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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Saturday, February 13, 2021
February 13, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:26 PM :: 2243 Views
  1. Bills allow for state employee raises in Hawaii
  2. Ultimatum: Give all COVID Money to HSTA or Lose it
  3. HGEA demands a raise in exchange for agreeing not to come in to work
  4. Embattled Agribusiness Corporation Has Powerful Friends
  5. Soft on Crime: Baby Disappears, Lifelong Criminal Sought 
  6. Data offers insight into how many frontline workers have received COVID vaccine
  7. Activists Continue to Push Claim vs Bank of America
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Friday, February 12, 2021
February 12, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:30 PM :: 4254 Views
  1. Pssst…Hey buddy, can you use $100M?  How about $150M?
  2. The Fight Between Hawaii’s State Auditor And House Speaker Is Heating Up
  3. Amendments give Hawaiian Home Lands 5 years ‘Self-Determination’ to determine casino future—maybe sell weed                
  4. Strong evidence in-person schooling can be done safely, CDC says
  5. More In-Person Voting Sites Proposed For Hawaii
  6. 187K Download COVID Spy App
  7. Program buys free tickets for 50 ‘remote Workers’ to come to Hawaii
  8. Hawaii lawmakers again seek disclosure about inmate deaths
  9. Maui Water Treatment Operator Sues County Over Whistleblower Retaliation
  10. Proud Boys Hawaii founder and suspected accomplice plead not guilty to conspiracy charges
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Thursday, February 11, 2021
February 11, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:58 PM :: 2436 Views
  1. SB134: Senate Panel Moves To End Suspension Of Public Records Law
  2. SB720: Proposed bill would make County Councils Just as Secretive as the Legislature
  3. HB349 / SB282: Automatic Voter Registration
  4. Tax the Poor: State Lottery To Fund Public Education Moves Forward
  5. Nearly half of residents 75 and up have gotten at least 1 vaccine dose
  6. State figures: Thousands in Hawaii are overdue for second dose of vaccine
  7. Essential Workers: Sign up Here for Vaccination
  8. Mauna Kea management to be outlined before BLNR
  9. Aloha Stadium officials say facility needs overdue repairs to host fans (yadda yadda yadda)
  10. Hawaii woman charged in connection to Michael Miske case
  11. Massive Homeless Ticket Diversion Program Gets only 50 Bums off Street
  12. COVID Release: Maui woman accused of pointing loaded gun at victim
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Wednesday, February 10, 2021
February 10, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:31 PM :: 4263 Views
  1. Doom: Biden administration asks US Attorney for Hawaii Kenji Price to resign
  2. One-In-Five Hawaii Workers Are Unemployed, Underemployed, Or Have Quit Looking
  3. Ige Clams Public Employees Will get no Pay Raises
  4. Ige reduces budget cut for public schools
  5. SB590: Portable Retirement Plan for Some Public Employees
  6. Seniors Must Wait: HGEA Gets Vaccinations by Striking
  7. State Unemployment System Has No Idea When System Will be Fixed--Thousands Await Late Payments
  8. Proposal To Scrap Kauai’s Two-Test Protocol For Arriving Travelers Advances
  9. Who Will Blangiardi Appoint to Police Commission?
  10. HB901: Environmental Review
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Tuesday, February 9, 2021
February 9, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:22 PM :: 3336 Views
  1. Ige -- Aloha Stadium still usable, Kill $350M Boondoggle
  2. Maunakea: What’s Really Sacred is the Master Lease
  3. Bill to roll back employers' unemployment tax rate passes Hawaii House
  4. Hawaii Senate Proposes $12 Minimum Wage By 2022
  5. Proposed $1/pack Cigarette Tax Increase Advances At Legislature
  6. Soda tax won’t curb isle obesity, may hurt low-income people
  7. Hawaii Senate Advances Asset Forfeiture Reform Measure
  8. Vaccinations Mean Outlook brightens for Hawaii economy
  9. Striking balance between public health, economic recovery
  10. Useless: Hawaii 2.0 Recovery Plan Will Take 2 Years to Start up
  11. SIBA: Singing the same tune for nearly 30 years
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Monday, February 8, 2021
February 8, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:51 PM :: 2212 Views
  1. Lt. Gov. wants to push up vaccination of 65 and older as COVID-19 variants spread across mainland
  2. Hawaii Now 2nd-Fastest Vaccination Program per Capita
  3. 'The kids need to be in school': routine testing proposal for Hawai'i Island students gains support
  4. It Will Take 18 Months To Overhaul Hawaii’s Outdated Unemployment System
  5. Biden administration asking Trump-appointed US attorneys to resign
  6. HB344 would end contested case land use hearings, sending them directly to court
  7. Let’s not waste this crisis
  8. 322 Homeless Drug Addicts Abuse Queens Emergency Room
  9. COVID-19 created a new problem for recently released inmates, prison reform advocates say
  10. Kauai resort says bookings surged to pre-pandemic levels after it became a 'bubble’
  11. ‘Funky,’ ‘goofy’ and postponed: Waikoloa housing project withdrawn while FBI Investigates Hawaii Co Housing Agency
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Sunday, February 7, 2021
February 7, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:39 PM :: 3494 Views
  1. Aloha Stadium Biggest public Land Giveaway Since PLDC
  2. Saiki: Increase Taxes to Restore Programs
  3. Minimum Wage hike bills before Legislature
  4. HB134 / SB311: FACE Pushing ‘Carbon Cashback’ Ponzi Scheme
  5. Beware of new Fed Rec threat
  6. Imagine if Ige had been able to pick his own LG rather than be saddled with people who actually questioned his decisions?
