Friday, April 6, 2012 |
April 6, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:41 PM :: 13421 Views
- Lawsuit: Veterans, Military Personnel Challenge Hawaii Reapportionment Plan
- Okabe to Obama: Abercrombie is 'Difficult'
- US Constitutional Convention? Hawaii State House Wants to Write Obamacare into Constitution, Strengthen Power of President
- VIDEO: Hawaii Federal Rapper at Center of Latest GSA Scandal
- Hawaii's Good Friday Holiday - What's Up With That?
- Seek Truth in Response to Physician Assisted Suicide
- Thielen May File as Democrat, Challenge Party to Sue
- Political Comeback? Former Sen. Fred Hemmings Says Hawaii is Ready to Change the 'Status Quo'
- Charles Djou: Back from Afghanistan - Ready for Political Battle
- Lingle acknowledges her challenge as a pro-choicer
- Duke Aiona Leaves St Louis School Job, Returns to Law Practice
- Insurers Launch Big Brother Medical Records System
- New Hawaii State Securities Lawyer: $900,000 In Back Taxes, Child Support
- Gore Cult Praises Hawaii’s Preparation for Global Warming, Demands More
- Water Board Appointees Get Instructions for Malama Solomon’s Water Deliveries
- Abercrombie Admin Backs Castle & Cooke Development
- Honolulu Council Campaign Getting Ugly
- Feds Bust Five in cockfighting, illegal gambling case
- Online Poker Site Accepts Hawaii Players
- Double Murderer Charges Parole Board Vindictive, Gets New Hearing
- Food businesses face fee 1050% Fee hikes to Create HGEA Jobs
- W. Oahu churches expand to serve growing congregations
- Open-ocean cages get state's approval
- "Pacific Gibraltar" -- Important New Book on Hawaiian History
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Thursday, April 5, 2012 |
April 5, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:25 PM :: 22463 Views
- U.S. Senator Susan Collins Visits Hawaii
- Guam Legislator Calls for Exemption from US-Build Provisions of Jones Act
- Rep Kymberly Pine Running for Honolulu City Council
- Hirono Supporters Worry about Candidate’s Ability to Go One-on-One vs Lingle
- Lingle: Pro-choice Republican women Needed in Senate
- Inouye, Muslims Raise Money for Michigan Democrat Senate Candidate
- SA: Legislators Should Let Housing Authority Ban Smoking in Public Housing
- April 6 is ‘Tax Freedom Day’ in Hawaii
- Abercrombie to Steal $200M from Hawaiians, Give 30 ac to OHA Trustees
- Hurried House Rushes 13 Bills to Hearing
- Ernie Martin: Honolulu Will Move Bag Tax
- Honolulu Budget panel Decides Horses are Agricultural: OKs restoration of tax breaks for horse owners
- Abercrombie: No Declaration for Annual Hawaii Prayer Day
- Pacific Palisades Shooter Was Watch Commander at Wahiawa Prison
- Oi: Thielen is type of Candidate Democrats Need
- Enviros Prepare to Destroy Tuna Farm
- Sen Roz Baker Makes Excuses for Vacation Rental Bill
- Improvements at Kewalo may hinge on public-private partnership
- Hawaii SB2168 Will Activate Nationwide Reinsurance Tax Clearinghouse
- HB2703 Directs Dept of Ag to Maintain Count of Local Grown Food
- State senators table workers comp bill
- Rep. Giugni’s Fundraiser During Session
- Are Hawaii Judges Governed By Conflict Of Interest Rules
- “Clean Energy’ Stimulus Funds Burned by State, Cronies, Utilities, and Profitable Nonprofits
- Tesoro Sale Casts Doubt: Federal Stimulus Still Not Stimulating Many Jobs at Local Biorefinery Plant
- Biofool Scammer Makes Nice in Hamakua
- Christian Sparks Propane Price War in Puna
- 6 Occupy Honolulu protesters plead no contest, nobody cares
- Descent Into Haole: 'The Descendants' Dissed
- City offers online Sunshine Law training for board, commission members
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Wednesday, April 4, 2012 |
April 4, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:35 PM :: 12789 Views
- KOS: The Secret Behind Mitt Romney’s Hawaii Landslide
- Faleomavaega: Bahrain’s Best Friend in Congress
- Hawaii: Is the Obama Administration Giving States Flexibility When It Rejects Proposals to Reduce Medicaid Costs?
- Suicide Activists Line up Hawaii Doctors to Kill Patients
- Honolulu Community College Announces Final Three Candidates for Chancellor
- The Seven Rules of Bureaucracy
- Atheist Advertiser vs. First Amendment: ‘Don't allow anti-civil union actions’
- Democrats, Media Carefully Avoid Any Discussion of Illegality in Thielen Rejection
- DoE Pulls Out All the Stops to Save Funding for Colluding School Bus Contractors
- Reforming Hawaii's charter schools: 5 myths and 5 realities
- HB2819: Kakaako Development Gut and Replace
- Small Contractors to be Cut Out of $500M in CIP?
- State's answer to its budget deficit is crippling small construction companies
- HB466: Workers Comp Reform Proposal Described as Sop to Pill Mills
- Act 221 Scammers, Insurance Companies Team Up With Abercrombie Admin to Profit from Controlling Hawaii Health Exchange
- Health exchange board needs to be accountable to public
- Hawaii to receive part of $137.5M WellCare settlement
- University of Hawaii-Manoa Chancellor Candidate Eliminated Two Dozen Degree Programs at MSU
- Abercrombie’s Apocalypse: The King Nebuchadnezzar Effect
- Enviros Pounce on Abercrombie Water Board Nominees
- Rent-a-Mob: Anti-Geothermal Punatics Hammer HECO
- Another Mainland Solar Contractor Seeks Profits from Hawaii Tax Credits
- Small Businesses Losing Revenue Due to Bag Bans
- Gabbard Adds Bottle Tax to Plastic Bag Tax Bill
- NPS Short Circuits Bottle Ban After Donor Complaints
- Food Truck Fix Passed, Signed into law
- Soft on Crime: 13-year Criminal Record, Out of Jail 1 month Tries to Run Down officer in Stolen Jeep
- Mayor Won't Cancel Sewage Treatment Contract
- ‘October Baby’ Well Received in Honolulu, Slated for National Rollout
- HPD officers say enforcing 30-year old policy endangers their lives
- Hawaii Still Waiting as Coast Guard Rolls Out ‘Rescue 21’ System on Mainland
- Inouye, Wife Visit Arab-American Museum
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012 |
April 3, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:36 PM :: 20232 Views
- Pentagon Prepares for Possible Shoot Down of North Korean Missile
- Ko Olina, Kyo-Ya Snag HTA Board Positions
- ACLU: Hawaii Counties Among Few Requiring Warrant to Track Cell Phones
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted April 2, 2012
- Feds Reject Hawaii’s 10-Day Medicaid Hospital Limit
- While Cutting Services, Hawaii fails to reap up to $80M in federal Medicaid money
- As Legislators Threaten to Impose Accountability, HSTA Pretends to become interested in Negotiations
- $11B budget bill moves ahead
- Rep Har Pushes Abercrombie’s SB755 Environmental Takeover
- Lanai Voter Regrets Abercrombie Vote
- Abercrombie, Hee Team up to Push Dogs-in-Restaurants Bill—Restaurant Owner Must Clean Up Dog Poop
- As Filipinos Move to Middle Class, they Line up with Republicans against Rail
- Assisted Suicide: Six Hawaii Kervorkians Announce Plan to Commit Manslaughter
- Star-Adv: Police Should Get Record of Everybody’s Prescriptions
- Study: HECO Overpaying for Windfarm Electricity by 200% to 300%
- New emission controls will cost shippers billions
- Hee Pushes Thru Bill to Block Public Housing Residents From Smoking in their Own Apartments
- Non-Resident VR Owner feels ‘Kicked in the Face’
- Ethics Commission Nixes OHA’s Lawmaker Invites
- Legislators still slow in filing financial disclosures
- Bankruptcy filings down 25.4 percent in March
- HLTA takes applications for Hannemann's position
- Candidates for UH Manoa Chancellor set to visit the Manoa campus
- H-Power Recycles All Metals in Waste Stream
- HB1947: Anti-Small Farmers Bill Backed by Agribusiness
- Is The Way Hawaii Selects Judges Transparent?
- Drunk Driver Kills Two, Families of Victims Given $210,000 by State of Hawaii
- Hawaii Whale Population Increasing 7% Per Year
- Beck to Publish Book on Obama’s Communist Mentor
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Monday, April 2, 2012 |
April 2, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:51 PM :: 13861 Views
- HB1033: Tracing the Financial Outlines of Socialism in Hawaii
- S&P: Credit Risks Mount For U.S. Domestic Shipping Companies As Ships Start Showing Their Age
- Vancouver Sun: Hawaii Vacation Rental Bills Violate NAFTA
- Abercrombie: Unions Better Wake Up, HSTA Contract Will be up in June
- SB682 Could Change Terms of OHA Settlement
- Ethics: Belatti Throws Clunker into Charter School Reform Bill
- Today may be the last chance to remove monopoly health insurers from the Hawaii Health Connector
- Green Energy Bank would Use Hawaii General Fund to Build Wind farms Nationwide
- Is It 'Reckless' To Build Honolulu Rail Before Feds Commit Funds?
