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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Saturday, July 17, 2010
July 17, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:00 PM :: 11011 Views

Prevedouros: Ten Billion Dollars and Counting Spells MISMANAGEMENT

Featured on Glen Beck: Wallbuilders’ David Barton to speak in Kahului

VIDEO: Djou calls for peace in Thailand

Gov. Lingle appoints Charlie Jencks to LUC

VIDEO: Djou on CNBC Worldwide Exchange

Djou co-sponsors “Hawaiian Home Ownership Opportunity Act”

Hannemann would veto civil unions (finally takes a position)

Abercrombie accuses Hannemann of holding "an orgy of self-promotion."

Lingle to appoint replacements as Bunda, Hooser resign

Hawaii Politburo Political Report to make big Media Splash (What progressives expect Abercrombie to do?)

Rail tax collections reach record high

Trash might sail in 2 weeks — cross your fingers

UH Computer Hack Likely Affected 53,000 Members

Big Isle farmer now tallies papaya loss at 13,000 trees

Maui Chamber endorses anti-Superferry Protesters’ Single-member districts Scam

Anti-Superferry protesters complain about Jencks appointment

Brewbaker: Real estate at low; hard times gone

GTMO Greenwell pushes to halt export of aquarium fish

Meth Dealer arrested by Feds after hunting accident in Hilo

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Friday, July 16, 2010
July 16, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:25 PM :: 12659 Views

Furloughs cause dramatic improvement in test scores

Djou ahead of the pack in campaign fundraising  (Old boys running out of cash)

Fulfilling sewer pact to cost city $4.7 billion (Almost as much as another Rail System)

SA: Stay on track on rail funding

City Council To Set Special Mayoral Election

Shapiro: Carlisle gets SHOPO’ed

How Green is Abercrombie? He Won't Show (But he drives a ‘93 Tercel)

Ward heeler Geo Yokoyama Lionized by Star-Advertiser  (he backs Abercrombie)

Power Struggle in Judiciary?  Moon rescinds all administrative orders

OHA supports changes to Hawaiian recognition bill

A few words from Djou and trash export is approved by Feds

Mayor imposes trash shipping deadline

Hawaii's first-time unemployment claims down by 6.3%

CB: Is the Bluest of States Bleeding Red?

Questions asked of Gov Lingle by media after HB444 Veto

Civil unions supporters launch 'buycott' campaign

New Report Shows 81.3 Percent Of Hawaii Small Businesses Eligible For Health Care Tax Credits

UH Board of Regents approve student athletic fee

'Resignation' bogus, musicians contend

Climate theory holds up despite some bad data (Hilarious)

Founder of ‘THC Ministry' seeking bail on marijuana charges

Hawaii County Ethics Commission declines to block Hamakua land sales

Midweek takes a swipe at pedophiles, ignores their friends in Legislature

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Thursday, July 15, 2010
July 15, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:40 PM :: 15899 Views

Aiona files for Governor: Talks jobs, education, clean energy

Djou campaign raises $935K in 2nd Quarter

Djou: “If our nation continues down this fiscally reckless path, what is happening in Hawaii will be writ large”

Djou backs line item veto to cut waste

Mauna Kea Recreational Users Group says “Whoa” to Kulani Prison land deal

Ugly insults? Or a plot to embarrass a state lawmaker?

CB: Are Student Test Scores Overrated?

Mufi Hannemann endorses homeless camps

Decades of sewer fee hikes: Mufi’s going-away present

Oi: This island's trash snafu is no political treasure for mayor

Veto of HB444 continues to reverberate

Honolulu Weekly Editor threatens to close paper

UH Manoa Teach in which launched Save our Schools immortalized in book

Hawaii leads nation: #1 in Credit Card debt, #2 in Mortgage debt

Police DUI program cut almost in half by internal probe

Lingle nominates three to Circuit Court judgeships

Moon appoints 4 lawyers to district bench

Marijuana minister compared to Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Jones

Honolulu Residents Don't Want National Recognition

City Council Moves Forward With Fireworks Ban (Snobs)

Where did $115 million go?

Hawaii County sells $60M worth of 20-year bonds

Maui Aquarium fish bill advances in council

Anti-Superferry Protester LaBedz pulls papers to run for Kauai mayor

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010
July 14, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:58 PM :: 8517 Views

VIDEO: Hawaii GOP works to challenge every race

CNBC: Hawaii ranks 48th for business climate

July 7, 1935: Moscow orders first Communists to Hawaii  (75-year anniversary)

Full Text: Lingle sends letter to Senators urging support for amended Akaka Bill 

CB: UPDATE- Lingle Asks U.S. Senators to Pass Akaka Bill

Kahuku Wind Farm Officially Breaks Ground

Gov. Lingle on veto of civil unions bill: "I was very comfortable with my decision"

SA: Overhaul troubled Sheriff Division

HNN:  Exclusive: Police sergeants under investigation for alleged overtime scam stripped of badges, guns

Maui Prosecutor’s office hit with lawsuit

Hawaii's tax revenue slips in recent fiscal year

Census: Hawaii leads nation in ‘minority’-owned businesses

Charter School Faces Eviction

Rep Brower Proposes Homeless 'Safe Zone' at Kakaako

Gift disclosures document unreported lobbyist expenditures

Shapiro: Politics by cheap attack

Hemmings' wife gets probation after guilty plea on theft charge

Planned Parenthood will host open house

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010
July 13, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:35 PM :: 15902 Views

HSTA demands candidates oppose funds for disabled students

Sen Fred Hemmings endorses Lynn Finnegan for Lt Governor

Kam Schools non-Hawaiian student Kalani Rosell to be subject of book, movie

Hanalani School Team wins robotics World Championship

Star-Advertiser continues Gay Atheist war on Hawaii Family Forum finances

CB: GOP Aims To Field Candidates in Most Local Races

Waihee speaks up for appointed BoE

Candidate says campaign signs stolen

Shapiro: Some candidates for governor we can like

No more excuses, Hawaii: Just do it via absentee voting

Maui groups challenging water commission in court

CB: State Has Huge Bill Coming Due for Retiree Health Care

$100 million traffic center gets moving

Mathew Higa Speaks About Death Of Cyrus Belt

ILWU reiterates its support for Hamas headchoppers, refuses to hear Israeli Consul

SA: Isle fireworks ban is overdue (snobs)

Top UH administrators, Elected Officials report receipt of gifts

Stalled River Street Housing Project May Be Dead

Ulupono Initiative Participates in ClearFuels' Bridge Financing to Accelerate Hawaii Biofuel Market

Master Navigator Mau Piailug Dies

Census looks at Micronesians in Hawaii, Mainland

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Monday, July 12, 2010
July 12, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:38 PM :: 12516 Views

Neil Abercrombie: Secret member of Democratic Socialists of America?

