Saturday, January 2, 2010 |
January 2, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:50 PM :: 10307 Views
Legislators to Honor The One: Celebrate Obama Day at Obama Park, or cheer for Obama High
Cayetano's DCCA boss Kathryn Matayoshi to take up reins of DoE (left behind the mess that Mark Recktenwald cleaned up)
Hamamoto still in furlough talks
Hamamoto decision 'personal'
SB: Settle UH labor dispute out of court, reasonably
Hawaii's unemployment fund forecast a bit less gloomy
Judge Hara grants UH Motion To Dismiss KAHEA’s Mauna Kea CMP Lawsuit
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Friday, January 1, 2010 |
January 1, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:52 PM :: 15294 Views
Hamamoto resigned DoE -- FIVE DAYS AGO! (Resigned same day latest HSTA/DoE furlough offer was rejected)
Inouye confident Akaka Bill issues will be resolved
ADV: Inouye implies Abercrombie backers lying (more on Akaka bill)
Economic troubles shroud political races
TSA lapse helps gain not guilty verdicts
No rail work 'til May--then lawsuit
ADV: Reshaping government a key goal for 2010
Hawaii taxpayers on hook for $1.5M in Kaloko Dam settlement
Crime on Oahu surges 6 percent
Hawaii first in nation to require home solar water heaters (tax credit gone, replaced by mandate)
New company to take over Maui pineapple operations
Rejected amendment has no impact on Kauai County Charter, legal opinion says
Big Isle's pot pulse is sought
Hearing set for proposed Kona project
New beach land is public, court says
Snob Advertiser: Public must rally against illegal fireworks (another excuse to raise taxes)
Enviro Activist: Close UH for whole year to gauge its usefulness
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Thursday, December 31, 2009 |
December 31, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:35 AM :: 8209 Views
Chest Pains: Limbaugh Hospitalized in Serious Condition at Queen's
Karl Rove to appear at Hawaii GOP event
Lingle aide, BOE, DOE meet on furloughs, no decision made
Hawaii elections office staffer Scott Nago selected as interim chief
ML&P viability in doubt
Kaiser rates to go up 10.7 percent for groups
Arbitrator's decision may affect UH pay cut
Salary cuts anger UHH faculty
Report: Ag tax exemptions abused
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Wednesday, December 30, 2009 |
December 30, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:38 PM :: 15644 Views
Hanabusa: "Ed Case not forgiven, should bow out"
ADV: Lingle should break be blamed for impasse in union talks
SB: Furlough plan achievable
Furlough talks to resume, but no special session planned
SLOM: No More Hawaii Islam Days
SB gives free ad space to Mufi: We all need to do our part to solve the (homelessness) problem
Mayor Hannemann's Achilles Heel
Tactics weighed for rat fight
Emergency funds needed for preschool (by childhood policy 'consultant')
OLD NEWS: Nearly $1B in state funds tied up in illiquid investment
Kaloko payouts to be revealed
Roadblock continues despite 7 arrests in Laie land dispute
Future uncertain for two Mauna Kea telescopes
The realities of recession are relative on the Kona Coast
Heightened Security Detail Costs for Speaker Pelosi and President Obama Will Fall on Local Taxpayers
Maui: Ahi supply should be enough to satisfy sashimi lovers’ appetite
Ocean View well may take longer
Gas pains: Does Big Island have a Propane shortage?
ADV: Hawaii fireworks sales still hot in recession
Health care bill denies freedom of choice
Saluting American Valor: Wounded soldier provides cover fire for pinned-down troops
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009 |
December 29, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:20 PM :: 9955 Views
Lingle: HSTA/DoE furlough plan "not credible"
Pelosi enjoys privacy at Hualalai after Palin is hounded off Maui
Visitor arrivals drop 1.4%, spending down 2.2%
University of Hawaii will reduce faculty pay by 6.7 percent
County officials who rely on TAT funds likely to fight to keep share
Time to Contact Gov. Linda Lingle with Your Thoughts About Oahu's Multi-Billion Dollar Rail Project
Maui News Polls Obamacare
HTH: "Good riddance to 2009, a lost year." (Obamanomics: Year One)
Proposed changes to state fishing rules spur protests (no PASH rights here, eh?)
Continuing the quest for affordable, sustainable housing
Business leader has green on his mind (after child is brainwashed, he becomes trash picker, police spy for the regime)
Maui Land counting on its shareholders
Kauai: Council committee to vet solid waste management plan
ADV: Tighter controls needed for travel safety
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Monday, December 28, 2009 |
December 28, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:20 AM :: 4716 Views
Legislative Report: Convert HHSC to non-profit, dump civil service (full text)
Kalapa: Waiting for taxpayers to take the hit
Census shows Island exodus (over 100/week)
ADV: Partnerships can power survival strategy (huh?)
