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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Friday, April 6, 2012
April 6, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:41 PM :: 13421 Views
  1. Lawsuit: Veterans, Military Personnel Challenge Hawaii Reapportionment Plan
  2. Okabe to Obama: Abercrombie is 'Difficult'
  3. US Constitutional Convention? Hawaii State House Wants to Write Obamacare into Constitution, Strengthen Power of President
  4. VIDEO: Hawaii Federal Rapper at Center of Latest GSA Scandal
  5. Hawaii's Good Friday Holiday - What's Up With That?
  6. Seek Truth in Response to Physician Assisted Suicide
  7. Thielen May File as Democrat, Challenge Party to Sue
  8. Political Comeback? Former Sen. Fred Hemmings Says Hawaii is Ready to Change the 'Status Quo'
  9. Charles Djou: Back from Afghanistan - Ready for Political Battle
  10. Lingle acknowledges her challenge as a pro-choicer
  11. Duke Aiona Leaves St Louis School Job, Returns to Law Practice
  12. Insurers Launch Big Brother Medical Records System
  13. New Hawaii State Securities Lawyer: $900,000 In Back Taxes, Child Support
  14. Gore Cult Praises Hawaii’s Preparation for Global Warming, Demands More
  15. Water Board Appointees Get Instructions for Malama Solomon’s Water Deliveries
  16. Abercrombie Admin Backs Castle & Cooke Development
  17. Honolulu Council Campaign Getting Ugly
  18. Feds Bust Five in cockfighting, illegal gambling case
  19. Online Poker Site Accepts Hawaii Players
  20. Double Murderer Charges Parole Board Vindictive, Gets New Hearing
  21. Food businesses face fee 1050% Fee hikes to Create HGEA Jobs
  22. W. Oahu churches expand to serve growing congregations
  23. Open-ocean cages get state's approval
  24. "Pacific Gibraltar" -- Important New Book on Hawaiian History
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Thursday, April 5, 2012
April 5, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:25 PM :: 22463 Views
  1. U.S. Senator Susan Collins Visits Hawaii
  2. Guam Legislator Calls for Exemption from US-Build Provisions of Jones Act
  3. Rep Kymberly Pine Running for Honolulu City Council
  4. Hirono Supporters Worry about Candidate’s Ability to Go One-on-One vs Lingle
  5. Lingle: Pro-choice Republican women Needed in Senate
  6. Inouye, Muslims Raise Money for Michigan Democrat Senate Candidate
  7. SA: Legislators Should Let Housing Authority Ban Smoking in Public Housing
  8. April 6 is ‘Tax Freedom Day’ in Hawaii
  9. Abercrombie to Steal $200M from Hawaiians, Give 30 ac to OHA Trustees
  10. Hurried House Rushes 13 Bills to Hearing
  11. Ernie Martin: Honolulu Will Move Bag Tax
  12. Honolulu Budget panel Decides Horses are Agricultural: OKs restoration of tax breaks for horse owners
  13. Abercrombie: No Declaration for Annual Hawaii Prayer Day
  14. Pacific Palisades Shooter Was Watch Commander at Wahiawa Prison
  15. Oi: Thielen is type of Candidate Democrats Need
  16. Enviros Prepare to Destroy Tuna Farm
  17. Sen Roz Baker Makes Excuses for Vacation Rental Bill
  18. Improvements at Kewalo may hinge on public-private partnership
  19. Hawaii SB2168 Will Activate Nationwide Reinsurance Tax Clearinghouse
  20. HB2703 Directs Dept of Ag to Maintain Count of Local Grown Food
  21. State senators table workers comp bill
  22. Rep. Giugni’s Fundraiser During Session
  23. Are Hawaii Judges Governed By Conflict Of Interest Rules
  24. “Clean Energy’ Stimulus Funds Burned by State, Cronies, Utilities, and Profitable Nonprofits
  25. Tesoro Sale Casts Doubt: Federal Stimulus Still Not Stimulating Many Jobs at Local Biorefinery Plant
  26. Biofool Scammer Makes Nice in Hamakua
  27. Christian Sparks Propane Price War in Puna
  28. 6 Occupy Honolulu protesters plead no contest, nobody cares
  29. Descent Into Haole: 'The Descendants' Dissed
  30. City offers online Sunshine Law training for board, commission members
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Wednesday, April 4, 2012
April 4, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:35 PM :: 12789 Views
  1. KOS: The Secret Behind Mitt Romney’s Hawaii Landslide
  2. Faleomavaega: Bahrain’s Best Friend in Congress
  3. Hawaii: Is the Obama Administration Giving States Flexibility When It Rejects Proposals to Reduce Medicaid Costs?
  4. Suicide Activists Line up Hawaii Doctors to Kill Patients
  5. Honolulu Community College Announces Final Three Candidates for Chancellor
  6. The Seven Rules of Bureaucracy
  7. Atheist Advertiser vs. First Amendment: ‘Don't allow anti-civil union actions’
  8. Democrats, Media Carefully Avoid Any Discussion of Illegality in Thielen Rejection
  9. DoE Pulls Out All the Stops to Save Funding for Colluding School Bus Contractors
  10. Reforming Hawaii's charter schools: 5 myths and 5 realities
  11. HB2819: Kakaako Development Gut and Replace
  12. Small Contractors to be Cut Out of $500M in CIP?
  13. State's answer to its budget deficit is crippling small construction companies
  14. HB466: Workers Comp Reform Proposal Described as Sop to Pill Mills
  15. Act 221 Scammers, Insurance Companies Team Up With Abercrombie Admin to Profit from Controlling Hawaii Health Exchange
  16. Health exchange board needs to be accountable to public
  17. Hawaii to receive part of $137.5M WellCare settlement
  18. University of Hawaii-Manoa Chancellor Candidate Eliminated Two Dozen Degree Programs at MSU
  19. Abercrombie’s Apocalypse: The King Nebuchadnezzar Effect
  20. Enviros Pounce on Abercrombie Water Board Nominees
  21. Rent-a-Mob: Anti-Geothermal Punatics Hammer HECO
  22. Another Mainland Solar Contractor Seeks Profits from Hawaii Tax Credits
  23. Small Businesses Losing Revenue Due to Bag Bans
  24. Gabbard Adds Bottle Tax to Plastic Bag Tax Bill
  25. NPS Short Circuits Bottle Ban After Donor Complaints
  26. Food Truck Fix Passed, Signed into law
  27. Soft on Crime: 13-year Criminal Record, Out of Jail 1 month Tries to Run Down officer in Stolen Jeep
  28. Mayor Won't Cancel Sewage Treatment Contract
  29. ‘October Baby’ Well Received in Honolulu, Slated for National Rollout
  30. HPD officers say enforcing 30-year old policy endangers their lives
  31. Hawaii Still Waiting as Coast Guard Rolls Out ‘Rescue 21’ System on Mainland
  32. Inouye, Wife Visit Arab-American Museum
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012
April 3, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:36 PM :: 20232 Views
  1. Pentagon Prepares for Possible Shoot Down of North Korean Missile
  2. Ko Olina, Kyo-Ya Snag HTA Board Positions
  3. ACLU: Hawaii Counties Among Few Requiring Warrant to Track Cell Phones
  4. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted April 2, 2012
  5. Feds Reject Hawaii’s 10-Day Medicaid Hospital Limit
  6. While Cutting Services, Hawaii fails to reap up to $80M in federal Medicaid money
  7. As Legislators Threaten to Impose Accountability, HSTA Pretends to become interested in Negotiations
  8. $11B budget bill moves ahead
  9. Rep Har Pushes Abercrombie’s SB755 Environmental Takeover
  10. Lanai Voter Regrets Abercrombie Vote
  11. Abercrombie, Hee Team up to Push Dogs-in-Restaurants Bill—Restaurant Owner Must Clean Up Dog Poop
  12. As Filipinos Move to Middle Class, they Line up with Republicans against Rail
  13. Assisted Suicide: Six Hawaii Kervorkians Announce Plan to Commit Manslaughter
  14. Star-Adv: Police Should Get Record of Everybody’s Prescriptions
  15. Study: HECO Overpaying for Windfarm Electricity by 200% to 300%
  16. New emission controls will cost shippers billions
  17. Hee Pushes Thru Bill to Block Public Housing Residents From Smoking in their Own Apartments
  18. Non-Resident VR Owner feels ‘Kicked in the Face’
  19. Ethics Commission Nixes OHA’s Lawmaker Invites
  20. Legislators still slow in filing financial disclosures
  21. Bankruptcy filings down 25.4 percent in March
  22. HLTA takes applications for Hannemann's position
  23. Candidates for UH Manoa Chancellor set to visit the Manoa campus
  24. H-Power Recycles All Metals in Waste Stream
  25. HB1947: Anti-Small Farmers Bill Backed by Agribusiness
  26. Is The Way Hawaii Selects Judges Transparent?
  27. Drunk Driver Kills Two, Families of Victims Given $210,000 by State of Hawaii
  28. Hawaii Whale Population Increasing 7% Per Year
  29. Beck to Publish Book on Obama’s Communist Mentor
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Monday, April 2, 2012
April 2, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:51 PM :: 13861 Views