  7. SB563: Hawaii lawmakers consider moratorium on commercial business evictions
  8. Red-light cameras for pilot program to be installed in Downtown Honolulu
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Saturday, February 6, 2021
February 6, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:38 PM :: 3211 Views
  1. Former council member details focus of federal probe into ex-HPD chief’s payoff
  2. SB1423: Stadium Authority Power Without Accountability
  3. Progressives' Poison Pill Strategy:  New Aloha Stadium eyed as site for potential Honolulu Harbor disasters  
  4. Hawaii Lawmakers Advance $186M Tax Hike On Alcoholic Drinks
  5. Reopening debate testing Biden’s ties with teachers unions
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Friday, February 5, 2021
February 5, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:28 PM :: 2992 Views
  1. HSTA Refusing to Teach 98% of  HS Students—38% on Track to Fail 
  2. O'ahu close to hitting Tier 3 requirements
  3. Infections and hospitalizations are dropping in Hawaii as more people get inoculated
  4. Honolulu’s Financial Challenges
  5. State’s outdated unemployment computer system to get a $10M overhaul
  6. Unemployment tax shocks hit claimants; employers next unless fixes pass at Capitol
  7. State Auditor: Protect The Agency’s Independence
  8. DHHL Casino: HB359 Deferred, SB1321 Still Alive
  9. Keep the People Doped Up: Lots of Marijuana Bills on the Move
  10. Bills Tinker With HART Board Quorum Rules
  11. Former Honolulu City Councilman Joey Manahan Scores HART PR Gig $120K
  12. COVID Spy App Not Popular
  13. More Tourists Visiting Maui than Oahu
  14. Schemers Still Pushing floating windfarm off Hawaii
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Thursday, February 4, 2021
February 4, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:46 PM :: 2742 Views
  1. Governor Race: Caldwell Leads Green in Campaign Cash
  2. HB413: Should Hawaii Let Candidates For Governor Pick Favorite Crony as LG?
  3. HB645: Hawaii Lawmakers Want Their free Meals to be Secret
  4. Fake Hawaiian Tribe Coming? Schatz advocates for native communities in meeting with President Biden
  5. Ballard says HPD still investigating COVID overtime violations
  6. ‘Significant’ Disparity In Use Of Force Questioned By Honolulu Police Commission
  7. Ige: Twice Monthly Furloughs Not Necessary This Year
  8. With COVID precautions in place, influenza cases in Hawaii are near zero
  9. Save millions by cutting administrative waste in public employees’ health care
  10. Blangiardi administration to verify HART requests
  11. Hawaii tries, for 8th time, to tax REITs
  12. Hawaiian Airlines may lay off more than 800 employees
  13. Court Rejects Hu Honua but they’ll be back
  14. Supreme Court Finally Rejects E-Signature Kaneshiro Impeachment
  15. Child Molester Stupidly Leaves the Safety of Hawaii, Guess What Happens Next
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Wednesday, February 3, 2021
February 3, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:06 PM :: 5234 Views
  1. HSTA Refusal to Work puts 38% of Seniors on Track to Flunk out
  2. SB202: Senate Committee Approves Tax Hike
  3. Raised unemployment tax could kill businesses
  4. Saiki, Belatti Try new Angle of Attack Against State Auditor
  5. Years-long Kealoha mailbox case to come to an end as last 2 defendants are sentenced
  6. UH Clarence T.C. Ching Athletics Project Cost Jumps 20% in a Week
  7. Hawaii businesses, still struggling with no tourism rebound, expect long road to recovery
  8. Mother Hen State: Feeding Feral Chickens Could Result In $500 Penalty
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Tuesday, February 2, 2021
February 2, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:06 PM :: 2894 Views
  1. Naming Names: New Police Disciplinary Reports Reveal Serious Misconduct By Dozens Of Officers  
  2. Money News: Hawaii House Speaker says UH should no longer manage Mauna Kea