HuffingtonPost: Duke Aiona “Incredibly smart, focused on key issues”

Former Rep. Cam Cavasso unveils campaign platform in challenge to Inouye

Honolulu Council to hear testimony on Rail EIS Wednesday

No sea level rise: Pacific islands growing not shrinking, says study

Shapiro: Mufi’s Rock ‘n Rollman

DoE prepares to use furloughs as latest excuse for poor test scores

CB: On The Hook - Part 1 (Hawaii’s $16B pension liability)

Audit thrashes Sheriff Division

Opposition hits plan for Maui jail/prison

East Hawaii Ward Heeler George Yokoyama retires after running influential Hawaii County nonprofit

SA: Give alternative balloting a chance

Honolulu mayor bases leadership on Mormon principles (That’s a terrible thing to say about Mormons)

"Rail Is So Ridiculous"

ILind: Richardson-era court authorized improper lobbying and campaign activities, rejected complaints about Bishop Estate appointments

Child killer goes before parole board

ILind: Hawaii Department of Defense admits to “exorbitant” payments for laundry services

Hawaii stops drug discount card program

Maui News Polls Civil Unions 

Equality Hawaii: The governor who vetoed equality

Minority rights never advanced by popular vote

Did Pioneering Pro-Homosexual Judge Have a Conflict of Interest?

12 linked to medical marijuana arrested

Lifelong driver finds his destiny at dump

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Sunday, July 11, 2010
July 11, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:37 PM :: 9671 Views

Gays respond to veto of HB444: “Lets put Jews up to a vote”

Top-heavy DOE called 'urban myth'  (SA again makes fool of itself attacking Aiona)

For voters, not candidates, it's calm before the storm

Permanent absentee vote offered

Hawaii is already seeing effects of global warming, con artists say

Mysterious pufferfish deaths

A ‘Replicable’ Energy Model In Hawaii?

Loan program fails island homeowners

Kenoi 'priority' roads go nowhere

Certification may be required for Hawaii dams

Wis. man: Hawaii gallery sold me Lennon forgeries

The UH Board of Regents will decide Thursday on a proposal, opposed by student leaders, to charge students $50 per semester for athletics

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Saturday, July 10, 2010
July 10, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:49 PM :: 8491 Views

“Why I left Jihad” Ex-terrorist to speak at Calvary Chapel of Honolulu

Abercrombie Campaign ties six Hannemann operatives to AtomicMonkey site

Thieves Celebrate Independence Day by stealing Aiona, Finnegan campaign signs

Seeking 10 more candidates, Hawaii GOP highlights record of unchallenged Legislators

Rep Jessica Wooley: Disrespectful for Republican to operate video camera 

On civil unions, Neil's a yes, Duke's a no, Mufi's a show

U.S. Rep. Charles Djou files for re-election

5 candidates dip their toes in mayoral waters

It's go, no go, again for trash shipments

PBN: BP disaster draws attention to Jones Act

State To Borrow To Pay Unemployment

Hui puts farmers on ag land

BoE pretends to seek new DoE superintendent

Hawai‘i Welcomes F-22 Raptors

Medical Religious Marijuana Dope dealers peddle 1/2 pound per day in Hilo: Roger Christie's THC Ministry was raided, and federal authorities took hundreds of plants ,13 arrested

Honolulu mayoral candidates weigh in on fireworks ban debate

Young Solomon Islander to represent State of Hawai’i

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Friday, July 9, 2010
July 9, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:19 PM :: 10193 Views

Inouye: Senate Dems may not have time for Akaka Bill

Ilind: Mufi cronies control Honolulu Ethics commission

Civil Union Support Could Affect Elections

Mufi quicker to comment on LeBron James than HB444

Borreca: Majority rule is not always best for society

Federal Judge rules DOMA Unconstitutional (Gay Marriage to be exported across state lines)

Gay-Atheist Lobby:  Trouble In Paradise?: Religious Right Organizes In An Unlikely Place – Hawaii

McCully, Moiliili residents speak out about homeless problem

Toughen safety penalties (Case family’s SA launches another attack on Darwin Ching)

Kamehameha admits another non-native Hawaiian student

Ban on shark-finning brings Hawaii international notice

Federal agency sides with environmentalists opposed to nuclear irradiator at airport

Lingle vetoes Democrat Boss’ biofuel financing plan: Calvin Say refuses to rescue Dante Carpenter’s $40M bond

Central Pacific Financial Signs Written Agreement With Regulators

VIDEO REPORT: Aina Lea development in trouble?

Trial for Suspected Pimp Continues Without Him

Corporation Faces Sex Discrimination Suit in Hawaii

‘Exceptional’ Drought Worsens

House Finance Chair Weighs In On Frozen Funds

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Thursday, July 8, 2010
July 8, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:58 PM :: 9209 Views

Amended Akaka Bill still excludes 73% of Native Hawaiians from Tribe

Aiona on Akaka Bill: "These changes will help to achieve the broad-based support that this landmark legislation deserves.”

Shapiro: Can the Akaka bill survive legislative ineptitude?

Author claims AtomicMonkey blog “Not a Mufi campaign strategy”

Gay/Atheist lobby attacks Vili the Warrior

How Panos Prevedouros could become mayor

Hannemann still hasn’t come out on civil union decision

UPW endorses Hannemann/GLBT Endorses Abercrombie

Gay sex tourists threaten boycott

Inouye Endorses Civil Unions

BOE reform low on candidates' list

Hawaii Island Parent to DOE Superintendent: Don’t Close Our Kohala School

Ways and Means Committee Launches Investigation Into Alleged Airport Mismanagement, Contracting Practices, Wasteful Spending and Favoritism

$394 Million in General Funds Frozen

New Hawaii law aims to put homeless in apartments

Shapiro: Short of banning fireworks, at least pass a decent law

Study: Hawaii second happiest state in the US

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010
July 7, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:26 AM :: 5134 Views

WaPo: Charles Djou: Incumbent, underdog

Borreca: Consequences of HB 444 will be felt at the ballot box

Legislators show up in case of Special Session

KITV: Pro-Civil Union Groups Plan Lawsuit

Gay groups react to veto of HB444

Lingle vetoes civil-unions bill

CB: Lingle Dodges Civil Unions Issue

Shapiro: What happens next on Civil Unions depends on November Election

HB444: Maui Time prepares two cover images

Salary cap bill among 29 rejected by Lingle

Group petitions against fare hikes: Yoshioka calls bus fare ‘a bargain’

Ilind speaks up on behalf of Mollway

Abercrombie Special Election cost 'only' $670,000

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010
July 6, 2020 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:52 AM :: 8857 Views

HB444 opponents to gather at Noon

Progressive Panic on Decision Day

Ilind: Could Abercrombie-Hannemann primary turn off Democratic voters?

