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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Friday, August 7, 2009
August 7, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:43 AM :: 9224 Views

Obama backs Native Hawaiian self-governance bill

Hawaii state workers' union demands delay in layoffs

Abercrombie Accuses Hannemann Of Attacking his Integrity

Submitted votes lag as Council special election nears end

Iolani palace angered by Akahi verdict

Historic preservation: Federal review merits fast track

Hawaii state, county workers must fill prescriptions by mail

Hawaii County Council reshuffle put on hold

Maui: Pulelehua, Olowalu projects get attention

Maui council panel advances bill that would ban shark tours

Kauai: Council Rule 15(b) ignored

Better count needed for Hawaiians

No state ethics charges over UH's Sugar Bowl travel expenses

HEI Rakes it in, complains

Felicia Weakens to CAT 2 

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Thursday, August 6, 2009
August 6, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:21 PM :: 11045 Views

Hanabusa readies run for Abercrombie's seat

Unions must do their part to resolve crisis

Felicia Upgraded to Cat 4, expected to weaken

Special Senate Session Set to Consider Hawaii Judicial Nomination

Electricity rates jolt customers

State regulators kill HECO's plans to supply biofuel to new plant

SB: Lingle picks new director for DHHL

Preservation unit under probe (Maneuver by Hee, Abercrombie?)

Former judge linked to stripper pleads guilty to bank fraud in Ewa Beach home buy

Waimanalo is a safer place because of the beach brigade

Mayapple McCullough, Big Island victims' advocate, dies at 62

Hawaii Co Council undoes reorganization, reconsiders nullified votes

Hamakua land sale delayed

33 missing after ferry sinks off Tonga

Senate confirms Sotomayor

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009
August 5, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:59 AM :: 11295 Views

Socialized healthcare: Inouye plays ‘wait and see’ (Hawaii has a swing vote)

OHA's plans to shake down telescope

Hawaii state workers may face more layoffs

Big Isle keeps eye on Hurricane Felicia

Home Lands trial under way

Chinatown opposition may block housing for Honolulu homeless

Planning panel breezes through 20-year ‘needs,’ ‘desires’ of isles

Kobayashi Council Campaign Banned from

Money does the talking, but votes do the walking

100-year-old piece of equipment replaced at Wainiha hydroplant

Mediated Settlement Reached in Ka Loko Dam Breach Civil Cases, Court Documents Show

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009
August 4, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:19 PM :: 12814 Views

Hawaii may raid its hurricane relief fund to plug state's deficit

Two new storms heading our way

More DemoProp: Ag layoffs will have big impact on Big Isle

Hawaiian Electric's 4.7% hike kicks in ($207 more per customer)

After almost 10 years, Hawaiian homelands suit set for trial today

DHHL chairman Kane leaving position soon

Hamakua land sale: A sweetheart deal at county expense?

Depleted uranium no risk to public, Army contends

Maui Council votes for a total tax exemption on kuleana lands

SB: Use penalties to limit harm to reefs  (Break a coral go BK...)

HA: City must explain actions in dumping case

Changes coming to UH as Hurricane MRC arrives

New GI bill offers college for free

N. Korean leader reportedly pardons U.S. journalists after President Clinton Grovels in Pyongyang

Scientists study huge plastic patch in Pacific

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Monday, August 3, 2009
August 3, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:21 PM :: 6792 Views

Hawaii schools' failure to come up with new excuses for not meeting benchmarks troubles officials

Honolulu Airport contract probed

Hoku hopes bonus plan retains execs (Act 215/221 Tax credits at work)

More island families moving in together

A bidding challenge means College Hill will not be ready for the new UH president

Net enticement hard to assess

Hawaii's homeless, rousted from parks, now living in remote areas

Study says organic food offers few advantages

Kauai County officials ponder sustainable solutions

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Sunday, August 2, 2009
August 2, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:31 AM :: 10891 Views

Shared Sacrifice? Labor executives in Islands averaged 9.4% salary hike last year

Stimulus money funds "Puka Panty, LLC"

"Honk if I bought you a new car"  Cash For Clunkers program boosts Hawaii auto sales

Hawaii has a lot to gain from open ocean aquaculture

Reinventing nonprofits for a new reality (jobs for Democrats)

Board OKs Malaekahana development

General plan proposing a ‘growth belt’ for W. Maui  (No Sierra Club protest here....hmmmmm)

Lawsuit: Kauai County acted in ‘spirit of mischief’

Soft on Crime justice system kills criminal

Jury acquits lifelong criminal Akahi of felony burglary charge (Admission Day is almost here--we can stop faking it soon)