  3. Start planning for easing COVID-19 restrictions
  4. Unemployed Fed Up with HGEA refusal to show up for Work
  5. Hawaii has the slowest unemployment rate recovery in the US, survey finds
  6. HB1298: Scoop all Special Funds
  7. Sierra Club Lawyer Admits Navy Red Hill has Leaked only Once in last 4 Decades
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Monday, February 1, 2021
February 1, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:31 PM :: 2943 Views
  1. $2.56 per Gallon Soda Tax to ‘Fund Programs’
  2. Drunk with Power: Lawmakers consider $12.80 per gallon alcohol tax
  3. Who’s Leading The Hawaii House GOP? Nobody Knows
  4. Shot Count: 106K in Shoulder, 65K in Fridge, 32K Coming
  5. A needlessly ruined Hawaii vacation, thanks to state’s rules
  6. ‘Overpayment’ Reviews Causing Latest Delays To Hawaii Jobless Benefits
  7. State seeks innovative ways to finance and build new OCCC
  8. OHA trustees launch new effort to develop Kakaako Makai property
  9. More Homeless Mayhem: Library Meth Dealer Just can’t Stay Straight
  10. Farmers Urge OK for $7 Million Kona Coffee Deception Settlements
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Sunday, January 31, 2021
January 31, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:08 PM :: 3907 Views
  1. WCIT/DTL Owner Cosponsors SB1423:  ‘Super powers’ proposed for Aloha Stadium replacement agency
  2. Hawaii’s high hopes for high tech not new, as worn as Labor Department’s aging mainframe
  3. Restaurant owners push back on proposed tax on sugary beverages
  4. Bill would allow luxury property owners choice to send tax money to county or charity
  5. Hawaii Co PD to Name Disciplined Officers
  6. COVID-19 vaccine: Everybody at DoE is Ahead of You
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Saturday, January 30, 2021
January 30, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:52 PM :: 3928 Views
  1. Sony Pictures Shooting Movie at Miske Home -- ‘news’ misses the story
  2. SB263: Mystery Bill Scheduled for Hearing
  3. Panel: Hawaii Justice System Needs Better Data Collection
  4. Civil Beat Sues Honolulu Police To Make Officer Overtime Data Public
  5. State Health Department Is Mum On Former Epidemiologist’s Departure
  6. Green: Let the Vaccinated Travel Without Testing or Quarantine
  7. Looking to revitalize Oahu’s economy, Honolulu mayor considers easing restrictions
  8. State: There’s no timeline for distribution of key unemployment extension benefits
  9. UHERO study says Hawaii residents not staying home as much as they did at start of pandemic
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Friday, January 29, 2021
January 29, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:04 PM :: 2332 Views
  1. State Workers Got $150M in Raises this Year—How Will Legislators Get them More?
  2. HB433: Rental Car Tax Will Pay Enviros to go Hiking
  3. Some parents say Hawaii is moving too slowly to bring students back to class
  4. To ease courts backlog, prosecutors are considering plea deals in DUI cases
  5. What Emergency? Temporary University of Hawaii stadium on campus will cost $5M
  6. Big Island EPA Mandate Sewer Cost $400K per Home
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Thursday, January 28, 2021
January 28, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:24 PM :: 2462 Views
  1. Employers Must Fill out DoH Survey to get Vaccine for Workers
  2. HPD Chief Shakes Up Covert Intelligence Unit After Years Of Scandal
  3. Pono Hawai’i Defending the Hawaii auditor’s office
  4. Mayor identifies affordable workforce rentals as a top priority    
  5. ‘Vancouver Tax’ doesn’t work in Vancouver—but facts never stop the Kauai Council
  6. Punahou School fires teacher after sexual abuse allegations
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Thursday, January 28, 2021
Letters to the Editor January, 2021
By Letters to the Editor @ 12:22 AM :: 3106 Views
  • Let’s Rethink All-Mail Balloting
  • I got my first covid shot yesterday
  • World getting better!