Hawaii smokers cutting back in response to higher tobacco taxes
SB: Chinatown rats lead state to hold classes
Kauai: New breed of homeless might need help getting some help
Kauai: Slom to speak at GOP Women’s Club event
SB: Seal the health care deal
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Sunday, December 27, 2009 |
December 27, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:05 PM :: 10421 Views
SB: UH faculty doesn't grasp reality (just noticing this?)
Commission to pick interim election chief
Grooming a new guard at New Hope
2 Groups Protest At Obama Compound
Courting China
ADV: Ocean cable key to attaining energy goals (how to save wind energy from environmentalist assault)
Hawaii's welfare numbers rising for first time in decade
Hawaii's counties rattled by plan to cut them out of hotel room tax
Budget Cuts still being blamed for rats in Chinatown
Maui Jail: Lingle forces Tsutsui to back down
Growing foreclosure rate a drag on Maui neighborhoods
Maui B&B system is taking off; 33 permits gain backing
Ocean noise pollution turns up with greenhouse gas emissions
HTH urges Christmas donations to the Gramscian Entity
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Saturday, December 26, 2009 |
December 26, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:59 AM :: 13606 Views
Jumped by passengers while lighting fuse: Islamist fails to blow up Detroit-bound flight Christmas Day
Rep. Mazie Hirono on Obamacare: ‘We’re not there yet’
Chief of Hawaii Health Systems retiring (Inspiration for Obamacare)
SB: Compromise critical in Maui water dispute (OHA Water grab)
Isle bankruptcies highest in 4 years
Access to computers gives homeless hope to stay on street (The Homelessness Industry at work)
$500,000 warrant issued in drunken-driving case (extradited from NV, then allowed to fly back?)
Lanakila senior center in Kalihi needs donations to stay open
Obamas visit troops at Hawaii base's Christmas chow-down
Sermon at Ancient Christian Site Highlights Christmas for the 130th Engineer Brigade
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Friday, December 25, 2009 |
December 25, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:41 PM :: 12623 Views
Not Fooled: Hawaii parents waiting on details of plan to reduce furlough days
Hawaii's growth rate has stayed low because 10 people leave Hawaii every day
"Hope" for future is best gift of all (Obama mentioned only as a tourist attraction)
Kulani plan is outlined
Nonprofit status seen as cure for ailing state hospital system (Driskill retiring?)
SB: Seniors and hospitals win big in reform bill (yes this is a "news" story)
FINAL HARVEST: Sun sets on ML&P cultivation of pineapple
Drug trial of HPD officer postponed ("negotiations")
Djou elected to chair search panel for new city auditor
Salary rules limit potential new prosecutor, deputies
KHON not fazed by cable-Fox flap
After a year of destruction, Obama and family return to Hawaii
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Thursday, December 24, 2009 |
December 24, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:02 AM :: 9888 Views
Lawmakers, Governor await details on tentative agreement to reduce furlough days
ADV: Hawaiian rights in bill must be negotiated (rejects new version Akaka Bill)
Musubigate: HRPT rent dispute fight will continue
Hoku completes stock sale to Chinese investor (Your ACT 215/221 tax dollars at work)
Maui News Polls State TAT grab (blames Calvin Say's Legislative proposal on Lingle)
Isle lawmakers mull TAT plan
Kenoi defends hiring; claims 77 positions removed (and wants to keep TAT so he can hire more)
Hawaii County tries third approach to provide homes for low-income residents (after losing $40M on failed project)
Extend council terms? Voters will decide, again
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009 |
December 23, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:27 AM :: 10612 Views
Defense bill benefits Inouye, Akaka, Abercrombie contributors
Hawaii teachers' furlough deal unlikely by Lingle deadline
(Yawn) Democrat Lawmakers blast DBEDT, director on behalf of HGEA (Wash, rinse, repeat)
Honolulu councilman's memo proposes (to fight TAT takeaway by highlighting) cuts to city services
Loss would be tremendous blow, says Maui Co. budget director
(HTH) Lingle: Use hotel tax for budget
Costly Micronesian benefits may be covered
Professors union says ready to fight UH on contract
More Than a Decade After Condemnation, Hawaii Department of Transportation Still Owns Homes on Ancient Hawaiian Fish Pond
Bob Jones: No Special Election Need to Replace Abercrombie in Hawaii's First Congressional District
Hawaii County Housing Agency: We're not trying to hide anything
Obama says Hawaiian vacation will wait until after Senate passes health care bill
Brace yourself, America, this is going to sting a bit (Advertiser finally explains details of Obamacare)
Obama keeps bond with Hawaii strong
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009 |
December 22, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:39 AM :: 10037 Views
Lingle submits plan to close $1.23B Budget shortfall
'Last, best' union offer at UH calls for 6.7% cut