  1. HB1033: Tracing the Financial Outlines of Socialism in Hawaii
  2. S&P: Credit Risks Mount For U.S. Domestic Shipping Companies As Ships Start Showing Their Age
  3. Vancouver Sun: Hawaii Vacation Rental Bills Violate NAFTA
  4. Abercrombie: Unions Better Wake Up, HSTA Contract Will be up in June
  5. SB682 Could Change Terms of OHA Settlement
  6. Ethics: Belatti Throws Clunker into Charter School Reform Bill
  7. Today may be the last chance to remove monopoly health insurers from the Hawaii Health Connector
  8. Green Energy Bank would Use Hawaii General Fund to Build Wind farms Nationwide
  9. Is It 'Reckless' To Build Honolulu Rail Before Feds Commit Funds?
  10. Second Crossover Deadline Thursday
  11. Mufi Teams Up with Guam Republicans for Fundraiser
  12. Hawaii Scores 25% for Executive Branch Financial Disclosure
  13. Pay raises advocated for city officials
  14. Molokai condo lawsuit gets big result, lots of news
  15. Condo losses from theft now $100,000
  16. Obstacles to Veterans Transitioning into University Education?
  17. Private Schools Raise Tuition 3%-6%
  18. State House resolution calls for lower shipping fees on Internet purchases
  19. EXCLUSIVE: Honolulu Zoo's full accreditation restored
  20. Maui: 450 Idiots Spend 10 Hours Listening to Conspiracy Huckster
  21. Charlie Maxwell Changed With Pension, Free Time
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Sunday, April 1, 2012
April 1, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:16 PM :: 10730 Views
  1. Felony Inducement? Laura Thielen Senate Run Rejected by Democratic State Committee
  2. Zing To Taxpayers, You Are Paying For Those Giveaways
  3. Lingle Calls for Reauthorization of Export-Import Bank
  4. Gallup: After Electing Hanabusa, Urban Honolulu Drops from 4th best to 57th
  5. Broken Trust Figures Abercrombie, Hee, Levinson: Churches Must be Forced to Conduct Gay Union Ceremonies
  6. Star-Adv: After Supremes Overturn Obamacare, We Will Still Destroy Prepaid
  7. Multiple Violations: DCCA Securities Enforcement Headed By Lawyer Sanctioned by Hawaii Supreme Court
  8. Feds Loss on Central Pacific Bailout Estimated at $63.1M
  9. SB682: Another Waikiki In the Making?
  10. Unity House Looted of Another $800K in Lotus Hotel Deal
  11. Hawaii's marriage rates by community
  12. Soft on Crime: Burglar Released Early After Multiple Convictions, Kills 3 year old boy in Drunk Driving Hit and Run
  13. Cataluna: Which Drunk Legislator was Dumber?
  14. Star-Adv Profiles AWOL Soldier Surfing Northshore
  15. JSC: Nobody Wants to be on Hawaii Supreme Court
  16. Police Will be Overseeing your Prescriptions
  17. Waterman Aka Hemmings is dead at 59
  18. NMI: Signature campaign to Allow Land Sales to Outsiders begins
  19. Hawaii County report offers 40 recommendations to improve tax policy
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Saturday, March 31, 2012
March 31, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:25 PM :: 15505 Views
  1. Overworked Doctor Commits Suicide at Tripler
  2. Honolulu Tea Party Rally, Monday April 16
  3. Bailout: $60M Loss as Feds Sell Interest in Central Pacific Bank
  4. HTA: Visitor Arrivals up 2.5% from Year Ago
  5. Hawaii NRA Instructor Liability Bill to be Heard in Senate Committee
  6. Applicants Sought for Chair of the Elections Commission
  7. Kealakehe Selected as Site of Future Judiciary Complex in Kona
  8. DLNR Snares Slowly Torture Pigs
  9. April 22 is Deadline for Reapportionment Litigation
  10. Tires Slashed, Signs Stolen: Cayetano's Campaign Targeted Again
  11. Spending Billions on Rail, City Now Cuts Back on TheBus
  12. Aging Flower Child Abercrombie Morphs into Spiro Agnew
  13. After Decades, Kamaoa Wind Farm Finally Being Torn Down
  14. After Kamehameha – DHHL Deal Fails, Jeff Stone Sells Golf Course to Firm Headed by Micah Kane
  15. Data Mining May Penalize Doctors Who Help Poor, Homeless
  16. Bag Tax May Not Be Heard in House?
  17. Frankel: “Big money’s at stake” on Haleakala
  18. HSTA Will Resume bargaining April 5
  19. Sunshine Law likely to be amended by several pending bills
  20. Amid gold rush to recruit veterans, concerns over rankings of "military friendly" colleges
  21. Medicare Paying $15,000 to Save Old People’s Vision
  22. NAACP sunset vigil to honor King and victim of Florida shooting
  23. Council approves $10K for Police Commission counsel
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Friday, March 30, 2012
March 30, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:45 PM :: 13914 Views
  1. Barney Frank on Maui: Hirono Raises Funds with Man Who Caused Housing Collapse
  2. NRA: Immediate Action Needed on Hawaii Instructor Liability Bill
  3. Abercrombie: We Need to Move Past Self-Appointed Hawaiian Organizations
  4. OHA Cronies Will Get $200M worth of Land to Personally Profit From
  5. Abercrombie: I delayed Capital Improvement Projects for 20 Months
  6. Laura Thielen, Former Lingle appointee, to run for SD25 as Democrat
  7. Hawaii Legislature Advances Law in Hopes of Deceiving US Department of Education
  8. Plan to Let Criminals Out of Prison Stripped from Bill after Ala Moana Work Release Arrests
  9. Mandatory Sick Leave: Another Made in San Francisco Pipedream
  10. Property Management Firms Behind Non-Resident Vacation Rental Owners
  11. Inouye Behind Firing of Haleakala Hearing Officer
  12. Bag Ban Littered With Confusing Exemptions
  13. Who Speaks for the Abercrombie Administration?
  14. Losers: Hirono, Hanabusa vote against House Budget
  15. Josh Green Lines Pockets as State Health Connector Nears Approval
  16. Wooley, Hooser Bob and Weave as Dirty Dozen Near Approval
  17. SB2927 Will Help Line Up TOD Developers for Rail
  18. The Navy will withdraw from service three ships at Pearl Harbor in the next two years
  19. Change state Constitution if you want to rein in debt
  20. Star-Adv Desperately Looks for Justification of $100K Gift to Atheist
  21. Split in trade groups lobbying for Hawaii’s solar/PV industry
  22. Hawaii one of Only 8 States to Raise Cigarette Taxes
  23. Waste to Energy Proposals Sought in Maui, Hawaii
  24. Maui Resident Appointed to National Taxpayer Advocacy Panel
  25. Hawaii becomes 20th state to certify Americans Elect on November general election ballot
  26. Hawaii leads nation in electric vehicle charging stations
  27. Profitable Non-Profits Drive Expanding Definition of Autism
  28. Hamakua Resident Roseanne Barr Publishes Address of George Zimmerman’s Parents
  29. Zoo Suspects Crazy Bums Freed Tawny Frogmouth
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Thursday, March 29, 2012
March 29, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:19 PM :: 11810 Views
  1. Rail Plaintiffs to FTA: We suspect that you are no longer shocked by the City’s deceptive practices
  2. Abercrombie: Environmental Critics Are 'Apocalyptic Naysayers'
  3. Hawaii's fallen heroes remembered in medal of honor ceremony
  4. Abercrombie Rambles at Medal of Honor Ceremony
  5. Hawaii Is Tops in Cronyism, Nepotism, and Patronage
  6. Hawaii: Highest State Debt Per Capita
  7. State Owned Bank: $4B at Risk to Reward Cronies
  8. Out-of-state workers already on the rail job
  9. Star-Adv: We Want Our $75M--Use HB2527 to Pressure HSTA on RTTT Settlement
  10. Lingle Campaign Slaps Down Democrat Attack on Republican Jewish Coalition
  11. Hawaii Charter School Overhaul Looks Likely
  12. Pay raises suggested for top City and County jobs
  13. Civil Beat Loses Chief Editor
  14. Kailua, Urban Honolulu are Top Communities for Divorced Persons
  15. Census: Honolulu and San Diego Swap Residents
  16. Nearly $3.9M award from jury over Molokai ‘campaign of intimidation’
  17. Feds Bust Airline Workers Allegedly Moving 300 lbs of Meth to Hawaii
  18. Prison Guard Arrested for Allegedly Shooting Up Pearl City
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012
March 28, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:45 PM :: 15873 Views
  1. Lingle Commends US Chamber for Tourism-Focused Senate Testimony
  2. Life of the Land Releases Hawaii Energy Report
  3. State, County Projects Exempt from Environmental Review? Thielen, Rivere Rip SB755
  4. Teacher: DoE Allows Students to Take and Re-Take Tests until they Pass
  5. SB1332: Kobayashi UH Exemption to be Continued?
  6. Is Honolulu Rail Debt Causing Budget Cuts?
  7. Grabuskas: Rail Funding not Guaranteed
  8. Sen. Roz Baker Blasted Over Hearing Conduct
  9. Slom: Health Exchange Lacks Sunshine, Ethics
  10. HMSA seeks rate boost
  11. HB2175: Task-Force Lobbyists to be Exempted from Ethics Code
  12. Hawaii Adds 1,200 Gov’t Jobs, Loses 33,800 Private Sector Jobs
  13. Paid Sick Leave Mandate on Today’s legislative Agenda
  14. Young Brothers’ President Nominated to Board of Ag
  15. Hawaii GOP 'Still Looking' for Candidate to Run in Congressional Race
  16. New guns for Hawaii sheriffs packed up & shipped back to Smith & Wesson
  17. Horizon Lines' debt restructuring puts future in limbo
  18. Gay Waikiki Murder Trail Continues
  19. State says condo funds must be deposited locally
  20. Vandals strike Honolulu Zoo, exotic birds missing
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012
March 27, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:43 PM :: 15721 Views
