by Andrew Walden
After months of criticism of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs’ purchase of the Iwilei, Oahu Gentry Pacific Design Center office complex, OHA Trustee Rowena Akana September 13, 2013 filed suit in Honolulu’s First Circuit Court.
Alleging that OHA trustees are abusing executive sessions, Akana is asking the court to make public the minutes of past executive sessions. She also seeks a court finding that OHA’s policies and procedures for access to records of closed-door executive sessions are “unreasonably cumbersome, restrictive, and never properly adopted by OHA Trustees.”
The suit may be read here: LINK
Commentaries by Rowena Akana on the Gentry Pacific buy (censored by Ka Wai Ola)
Apparently Unrelated: Akana: OHA Should Consider Suing HCDA Over Kakaako