Arakaki: Emotion not good basis to support assisted suicide
Hifo, Hirai to step down
Count us in for census power and money
Planning begins for Hawaii undersea cable system
Official says ban won't hurt 'ahi stock
CoFA Medical Care: Public's view sought
Oahu Mayor Breaks Ground on H-Power Expansion Project
Oahu's 'opala piling up on dock
HTA approves strategic plan 'to put more heads on beds'
Plan calls for zero growth at Turtle Bay resort
Former Del Monte Hawaii workers begin buying Poamoho Camp homes
City must refocus on enforcing rental law
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Monday, December 21, 2009 |
December 21, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:35 PM :: 11016 Views
One down, two to go: Obamacare passes first cloture vote 60-40
Akaka Bill: More than 73% of Hawaiians not "Qualified" for membership in Akaka Tribe
No special election? Disgrace, hypocrisy in local politics (and journalism)
Democrat Advertiser: 'Rift' between Hawaii lawmakers is politically based, not personal (Article dictated by John Buckstead)
Budget cuts blamed for rats in Chinatown: State operating in 'crisis management' mode, official says
Omidyar giving can help with recovery continuing Abercrombie takeover of Inouye's Democratic Party
University of Hawaii stimulus grants' benefits questioned
Kalapa: Wake-Up Call Needed
Kauai Residents grapple with affordable housing ‘realities’
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Sunday, December 20, 2009 |
December 20, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:17 PM :: 11073 Views
DoE/HSTA hacks threaten to lay off 2,500 and chop after-school programs if furloughs are eliminated
SB: Akaka Bill needs airing (demands public hearings)
Thousands of island residents will collect important census info
Interisland shipping monopoly
Hawaii County Council violated Sunshine statute (consequences zero)
Book by Obama's late mom released
5-girl robotics team shines
KGI: Coco Palms a monstrosity
Police promotion rigging Lawsuit was the costliest in Hawaii County history
Maui News poll 51% reject Tavares reelection
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Saturday, December 19, 2009 |
December 19, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:24 AM :: 9236 Views
Governor reaffirms opposition to new version Akaka Bill
Burris: Akaka Bill mystery
ADV Watson decides to become OHA flack for Akaka Bill
Hawaii Public Student Enrollment Projected to Plummet
Case again considers run for Senate--claims Dems forgive him calling Akaka a feeble-minded fringe leftist
Shapiro: Inouye's a lock, but his coattails are not (Must Read)
Fear of failure: Hanabusa to block funding for Special Election?
Hawaii jobless dips to 7%, but real growth not likely till '11
Hawaiian Air, pilots agree to 5-year deal
Maui: Petition circulating to save Hawaii’s school bus system
Honolulu Symphony files for bankruptcy, plans to downsize
Unescorted travel request denied for murderous lunatic
Presidential visit disrupting tour chopper service
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Friday, December 18, 2009 |
December 18, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:46 AM :: 13459 Views
SB: Leftist Neal Milner lays down the Template for ignoring Republican candidates
KITV VIDEO: Akaka Bill not moving as smoothly as planned
ADV: Congress, state need unity on Akaka bill
ADV: Trish Kehaulani Watson--The Akaka Bill
Hawaii revenue drop expected to add another $40M to deficit
Companies want school buses to run
Commission defers decision on East Maui streams
Contractor Profit Grows under Hawaii’s 'Green' Initiative While Energy Costs to Consumers Rise
Hawaii -- 46th most efficient state-owned highway system
Proposed Kalaheo landfill site questioned
Koke‘e admission charge plan might be short-lived
No surge in cruise ships
Some neighbors irked by Hilo developments
SB: Killing bill doesn't resolve B&B issue
Construction starts on housing project for Waianae homeless
Harassment: Pine agrees to pay fine over campaign sign photos
Harassment: Palin shortens Maui vacation after fuss over 'McCain' visor
Ahmed Ahmed battles bias with humor
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Thursday, December 17, 2009 |
December 17, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:30 AM :: 10688 Views
Federal money may fund election
Papers decide to start covering Akaka Bill Hearings:
HSTA continues to sabotage talks Negotiations break down between state and Hawaii teachers union
LHS boarding program on list of potential budget cuts
SB: Reminder for union leaders (we can take you down anytime we decide to investigate)
Paniolo Cable, Sandwich Isle Communications seen as bankruptcy possibilities
Pasha interisle shipping bid dealt blow on behalf of Young Bros continued monopoly
ADV: Caregiving network under critical strain
Hawaii bed-and-breakfast bill rejected
Water needs split community (OHA Water grab)
Hawaiians Sovereignty Activists are told telescope moving ahead--time to cash in is NOW
Maui's Mayor Tavares seeks second term
Yagong wants off ad hoc finance committee
Hawaii County affordable housing rules may get radical makeover
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009 |