  1. Report: HSTA not to Blame for All Delays in Race to the Top
  2. Hawaii GOP Appoints New Executive Director
  3. Obama Whispers Away America's Security
  4. Banks to Pay only 20% of Mortgage Settlement
  5. Giant radar returns to sea as N. Korean launch looms
  6. Abercrombie’s Medical Plan: Iowa Senator Pushes Hawaii to Dump Psychiatrists off Medicaid
  7. New health board is off to an uncomfortable start
  8. New Secret Weapon in Federal Anti-Rail Lawsuit in Honolulu: University Law Students
  9. Performance Evaluations front and center as RTTT Squad Arrives
  10. Criminal UPW Boss Gary Rodrigues on the Loose in Honolulu, Looking for a Job
  11. Cyberbullying, Kiddie Porn on Legislative Agenda Today
  12. Abercrombie Victory: No Plans being made for 2013 Pro Bowl
  13. Can Abercrombie be Held Accountable for his Actions?
  14. City Down to ‘only’ 150 Sewage Spills a Year
  15. Higher Electric Bills Ahead: PUC Gives Go-Ahead to Biofool Scammers
  16. Sex Offenders on the Loose
  17. HPD investigates 100,000 missing police reports
  18. Ritte Demands Boat Visiting Molokai Hand over Cash
  19. Lawmakers question UH Manoa Chancellor's necessity
  20. Certified Hawaii CEO Fired – Was Allegedly Stealing from Homeowners Associations
  21. What delayed news of theft by CEO of major property management firm? 
  22. 9th Circuit Voids Hawaii Foreclosure Sale
  23. 9th Circuit Rules on Waikiki Coral Damage Fine
  24. $65,000 to preserve WWII Japanese-American internment sites in Hawaii
  25. Taro task force looking for members
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Monday, March 26, 2012
March 26, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:54 PM :: 10604 Views
  1. Prince Kuhio: The bridge from Kingdom to State
  2. Obama to Russia: ‘After My Election I Have More Flexibility’ on Missile Defense
  3. Hirono, Hanabusa Vote Against Tort Reform
  4. US House Report: Funding for Kahuku Windfarm is ‘Junk’, Industrial Solar Failing
  5. Did Hawaii Geothermal Developer Benefit from Illegal Bailout?
  6. On the Money: Abercrombie's RTTT deal with HSTA
  7. Tax credit for renewable energy faces reductions, curtailed caps
  8. Big solar firms said to hog potential HECO megawatts
  9. HECO Feed-In-Tariff (FIT)
  10. Fuddy: Pension Spiking is Written into Union Contracts, Cannot be Outlawed
  11. City called lax in collecting land tax
  12. House Judiciary Ctte Votes to Give $100K to Atheist, $231K to Criminals
  13. 43% of DoE Employees are not Teachers
  14. Hawaii State Salaries 2012: Pay Per Pupil By Complex Area
  15. US Supreme Court declines to hear Pacific Beach Hotel case
  16. Court lets bankrupt owner sell local TV station KIKU

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Monday, March 26, 2012
Letters to the Editor, March, 2012
By Letters to the Editor @ 7:17 PM :: 7604 Views

On the Money: Abercrombie's RTTT deal with HSTA 

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Sunday, March 25, 2012
March 25, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:13 PM :: 21434 Views
  1. Report: Hirono Campaign Funds Enrich Husband's Lawfirm
  2. Lingle Campaign: BoE ordered Furloughs, Not Governor
  3. Lingle Campaign: Superferry Decision Was Major Departure from Precedent
  4. Yellow Light: Caution when you file your State Taxes
  5. Lawsuits, Workers Comp Claims Detail Violence, Retaliation at State DoT
  6. Robotics: Waialua, Baldwin and Island Pacific Academy Crowned Regional Champions
  7. Pentagon Budget Slashes Military Construction 29%
  8. Abercrombie, Greenwood Team Up to Steer $260M in UH Contracts to Bert Kobayashi Inc
  9. Even if Obamacare is Overturned, Abercrombie will Destroy Prepaid in Hawaii
  10. Cayetano: Since when is telling the public the truth a disservice?
  11. Kakaako is THE crony capitalist hot spot — but devil will be in details
  12. DoE Makes Excuses as 12,000 students miss 15 days or more
  13. Professional Protesters Use Months-Long Protests to Swipe Land, Academic Positions
  14. Kenoi, UPW Take over Dragstrip to Rally Dopers to Get Out the Vote
  15. Federal Judge Rejects Hawaii Concealed Carry Suit
  16. ‘Green’ Scammers Employ 2.7 percent of isle workers
  17. State Land Board gives nod to culling of sharks
  18. Criminal with 37 Priors, Out Wandering the Streets, Wanted Again
  19. Liliha revitalization in works after HMC Closure
  20. Kailua Water Main Breaks three times in two weeks
  21. Back to business at Police Commission
  22. KIUC Elects Three to Board
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Saturday, March 24, 2012
March 24, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:37 PM :: 14396 Views
  1. Lingle Campaign Launches Fact Check Site
  2. Accountability: DoE Prepares to Fake It as Feds Arrive on Inspection Tour
  3. Hawaii: NRA Instructor Liability Bill Awaits Hearing
  4. Day One: 1,000 high school students battle robots in annual competition
  5. Rail Transit Jobs - Myths and Facts
  6. Senate Committee OKs Insurance Industry Reps On New Board
  7. Abercrombie: I can Guarantee HCDA Continuity on Kakaako for Next Seven Years
  8. Hawaii Lawmakers Revive Vacation Rental Bill
  9. Hawaii Stands to Lose $45 Million in Non-Defense Federal Funds in 2013
  10. Military’s construction budget cuts could be felt in Hawaii
  11. Judge upholds ban on 'pay to play'
  12. Cachola for State House Dist 30
  13. Molokai Wind Developer now called ‘Hawaii Interisland Cable’
  14. Complaints As Hawaiian Teen Prepares to Give Birth
  15. UH Manoa Perfesser Says Porn is Good for You
  16. $100,000 Reward for Screaming Atheist
  17. Four Parks Employees Arrested for Smuggling Meth to Prisoners
  18. Council members: Kenoi must enforce Kawa Bay eviction
  19. ‘Huge projects’ in $558.2M Maui Co budget pitch
  20. Maui's Liquor Commission to lift cap on hostess bars
  21. Electric Car Scammers Enthuse About High Gas Prices
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Friday, March 23, 2012
March 23, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:52 PM :: 10471 Views
  1. Hanabusa: I am not a Loan Shark
  2. Case: Hirono Fears Debate, Hides Behind Handlers
  3. FACE: Bumpy Kanahele is Inspiration for State-owned Bank
  4. Race to the Top team to arrive in Hawaii next week
  5. Hawaii Sets up Insurance Exchange to be Exempt from Sunshine laws
  6. Star-Adv: Redo health exchange model
  7. SB755: “Environmental devastation” or minor streamlining? The jury is still out
  8. Borreca: Case Stubborn, Overly Ambitious, Too Conservative
  9. ‘Power Play’ -- Injunction makes Queen's share its radiation facilities
  10. Kakaako: Caraway pushes Green Roofs
  11. Will BLNR Throw Another Roadblock in front of Haleakala Telescope?
  12. Decrepitude: Enviros Fight to Stop First New Waikiki Hotel in 30 years
  13. Old Hawaiians took Two Times More Reef Fish than Modern Fishermen
  14. Hawaii Poised to Become the First State to Adopt a State Microbe
  15. Hoku Solar to Build 7MW Solar Energy Facility on Kaua'i
  16. Potholes have silver lining for contractors
  17. Earthquake Risk? VA must move Hilo, Kahului clinics
  18. For decades, Liberty House served as isle retail's 'fat cats'
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Thursday, March 22, 2012
March 22, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:59 PM :: 17550 Views
  1. Van Jones at Abercrombie State Bank Rally: Obama Opponents ‘Hate Everybody In America’
  2. Socialists Cheer 'Potential Champion' Hirono--Single out her Support for Windfarm Scammers
  3. SB2492: Hearing Looms on Hawaii Dog Ownership Ban
  4. International visitor spending in US hits all-time record of $153 billion
  5. FOCUS Act May Save Fishing Crews from Prison
  6. Rebound Rumble: Robotics Meet to Bring 1000 Competitors to Honolulu
  7. Council Votes to Spend Half Billion on rail
  8. Cayetano: Mayor Cut Police, Fire
  9. Thielen: '‘Gut n Replace’ SB755 Disgraceful
  10. SA: Lets Spend $7416 per Semester per Student to Bring Illegals to UH Manoa
  11. Hold onto your wallets: Bill would bypass competitive bidding for airport concessions
  12. Schatz Emerges as Point Man for Green Energy Scammers
  13. Union OKs Tesoro Hawaii refinery labor contract
  14. Haleakala geothermal energy plan progresses
  15. Children Used to Push State funds for KSBE
  16. Worth Every Penny: 'Extraordinary Costs' In Occupy Honolulu Raids
  17. Two Super PACs Register to Back Cayetano
  18. Cost of Cronin: $1.2M
  19. City Council Bill Will Force Horse Owners Off Ag Land
  20. UH Wants to Build Faculty Housing on Ag Land
  21. Las Vegas reporter Oskar Garcia named as news editor for Hawaii and the Pacific Rim
  22. ‘Corporate Personhood’ drivel Laughed out of Court
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012
March 21, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:36 PM :: 21089 Views
  1. GOP's Lingle May Keep Senate Pro-Choice Next Year
  2. Abercrombie's nervous communist Czar: Cap and Trade, and the cost to Hawaii
  3. Banks, Brokerages to Reap Profits from Kawailoa Wind Project
  4. SA to HSTA, let Members vote on Abercrombie’s Offer
  5. Carlisle: We will Raise Taxes to Build Rail Without Federal Funds
  6. Gabbards get no-bid contract from Dept. of Health
  7. Van Jones joins Abercrombie, Espero and the Gabbards at Rally for State Bank
  8. While OHA Settlement Advances, Bill to Grant Development Rights Maybe Deferred
  9. SB2858: Abercrombie Attacks OIP, Public Records Access
  10. Lacking Illegals, Hawaii Legislators Propose In-Sate Tuition Incentives
  11. Ultimate Christmas Tree Bill Gives $20M to ‘Free’ Clinics
  12. Solar's 80% Plunge Hurts Utilities From Hawaii to Spain
  13. Hee: Churches Must be forced to Conduct Gay Union Ceremonies
  14. House Discusses Giving Atheist $100K payoff
  15. Atheists Demand ‘Islam Day’ Proponent Remove Samoan Church from Building in Housing Project
  16. Lifelong Crook with Fifty Convictions Runs Rampant in 10th Floor of Courthouse until Tackled by Judge
  17. SB2155: NGA Rep Backs Charter School Reforms
  18. Hawaii Senate Passes Travelers 'Bill of Rights' Resolution Aimed at Curbing TSA Abuses
  19. Mosquito revisiting Oahu can spread dengue fever
  20. U.S. Imposes ‘Measured’ tariff on Chinese solar panels
  21. Honolulu Again Pretends to Identify ‘Important Agricultural Lands’
  22. UH Manoa Faculty: No Confidence in Vice Chancellor for Research
  23. Schofield team likely will not be sent again to Afghanistan
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Tuesday, March 20, 2012
March 20, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:20 PM :: 9772 Views
  1. Faking it for the Feds, Abercrombie Prepares to Impose Another ‘Last, Best, and Final Offer’ on HSTA
  2. SB755: Poker Bill Gutted and Replaced with Language from 'Dirty Dozen'
  3. Enviros ‘Unequivocally’ Protest Gutting of Environmental Laws, Open Government Laws
  4. Hawaii Superferry Headed for Okinawa
  5. Honolulu Joins National Rally for Religious Freedom
  6. Borreca to Abercrombie: Quit, Fool
  7. Hawaii insurers excluded from health insurance exchange
  8. SB755: “Gut & replace” bill poses broad threat to environmental regulation
  9. SB2785 Big Wind: Still The Same Old Bill With A New Number
  10. Not So Public: Recipients of Hawaii Film Tax Credits Under Wraps
  11. US Chamber Backs Lingle with $249K Vote of Confidence
  12. Usual Crooks, Cronies Join Rep Takumi for Fundraiser
  13. Criminal? Rep. Awana Still Tardy With Election Filings
  14. Gaming Industry Mourns Failure of Internet Gaming in Hawaii, Looks to McKelvey for Salvation
  15. HB2569: Churches Will not be Forced to Perform Gay Unions
  16. ACLU: Abortion Trumps First Amendment
  17. After Decades of Indolence, Water Board Finally Getting Around to Developing Downtown Acreage
  18. SA: Landfill pick will test our ability to Assign Blame While Avoiding Solutions
  19. Lawsuit seeks to stop Kauai smart electric meter installations
  20. ‘We got it done’: Maui Charter panel wraps up
  21. Timing Traffic Lights Cheaper than Rail
  22. Remnants of Washington Mutual Reincorporate in Hawaii
  23. Maritime Surveillance, Fuel Efficiency Top U.S. Pacific Command's Wish List
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Monday, March 19, 2012
March 19, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:29 PM :: 18843 Views