Hawaii County Police fly new pot raids with last year's money

"Faggot Dance" continues, McMackin burned at stake

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Saturday, August 1, 2009
August 1, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:54 PM :: 9574 Views

SB: Hannemann leads political fundraising (Democrat Psy-ops)

HA: Hannemann ahead in fundraising for Hawaii governor's race (More Democrat Psy-ops)

Rail in trouble--EPA blasts Mufi's plan in EIS statements

Hanabusa fails again: Ruling keeps Leeward Oahu landfill open

Kauai Planning Dept. defends shoreline bill

Kauai Frustration: Farm worker housing bill deferred again

Foreclosed: Sheraton Keauhou sold to Bank of America for $8M

Hawaii County: Firm's suit groundless (Retaliation by County Department Director)

GTMO Greenwell lobbies for federal lobbyist

HA: Time to quicken pace on District 5 voting

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Friday, July 31, 2009
July 31, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:22 PM :: 11463 Views

SB: An epidemic of stupidity spreads across the nation (and Obama is the carrier)

SB: 'Clunker' program temporarily halted  (Obama's bait-n-switch)

Kauai: "Sovereignty" activists join Osama-lovers and anti-Superferry activists against Statehood

Hokulia Redux? Judge rules for county, developer in Waipouli resort lawsuit (OHA gang will appeal until paid)

Sacramento Indians hope bill will restore sovereignty -- in Hawaii

Slom: Standing Up for America; Standing Up for the Wienermobile

Hoku loses $905,000 in quarter (ACT 215/221)

Hello, Hainan Air!

SB: Repealing law would attract ships

Young Brothers rate hike to impact businesses, residents

UH's consensus builder steps down (As Hurricane Marcy bears down on campus)

Gramsci at work: McMackin language stirs uproar

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Thursday, July 30, 2009
July 30, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:25 PM :: 10823 Views

UH-West Oahu sees CEDED land sale as a way to fund construction

ADVERTISER: 'Ahi farming must be eco-friendly

Beautiful beaches, dirty water (thanks to failure of government to invest in sewage systems)

Small wind systems: now, later or never? (Enviros protest against clean energy)

Democrat Borreca: Candidates should explore solutions, not self-success

UPDATED: Hawaii Reporter Election Guide for Honolulu City Council Race to Fill Vacancy Left by Duke Bainum's Death


Church defends bid to build homes in Malaekahana

Amazon reinstates affiliates in Hawaii

Young Brothers raising rates 13 percent

Burglary trial begins for Hawaiian mis-leader in Iolani Palace occupation

Justice Dept. asks Hawaiian Telcom to diclose loan source

36 apply for job as Honolulu police chief

Faith-based treatment for substance abuse an option (Will OHA block THIS drug treatment facility also??????)

Hawaii kids worse off than report says

Depleted uranium at Pohakuloa no threat to public, Army report says

Storm system southeast of Hilo could turn into cyclone

Japan: A case for modernization

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009
July 29, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:25 PM :: 9248 Views

Judge submits final ruling against furloughs for Hawaii workers

McClain signals UH close to layoffs

Hawaii tourism pocketed $882 million less so far this year

Pono, Chong?  Hawaii residents now taxed on Vegas winnings even if they lose

Big Island mac nut grower may get six-figure investment

25% of council ballots in so far

Hawaii at risk, experts warn (More Global Warming Hype)

Hawaii slips to 18th in U.S. in well-being of its children

Private Donors step up: Prep sports score $430,000 backing

Air America Owner is Convicted Felon

No doubt about Obama's birth

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009
July 28, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:43 PM :: 9086 Views

Djou beating Case more than 2-1 in fundraising (Hanabusa 100K in debt)

$11,060 spent per student in Isles

Judge dismisses hotel's bid for voluntary bankruptcy

Espero to introduce legislation declaring birth certificates to be public records

Yoshimoto's "Coup Reversal" Reso to be Heard on August 4

Hokulia redux: OHA, "1000 Friends of Kauai" seeks revocation of resort permits

(Just in time for new President) UH center to incorporate trans-gender policy

State needs reliable air service to Kalaupapa

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Monday, July 27, 2009
July 27, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:14 PM :: 9814 Views

New target for Greenmail: 27-acre open-ocean fish farm nears launch off Hawaii's Big Isle

Fresh start for Charter School (And STILL beats the regular DoE schools)

Global Cooling: 3,000 Low Temp Records Set This July!

Carbon dioxide a growing threat to ocean life

Climate data catches experts off guard

Stimulus will buy low-income Hawaii families solar heaters

SB: Middle class wary of not fooled by health care bill  (cheer unabashedly--DEFEAT OBAMACARE YEEEEAH!)