December 16, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:20 AM :: 11478 Views
Akaka Bill Hearings under way: Proposed changes came from Akaka's office, CNHA
ADV: Hawaii governor opposes Akaka bill revisions (Abercrombie: Bennett's "concerns are real")
SB: Lingle fights Akaka Bill changes
Live Webcast: House Natural Resources Committee hearings on the Akaka Bill
Zogby: Majority of Hawaii voters against Akaka Bill
SHOCK: Lingle, Bennett denounce new version Akaka Bill (full text)
Did Inouye Lie? National Review confirms "Akaka Bill Sneak Attack" claim
House Republicans call for Akaka Bill to be removed from Markup
Inouye denies planning "Akaka Bill Sneak Attack"
Djou's chances improve: GOP Says Aloha to Hawaii Special Election
SB: Salvage the special election
Lingle to work with teachers to keep planning days
Hawaii lawmakers want education money released
Downturn hit Kamehameha Schools with $2.2 billion loss
Petition to save Hawaii school bus service from ending
Oahu tax assessments fall 6.7 percent
Hawaii B&B bill appears doomed
Mail-order prescriptions hard on local businesses
US to drill Iranian attack scenario in Pacific
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Tuesday, December 15, 2009 |
December 15, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:32 AM :: 8324 Views
HSTA negotiations resume: Number of school planning days varies on Mainland and in Hawaii
LINK>>>Inouye denies planning "Akaka Bill Sneak Attack"
LINK>>>Judicial Nominee lists released: Lingle seeks public input
ADV: Election panel must act swiftly, decisively (Abercrombie resignation used to peddle vote by mail)
Kalapa: Lawmakers should not wait for the other shoe to drop
SB: Legalize aided suicide (remember -- there are no death panels in Obamacare)
SB: Housing First (says it) gets chronic homeless off the streets
Honolulu drops in economy rankings
United Public Workers union gets $378,000 in restitution
GTMO Greenwell rides again: Big Island councilman wants marijuana legalized
LG candidate (Islam Day co-sponsor) Lyla Berg reaches out
Hawaii Tribune-Herald Cancels Contract with Hawaii Newspaper Guild
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Monday, December 14, 2009 |
December 14, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:41 AM :: 17814 Views
LINK>>>Sovereignty activists protest Akaka Bill "Sneak Attack" -- Bill could be inserted into "must pass" legislation
10 Most Shocking Revelations About Hawaii's Public Education System
ADV: If the election to replace Neil Abercrombie's congressional seat were held tomorrow, who would get your vote?
Musubigate Scandal ensnares Calvin Say
Great News! Abercrombie resignation to occur within weeks (But won't set date for withdrawal)
Isles to gain $387M in funding
Rod Tam announces candidacy for mayor
Council must clear way for transit agency so Mufi can run for Governor
Attacking Hawaii's second Saint: Secular humanists exploit Yagi case to put issue of doctor "assisted" "suicide" back in spotlight
Water commission calls for sugar firm to restore one stream
KGI: Time to move on (OHA vs Kauai over beach bike path)
Run-down Coco Palms resort in wait-and-see mode
Hawaii starts e-waste recycling on Jan. 1
AP: Climate crisis is for real, says top scientist (Liberal arrogance on display as Climategate scam implodes)
Blagojevich's lawyers seek transcript of FBI interview with Obama
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Sunday, December 13, 2009 |
December 13, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:31 PM :: 8277 Views
Donations flow in from beneficiaries of earmark funds (Borreca targets Abercrombie on behalf of Mufi, Inouye)
Kiewit offered city 'best value'
Obama Stimulus small-business focus means opportunity for politicians to create new cronies
Hawaii's parks agency to lease out land to raise funds
Water staff: Restore one of 19 streams
Teachers at Hana school work more, get paid less (HSTA propaganda)
Maui County plans hundreds of homes on Lanai
Kenoi asks for 20% budget cut
WHT: Kenoi one year on: Accomplishment and contradiction
Shootings by Honolulu police spike to 7 so far this year
Questioning the future may enhance Isles' prospects
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Saturday, December 12, 2009 |
December 12, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:53 AM :: 12092 Views
LINK: Mufi chases Neil Abercrombie out of Congress
LINK: Akaka Bill to be voted by House and Senate Committees
All Mail-in special election mooted
School board keeps 2010 meetings in Honolulu to cut costs
Panel votes to block dialysis from Maui (Malulani redux)
SB: It is possible to scale back in tight times
Police work to clear homeless from park
Many receive shots despite council's anti-vaccine stance
No pay increases for crackpot Hawaii Co. Council, top employees next year
G&R to lease assets for sugar-to-energy
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Friday, December 11, 2009 |
December 11, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:32 AM :: 8465 Views
Say proposes up to $1B Hawaii tax increases aimed at tourism, technology
Hawaii gains 1,412 jobs from stimulus mostly in government (and loses how many from Obamanomics?)
