Thursday, June 18, 2009 |
June 18, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:22 AM :: 9696 Views
Lingle rejects unions' latest trick
County workers to be spared furloughs
Honolulu prosecutor, chairman of city council may run for mayor
Joe Bertram not to seek reelection???
Hawaii public housing director urges veto of fees, limited stays
Unions to pick new Honolulu chief
Highway revamp faces roadblocks
Hawaii County Eastern bloc flexes voting power (back to 5-4 again)
Bigger role for Naeole
Maui Co. Curbside recycling is sought
Respected professor accused of arson
Chemopobia: Fluoridation of Water- An Ongoing Contentious Issue in Hawaii
Kauai: Ceremony today to honor shot Hawaiian monk seals
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009 |
June 17, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:59 AM :: 13764 Views
Hawaii state worker furloughs being challenged in court
Hawaii students lag behind Kazakhstan
Kaua‘i Drug Court graduates ‘move on’
Mufia's bid for governor will mix up City Hall
Freeways, trains under scrutiny at dueling conferences
HawTel has possible buyer
Judiciary budget cut $11.4M
Fate of former Wailupe school remains unclear
Hospital bankruptcy plan sparks dispute
Thielen readies backup plan for parks
Maui B&B, vacation rental tax bill goes forward
Would a CEO run Kaua‘i better?
Kauai Council to air open government concerns
Pump costs jump to $3 per gallon (Takamine tax about to kick in)
SB/Obama: Global warming to turn ocean into acid bath (don't worry, its just another tax increase)
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009 |
June 16, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:37 AM :: 10726 Views
Pentagon warns of North Korean missile threat to Hawaii, Alaska
Al Hee using your tax dollars to make $400M bid for Hawaiian Telecom
Abercrombie: Hannemann walking out on city's rail transit project
Candidates Begin Filing To Fill Bainum's Seat
HGEA Plans Fight Against State Furloughs: Union Says It's Willing To Negotiate Pay, Benefits
City's alleged dumping in stream investigated: Another enviro crime by the Mufia
Feds charge ex-HPD officer
Shock over reduced sentence (got ten years, to be released in 1 month)
John W Goemans: Lawyer's work opened OHA voting
Phony Warming: Honolulu Temperature Records Questioned
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Monday, June 15, 2009 |
June 15, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:51 AM :: 7102 Views
Hospital no longer a "snake pit," says departing committee member
Honolulu's new transit logo biased, rail opponents say
Hawaii's first stimulus-funded construction project under way
Furloughs worry UH researchers
2009 Legislature theme? Me first — at 38 percent
Hawaii bill gives patients a voice in end-of-life treatment
Study theorizes voyagers left French Polynesia during ciguatera outbreak (Caused by Global Cooling?)