Commentary: State legislatures facing grim outlook

Budget cuts increase fears for child safety

Hawaii nonprofits hit hard by funding cuts accountability

HGEA Agitprop: Rape no less a crime when victim is in prison

Marking our statehood milestone

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Sunday, July 26, 2009
July 26, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:24 PM :: 10456 Views

"Facilitate voter fraud"--Democrats push for Voting by mail in Hawaii

(Obama attacks tourism AGAIN!) Resort travel policy could burn Hawaii

Kalapa: Raising the GET rate not the same as raising the sales tax rate

Philadelphia junket: States act to plug deficits

Death of 221 will weigh heavily on Lingle's legacy (death squeal of a subsidy pig)

Last Kahuku bon dance brings smiles, tears

Kane'ohe site to add care beds for elderly

Elder abuse on rise

Public housing audit must be all-inclusive

Democrats miffed over Gay Civil Unions opposition by Gabbard

Sunshine Law: Corporation Counsel finds himself in tough spot

Isle rally draws protests of Iran crackdown

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Saturday, July 25, 2009
July 25, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:43 PM :: 8829 Views

UH president announces 10% pay cut for top executives

Hawaii state film commissioner, staff on budget layoff list

Taking the reins of the Hawai'i GOP

Star Bulletin begins working for campaign with article titled: "Abercrombie to the rescue?"

New gov’t drug program worries local pharmacists

Seed crop industry helps state economy

A&B mulls sugar's future

Afghanistan Vet Denounces GTMO Greenwell

GTMO Greenwell defends stance on Gitmo prisoners

SB On Faith: Obama is God

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Friday, July 24, 2009
July 24, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:13 PM :: 11399 Views

Obama Admin attacks Hawaii Tourism AGAIN

Cost estimate revised for Honolulu rail

MRC Greenwood meets Regents as she prepares to take over as UH $ystem President

SB: Lawmakers should pay their own way

HA: Mauna Kea plans must proceed with care

Big Isle doctor training gears up (Democrat propaganda-of-deed)

Kauai: ‘Hallelujah!’ Council finds harmony — or not

Birthers: New clamor on old Obama doubt

Wienermobile in the doghouse with Hawaii's Outdoor Circle

Activists say North Korea executed woman for distributing Bible

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Thursday, July 23, 2009
July 23, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:46 PM :: 10390 Views

Lingle asks for patience in union talks

While State cuts back--Legislators' Political travel raises criticism

DoE saves bureaucrats from layoffs--cuts school athletics

Hawaii mayor Mafiaboi hits Lingle over Kulani closing

GTMO Greenwell shouted off the stage

Kauai Council airs dirty laundry

Office wants more money for elections (scam to push mail-in ballots)

Hawaii sixth in federal spending

Police seize carts, bikes of homeless at Moiliili park

'It's bad, bad, bad' in Hawaii for sellers of new cars, trucks

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009
July 22, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:40 AM :: 10283 Views

Lingle counteroffer to state workers: 7% pay cut, 18 furlough days

Kauai: OHA continues effort to steal home from owner

Private school rolls drop, forcing teacher layoffs

Link: Thirty Meter Telescope Selects Mauna Kea (let the looting begin!) 

Kalaupapa residents caught in middle of Pacific Wings-DOT dispute

Oceanic may cut TV service at Kuhio Park Terrace over assaults

SB: Mail could curb voter apathy

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009
July 21, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:36 AM :: 7828 Views

Obummer: Hawaii dead last in voter turnout

Lingle, Inouye trade barbs on layoffs

Hawaii state employees on list of workers who may be laid off

HA: State labor talks must be rooted in reality

Lessees get boost in negotiating rent

'Mean' homeless report skewed (SB today)

Honolulu ranked among meanest to the "homelessness industry" (From July 17 News Read)

State shutters 2 mental health clinics

Kauai Plastic bag ban, drinking curfew on tap Wednesday

Maui News employees take 10% pay cut -- ratify labor agreement

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Monday, July 20, 2009
July 20, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:17 AM :: 7765 Views

Layoff list expected to be delivered to unions today

Most Honolulu City Council candidates opposed to tax hike

Appellate court post has 6 finalists

2 new regents approved for UH

"RECOVERY.GOV": $541,119 to hang a traffic light at Hickam?...