Liquor board chief put on leave
Hawaii Legislature cancels its traditional opening-day partying (its tough everywhere)
The Land Board will vote today on charging nonresidents at Ka Iwi and at the Pali Lookout
Kaiser’s dialysis proposal faces opposition FROM COMPETITOR
Mauna Kea fight in court (OHA's $50M shakedown)
Jones Act lawsuit tossed out of court
Hawaii Co. Ethics board backs off strong reform
Ewa Field Marines among first to battle Japanese
Britain, Long a Libel Mecca, Reviews Laws
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Thursday, December 10, 2009 |
December 10, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:43 AM :: 6569 Views
State of OHA: Money, power top agenda
SB: Hawaii leaders must lead: End Furlough Fridays now
Shapiro: HSTA can't expect to sacrifice nothing
Honolulu prepares to slash funds for programs
State proposes major revision of election rules (anti-Superferry protesters in driver's seat)
Chinatown rats: Manufactured chaos (Homelessness Industry at work)
Foreclosures on neighbor isles continue to fuel statewide rate
Kenoi looking to freeze county execs' pay (no cuts here)
Hawaii Co. Property taxes could be on the rise
Saddle Road western route up for public review (DU again not found in soil samples)
Power plants make top 10 polluters list
Sashimi Christmas canceled? International quota could halt U.S. bigeye catch this month
Mayor Defends Magic Island Name Change (public rejects cult of personality 92%-8% in online poll)
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Wednesday, December 9, 2009 |
December 9, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:51 PM :: 7618 Views
Legislative leaders want teachers to back the governor's proposal before lawmakers return
ADV: Government must improve fiscal efficiency
Ariyoshi: "We can no longer rely upon the growth of tourism"
First Wind offers plan for second Maui site
Manpower: Only 6% of Honolulu employers to hire in Q1 (and this is the good news)
Study says rail will increase pollution
New chief says officers might have to fill in for furloughed employees
Hawaii nonprofits reeling from cuts as they slash staff, services
UH Students protest budget cuts
Draft report for water strategies in Central Maui to be discussed (OHA water grab)
Renaming Hawaii beach park for Obama not a slam dunk idea (Cult of personality rejected by public)
4 routes identified for undersea cable
Affordable-rental $2886/mo project gets a lift
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009 |
December 8, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:54 AM :: 9761 Views
Lingle renews push to revamp schools
Hawaii's teacher furlough crisis can be (political) opportunity, federal official says (Still campaigning with the hippie from Buffalo)
ADV: Dysfunctional labor talks will harm public
Lingle: Charting our course in the final stretch
Shapiro: Let the competence Lingle-bashing begin
Koller: Changes would keep child care subsidies
SB: Don't blame escape on budget
Kalapa: Still Waiting for a Better Response to Hawaii's State Worker Furlough Fridays
Plan for Mauna Kea summit draws little interest (forget the details, just send us the $50M)
Kauai County Ethics Board searching for clarity
Burris: New B&B law rewards the unlicensed
Birth information request clarified (wanted to leave race blank)
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Monday, December 7, 2009 |
December 7, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:25 PM :: 10745 Views
Captured Fallujah Terror leader: Accused SEALs arraigned, vow to defend charges
SB's choice for Pearl Harbor Day: Exhibit shows the harsh life of Honouliuli internment camp
Hotel take down more than falling occupancy
SB: Enforcement key to B&B bill
Hawaii County eyes worker furloughs
But...Now hiring - Kenoi admin keeps on keepin' on
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Monday, December 7, 2009 |
December, 2009 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 12:06 AM :: 7131 Views
Climategate not in media
Nonprofit Director: "I am part of the 'Homeless Industry'"
Read the Fine Print
Anderson’s Bill Aimed to Reward Illegal Operators
Honolulu B&B Hotel Bill 7 is Shady Legislation!
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Sunday, December 6, 2009 |
December 6, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:16 AM :: 9136 Views
John Waihee's looted graveyards to be auctioned
Old Hawaii airport contracts tie up more than $6 million in funds (funds the Leg wishes it could raid, part 1)
Budget Cuts blamed for ... (insert here)
HSTA president counters Lingle
ADV: Lingle must keep rail review well focused
Maui Planning process hits the . . . home stretch
Hawaii Co. Drywell contract will cost less thanks to removal of crony-protecting bid specs
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Saturday, December 5, 2009 |
December 5, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:20 PM :: 9976 Views
SB: HSTA is accused of blocking deal by Seitz
ADV: Teachers' Union staking out hard-line position over planning days
Hawaii hosts VEX Robotics Pan-Pacific Championship
Memminger: Did scientists trade science for faith when global warming became a religion?