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Wednesday, January 27, 2021
January 27, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:48 PM :: 3456 Views
  1. Targets, Subjects: They all manage to get their Pensions
  2. Feds Again Doing the Job the State Won’t Do:  Ex-Husband of HPD Officer’s Druggie Girlfriend found with 24 pounds of cocaine
  3. 2,200 Cases: Murder trials, other Oahu court cases with multiple defendants paused because Judiciary isn’t paying for larger courtrooms
  4. HB354: Bill Would Give Lawmakers Control Over Auditor’s Paycheck
  5. HOOSER: Abolish the ADC – Support the Auditor
  6. Honolulu: Tax Hikes will Come After We Decide not to stop funding vacant positions
  7. From 2000 to Zero: How Hawaii is pioneering a new model of tourism
  8. Foundation exploring TMT ahead of funding decision
  9. Several Hawaii gambling bills under review
  10. Ige’s Hawaii 2.0 Sounds Familiar
  11. QAnon tweets on Hawaii GOP’s official account raise questions about party’s direction
  12. Brother of disgraced Trump national security adviser picked to lead U.S. Army Pacific
  13. Covid vaccine demands so high in Hawai'i, it could take months to settle
  14. Another Day, Another Trick to Con Legislators into Giving HSTA Lots of Money
  15. Hawaii Island unemployment rate drops to 8.9% in December
  16. Hawaii County audit finds four people voted twice in 2010
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Tuesday, January 26, 2021
January 26, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:48 PM :: 3268 Views
  1. CNHA: Biden Could Help OHA Tribe Hide Illegal Activities from State Auditor
  2. State of State: Ige Punts Tax Hike to Legislature
  3. HB133: Hawaii Bill Would Increase Tax On Capital Gains
  4. HB470: Proposal would keep Hawaii unemployment tax at pre-Covid level
  5. Hawaii Tourism Authority readies for defunding
  6. Witness in drug case involving Katherine Kealoha’s brother is now on the run
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Monday, January 25, 2021
January 25, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:05 PM :: 3420 Views
  1. Feds Covering $53M Cost to Tutor Students failed by HSTA—Union Outraged
  2. 42% of Vaccine going to non-Seniors
  3. Hawaii labor market not likely to see major gains in short term
  4. She Was About To Lose Her Job. Then Her Dad’s Department Hired Her
  5. Celebration cost for home of Queen Lili‘uokalani and Hawaii governors raises eyebrows
  6. Hawai’i Proposes Taxpayers Fund Crystal Ball Predictions
  7. Out-of-state buyers 30% of Maui home sales—Down from 60%
  8. Teaching telescope project to proceed at Halepohaku
  9. Permit for Red Hill fuel tanks stirs controversy
  10. Progressive Caucus a Motley Crew Chaired by the Even Motlier Matt LoPresti
  11. After 70 years of Democratic failings, turn to Hawaii GOP?
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Sunday, January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:21 PM :: 5251 Views
  1. Police and Prosecutors Conspired to Cover up Brutal Maui Hate Crime
  2. Hypocrisy: OHA Demands Transparency from Counties, State
  3. Green: 92,000 vaccines in the fridge because we are afraid the supplies will be cut off
  4. Gang Leader Escapes Justice Again and Again
  5. Time to revamp Hawaii’s government
  6. Shutting off welcoming state Capitol from the public would send discouraging message
  7. Time not right for $17 minimum wage in Hawaii
  8. Give Lots and Lots of Money to HGEA to Save ‘Economy
  9. Hawaii hotel industry struggling to bring workers back
  10. Aloha Stadium scheme is doomed because it is more about development than football
  11. County: COVID-19 app won’t be mandatory for travelers
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Saturday, January 23, 2021
January 23, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:54 PM :: 4870 Views
  1. Naming Names:  Parade of former, current council members subpoenaed to testify in federal probe
  2. Proposed Budget Cuts Would ‘Basically Gut’ Hawaii State Auditor’s Office
  3. Tax Hike Coming: Waters says balancing city’s $400 million budget deficit is top priority
  4. New faces, same Covid plan
  5. Food Basket reports ‘significant’ decrease in number of people served in Kona
  6. 60,000 Shots Sitting in Fridge
  7. Molokai moves to Age 65+ COVID-19 vaccines
  8. Next Boondoggle: Estimated price tag for Ala Wai flood prevention project doubles to $650M
  9. Hawaii’s Land Board cracks down on illegal seawalls
  10. New HART Board Member Wants A Fraud Hotline
  11. Feds charge suspected accomplice of ‘Proud Boys Hawaii’ founder in U.S. Capitol riot
  12. Hawaii lawmakers push to legalize marijuana for personal use
  13. More Homeless Mayhem: Bums Take over Walgreens Flagship Store
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Friday, January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:44 PM :: 2287 Views
  1. New Route For Honolulu Rail? Any ‘Hare-Brained’ Scheme Is Being Considered
  2. Commission only wants to see election success in all-mail balloting—Sends in late report to Legislature
  3. Rate Hikes Coming: HECO, Public Utilities Commission move ahead with performance-based regulation
  4. The Opening Day Speech That Never Was
  5. 13,690 Hawaiʻi Households Received Nearly $60 Million in Pandemic-Related Housing/Rent Assistance
  6. New findings show more than half of Hawaii’s hotel rooms will remain empty in 2021  
  7. 20% of all parking tickets issued over the last 5 years went unpaid, state records show
  8. Some Moloka'i residents push to restart Maui-Moloka'i ferry
  9. Biden Signs Order Fully Reimbursing Hawaii National Guard For COVID-19 Operations
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Thursday, January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:40 PM :: 2964 Views