Koller:  Human services funding requires careful scrutiny

SB: Libraries must remain open

Hawaii postal service cuts being considered

Board’s Nishiki decision released--redacted

Private Hilo school embraces technology rejected by DoE

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Sunday, July 19, 2009
July 19, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:02 AM :: 8236 Views

Legislators, take voluntary pay cuts, too

Short deadline looms for City Council race

Oil tax debate overrides debut of Clean Energy Day

State jobs expected to fall 'pretty hard'

Maui Wipeout Continues

HA: No Child needs fixes to fulfill its mandate get DoE off the hook

Crystal meth arrests in Honolulu decline 30% since peak in 2005  (Cocaine up by 30%)

Air Force reduces plans to develop 400 Bellows acres (ceded lands)

Hawaii County prepares to sell land

Lava claims Royal Gardens home

Kauai Planning Commission ‘consents’ to more TVRs

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Saturday, July 18, 2009
July 18, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:52 PM :: 8633 Views

KSBE Bi-Partisan: Kane named Kamehameha trustee

HA: Hawaii notifies state workers of layoffs list

State unemployment stable

Elections office has no funds for 2010 voting

Telescope site decision is near

Council actions may be voided

Hoffmann to propose voluntary pay cuts

West Hawaii DoE Schools: 80% falter in No Child Left Behind assessments

Students will pay more for lunch

MAUI WIPEOUT: Recession hurts nonprofits

B&B, TVR tax category gets final approval

Kawaiaha'o Church Responds to Kawananakoa Complaint

HA: Illegal dumping at Waianae landfill being investigated

Hawaii Superferry moving to Norfolk, Virginia

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Friday, July 17, 2009
July 17, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:07 PM :: 11847 Views

OHA tru$tee pushes for new iwi protection--scheme would grab thousands of Hawaii properties 

Lingle, staff to take furloughs

State DoE leaves fewer students falls further behind -- most schools not "in good standing"

Waters of Life school wins another reprieve

Pali Shootings: Five years in prison for city worker who stayed on payroll after pleading guilty

Maui Wipeout: Maui News continues focus on economy

Isles' 7.4 percent unemployment rate still below national average

Honolulu ranked among meanest to the "homelessness industry"

Prison where Hawaii women claim abuse under investigation

Report: Alaska program for fed contracts does little for Natives

Opponents of live-fire training at Makua threaten to sue despite the Army's scaled-back plan

Lawsuit accuses church of digging into Hawaiian graves

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Thursday, July 16, 2009
July 16, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:43 AM :: 12194 Views

Abercrombie pushes to use federal campaign funds

Unions fail to impress Lingle with pay proposal

County, state workers could get different contract deals

Hawaii Legislature overrides 34 vetoes (34?  38?)

Hawaii Legislature allows veto of oil tax, overrides 38 others (34?  38?)

Sans Lingle signature, way cleared for MMMC public-private effort

Critics call cutback in tax credits a 'nail in coffin' for Hawaii tech

Socialist health care: Close gap to include part-timers

Splitting the county: Community meets to explore ideas

Pflueger Dealerships Accused of Unethical and Unlawful Behavior

Gymnasium work spurs county suit

Trash shortage: Honolulu City Council defers legislation on shipping trash to Mainland

Hawaii foreclosures soar nearly 427 percent

USS Hawaii to arrive in Pearl Harbor on July 23 for statehood celebrations

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009
July 15, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:52 AM :: 13335 Views

Kaka'ako bill unfairly burdens small business

Hawaii card-check option for unionizing vetoed by governor

Funding for Hawaii child abuse prevention program being cut (thanks, HGEA)

Sources: State Discusses 7% Pay Cut Counter Offer

Furlough Arbitration: Political Comeback for Former Governor John Waihee?

Democrat Borreca: The ongoing soap opera of collective bargaining

Kauai: Ethics Board marches on

Honolulu Reviving the B&B bill 

Firm ready to ship Oahu's trash

AlohaCare lawsuit rejection is upheld

CPB parent's shares fall

Japan Royals: A historic visit

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
July 14, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:57 AM :: 6970 Views

Legislative special session begins tomorrow:  Not a single article in any of the papers

Ceded lands a tougher sell now (its not over yet)

Hawaii public unions offering 5 percent pay cut

Central Pacific Bank offers $100M in common stock

KHON owner files for bankruptcy

Maui Wipeout: Numbers have faces

Hawaii County East-west disparity: It's our fault

Carlos now a hurricane, but should pass far south of Hawaii

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Monday, July 13, 2009
July 13, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:28 AM :: 13311 Views

SB LIES: Lingle pulls back on scope of (acts to reduce) state's budget gap  (Pollyanna Democrats Act 3--the cover-up)

FLASHBACK: Revenue drop heightens Lingle's call for labor cuts ($786M Four Days Ago--SB 7-9-09)