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Sunday, June 14, 2009 |
June 14, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:04 AM :: 8469 Views
Neighbor island campaigns can decide candidates' fate
"Clean Electricity" Projects on a hiatus due to scarce funds
Decline in tourism jolt to sales of electricity
Impact of upcoming furloughs has Hawaii state workers anxious
$1.7 million Capitol makeover necessary, Hawaii official says
Restore home tax credit Mufia's phony election-year cash giveaway
Honolulu vehicle weight tax to increase 66% over next 2 years
As rail gets real, more concerns emerge
Lingle weighs liquor liability bill
Big Isle building put on tax rolls
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Saturday, June 13, 2009 |
June 13, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:43 AM :: 11321 Views
Filings can start Monday for special election
Honolulu City Council Council Passes $1.1 Billion Budget for Rail with No Proviso
SB propaganda: School board members decide they will try to "shake the tree" to find more operating funds
Advertiser: BOE members delay vote on budget plan
Hawaii counties to receive $225 million in bond authority
IRS investigates Pflueger, Inc. (revealed in suit against Pflueger's insurance co)
Maui's Secret Ethics: Nishiki review finished
Kaho‘ohalahala / Lana`i: High court ruling on residency requested
State Prosecutors, Public Defenders Get 3 Fridays Off
Stolen-car driver freed, not charged
Candidate's links to development trouble residents
Hawaii county Council: Onishi, Enriques look to demote Yagong, Hoffmann
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Friday, June 12, 2009 |
June 12, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:10 PM :: 12095 Views
KSBE POWER: "Teacher Merit pay experiment worth a closer look
SB spots legal problem for newest version of Akaka Bill
UH economists revise their outlook and now do not expect recovery until 2011 or 2012
Kaua‘i anti-Superferry group: Send us Gitmo detainees
Mauians discuss plans for new global warming propaganda
Eco regression: Wood-burning facility will meet all rules, say owners
New law protects manta rays
Save Kailua Fireworks Group Seeks Support from the Community to Save 4th of July Celebration
Kauai council secrecy: Bynum, Kawahara continue crusade
Mayor Kenoi signs budget
Japanese firms may get in on Guam military housing contracts
Hawaii-based Hoku Scientific (BIG Act 215/221 player) in financing crunch, posts loss
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Thursday, June 11, 2009 |
June 11, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:22 AM :: 9616 Views
HMSA increasing rates 12.1% for small businesses
Hawaii governor's race may focus more on style than issues
City Council to hold special election within 60 days
Mayor Hannemann Now in Race for Governor
Council raises residential property, vehicle weight taxes, bus fares
Budget bill has mayor thinking veto: $150 Voter payoff demanded
Enviro Democrats denounce rail vote
With Greenwood picked as new leader, spending must now be cut by $100 million
Low-bid protest prompts contract review
Anybody but me: Pflueger tries to make insurer foot the bill for Ka Loko
Council aide Offenbaker resigns over Internet use
Haina Mill sued by lenders
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009 |
June 10, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:04 AM :: 8177 Views
UH regents likely to vote on new president today
Hawaii tax revenues dropping much lower than predicted
Mufia Hannemann moves closer to bid for governor
Legislators' safety net may not work next year
Councilman Duke Bainum dies
City Council prepares to pile on more taxes
Maui News Polls 'Islam Day'
OHA Audit: Risks to Kau Inoa personal info. not considered
State employee furlough plan could affect Big Island courts
Care-home transfers may harm seniors
Company asks to delay Ookala project again
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Tuesday, June 9, 2009 |
June 9, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:12 AM :: 8819 Views
More Akaka Bill problems: many Hawaiians to be excluded from Akaka Tribe
Sam Slom: Islam Day: a rush to Muslimize us
Ocean generates 10.7 percent of state GDP
Native Hawaiian educators urge UH search delay
Oahu to add 33,000 residents by 2025 -- Big Isle to add 70,000
Prevedouros: Council poised to go off the rail
Hawaii DoE 63.9% graduation rate disputed
BOE nears 76% lunch price boost
New Mauna Kea telescope plans moving forward: Public hearings scheduled
Maui home, condo resales plunge 40 percent
Failed plan cost state $112,171
OHA asks for study of burials--after funding their destruction
A&B forges ahead with plans for redevelopment in Kahului
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Monday, June 8, 2009 |
June 8, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:27 AM :: 7689 Views
Akaka bill back in play: On Kamehameha Day, House natural resources panel is to hold hearing
Advertiser: Haleakala telescope a scientific leap forward
Hawaii school to test merit pay for teachers
Candidate to head UH was emerging star at UC
Next round of bans, Styrofoam: Scientist concerned about plastic entering the ocean’s food chain
Mufia's election ploy: Honolulu City Council Moves Forward with Plans to Fund Multi-Billion Dollar Rail Transit Before Feds Give the Project Approval
SB backs Mufia: Tax hike, recycling good budget moves
Nonprofits shed staff and programs
Wilcox nurses hold the line for status quo contract
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Sunday, June 7, 2009 |
June 7, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:50 AM :: 9876 Views
Circle dance begins for open seats
SB: Search for UH president should end with Greenwood
Community college rolls soar in Hawaii
Landowners oppose legislation mandating more affordable units
Unions prepare to fight Hawaii government worker furloughs
We must spark an industry of energy startups
All stakeholders must press for KPT repairs
Furloughs: Public defender office closures affecting courtroom schedules
Palcic/SB: State's bloated bureaucracy prices work force out of jobs and efficiency
Kauai: Board members cleared of alleged charter violations
Pflueger case continued
Hawaii County: Exemptions, 3% cap create tax inequities
Greenwell voted on Hokulia-related issue despite owning property in development
Proposed Nani Kailua extension hits delay
Abercrombie backs Ron Paul's 'Audit the (Joooish) Fed Bill'
Sovereignty documentary debuts in D.C.