- Second Crossover Deadline Thursday
- Mufi Teams Up with Guam Republicans for Fundraiser
- Hawaii Scores 25% for Executive Branch Financial Disclosure
- Pay raises advocated for city officials
- Molokai condo lawsuit gets big result, lots of news
- Condo losses from theft now $100,000
- Obstacles to Veterans Transitioning into University Education?
- Private Schools Raise Tuition 3%-6%
- State House resolution calls for lower shipping fees on Internet purchases
- EXCLUSIVE: Honolulu Zoo's full accreditation restored
- Maui: 450 Idiots Spend 10 Hours Listening to Conspiracy Huckster
- Charlie Maxwell Changed With Pension, Free Time
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Sunday, April 1, 2012 |
April 1, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:16 PM :: 10730 Views
- Felony Inducement? Laura Thielen Senate Run Rejected by Democratic State Committee
- Zing To Taxpayers, You Are Paying For Those Giveaways
- Lingle Calls for Reauthorization of Export-Import Bank
- Gallup: After Electing Hanabusa, Urban Honolulu Drops from 4th best to 57th
- Broken Trust Figures Abercrombie, Hee, Levinson: Churches Must be Forced to Conduct Gay Union Ceremonies
- Star-Adv: After Supremes Overturn Obamacare, We Will Still Destroy Prepaid
- Multiple Violations: DCCA Securities Enforcement Headed By Lawyer Sanctioned by Hawaii Supreme Court
- Feds Loss on Central Pacific Bailout Estimated at $63.1M
- SB682: Another Waikiki In the Making?
- Unity House Looted of Another $800K in Lotus Hotel Deal
- Hawaii's marriage rates by community
- Soft on Crime: Burglar Released Early After Multiple Convictions, Kills 3 year old boy in Drunk Driving Hit and Run
- Cataluna: Which Drunk Legislator was Dumber?
- Star-Adv Profiles AWOL Soldier Surfing Northshore
- JSC: Nobody Wants to be on Hawaii Supreme Court
- Police Will be Overseeing your Prescriptions
- Waterman Aka Hemmings is dead at 59
- NMI: Signature campaign to Allow Land Sales to Outsiders begins
- Hawaii County report offers 40 recommendations to improve tax policy
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Saturday, March 31, 2012 |
March 31, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:25 PM :: 15505 Views
- Overworked Doctor Commits Suicide at Tripler
- Honolulu Tea Party Rally, Monday April 16
- Bailout: $60M Loss as Feds Sell Interest in Central Pacific Bank
- HTA: Visitor Arrivals up 2.5% from Year Ago
- Hawaii NRA Instructor Liability Bill to be Heard in Senate Committee
- Applicants Sought for Chair of the Elections Commission
- Kealakehe Selected as Site of Future Judiciary Complex in Kona
- DLNR Snares Slowly Torture Pigs
- April 22 is Deadline for Reapportionment Litigation
- Tires Slashed, Signs Stolen: Cayetano's Campaign Targeted Again
- Spending Billions on Rail, City Now Cuts Back on TheBus
- Aging Flower Child Abercrombie Morphs into Spiro Agnew
- After Decades, Kamaoa Wind Farm Finally Being Torn Down
- After Kamehameha – DHHL Deal Fails, Jeff Stone Sells Golf Course to Firm Headed by Micah Kane
- Data Mining May Penalize Doctors Who Help Poor, Homeless
- Bag Tax May Not Be Heard in House?
- Frankel: “Big money’s at stake” on Haleakala
- HSTA Will Resume bargaining April 5
- Sunshine Law likely to be amended by several pending bills
- Amid gold rush to recruit veterans, concerns over rankings of "military friendly" colleges
- Medicare Paying $15,000 to Save Old People’s Vision
- NAACP sunset vigil to honor King and victim of Florida shooting
- Council approves $10K for Police Commission counsel
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Friday, March 30, 2012 |
March 30, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:45 PM :: 13914 Views
- Barney Frank on Maui: Hirono Raises Funds with Man Who Caused Housing Collapse
- NRA: Immediate Action Needed on Hawaii Instructor Liability Bill
- Abercrombie: We Need to Move Past Self-Appointed Hawaiian Organizations
- OHA Cronies Will Get $200M worth of Land to Personally Profit From
- Abercrombie: I delayed Capital Improvement Projects for 20 Months
- Laura Thielen, Former Lingle appointee, to run for SD25 as Democrat
- Hawaii Legislature Advances Law in Hopes of Deceiving US Department of Education
- Plan to Let Criminals Out of Prison Stripped from Bill after Ala Moana Work Release Arrests
- Mandatory Sick Leave: Another Made in San Francisco Pipedream
- Property Management Firms Behind Non-Resident Vacation Rental Owners
- Inouye Behind Firing of Haleakala Hearing Officer
- Bag Ban Littered With Confusing Exemptions
- Who Speaks for the Abercrombie Administration?
- Losers: Hirono, Hanabusa vote against House Budget
- Josh Green Lines Pockets as State Health Connector Nears Approval
- Wooley, Hooser Bob and Weave as Dirty Dozen Near Approval
- SB2927 Will Help Line Up TOD Developers for Rail
- The Navy will withdraw from service three ships at Pearl Harbor in the next two years
- Change state Constitution if you want to rein in debt
- Star-Adv Desperately Looks for Justification of $100K Gift to Atheist
- Split in trade groups lobbying for Hawaii’s solar/PV industry
- Hawaii one of Only 8 States to Raise Cigarette Taxes
- Waste to Energy Proposals Sought in Maui, Hawaii
- Maui Resident Appointed to National Taxpayer Advocacy Panel
- Hawaii becomes 20th state to certify Americans Elect on November general election ballot
- Hawaii leads nation in electric vehicle charging stations
- Profitable Non-Profits Drive Expanding Definition of Autism
- Hamakua Resident Roseanne Barr Publishes Address of George Zimmerman’s Parents
- Zoo Suspects Crazy Bums Freed Tawny Frogmouth
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Thursday, March 29, 2012 |
March 29, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:19 PM :: 11810 Views
- Rail Plaintiffs to FTA: We suspect that you are no longer shocked by the City’s deceptive practices
- Abercrombie: Environmental Critics Are 'Apocalyptic Naysayers'
- Hawaii's fallen heroes remembered in medal of honor ceremony
- Abercrombie Rambles at Medal of Honor Ceremony
- Hawaii Is Tops in Cronyism, Nepotism, and Patronage
- Hawaii: Highest State Debt Per Capita
- State Owned Bank: $4B at Risk to Reward Cronies
- Out-of-state workers already on the rail job
- Star-Adv: We Want Our $75M--Use HB2527 to Pressure HSTA on RTTT Settlement
- Lingle Campaign Slaps Down Democrat Attack on Republican Jewish Coalition
- Hawaii Charter School Overhaul Looks Likely
- Pay raises suggested for top City and County jobs
- Civil Beat Loses Chief Editor
- Kailua, Urban Honolulu are Top Communities for Divorced Persons
- Census: Honolulu and San Diego Swap Residents
- Nearly $3.9M award from jury over Molokai ‘campaign of intimidation’
- Feds Bust Airline Workers Allegedly Moving 300 lbs of Meth to Hawaii
- Prison Guard Arrested for Allegedly Shooting Up Pearl City
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012 |
March 28, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:45 PM :: 15873 Views
- Lingle Commends US Chamber for Tourism-Focused Senate Testimony
- Life of the Land Releases Hawaii Energy Report
- State, County Projects Exempt from Environmental Review? Thielen, Rivere Rip SB755
- Teacher: DoE Allows Students to Take and Re-Take Tests until they Pass
- SB1332: Kobayashi UH Exemption to be Continued?
- Is Honolulu Rail Debt Causing Budget Cuts?
- Grabuskas: Rail Funding not Guaranteed
- Sen. Roz Baker Blasted Over Hearing Conduct
- Slom: Health Exchange Lacks Sunshine, Ethics
- HMSA seeks rate boost
- HB2175: Task-Force Lobbyists to be Exempted from Ethics Code
- Hawaii Adds 1,200 Gov’t Jobs, Loses 33,800 Private Sector Jobs
- Paid Sick Leave Mandate on Today’s legislative Agenda
- Young Brothers’ President Nominated to Board of Ag
- Hawaii GOP 'Still Looking' for Candidate to Run in Congressional Race
- New guns for Hawaii sheriffs packed up & shipped back to Smith & Wesson
- Horizon Lines' debt restructuring puts future in limbo
- Gay Waikiki Murder Trail Continues
- State says condo funds must be deposited locally
- Vandals strike Honolulu Zoo, exotic birds missing
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012 |
March 27, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:43 PM :: 15721 Views
- Report: HSTA not to Blame for All Delays in Race to the Top
- Hawaii GOP Appoints New Executive Director
- Obama Whispers Away America's Security
- Banks to Pay only 20% of Mortgage Settlement
- Giant radar returns to sea as N. Korean launch looms
- Abercrombie’s Medical Plan: Iowa Senator Pushes Hawaii to Dump Psychiatrists off Medicaid
- New health board is off to an uncomfortable start
- New Secret Weapon in Federal Anti-Rail Lawsuit in Honolulu: University Law Students
- Performance Evaluations front and center as RTTT Squad Arrives
- Criminal UPW Boss Gary Rodrigues on the Loose in Honolulu, Looking for a Job
- Cyberbullying, Kiddie Porn on Legislative Agenda Today
- Abercrombie Victory: No Plans being made for 2013 Pro Bowl
- Can Abercrombie be Held Accountable for his Actions?