SB 'shrooms: It's time to solve budget dilemma

Aiona says he opposes 'cap and trade' system

Economic slump leaves teenagers without work

Hawaii school scores expected to rise again (fall even further behind NCLB)

New school schedule boosts summer break

State sends team to Kentucky to check into prison-rape claims

Hawaii condotel unit owners feel pinch as tourism continues to fall

Hawaii County pouring $41.5 million into stalled affordable housing project

Clean record eases sentence

Q&A on Duke Bainum's Death and the Foundation His Wife Jennifer Founded to Collect Donations After His Death

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Sunday, July 12, 2009
July 12, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:36 AM :: 7154 Views

Gov. Lingle accuses Mufi of complicating state labor talks

Coming to terms with state's new reality

Impact of raising hotel tax

Ilikai, Union Reach Agreement To Reopen Hotel

Tech industry awaits Lingle's final decision on SB 199

Matsunaga offers fresh start for District 5

Illegal landfill yields clues

Hawaii County sued over tack coat contract

Maui Wipeout: Foreclosures, bankruptcies pummel county residents

Soon the world will know the story of a saintly man

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Saturday, July 11, 2009
July 11, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:53 AM :: 9444 Views

Dems admit Mufi's numbers were "largely based on terminology" (Well, OK we really WERE Pollyannas....) 

Hawaii County may face budget crisis

Nakakuni tapped for U.S. attorney

Kamehameha Schools Kea`au teachers take union vote

Records charges shield officials

Kauai Burial Council vacancies cancel meeting

New High For Marijuana Use Among Workers

Schofield workers find phosgene-filled mortar

(ACT 215/221) Hoku Scientific looks at options for survival

Officials report second death in Hawaii linked to swine flu

She's taking back Kalihi Valley

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Friday, July 10, 2009
July 10, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:37 PM :: 7684 Views

Democrat DePledge: Hawaii mayors, unions have plan to trim budget "We're not Pollyannas here" (hahahahaha)

Lingle Has Layoff List Ready For Unions

Laying off state workers will not be quick or easy (Democrat Borreca interviews evil mastermind BenCayetano about layoffs)

Advertiser Editorial: Judiciary cuts need hearing

Waianae ER needs money triage

Hawaii school board approves $227M in cuts, including salaries (no bureaucrats cut)

El Nino's return may be stormy

CDC reports 722 confirmed cases of swine flu in Islands

Pacific Wings to raise rates after Maui airport dust-up with state

New owner of Ilikai Hotel reaches deal with union, plans to reopen soon

Metcalfe pleads not guilty to Ocean View murder shooting of alleged burglar

Health insurers must offer more transparency

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Thursday, July 9, 2009
July 9, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:51 AM :: 8436 Views

Carlisle plans mayoral run (Finally, a Honolulu Mayor will be a crime-fighter instead of a criminal)

Democrat Borreca: Revenue drop heightens Lingle's call for labor cuts

Hawaii revenues down 9.4%, worse budget gap than expected

Oahu electric rates will rise at least 4.7%

Plan to build Kauai home over native burials raises legal issues (OHA trying overturn Burial Council and steal a single family residence from its owner)

Isle developers consider impact of 'Great Recession'

City panel lets application for landfill permit stand

Laid-off DLNR worker files suit (Superferry)

Meeting to detail plugging of Geothermal wells

374 evaluate Hawaii Co. cops in survey

Kirkuk: National Guard airmen from Hawaii are planning a luau to celebrate statehood

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009
July 8, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:21 AM :: 9847 Views

Democrat Borreca: Governor needs strategies she can count on in talks

Sources: Unions Propose 1-Day Furlough, Pay Cut  (Here's the REAL news)

Sideshow: UPW files labor complaint

Race is on for Council vacancy

Waianae ER may be closed Sunday nights

City of Honolulu fights challenge to plans for landfill (Hanabusa specious)

Maui: Occupancy at record low

Queen Kaahumanu bid protest rejected

Council keeping 22% raise

Naturopathic "doctors" upset

Times to take over Star Markets

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009
July 7, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:31 AM :: 7042 Views

Akaka Bill: House Committee to vote Thursday

Kalapa: Reality Check Needed for Public Employee Comparison (42 paid days off every year)

Lingle's representative leaves meeting with unions, awaits formal proposal

Democrat Borreca: Lingle negotiator leaves talks as governor gears for layoffs

KITV: State Walks Out Of Union Negotiations

Djou campaign makes national news again

Thirty Meter Telescope creates debate

Kauai Rapist: Ruling upholds libel suit rejection

SB: Judge sentences Pali killer to life in prison

1863: Hawaiian soldier goes to Virginia to shoot Democrats?