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Saturday, June 6, 2009 |
June 6, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:30 AM :: 9886 Views
'Crude stereotypes' must be overcome: SB still flogging for "Islam Day'
Born identity: SB takes a whack at "Birthers"
Army may restart live-ammo use in Hawaii's Makua Valley
FBI Says Honolulu 6th-Safest U.S. City
Mysterious bins popping up in Honolulu invite recycling
Hawaii County auditor praises access
State gives $1 billion Bridge Aina Lea developers another chance
Matson ups fuel surcharge
Target aims for Maui store--unless superstores are banned
A&B property designated as important ag lands on Maui
Big Isle soldier is killed
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Friday, June 5, 2009 |
June 5, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:33 AM :: 9486 Views
Akaka Bill goes before House Ctte Thursday
UH regents ready to OK Greenwood
Furloughs: Gov. Says Some Departments Will Close, Others To Reduced Staff
Honolulu City Council wrestles with tax proposals
Law boosts charter schools
Maui: Ban on Styrofoam will be introduced
Windfarm energy may be transmitted from other islands (Enviros still debating effort to block)
Electricity rates rise statewide
Isle motorists economize as gas prices rise anew
Hawaiian Tel Bankruptcy emergence plan cuts owner Carlyle Group almost completely out
Rep Joe Bertram III recovering from illness
The Fair American
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Thursday, June 4, 2009 |
June 4, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:17 AM :: 12533 Views
(Rabies in Hawaii?) HGEA boss Perreira foams at mouth: Lingle "lying...fooling herself"
University of Hawaii may drop classes to cut budget by $50M
Debate over Haleakala telescope re-engaged
Oahu hurricane losses worry disaster officials
Honolulu 106th in high-tech ranking
Queen's Medical Center Pays $2.5 Million to Resolve Allegations of Improper Claims
Hawaii Co Council gives budget final approval (4% lower)
HPD Commission Chooses Putzulu Acting Chief
Hawaii near top for alcohol abuse
Tom Gill, 87, was wild card of politics
Full Text: Obama's speech in Cairo
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Wednesday, June 3, 2009 |
June 3, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:58 AM :: 7000 Views
Greenwood now only candidate for University of Hawaii president
Unprecedented furloughs raise doubts about legality
Door to governor's seat may hinge on furloughs
State's 'Cadillac' health package can sustain cuts, director says
DoE: Hard-won school days are on the chopping block
Common standards could help local students
New election set for laborers union (elected felon last time)
How Business Friendly is Your Hawaii Lawmaker?
May home prices on Oahu down 15.3%
Isle economy grew only 0.7 percent last year
'Great father', 'loving kid' killed in motorcycle crash (Activists blocking installation of traffic light)
Hawaii County releases pot data
Developer seeks 'do over' after project fails requirements
Yagong, Kenoi battle over cost-savings move
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Tuesday, June 2, 2009 |
June 2, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:31 AM :: 6335 Views
Furlough fight brews: Unions to seek 'injunctive relief'?