- City Down to ‘only’ 150 Sewage Spills a Year
- Higher Electric Bills Ahead: PUC Gives Go-Ahead to Biofool Scammers
- Sex Offenders on the Loose
- HPD investigates 100,000 missing police reports
- Ritte Demands Boat Visiting Molokai Hand over Cash
- Lawmakers question UH Manoa Chancellor's necessity
- Certified Hawaii CEO Fired – Was Allegedly Stealing from Homeowners Associations
- What delayed news of theft by CEO of major property management firm?
- 9th Circuit Voids Hawaii Foreclosure Sale
- 9th Circuit Rules on Waikiki Coral Damage Fine
- $65,000 to preserve WWII Japanese-American internment sites in Hawaii
- Taro task force looking for members
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Monday, March 26, 2012 |
March 26, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:54 PM :: 10604 Views
- Prince Kuhio: The bridge from Kingdom to State
- Obama to Russia: ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’ on Missile Defense
- Hirono, Hanabusa Vote Against Tort Reform
- US House Report: Funding for Kahuku Windfarm is ‘Junk’, Industrial Solar Failing
- Did Hawaii Geothermal Developer Benefit from Illegal Bailout?
- On the Money: Abercrombie's RTTT deal with HSTA
- Tax credit for renewable energy faces reductions, curtailed caps
- Big solar firms said to hog potential HECO megawatts
- HECO Feed-In-Tariff (FIT)
- Fuddy: Pension Spiking is Written into Union Contracts, Cannot be Outlawed
- City called lax in collecting land tax
- House Judiciary Ctte Votes to Give $100K to Atheist, $231K to Criminals
- 43% of DoE Employees are not Teachers
- Hawaii State Salaries 2012: Pay Per Pupil By Complex Area
- US Supreme Court declines to hear Pacific Beach Hotel case
- Court lets bankrupt owner sell local TV station KIKU
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Monday, March 26, 2012 |
Letters to the Editor, March, 2012
By Letters to the Editor @ 7:17 PM :: 7604 Views
On the Money: Abercrombie's RTTT deal with HSTA
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Sunday, March 25, 2012 |
March 25, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:13 PM :: 21434 Views
- Report: Hirono Campaign Funds Enrich Husband's Lawfirm
- Lingle Campaign: BoE ordered Furloughs, Not Governor
- Lingle Campaign: Superferry Decision Was Major Departure from Precedent
- Yellow Light: Caution when you file your State Taxes
- Lawsuits, Workers Comp Claims Detail Violence, Retaliation at State DoT
- Robotics: Waialua, Baldwin and Island Pacific Academy Crowned Regional Champions
- Pentagon Budget Slashes Military Construction 29%
- Abercrombie, Greenwood Team Up to Steer $260M in UH Contracts to Bert Kobayashi Inc
- Even if Obamacare is Overturned, Abercrombie will Destroy Prepaid in Hawaii
- Cayetano: Since when is telling the public the truth a disservice?
- Kakaako is THE crony capitalist hot spot — but devil will be in details
- DoE Makes Excuses as 12,000 students miss 15 days or more
- Professional Protesters Use Months-Long Protests to Swipe Land, Academic Positions
- Kenoi, UPW Take over Dragstrip to Rally Dopers to Get Out the Vote
- Federal Judge Rejects Hawaii Concealed Carry Suit
- ‘Green’ Scammers Employ 2.7 percent of isle workers
- State Land Board gives nod to culling of sharks
- Criminal with 37 Priors, Out Wandering the Streets, Wanted Again
- Liliha revitalization in works after HMC Closure
- Kailua Water Main Breaks three times in two weeks
- Back to business at Police Commission
- KIUC Elects Three to Board
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Saturday, March 24, 2012 |
March 24, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:37 PM :: 14396 Views
- Lingle Campaign Launches Fact Check Site
- Accountability: DoE Prepares to Fake It as Feds Arrive on Inspection Tour
- Hawaii: NRA Instructor Liability Bill Awaits Hearing
- Day One: 1,000 high school students battle robots in annual competition
- Rail Transit Jobs - Myths and Facts
- Senate Committee OKs Insurance Industry Reps On New Board
- Abercrombie: I can Guarantee HCDA Continuity on Kakaako for Next Seven Years
- Hawaii Lawmakers Revive Vacation Rental Bill
- Hawaii Stands to Lose $45 Million in Non-Defense Federal Funds in 2013
- Military’s construction budget cuts could be felt in Hawaii
- Judge upholds ban on 'pay to play'
- Cachola for State House Dist 30
- Molokai Wind Developer now called ‘Hawaii Interisland Cable’
- Complaints As Hawaiian Teen Prepares to Give Birth
- UH Manoa Perfesser Says Porn is Good for You
- $100,000 Reward for Screaming Atheist
- Four Parks Employees Arrested for Smuggling Meth to Prisoners
- Council members: Kenoi must enforce Kawa Bay eviction
- ‘Huge projects’ in $558.2M Maui Co budget pitch
- Maui's Liquor Commission to lift cap on hostess bars
- Electric Car Scammers Enthuse About High Gas Prices
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Friday, March 23, 2012 |
March 23, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:52 PM :: 10471 Views
- Hanabusa: I am not a Loan Shark
- Case: Hirono Fears Debate, Hides Behind Handlers
- FACE: Bumpy Kanahele is Inspiration for State-owned Bank
- Race to the Top team to arrive in Hawaii next week
- Hawaii Sets up Insurance Exchange to be Exempt from Sunshine laws
- Star-Adv: Redo health exchange model
- SB755: “Environmental devastation” or minor streamlining? The jury is still out
- Borreca: Case Stubborn, Overly Ambitious, Too Conservative
- ‘Power Play’ -- Injunction makes Queen's share its radiation facilities
- Kakaako: Caraway pushes Green Roofs
- Will BLNR Throw Another Roadblock in front of Haleakala Telescope?
- Decrepitude: Enviros Fight to Stop First New Waikiki Hotel in 30 years
- Old Hawaiians took Two Times More Reef Fish than Modern Fishermen
- Hawaii Poised to Become the First State to Adopt a State Microbe
- Hoku Solar to Build 7MW Solar Energy Facility on Kaua'i
- Potholes have silver lining for contractors
- Earthquake Risk? VA must move Hilo, Kahului clinics
- For decades, Liberty House served as isle retail's 'fat cats'
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Thursday, March 22, 2012 |
March 22, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:59 PM :: 17550 Views
- Van Jones at Abercrombie State Bank Rally: Obama Opponents ‘Hate Everybody In America’
- Socialists Cheer 'Potential Champion' Hirono--Single out her Support for Windfarm Scammers
- SB2492: Hearing Looms on Hawaii Dog Ownership Ban
- International visitor spending in US hits all-time record of $153 billion
- FOCUS Act May Save Fishing Crews from Prison
- Rebound Rumble: Robotics Meet to Bring 1000 Competitors to Honolulu
- Council Votes to Spend Half Billion on rail
- Cayetano: Mayor Cut Police, Fire
- Thielen: '‘Gut n Replace’ SB755 Disgraceful
- SA: Lets Spend $7416 per Semester per Student to Bring Illegals to UH Manoa
- Hold onto your wallets: Bill would bypass competitive bidding for airport concessions
- Schatz Emerges as Point Man for Green Energy Scammers
- Union OKs Tesoro Hawaii refinery labor contract
- Haleakala geothermal energy plan progresses
- Children Used to Push State funds for KSBE
- Worth Every Penny: 'Extraordinary Costs' In Occupy Honolulu Raids
- Two Super PACs Register to Back Cayetano
- Cost of Cronin: $1.2M
- City Council Bill Will Force Horse Owners Off Ag Land
- UH Wants to Build Faculty Housing on Ag Land
- Las Vegas reporter Oskar Garcia named as news editor for Hawaii and the Pacific Rim
- ‘Corporate Personhood’ drivel Laughed out of Court
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012 |
March 21, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:36 PM :: 21089 Views
- GOP's Lingle May Keep Senate Pro-Choice Next Year
- Abercrombie's nervous communist Czar: Cap and Trade, and the cost to Hawaii
- Banks, Brokerages to Reap Profits from Kawailoa Wind Project
- SA to HSTA, let Members vote on Abercrombie’s Offer
- Carlisle: We will Raise Taxes to Build Rail Without Federal Funds
- Gabbards get no-bid contract from Dept. of Health
- Van Jones joins Abercrombie, Espero and the Gabbards at Rally for State Bank
- While OHA Settlement Advances, Bill to Grant Development Rights Maybe Deferred