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Monday, July 6, 2009
July 6, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:20 AM :: 14093 Views

Washington Post editorial criticizes Abercrombie defense bill provision ($10B in pork for his contributors?)

Hawaii hotels report occupancy dropping

Advertiser: Focus must shift to forging fair settlement

State ends boosts in Medicaid reimbursements for doctors  (doctors take pay cut)

High diesel prices tough on truckers (thanks, Legislature)

Kauai Vacation Rental Bankruptcy blamed on county law

3 bidding for Oahu rail

Cheers, jeers greet Taiwan's president

Tour reveals story of Waimea's walls deed

Presidential-sized parking problem turns residents against church

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Sunday, July 5, 2009
July 5, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:51 AM :: 8187 Views


Arakawa announces bid to re-take Maui Mayor's seat

Finding new employment takes almost 23 weeks in Isles as jobless rate soars

Governor repeats threat of layoffs

SB: Budget solution requires creativity raid on Hurricane Fund

Rail revenue $80M short, but officials not worried

SB gives Mufia space to pitch latest scheme to buy votes

Breeze of fresh air benefits Council race: (SB sez its Kobayashi vs Matsunaga)

UH Manoa Could Cut 500 Classes: Stimulus Funds To Be Divided Between UH, DOE

Education board leader finds redemption in judge's ruling

2 Hawaii female inmates allege sex assaults at Kentucky prison

"NK Missile" lands on Haleiwa beach

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Saturday, July 4, 2009
July 4, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:02 AM :: 8718 Views

Hawaii governor insists unions come up with budget-cut plan

Fourth of July Fireworks Shows;Neighbor Islands

Taxed Enough Already? Rally July 4 Honolulu, Hilo, Kona, Kauai, Maui

July 4: Hawaii Churches to kick off massive voter registration drive

Hawaii Celebrates 4th of July After WW II

Gov. Sarah Palin to resign her office

Beijing supports Pyongyang nuclear tests to challenge the USA

North Korea Test-Fires Seven Missiles, Drawing Condemnation

Hawaii County sues over Waikoloa housing project

Hawaii County hires delinquent trash hauler

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Friday, July 3, 2009
July 3, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:51 AM :: 15225 Views

Hawaii hotel rates, occupancy drop

Pyongyang expected to test ICBM

Unions' hand-picked Judge blocks furloughs

Governor saves businesses from Legislature: Internet tax veto revives affiliations

KGMB: Sen. Inouye Refutes responds to Washington Post Story

KITV: Senator Says Staff Made Inquiry Without His Knowledge

Maui Memorial leaders ‘surprised’ by veto threat

No sunshine: Supreme Court to hear Kauai County v. OIP

('old boy') Sex offender arrested after allegedly possessing child porn

Obama apartment "historic'"?  Confusing Presidents with Gods

Hawaii County's bad bulldozer deal to stand

City official denies dump allegations

Japan's royal couple begin two-week tour of Canada, Hawaii

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Thursday, July 2, 2009
July 2, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:22 AM :: 5629 Views

Gov. Lingle, unions have date in court

Hilo: Hundreds protest state furloughs

SB: Special session not warranted

State wins OK for $129 million in federal funds for education

HawTel ordered to look at Sandwich Isles Purchase (Old boy justice)

Inouye's bank-relief call raises brows

Bulk of Superferry bankruptcy case will remain on Mainland (in a real court), judge rules

Honolulu buying more hybrid buses

Honolulu City Prosector Declines to Prosecute Misdemeanor Case Against Department of Business Economic Development and Tourism Director Ted Liu

Hawaii housing prices increase

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
July 1, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:18 AM :: 12463 Views

N. Korean rocket capable of hitting half the U.S.: American scientists

Hawaii state workers rally at Capitol to protest furloughs

Hawaii's Public Union Leaders Are Taking Home the Big Bucks, While Their Members Struggle Financially

Democrat Lawmakers assess vetoes for overrides

The online retailer stops its affiliate program for Hawaii (Leg already destroying business)

University of Hawaii wants to cut faculty pay, may add furloughs

MCC looking to spend and hire in boom

Gas prices going up: Excise tax kicked in at midnight

Abercrombie: KIUC must face climate change be destroyed

Dazed Hirono: Federal stimulus will help Hawai‘i

Isle bankruptcies increase at breakneck pace

President appoints isle women  (Obama appoints Sandwich Isles Communications crony to direct Hawaii rural development)

Savings plan hinges on more long-term beds at Kula Hospital (Loan keeps hospital open thru Tuesday)

TheBoat sails into sunset ($5M for 29 people/day)