Former Board of Education member calls the board dysfunctional

Cataluna: Aiona's fiscal accountability is not the answer (Must NOT audit DoE)

Lingle fails to give credit where tax-hike credit is due

CB: Furlough Fridays in the Rearview

State Weighing Rule Changes for 2 Million Acres

City fined $1.7 million for dumping into Oahu stream

SA: Airfare for homeless has merit

State Dems gather in Kona

Kailua parade filled with political hype

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Monday, July 5, 2010
July 5, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:48 AM :: 9626 Views

Djou to hold Four Talk Story Meetings Monday July 5

Most isle lawmakers back civil unions: Some still struggle with issue as they await governor's decision

Impostors, once unusual, are emerging in ID thefts

WHT: Candidates eye Big Isle:  Neighbor Islands' political clout growing

SA: Sewers settlement needs affordable payment schedule

Census worker taken to court for trespassing

In defense of the Jones Act

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Sunday, July 4, 2010
July 4, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:29 PM :: 10759 Views

Civil Unions could boost gay sex tourism in Hawaii

Democrat Borreca: Lingle's future rides on decision over civil unions

Kirk Caldwell plumps for Homelessness industry: “We can’t allow irresponsible and antisocial people to take over our public spaces”

Abercrombie celebrates July 4 by announcing: “We are buried in words”

JACL: Remain vigilant, speak up for justice

Recent changes to an affordable-housing project shortchange early buyers, as politically connected developers rewrite rules to suit themselves

Council panel OKs (STILL SECRET) agreement to upgrade city sewage facilities

Hawaii hotel occupancy continues to climb

Daughter of Senator Mike Gabbard runs for Honolulu City Council

Proposed charter changes affect housing and transit

Native American lawmakers' group picks Hawaii state senator as treasurer

442nd survivors tally dwindling numbers

Hawaii's Landmark Shark Fin Ban Takes Effect

State considers limits on coastal fishing

Hawaii Governor Pardons 11

Contractors in isle bribery case will first face charges in Chicago

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Saturday, July 3, 2010
July 3, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:14 PM :: 10495 Views

Veto override session dead (gay lobby smacked down)

Civil Beat Climb down:  Pretends to apologize, then calls Business Roundtable liars 

Gay Lobby releases stacked poll

Lingle receives 34,000 comments on civil unions (Gay document dump)

Legislators’ Incompetence costs Hawaii $50M in UCOMP benefits—they blame DLIR

Borreca suggests Mufi has fixed Sewers 

Group pushes petition against city bus fare increase

Farmer targeted by vandals gets help

SA: Ethanol not only alternative

Let's promote a government independent of special interests

Civil Beat Editor: Star-Advertiser print edition to be gone in 3-5 years

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Friday, July 2, 2010
July 2, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:39 PM :: 13789 Views

Could force Hannemann out of race: Admits AtomicMonkey site produced by Mufi campaign worker

Rep Pat Saiki endorses Ramsay Wharton for Congress--District 2

Maui, Big Island TEA Party rallies July 3, 4 and 7

Shapiro: Abercrombie, Hannemann grapple over AtomicMonkey

Civil Beat launches attack on America for July 4

Hannemann acknowledges poll showing Aiona in lead—but Star-Advertiser continues censorship

Late donations save Kailua fireworks for July 4th

Aiona calls for Education Department audit

Molokai Ranch Attempts to Legalize Water System after being robbed by Hawaii Supreme Court

Kauai Mayor: Drug-treatment facility to be sited in 2010 (after being blocked by OHA)

House Democrats use war funding bill to gut RTTT education reform

Former Hawaii PTSA president sentenced for $34,000 theft

Cataluna: Hannemann copies Jeremy Harris’ Sewer policy

Waimanalo homeless await rumored sweep

HGEA job trust continues assault on tax collection contractor

Inouye to hold Hawaii hearing on stimulus spending

CB: Djou Explains 'No' Vote On Campaign Finance Bill

Moon's involvement in Broken Trust cited in naming of new court

Anti-GMO activists attacking Hawaii Papaya farmers?

Pacific Garbage Patch: There's a what?

School impact fees postponed: Hawaii County won't cooperate

County deal revives stalled Molokai veterans center

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Thursday, July 1, 2010
July 1, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:00 PM :: 14572 Views

Poll Panic: Star-Advertiser censors poll showing Aiona in lead, rushes out phone survey on wrong Senate candidate

Stacked Star-Advertiser poll claims Aiona does only 3% better than John Carroll

Team Aiona responds to results of Advertiser’s robo-call polling

Djou: New Wall Street Bailout Bill will hurt Hawaii

50 Reps, Djou co-sign bipartisan letter for free trade with S. Korea

Charity shake-down artist Mike “pay-for-play” Magaoay will run for Wahiawa-North Shore state Senate seat

Civil Beat continues gay hunt of Business Roundtable members

Alleged gay rape: Prosecutors will challenge appellate court reversal of murder verdict

SA: Stop bickering over homeless (doing its part for Neil Abercrombie)

Hawaii, Honolulu jobless rates fall in May

Tax on Cigarettes to Increase July 1

Criticisms of telescopes atop Mauna Kea are 10 years out of date (appeals for Sierra Club members to stop attack on telescope)

Big Isle police probe destruction of 8,500 papaya trees

Hawaiians Activists want bridge work stopped, claim ‘obfuscation”

New Law To Reign In Hiring Of Illegal Workers  (Half of the Arizona law, with union support)

City Council committee recommends approval of proposed sewage settlement

Maui resident W. S. Merwin to Be Named Poet Laureate of the US

Lanai residency suit will go to trial

Army official: We never meant to clean up DU (why would they, it is not a serious hazard)

THAAD: In Space no one can hear you surrender

'Little Obama': Indonesia Premieres Movie Despite Obama's Absence

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
June 30, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:46 PM :: 8098 Views

Voters hate legislators: Few step up to run against them

Hannemann Proposal criticized as a 'power grab'

Ilind: Timing is everything in the sewer settlement

Mayor blasted over homeless

Mizuno and Cabanilla's "family reunification" plan draws the ire of Seattle officials

Djou: Congress being derelict in not enacting a budget

Rep. Djou praises Obama on trade

Abercrombie’s Gay Union: Battle Brewing Over Hotel Worker Contracts

Alleged Gay Rape victim gets new trial

New Ransom Demands: BOE members warn a furlough-free year will probably mean cuts in other areas

Isles' Asian students lag in proficiency, national study finds

Union Apologist denounces RTTT, Bill Gates on Education

Hawaii's physician shortage to be in critical condition in 10 years (as compared to what?)