  1. Some are renewing a push for federal recognition of Native Hawaiians under Biden administration
  2. Hanalei Vigilantes to be Model for Hawaii Tourism Industry
  3. State Senate Top Priority Raising Taxes to Satisfy HSTA
  4. After 8 years on the job, Honolulu’s fire chief to retire next month
  5. Five questions with Sherry Menor-McNamara on Hawaii's $700M unemployment insurance deficit
  6. State blames aging mainframe computer for delays paying revived ‘plus-up,’ other jobless aid
  7. In new legislative session, leaders seek changes in penalties for COVID violations
  8. O’ahu Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Coming?
  9. News from Hilo: Former cop changes pleas in assault, abuse cases at Center of Hawaii County Government
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Wednesday, January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:11 PM :: 5309 Views
  1. Saiki, Hanabusa Launch Attack on State Auditor to Save OHA’s Dirty Secrets
  2. Cataluna: The New Year Brings A New Hawaii
  3. Ige: Doses in Fridge are for 2nd Vaccination
  4. New City prosecutor asks for dismissal in COVID-19 violation case against U.S. Surgeon General
  5. A Year Later, HPD Still Investigating Shooting Deaths Of 2 Police Officers
  6. Leaders criticize ‘chronic mismanagement’ of Native Hawaiian burials
  7. Vaccinated travelers could be exempt from quarantine, testing by spring
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Tuesday, January 19, 2021
January 19, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:22 PM :: 3220 Views
  1. $700M Tax Hike Coming
  2. Hawaii Burned $1.3B on COVID Unemployment. Businesses May Have To Pay The Tab
  3. Carbon Taxes Will Raise Taxes -- But Will It Reduce Emissions?
  4. Fear of Violence Exploited to Keep Public in the Dark at Hawaii Legislature
  5. Republican Priorities for 2021 Legislature
  6. Insiders’ 5 point plan for economy
  7. Hawaii Lawmakers May Cut Solar Credits
  8. Lawmakers Still Hope To Pass Climate Legislation in 2021
  9. Some Want Permanent Security Barriers At Capitol, But At What Cost?
  10. Federal Prosecutors ask that Maui Hate Attack defendants be held without bail
  11. 100 Day plan for prosecutor’s office
  12. University of Hawaii and Department of Education design budget cuts to boost case for Tax Hikes
  13. Big Isle pediatricians to DOE: ‘Open our schools’
  14. Oahu’s first mass vaccination site launches
  15. New Wave Of Federal Stimulus Money Is Hitting Hawaii—Does Anybody Need it?
  16. Miske wins increased access to defense lawyers, computerized case files
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Monday, January 18, 2021
January 18, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:31 PM :: 2313 Views
  1. Tax Hikes Could Backfire on Depressed Economy—10.1% Unemployment
  2. COVID: Kauai Anti-Tourism Measures Working—Only 20 Visitors Thursday
  3. Kupuna turned away at hospital vaccine clinic
  4. Coronavirus spread in Hawaii by the Numbers
  5. Anti-Plastic Maniacs Plan Agenda for 2021
  6. EPA: Hawaii’s Military Bases Dumped 630,000 Pounds Of Delicious Nitrate Into The Ocean
  7. Hawaii Democrats About to Run out of Excuses
  8. Civil Beat Foolishly says “All Lives Matter” – Who will Billionaire Omidyar Pay for this Transgression?
  9. Leader of 2007 Anti-Superferry Riots wants ‘Accountability’ from Trumpsters
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Sunday, January 17, 2021
January 17, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:59 PM :: 2811 Views
  1. $400M GE Tax Hike Planned
  2. Ige Sets up 2021 Legislative Session to Produce Tax Hikes
  3. Hawaii Tourism Authority spent ‘exorbitant’ amounts marketing to visitors as lockdowns dropped demand
  4. Congresswoman Concerned About Hawaii CARES Spending Got No Answers From Ige
  5. Current state of homelessness on Kaua‘i discussed
  6. 5K on Kaua‘i vaccinated
  7. Gas use down 18%, Hawaii County highway fund takes a hit from less driving
  8. Kauai businesses give dour assessment of survival chances under travel restrictions
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Saturday, January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:08 PM :: 4087 Views
  1. Doing the Job the State Won’t Do: Feds Charge Maui Thugs in 2014 Hate Crime Attack
  2. Legislators Clueless: Everything depends on new Biden ‘Stimulus’
  3. While Thousands of Shots Sit in Fridge, Maui Hospital’s vaccine clinic closing FOR 3 WEEKS over 'shortage'
  4. Thousands seek appointments for COVID-19 vaccine as distribution ramps up
  5. Oahu public school principal under fire for holding student assembly for more than 80
  6. Adding up the business losses in Hawaii
  7. DLIR’s dated technology slows distribution of unemployment benefits
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Friday, January 15, 2021
January 15, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:02 PM :: 2079 Views
  1. With 1000s of Shots in the Fridge, DoH Tries to Blame ‘Supply Uncertainty’ for Hawaii’s Slow Mass Vaccination Effort