  1. Broken promises: The rusting wind turbines of Hawaii
  2. Honolulu Joins National Rally for Religious Freedom
  3. Study: Hawaii Scores 'C' for Corruption
  4. Trans-Pacific Carriers Unlikely to Serve Hawaii and Guam
  5. Honolulu Loses 600 jobs as Road Construction Lags
  6. Feds Hit Rail over 'Lousy Practices of Public Manipulation'
  7. 'October Baby' Showing in Hawaii
  8. Trickle-Down Regulation: Environmental Maze Becomes "Stumbling Block" For The Little Guys
  9. March 22 Deadline: Will Keith-Agaran Hear Human Trafficking Bills?
  10. Windfall: Documentary Nails a Corporate Scam
  11. HRA: Only One Firearms Bill Survives Crossover
  12. Ackerman Exit Boosts Faleomavaega
  13. Romney wins 83% in Puerto Rico Primary, Completes Sweep of Territories
  14. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted March 19
  15. Hawaii Small Businesses Burn $20K a month on Electricity
  16. Teachers Rejected Contract because Union didn’t give them Enough Info
  17. Justice Reinvestment: Soft-on-Crime Crowd Attacks Kaneshiro
  18. GOP delegates won in Hawaii: Romney 9, Santorum 5, Paul 3
  19. Nahale’a 12th to Jump off Abercrombie’s Sinking Ship
  20. KSBE Launches Trustee Search
  21. Condo owners being squeezed by foreclosure process
  22. Geothermal test wells planned for Maui
  23. SA: Invest upfront for better roads
  24. Rep. Ward Addresses SB 2655 - Portable Electronics Insurance
  25. Legislature turns away bill on safety rules for zip lines
  26. Lawmaking 101 – Hawaii Style
  27. King of Tonga Dies in Hong Kong
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Sunday, March 18, 2012
March 18, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:30 PM :: 10659 Views
  1. North Korea vows satellite launch, with rocket that could reach Hawaii
  2. Shots Fired at Cayetano Banners Along Freeway
  3. Yet Another Way to Spend Your Hard-Earned Tax Dollars
  4. Hawaii GOP Announces Vote Totals, Presidential Delegate Allocation
  5. Lava Tube Award: Abercrombie Keeping Public in Dark
  6. UHERO: Abercrombie's CIP Plans Fizzled
  7. Chicago Tribune: Romney's "island strategy" pays off in delegate race
  8. York: Why do islands play key role in GOP race?
  9. Abercrombie Appoints Insurance Execs to Control Your Health Care
  10. Lingle Questions Abercrombie’s Grab for Health Control
  11. Aiming at Pre-Determined Outcome Gay Marriage Plaintiffs hope to Face only Fuddy
  12. Star-Adv Attacks Cayetano for Releasing FTA Emails
  13. ILind: S-A wrong in cheap shot at Cayetano and rail critics
  14. Oshiro on Budget: Spending Billions and Getting Nothing is ‘Prudent’
  15. Gov. Abercrombie’s reversal on Ho’opili development may rebound to Lingle’s political benefit
  16. Ornstein: We never would have launched Go! if we knew….
  17. Hokulia CEO De Fries moving on
  18. Thielen: Short-sighted bills endanger our environment
  19. MECO Pushes Biofuel, Windfarm Scams
  20. Child Molester’s Advocate Pulls Papers for Re-Run At Lost Legislative Seat
  21. Media Flails About Trying to Explain Why Hirono’s Mailer is Different than Mufi’s
  22. Campaign Spending Commission looking into possible “criminal misconduct”
  23. RIMPAC's naval war games will feature high-tech arms
  24. CBO: Exploding debt under Obama policies
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Saturday, March 17, 2012
March 17, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:24 PM :: 24988 Views
  1. Djou: What I learned in Afghanistan
  2. HART: Cheaper to Build Rail and Tear it Down than to do nothing
  3. Nahale-a Resignation Linked to DHHL Infighting
  4. Since Ecos, Business Both Back Bag Tax, We can Screw Consumers
  5. Waimanalo Gulch advisory panel will recommend one of the choices to the mayor by April 5
  6. Caucus Gives Local GOP Turn in Spotlight
  7. Hawaii Among last States for Solar Bubble to Burst
  8. State To Pay $15.4 Million Legal Settlement
  9. Audit Finds Serious Management Problems At Aloha Stadium
  10. Hilo Real Estate Broker Not Liable for Frogs, Hookers
  11. Newspapers ‘Fastest Shrinking Industry’
  12. North Korea rocket launch plan sparks US threat
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Friday, March 16, 2012
March 16, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:58 AM :: 13311 Views
  1. Molokai Cheers as US Senate Kills Windfarm Tax Credit
  2. Hawaii Republican Caucus Count Finalized
  3. GOP caucus breathed new life into isle politics
  4. HHSC to Buy HMC East?
  5. Patient load puts squeeze on Oahu medical centers
  6. Index to recently disclosed rail documents now available
  7. HART: Cheaper to Build Rail Columns and Tear them Down
  8. Rail project still needs permits, OKs
  9. Case Tries to Shake Up Quiet Senate Race
  10. 'Hot' Alexander Emails: Atheists, Civil Beats Search for Months, Find Nothing
  11. New Security Co Takes over at Mayor Wright
  12. Auditor Takes Aim at Swap Meet Vendors
  13. New Trick to Force Waimanalo Gulch Extension: Choose Federal Sites as Only Alternatives
  14. Mold: $31K Study Creates Need for $100K Contract
  15. Charlie Maxwell Dies
  16. North Korea plans to launch long-range rocket
  17. Pool-mageddon avoided — for now
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Thursday, March 15, 2012
March 15, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:24 PM :: 22605 Views
  1. Romney Win in Hawaii Credited to Volunteers' Hard Work
  2. House Republicans Speak up on State Bank, Mortgages, and the General Fund
  3. Marumoto Resolutions Push Workers Comp Reform
  4. Turnout a 'game changer' for isle GOP
  5. Slom: Hawaii Republicans Front and Center
  6. Star-Adv Editors back Study of State Bank
  7. Ceded land measure proceeds without amendment
  8. Queen's hospital celebrates 1st organ transplants
  9. ACLU: "Let the State force Catholics to Provide Abortion Pills"
  10. Geistling teams up with HIPA, attacks Prepaid: Doctors Should Become Employees of Obamacare System
  11. Overcrowded ERs turning ambulances away
  12. Bush-Era Law May Save Hawaii from Offshore Wind Farm Idiocy
  13. Sunetric: You Must Be Our Slave
  14. Case Slams Mazie’s ‘Compare and Decide’
  15. Another Honolulu Liquor Commission Corruption Conviction
  16. Kauai assistant police chiefs also return to work
  17. Landfill selection committee Considers Waimanalo Expansion
  18. Lead, Mold Contaminate Honolulu Hale
  19. Maui Man Considered for Appointment to Agency He Seeks to Abolish
  20. Arrests Turn Up No Trafficking Victims
  21. City impounds property of protesters at Thomas Square
  22. Study: 90% of Young People Not Environmental Whackos
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012
March 14, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:54 PM :: 21112 Views