Isle gun laws seen as solid despite ruling

Big Isle test election at risk

Private prison firm provides quality care at an affordable price

Hale Kipa talks fail to ease neighborhood's safety fears

Akaka, Inouye flip-flop on Gen Petraeus

Busy recruiters suggest that hiring is on the rise in Hawaii

Grand Vision, Big Questions for Oahu Electric Car Plant

CNN Opinion: Islands are 'natural nets' for plastic-choked seas

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010
June 29, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:35 PM :: 9741 Views

Jones Act: McCain proposes abolishing U.S. shipping restriction

Gay Union:  Local 5 endorses Abercrombie for governor

Honolulu sewage treatment Deal agreed with EPA

UH Regents Approve World's Largest Telescope

Hawaii per-pupil spending above average

DoE Rejects Information Request, Won't Say How Many Teachers Fired

US and Chinese schools talk ties

Hawaii House Members to Look Into Investments

Health care leaders meet to discuss doctor shortage in Hawaii

Ilind: Move to dismantle the Clean Water and Natural Lands Commission on City Council committee agenda

Snobs snubbed: New poll shows majority of Hawaii residents against fireworks ban

Lawmakers Want State Money To Ship Out Homeless (Democrat campaign commercial)

Hawaii agency to make disclosure reports available

Water agency might leak cash

Fishpond Bill in Jeopardy  (OHA fishpond grab)

DOE Sees Long Road Ahead for Algae Fuels

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Monday, June 28, 2010
June 28, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:45 PM :: 14796 Views

Democrat Borreca: Oshiro's future linked to HB 444 (Pressuring House to vote on override)

Criminal defense lawyers accuses Lingle of “Stacking the Court’ if she nominates Nakamura Chief Justice

SA: Legislature should override veto of DoE Sup’t salary hike

Thanks to anti-Superferry protesters, Harbor users will pay tab for Superferry work

CB: Numbers Don't Add Up at New Star-Advertiser

Look who’s “Facilitating Justice for All”

Former Sierra Club Leader supports Telescope

Overcoming meth addiction

Public Meeting Set To Discuss State-Funded Youth Homes

Kauai Residents discuss meaning of ‘ha`ole’—and get it wrong

Sierra Club/Rep Chris Lee: Gulf disaster is the clearest sign yet we must move beyond our crippling dependence on oil  (Democrat campaign ads #1 & 2)

State not enforcing night noise-limit law (Democrat campaign ad #3)

Fireworks to light up hearing

To some, complaint blackout bill unfair; to others it's anti-consumer

Building Permit tracking system delayed

North Korea squanders 60 years on belligerence, bravado

SA Oi: 'Cost' of war includes priceless American lives

Byrd Dead: Inouye now President Pro-Tempore of Senate

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Sunday, June 27, 2010
June 27, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:49 AM :: 10371 Views

Aiona: Funds released for Rural Residency program

Time to Ship out?  Congressman Djou revs up the debate on a Jones Act waiver for Hawaii  (More back-handed support from the Case family paper)

Hawaii Congressman Backs McCain Bill on Jones Act

Diploma distress

Isle ethanol efforts stall: The two surviving ventures face high hurdles

‘Modest job growth’ predicted

‘CJ’ brought Hawaii the ‘Golden Age of Law’

Homeless camps cover 50 acres, from Waipio Point, around Middle Loch to Pearl City

"Taylor Camp" tells the story of idyllic youth of the '60s who found brief respite on Kauai  (Formative experience of progressives)

Church of marijuana: Religious use of pot seen as legal refuge

KGI: Attitudes on meth changing, survey shows

NYT: Hawaii to Test Public Money for an Election

SA: Refine fireworks bill before next election

Next president elected by just 15% of voters? Rapidly advancing movement to eliminate Electoral College shifts control to coasts

Small businesses set up shop in storage lockers

HNA is Chartered by OPEIU, AFL-CIO

Hawaii joins hands to protest off-shore oil drilling

No birth certificate needed to verify Obama's old Arcadia job

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Saturday, June 26, 2010
June 26, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:30 AM :: 13495 Views

Biting the bullet: DoE cuts 400 vacant positions, save $15M

Hanabusa: Senate ready to override any vetoes by governor -- House unsure

Aiona opens Kona HQ -- dozens attend

Maui Chamber helping candidates create business-friendly agenda

2 large firms oppose duck responsibility for request to veto civil unions

McCain introduces bill to repeal the Jones Act

Tourism upswing brings in an extra $127 million

Effect of lost funding on Quest unknown: A rejected federal bill would have given $86 million to the state

Fired, Mollway speaks out on Ethics

Lingle vetoes bill calling for audit of prison contract

New Law Beefs Up Health Inspections

Hawai'i Physician Workforce Summit to address doctor shortage

Hawaii Fisheries OK'd For Humpback Harm

Big Island launching publicly funding elections

Report: Mystery vagrant in Hawaii is high-ranking Maori

Vets, dignitaries recall Korean War

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Friday, June 25, 2010
June 25, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:40 PM :: 12759 Views

State Capitol: July 6 rally against HB444 during Override Session

As Legislature considers override of HB444: Republicans push candidate recruitment

Beyond Marriage The Confession: Hawaii Gay marriage advocates let the polyamorous cat out of the bag

Boylan: How Panos Prevedouros can win

City makes $195M deal for train depot

Case family’s Star-Advertiser: Let HB 444 become state law

NYT Obituary underscores Richardson’s Activist Judicial Career

Hawaii Pension Fund Loses Millions With BP Stock (thanks, Obama)

Failure of jobless bill seen costing Hawaii $86 million (…unless we pay taxes here)

Isle census offices finish job

HNN: City park cleanup is shifting homeless problem, not fixing it (Opinion masquerading as news)

Aspen Colorado authorities ship homeless to Hawaii

State sued over adult mental health services cuts

KITV: Hawaii Hopes For New Schools Superintendent: But Governor Might Veto Bill To Offer Best Salary To Candidate

Mortgage fraud? Hawaii #1 in same-day flips

Maui Electric Company Restricts Renewable Energy for Molokai Residents as the State of Hawaii Considers Building Wind Farms There

Hawaii residents cash in on refrigerator rebates

Class Action Suit Claims Hawaii Privatized State Park

Different mission awaits Iraq-bound isle soldiers

NZ Family recognises 'Josie May'