DOE officials face another $110 million trim
State Worker Reacts To Furlough
Hawaii County employees' Web surfing: No pornographic, illicit sites exposed in logs
Isles' bankruptcies surged 62% in May
Rail EIS nearing completion
Good News: 3 state Environmental Council members quit
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Monday, June 1, 2009 |
June 1, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:43 AM :: 9493 Views
Akaka Bill still going nowhere
State workers on edge on eve of Governor's budget announcement
More cuts to schools feared after bleaker revenue forecast
Hawaii's tax outlook dims in updated forecast
Hotels continue occupancy drop
SB: More thought needed in 'saving' the environment (not pseudo-environmentalists)
EXAMPLE #1--Global warming is killing Hawaii Honeycreeper
EXAMPLE #2--Moloka'i's reef is choking to death
Elective office eluded Windward lawyer
Hawaii County government: Inside deals, incompetence, intent or arrogance?
Perpetual money machines we're not
Spitting in the eye of mainstream education
Police chief's low salary will likely limit applicants, especially mainlanders
Futuristic aircraft may land in Hawaii
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Sunday, May 31, 2009 |
May 31, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:55 AM :: 8845 Views
SB: State workers need to share budget burden
Hawaii Superferry files for bankruptcy
Hawaii's Islam Day resolution stirs passions here, on Mainland (liberals show continued arrogance)
FBI targets bond scam: Native Hawaiian group Ko Hawaii Pae Aina under investigation
Advertiser: Public housing: Deplorable conditions demand action
Is Hilo Hattie history?
DOT seeks to allay fears over bridge project
Pot priority report due Monday
Residents: Green Harvest chopper landings illegal
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Saturday, May 30, 2009 |
May 30, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:19 AM :: 7298 Views
HGEA Leader Says Raise Excise Tax For Shortfall
Isle bankruptcies soar
Isle gaming has backers and foes
FBI planning to build big new headquarters for Honolulu division
'Error' results in tax break for county employee's family
Pflueger’s Kauai Estate on the Market
Internet Vote: Aloha Means 'Goodbye' Too
Isle native Ronald Takaki pioneered ethnic studies
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Friday, May 29, 2009 |
May 29, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:46 AM :: 9990 Views
Gov. Lingle responds to Council on Revenues forecast
Isle foreclosures, delinquencies up
Liberal media mogul pleads no-contest in Oahu court
Kawaiahao Church fundraising under scrutiny by Hawaii officials
OHA honors vow to help finance native Hawaiian homes
Isle utilities in top 10 on solar energy
Mental health, substance abuse treatment center facing possible closure
Queen K Hwy: Bid review hearing begins, ruling months off
SB: 'Civil unions' don't go far enough
'Mixed race' fastest growing in US
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Thursday, May 28, 2009 |
May 28, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:24 AM :: 10165 Views
Hawaii's tourist decline eases to 1.3% in April, but they spent less
$90M drop in revenue expected
Unions say Lingle now pursuing wage cuts
Hawaii offers tax amnesty — but only if you pay up in next 30 days
Hawaii again has priciest gas in U.S.
SB: Too soon for online-only voting
Advertiser: A wake-up call for neighborhood boards
Aiona has challenger for GOP nomination for governor
Tom Pico Jr.: Vigilant in His Effort to Make Hawaii A Better Place in Which to Live
Univ of Hawaii-Maui?