- SB2858: Abercrombie Attacks OIP, Public Records Access
- Lacking Illegals, Hawaii Legislators Propose In-Sate Tuition Incentives
- Ultimate Christmas Tree Bill Gives $20M to ‘Free’ Clinics
- Solar's 80% Plunge Hurts Utilities From Hawaii to Spain
- Hee: Churches Must be forced to Conduct Gay Union Ceremonies
- House Discusses Giving Atheist $100K payoff
- Atheists Demand ‘Islam Day’ Proponent Remove Samoan Church from Building in Housing Project
- Lifelong Crook with Fifty Convictions Runs Rampant in 10th Floor of Courthouse until Tackled by Judge
- SB2155: NGA Rep Backs Charter School Reforms
- Hawaii Senate Passes Travelers 'Bill of Rights' Resolution Aimed at Curbing TSA Abuses
- Mosquito revisiting Oahu can spread dengue fever
- U.S. Imposes ‘Measured’ tariff on Chinese solar panels
- Honolulu Again Pretends to Identify ‘Important Agricultural Lands’
- UH Manoa Faculty: No Confidence in Vice Chancellor for Research
- Schofield team likely will not be sent again to Afghanistan
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012 |
March 20, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:20 PM :: 9772 Views
- Faking it for the Feds, Abercrombie Prepares to Impose Another ‘Last, Best, and Final Offer’ on HSTA
- SB755: Poker Bill Gutted and Replaced with Language from 'Dirty Dozen'
- Enviros ‘Unequivocally’ Protest Gutting of Environmental Laws, Open Government Laws
- Hawaii Superferry Headed for Okinawa
- Honolulu Joins National Rally for Religious Freedom
- Borreca to Abercrombie: Quit, Fool
- Hawaii insurers excluded from health insurance exchange
- SB755: “Gut & replace” bill poses broad threat to environmental regulation
- SB2785 Big Wind: Still The Same Old Bill With A New Number
- Not So Public: Recipients of Hawaii Film Tax Credits Under Wraps
- US Chamber Backs Lingle with $249K Vote of Confidence
- Usual Crooks, Cronies Join Rep Takumi for Fundraiser
- Criminal? Rep. Awana Still Tardy With Election Filings
- Gaming Industry Mourns Failure of Internet Gaming in Hawaii, Looks to McKelvey for Salvation
- HB2569: Churches Will not be Forced to Perform Gay Unions
- ACLU: Abortion Trumps First Amendment
- After Decades of Indolence, Water Board Finally Getting Around to Developing Downtown Acreage
- SA: Landfill pick will test our ability to Assign Blame While Avoiding Solutions
- Lawsuit seeks to stop Kauai smart electric meter installations
- ‘We got it done’: Maui Charter panel wraps up
- Timing Traffic Lights Cheaper than Rail
- Remnants of Washington Mutual Reincorporate in Hawaii
- Maritime Surveillance, Fuel Efficiency Top U.S. Pacific Command's Wish List
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Monday, March 19, 2012 |
March 19, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:29 PM :: 18843 Views
Sunday, March 18, 2012 |
March 18, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:30 PM :: 10659 Views
- North Korea vows satellite launch, with rocket that could reach Hawaii
- Shots Fired at Cayetano Banners Along Freeway
- Yet Another Way to Spend Your Hard-Earned Tax Dollars
- Hawaii GOP Announces Vote Totals, Presidential Delegate Allocation
- Lava Tube Award: Abercrombie Keeping Public in Dark
- UHERO: Abercrombie's CIP Plans Fizzled
- Chicago Tribune: Romney's "island strategy" pays off in delegate race
- York: Why do islands play key role in GOP race?
- Abercrombie Appoints Insurance Execs to Control Your Health Care
- Lingle Questions Abercrombie’s Grab for Health Control
- Aiming at Pre-Determined Outcome Gay Marriage Plaintiffs hope to Face only Fuddy
- Star-Adv Attacks Cayetano for Releasing FTA Emails
- ILind: S-A wrong in cheap shot at Cayetano and rail critics
- Oshiro on Budget: Spending Billions and Getting Nothing is ‘Prudent’
- Gov. Abercrombie’s reversal on Ho’opili development may rebound to Lingle’s political benefit
- Ornstein: We never would have launched Go! if we knew….
- Hokulia CEO De Fries moving on
- Thielen: Short-sighted bills endanger our environment
- MECO Pushes Biofuel, Windfarm Scams
- Child Molester’s Advocate Pulls Papers for Re-Run At Lost Legislative Seat
- Media Flails About Trying to Explain Why Hirono’s Mailer is Different than Mufi’s
- Campaign Spending Commission looking into possible “criminal misconduct”
- RIMPAC's naval war games will feature high-tech arms
- CBO: Exploding debt under Obama policies
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Saturday, March 17, 2012 |
March 17, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:24 PM :: 24988 Views
- Djou: What I learned in Afghanistan
- HART: Cheaper to Build Rail and Tear it Down than to do nothing
- Nahale-a Resignation Linked to DHHL Infighting
- Since Ecos, Business Both Back Bag Tax, We can Screw Consumers
- Waimanalo Gulch advisory panel will recommend one of the choices to the mayor by April 5
- Caucus Gives Local GOP Turn in Spotlight
- Hawaii Among last States for Solar Bubble to Burst
- State To Pay $15.4 Million Legal Settlement
- Audit Finds Serious Management Problems At Aloha Stadium
- Hilo Real Estate Broker Not Liable for Frogs, Hookers
- Newspapers ‘Fastest Shrinking Industry’
- North Korea rocket launch plan sparks US threat
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Friday, March 16, 2012 |
March 16, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:58 AM :: 13311 Views
- Molokai Cheers as US Senate Kills Windfarm Tax Credit
- Hawaii Republican Caucus Count Finalized
- GOP caucus breathed new life into isle politics
- HHSC to Buy HMC East?
- Patient load puts squeeze on Oahu medical centers
- Index to recently disclosed rail documents now available
- HART: Cheaper to Build Rail Columns and Tear them Down
- Rail project still needs permits, OKs
- Case Tries to Shake Up Quiet Senate Race
- 'Hot' Alexander Emails: Atheists, Civil Beats Search for Months, Find Nothing
- New Security Co Takes over at Mayor Wright
- Auditor Takes Aim at Swap Meet Vendors
- New Trick to Force Waimanalo Gulch Extension: Choose Federal Sites as Only Alternatives
- Mold: $31K Study Creates Need for $100K Contract
- Charlie Maxwell Dies
- North Korea plans to launch long-range rocket
- Pool-mageddon avoided — for now
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Thursday, March 15, 2012 |
March 15, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:24 PM :: 22605 Views
- Romney Win in Hawaii Credited to Volunteers' Hard Work
- House Republicans Speak up on State Bank, Mortgages, and the General Fund
- Marumoto Resolutions Push Workers Comp Reform
- Turnout a 'game changer' for isle GOP
- Slom: Hawaii Republicans Front and Center
- Star-Adv Editors back Study of State Bank
- Ceded land measure proceeds without amendment
- Queen's hospital celebrates 1st organ transplants
- ACLU: "Let the State force Catholics to Provide Abortion Pills"
- Geistling teams up with HIPA, attacks Prepaid: Doctors Should Become Employees of Obamacare System
- Overcrowded ERs turning ambulances away
- Bush-Era Law May Save Hawaii from Offshore Wind Farm Idiocy
- Sunetric: You Must Be Our Slave
- Case Slams Mazie’s ‘Compare and Decide’
- Another Honolulu Liquor Commission Corruption Conviction
- Kauai assistant police chiefs also return to work
- Landfill selection committee Considers Waimanalo Expansion
- Lead, Mold Contaminate Honolulu Hale
- Maui Man Considered for Appointment to Agency He Seeks to Abolish
- Arrests Turn Up No Trafficking Victims
- City impounds property of protesters at Thomas Square
- Study: 90% of Young People Not Environmental Whackos
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012 |
March 14, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:54 PM :: 21112 Views
- Slom: "I've Never Seen so Many Hawaii Republicans"
- Romney Delighted by Hawaii Caucus Victory
- Over 10,000 Voters Turn out for Hawaii Republican Presidential Caucuses
- Lingle is Youngest Senate Candidate, Dem Candidates Prepare Hawaii for Invisibility
- Lingle won't say who she's backing in Hawaii GOP caucuses
- ILind: Legislative Crossover ‘Prime Time for Politics’
- Who should govern Hawaii’s first health insurance exchange?