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Thursday, June 24, 2010
June 24, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:53 PM :: 8294 Views

VIDEO: Charles Djou on “Fox and Friends”

Djou: “We must all re-commit ourselves to turning back al-Qaeda and the Taliban”

Hanabusa campaign worries about Donor Fatigue

State commission is asked to review mayor's fundraiser

Gay lobby dispatched two operatives from mainland to coordinate campaign against Business Roundtable

Hawaii Atheists demand Catholics endorse criminal prosecution of Pope

Lingle receives list of nominees for state Supreme Court chief justice

Rod Tam returned to Planning Committee Chairmanship

Rod Tam Allowed To Pay Ethics Fines Without Interest

Retaliation campaign continues against State tax collection contractor

School board hires consultant in fake search for superintendent

Hawaii Gov. Lingle signs law exempting some cargo fees and directing money to ag inspections

DelaCruz details plan to keep rail on track

Honolulu spending stimulus money on art

UH Board of Regents to debate Thirty Meter Telescope project

Council action means choices limited in land fund charter vote

Council, staff taking pay cuts, furloughs

Furloughs to slow some police functions

Man Accused Of Sex Trafficking Skips Bail

RIMPAC 2010 War Games Launch in Hawaii

USDA reveals $168 billion cost of 2022 biofuels target ($8/gallon fuel)

A palace for the potash king

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010
June 23, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:32 PM :: 11076 Views

Mufi Campaign leader: Hawaii Democratic Party taken over by “Abercrombie zealots”, an “ingrown clique with some very radical views”

Civil union supporters rally draws only 30 people

Hawaii Campaign Spending Commission fines Abercrombie's campaign

Capitol no pathway to the statehouse

850 sign up for Hawaii’s boating TEA party

49 may file for races in Big Isle

CB: Honolulu Rail Heading Right at Them

Shapiro: Principals’ accountability call should extend to them, too

Earthjustice challenging Alexander & Baldwin's proposed Maui water treatment plant

Native Hawaiian grants total $1,026 per Hawaiian—did you get yours?

Personal income on rise

Lingle negotiating flights from China

CB requests one year’s worth of prostitution arrest reports 

Hawaii County employee with suspended license hits Kona cyclist

Thousands Of Taxpayers Affected By Crackdown

Census: Hawaii grew 6.9% in past decade

Lawmakers Want Governor To Sign Prisons Audit Bill

Gov. signs bill allowing counties to ban fireworks

Tree plan introduces bugs

Heeia lawsuit taken to federal level

Hawaii Writers Conference shuts down after 17 years

New Hurricane Insurer Enters Hawaii Market

American Samoa wants to loosen U.S. controls

Smithsonian hires Konrad Ng, President Obama's brother-in-law, as director

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
June 22, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:13 AM :: 11296 Views

20,000 write governor, 85% ask for veto of HB444

Full Text: Governor Lingle’s Veto List

Poll: Aiona beats Hannemann in one-on-one matchup

Djou opens Honolulu office, visits families in Ewa, Hawaii Kai

Kirk Caldwell: “We’re a city not afraid to raise fees and taxes”

A Honolulu Government That Keeps On Growing

Hawaii gov. buys more time on civil unions bill (Hanabusa pledges override)

Gay Lobby reacts

Gay Lobby continues to hunt down Business Roundtable members (SA & CB keep count)

Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle submits list of bills she may veto

LA Times: A strike against sex trafficking (Calls on Lingle to sign)

Lingle says Asia trip a success

Breene Harimoto resigns from Board of Education

UH Manoa Custodian Gets Jail For Campus Sex Assault

The Nation: 'I Was Scared to Sleep': LGBT Youth Face Violence Behind Bars (Hawaii Youth facility)

Honolulu city clerk debunks new 'birther' theory

Former Hawaii State Supreme Court Chief Justice Richardson dies

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Monday, June 21, 2010
June 21, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:04 PM :: 9318 Views

Democratic chief takes Mufi to the woodshed

SA: Djou defends call for Jones Act waiver

Rep. Djou opens Honolulu office

Gov. Lingle to consider veto of civil unions bill Monday

QWERTY: Linda Lingle Has Seen Through You Hawaii Gays Ditching the Word 'Marriage'

SA: Don't waste stream water (OHA must grab more water)

CB: Time Running Out for Akaka Bill

SA: Perk of incumbency: Unequal time

ilind: State Ethics Commission deserves more credit for dealing with administrative problems

Army seeks better ties with Native Hawaiians

Hawaii Home Price Index Up 13.4% in April—tops nation

Report: Hawaii personal income increasing

California fraud case allegedly cost First Hawaiian Bank over $2.5 million

Big Island progressive musician guilty in kiddie porn case

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Sunday, June 20, 2010
June 20, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:52 PM :: 8886 Views

Hawaii spending per Medicare enrollee 32% lower than national avg (Why Hawaii Doctors are leaving)

Candidates mining campaign 'gold' on the mainland

UHERO: ‘Construction downswing near its trough’

Lingle returns, still facing civil unions bill

Second Gay Pride Parade Held In Waikiki

ACLU: Let's find out true cost of privatized incarceration

More Hawaii residents packing heat

Ships, planes and people from 14 nations will be participating in the biennial RIMPAC

Show revs up public effort for raceway

Maui County furloughs to save $3.5 million

Local support at heart of Hali‘imaile’s success

Lead-acid battery has competition (Windmills to pump water for hydro?)

Brainwashing children on behalf of The Maui Coastal Land Trust

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Sunday, June 20, 2010
June, 2010 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 1:01 AM :: 7841 Views

Inouye backs UHH's Straney

Blind Teacher fired by HPU

Panos Prevedouros = Johnny Wilson

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Saturday, June 19, 2010
June 19, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:02 PM :: 15813 Views

CNBC: Jones Act may be hindering Gulf Oil Response, Dutch ships blocked

Tokyo: Lingle meets with Japanese travel writers, Tourism Minister

Hawaii-Okinawa Clean Energy Partnership Agreement Signed

Djou joins in call to allow global aid for oil cleanup (Inouye, Akaka, Hirono demand the oil be left alone to pollute Gulf)

Civil Unions To Go On Potential Veto List

Hawaii Business Roundtable stands by call for a veto of the civil unions bill

HNN: Djou using taxpayer funds to make 'robocalls'

SA: Ethics agency harmed by Mollway dismissal (Democrats afraid a real investigator will be appointed)

Hawaii Ethics Commission will discuss recruiting executive director

Energy partnership features Hawaii and Okinawa

Hawaii gets new tool to target foreign investment

Lingle urged to veto tax credit bill

Hawaii’s jobless rate drops to 6.6% in May

4,171 on Oahu have no homes

How Hawaii Lawmakers Balanced the State Budget

CB: New York Human Trafficking Law Points To Holes In Hawaii Proposal

Storied stone taken away

Hawaii Schools’ Best Friend

Preserving Hawaii’s resources: More than a career

Medical heavyweights team up for new approach to quality health care

Lawyers praise beach land ruling

VA official gets big pay, little work: A retired Navy captain who has filed several discrimination suits sits in limbo

Firefighter gets duty change after accusation of beating

Hawaii Family Seeking Answers About Inmate's Death

Kauai County employees face furloughs next month

Lihue Airport First In State To Use Body Scanner

The man who’s tutoring Bill Gates … actually has a brain…

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Friday, June 18, 2010
June 18, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:11 AM :: 14142 Views

Tax revenue for rail tumbles to $8.3M

Cataluna: Djou survey is “another smart move from a politician who hasn't made a false step yet.”