Shapiro: Abercrombie called on pork spending
Mehau associate Brian Schatz stepping down as Democratic Party chief to run for LG
Tam to run in mayoral race
Oceanic vs. Raycom?
Democrat Burris: Elections system in turmoil so put it back in control of next LG
SB flacks for Homelessness industry: "Better 'homeless' policy needed"
Maui Council will weigh in on streams case (OHA vs A&B)
Ocean activity businesses seek right to sell permits
Hamakua plan seems to be stuck in mud
Sergeant saves lives of four soldiers by stopping suicide bomber
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Friday, December 4, 2009 |
December 4, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:32 AM :: 13139 Views
Abercrombie defends $3.5M earmark after being nailed by CBS
ADV: State must balance needs of business, jobless
Rewarding Failure: BOE chairman re-elected by board to top post
Succeeding in spite of BoE/DoE/HSTA: More Schools Modify Schedules to Increase Class Time
BOE gives up on bus request
Hawaii high school football title games will be available on pay TV
Families could pay more for child care
Gun registrations in Hawaii on record pace
Accused child molester on the loose from State Hospital
Bad weather reduces taro production
Kauai Court rules in favor of Lady Ann Cruises
Maui Work force housing policy to change
Hawaii Co. Trash fee is on junk heap, for now
Hawaii Co Councilwoman Ford drops suit against councilors
Public outcry leads to about-face on land commission
Isle beach law must prevail
Obama expected to vacation in Islands Dec. 23-Jan. 2
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Thursday, December 3, 2009 |
December 3, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:45 PM :: 10149 Views
'Gap' in HSTA talks remains
SB: Afghan troop surge is security necessity
National GOP to meet in isles
Delay urged in child care cuts
More home-tax relief stalls
Honolulu Transit authority on track
Waikiki curbside campers must go
Vandals strike at shuttered school in Wailupe Valley
Oahu single-family home, condo sales skyrocket
ADV: Panel, leaders must avert elections crisis
Hawaii parents still can spank
Lingle frees $36.9M for major Inter-Island terminal expansion
Hawaii Co. Council looks to tackle budget deficits
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009 |
December 2, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:08 PM :: 12423 Views
Hirono, Abercrombie oppose Afghan troops
Hawaii troops accomplished 'great things' in Afghanistan
180 in isle Army Guard to go to Afghanistan
Kauai: OHA Lawsuit seeks environmental review before highway widening (test run for rail suit?)
Obamacare: Overall health care bill trumps anti-abortion amendment, Hirono says
State's election chief to resign
Honolulu homeless moved for cleaning of Kapiolani Park
Moanalua parents say sixth-graders exposed to a talk on rape, abortion, Obama
Unsafe practices prompt FDIC alert to isle bank
Bill could allow 1,275 new B&B homes
Isles' late auto payments soar (Hawaii 5th in US)
Library staffs furloughed, too
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009 |
December 1, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:06 PM :: 11805 Views
Billy Kenoi's friend Malu Motta sentenced to life without parole for Pali Golf Course killings
Education official: Hawaii should not balance budget on 'backs of children' (Obama flunkey's flunkey campaigns for Abercrombie)
CBS News Nails Abercrombie for giving multi-million dollar earmarks to campaign donors
SB: Don't raise jobless fund tax too fast
Waikiki: First half of 2010 lacks big events; corporations may be shying away from Isles (thanks, Obama/Biden)
Media Council is claiming small victory over Raycom
State bankruptcies decelerate
Honolulu's city auditor to retire
KPD works to recruit officers, bust drug dealers
Kauai: 2 commissioners resign over ethics opinion
Vog triggers ag loans; Second disaster declaration made
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Monday, November 30, 2009 |
November 30, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:57 PM :: 10008 Views
Catholic and evangelical Protestant leaders hope to use the civil unions issue for political gains
Cayetano: Rail system still faces many hurdles
SB: Global warming treaty would be major success bad joke (Lord Gore threatens us with 'hurricane-force winds")
ADV: Hawaii State budget to suffer major hit from Obamacare
Car thief suspect was guilty in the past
Beach ownership is still in question
Education must be in battle plan
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Sunday, November 29, 2009 |
November 29, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:43 PM :: 6981 Views
ADV: State must not let furlough talks flounder (We need to shift blame back to the Governor)
SB: Jobless insurance deficit to spark tenfold tax hike
Reviews by state may delay Honolulu's rail transit plans
A Ponzi scheme for Hawaii: How the public can invest in our future
Kalapa: Vanquish the special fund
Homeless family finds language, new culture additional barricade
Kauai County Manager: Let the people decide
Kauai Police chief welcomes ‘constructive criticism’
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Saturday, November 28, 2009 |
November 28, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:00 AM :: 9962 Views
Hawaii furlough deal still on table, governor's adviser says
KGI: Unemployment tax hike undesirable but inevitable (Government stifling business)