- Feds: FTA Should not be Associated with Mufi’s ‘Lousy Practices of Public Manipulation’
- Democrat Cayetano Will not be attending GOP Caucuses
- KITV: Romney's Son Stumps For Candidate In Hawaii
- Senators upbraid officials for overpaying employees
- Hawaii Ranks in Bottom Half of States for Spending Transparency
- House Committees to Reconsider OHA-Kakaako Bill
- Schatz: If We Pay Trask off, We Can Get Geothermal
- Taxes: State Vacuums 10% More out of Your Pocket
- Kobayashi Proposes Property Tax Increases on Business
- Kauai Mayor, chief shake hands
- Atheist ‘Pleased’ With $100K State Settlement
- Tour Company Uses DLNR Board Position to Attack Competitor
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Tuesday, March 13, 2012 |
March 13, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:50 PM :: 12970 Views
- LINK: March 13 GOP Caucus Voting Locations
- Romney Sweeps Pacific: Wins Alaska, Guam, CNMI, heads for Am Samoa, Hawaii
- Romney Wins Backing from Ward, Hemmings, Rohlfing, Djou, Saiki
- Romney, Paul, Santorum Campaign in Hawaii Monday
- Hirono, Hanabusa Vote Against Hydropower, Inouye, Akaka Vote against Keystone
- Department of Health Fines Eight Businesses
- Unemployment 6.5% in Hawaii
- Photos, Reports from Hawaii Republican Caucuses
- Slom Backs Santorum, Paul Wins Support of Bar Owners, Romney Announces Hawaii Endorsements
- Abercrombie Admin Gives Atheist $100,000 Cash
- House Approves Budget Even Larger than Abercrombie’s Proposal
- Cayetano: The People of Honolulu “Don’t Like Being Conned”
- Abercrombie, Legislators agree: Big Cable to be forced on Lanai, Molokai
- After Report of Collusion, Legislators Threaten to Cut School Bus Funding
- SA to DoE: Just Ignore ‘60 Minutes’—Avoid Successful Private Online Classes and Keep those Federal Bucks Flowing
- Hawaii Jobs: Outlook for Jobs in Education, Government, Military and Tourism
- Latest Storm Brings Federal Megabucks
- Budget Bill Advances; Doubts Raised About OHA Settlement deal
- House Shelves Hawaii Vacation Rental Bill
- Reso 12-59: Berg Pushes for Repeal of HART
- HPD Arrests only One Pimp Per Year
- ‘Unable to make a Fist’ Criminal Sues State, Wins $25K
- How Are 'Good Government' Bills Faring at the Ledge?
- DRHorton Defends Hoopili Water Usage
- Hawaiian reaches tentative agreement with flight attendants” union
- Child's Fingers Found In Dumpster
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Monday, March 12, 2012 |
March 12, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:43 PM :: 18662 Views
- LINK: March 13 GOP Caucus Voting Locations
- Romney Sweeps Pacific: Wins Alaska, Guam, CNMI, heads for Am Samoa, Hawaii
- Romney Wins Backing from Ward, Hemmings, Rohlfing, Djou, Saiki
- Romney, Paul, Santorum Campaign in Hawaii Monday
- Three GOP Presidential Candidates Dispatch Their Children to Hawaii to Rally Voters Before Tuesday's Caucus
- State Republicans to choose favorite Tomorrow
- DoTAX: Hawaii Tax Rates Are Now Secret—Low Staffing Blamed
- Hirono Refuses To Release Tax Returns
- Bag Tax to Create 150 UPW Make-Work Jobs
- Mayor: Kauai police chief reinstated after leave
- SA: Community input key to developing Kakaako properly
- Lingle in HBO ‘Game Change’
- Digging Hawaii's Public Pension Fund Out of $8 Billion Hole Will Hurt
- Invest in Hawaii: Dem Senators Tout Latest Pork Barrel Project
- Obama Admin Cuts Back on Tsunami Warning System—Star-Adv Says No Big Deal
- Water Commission Exec Evades Hoopili Questions
- Cops, Prostitutes and Pimps: No Arrests on a Saturday in Honolulu
- Six DUIs finally Gets 1 Year Jail
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Sunday, March 11, 2012 |
March 11, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:13 PM :: 4461 Views
- Romney, Paul, Santorum Campaign in Hawaii Monday
- Dempsey Details Fiscal Concerns Facing DoD at Hickam Town Hall
- Yes, Houston, Hawaii has a Problem
- Rail’s Broken Trust: Randy Roth Speaks
- LINK: March 13 Caucus Voting Locations
- Abercrombie Wife Behind Cayetano in Mayor’s Race
- After Working With Obama to Kill Inouye Earmarks, Abercrombie says Lingle is “A Body Blow to Hawaii”
- Danger: Abercrombie predicts productive session
- Star-Adv: How to Spend the 12% Increase in Revenue
- Schatz Eyes your Electric Bill: Smart Grid is all About Solar, Wind (No mention of Geo, Hydro, Waste to energy)
- DoE: Closed School Fills With Desks, 180 Desk Jockeys
- Senate’s Answer to Traffic? Get out and Walk
- Red tape ties up groups' fishpond restorations
- Kiewit, Kobayashi Split Contract on Waipahu Rail Yard
- Stronger visitor activity offers hope after Abercrombie Ruins Pro Bowl
- Tsunami Great for Business, Money flows to Islands
- Hanalei Bridge Reopens
- New president 'coming home' to Filipino Community Center
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Saturday, March 10, 2012 |
March 10, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:01 PM :: 10133 Views
- Romney Sweeps Pacific: Wins Alaska, Guam, CNMI, heads for Am Samoa, Hawaii
- Djou Predicts March 13 Romney Win in Hawaii
- Attorney: Discrimination Against 'Non-Residents' is Unconstitutional
- Willard Passes Pacific Command’s Reins to Locklear
- "Concerning Public Lands" Nine More Executive Orders Suddenly Appear on Abercrombie Website
- Abercrombie Signs Unemployment Insurance Bill into Law
- Public Invited to Review State Homelessness Strategic Plan
- Star-Adv: March 13 Caucuses Focus Welcome Attention on GOP
- Civil Beat: Local Democrats Nervous About Hawaii Republican Caucus?
- Big Q: Do you plan to participate in the upcoming Hawaii Republican or Democratic caucuses?
- Romney reaches out to Hawaii ahead of caucuses
- Shapiro: Inevitable that State Bank Will Be Screwed Up
- Slom: Projects not as ‘Shovel Ready’ as Claimed, Gambling Not Dead Yet
- Soft On Crime: Molester gets ‘Deferred Acceptance’ in Hawaii, Molests two More Girls in California
- Pothole Damage Proves Costly For State, City
- Guam PDN: Give noncontiguous territories exemption on U.S.-build requirement
- Guam PDN: Territorial Legislature ties Jones Act to USMC Buildup
- Well Known North Dakota Columnist Rips Off Memminger’s Humor Columns
- Thank Sen. Gabbard for New Plastic and Paper Bag "Fee"
- Ka Pua Initiative Hosts Waianae Coast Community Education Forums
- Saint-to-be was a hero in her own right to Hansen's disease patients, an expert says
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Friday, March 9, 2012 |
March 9, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:57 PM :: 17951 Views
- Campaigning in Hawaii: Liz Santorum, Ronnie Paul, Matt Romney
- Feel Safer? Abercrombie Blocks Seed-Laden 'Lorax' Markers
- 1,358 Turn Out for Hawaii Democratic Caucuses, 42 Reject Obama
- Moore: Reapportionment Disenfranchises Too Many Voters
- Marks: Reapportioned Dissidents’ State Lawsuit Will Fail
- SB2571: Gays Grab for Other People’s Children
- Are Honolulu Rail Backers' New Radio Ads Accurate?
- Abercrombie, Mitsunaga, OHA Sharpen Knives to Cut up Kakaako
- Mitsunaga Again: Abercrombie campaign worker seated on development authority
- Larry Mehau Associate Draws Council Lines, then Announces Campaign for Seat
- No new taxes? OK, we'll just tack on some new fees
- Hundreds of Retiring Public Workers "Spiked" Their Pension Benefits
- Insurers push docs toward performance-based pay
- Horner Optimistic that Hawaii Will not lose Race to the Top Dollars as HSTA Submits Latest Offer
- State to Take Galbraith Estate as part of Hoopili Deal
- New Rules for Non-Hawaii Owned Vacation Rentals Advancing In Legislature
- NFL Pro Bowl generated $25.3M impact for Hawaii
- State GOP to Re-Vote National Committeeman Position
- HuffPo: Hawaii Lacks Windmills because of Christians
- Star-Adv: Let Iran Get Nukes or You’re a Warmonger
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Thursday, March 8, 2012 |
March 8, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:16 AM :: 10184 Views
- Djou goes from Washington to Afghanistan vetting suspected Taliban
- Rothenberg: Lingle Faces Tough Fight for Senate
- Week of March 13: Ron Paul Launches Hawaii TV Ad Campaign
- House Passes 286 Bills--Ward Hits 'High Risk Financial Decisions'
- Senate Passes 372 Bills
- Hawaii Republicans and presidential candidates prepping for state's first caucus March 13
- Chamber Spends $236K on Lingle Ads
- Civil Beat Poll - Cayetano Tops 50% In Honolulu Mayor's Race
- Mitsunaga Daughter Oversees Kakaako Redevelopment
- Is Sewer Plan ‘On Track’?