  1. Slom: "I've Never Seen so Many Hawaii Republicans"
  2. Romney Delighted by Hawaii Caucus Victory
  3. Over 10,000 Voters Turn out for Hawaii Republican Presidential Caucuses
  4. Lingle is Youngest Senate Candidate, Dem Candidates Prepare Hawaii for Invisibility
  5. Lingle won't say who she's backing in Hawaii GOP caucuses
  6. ILind: Legislative Crossover ‘Prime Time for Politics’
  7. Who should govern Hawaii’s first health insurance exchange?
  8. Feds: FTA Should not be Associated with Mufi’s ‘Lousy Practices of Public Manipulation’
  9. Democrat Cayetano Will not be attending GOP Caucuses
  10. KITV: Romney's Son Stumps For Candidate In Hawaii
  11. Senators upbraid officials for overpaying employees
  12. Hawaii Ranks in Bottom Half of States for Spending Transparency
  13. House Committees to Reconsider OHA-Kakaako Bill
  14. Schatz: If We Pay Trask off, We Can Get Geothermal
  15. Taxes: State Vacuums 10% More out of Your Pocket
  16. Kobayashi Proposes Property Tax Increases on Business
  17. Kauai Mayor, chief shake hands
  18. Atheist ‘Pleased’ With $100K State Settlement
  19. Tour Company Uses DLNR Board Position to Attack Competitor
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Tuesday, March 13, 2012
March 13, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:50 PM :: 12970 Views
  1. LINK: March 13 GOP Caucus Voting Locations
  2. Romney Sweeps Pacific: Wins Alaska, Guam, CNMI, heads for Am Samoa, Hawaii
  3. Romney Wins Backing from Ward, Hemmings, Rohlfing, Djou, Saiki
  4. Romney, Paul, Santorum Campaign in Hawaii Monday
  5. Hirono, Hanabusa Vote Against Hydropower, Inouye, Akaka Vote against Keystone
  6. Department of Health Fines Eight Businesses
  7. Unemployment 6.5% in Hawaii
  8. Photos, Reports from Hawaii Republican Caucuses
  9. Slom Backs Santorum, Paul Wins Support of Bar Owners, Romney Announces Hawaii Endorsements
  10. Abercrombie Admin Gives Atheist $100,000 Cash
  11. House Approves Budget Even Larger than Abercrombie’s Proposal
  12. Cayetano: The People of Honolulu “Don’t Like Being Conned”
  13. Abercrombie, Legislators agree: Big Cable to be forced on Lanai, Molokai
  14. After Report of Collusion, Legislators Threaten to Cut School Bus Funding
  15. SA to DoE: Just Ignore ‘60 Minutes’—Avoid Successful Private Online Classes and Keep those Federal Bucks Flowing
  16. Hawaii Jobs: Outlook for Jobs in Education, Government, Military and Tourism
  17. Latest Storm Brings Federal Megabucks
  18. Budget Bill Advances; Doubts Raised About OHA Settlement deal
  19. House Shelves Hawaii Vacation Rental Bill
  20. Reso 12-59: Berg Pushes for Repeal of HART
  21. HPD Arrests only One Pimp Per Year
  22. ‘Unable to make a Fist’ Criminal Sues State, Wins $25K
  23. How Are 'Good Government' Bills Faring at the Ledge?
  24. DRHorton Defends Hoopili Water Usage
  25. Hawaiian reaches tentative agreement with flight attendants” union
  26. Child's Fingers Found In Dumpster
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Monday, March 12, 2012
March 12, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:43 PM :: 18662 Views
  1. LINK: March 13 GOP Caucus Voting Locations
  2. Romney Sweeps Pacific: Wins Alaska, Guam, CNMI, heads for Am Samoa, Hawaii
  3. Romney Wins Backing from Ward, Hemmings, Rohlfing, Djou, Saiki
  4. Romney, Paul, Santorum Campaign in Hawaii Monday
  5. Three GOP Presidential Candidates Dispatch Their Children to Hawaii to Rally Voters Before Tuesday's Caucus
  6. State Republicans to choose favorite Tomorrow
  7. DoTAX: Hawaii Tax Rates Are Now Secret—Low Staffing Blamed
  8. Hirono Refuses To Release Tax Returns
  9. Bag Tax to Create 150 UPW Make-Work Jobs
  10. Mayor: Kauai police chief reinstated after leave
  11. SA: Community input key to developing Kakaako properly
  12. Lingle in HBO ‘Game Change’
  13. Digging Hawaii's Public Pension Fund Out of $8 Billion Hole Will Hurt
  14. Invest in Hawaii: Dem Senators Tout Latest Pork Barrel Project
  15. Obama Admin Cuts Back on Tsunami Warning System—Star-Adv Says No Big Deal
  16. Water Commission Exec Evades Hoopili Questions
  17. Cops, Prostitutes and Pimps: No Arrests on a Saturday in Honolulu
  18. Six DUIs finally Gets 1 Year Jail
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Sunday, March 11, 2012
March 11, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:13 PM :: 4461 Views
  1. Romney, Paul, Santorum Campaign in Hawaii Monday
  2. Dempsey Details Fiscal Concerns Facing DoD at Hickam Town Hall
  3. Yes, Houston, Hawaii has a Problem
  4. Rail’s Broken Trust: Randy Roth Speaks
  5. LINK: March 13 Caucus Voting Locations
  6. Abercrombie Wife Behind Cayetano in Mayor’s Race
  7. After Working With Obama to Kill Inouye Earmarks, Abercrombie says Lingle is “A Body Blow to Hawaii”
  8. Danger: Abercrombie predicts productive session
  9. Star-Adv: How to Spend the 12% Increase in Revenue
  10. Schatz Eyes your Electric Bill: Smart Grid is all About Solar, Wind (No mention of Geo, Hydro, Waste to energy)
  11. DoE: Closed School Fills With Desks, 180 Desk Jockeys
  12. Senate’s Answer to Traffic? Get out and Walk
  13. Red tape ties up groups' fishpond restorations
  14. Kiewit, Kobayashi Split Contract on Waipahu Rail Yard
  15. Stronger visitor activity offers hope after Abercrombie Ruins Pro Bowl
  16. Tsunami Great for Business, Money flows to Islands
  17. Hanalei Bridge Reopens
  18. New president 'coming home' to Filipino Community Center
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Saturday, March 10, 2012
March 10, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:01 PM :: 10133 Views
  1. Romney Sweeps Pacific: Wins Alaska, Guam, CNMI, heads for Am Samoa, Hawaii
  2. Djou Predicts March 13 Romney Win in Hawaii
  3. Attorney: Discrimination Against 'Non-Residents' is Unconstitutional
  4. Willard Passes Pacific Command’s Reins to Locklear
  5. "Concerning Public Lands" Nine More Executive Orders Suddenly Appear on Abercrombie Website
  6. Abercrombie Signs Unemployment Insurance Bill into Law
  7. Public Invited to Review State Homelessness Strategic Plan
  8. Star-Adv: March 13 Caucuses Focus Welcome Attention on GOP
  9. Civil Beat: Local Democrats Nervous About Hawaii Republican Caucus?
  10. Big Q: Do you plan to participate in the upcoming Hawaii Republican or Democratic caucuses?
  11. Romney reaches out to Hawaii ahead of caucuses
  12. Shapiro: Inevitable that State Bank Will Be Screwed Up
  13. Slom: Projects not as ‘Shovel Ready’ as Claimed, Gambling Not Dead Yet
  14. Soft On Crime: Molester gets ‘Deferred Acceptance’ in Hawaii, Molests two More Girls in California
  15. Pothole Damage Proves Costly For State, City
  16. Guam PDN: Give noncontiguous territories exemption on U.S.-build requirement
  17. Guam PDN: Territorial Legislature ties Jones Act to USMC Buildup
  18. Well Known North Dakota Columnist Rips Off Memminger’s Humor Columns
  19. Thank Sen. Gabbard for New Plastic and Paper Bag "Fee"
  20. Ka Pua Initiative Hosts Waianae Coast Community Education Forums
  21. Saint-to-be was a hero in her own right to Hansen's disease patients, an expert says
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Friday, March 9, 2012
March 9, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:57 PM :: 17951 Views
  1. Campaigning in Hawaii: Liz Santorum, Ronnie Paul, Matt Romney
  2. Feel Safer? Abercrombie Blocks Seed-Laden 'Lorax' Markers
  3. 1,358 Turn Out for Hawaii Democratic Caucuses, 42 Reject Obama
  4. Moore: Reapportionment Disenfranchises Too Many Voters
  5. Marks: Reapportioned Dissidents’ State Lawsuit Will Fail
  6. SB2571: Gays Grab for Other People’s Children
  7. Are Honolulu Rail Backers' New Radio Ads Accurate?
  8. Abercrombie, Mitsunaga, OHA Sharpen Knives to Cut up Kakaako
  9. Mitsunaga Again: Abercrombie campaign worker seated on development authority
  10. Larry Mehau Associate Draws Council Lines, then Announces Campaign for Seat
  11. No new taxes? OK, we'll just tack on some new fees
  12. Hundreds of Retiring Public Workers "Spiked" Their Pension Benefits
  13. Insurers push docs toward performance-based pay
  14. Horner Optimistic that Hawaii Will not lose Race to the Top Dollars as HSTA Submits Latest Offer
  15. State to Take Galbraith Estate as part of Hoopili Deal
  16. New Rules for Non-Hawaii Owned Vacation Rentals Advancing In Legislature
  17. NFL Pro Bowl generated $25.3M impact for Hawaii
  18. State GOP to Re-Vote National Committeeman Position
  19. HuffPo: Hawaii Lacks Windmills because of Christians
  20. Star-Adv: Let Iran Get Nukes or You’re a Warmonger
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Thursday, March 8, 2012
March 8, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:16 AM :: 10184 Views