Maui nonprofit housing agency defaulted on $8M from county
Kenoi promises stronger ethics code
Kona: Additional hospital funds cover half the debt
Kauai Mayor to sign budget
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Wednesday, May 27, 2009 |
May 27, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:08 AM :: 9074 Views
Maui County GOP Chair denounces Sotomayor Nomination
Decision delayed on drug dogs, searches at Hawaii schools
Tourism agency plans ad cutbacks
'Renaissance' plan for Hawaii parks shifts into low-budget gear (menehune labor)
Borreca: Wading in politicos' ways reveals muck and murk
Legislature Betrayed the Filipino People with Tax Increases
Businessman faces five years in prison
Turnout low for Internet vote (The easier voting gets, the fewer participate)
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009 |
May 26, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:45 AM :: 6688 Views
Advertiser: Public hospitals must reinvent themselves
Repairs to nation's largest, oldest subway systems could trump Honolulu rail line (bad news for Mufia)
SB: Construction needs boost during recession
Poll finds that if people take vacations this summer, they will not stay for long
Focus shifting to address needs of Honolulu's growing chronic-homeless population
Kahana residents get state apology
Builder Bruce Stark faces two suits to foreclose on Canterbury Place
Niu Valley, Kaiser seek accreditation for global citizenship curriculum
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Monday, May 25, 2009 |
May 25, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:51 AM :: 8723 Views
Kauai Republicans pledge to run 'full slate' in 2010
Rail revenue plummets: Excise tax surcharge for April down 11%
SB: Isles' time to pay piper coming fast
UH examines 33 programs for consolidation or cuts
Police: Meth is growing on Maui
Subsidized solar power plan off to slow start
Hawaii's Bishop Museum struggles to survive recession
Damien canonization draws Hawaii visitors to Rome
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Sunday, May 24, 2009 |
May 24, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:43 AM :: 5651 Views
Telescope: ‘House of the Sun’ getting crowded?
Honolulu's Internet vote considered 1st in nation
9-11 Troothers win one as 'Clean elections' law takes effect
Legislators have put specific programs in financial jeopardy
Honolulu police firing range $5M over budget, 3 years off schedule
Hanabusa vs Hannemann: Landfill future contested
War on coqui pau
Building bust
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Saturday, May 23, 2009 |
May 23, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:22 AM :: 7782 Views
EIS says good outweighs bad if giant telescope built on Mauna Kea
No ceasing ceded-lands fight
Obama to appoint federal judge in Hawaii after Gillmor retires
Hawaii jobless rate dips to 6.9 percent
Matson increases fuel fee
Another assault at Hookena Beach reported
Samoa's Democrat Governor tries to block minimum wage hike
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Friday, May 22, 2009 |
May 22, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:43 AM :: 8219 Views
HECO scales back Oahu rate hike request to "only" 6.2%
Flu discourages travel to Hawaii by Japanese
UHERO: Neighbor Islands Bear Brunt of Recession
Hawaii County Audit money preserved (2% fund frozen)
SB cries: NIMBY mires Gitmo
Property tax rates hold steady, assessments vary
Hundreds celebrate ability to say ‘No!’ (Joe Bertram wants to shut them down)
Recording Could Bring Back Voice Of King Kalakaua
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Thursday, May 21, 2009 |
May 21, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:58 AM :: 11410 Views
Bill awaiting Lingle's OK will decentralize public hospitals
DBEDT expects recession to affect Hawaii through 2009
Rebels Head-chopping jihadis attack isle Marine mercy mission
Big Isle loses GM dealers (thanks, Obama)
Hawaii injunction blocks use of voting machines until rules set
Honolulu looking for new police chief
SB: Look to gas tax to prod fuel efficiency
Retaliation: Hawaii County auditor's funding could be slashed
Hawaii County lines up five new workers
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009 |
May 20, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:26 AM :: 7730 Views
Borreca: Batten the hatches, a perfect (political) storm is near
Paying more at the pump
Honolulu City Council considers raising property tax by 9%
Councilmen find allies to fight recycling cut
Police Commission may replace Correa rather than give him 1-year extension
Hawaii homeless down from 2007
Senators seek local choice for UH post