Case family’s Star-Advertiser gives backhanded support to Djou on Jones Act

Inouye, Hirono demand foreign ships be kept out of oil cleanup

DOE Posts School Calendar With No Furloughs, All Employees

Hawaii Adopts Common Core State Standards in Education

Mayor Hannemann Wrong to Ignore Governor Cayetano

Rep. Charles Djou Says Broke U.S. House Rules

Michelle Kidani Claims There's No Conflict Of Interest

Wind Energy Developer Negotiating with Molokai Ranch

Residents may decide future curfews

Using private prisons costs more than it seems (UPW talking points again)

State expects to reap dividends from China expo

Hawaiian Waste Systems signs agreement to ship trash

Hawaii's unemployment claims up 2.8%

If placed on ballot, decision could bring big changes: County manager vs. strong mayor

Hawaii 7th lowest in car insurance costs

Safeway, Walgreens bulk up in islands

Map: Where Americans Are Moving

Maui Council bills target aquarium fish industry

SA: Civil-union letter splits firms (SA continues to ferret out any detail that will help gay lobby)

5 major Hawaii businesses support civil unions

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Thursday, June 17, 2010
June 17, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:57 PM :: 13349 Views
  1. Gulf & Hawaii: Djou call for relief from Jones Act explodes across national media
  2. VIDEO: Djou pushes solutions to oil spill on CNBC Worldwide Exchange
  3. Honolulu Gaza flotilla protester shows up at BP hearings – with rubber ducky
  4. Hannemann’s Pittsburgh fundraiser: Misdemeanor? Class C Felony?
  5. Mufi Site: Abercrombie’s brain in a glass jar controlled by Cayetano
  6. Lingle-Aiona Admin: “4,043 moved into permanent housing thru State homeless programs”
  7. Beijing: Governor Lingle discusses TMT at Great Hall of the People
  8. New ransom demands: BoE Chair threatens layoffs in response to 180 day law
  9. Abercrombie, Hannemann trade charges over whose fundraising is more corrupt
  10. Hannemann wins support from Hawaii hotel group
  11. Inouye: Jones Act Should Not Be Suspended for Foreign Aid in BP Oil Spill
  12. Broke in 10 years, ERS “is not front burner”—Rep Rhoads
  13. FrumForum: Mr. Djou Goes to Washington (Don’t Ask—Don’t tell)
  14. Equality (sic) Hawaii claims HB444 is not gay marriage
  15. Pay declines imminent for most city employees (Thanks, Mufi)
  16. $65M to shift rail route: Other options to avoid air traffic cost up to $300 million
  17. Rail: The federal funding has a long way to go before approval
  18. SA: CGI contract looks dubious (flacking for HGEA)
  19. SA Oi: Whines Abercrombie asks for fair game rules
  20. Tax Dollars Paid For Djou's (constituent survey) Robo-Calls (typical Democrat media hit piece)
  21. Despite New Law, Hawaii’s Public Schools Aren’t Up to National Standards
  22. Maui News Polls mayoral race
  23. Hawaii Ethics Commission Fires Director
  24. Ilind: List of Star-Advertiser local directors dropped from “Views & Voices”
  25. Star-Advertiser forces Honolulu Weeklies to use Maui News printing press
  26. Statewide Bike Plan Shows Progress
  27. Kenoi predicts another tough budget year
  28. Hawaii Co Water rates rising 8 percent
  29. Espionage trial continues for Maui man
  30. RP govt asks Fil-Ams to support SAVE Act
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
June 16, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:30 PM :: 16136 Views

RCCC to focus on reelecting Djou, Liberal website calls Hanabusa “untainted”

HNN: More speed bumps for Honolulu rail project (Its not just the Governor)

Shapiro: Mayor uses rail failings as boost to governor bid

Mayor Mufi Hannemann announces 24 furlough days for 2010-11 fiscal year

Hawaii passes law mandating 180-day school year

Democrat Borreca: Isle GOP banking on 'down-ticket' contests

SA: Not protecting civil unions hurts Hawaii's competitiveness

As HSTA Negotiations open, Civil Beat begins flacking mercilessly  (no surprise here)

Big Kauai project going forward despite slowdown

Rep. Djou calls for free trade with Philippines

Acting Gov. Concerned Over Inmate Deaths

Sen. Inouye marks a milestone

Meth ads may be changing attitudes

Kaneohe car dealer is charged over laundering pimps' money

Hawaii Hates Science, Tells Thirty Meter Telescope to Go to Chile

ERA Carbon Offsets Ltd. Signs MOU With McCandless Ranch to Develop Hawaiian Carbon Offset Projects

PUC OKs Hawaiian Electric's test of biofuel blends

Molokai Dispatch: Undersea Cable Moving Forward

Windmill sought for Waikoloa area

County again considers hauling trash to Kona

Kauai Volunteers help finish new dock

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010
June 15, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:37 PM :: 13065 Views

Hannemann Pittsburgh fundraiser: Campaign Spending Commission not notified until after event

Aiona rejects call to act on HB444 while Lingle is out of state

Lingle talks visas and biofuels in Beijing

Djou’s first Legislation: Resolution calls for Free Trade Agreement with Philippines

Hanabusa to get same kind of National Democrat help Ed Case got

NRCC: “Colleen Hanabusa and her Washington friends have pushed the economy into a jobless recovery”

TEA Party leader launches campaign for Maui Mayor

House votes to annex Hawaii, June 15, 1898

HB444: Gay Lobby and Hawaii Media seek revenge against Business Roundtable

Federal Transit Administration approves EIS for Oahu's $5B rail project

IT company's relationship with the state Tax Department is being questioned (by HGEA-owned legislators seeking to reverse privatization)

UPW salivates as State to investigate killing of island inmate in Arizona

Bloomberg: Hawaii gov discusses tourism, energy in China (APEC-Green Energy connection?)