  2. New Excuse for Slow COVID Vaccination Rollout—Blame Seniors
  3. 50% of Hawaii Small Business Short on Rent
  4. COVID Criminal Releases: 60% Rearrested (but don’t worry, the soft-on-crime crowd will explain this away)
  5. Streets filling up with homeless from Mainland
  6. Tax Hike Sales Pitch: Closure of Hilo Youth Challenge Academy
  7. No More ‘Gifts Of Aloha’ For State Lawmakers
  8. Federal judge orders ‘Proud Boys Hawaii’ founder to surrender passport
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Thursday, January 14, 2021
January 14, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:10 PM :: 3165 Views
  1. Hawaii Ranks 46th In Administering COVID-19 Vaccines, Feds Say we have 118,000 shots sitting in the Fridge
  2. Oahu Vaccinations Begin Monday Age 75+ Sign Up Here
  3. Crowds Form at Maui Vaccination Site, Hundreds Turned Away
  4. What Crisis? $30M pricetag to renovate water features at the state Capitol raises eyebrows
  5. DoE Wastes $5M Pretending to Assemble Digital Lessons That Won’t be Ready Until COVID is Gone
  6. Barricades block Hawaii Capitol building entrances after FBI warns of armed protests in all states
  7. Ochs Used as Excuse to Restrict Journalists
  8. Results from first phase of Snorkel Safety Study explains causes of snorkeling drownings in Hawaii
  9. Homelessness anticipated to gradually rise—PIT Count cancelled
  10. Homeless man, 34, arrested after allegedly assaulting homeless woman with tire iron
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Wednesday, January 13, 2021
January 13, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:32 PM :: 3287 Views
  1. Ige to Raise GE Tax -- ponders higher fuel and income taxes
  2. Hawaii: 60,000 Vaccines in Refrigerator?  DoH says just an illusion as COVID-19 vaccine rollout lags
  3. The DOE to pay Private Tutors after a year of paying HSTA members to do nothing
  4. How One Company Is Going The Extra Mile To do the Job DOE- HSTA Won’t
  5. Alm says his top priority is restoring public’s trust in city Prosecutor’s Office
  6. Judge to hear motion to dismiss charge against surgeon general
  7. Lawsuit alleges businesses are victims of a massive city sewer fee ‘ripoff’
  8. Schools that purchased PPE early on won’t be reimbursed with emergency funds?
  9. Sacrifice?  The Bus workers want $800/mo raise
  10. No ‘twindemic’ as cases of flu remain scarce
  11. Late to the COVID Game: Maui Anti-Tourism Activists Hope to Replicate Kauai’s Success
  12. Human trafficking, sexual violence cases triple amid pandemic
  13. Repeat Offender charged with burglary after allegedly breaking into Waialae Iki home
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Tuesday, January 12, 2021
January 12, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:54 PM :: 2669 Views
  1. Only Two mass vaccination sites planned for Oahu as Sister isles Begin Inoculating Hundreds
  2. Kauai: 500 Teachers Get Vaccine on Day One
  3. Maui: Hundreds turn out for vaccine drive
  4. Lawmakers concerned after FBI warns of ‘armed protests’ planned at all 50 state capitals
  5. Stupid UH Progressives Try to Tie Nick Ochs to Mayor Blangiardi
  6. Hawaii stepping up security at state Capitol and all government buildings
  7. Organizers: ’Unmasked flash mob’ canceled
  8. DHHL chair says Kapolei casino would be built on land not zoned for homes
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Monday, January 11, 2021
January 11, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:43 PM :: 2950 Views
  1. Sgt Schultz Caldwell: “How do you know something you don’t know until you know it?”
  2. False Dichotomy: Furloughs or Tax Hikes?  Let’s Create our own Choice -- Tough Questions For The Hawaii Department Of Education
  3. As DoH Dithers, AARP Hawaii urges safe access to COVID-19 vaccine for seniors aged 75 and older
  4. $5000 Bail for Ochs -- seen in mob that stormed U.S. Capitol
  5. Danny De Gracia: Hawaii Republicans Should Follow Up On Tardy Stand Against Violence
  6. Kailua Kona Q Anon Nuts Rally for Trump
  7. Blood Bank of Hawaii asks COVID-19 survivors to donate plasma to help save lives
  8. Honolulu Prosecuting Attorney Steve Alm unveils 100-day plan Tuesday
  9. Soft on Crime: Lifelong Criminal Gets Another Fake 20 Years Sentence—HPA will let him out soon (again)
  10. Replacement work avoids funding halt at Aloha Stadium
  11. Dillingham Airfield Still Set to Close in June
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Sunday, January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:56 PM :: 4198 Views
  1. Miske-Related Case Shows How State Judiciary Protects Mafia
  2. Hawaii businesses fear unemployment tax increases will ruin their economic recovery
  3. Federal labor department to investigate Hawaii’s unemployment insurance system
  4. Big Island Mayor Roth hospitalized with chest pains
  5. With triple-digit case spikes, Mayor Blangiardi focuses on how to move the city forward
