Stay Strong: You Can Influence Hawaii’s SSM Debate
by Tito Montes, President, HIRA August 27, 2013
Aloha Fellow Republicans and Conservatives:
Hawaii faces many serious problems resulting from 50 years of misguided, harmful Democrat governance. The Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA) is committed to uniting conservatives and educating the public in order to help voters understand the desperate need to change course.
Presently, liberal activists throughout Hawaii's Democrat Party have been rapidly advancing their radical and dangerous agenda known as same-sex "marriage" or SSM. An agenda which states "in their own words" their goals of completely decimating traditional marriage and families. See the agenda HERE. And to hear activists discussing their closely-guarded long-term plans to eliminate marriage, take a listen to THIS.
YOUR involvement at this juncture is critical if there is any hope of being successful in derailing the liberal Democrat "anything goes" social agenda -- an agenda which ignores the horrifying statistics and fully documented failures over the past several decades: painful, costly failures ranging from no-fault divorce, two-income latchkey households, cohabitation, marginalization of fathers, mocking of stay-at-home mothers, the sexual revolution and widespread single parent households.
HIRA is leading the charge with other local conservative organizations that are standing tall in the fight against SSM. Notable among these is the First Assembly of God, which has risen above the political and legal intimidation which churches are experiencing at the hands of radical homosexual activists.
![Flyer: Say NO to SSM](
From their 2-page flyer, here are the legislators whom Hawaii conservatives like you MUST reach out to, now and in the days ahead if we are to defeat SSM and the damage it will inflict upon our society. If you do not live in their district, please find friends and relatives who do and encourage them to speak out. In addition, these politicians who have previously stood up for traditional marriage need to understand the importance of standing firm against the onslaught of pressure and propaganda from self-styled 'sophisticated' and 'modern' progressive activists.Please click on this link and download your copy so you can use the included contact information to make your feelings known to these elected officials as fast as possible and pass it on. Before the final vote is taken, these politicians need to understand that their actions can and will have consequences.
![Booklet: Why not gay marriage?](
All of the lopsided media hype we are encountering from our local and national news media during the present rush to dismantle the traditional family and adopt same-sex "marriage" leaves out the most important facts and considerations. Instinctively, conservatives know better than to unleash a failed, degenerate social institution upon future generations of children which merely meets the personal desires of a few adults, not society as a whole. Now HIRA is pleased to help distribute "Ten Persuasive Answers to the Question . . . 'Why not gay marriage?'" This booklet, prepared by Focus on the Family and distributed by First Assembly of God church, fully anticipates and counters every argument you've heard in favor of SSM with solid reasoning and research. Please click on the cover to download the booklet. Arm yourself for the campaign at hand by taking 15 minutes to read the powerful logic contained within.
As the booklet so clearly states: Once same-sex marriage is legalized, there is no logical stopping point. When you tear marriage away from its moorings, the ship can drift anywhere. That's why HIRA is taking this issue so very seriously and handling it with such urgency. Hawaii Democrats are deliberately setting the stage for activist lawsuits and liberal judges to do the rest of the damage to society in order to seek legitimacy for their "anything goes" radical social agenda . . . a dangerous agenda which simultaneously seeks to denigrate and mock traditional families and traditional marriage . . . and it's an agenda no legal exemption will be able to protect.
Thank you in advance for making time to fully understand this issue and convey your heartfelt, reasoned sentiments to lawmakers. The train is moving fast. Help us to derail SSM before liberal Democrats and their radical allies reach their desired destination. Even though Democrats are NOT even asking you, please clearly tell them "no" to their special session and "no" to same sex 'marriage'.
In the meantime, your Hawaii Republican Assembly will continue fighting for what island conservatives and Republicans believe in. Please visit our website to learn more about how you can help HIRA to help Hawaii. Please take action and also consider supporting the Hawaii Republican Assembly in this fight by becoming a member or making a donation. To learn more, please visit our website: Thanks for being involved.
President - Hawaii Republican Assembly