Hawaii County Council to look at county employment issues
Hawaii County employees submit budget ideas
Legislative Session: Excuses from Morita
Honolulu Holds Nation’s First All-Digital Online and Telephone Election
Big Island Chevy Dealer Closing Doors (thanks, Obama)
Maui Divers bids for Hilo Hattie
Abercrombie for Cosponsoring Fair Elections Now Act (latest gimmick for failed fundraiser)
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009 |
May 19, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:21 AM :: 10661 Views
Hawaii governor orders departments to cut spending
Honolulu city council may ease proposed tax hikes
Let's not raise HI-5¢ fees in a recession
Hawaii swine flu scaring off tourists (thanks, Biden)
SB: Boost access to ballots in digital voting (voting gets easier--so participation drops)
Another "solution' from the Advertiser: Voters shouldn't make all public decisions
Architects suggest building the rail system near ground level
Regents starting talks on 2 finalists
SB: Difficulty lingers with medical marijuana
Hawaii refinery assessed for shutdown by Chevron
Maui News Polls Governor's race
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Monday, May 18, 2009 |
May 18, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:35 AM :: 7172 Views
Gas Prices Up 22 Cents Since March (Takamine tax coming June 30)
Lawmakers raid 911 emergency communications fund to feed unions
VIEWPOINT: Legislature failed to address the basic problem with Maui’s hospital health care
Priorities beg attention from clueless legislators
Honolulu's senior centers in 'dire straits' as state cuts support
Windward Chevy hits the brakes
Hawgs have left
State's Bottle Deposit Redemption At 77 Percent
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Sunday, May 17, 2009 |
May 17, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:00 AM :: 7335 Views
Republicans urged to unite: GOP challenged to gain seats in 2010 election by sticking to core beliefs
Hawaii governor, Legislature began session on high note, ended in a 'mess' of contention
The Queen's estate
SB: Government workers don't deserve derision
Hawaii State Teachers’ Union Clamps Down on Teacher Dissention
Possible Hawaii County bid rigging halts process
Will Mayor Hannemann Forgo Federal Funding for the Honolulu Rail?
Cash-strapped Navy puts hold on transfers, goodwill visits by ships
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Saturday, May 16, 2009 |
May 16, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:05 AM :: 7312 Views
Honolulu's rough roads add $688 a year to your driving costs
UH Manoa campus seeks ways to cut back as it loses $34 million in its general funds
Maui Council returns TAT funds to budget
Gary Yabuta named Maui Co. police chief
HMSA's loss increases
Hawaii Superferry gear will be auctioned off on Maui, Oahu
Judge rejects plan to rebrand go! under Aloha Airlines name
Targeting new jobs
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Friday, May 15, 2009 |
May 15, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:19 AM :: 14252 Views
Islam Day draws heat for isles
Abercrombie seeks to transfer campaign funds
Hemmings says wife is victim of revenge
SB: Don't extinguish tobacco tax hike
Advertiser: Public process offers key chance for input
Hawaii Supreme Court Declines to Reconsider Super Ferry Ruling
Critical Honolulu City Council Vote This Monday Determines Funding Conditions for Rail
Hawaii Senator Gary Hooser: A Political Hack
Ethics Board releases ‘flawed’ attorney opinion
Arrest unlawful, couple says
Maui Council decides to keep property tax levels same in ’10
Maui, Big Isle may lose car dealers
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Thursday, May 14, 2009 |
May 14, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:33 AM :: 8537 Views
Sovereignty Activist Child abuser Makekau must serve full 5 years
Drivers may have to pay more gas tax
TheBoat ends service in June
Hawaii County sets aside $10M for vacant positions
Hawaii County Dozer rental contract to continue
Hawaii Asian population declines slightly in latest count
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009 |
May 13, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:52 AM :: 4653 Views
Error suspends taxes on tobacco
Full speed ahead for firm pushing electric vehicles
Surprise from the mystery box Legislature: $12.3M in legislative funding pleases public hospital officials
Hawaii pension portfolio to $8.12B, off from $11B a year ago
Foreclosures dip 5.5%
Kauai: Council OKs $213M budget
Recession: Just 75 plants taken in Green Harvest
West Hawaii Planning Commission inaugural meeting slated
Suspected Internet sexual predator appears in court (without Joe Bertram?)