  6. Kauai County to begin Mass Vaccination for Age 75+
  7. Honolulu Police Spent $150,000 In CARES Funds On A Robot Dog to Scan Homeless
  8. Chang: Singapore Housing Bill will be back this Session
  9. Defense spending ‘incredibly important’ for Hawaii during COVID-19 pandemic
  10. Public unhappy over lack of access: Pandemic, technology and tension during long council session
  11. Hawaii Republican Party, already weakened, gets destroyed by Trumpism and extremism
  12. Pachinko Billionaire Buys up Hawaii Golf Clubs—Drama Follows
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Saturday, January 9, 2021
January 9, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:03 PM :: 2395 Views
  1. Nearly 600 cases reported in 2 days, officials urge people not to gather
  2. Tax Hike Kabuki: Ige Says Only Biden can Save You 
  3. In blistering letter, UH officials condemn school’s financial relationship with Aloha Stadium
  4. Longtime Rail Officials Ousted As New CEO Joins HART
  5. Rick Keene tapped as HART's No. 2 official
  6. HSTA Complains Principals too slow to Shut Schools Back Down so HSTA Members can get back to being paid for doing nothing
  7. Retired Officer involved in Kealoha case may receive reduced sentence
  8. Legal battle brewing over portion of proceeds from sale of Kealohas’ home
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Friday, January 8, 2021
January 8, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:06 PM :: 2099 Views
  1. Hawaii Will Collect More Taxes Than Expected—But Don’t Worry, we’re still going to raise taxes
  2. Ige’s mom, mom-in-law vaccinations look unfair
  3. Work-from-Hawaii program draws 50K applicants for 50 spots
  4. Number of unemployment claims in Hawaii jumps before PEUC Deadline
  5. Biki Bike Should be Allowed to Siphon Money from Taxpayers because it is Green
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Thursday, January 7, 2021
January 7, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:59 PM :: 2654 Views
  1. Tax Hikes on Fuel, Food and Health Care
  2. Green calls for 2-week moratorium on social gatherings as new coronavirus cases reach high of 322
  3. Department of Education shuffles papers rather than distribute COVID-19 vaccines to 44,000+ employees
  4. Tax Hike Sales Pitch: DoE Claims 1,300 teaching positions at risk
  5. HSTA Member Posts Bail, Returns to Mainland after Forcing School Evacuation
  6. State-Run Bank would be State Run Bank-Ruptcy
  7. Hawaii Electric Industries (HEI) Launches New Buying Spree
  8. Spying on You: New app could warn you of COVID-19 exposure
  9. HPD Deputy Says ‘We Did Nothing Wrong’ In Surveillance On Cabinet Official
  10. Soft on Crime: 13 Priors Does it Again
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Wednesday, January 6, 2021
January 6, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:22 PM :: 2591 Views
  1. Hawaii facing largest recession in history
  2. Constantly Changing Safe Travels rules impede recovery
  3. Changing of restaurant rules ‘definitely killing us’
  4. State to expand eligibility for COVID vaccine to those 75 and up, more essential workers
  5. HECO:  Latest Green Energy Scheme Based on Faulty Accounting
  6. Workforce drug tests show Hawaii marijuana, cocaine use up in last half of 2020
  7. Amemiya Lands City Council Gig To Cash In On Retirement Benefits
  8. Kirk Caldwell's Reality Show Takes a Brief Hiatus — Hopefully
  9. The Continuing Clout Of Hawaii’s Public Worker Unions
  10. Hawaii will need to pay $59 million in interest to cover unemployment
  11. Legislative Agenda: Raise Taxes by Threatening Cuts to Sex Abuse Treatment
  12. Legislative Agenda: Progressives will push for $17/hr Minimum Wage
  13. Enviros Plan to Gain Control of 30% of US Waters
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Tuesday, January 5, 2021
January 5, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:49 PM :: 3131 Views
  1. Higher state taxes under consideration—So Big We Can’t Explain
  2. DoH Purposefully Slow-Walking COVID 19 vaccines—“all part of the plan”
  3. Sound Familiar???  DoH Blames Holidays, Feds, Logistics For Slow rollout of the state’s COVID-19 vaccination plan
  4. Green Pushing DoH to Stop Dawdling
  5. Economic forecast: Visitor numbers could hit 6M this year
  6. Kaua‘i students go back to school on Blended Schedule
  7. Will Hawaii Legislature Reverse Ige’s Suspension Of The Public Records Law?
  8. Hawaii Employees' Retirement System on Government Workers' Exodus
  9. Violence against women in abusive relationships escalated during pandemic, experts say
  10. Hawaii Restaurant Card gave a nice boost, but $5M never spent
  11. Judge dismisses obstruction case against Kealoha conspiracy victim
  12. EPA Muddies the Water on Permitting Discharges to Groundwater ‎and What the Biden Administration Will Likely Do About It
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Monday, January 4, 2021
January 4, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:03 PM :: 3296 Views