Creditors back Superferry bid to keep bankruptcy case on Mainland

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009
June 30, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:10 AM :: 5786 Views

July 4: Hawaii Churches to kick off massive voter registration drive

Kelly Hu: Abercrombie is like God

Candidate faults Lingle's leadership Panders to unions

Audit cited DoE ex-administrator in questionable dealings

SB: Suspect contracts deserve scrutiny

State attorney general defends furloughs as legal

University of Hawaii sports down $2.58M (UHM Academic Marxists too stupid to make a profit at athletics like all the other Univs do)

Ex-reporter faults UH paper's staff in source scandal (Naked Editor with wings still blaming everyone but himself)

Modified taro varieties ignite farmers' fears (OHA preparing phony controversy to demand 'rent')

Washington Times: Obama bluffs on defending Hawaii (We're not worth $50M)

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Monday, June 29, 2009
June 29, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:41 AM :: 8474 Views

Criminal Investigation: School contracts under scrutiny

Police block Charter School officials: Judge keeps school open for now

Hawaii law cited in report questioning health care mandates

Hawaii's tourism strategy flawed

Smokers uniting to fight taxes, bans (New voting bloc?)

Abercrombie, Hirono back massive carbon tax scam

Advertiser: Governor should veto election finance bill 

Karamatsu considers joining lieutenant governor's race

(Shot alleged Burglar) Metcalfe to be tried for murder

Kauai bridge will gain extra lane

Hawaii's DLNR shifts its enforcement focus

N. Korea criticizes U.S. missile defense for Hawaii

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Sunday, June 28, 2009
June 28, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:29 AM :: 6363 Views

Prepare for life to get a lot more expensive (Thanks, Hawaii Democrats!)

Schools' hands tied over budget (BoE irresponsibility creates chaos)

Amazon poised to cut affiliate program in Hawaii (taxes kill small businesses)

Lingle signs three energy measures

Anti-Superferry protester Rep. Morita: HB 1271 Most significant energy bill awaits Lingle’s signature (tries to peddle barrel tax)

Kalapa: Pay cut better than no paycheck at all

Father faces 20 years for daughter's injuries

Tomorrow, city to begin clearing Nanakuli coast stretch of longtime camps

Matson-union deal averts strike

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Saturday, June 27, 2009
June 27, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:36 AM :: 9913 Views

Furlough talks hit a wall (no meetings scheduled)

Health plan switch surprises teachers--Union cuts members benefits

Hannemann will let tax hikes take effect without signature

Gubernatorial fundraising in full swing

Court backs Tavares, upholds higher political contribution limits for unions, businesses

Tavares continues to destroy economy

Lingle critical of Maui lawmakers

Downward trend in Maui visitors continues

Maui gets another molester-connected Leg. candidate

Hawaii County Company involved in bidding controversy still getting paid 

One union set to strike Matson Saturday

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Friday, June 26, 2009
June 26, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:51 AM :: 12259 Views

Hawaii County Councilman: Release Guantanamo detainees in Hawaii

Allegedly Naked Editor with Wings allegedly fabricated sources (endorsed twice by Advertiser!)

Short election campaign period gives well-known names an edge

Advertiser: UPW overreaches with its bid for gag order

Visitor arrivals fell 6.4 percent in May

Internet tax would bring in dollars

Back taxes trickle in from delinquent list

Matson, unions extend talks to Friday

Campbell heir blaming CPB for losses

Kauai: Lingle not releasing Black Pot Park expansion funds

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Thursday, June 25, 2009
June 25, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:13 AM :: 10124 Views

PBN Business Pulse: Duke Aiona preferred 2-1 over nearest challenger

UPW files complaint with labor board against governor, mayor

A Victory for Hawaiians: OHA may lay off up to 24 workers

UHERO: Hawaii Job Losses Will Be Larger Than Originally Forecast

Advertiser: School board must act soon on fiscal plan

Matson, Unions Face Looming Strike Deadline

Superferry urged not to abandon 2 vessels

Time share company’s fate unclear

Trial Set For Man Accused Of Throwing Child From Bridge

County gets high marks in fiscal audit

Two county split

Onishi explains Council split

Hamakua councilman wants 22 percent raise rolled back

Puna's CDP is stalled

North Korea vows nuclear attack if provoked by U.S.