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009 |
May 12, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:44 AM :: 7190 Views
Honolulu may hike property taxes
State high court gets a new justice
UH system could be model for U.S., a finalist says
Ex-police sergeant and wife sentenced for gaming roles
Birds present obstacles for wind turbine permits at Kilauea farm
Kauai: Bieber files complaint against Ethics colleagues
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Monday, May 11, 2009 |
May 11, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:14 AM :: 6162 Views
Honolulu rail route, elevation draw most public comments
Bill to protect taro put off
BoE Chair Toguchi: Rough, but emotion can't sway school-closure vote
Drug program succeeds beyond 'wildest dreams'
State to close center in Kailua
Ka Loko: North Shore farmers worried about water
2 Kapa‘a CODEPINK women plan to help children in Gaza
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Sunday, May 10, 2009 |
May 10, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:09 AM :: 11321 Views
Hawaii “Islam Day” secretly marks September 11
Hot topics await election season
Double Dobelle? Questions dog final 2 candidates for Univ. of Hawaii presidency
Honolulu's switch to hybrid buses stalled by realities of costs
Maui Lawmakers pleased with share of the ‘slimmer’ pie
Anti-Superferry protester retains Maui Democrat chair
SB: If Watada goes to jail, so should Bush lawyers
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Saturday, May 9, 2009 |
May 9, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:59 AM :: 6859 Views
Hawaii taxes to go up July 1 as lawmakers override governor
Lydia Hemmings indicted in theft of funds from nonprofit
SB: More are accepting of civil unions
Hawaii's poor roads cost taxpayers twice
Bill nulls gambling write-offs
Hawaii enacts legislation on electric cars, alternative energy
Hawaii parasite victim slowly recovering after weeks in coma
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Friday, May 8, 2009 |
May 8, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:19 AM :: 10120 Views
Hawaii's hotel industry protests proposed tax hike: Governor Vetoes
Amendment stalls civil-unions bill
Hawaii delegation introduces recalibrated Akaka Bill
Big Isle to get $75M boost
Hawaii Co. Council seeks unified trash fix
Bill that gives MMMC more independence gets final OK
Maui Salary commission: Not a good time for officials to get raise
Pineapple operation wins reprieve, for now
Kauai Council approves tourism ‘stimulus’
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Thursday, May 7, 2009 |
May 7, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:45 AM :: 9234 Views
Lingle resolute on anti-tax vow
Marc Resorts folds in weak economy
State hospitals: Semiprivatization to be allowed
Dobelle in Drag?
Judge denies motion to delay wrongful-death case versus Pflueger
SB: Let Akaka Bill reconcile ceded lands issue
Turnabout: Kauai Builder sues activists
Maui Council looks to stash away part or all of TAT
Land fund, 3,400 acres of Hamakua lost in revamped Hawaii Co budget
Volunteers thwart Hawaii County attempt to shutdown park renovation
Kenoi Hands Kubo Key to Hawaii County
Negotiations continue for Hilo Target store
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009 |
May 6, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:40 AM :: 6890 Views
Lingle warns unions to bargain now
OHA, 3 of 4 plaintiffs agree to settle dispute over ceded lands
Healthcare taking bigger and bigger bite out of Hawaii pockets
Borreca: Legislature winds down with promises unmet
SB: Karen's Bill wisely shelved (shills for trial lawyers)
Candidate for UH system President interviewed
Visitor industry is ‘fast train going wrong way’
Kauai and Big Isle home sales fall, but Kauai prices rise
Japan Airlines fires 130 pilots based in Hawaii
Hawaiian Electric earnings fall 40 percent
CDC confirms three cases of flu in Islands
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009 |
May 5, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:57 AM :: 7545 Views
Lingle invites public to watch her veto bills raising Hawaii taxes
Lingle blasts lawmakers on demise of parks bill