  1. Why Did Kealoha Care About Protecting Miske?
  2. Legislators Begin Discussing Tax Hikes Today
  3. Vaccine Plan for Hawaii in 2021
  4. COVID infection rate on the rise
  5. For The Honolulu Rail Project, 2020 Was The Year The Wheels Fell Off
  6. Legislative Agenda: Advocates Again Pushing For Automatic Voter Registration
  7. Rep Holt, Sen Keohokalole Announce Support for DHHL Casino
  8. Maui County Public schools to resume this week
  9. Kauai Occupancy Yo-Yo as mayor panders to Hanalei Celebrutards who want to Shut Island Down
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Sunday, January 3, 2021
January 3, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:46 PM :: 2413 Views
  1. Blangiardi no comment on plans to tackle mountain of problems
  2. Honolulu City Council members sworn in-- Waters was elected Council chairman
  3. Steve Alm sworn in as Honolulu prosecutor—Launches Audit of Kealoha Cases
  4. Vax for Age 75+ to begin Mid-January?
  5. Hawaii has most believers in Eco-Religion
  6. Do local youth have a future in Hawaii?
  7. Report shows coronavirus pandemic increases the need for doctors in Hawaii
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Saturday, January 2, 2021
January 2, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:01 PM :: 4167 Views
  1. COVID Cures Flu in Hawaii:  Only 5 Flu Cases – Flu Deaths drop from 227 to Zero   
  2. 51-50 News: Caldwell believes he could win governor’s race in 2022
  3. UPW staffing shortage at Halawa Correctional Facility
  4. Lt. Gov. Green: Huge spike in cases due to delay in processing tests
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Friday, January 1, 2021
January 1, 2021 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:29 PM :: 2462 Views
  1. Despite sexual misconduct suit, city Enterprise Services director returned to work
  2. A Higher priority Than You: COVID vaccine to be available early this year for inmates
  3. Lawsuit: DOE Failed To Help Hilo Student Who Was Harassed And Bullied
  4. Hawaii’s ban on sunscreens and plastic goes into effect New Year’s Day
  5. Licensed to Work
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Thursday, December 31, 2020
December 31, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:58 PM :: 2244 Views
  1. Ige: Federal COVID Relief Won’t Prevent Tax Hikes
  2. Dear Mayor-Elect Blangiardi: Please Add Transparency To Your Agenda
  3. “Lands on Maunakea are some of the best managed and protected lands in the entire state.”
  4. Nearly $70M spent statewide through Hawaii Restaurant Card program    
  5. Katherine Kealoha got a 13-year sentence, but she’ll be released in 2030. Here’s why.
  6. Hawaii’s UPW-Controlled Prisons: When Inmates had guns
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Wednesday, December 30, 2020
December 30, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:59 PM :: 3437 Views
  1. Hawaii needs the federal corruption probes to keep moving forward
  2. Blangiardi’s transition team announces Cabinet selections
  3. Caldwell claims to close $400M shortfall without the slightest inconvenience to public unions
  4. University of Hawaii budget proposal to the Legislature includes $78M in cuts
  5. Tax Cheat Gary Hooser says ‘Raise Taxes’
  6. Hawaii heiress Abigail Kawananankoa got $142,000 federal bailout loan
  7. Biden: Vaccine Distribution being Slow-Walked until Jan 20
  8. Spying on You: COVID-19 exposure notification app going Statewide
  9. 48 Priors: Life Long Crime Spree Finally Comes to an End
  10. Hawaii Worst State to Retire
  11. The War On Tiki Bars
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Tuesday, December 29, 2020
December 29, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:44 PM :: 5209 Views
  1. Lori Kahikina, new Rail Boss, Obstructed Dillingham Dig
  2. HART Fails To Address Risks Of Fraud, Waste And Abuse
  3. Gov. David Ige opposes plan for casino in Kapolei
  4. Caldwell’s Legacy As Honolulu Mayor Is Marred By Rail And Homelessness
  5. Nursing homes begin vaccinations, but who’s next?
  6. Hawaii sees 38% increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations—Case Count ‘Artificially Low’
  7. Tourism recovery not seen until summer, hotel execs say
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Monday, December 28, 2020
December 28, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:48 PM :: 2197 Views
  1. Public support for unions is a hard sell when so many in the private sector are hurting--so here’s how to manipulate a Billion Dollar tax Hike
  2. Next shipment of COVID-19 vaccines to arrive in Hawaii this week
  3. Are Open-Book Tests Making It Too Easy To Become A Honolulu Police Officer?
  4. Thousands turn out for The Food Basket’s 100th ‘food drop’ since April
  5. COVID disinformation is dangerous to society
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Sunday, December 27, 2020
December 27, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:40 PM :: 3021 Views
  1. What Emergency? Hawaii Tourism Authority Keeps Funneling Money to WCIT/DTL Scheme
  2. Hawaii’s leaders bring profiles in futlessness to dreadful year
  3. Potential Kapolei casino raises concerns in Las Vegas
  4. Over a hundred car break-ins and thefts reported within a week
  5. Sick Leave: Lets Pay People to Stay at Home and Do Nothing
  6. Puna Cell Phone Tower Permit Triggers Anti-5G Nuts
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