Permit issues delay long-awaited dredging project at Kauai harbor (Government stifling business)
Housing worker suspended
Shapiro: Sorry, wisdom's gone on furlough
ADV: Visitor data signals value of promoting Isles (Government stifling business)
Kamehameha increases grants: Public charter schools received $7.2 million to help Hawaiian students
Fewer kids found with guns in school (actually only 2)
Your rubbish will cost cash (Government stifling business)
Mauna Kea CMP subplans released
Bill would regulate aquarium fish harvest (Government stifling business)
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Friday, November 27, 2009 |
November 27, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:56 AM :: 7457 Views
UHERO analysis calls Act 221 a 'mistake'
Honolulu appeals state decision to close city landfill in 3 years
Honolulu official accused of faking low-rent eligibility
Teachers without time to plan would be baby sitters
Exhibit to focus on portraits of gay families
Christian church, Native Americans reconcile begin reparations process in NY
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Thursday, November 26, 2009 |
November 26, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:22 PM :: 8061 Views
Hawaii teachers' union details concerns about furlough plan (suddenly unions don't want to change furloughs)
Jobless rate tops 9% on Neighbor Islands
Life of the Land: Proposed oil tax a barrel of trouble for Hawaii
Lawsuit Tackles Tax Break For Hawaiian Homelands (OHA thrilled)
Ranch donates 12,000 acres for easement to Maui land trust
New Honolulu police chief popular with rank and file
Pictures of alleged drunken drivers posted on Web site
Rail: Harbor plan would expand waterfront
Settlement reached in Sunetric case
Hawaii County renews "Golden Bulldozer" contract
LINK>>>Jihadi murderer of Big Island man captured in Iraq: Navy Seals face prosecution
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Wednesday, November 25, 2009 |
November 25, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:57 AM :: 9659 Views
Hawaii teachers union hesitant on plan to reduce furlough days (exactly as predicted)
Legislators cancel party plans (its tough everywhere)
Shakeys' Stimulus: $675,000 for a non-existent Honolulu pizza parlor?
State on track to have 6.5 million tourists this year
Matson to hike shipping rates 3.8%
Mayor weighed SHPD letter in path decision (OHA: Evolving Sacredness)
LINK: Saddam Hussein's 1982 Honolulu Attacker flushed from Iraq: FBI announces $5M reward
LINK: Gay Civil Unions coming back in 2010 session, protest planned
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009 |
November 24, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:41 PM :: 10873 Views
LINK>>>Lingle defends Chinese trade initiatives against criticism
Mufi demands rail go the way of the Superferry
Hawaii Corrections Officers File Complaint Against United Public Workers Union
Keep lid on crime, fears
Parents against cut in child-care funds
Public workers now have until Dec. 7 to select medical insurance plan
Mayor seeks fine for bulky trash left out early
Mayor bucks OHA recommendation
Obamacare Advertiser: Doctors still hold reins in women's health
Alleged scientist spy fit to stand trial
The worst-case curve (CO2 increases while Earth cools!)
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Monday, November 23, 2009 |
November 23, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:34 AM :: 12397 Views
Day TWO of ZERO coverage on Furlough negotiations: $50M ransom offered, but unions balk at releasing hostages
Hawaii counties see budget crunch ahead (adventures of the three mini-Mufis)
UCOMP: Hawaii May Back Off Big Business Tax Hike
Honolulu officials faulted for rejecting ground-level trains (KS wants train out of Kakaako KS re-development area)
Publicly Financed Elections Bolster Big Government
Lawmakers to examine use of federal stimulus money
Troubled bridges over island waters
Swine flu vaccine gets hogged
Hawaii Department of Education - Cutting Necessary Services Before Cutting the Fat
Lawyers' magazine rates UH law school 166th of 180
Tread carefully with Web site of DUI shame
Environmental Council needs better support
OHA appoints 4 new directors
Hawaii man sought for two killings in Philippines (victims both tied to Arroyo)
Kekaha’s Aipoalani says now is time to restore (Kauaian) kingdom
Kauai: Expert panel downplays need for county manager
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Sunday, November 22, 2009 |
November 22, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:24 PM :: 14945 Views
KGI: Unions Back to the table
Hawaii lands coveted APEC meeting with concerted effort
Shapiro: Par for the Course
75% of city workers on flu shot list
Isles, nation demand focus on joblessness
Even though the state's crime rate is at a record low, the public has the perception that it's worse than usual
All's very well with Hawaii's healthy rank
SB Oi: DUI 'shame' Web site probably won't work
Maui County moves to settle on landfills
Maui News: Out of touch with reality
Hawaii platoon leader died for his comrades at the battle of Wanat
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Saturday, November 21, 2009 |
November 21, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:43 PM :: 15052 Views
Hostage Drama Continues: Hawaii Legislature accepts $50M ransom offer, HSTA, HGEA, UPW balk
Increase in public school bus fares OK'd
Akaka Bill: Hawaiian Homelands to become federal property?