Greenwell: Give us the Gitmo guys

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009
June 24, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:12 AM :: 9193 Views

NKorea threatens to "wipe U.S. off the map"

Hawaii court sets July 2 hearing on state's worker furloughs (Unions demand layoffs)

Borreca: Measure of victory will be how little is lost (union strategy outlined)

Unions take their case to the public

Funds give green light to electric-car operation

Hawaii Superferry wants to transfer catamarans to creditors

Kobayashi to seek Council seat (filing ends Thurs)

"Expert" touts rail's side benefits

An island divided: Call for 2 Big Island counties resurfaces

S. Korea quarantines students from Hawaii (swine flu paranoia)

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009
June 23, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:00 AM :: 6775 Views

North Korea warning suggests missile may not be headed toward Hawaii

Mediator has unions, management bargaining

State wants Superferry bankruptcy case moved to Hawaii

Athletics likely another casualty of DoE budget cuts (protecting the HSTA high-seniority bureaucrats)

SB: Union card check needs closer look

Critics pan city's push to extend life of landfill

Keohokapu gets life for killing

Hawaii Meth Project: 'Not Even Once'

Funding cut for Kaua’i Teen Court

Clarity sought before Kauai council’s transparency talk

Hilo Hattie Sold To Hawaiian Apparel Owner

Judge accepts HMC plan

Exclusive: Hawaii Air Ambulance looks to shed turbulent past

Hawaii Green Party founder dies

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Monday, June 22, 2009
June 22, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:18 AM :: 11947 Views

Planned N. Korea launch unnerves Hawaii residents

N.Korea accuses Obama of nuclear war plot

States Turning to Last Resorts in Budget Crisis

SB: Hawaii needs to turn around its bad business reputation

Stevedore--victim of ILWU assault--still waiting for $355,000 back pay (after 15 years)

Union files grievance over inmate violence at Hawaii State Hospital

Sovereignty Mortgage Scam: Maui couple resentenced

Hawaii lawmakers send governor bills to tax Internet transactions

Rail Transit tax take still lags

KPT residents ask for more say

Liliha Park: 5 years, $800K to build restroom

Advertiser: City should find sensible use for property

After council reorganization, calls for County split reemerge

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Sunday, June 21, 2009
June 21, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:22 AM :: 9137 Views

Obama threatens to nuke North Korea

Lingle: 'Card-check' bill will be vetoed

Lingle talks tough during visit in Hilo

Hawaii paying nearly twice market rate (to old boys) for solar power

Elections Office weighs closing dozens of precincts

Isle GOP leader from 1978 accused of sex-harassment in Maryland

Hawaiian Homes tweaks its focus to ‘build homeowners’

Hundreds 'live aloha' in Kuhio Park Terrace cleanup

Service aids 112 vehicles in 2 days

Honolulu police halt recruiting, training classes amid job freeze

‘Time to grow up,’ judge tells old criminal-then gives him baby sentence

Expert says elevated rail is best choice for Oahu

Kailua Fourth of July fireworks show is back on

Kihune to remain as trustee until successor named

UH West Hawaii Developer wants to delay building required road

Hawaii hardly alone when it comes to tax increases, study shows

Not Buying it: Poll shows most Hawaii newspaper readership down

Gay Pride Festival seeks to 'educate' public

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Saturday, June 20, 2009
June 20, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:45 AM :: 9950 Views

Hawaii unemployment jumps to 7.4% in May

Voters react to possible polling place closures

Tourism under attack: Bailout recipient defends Maui trip

Hawaii charter school panel orders Waters of Life to close

SB: Good vote on school locker search

Necessity to shoot woman disputed

Protection urged for heiau

Advertiser:  Rational plan for Mauna Kea is taking shape

Hilo DHHL Signs Lease Agreement with Safeway and Target

West Hawaii Today alleges open meetings act violations

Kawa Bay purchase delays might cost $1.5M

U.S. is prepared for missile shot

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Friday, June 19, 2009
June 19, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:56 AM :: 12917 Views

U.S. Fortifies Hawaii to Meet Threat From Korea

Obama tied to Ayers ... at age 11: Anti-military congregation attended as boy in Hawaii linked to radical's organization

Hawaii plans to cut 66 precincts to reduce election expenses (down to 273)

Lingle seeks cut in workweek

Inexperienced backbencher McKelvey calls for emergency session

Clearing air on budget and real property taxes (Anderson nails Mufia, SB)

Hawaii school board approves locker searches, anti-drug dogs

UPDATE: Hawaii Department of Education 'Trim the Fat' Contest Exposing Millions in Waste

Scope faces critic$ in Hilo

Sunshine Law violation by council may have repercussions (new life to Jacobson)

Money in-Money out (another hit by Jacobson's backers)

Kauai Mayor’s father arrested for harassing political opponents

State GOP asked to stop supporting Aiona campaign

Carroll Cox: The environmental watchdog is always on the lookout for wrongdoing (SB preps a candidate?)

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