Aloha Fellow Republicans and Conservatives: September 3, 2013
We must not let up.
Buried deep in the newspaper during the distraction of a 3-day Labor Day weekend was the quiet but telling announcement that Gov. Abercrombie will be using the state's top law enforcement officer (Attorney General David Louie) to turn up the heat on their fellow liberal Democrats by holding a "private caucus" with them this coming Friday morning to discuss homosexual "marriage".
Abercrombie currently has a shaky 1-vote majority in the State House. That razor-thin margin is comprised of past supporters of traditional marriage like Kalihi's Democrat Representative John Mizuno (shown here) who stands ready to subvert traditional marriage on behalf of the residents of House District 28 by "evolving" and "embracing" so-called 'marriage equality'; this rationalization is being used to justify gay 'marriage' on a society that was purposefully misled when it was told that the recently-passed 'civil unions' legislation (with all of the rights and privileges afforded to homosexuals) would solve the problem once and for all.
Friday's "private caucus" is also likely to be a rehearsal session for all of the political motions and talking points that these pro-homosexual 'marriage' Democrats will be spouting from now on.
Prepare yourself to hear the reassuring words "religious exemption" over and over and over again. An example of a lawmaker who has already evolved is effete Ewa Beach Democrat State Senator Willie Espero who voted against civil unions but, according to the Star-Advertiser, said he would now support a gay marriage bill with a clear religious exemption. Mizuno also voted against civil unions. He told the Star-Advertiser that he is "evolving" as well and is leaning toward voting for gay marriage, in part because of the slightly stronger religious exemption.
What many of these Democrats will be saying in their own defense from now until Election Day is that they "care so much" about religious freedom and about "traditional values" that they made sure to put a "religious exemption" in the proposed new homosexual 'marriage' law which will prevent churches from being forced by the government to perform same-sex 'weddings' or from being forced to rent church-owned facilities to gay couples.
Democrat Balderdash!!!!! This is a deliberate, premeditated lie to deceive church leaders and churchgoing voters into giving Democrats what they want but maintaining the ruse of "caring" even though they (Democrats) know full well that this exemption will get challenged and eradicated.
REMEMBER . . . It only took one single court ruling to throw the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) into the rubbish heap of legal history. Remember, DOMA was the one law which Republicans and Democrats and then President Bill Clinton assured us would stand the test of time and protect the institution of marriage forever. As it turned out, clever lawyers working for the homosexual lobby and the Democrats found a way to get the U.S. Supreme Court to find a loophole. So, just how hard will it be to convince some island-Democrat-ACLU-defense-lawyer-appointed-to-a-local-judgeship to throw out those "religious exemptions" with the stroke of a pen? Not long at all.
Furthermore, there are already exceptions to the exemption being drafted into the law (SEE HERE) . . . exceptions which should serve as RED FLAGS to churches across the state that Democrats aren't really being serious when they claim to care about traditional values. In a world of ultra-liberal judges legislating from the bench, what kind of reassurance is that to churches??
Remember, the current push for homosexual 'marriage' is an attempt to reduce the value of a traditional marriage between one man and one woman, plain and simple. See this link to Masha Gessen, a lesbian author who campaigns for homosexual 'rights', who made the chilling and revealing comments (video below) in May 2012 about the true intent of the LGBT 'marriage' movement:

Help HIRA continue the fight for conservative solutions (including the defense of traditional marriage) with a donation today of $5, $10, or $25. We've helped stop the special legislative session, for now. With your help, we can succeed in the face of powerful forces.
Otherwise, we're just one court opinion away from this Democrat legislation turning Hawaii into a free-for-all, anything goes social experiment.
Please continue to call and e-mail your legislators today so that we may leave future generations a world worth inheriting.
Remember Edmond Burke's warning to us all: "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!!"
Please read our Red Alert from last week to see the action steps needed to win this fight decisively at the State House. Make some time to contact several legislators (including your own) and make them understand this: "no" to any special legislative session and "no" to same sex 'marriage'.
In the meantime, your Hawaii Republican Assembly will continue fighting for what island conservatives and Republicans believe in. Please visit our website to learn more about how you can help HIRA to help Hawaii. Please take action and also consider supporting the Hawaii Republican Assembly in this fight by becoming a member or making a donation. To learn more, please visit our website: Thanks for being involved.