Officer faces felony drug charge in Vegas
Hawaii may cut back preschool tuition subsidies to families
Mauna Kea CMP takes step ahead
Kauai residents rip county plan for new landfill in Kalaheo
Special Session: Nacino elevated to Circuit Court judge
Hawaii jobless rate stays at 7.2 percent
Hawaii House cutting staff salaries by piddling 5%, Senate refuses to make cuts
Maui: Small store creates big controversy
LINK: Mufi's secret rail push-poll released
LINK: Obamacare: A Senate Bill nobody believes goes to vote Saturday
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Friday, November 20, 2009 |
November 20, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:48 PM :: 10319 Views
ADV: Lingle's rainy day plan earns Senate Democrats' support
SB: Senate ready for special session
SB: Inouye urges competition in campaign for governor (backs Mufi)
ADV: Inouye says he's staying neutral (backs Mufi)
Plan calls for nonprofit HMC
ADV: Police chief to tackle tough job list at HPD
Money to ease Hawaii school furloughs may shortchange needy HGEA
Attorneys trying to hurry furlough case for disabled
Kona campus project moves forward
Abercrombie's ILLEGAL questions in TV merger rejected
Burgess Petitions Ninth Circuit for Panel or En Banc Review
Hawaii County Planning director: Say no to concurrency (rezoning moratorium)
Maui: Work force housing bill compromise considered (development moratorium)
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Thursday, November 19, 2009 |
November 19, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:57 PM :: 9815 Views
Sen Roz Baker vs TEA Party
EBay founder plans Island news propaganda service
SEC says Mantria ran massive fraud (ACT 215/221)
Pasha bid comes under fire (Superferry Redux?)
Louis Kealoha named HPD chief (Fix NOT in???)
Mentally ill losing key service (HGEA -- "what about us???")
Honolulu police plan to post photos of those charged with DUI
Vote postponed on cutting Kona meetings
Hawaii County moves forward on land sale
County still roadblocked in progress on Hokulia bypass
Kaua‘i Coffee objects to landfill site
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Wednesday, November 18, 2009 |
November 18, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:39 PM :: 11987 Views
LINK: Inouye, Akaka votes: A ticket to USA for Guantanamo detainee who attempted attack on Honolulu
Isles predicted to lose more jobs next year
Four Hawaii Phantom Districts Receive $45,639,408 in Stimulus Funds for 3.4 Jobs
BoE to again consider hiking School bus fares
Now state's HGEA's real survival planning for tax increase begins
Democrat Borreca: Lingle shows leadership by reversing direction
Democrat Borreca: Senator guided furlough accord
"The Fix is In": New Honolulu police chief expected to be chosen today
City signs $483M rail contract (Locks up GET funds? before coming EIS train wreck)
Mayor signs pact with 12 unions on rail project
EUTF to discuss health plan delay
State earns a D grade with rise in pre-term births
Chinese join Mauna Kea telescope project
Hilo Teacher to serve prison term
Hawaii County would like to get rid of state land use board
Kenoi wants state parks for county, cites tourism's role
Maui County officials: Where’s the stimulus?
Murder victim linked to Mafia
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009 |
Letters to the Editor November, 2009
By Letters to the Editor @ 5:39 PM :: 13198 Views
Bureaucrats' Strategy: Furloughs and the "Washington Monument Principle"
Trying to Sell a Concrete Paradise
Honolulu Police Commission’s Process Severely Flawed
Obama has proven he knows how to spend our tax money
Stop the Madness
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009 |
November 17, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:22 PM :: 9720 Views
(Pushback against furlough settlement) Hamamoto: Plan May Not Restore All Furlough Days
Teacher furlough fix may require change in law
SB: 'Rain' fund raid right choice (but more pushback)
"Blatantly political" Abercrombie campaign admits lobbying Ed Sec'y Duncan
Hawaii's tourism slump has industry looking to China
Rail tax revenue down 30%
Police Commission Chair a no-show at City Council meeting
Final Brief In Maui Councilmember Residency Appeal: What Is "Immediate Forfeiture And Vacancy?"
U.S. senators question TV mergers here, nationwide
Clock is ticking on Hawaiian pilot deal
HMSA reports $23M loss thanks to swine flu hype
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Monday, November 16, 2009 |
November 16, 2009 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:03 PM :: 8149 Views
Shapiro: Lingle offers new hope for schools
Lingle: Hawaii-China business can "bring back a lot of jobs"
ADV: New homeless numbers a reminder of growing need
Lawyer is only one so far seeking GOP nod for lieutenant governor
Kealakekua: Drawing up a master plan (after 12 years)
Councilor says Kona meetings too costly
Harbor plan would hurt boaters
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