- Star-Adv Editors Back Unconstitutional Redistricting Plan Which Excludes 108,000 Military
- Hawaii Diverts Millions In Tobacco Settlement Funds
- Former Hawaii Planned Parenthood Director Arrested, Charged in Maryland
- Electric bills up in March on all islands
- DoE Still Trying to Worm Out of 180 Day Law
- A bill aimed at preventing disruptive behavior at the Legislature heads to Hawaii Senate
- Building full of Crooks and 64 Police Cameras Don’t Work
- Trial begins for Occupy protesters caught in park after hours
- Civil Beat Loses Two Top Reporters
- Hatch Act Reform Bill Introduced
- When Not Playing Slots, Nevada Welfare Bums Spend Taxpayer Handouts in Hawaii, Guam
- 'Dirty 8' Erode Three Decades Of Landmark Environmental Law
- Child abuse study gives kupuna a voice
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012 |
March 7, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:52 PM :: 13922 Views
- Lingle Campaign: Hirono Rhetoric Embarrassing Hawaii
- Super Tuesday: Romney Wins 6, Santorum 3, Gingrich 1
- HB2227 Fake Hawaii Birth Certificate: Allows Male to Claim Female Without Surgery
- Hawaii lawsuit shows civil unions help redefine marriage
- Trustees See Dollar Signs as Kakaako Settlement Passes Senate
- Emergency Repairs to Kuhio Hwy, Hanalei School Flooded
- New voting districts retain incumbent pairings
- 350 Ward: Prominent Local Lawyer Controls Building Full of Massage Parlors
- Prosecutor: Do proper groundwork before bringing prisoners back to isles
- Civil Beat Poll - 44% of Honolulu Voters Perceive Bias in Rail Coverage
- Less Pressure for Tax Hikes: Council on Revenues increases growth forecast to 12%
- Linda Lingle, Hawaii GOP Senate Candidate, Comes Out Against Blunt Amendment
- Rush Listeners Complain to KPUA
- Hawaii Republicans ‘Excited’ About March 13 Caucuses
- Hawaii Democrats to Hold Presidential Poll
- Put time limit on short-term hires
- Governor, union leaders, to Control State Bank ‘Green’
- DOE must upgrade thinking and implement laptop plan
- MD: Death with dignity bill goes against medical ethics
- Dopers Want Medicated Marijuana for ‘Pain’
- House Passes "Official Microbe" Bill
- HGEA announces endorsement of Mufi Hannemann for U.S. House of Representatives, District 2
- Hearing scheduled on Hawaii employee overpayment
- DoE Hires Private Investigator to Look into Waipahu Molestation Charges
- Hawaii Air National Guard to cut personnel numbers
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Tuesday, March 6, 2012 |
March 6, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:31 PM :: 10211 Views
- Video: Anti-Rail Thugs Plan Disruption of Meeting
- Applicants Wanted for Ethics and Campaign Spending Commissions
- China's Military Rising
- Local GOP voters prepare for first-ever caucuses
- Borreca: It will be a miracle if next Hawaii election isn't a mess
- SA Looks at Crossover Bills
- SA: Don't rush into tech spending
- POLL: Lacking Support, Can Rail Backers Turn The Tide?
- Sen English votes for Lanai, Molokai Cable, Bill Crosses Over
- Washington Place Reserved for Top Gov Donor's Family
- Dela Cruz Holds a $500 Per Head Fundraiser
- Waipahu student describes alleged assaults by teacher
- Only HECO and regulators are permitted to know the comparative costs of different types of energy
- Plastic Bag Ban: Politicians Gone Wild
- Hawaii soldiers will train Afghan forces
- Proposal to cut U.S. nuclear weapons by 80 percent is asking for trouble
- Escape Across China: Wife of WW2 POW to Speak at Maui TEA Party Meeting March 8
- Shift of UH fisheries program to Hilo worries Manoa faculty
- Rep. Gil Riviere speaks with artist Bill Braden
- Cato Institute and Koch in rift over independence
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Monday, March 5, 2012 |
March 5, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:53 PM :: 14748 Views
- Conference: Abercrombie Admin Renews Push to Impose Medical Homes
- Hawaii Credit Unions: State Bank ‘Enormous Risk’ to General Fund
- Race to The Bank: HSTA Gets 36.9% Raise, Threatens Suit to Block Accountability
- Hawaii Industrial Jobs Up 0.5%
- HB2121: End State Solar Tax Credits for State-Funded Projects
- Homeless tent cities: Seattle’s decade-long nightmare coming to Honolulu?
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted March 5
- SB2267: $100M in Bonds for Al Hee’s Sandwich Isles Communications Scam Company
- Complete List of Bills Up for Third Reading Friday
- LWV: 8% of State Population Extracted –We need Reapportionment Reality Check
- 89-day pacts let retirees return to city, state jobs
- Too Busy with RTTT, DoE Skips NCLB Waiver Application
- Public access TV officials object to laptop funding source
- While the world changes, Civil Defense still stuck in Cold-War 1950s
- CENSORSHIP: KPUA Hilo Drops Rush Limbaugh From Air
- State Launches Audit of Student Transportation Program
- Why is my electric bill so high?
- Is Avoided Cost to blame for high electric rates?
- Imiloa Panics – Earmarks are 50% of Revenue
- HB2859 Fails: No Union for Grad Students
- Hoopili Symbolizes Direction of Oahu's Future
- New drivers license requirements go into effect Monday
- Three Occupy Oakland protesters charged with hate crimes
- White House to Congress Dems: Expect no money
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Sunday, March 4, 2012 |
March 4, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:45 PM :: 14072 Views
- Yearning for a Way to Collect Tax on Out-of-State Vendors
- Secret Federal Report Reveals Half-Billion Dollar Annual Shortfall: 19% of Honolulu General Fund to Subsidize Rail Operations
- Hawaii Credit Union League: State Bank is Extremely Dangerous, Puts Taxpayer Money at Enormous Risk
- Clayton Hee Has Conference Ctte Plan to make OHA Settlement not be Final
- No Money for CIP: Abercrombie Admin Kills Airport Cargo Building
- Building slump cuts lending by isle banks
- Shakedown: DoE Officials Threaten to Cut GED Programs Unless Legislators Fork over More Money to Failing System
- SB2594: Lawyers Renew Push for Homeless Tent Cities
- Democrats to caucus Wednesday
- Star-Adv Hits Rail over Seat Secrecy
- WSJ: E-Cigarettes Draw Fire From Legislatures
- As House Burns, Man Vents Anger at Hawaii County Planning Department
- Seniors face unique issues caring for grandkids
- Marshallese making a new life in Spokane
- Star-Advertiser carefully sidesteps Five-0 star’s drug addiction
- Kailua Begins Fireworks Fundraising Push
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Saturday, March 3, 2012 |
March 3, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:16 PM :: 13858 Views
- VIDEO: Cayetano to 'Go Rail Go' Protesters: Use Facts Not Force
- Djou Home From Afghanistan
- ILind: Secret Whistleblower Settlement Violates OIP Rulings
- Attack on Community TV: Does $50K+ job with Oceanic Time Warner create conflict of interest for Tokioka?
- Anti-Superferry Protesters Leave State Holding $63M Debt
- Green energy means higher rent for seniors
- OHA to Build 200’ Rental Towers at Kakaako
- Senate tries to give Koloa Camp tenants stay of eviction
- Star-Adv: Don’t Give Teacher’s $500 Raise Disguised as Tax Credit
- HB466: Lets Make Workers Comp Even more Fraud-Friendly
- 20 for the Next 20: People to Watch 2012
- Concerns raised over new election boundary maps
- UH strikes technology commercialization agreement with Pono Corp
- ‘Illegal’: City Bureaucrats Order Volunteers to Remove Park Improvements
- SB2422: Massive Tax Increase on Loose Tobacco
- Billions for Green Energy Scammers, But Obama Cut Tsunami Warning Buoys
- BankOH’s O’Neill to Take Helm of Citibank
- After Blocking Fee-Simple Sales, Ignorant Socialists Stuck With Biofool Scammer as Top Bidder for Hamakua Ag Land
- Hokulia Bypass: Hawaii County Accepts $20M in Land at Bankrupt Hokulia Project
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Friday, March 2, 2012 |
March 2, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:21 PM :: 16679 Views
- Pro-Family Lawyers Move to take Defense of Marriage out of Abercrombie's Hands
- VIDEO: PBS Insights Features Hawaii Republican Caucus
- Hawaii Christian Coalition Encourages Turnout for March 13 Caucuses
- John Carroll Endorses Ron Paul
- Wallbuilders -- Hawaii: Exercise Your Right to Vote
- Maui Friends of the NRA to Host Meeting
- Kona Kampachi Successful Harvest in Federal Waters off Hawaii
- Berg: Anti-Rail Meeting Hits a Nerve
- Lingle Backs Bipartisan Medicaid Reform Plan
- HSTA’s Okabe: We Put Furloughs on Instructional Days to Hold Parents Accountable
- Key Arguments: Democrat Borreca Spins Snowe Retirement against Lingle
- Hike in jobless insurance tax put off 1 year
- If Dissident Map is Rejected, Elections Office Prepared to begin Accepting Nomination Papers
- Rep Rida Cabanilla Fails to Report Income on Ethics Disclosure Forms
- Civil Beat still Struggling to Substantiate Atheist Claims
- Rail is Only Improvement Project in Carlisle Budget
- Grabauskas OK'd As Rail Chief Despite Soft Spot For Toru Hamayasu
- HMSA, Kaiser improve bottom lines
- 9th Circuit Gives DoE Big Victory over Disabled Girl
- State Auditing Student Transportation Office
- DLNR Fires Whistleblower
- Wife of Kauai police chief defends him before Council
- Murderer Gets New Trial in Molestation of 12-yr old
- W. Oahu to get large VA clinic
- Can we handle 8 million visitors a year?
- Hawaii County Mayor Billy Kenoi proposes $365M budget
- KIUC Announces Big New Industrial Solar Project
- VIDEO: Biofuel crops destined for Hamakua land leases?