  1. Djou goes from Washington to Afghanistan vetting suspected Taliban
  2. Rothenberg: Lingle Faces Tough Fight for Senate
  3. Week of March 13: Ron Paul Launches Hawaii TV Ad Campaign
  4. House Passes 286 Bills--Ward Hits 'High Risk Financial Decisions'
  5. Senate Passes 372 Bills
  6. Hawaii Republicans and presidential candidates prepping for state's first caucus March 13
  7. Chamber Spends $236K on Lingle Ads
  8. Civil Beat Poll - Cayetano Tops 50% In Honolulu Mayor's Race
  9. Mitsunaga Daughter Oversees Kakaako Redevelopment
  10. Is Sewer Plan ‘On Track’?
  11. Star-Adv Editors Back Unconstitutional Redistricting Plan Which Excludes 108,000 Military
  12. Hawaii Diverts Millions In Tobacco Settlement Funds
  13. Former Hawaii Planned Parenthood Director Arrested, Charged in Maryland
  14. Electric bills up in March on all islands
  15. DoE Still Trying to Worm Out of 180 Day Law
  16. A bill aimed at preventing disruptive behavior at the Legislature heads to Hawaii Senate
  17. Building full of Crooks and 64 Police Cameras Don’t Work
  18. Trial begins for Occupy protesters caught in park after hours
  19. Civil Beat Loses Two Top Reporters
  20. Hatch Act Reform Bill Introduced
  21. When Not Playing Slots, Nevada Welfare Bums Spend Taxpayer Handouts in Hawaii, Guam
  22. 'Dirty 8' Erode Three Decades Of Landmark Environmental Law
  23. Child abuse study gives kupuna a voice
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012
March 7, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:52 PM :: 13922 Views
  1. Lingle Campaign: Hirono Rhetoric Embarrassing Hawaii
  2. Super Tuesday: Romney Wins 6, Santorum 3, Gingrich 1
  3. HB2227 Fake Hawaii Birth Certificate: Allows Male to Claim Female Without Surgery
  4. Hawaii lawsuit shows civil unions help redefine marriage
  5. Trustees See Dollar Signs as Kakaako Settlement Passes Senate
  6. Emergency Repairs to Kuhio Hwy, Hanalei School Flooded
  7. New voting districts retain incumbent pairings
  8. 350 Ward: Prominent Local Lawyer Controls Building Full of Massage Parlors
  9. Prosecutor: Do proper groundwork before bringing prisoners back to isles
  10. Civil Beat Poll - 44% of Honolulu Voters Perceive Bias in Rail Coverage
  11. Less Pressure for Tax Hikes: Council on Revenues increases growth forecast to 12%
  12. Linda Lingle, Hawaii GOP Senate Candidate, Comes Out Against Blunt Amendment
  13. Rush Listeners Complain to KPUA
  14. Hawaii Republicans ‘Excited’ About March 13 Caucuses
  15. Hawaii Democrats to Hold Presidential Poll
  16. Put time limit on short-term hires
  17. Governor, union leaders, to Control State Bank ‘Green’
  18. DOE must upgrade thinking and implement laptop plan
  19. MD: Death with dignity bill goes against medical ethics
  20. Dopers Want Medicated Marijuana for ‘Pain’
  21. House Passes "Official Microbe" Bill
  22. HGEA announces endorsement of Mufi Hannemann for U.S. House of Representatives, District 2
  23. Hearing scheduled on Hawaii employee overpayment
  24. DoE Hires Private Investigator to Look into Waipahu Molestation Charges
  25. Hawaii Air National Guard to cut personnel numbers
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Tuesday, March 6, 2012
March 6, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:31 PM :: 10211 Views
  1. Video: Anti-Rail Thugs Plan Disruption of Meeting
  2. Applicants Wanted for Ethics and Campaign Spending Commissions
  3. China's Military Rising
  4. Local GOP voters prepare for first-ever caucuses
  5. Borreca: It will be a miracle if next Hawaii election isn't a mess
  6. SA Looks at Crossover Bills
  7. SA: Don't rush into tech spending
  8. POLL: Lacking Support, Can Rail Backers Turn The Tide?
  9. Sen English votes for Lanai, Molokai Cable, Bill Crosses Over
  10. Washington Place Reserved for Top Gov Donor's Family
  11. Dela Cruz Holds a $500 Per Head Fundraiser
  12. Waipahu student describes alleged assaults by teacher
  13. Only HECO and regulators are permitted to know the comparative costs of different types of energy
  14. Plastic Bag Ban: Politicians Gone Wild
  15. Hawaii soldiers will train Afghan forces
  16. Proposal to cut U.S. nuclear weapons by 80 percent is asking for trouble
  17. Escape Across China: Wife of WW2 POW to Speak at Maui TEA Party Meeting March 8
  18. Shift of UH fisheries program to Hilo worries Manoa faculty
  19. Rep. Gil Riviere speaks with artist Bill Braden
  20. Cato Institute and Koch in rift over independence
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Monday, March 5, 2012
March 5, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:53 PM :: 14748 Views
  1. Conference: Abercrombie Admin Renews Push to Impose Medical Homes
  2. Hawaii Credit Unions: State Bank ‘Enormous Risk’ to General Fund
  3. Race to The Bank: HSTA Gets 36.9% Raise, Threatens Suit to Block Accountability
  4. Hawaii Industrial Jobs Up 0.5%
  5. HB2121: End State Solar Tax Credits for State-Funded Projects
  6. Homeless tent cities: Seattle’s decade-long nightmare coming to Honolulu?
  7. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted March 5
  8. SB2267: $100M in Bonds for Al Hee’s Sandwich Isles Communications Scam Company
  9. Complete List of Bills Up for Third Reading Friday
  10. LWV: 8% of State Population Extracted –We need Reapportionment Reality Check
  11. 89-day pacts let retirees return to city, state jobs
  12. Too Busy with RTTT, DoE Skips NCLB Waiver Application
  13. Public access TV officials object to laptop funding source
  14. While the world changes, Civil Defense still stuck in Cold-War 1950s
  15. CENSORSHIP: KPUA Hilo Drops Rush Limbaugh From Air
  16. State Launches Audit of Student Transportation Program
  17. Why is my electric bill so high?
  18. Is Avoided Cost to blame for high electric rates?
  19. Imiloa Panics – Earmarks are 50% of Revenue
  20. HB2859 Fails: No Union for Grad Students
  21. Hoopili Symbolizes Direction of Oahu's Future
  22. New drivers license requirements go into effect Monday
  23. Three Occupy Oakland protesters charged with hate crimes
  24. White House to Congress Dems: Expect no money
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Sunday, March 4, 2012
March 4, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:45 PM :: 14072 Views
  1. Yearning for a Way to Collect Tax on Out-of-State Vendors
  2. Secret Federal Report Reveals Half-Billion Dollar Annual Shortfall: 19% of Honolulu General Fund to Subsidize Rail Operations
  3. Hawaii Credit Union League: State Bank is Extremely Dangerous, Puts Taxpayer Money at Enormous Risk
  4. Clayton Hee Has Conference Ctte Plan to make OHA Settlement not be Final
  5. No Money for CIP: Abercrombie Admin Kills Airport Cargo Building
  6. Building slump cuts lending by isle banks
  7. Shakedown: DoE Officials Threaten to Cut GED Programs Unless Legislators Fork over More Money to Failing System
  8. SB2594: Lawyers Renew Push for Homeless Tent Cities
  9. Democrats to caucus Wednesday
  10. Star-Adv Hits Rail over Seat Secrecy
  11. WSJ: E-Cigarettes Draw Fire From Legislatures
  12. As House Burns, Man Vents Anger at Hawaii County Planning Department
  13. Seniors face unique issues caring for grandkids
  14. Marshallese making a new life in Spokane
  15. Star-Advertiser carefully sidesteps Five-0 star’s drug addiction
  16. Kailua Begins Fireworks Fundraising Push
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Saturday, March 3, 2012
March 3, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:16 PM :: 13858 Views
  1. VIDEO: Cayetano to 'Go Rail Go' Protesters: Use Facts Not Force
  2. Djou Home From Afghanistan
  3. ILind: Secret Whistleblower Settlement Violates OIP Rulings
  4. Attack on Community TV: Does $50K+ job with Oceanic Time Warner create conflict of interest for Tokioka?
  5. Anti-Superferry Protesters Leave State Holding $63M Debt
  6. Green energy means higher rent for seniors
  7. OHA to Build 200’ Rental Towers at Kakaako
  8. Senate tries to give Koloa Camp tenants stay of eviction
  9. Star-Adv: Don’t Give Teacher’s $500 Raise Disguised as Tax Credit
  10. HB466: Lets Make Workers Comp Even more Fraud-Friendly
  11. 20 for the Next 20: People to Watch 2012
  12. Concerns raised over new election boundary maps
  13. UH strikes technology commercialization agreement with Pono Corp
  14. ‘Illegal’: City Bureaucrats Order Volunteers to Remove Park Improvements
  15. SB2422: Massive Tax Increase on Loose Tobacco
  16. Billions for Green Energy Scammers, But Obama Cut Tsunami Warning Buoys
  17. BankOH’s O’Neill to Take Helm of Citibank
  18. After Blocking Fee-Simple Sales, Ignorant Socialists Stuck With Biofool Scammer as Top Bidder for Hamakua Ag Land
  19. Hokulia Bypass: Hawaii County Accepts $20M in Land at Bankrupt Hokulia Project
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Friday, March 2, 2012
March 2, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:21 PM :: 16679 Views
