Friday, October 25, 2013 |
13 States with Gay Marriage: How Education Changed
By Selected News Articles @ 2:41 PM :: 8186 Views :: Education K-12, Family, First Amendment
Stop Hawaii Politicians from Changing Hawaii FOREVER!
From Diocese of Honolulu October 21, 2013

- CALIFORNIA: State legislature approves bill signed by governor mandating pro-homosexual teaching in schools, with no parent 'opt-out'. The bill also prohibits any school material or instruction that reflects adversely on homosexuality, bisexuality or transgenderism, while prohibiting parents from removing children from classes over offensive material.
- WASHINGTON: Homosexuality is being taught to high school students and homosexual sexual behavior and relationships are being normalized through 'health' classes in high school; businesses are forced to support homosexual 'weddings' and being sued by government when refusing; and judges are being forced to officiate same-sex marriages.
- MINNESOTA: Using the force of the federal court system, pro-LGBT groups including the National Center for Lesbian Rights are suing the Minnesota education system to force schools to 'positively' discuss homosexuality in the classroom, since current Minnesota school policies establish curricular "neutrality" about LGBT issues.
- IOWA: Iowa's United State Senator Tom Harkin has introduced legislation (a sequel to "No Child Left Behind") which imposes a Federal policy across all schools in Iowa and schools nationwide which mandates pro-LGBT education in the guise of safety. The policy would cut off federal funding to schools which don't obey the national policy.
- NEW YORK: New York taxpayers are being forced to pay millions for the creation of a homosexuals-only high school in a joint venture with a homosexual 'rights' organization. The new Harvey Milk High School is a pilot program for more homosexuals-only schools with its principal declaring it as "a model for the country and possibly the world."
- MASSACHUSETTS: Hundreds of high schools and middle schools hold "gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender days." The schools not only "celebrate" homosexual marriage through "Gay Days", but have moved beyond to promote other behaviors such as cross-dressing and transsexuality. State judges allow schools to ignore parental notifications.
- CONNECTICUT: A new law now permits male cross-dressers to serve as public school teachers and orders that they must be permitted to teach, coach, mentor, and advise young children without objection by parents or school boards. Also, cross-dressers will have full access to women's and girls' bathrooms, public restrooms and locker rooms statewide.
- VERMONT: Vermont's public accommodations laws are now being used to punish small companies and even put them out of business for refusing to service homosexual weddings. Recently, Catholic innkeepers were sued for refusing to host a lesbian 'wedding'. The owners had to pay a settlement of $30,000 and leave the reception business.
- NEW HAMPSHIRE: The state legislature refused to pass legislation which would have protected wedding service providers - including reception facilities, florists, photographers, and caterers - from lawsuits and government officials by allowing them to refuse to perform gay weddings if an individual or business had religious or conscience objections.
- MARYLAND: Legislators are close to passing a law to force business to "fall in line" with the radical 'gender identity' agenda by requiring all employers -- including schools, government, and private companies -- to hire cross-dressers in every part of the workplace. Businesses will be helpless not to have men in dresses waiting on customers.
- MAINE: State officials have been pushing guidelines to guarantee that 'transgender' students (e.g. a boy who identifies himself as a girl) can access public school bathrooms, locker rooms and sports teams. That means a cross-dressing boy would be legally allowed to use girls bathrooms, locker rooms and participate on girls sports teams.
- DELAWARE: Just six short weeks after approving homosexual marriage, Delaware politicians enacted the "Gender Identity Non-Discrimination Act of 2013" which -- just like legislation approved in Maryland and other states - punishes businesses which refuse to hire and promote transvestite cross-dressers throughout their companies.
- RHODE ISLAND: A Rhode Island high school ordered a student mural to be 'painted over' because it depicted a man and woman getting married, which high school officials said they feared would be objectionable to some students. The student painter was told by the school's censors that her original design "may be offensive or a religious symbol."

Click here for a pdf of the SSM Consequence Flyer.
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Related: The Transsexual Agenda for Hawaii Schools