Advertiser: Hotel room tax hike is disastrous move
Ted Hong: Folks, hold on to your wallets
Cayetano backs civil unions
Advertiser: Protect right to secret ballot
Advertiser: Oil tax fund invests in Isle energy future
Kauai County Council meeting in secret
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Monday, May 4, 2009 |
May 4, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:58 AM :: 7408 Views
Superferry Redux? Worry arises with rail on fast track
"Unprecedented" declines show the hotel industry at its lowest level in 22 years
UH upkeep to reach $1 billion
Bill to allow Kahana leases could win Legislature's OK
SB: Energy plan good for Hawaii
Power plant in Pepeekeo progressing
Project aims at health care needs
Eight Kalaupapa patients will attend Damien's canonization
Jail plans mental health aid
Program for social workers takes a hit
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Sunday, May 3, 2009 |
May 3, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:29 AM :: 6550 Views
New Hawaii petroleum tax hike likely to raise gas prices (barrel tax)
State Lawmakers Reject Gas Tax, Fee Hike (highway bill)
State budget cuts $800M, 200 (nonunion) positions (190 vacant)
Biden slip painful to tourism
Hawaii County Council postpones land fund vote
Checking on Charities
Dec. 31 fireworks ruin air quality curve (propaganda in war on old Hawaii)
Move sought for rail station (Kam Schools)
Waiawa residents displaced by the city's rail-transit system wait for compensation (not Kam schools)
Air Force plan to add rec cabins at Hawaii beach stirs concern
Consultant warned Hawaii church its new construction would encounter old burials
Oahu Industrial Warehouse Space Spikes
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Saturday, May 2, 2009 |
May 2, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:34 PM :: 7572 Views
No deal for state, OHA on lands
Lawmakers will work overtime for budget
Counties will continue to get TAT funds
SB: Rail system should continue as planned
Money for pilot program might go to general fund
Hawaii school board votes to close Wailupe Valley Elementary
Nanakuli High tries to turn itself around with new teaching style
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Friday, May 1, 2009 |
May 1, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:00 AM :: 7342 Views
Socialist Micro-management damaging tourism AGAIN: Biden remark another blow to ailing isle visitor industry
Breaking News: Hawaii Legislative Session Extended (V1)
Advertiser: Hawaii Legislature close to locking in job cuts, tax increases (V2)
SB: Legislature correct to back off hotel tax (if they do) (V3)
Discount Corporatism: Deal reached on cuts to high-tech tax credits (State to pay only 80% to 'Get That Girl' and other hi-tech Cos)
Bill demands legislative OK for ceded-land sales (Legislative/OHA power grab)
DBEDT shakeup scaled back for now
5 Workers Accused In Overtime, Bribery Case
Hawaii Co. Mayor mum on budget details until May 5 unveiling (TAT?)
Hawaii may raise Mainland political contributions
Pasha Hawaii Seeks PUC Inter-island Approval for New Interisland Cargo Service
Socialism approaches end result: Tent legislation pitched
HYPE BUSTED: Scientists see this flu strain as relatively mild
War memorial for isle veterans takes flak at Liliuokalani
Hawaii man convicted of misdemeanor assault, not murder
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Thursday, April 30, 2009 |
April 30, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:33 AM :: 11915 Views
Fight Over Balancing Budget May Extend Hawaii Legislative Session Beyond May 7
GOP halts ads: (Media still covers up Rouse's current employment with Rida Cabanilla)
SB: Specter's defection reveals GOP flaw
Litany of Tax Hikes Soon to Land on Hawaii Governor’s Desk
Private property, public money (no bid leasing)
Hawaii County Internet abuse may go public
House plan to abolish rural hospital system vanishes
Hawaii on the Front Lines of the Universal Healthcare Battle
Hawaii swine flu: Zero cases--plenty panic
Pilots union puts Hawaiian Air 'on notice'
Kapolei center put on shelf
Coco Palms granted three year extension
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