Hawaii ignition interlock bill signed into law

Don't combine schools in Waialua and Haleiwa

Dozens of Vietnamese immigrants might have to leave the country over falsified documents

Obamacare: Those laid off when the recession started will soon lose subsidized health insurance benefits

Plenty of beachside in Ooma plan (30 years work is now juicy new shakedown target)

Construction Workers Abandon Big Island

EPA issues penalties against County of Hawaii, Johnson Resort Properties

Ormat share rises as Hawaii geothermal plant reaches full production

Hawaii Biotech to be sold at auction

Lahaina News: Voters support change in council election system

U.S. commander blasts Chinese navy's behavior

Offshore oil rigs are out of U.S. government's reach (Marshall Islands safety inspectors?)

Scientists (sic) study shifting attitude to climate change

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Monday, June 14, 2010
June 14, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:00 PM :: 11816 Views

Hanabusa to get same kind of National Democrat help Ed Case got

NRCC: “Colleen Hanabusa and her Washington friends have pushed the economy into a jobless recovery”

TEA Party leader launches campaign for Maui Mayor

Sunday, July 4: Citizenship Sunday Church-based Voter Registration Drive

Hawaii could lose tobacco funds in $1.1B arbitration

CB: Star-Advertiser let Mufi off easy on civil unions, didn’t even ask about Pittsburgh fundraiser

Maui Mayor’s office caught stealing newspapers

Sierra Club demands $50/M year payoff from Telescope 

New York Human Trafficking Law Points To Holes In Hawaii Proposal

City Council Proposes Bus Stop Smoking Ban (nanny state)

SA: Control costs of Medicaid

Work here in isles, new doctors told

The number of people seeking help for crystal meth addiction is rising

Mental health centers take on wider mission (4 jobs consolidated)

Hawaii consumers are paying more for fresh produce because of state cutbacks

Lack of military ID costs baggers their jobs at an off-base commissary

Navy family has had to deal with health issues they blame on their moldy housing

Leaders Say Abandoned Property May Be Attracting Crime

CTJ: Hawaii Legislature tax bills mirror Obama agenda

DOMA’s Deserted Isle (Gay marriage on Johnston Atoll)

Cagle: My Crazy Newspaper War Days in Hawaii

Can y’all say “1986”? (Midweek)

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Sunday, June 13, 2010
June 13, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:43 PM :: 12291 Views

Jaws drop as Maui TEA Party walks into Abercrombie HQ opening

Hawaii could lose tobacco funds in $1.1B arbitration

Honolulu “peace activist” caught lying about Gaza Flotilla

SA Interview: Hannemann plans to “walk lock-step” with DoE Bureaucracy, again refuses to answer on HB444 

(Pretending to) Take on Tenure

AP: Hawaii gov consults with rabbis on civil unions

Thielen: Need to be efficient in finding new water sources

Na Wai Eha: Decision in but dispute lingers (1 of 2)

Linked: Felix-Hannemann-Donohue

Veterans Today: Sen. Akaka trying to screw vets on Agent Orange

Medicare pay cuts worry isle officials

Queen's and HMSA working to improve quality, lower costs

Korean Visitors to Hawaii Up 91% in 1st Quarter

Kalapa: Economic future depends on improved business climate

Anti-Superferry protester Joan “Cow Pies” Conrow fired by MidWeek

U.S. under pressure in Asia-Pacific trade talks

Free Speech: Smart Business Hawaii  joins protest against HR5175 “Disclose Act”

Hawaii Ballot access lawsuit to be heard June 17

Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites

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Saturday, June 12, 2010
June 12, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:23 PM :: 11143 Views

Hannemann’s Pittsburgh Fundraiser planned since April 29

Hannemann in Pittsburgh "Whacking the rail transit piñata"

Philippine Independence Day: Rep. Djou calls for more visas for family reunification

VIDEO: Rep. Djou on Fox Business News

Clean Energy for Hawaii: Djou co-sponsors American Energy Act

RTTT: Prolonging Education's Race to the Bottom

Photos: Kamehameha Day Lei draping ceremony, Washington DC

Shapiro: Will Aiona veto HB 444 (II)?

Maui News: Hawaii’s recovery begun, but slow

Democrat Borreca: Abercrombie proffers idea of single-payer health care

DCCC still peddling Obamacare:  Charles Djou’s Plan to Re-Open the Medicare Donut Hole

HR: In Hawaii, Education Reform or Education Conform?

SA: State must speed up food stamp processing

US Supreme Court decision places cloud on publicly funded campaigns

New law guards gun rights

Robbery Suspect Was On Special Probation Program

Car Thieves Steal Soldier Fundraiser Proceeds

Hawaii Meth Project: Year one

Maui water ruling affects HC&S

Verbatim: King Kamehameha Day Presidential Proclamation (Obama denounces America again)

Ka Iwi reclassified as conservation zone, but the community’s battle to protect it continues on

Councilman wants complete fireworks ban (snob alert)

Billionaire proposes massive home on grass farm in Kilauea

Kauai Council considers sex harassment suits

The GOP's new hue

Birther crackpot hired by Honolulu Election Commission  (Thanks, Mufi) 

An Energy Strategy for Grown-Ups: Wind power is not a realistic substitute for oil

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Friday, June 11, 2010
June 11, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:48 PM :: 18701 Views

Full Text: Hawaii Business Roundtable calls for veto of HB444 Gay Civil Unions

Bloomberg: Hawaii will run out of pension funds in 2020

Study: Hawaii ERS to go broke in 2020

Hawaii Democratic Convention renews call for closed primary

Aiona: AECOM selected to conduct EIS for undersea cables

VIDEO: Djou floor speech “We need to put our fiscal house in order”

Lingle: Strengthening Partnerships in Guangdong Province

Gov. Lingle to host 7th Annual International Women’s Conference

Fed Chair Calls Dems’ Spending ‘Unsustainable’ As Hanabusa's Party Refuses to Budget

Abercrombie surrogates question Hanneman's Pittsburgh fundraiser

Lee Donohue: Mufi’s Pick

Shapiro: Principals are going to have to put their money where their mouths are on accountability

Boylan: Dem Convention “like college faculty meeting run amok”

Hero's welcome: 150 Kaneohe Marines return after seven months spent in Afghanistan

Hawaii's state tax collections up 1.8% year to date

CB: Controversial Landfill Expansion To Receive Trash Soon

HNN: State moves ahead with undersea interisland cable for energy

Panel: Restore some water to Central Maui streams

Kalapa: Hawaii Voters Need to Encourage Change for a Better Government

High court lets stand shoreline land ruling (Could cost State millions)