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Thursday, March 1, 2012 |
March 1, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:34 PM :: 16857 Views
- Lingle Salutes Retiring Sen Olympia Snowe
- State Bank to Fund Green Energy Scammers, Toxic Mortgages
- Hawaii State Bank: The Hee-Haw Bill
- Vote redistricting delayed over House dissidents’ allegations
- Solomon, Roehrig Celebrate Exclusion of 108,000 Military personnel, students
- Maui Republican Party Convention, March 3
- Not A Single School Complies with Instructional Hours Law
- Grabauskas Nomination Belies Carlisle's Commitment to ‘Transparency’
- Chin: Carlisle Was Not Notified of Debt Increase Letter
- Hawaii Ranks 47th in Economic Growth
- Will Legislature Authorize Union for 1300 More Gov’t Employees
- Bill Lifts Development Restrictions On Office of Hawaiian Affairs Settlement Land
- Pele Defense Fund is Back: Drug Dealers and Socialists Protest Against Geothermal in Hilo
- Bag Ban Passes Honolulu Council Committee
- Science, Technology Teaching Dies in House, Senate Committees
- HPD officer charged in alleged overtime pay scam granted deferral
- Hanabusa to be Assistant Whip
- Census data track Marshallese population in Ark.
- Guam, NMI Consider Reunification
- HECO Wants to Delay ‘Big Wind’ RFP
- Chu, Wind Scammers, Bio Fool Developers to get more Big Handouts as Utility Bills Soar
- Americans Elect Qualifies for Hawaii Ballot
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Wednesday, February 29, 2012 |
February 29, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:23 PM :: 16567 Views
- Trashing Tricare: Obama to cut healthcare benefits for active duty and retired US military
- Romney Sweeps Michigan, Arizona
- HB2874: House Finance Votes to Freeze Community TV Funds
- Mission Houses Archive puts 19th Century Hawaii Journals, Newspapers Online
- Union: Build Rail or You Will Die
- HGEA Scores $5M and more to come as First ‘Favored Nation’ Payoffs Go To Union
- Slom: Lawsuits Still Possible over Reapportionment
- Legislators Consider Creating Gaming Commission
- Finance Ctte Defers Bill Exempting Gov’t Projects from Enviro Review
- Charter School Reform: Crooks, Cronies, Social Climbers all gather around for today’s vote
- A Plan to Return Hawaii's Mainland Inmates
- Carlisle Speech Outlines Campaign Message
- ‘Organic’ Food should be labeled for E Coli, Rat Lungworm
- Geothermal: OHA Cronies Present Cash Demands
- Stolen Valor: ‘Vote Vets’ is Actually Front Group for Sierra Club
- Cayetano, Waihee, Hee Line Up Against Hoopili
- Non-Hawaii Owners of Vacation Rentals in Uproar
- Senate committee approves resolution to sell Kauai land to tenants
- Hawaii nonprofits want caps on tax deductions repealed
- SA: Give Tax Credits to Billionaire Movie Moguls
- Committees Pass Measures to Change Regents Selection
- Bargaining Begins Feb. 29 for 18,000 CWA Members at AT&T West
- Joanne Georgi Running for KIUC Board
- Bynum, 40 others Face Misdemeanor Ag Zoning Violations
- Kaua‘i County will approve 252 TAU certificates over next 5 years
- Isle parks generate $122M
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012 |
February 28, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:17 PM :: 16681 Views
- Revised 2012 Reapportionment Plans Posted Online
- Hawaii: NRA Instructor Liability Bill Granted Hearing
- National GOP race sparks interest in Hawaii March 13 caucus
- Ed Case: I’m No Conservative
- New Honolulu Rail Chief Was Late, Over Budget on His Biggest Project
- Hawaii Pacific Health Exec: Low Reimbursement, Lack of LTC Beds Behind HMC Crisis
- Tax Credit Fight: Hawaii Solar Energy Leader Voted Out
- SB2111: Legislators Debate How to Give Millions of Dollars to Hollywood Moguls
- Legislator: HI Tech Tax Credit Scammers Only Want Things, $1B in Tax Credits Could Have Gone to Affordable Housing
- Hawaii House Democrats Consider Establishing a State Bank
- Gambling gets another lease on life
- House Finance to Hear Bills Exempting Government Projects from EIS, SMA
- One in Eight Spikes Pension
- House Finance to Discuss EUTF Fixes
- Bank of Abercrombie on Wednesday Agenda
- After Burning Treasury, Obama Proposes Cuts to Tsunami Warning System
- City Cuts Horse Ranchers out of Ag Tax Rates
- Haleakala Findings Released
- Insurance Exec now Claims to have ‘Discovered’ that Assisted Suicide is Legal in Georgia
- Smart meter installation rolls out
- Military readies to open Tropic Care Kauai
- Nine Weapons Confiscated from Marijuana Church
- Faleomavaega’s Sister to Run for Governor of Am Samoa
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Monday, February 27, 2012 |
February 27, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:15 PM :: 17235 Views
- Alternatives to Rail: Cato Institute, Local Leaders Speak Out
- Is the IRS Attempting to Intimidate Hawaii TEA Parties?
- SB2226: $25M Internet Tax
- 10-cents-per-bag Tax: Greens, Big Business, Big Government team up to Rip Off Consumers
- Ban Would Favor Clayton Hee's Irish Opihi Monopoly
- Gallup: Hawaii #1 in Health, Wellbeing
- Study: Hawaii Tops Country for Highest Number of Services Taxed
- Hanabusa’s answer to High Gas Prices: Give More Money to Biofool Scammers
- Assisted Suicide Activist Claims Death Prescriptions Are Already Being Written In Hawaii
- Vote on Hawaii's Redrawn Reapportionment Maps Set for Monday, But Many Unhappy with New Boundaries
- Dozens of retired public workers get Secret Pensions over $100,000/year
- HB2253: Legislators to Boost Disability Parking Fees?
- SB2422: Boosts Tobacco Tax 70%
- $150K Contract to Analyze Hawaii Tax System
- Ledge: Let’s Study Gambling
- AP: Hawaii GOP Caucuses Testing Advisory
- The Rise of Intermarriage: Rates, Characteristics Vary by Race and Gender
- Prayer Should Open Legislative Sessions
- Honolulu Named one of 100 top Communities for Young People
- Green Police Nail Photographer for taking Pictures of Sharks Eating Whale
- Kauai: Does Chief Report to Mayor or Police Commission?
- SB2304: Reforms Police Identification Line-Ups
- Senators to Discuss How to Let Lots of Criminals Out of Prison
- Honolulu-Based Coast Guard Relies on 42-year Old Cutters
- Gay Marine's homecoming kiss in Hawaii shared on Facebook
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Sunday, February 26, 2012 |
February 26, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:00 PM :: 19229 Views
- Secret Tax Breaks Fund Hawaii Film Production
- Windfall of Tax Revenue to be Had Without Tax Increase
- DBEDT Energy Update Projects 537MW of Industrial Wind
- HB2874: DoE Laptop Bill Will Freeze Public Access TV Funding
- Case, Hirono toe line: Lingle is the Anti-Rail Senate Choice
- Pensions: 14 Legislators Double Dipping—Abercrombie is Triple Dipping
- Exclusion of Military May Not Withstand Federal Constitutional Scrutiny
- David Chang: Key to material progress is making sure we have equality of opportunity
- Star-Adv: Abercrombie Lacked ‘Courage’ on Gay Marriage in 2010 Campaign
- Gay Agenda: Bill Could Classify Workplace Bullying As Safety Violation
- Ex-T boss poised to land Hawaii gig
- Honolulu Rail CEO Pick Comes With Track Record That Raises Concerns
- Aila: Bag Tax Needed to ‘Save our Water’
- Former Insurance Exec Continues to Claim Assisted Suicide Legal in Hawaii
- Carlisle's speech was another day in the same old brown shoes
- KIUC forums address community
- Volunteers Do the Work UPW Will Not, 150 Public Housing Units made Ready for Occupancy
- Abercrombie approves EIS for new Kona courthouse
- E-W Center: US territories suffering due to debt crisis
- Three Years of Hawaii Monitor Now Online
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Saturday, February 25, 2012 |
February 25, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:42 PM :: 9895 Views
- SB212 to be Heard Monday: Would End Discrimination Against Military
- Ron Paul’s son, Ronnie, to campaign for dad in Hawaii
- Proposed HART Chief Leaves Trail of Political Discord
- Triple Albatross: HSTA endorses Hirono, Hanabusa, and Hannemann
- Secret Rail Debt: Council wants answers over waived budget rules
- $8B plus $15B = State Debt to Retirees
- Usual Crooks, Cronies Show Up for Hanabusa Campaign HQ Opener
- HSTA Going to Court to Overturn Laupahoehoe Charter School
- Toll roads a possibility for Oahu transportation future
- Mainland Lobbyist Backs Public Bank
- 2nd Marine found not guilty in hazing trial
- Hawaii Hot Spot for Human Trafficking
- OHA Cronies seek to line pockets, bring geothermal power to state
- Forged Female Convicted of Further Forgery
- Hummer defaced by racial slur near school raises alarm
- Enviro Assaults Turtle Photographer
- Ex-Palma employees accused of abuse
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Friday, February 24, 2012 |
February 24, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:32 PM :: 10861 Views
- Washington Times Reporter heads to Hawaii for March 13 Presidential Caucus
- Transportation Bill With Honolulu Rail Funds Postponed
- Full Text: State of the City Address
- Caldwell: ‘I will Work Harder to be Transparent and Honest’
- 'Descendants' based on Case Family Grab for Grove Farm
- HB2193: State Bank to be Controlled by Abercrombie, Insured by Taxpayer
- VIDEO: Ilya Shapiro (Cato Institute), In Hawaii Speaking About Obamacare Supreme Court Cases
- Book Review: Callies, Regulating Paradise (2d ed. 2010)
- "Nonresident" Property Owners Must Employ Property Managers For TVRs?