  1. Pro-Family Lawyers Move to take Defense of Marriage out of Abercrombie's Hands
  2. VIDEO: PBS Insights Features Hawaii Republican Caucus
  3. Hawaii Christian Coalition Encourages Turnout for March 13 Caucuses
  4. John Carroll Endorses Ron Paul
  5. Wallbuilders -- Hawaii: Exercise Your Right to Vote
  6. Maui Friends of the NRA to Host Meeting
  7. Kona Kampachi Successful Harvest in Federal Waters off Hawaii
  8. Berg: Anti-Rail Meeting Hits a Nerve
  9. Lingle Backs Bipartisan Medicaid Reform Plan
  10. HSTA’s Okabe: We Put Furloughs on Instructional Days to Hold Parents Accountable
  11. Key Arguments: Democrat Borreca Spins Snowe Retirement against Lingle
  12. Hike in jobless insurance tax put off 1 year
  13. If Dissident Map is Rejected, Elections Office Prepared to begin Accepting Nomination Papers
  14. Rep Rida Cabanilla Fails to Report Income on Ethics Disclosure Forms
  15. Civil Beat still Struggling to Substantiate Atheist Claims
  16. Rail is Only Improvement Project in Carlisle Budget
  17. Grabauskas OK'd As Rail Chief Despite Soft Spot For Toru Hamayasu
  18. HMSA, Kaiser improve bottom lines
  19. 9th Circuit Gives DoE Big Victory over Disabled Girl
  20. State Auditing Student Transportation Office
  21. DLNR Fires Whistleblower
  22. Wife of Kauai police chief defends him before Council
  23. Murderer Gets New Trial in Molestation of 12-yr old
  24. W. Oahu to get large VA clinic
  25. Can we handle 8 million visitors a year?
  26. Hawaii County Mayor Billy Kenoi proposes $365M budget
  27. KIUC Announces Big New Industrial Solar Project
  28. VIDEO: Biofuel crops destined for Hamakua land leases?
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Thursday, March 1, 2012
March 1, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:34 PM :: 16857 Views
  1. Lingle Salutes Retiring Sen Olympia Snowe
  2. State Bank to Fund Green Energy Scammers, Toxic Mortgages
  3. Hawaii State Bank: The Hee-Haw Bill
  4. Vote redistricting delayed over House dissidents’ allegations
  5. Solomon, Roehrig Celebrate Exclusion of 108,000 Military personnel, students
  6. Maui Republican Party Convention, March 3
  7. Not A Single School Complies with Instructional Hours Law
  8. Grabauskas Nomination Belies Carlisle's Commitment to ‘Transparency’
  9. Chin: Carlisle Was Not Notified of Debt Increase Letter
  10. Hawaii Ranks 47th in Economic Growth
  11. Will Legislature Authorize Union for 1300 More Gov’t Employees
  12. Bill Lifts Development Restrictions On Office of Hawaiian Affairs Settlement Land
  13. Pele Defense Fund is Back: Drug Dealers and Socialists Protest Against Geothermal in Hilo
  14. Bag Ban Passes Honolulu Council Committee
  15. Science, Technology Teaching Dies in House, Senate Committees
  16. HPD officer charged in alleged overtime pay scam granted deferral
  17. Hanabusa to be Assistant Whip
  18. Census data track Marshallese population in Ark.
  19. Guam, NMI Consider Reunification
  20. HECO Wants to Delay ‘Big Wind’ RFP
  21. Chu, Wind Scammers, Bio Fool Developers to get more Big Handouts as Utility Bills Soar
  22. Americans Elect Qualifies for Hawaii Ballot
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Wednesday, February 29, 2012
February 29, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:23 PM :: 16567 Views
  1. Trashing Tricare: Obama to cut healthcare benefits for active duty and retired US military
  2. Romney Sweeps Michigan, Arizona
  3. HB2874: House Finance Votes to Freeze Community TV Funds
  4. Mission Houses Archive puts 19th Century Hawaii Journals, Newspapers Online
  5. Union: Build Rail or You Will Die
  6. HGEA Scores $5M and more to come as First ‘Favored Nation’ Payoffs Go To Union
  7. Slom: Lawsuits Still Possible over Reapportionment
  8. Legislators Consider Creating Gaming Commission
  9. Finance Ctte Defers Bill Exempting Gov’t Projects from Enviro Review
  10. Charter School Reform: Crooks, Cronies, Social Climbers all gather around for today’s vote
  11. A Plan to Return Hawaii's Mainland Inmates
  12. Carlisle Speech Outlines Campaign Message
  13. ‘Organic’ Food should be labeled for E Coli, Rat Lungworm
  14. Geothermal: OHA Cronies Present Cash Demands
  15. Stolen Valor: ‘Vote Vets’ is Actually Front Group for Sierra Club
  16. Cayetano, Waihee, Hee Line Up Against Hoopili
  17. Non-Hawaii Owners of Vacation Rentals in Uproar
  18. Senate committee approves resolution to sell Kauai land to tenants
  19. Hawaii nonprofits want caps on tax deductions repealed
  20. SA: Give Tax Credits to Billionaire Movie Moguls
  21. Committees Pass Measures to Change Regents Selection
  22. Bargaining Begins Feb. 29 for 18,000 CWA Members at AT&T West
  23. Joanne Georgi Running for KIUC Board
  24. Bynum, 40 others Face Misdemeanor Ag Zoning Violations
  25. Kaua‘i County will approve 252 TAU certificates over next 5 years
  26. Isle parks generate $122M
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
February 28, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:17 PM :: 16681 Views
  1. Revised 2012 Reapportionment Plans Posted Online
  2. Hawaii: NRA Instructor Liability Bill Granted Hearing
  3. National GOP race sparks interest in Hawaii March 13 caucus
  4. Ed Case: I’m No Conservative
  5. New Honolulu Rail Chief Was Late, Over Budget on His Biggest Project
  6. Hawaii Pacific Health Exec: Low Reimbursement, Lack of LTC Beds Behind HMC Crisis
  7. Tax Credit Fight: Hawaii Solar Energy Leader Voted Out
  8. SB2111: Legislators Debate How to Give Millions of Dollars to Hollywood Moguls
  9. Legislator: HI Tech Tax Credit Scammers Only Want Things, $1B in Tax Credits Could Have Gone to Affordable Housing
  10. Hawaii House Democrats Consider Establishing a State Bank
  11. Gambling gets another lease on life
  12. House Finance to Hear Bills Exempting Government Projects from EIS, SMA
  13. One in Eight Spikes Pension
  14. House Finance to Discuss EUTF Fixes
  15. Bank of Abercrombie on Wednesday Agenda
  16. After Burning Treasury, Obama Proposes Cuts to Tsunami Warning System
  17. City Cuts Horse Ranchers out of Ag Tax Rates
  18. Haleakala Findings Released
  19. Insurance Exec now Claims to have ‘Discovered’ that Assisted Suicide is Legal in Georgia
  20. Smart meter installation rolls out
  21. Military readies to open Tropic Care Kauai
  22. Nine Weapons Confiscated from Marijuana Church
  23. Faleomavaega’s Sister to Run for Governor of Am Samoa
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Monday, February 27, 2012
February 27, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:15 PM :: 17235 Views
  1. Alternatives to Rail: Cato Institute, Local Leaders Speak Out
  2. Is the IRS Attempting to Intimidate Hawaii TEA Parties?
  3. SB2226: $25M Internet Tax
  4. 10-cents-per-bag Tax: Greens, Big Business, Big Government team up to Rip Off Consumers
  5. Ban Would Favor Clayton Hee's Irish Opihi Monopoly
  6. Gallup: Hawaii #1 in Health, Wellbeing
  7. Study: Hawaii Tops Country for Highest Number of Services Taxed
  8. Hanabusa’s answer to High Gas Prices: Give More Money to Biofool Scammers
  9. Assisted Suicide Activist Claims Death Prescriptions Are Already Being Written In Hawaii
  10. Vote on Hawaii's Redrawn Reapportionment Maps Set for Monday, But Many Unhappy with New Boundaries
  11. Dozens of retired public workers get Secret Pensions over $100,000/year
  12. HB2253: Legislators to Boost Disability Parking Fees?
  13. SB2422: Boosts Tobacco Tax 70%
  14. $150K Contract to Analyze Hawaii Tax System
  15. Ledge: Let’s Study Gambling
  16. AP: Hawaii GOP Caucuses Testing Advisory
  17. The Rise of Intermarriage: Rates, Characteristics Vary by Race and Gender
  18. Prayer Should Open Legislative Sessions
  19. Honolulu Named one of 100 top Communities for Young People
  20. Green Police Nail Photographer for taking Pictures of Sharks Eating Whale
  21. Kauai: Does Chief Report to Mayor or Police Commission?
  22. SB2304: Reforms Police Identification Line-Ups
  23. Senators to Discuss How to Let Lots of Criminals Out of Prison
  24. Honolulu-Based Coast Guard Relies on 42-year Old Cutters
  25. Gay Marine's homecoming kiss in Hawaii shared on Facebook
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Sunday, February 26, 2012
February 26, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:00 PM :: 19229 Views
  1. Secret Tax Breaks Fund Hawaii Film Production
  2. Windfall of Tax Revenue to be Had Without Tax Increase
  3. DBEDT Energy Update Projects 537MW of Industrial Wind
  4. HB2874: DoE Laptop Bill Will Freeze Public Access TV Funding
  5. Case, Hirono toe line: Lingle is the Anti-Rail Senate Choice
  6. Pensions: 14 Legislators Double Dipping—Abercrombie is Triple Dipping
  7. Exclusion of Military May Not Withstand Federal Constitutional Scrutiny
  8. David Chang: Key to material progress is making sure we have equality of opportunity
  9. Star-Adv: Abercrombie Lacked ‘Courage’ on Gay Marriage in 2010 Campaign
  10. Gay Agenda: Bill Could Classify Workplace Bullying As Safety Violation
  11. Ex-T boss poised to land Hawaii gig
  12. Honolulu Rail CEO Pick Comes With Track Record That Raises Concerns
  13. Aila: Bag Tax Needed to ‘Save our Water’
  14. Former Insurance Exec Continues to Claim Assisted Suicide Legal in Hawaii
  15. Carlisle's speech was another day in the same old brown shoes
  16. KIUC forums address community
  17. Volunteers Do the Work UPW Will Not, 150 Public Housing Units made Ready for Occupancy
  18. Abercrombie approves EIS for new Kona courthouse
  19. E-W Center: US territories suffering due to debt crisis
  20. Three Years of Hawaii Monitor Now Online
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Saturday, February 25, 2012
February 25, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:42 PM :: 9895 Views
  1. SB212 to be Heard Monday: Would End Discrimination Against Military
  2. Ron Paul’s son, Ronnie, to campaign for dad in Hawaii
  3. Proposed HART Chief Leaves Trail of Political Discord
  4. Triple Albatross: HSTA endorses Hirono, Hanabusa, and Hannemann
  5. Secret Rail Debt: Council wants answers over waived budget rules
  6. $8B plus $15B = State Debt to Retirees
  7. Usual Crooks, Cronies Show Up for Hanabusa Campaign HQ Opener
  8. HSTA Going to Court to Overturn Laupahoehoe Charter School
  9. Toll roads a possibility for Oahu transportation future
  10. Mainland Lobbyist Backs Public Bank
  11. 2nd Marine found not guilty in hazing trial
  12. Hawaii Hot Spot for Human Trafficking
  13. OHA Cronies seek to line pockets, bring geothermal power to state
  14. Forged Female Convicted of Further Forgery
  15. Hummer defaced by racial slur near school raises alarm
  16. Enviro Assaults Turtle Photographer
  17. Ex-Palma employees accused of abuse
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Friday, February 24, 2012
February 24, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:32 PM :: 10861 Views
  1. Washington Times Reporter heads to Hawaii for March 13 Presidential Caucus
  2. Transportation Bill With Honolulu Rail Funds Postponed
  3. Full Text: State of the City Address
  4. Caldwell: ‘I will Work Harder to be Transparent and Honest’
  5. 'Descendants' based on Case Family Grab for Grove Farm
  6. HB2193: State Bank to be Controlled by Abercrombie, Insured by Taxpayer
  7. VIDEO: Ilya Shapiro (Cato Institute), In Hawaii Speaking About Obamacare Supreme Court Cases
  8. Book Review: Callies, Regulating Paradise (2d ed. 2010)
  9. "Nonresident" Property Owners Must Employ Property Managers For TVRs?
