Aloha Fellow Republicans and Conservatives:
We can win this!! Here's why it is so very CRUCIAL that you get involved in contacting legislators in opposition to homosexual "marriage". Based on yesterday's meeting of House Democrats which was held behind closed doors, there is merely a RAZOR THIN margin in favor of homosexual marriage -- just 26 votes to 25 votes in the 51 member state house. See story HERE. This now means that JUST ONE VOTE makes the difference between the success and failure of the radical Democrats to advance their "anything goes" agenda. [If Republican Cynthia Thielen were to switch sides and join the pro-family opposition to homosexual marriage, then the State House vote count would stand at 26 against and 25 for homosexual 'marriage'.]
Speaker Joe Souki admitted to reporters that, "This is a very difficult issue. It's going to change the whole paradigm." Conservatives already know this and we must continue to educate the public. In addition, the bill under consideration DOES NOT prevent Hawaii courts or Federal courts from allowing a bisexual to simultaneously marry a man and a woman, giving way to polyamorous and bigamous 'marriages'. Nor does the Democrats' so-called "marriage equality" bill -- which basically translates sexual orientations into unprecedented and controversial matrimonial opportunities -- prevent any courts from sanctioning the kind of polygamy that has always been outlawed.
Yesterday at the State Capitol, ultra-liberal special interest group MoveOn.org (founded after Bill Clinton's indiscretions in the White House during the 1990's) organized what was supposed to be a "massive" pro-homosexual 'marriage' rally to show the overwhelming nature of the support. In the words of their widely distributed invitation: "This is a BIG event for MoveOn Honolulu . . ." Well, the event was a DUD, with only a few dozen in attendance. Compared to 2,000 attending Tea Party events at the same location, less than 100 showing up reveals how few people really have any interest in the destruction of a foundational pillar of society. It's all smoke and mirrors from the far-left, masquerading as mainstream!!

In fact, at the midpoint of the 'big rally', KHON2 showed only a handful of people standing around (even while Governor Abercrombie was trying hard with his speech to prove how extremely radical his views and agenda are compared to the average citizen of Hawaii).
What's basically happening is that, out of the more than one million people who call Hawaii home, merely a tiny handful of politically-connected activists are on the verge of turning our society upside-down. The legislation pushed by Abercrombie and his radical Democrat allies, according to this morning's Star-Advertiser,"would allow the state to issue marriage licenses in early October, with gay weddings possible in November." By the way, your tax money for the UH Law School is making homosexual marriage possible, as the Dean of the UH Law School is the one who drafted the legislation being considered. Isn't that convenient?
According to Republican Bob McDermott of Ewa Beach, the House GOP caucus has NOT been pressuring Souki to stop the society-altering SSM legislation by leveraging their seven votes which made it possible for Souki to replace Calvin Say as house speaker. Please continue to write to your Republican reps as well urging them to stop this travesty in our culture. Please click HERE for the contact information for all seven Hawaii Republican house members.
Yesterday at the State Capitol, radical homosexual activists tried to hijack the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's inspirational "color of their skin" speech in hopes of continuing to fool news reporters and their viewers into believing that Dr. King's marches and speeches were about homosexuals.
From the look of the local news coverage, the reporters and 'news' anchors were ready and willing to regurgitate whatever radical Democrats told them to say. In fact, you could see the tremendous disappointment on the faces of KHON, KITV, and Hawaii News Now personalities and hear the sadness in their voices when they had to report that victory for homosexuals was not at hand yet. You could sense their befuddlement in reporting that the State House was not ready to give the gay/lesbian/transvestite lobbyists everything they wanted right now.
Longtime Star-Advertiser columnist David Shapiro, who joins his editors at the newspaper in referring to the Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA) as the "thought police" of Hawaii politics merely for taking conservative positions -- positions which conflict with the liberal Democrat groupthink that has controlled Hawaii politics for fifty years -- completely disagrees with these radicals. Shapiro clearly states that gay marriage is NOT a civil right and that gay rights advocates have been "building their campaign around bogus civil rights hysteria." Shapiro, for a change, is exactly right. [Hopefully, Shapiro hasn't since succumbed to the pressure of his liberal friends and done a one-eighty with his strong and thoughtful opinion in opposition to this bogus civil rights hysteria in order to be fashionable among his fellow elitists.]
Remember what the agenda is really about. Masha Gessen, a lesbian author who campaigns for homosexual 'rights', made the chilling and revealing comments (video below) in May 2012 about the true intent of the LGBT 'marriage' movement:

So, fellow conservatives, and all people who stand against this, let's rise above the "bogus civil rights hysteria" that liberal opinion maker Shapiro correctly pointed out and all of their lies and slander. Let's fight back and preserve traditional marriage from assault by special interest groups whose #1 goal is to mock and destroy traditional marriage. Please call and e-mail your legislators today so that we may leave future generations a world worth inheriting.
Remember Edmond Burke's warning to us all: "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!!"
Please read our Red Alert from two days ago to see the action steps needed to win this fight decisively at the State House. Make some time to contact several legislators(including your own) and make them understand this: "no" to any special legislative session and "no" to same sex 'marriage'.
In the meantime, your Hawaii Republican Assembly will continue fighting for what island conservatives and Republicans believe in. Please visit our website to learn more about how you can help HIRA to help Hawaii. Please take action and also consider supporting the Hawaii Republican Assembly in this fight by becoming a member or making a donation. To learn more, please visit our website: www.HawaiiRepublicanAssembly.com. Thanks for being involved.

President - Hawaii Republican Assembly