- Rail: Hidden Debt Ceiling Exposed
- City asks judge to dismiss rail suit
- WSJ: Honolulu Hopeful Has No-Track Mind
- Carlisle, Abercrombie demand Taxpayers Pick Up Wife’s Travel Tab
- Kokua Line Features Hawaii Republican Caucuses
- Hawaii tops Nation: DoE is #1 in Drug Availability
- HI hotels’ gross pre-tax profits total $928.2M
- Abercrombie has trouble adjusting
- DHHL Only Assigning 150 leases a Year
- Legislation takes aim at human trafficking
- Fake Drivers Licenses: Admitted Fraudster Still on Honolulu City Payroll
- Sexting: ACLU Court Victory helping to Legalize Kiddie Porn
- Geothermal Possibilities Explored at Ulupalakua
- Law Students to Debate Hawaiian Recognition
- Rep. Ward Discusses the UH Library & Information Science Program
- Former Waimea principal will return to Hawaii Prep Academy
- Update: OHA Salary Commission’s Final Report
- Growth, Big growth Projected for Hawaii Tourism
- Bill Calls For 5-Year Moratorium On Opihi Picking
- Wanted: Ethics, Campaign Spending Commissioners
- Mainland Gang Member Indicted in Isle Drug Case
- EA Required to land a Helicopter
- Sears Will Close Ala Moana Store
- Honolulu Police Department, Hawaiian Airlines now hiring
- James Kimo Campbell, activist and college trustee, dies at 65
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Thursday, February 23, 2012 |
February 23, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:29 PM :: 14102 Views
- Abercrombie: I will not defend Marriage
- Kauai Chief Perry Victim of Retaliation by Corrupt Mayor?
- Hawaii: NRA Instructor Liability Bill Needs Your Immediate Help
- Thielen Criticizes HB2417 Limits Solar Tax Credit to One Per Property
- House Democratic Dissidents Consider State Reapportionment Lawsuit
- Hawaii Lawmakers Again Aiming to Tax E-Commerce Sales
- Same sex marriage likely heading back into legislature
- Deadline For Reapportionment Approaching
- Civil Engineer Debunks Civil Beat ‘Fact Check’
- Coffee: Counting The Ways Obama Hurts U.S.
- Hawaii lawmakers take five-day recess
- Abercrombie Heads to DC to Beg for RTTT
- Hawaii tourism spending should be up 6.4% in 2012
- SA: Privatization plan can help tenants
- ‘Clear and Convincing Evidence’ that Sovereignty Activists were Scamming Dorcy
- SB2221: Kiddie Porn to become Type B Felony?
- Abercrombie’s Latest Water Commission Nominees Don’t Quiet Uproar
- Police chief spends Wednesday at work, but controversy continues
- Kauai Police Shooting While Chief Kept from job by Mayor
- Biotech Reduces Pesticide Use
- Pregnant F-M Trans is Ego Tripper Bent on Being Famous at Children’s Expense
- Bill allowing dogs in restaurants alive in House
- Local newspapers face another likely competitor for lucrative legal notices
- Smart Meters on Kauai Are a Public Health Hazard
- Hawaii AG: Marley Sons Raise Money for Fake Charities
- Head of anti-slavery alliance to speak
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012 |
February 22, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:21 PM :: 16816 Views
- Kapolei Tesoro Refinery Workers Reject Labor Contract
- Rail: The Biggest Wager in Hawaii’s History
- Kauai Police Chief says he's going back to work without Support of Mayor
- Solomon Supporters Demand that Inouye be Drawn out of District
- $500M construction package passed by state Senate
- Star-Adv: Don't sidestep rules for jobs
- Bag Tax Back from Dead?
- Inouye's support could mean little for candidates
- Rail Suit: New Delaying Tactic From City
- Act 221 Scammers to Ratepayers: Pay Us More, Get Used to It
- BoE Approves Teacher Evaluation Negotiating Position
- Oahu at risk—little ER capacity if disaster strikes
- Civil Beat Greets Djou With Bogus already Debunked Questions about Campaigning in Uniform
- Another Pro-Abortion Group Backs Hirono
- Returning military members allege job discrimination — by federal government
- Kenoi’s campaign sponsors have plenty to gain
- Honolulu Officials Reviewed ORI’s Financial Records
- Fired head of state's largest charter school under scrutiny for spending
- Mainland Solar Installers Rake in $212M
- Armed forces will vet hydrogen-fueled SUVs on Oahu
- Convicted Pimp Sentenced To 40-Years In Prison
- New York Welfare Spent in Hawaii
- For First Time, Most Hawaii Moms Under 30 Are Unmarried
- Hawaii Most favorable State, California Worst
- Hawaii looks at banning bear gallbladder imports
- HB2228: Requires Employers with 20+ Employees to Set Up Breastfeeding Room
- HPU To Take over Aloha Tower Marketplace?
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012 |
Letters to the Editor February, 2012
By Letters to the Editor @ 12:03 PM :: 13912 Views
- House Bill 1707: “We will be forced to sell”
- RTTT: The Chicago Way?
- HELCO Blames Solar Users for Latest Rate Hike
- Kauai Chief Perry Victim of Retaliation by Corrupt Mayor?
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012 |
February 21, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:29 PM :: 13044 Views
- Charles Djou on his way home from Afghanistan
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted Feb 21
- Legislators: Abercrombie Unstable, Rambling
- Cayetano: Inouye ‘Irresponsible’, ‘Gambling with Public Money’
- No Action to Stop Massive Unemployment Tax Hike
- Inouye: Federal Judge David Ezra To Retire In June
- 4000 Okinawa Marines Heading for Hawaii
- OHA ‘Settlement’ Talks Leave Homeless Shelter in Limbo
- H-Power Recycles Plastics into Electricity for 28,000 Homes
- Pono Chong killed ‘Feeeel Good’ Bag Ban Bill
- Hawaii State Salaries 2012: Hawaii Health Systems Corp.
- HSTA Blocks 180 day law so DoE is Going to Redefine ’instructional time’ to fake it
- Abercrombie Pushes Hard to Fake Accountability, Snag $75M from RTTT
- Waimea principal's dismissal still unexplained
- SA: Kick Principals out of HGEA
- HART and UH, More Secrecy
- Former police officer admits to ID theft and forgery
- Fair share system under scrutiny
- Organic Huckster Hypes GMO Labeling
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Monday, February 20, 2012 |
February 20, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:32 PM :: 15102 Views
- In Hawaii, it’s 1984 all over again
- Ten Tax Increases on the Move in Legislature
- ECONOMY Survey -- The Economist and Hawaii Results
- Hawaii Homeschoolers Speak up Against Mandatory Kindergarten
- Bag Tax is a Business Deal between State, Stores, Enviros
- HB1511: More High Tech Tax Credits for the Act 221 Scammers
- Obama’s War on Inouye Earmarks ‘Not A Deathblow, but….”
- Former Member of Charter School Panel Speaks out
- Felony Child Abuse is Now Politically Correct: Sex-change treatment for kids
- HB2742 Would Exempt County Councils from Sunshine Law
- A Creeping Attempt To Shut Down Hawaii Court Records
- Not So Public: Auditor Stonewalled On Prison Job
- Governor's Emails Auto-Deleted After 60 Days
- Independent Expenditures Tough to Track in Hawaii Elections
- KIUC: Industrial Solar gets go-ahead, but homeowners denied
- Pearlridge to give away Free Electricity to Electric Car Drivers
- Omidyar Money Buys Five Local Nonprofits
- Hawaii: 8 years to rebuild a Boat Ramp
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Sunday, February 19, 2012 |
February 19, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:35 PM :: 16900 Views
- Wishing We Didn't Have to Pay the Piper
- Abercrombie Picks Insurers to Control Hawaii Health Insurance Exchange, Hospitals to get Boot
- Law aimed at bullying in schools poses threat to freedom of speech
- DoE Looks Other Way as Alleged Child Molesters Run Rampant
- HB2527: Star-Adv Complains that BoE won’t have Ability to Fake Teacher Accountability
- Tax Collections Running 2.6% lower than CoR Projections
- Construction of Honolulu's rail project will begin next month
- A Falling Out Amongst Thieves: Wind Scammers take aim at Solar Scammers and Biofool Scammers
- Kenoi Pushes for Geothermal
- Kauai Crackpots Obstruct Hydro, Babble about RF Radiation
- To help Hirono, Marian Higa Tells Us that Anti-Superferry Scumbags were Right
- Hirono a Show About Nothing
- Ho'opili opponents gear up offensive
- Kyo-ya Hotels' Waikiki plan deserves support
- House adds floor sessions to video archive
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