  10. Rail: Hidden Debt Ceiling Exposed
  11. City asks judge to dismiss rail suit
  12. WSJ: Honolulu Hopeful Has No-Track Mind
  13. Carlisle, Abercrombie demand Taxpayers Pick Up Wife’s Travel Tab
  14. Kokua Line Features Hawaii Republican Caucuses
  15. Hawaii tops Nation: DoE is #1 in Drug Availability
  16. HI hotels’ gross pre-tax profits total $928.2M
  17. Abercrombie has trouble adjusting
  18. DHHL Only Assigning 150 leases a Year
  19. Legislation takes aim at human trafficking
  20. Fake Drivers Licenses: Admitted Fraudster Still on Honolulu City Payroll
  21. Sexting: ACLU Court Victory helping to Legalize Kiddie Porn
  22. Geothermal Possibilities Explored at Ulupalakua
  23. Law Students to Debate Hawaiian Recognition
  24. Rep. Ward Discusses the UH Library & Information Science Program
  25. Former Waimea principal will return to Hawaii Prep Academy
  26. Update: OHA Salary Commission’s Final Report
  27. Growth, Big growth Projected for Hawaii Tourism
  28. Bill Calls For 5-Year Moratorium On Opihi Picking
  29. Wanted: Ethics, Campaign Spending Commissioners
  30. Mainland Gang Member Indicted in Isle Drug Case
  31. EA Required to land a Helicopter
  32. Sears Will Close Ala Moana Store
  33. Honolulu Police Department, Hawaiian Airlines now hiring
  34. James Kimo Campbell, activist and college trustee, dies at 65
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Thursday, February 23, 2012
February 23, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:29 PM :: 14102 Views
  1. Abercrombie: I will not defend Marriage
  2. Kauai Chief Perry Victim of Retaliation by Corrupt Mayor?
  3. Hawaii: NRA Instructor Liability Bill Needs Your Immediate Help
  4. Thielen Criticizes HB2417 Limits Solar Tax Credit to One Per Property
  5. House Democratic Dissidents Consider State Reapportionment Lawsuit
  6. Hawaii Lawmakers Again Aiming to Tax E-Commerce Sales
  7. Same sex marriage likely heading back into legislature
  8. Deadline For Reapportionment Approaching
  9. Civil Engineer Debunks Civil Beat ‘Fact Check’
  10. Coffee: Counting The Ways Obama Hurts U.S.
  11. Hawaii lawmakers take five-day recess
  12. Abercrombie Heads to DC to Beg for RTTT
  13. Hawaii tourism spending should be up 6.4% in 2012
  14. SA: Privatization plan can help tenants
  15. ‘Clear and Convincing Evidence’ that Sovereignty Activists were Scamming Dorcy
  16. SB2221: Kiddie Porn to become Type B Felony?
  17. Abercrombie’s Latest Water Commission Nominees Don’t Quiet Uproar
  18. Police chief spends Wednesday at work, but controversy continues
  19. Kauai Police Shooting While Chief Kept from job by Mayor
  20. Biotech Reduces Pesticide Use
  21. Pregnant F-M Trans is Ego Tripper Bent on Being Famous at Children’s Expense
  22. Bill allowing dogs in restaurants alive in House
  23. Local newspapers face another likely competitor for lucrative legal notices
  24. Smart Meters on Kauai Are a Public Health Hazard
  25. Hawaii AG: Marley Sons Raise Money for Fake Charities
  26. Head of anti-slavery alliance to speak
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012
February 22, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:21 PM :: 16816 Views
  1. Kapolei Tesoro Refinery Workers Reject Labor Contract
  2. Rail: The Biggest Wager in Hawaii’s History
  3. Kauai Police Chief says he's going back to work without Support of Mayor
  4. Solomon Supporters Demand that Inouye be Drawn out of District
  5. $500M construction package passed by state Senate
  6. Star-Adv: Don't sidestep rules for jobs
  7. Bag Tax Back from Dead?
  8. Inouye's support could mean little for candidates
  9. Rail Suit: New Delaying Tactic From City
  10. Act 221 Scammers to Ratepayers: Pay Us More, Get Used to It
  11. BoE Approves Teacher Evaluation Negotiating Position
  12. Oahu at risk—little ER capacity if disaster strikes
  13. Civil Beat Greets Djou With Bogus already Debunked Questions about Campaigning in Uniform
  14. Another Pro-Abortion Group Backs Hirono
  15. Returning military members allege job discrimination — by federal government
  16. Kenoi’s campaign sponsors have plenty to gain
  17. Honolulu Officials Reviewed ORI’s Financial Records
  18. Fired head of state's largest charter school under scrutiny for spending
  19. Mainland Solar Installers Rake in $212M
  20. Armed forces will vet hydrogen-fueled SUVs on Oahu
  21. Convicted Pimp Sentenced To 40-Years In Prison
  22. New York Welfare Spent in Hawaii
  23. For First Time, Most Hawaii Moms Under 30 Are Unmarried
  24. Hawaii Most favorable State, California Worst
  25. Hawaii looks at banning bear gallbladder imports
  26. HB2228: Requires Employers with 20+ Employees to Set Up Breastfeeding Room
  27. HPU To Take over Aloha Tower Marketplace?
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Letters to the Editor February, 2012
By Letters to the Editor @ 12:03 PM :: 13912 Views
  • House Bill 1707: “We will be forced to sell”
  • RTTT: The Chicago Way?
  • HELCO Blames Solar Users for Latest Rate Hike
  • Kauai Chief Perry Victim of Retaliation by Corrupt Mayor?
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012
February 21, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:29 PM :: 13044 Views
  1. Charles Djou on his way home from Afghanistan
  2. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted Feb 21
  3. Legislators: Abercrombie Unstable, Rambling
  4. Cayetano: Inouye ‘Irresponsible’, ‘Gambling with Public Money’
  5. No Action to Stop Massive Unemployment Tax Hike
  6. Inouye: Federal Judge David Ezra To Retire In June
  7. 4000 Okinawa Marines Heading for Hawaii
  8. OHA ‘Settlement’ Talks Leave Homeless Shelter in Limbo
  9. H-Power Recycles Plastics into Electricity for 28,000 Homes
  10. Pono Chong killed ‘Feeeel Good’ Bag Ban Bill
  11. Hawaii State Salaries 2012: Hawaii Health Systems Corp.
  12. HSTA Blocks 180 day law so DoE is Going to Redefine ’instructional time’ to fake it
  13. Abercrombie Pushes Hard to Fake Accountability, Snag $75M from RTTT
  14. Waimea principal's dismissal still unexplained
  15. SA: Kick Principals out of HGEA
  16. HART and UH, More Secrecy
  17. Former police officer admits to ID theft and forgery
  18. Fair share system under scrutiny
  19. Organic Huckster Hypes GMO Labeling
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Monday, February 20, 2012
February 20, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:32 PM :: 15102 Views
  1. In Hawaii, it’s 1984 all over again
  2. Ten Tax Increases on the Move in Legislature
  3. ECONOMY Survey -- The Economist and Hawaii Results
  4. Hawaii Homeschoolers Speak up Against Mandatory Kindergarten
  5. Bag Tax is a Business Deal between State, Stores, Enviros
  6. HB1511: More High Tech Tax Credits for the Act 221 Scammers
  7. Obama’s War on Inouye Earmarks ‘Not A Deathblow, but….”
  8. Former Member of Charter School Panel Speaks out
  9. Felony Child Abuse is Now Politically Correct: Sex-change treatment for kids
  10. HB2742 Would Exempt County Councils from Sunshine Law
  11. A Creeping Attempt To Shut Down Hawaii Court Records
  12. Not So Public: Auditor Stonewalled On Prison Job
  13. Governor's Emails Auto-Deleted After 60 Days
  14. Independent Expenditures Tough to Track in Hawaii Elections
  15. KIUC: Industrial Solar gets go-ahead, but homeowners denied
  16. Pearlridge to give away Free Electricity to Electric Car Drivers
  17. Omidyar Money Buys Five Local Nonprofits
  18. Hawaii: 8 years to rebuild a Boat Ramp
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Sunday, February 19, 2012
February 19, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:35 PM :: 16900 Views
  1. Wishing We Didn't Have to Pay the Piper
  2. Abercrombie Picks Insurers to Control Hawaii Health Insurance Exchange, Hospitals to get Boot
  3. Law aimed at bullying in schools poses threat to freedom of speech
  4. DoE Looks Other Way as Alleged Child Molesters Run Rampant
  5. HB2527: Star-Adv Complains that BoE won’t have Ability to Fake Teacher Accountability
  6. Tax Collections Running 2.6% lower than CoR Projections
  7. Construction of Honolulu's rail project will begin next month
  8. A Falling Out Amongst Thieves: Wind Scammers take aim at Solar Scammers and Biofool Scammers
  9. Kenoi Pushes for Geothermal
  10. Kauai Crackpots Obstruct Hydro, Babble about RF Radiation
  11. To help Hirono, Marian Higa Tells Us that Anti-Superferry Scumbags were Right
  12. Hirono a Show About Nothing
  13. Ho'opili opponents gear up offensive
  14. Kyo-ya Hotels' Waikiki plan deserves support
  15. House adds floor sessions to video archive
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