumoto (R)
Rep. Ty Cullen (D)
Rep. Richard Fale (R)
Rep. Beth Fukumoto (R)
Rep. Sharon Har (D)
Rep. Ken Ito (D)
Rep. Aaron Ling Johanson (R)
Rep. Jo Jordan (D)*
Rep. Bob McDermott (R)
Rep. Marcus Oshiro (D)
Rep. James Tokioka (D)
Rep. Clift Tsuji (D)
Rep. Gene Ward (R)
Rep. Justin Woodson (D)
Rep. Ryan Yamane (D)
* Lesbian Rep Jo Jordan gave speech stating she supports gay marriage, but voted 'no'.
Rep. Rida Cabanilla (D)
Rep. Romy Cachola (D)
Rep. Isaac Choy (D)
* * * * *
11/6/2013 |
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Reported from JUD/FIN (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 4) as amended in HD 1, recommending passage on Second Reading and placement on the calendar for Third Reading. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment No. 5 offered by Rep. Oshiro. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment failed: Noes, (1) Saiki, Excused (3) Cachola, Choy, Nishimoto. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment No. 7 offered by Rep. Oshiro. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment failed: Noes (2) Brower, Saiki, Excused (4) Cachola, Choy, Nishimoto, Tokioka |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment No. 8 offered by Rep. Oshiro. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment failed: Noes (3) Belatti, Lee, Saiki, Excused (5) Cachola, Choy, Ito, McKelvey, Nishimoto. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment No. 9 offered by Rep. Oshiro. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment failed: Noes (1) Saiki, Excused (3) Cachola, Choy, Nishimoto. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment No. 4 offered by Rep. Oshiro. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment failed following roll call vote: Noes (28) Belatti, Brower, Coffman, Evans, Hanohano, Hashem, Ichiyama, Ing, Kawakami, Kobayashi, Lee, Lowen, Luke, Mizuno, Morikawa, Nakashima, Nishimoto, Ohno, Onishi, Rhoads, Saiki, Souki, Takai, Takayama, Takumi, Thielen, Wooley, Yamashita, Excused (4) Cabanilla, Cachola, Choy, McKelvey. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment No. 11 offered by Rep. McDermott. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment failed following roll call vote: Noes (28) Belatti, Brower, Coffman, Evans, Hanohano, Hashem, Ichiyama, Ing, Kawakami, Kobayashi, Lee, Lowen, Luke, Mizuno, Morikawa, Nakashima, Nishimoto, Ohno, Onishi, Rhoads, Saiki, Say, Souki, Takai, Takayama, Takumi, Thielen, Wooley, Excused (5) Cabanilla, Cachola, Choy, McKelvey, Yamane. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment No. 10 offered by Rep. Ward. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment failed: Noes (2) Rhoads, Takumi, Excused (7) Awana, Cachola, Carroll, Choy, Ing, Lowen, McKelvey. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment No. 12 offered by Rep. Ward. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment failed: Noes (none), Excused (12) Awana, Brower, Cachola, Carroll, Choy, Ing, Lee, Lowen, McKelvey, Nishimoto, Takayama, Wooley. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment No. 13 offered by Rep. Ward. |
11/6/2013 |
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Floor amendment failed: Noes (none), Excused (9) Awana, Cachola, Carroll, Choy, Ing, Lee, Lowen, McKelvey, Wooley. |
11/6/2013 |
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Passed Second Reading as amended in HD 1; placed on the calendar for Third Reading with none voting aye with reservations; 18 voting no Aquino, Awana, Carroll, Cullen, Fale, Fukumoto, Har, Ito, Johanson, Jordan, Matsumoto, McDermott, Oshiro, Tokioka, Tsuji, Ward, Woodson, Yamane and Representatives Cabanilla, Cachola, Choy excused (3). |
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Here are links to several short clips from today’s rally at the capitol:
OSHIRO: Debate expected to go well into the evening
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Let the People Vote Case to be Heard Thursday
From Hawaii Christian Coalition November 6, 2013
Attorney John R. Dwyer and Attorney Robert Matsumoto have been instrumental in the lawsuit of Rep. Bob McDermott, Pastor William Kumia, David Langdon, and myself Garret Hashimoto in our attempt to file a lawsuit and TRO against the Special Session. Without going into too many details, our Attorneys have been literally working around the clock for us and the People of Hawaii opposed to same-sex marriage in Hawaii. We really need to support their efforts financially as this lawsuit may be very important in stopping the crazy shenanigans by the Governor. Won't you please help us by contributing to our Attorneys fund. Please send checks made payable to: Dwyer, Schraff, Meyer and mail to: Jack Dwyer, 900 Fourth St. Mall, 1800 Pioneer Plaza, Honolulu, Hi 96813
Anyone wanting to see our appearance before Judge Sakamoto regarding our TRO hearing can come to the State Circuit Court Diamond Head side of Punchbowl St. 4th floor, Thursday 11/7 @ 8:30am.
Help us to save our children and grandchildren,
Garret Hashimoto, State Chairman, Hawaii Christian Coalition
ps. any amount big or small is appreciated.