From Hawaii Republican Party August 26, 2013
Chairman Chang's Corner
This past week I attended the RNC Summer Meeting in Boston, MA. It was great to see the momentum of our party and our leadership work hard to make a difference in our country! Miriam, Ted, and I met with Reince Priebus, the RNC Chairman to talk about the great things we are doing in Hawaii. Reince stressed his support for Hawaii and in the upcoming months we will work closely with the RNC to strengthen and grow the party here in Hawaii! The RNC has recently hired over 150 new people spread out over the country to establish grassroots organizations and inclusion/outreach programs. I truly believe that Hawaii can lead the way in bringing our LLIFE principles to the mainland and after talking with many RNC members, they all agree. What Hawaii is today culturally and ethnically is what the mainland US will look like 20-30 years from now. By working hard to change Hawaii we can be the catalyst for the rest of the country!
I would also like to introduce our new Executive Director for the party starting in September. Kayla Berube is an experienced field director from the Scott Brown and Gomez campaign in Massachusetts. We are excited to have her on board and introduce her to the HRP. Learn more about Kayla in this week's Profile of the Week below.
Lastly, I recently did an interview with the Washington Times in which I discussed Hawaii's place in the world. Please click here to check it out.
I look forward to our party moving forward to prepare for 2014! Thank you again for your support!

Townhall: Priebus Hits a Home Run
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Each week, we get to meet one HRP staff member, volunteer or legislator. This week, let's get to know our new Executive Director, Kayla Berube.

When did you first get involved in politics? I come from a very conservative family and my father was constantly talking about politics when I was growing up. My first real dive in to election politics was volunteering for Scott Brown's historic special election in 2010. After that, I was hooked!
What specific goal would you like to see the HRP accomplish in 2013? I hope to see a real grassroots movement. I expect several races will become competitive, but I think the way that happens is through empowering our grassroots. The RNC has a lot of new tools and resources to help our build party at the local and county level. Then we can really start holding the Democrats' feet to the fire.
What do you like to do in your free time? I don't usually have a lot of free time! I do like to run, and I would love to run the Boston Marathon next year.
What might someone be surprised to know about you? I used to be a ballet dancer. I'm pretty goofy and not very graceful, so most people have a hard time imagining that!
Who has been most influential on your political career? I look up to women in politics and I've been blessed with some amazing mentors. I find that I learn the most about myself and my political views from volunteers or candidates for local office. They always remind me why I love politics - because people matter.