Census: Hawaii population changing

Hawaii makes change to appeals process permanent

Kamehameha Day: OHA continues delusions about Akaka Bill

Letter to Senate: Usual gaggle of Hawaii activists demand carbon tax, claim to represent 100,000

Fake Farmers Markets: “No local produce at all”

Brush Fire Destroys Big Island Homes

Man asks to build barn instead of mansion in Kilauea

Isle inmate's death sparks investigation

SA: Meth project hits hard, true

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Thursday, June 10, 2010
June 10, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:59 PM :: 14963 Views

Hawaii Meth Project Launches New Statewide Campaign

WSJ: Djou questions Bernanke on stimulus--Dow rises 115 points

Video: Djou questions Bernanke on Deficit

Deficit Reaches New Heights: Hanabusa’s Democrats Refuse to Stop

Hawaii TEA Party proposes “Contract From America” for 2010 Elections

Gallup: Debt ties terrorism as most worrisome issue

Shapiro: Will Aiona veto HB 444?

Hawaii technology tax credit suspension vetoed

Rove to raise money for Lt. Gov. Aiona

Hannemann HQ a former Pflueger location

Man sought treatment before fatal shooting – 90 illegal half-way houses in Waianae?

Principals panic after pay cut proposed—begin conspiring amongst themselves

Food stamp help slow in coming (Thanks HGEA)

SA: Thumbs up to park fees

Ethics panel delays decision on Mollway

When The Honolulu Weekly Moved To Maui

Hawaii could get direct flight to China

Honolulu City Council OKs $1.8 billion budget

HI: City Council selects former police chief Lee Donohue for Djou’s vacated seat

Gordon Pang on Lee Donohue

Hawaii County property taxes on the rise

Shapiro: Ceded lands and judicial politics

Shapiro: Candidates need to focus on regaining conscience

Union Leaders Claim Hawaii Hotels Tied To Wall Street Bankers

UH Athletics Outpaces WAC, But Still Finds Itself In $10 Million Hole

Hawaiian Electric cleared to use biodiesel in generating plants

KHON: Checks Are On Their Way to Thousands of Hawaii Seniors

Investigators Look Into Inmate Death

Hawaii Co. Police officer investigated in sex assault case


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Wednesday, June 9, 2010
June 9, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:07 PM :: 10814 Views

Nanakuli Park: Hannemann pounds Hanabusa in proxy fight between Waimanalo Gulch and PVT landfill

Shanghai: Governor Lingle opens “Hawaii Week” at 2010 World Expo

Acting Governor Duke Aiona signs Monk Seal Protection bill

The Hill: New members Critz, Djou start off in campaign mode

It's lobbying, not charity: (Star-Advertiser joins gay-atheist lobby in attack on Hawaii Family Forum)

Civil union pairs might face taxes (HB444 creates new basis for litigation to re-invent Gay marriage)

Star-Advertiser: Making sense of island politics (look good) is still our goal

Council ready to fill empty slot and send budget to the mayor

Not enough tax hikes: Maui Budget will take effect without mayor's signature

DoE admits it has no curriculum (Civil Beat misses story) 

CB: Department of Education Says It Doesn't Have Contract With Teachers

State prisons warn of possible unrest due to food shortage

UPW tops list of high-spending lobbyists during second half of the legislative session

Ethics Director could face termination at Wednesday morning meeting

CB: Day 1 Of The New Star-Advertiser

Contracts for 6,000 statewide hotel workers expire June 30

Hawaii census effort totaling big numbers

UPDATE: New Auditor's Report Finds Inefficiencies (but no fraud) in State's pCard Program

Survey finds graphic ads reducing first-time meth use among young people

Ka Iwi: You Take It, You Bought It

Kauai: Judge: Highway widening project may proceed

Even For Deaths Of Rare Birds, Criminal Charges Extraordinary

Hawaii Kai’s Controversial Lighting Project Detailed

Investigation of Big Island Department of Water Supply to Begin

Venue Shopping: Lawyers come to Hawaii, claim pesticide injury

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010
June 8, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:24 PM :: 11967 Views

Aiona visits 100 small businesses in 100 days

Abercrombie on Marijuana: “Of course it should be utilized”

Board of Education weighing fate of four rural schools targeted for closure on three islands

Honolulu Council to decide on city's $1.82B budget (tax hike)

Hawaii Co. Council backs down from budget cuts (Kenoi wins tax increases)

Hawaii Business: Education is Everybody’s Problem

Lingle addresses Chamber in Shanghai

Andy Winer: Responsible for Obama’s Gulf Oil Well disaster!

Schmidt resigning as insurance chief

Ilind: Cam Cavasso apparently making another run against Dan Inouye

Hawaii's weather, high gasoline costs lure electric vehicles (Detroit Free Press)

Several big properties are suffering from loan defaults that amount to more than $2 billion

Ilind: Former newspaper employees in 60-day limbo

Curfew curbs violence--so it is cancelled

Island teens increasingly aware of risks of methamphetamine use

Hawaii Business: Illegal Sex, Drugs and Gambling (and tourism in Hawaii)

Honolulu man indicted for sex trafficking teenage girl

Workers Speak Out In Human Trafficking Case

Compeltely Typical and Average Hawaii Progressive speaks up for Hawaii slavers

Contractor in tower collapse did not have required license

Hawaii 5-0 Filming begins mid-July, LOST to be followed by “Off the Map?”

Negotiations Under Way To Move Stranded Trash

Hawaii Co. Geothermal working group organized

Mamalahoa Bypass extends hours, opens two-way route

Hawaii Part Of Honey Bee Decline Investigation

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Monday, June 7, 2010
June 7, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:06 PM :: 12654 Views

Advertiser closes out by considering self-censorship

Star-Advertiser planned over 15 months ago

Neil Abercrombies struts his Gay Pride in Waikiki Parade (complete list of politicians in attendance)

SA: Gays, Atheists in court attacking Hawaii Family Forum finances

Mark Recktenwald appears to be the leading choice for chief justice

Star-Advertiser editors launch new paper by begging government to buy them out

SA confirms: Purchase of Advertiser over one year in the making

CB: ADV died because of WW2 “Japs”

HC&S Manager: No Plans To Develop Sugar Lands

Military families are asset to isle schools

KGI: ‘What does it mean to be haole in Hawai‘i?’

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Sunday, June 6, 2010
June 6, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:35 PM :: 5588 Views

Lingle soul-searching over civil unions (ADV closes out with one more try at gay marriage)

Advertiser writes final chapter in 154-year story

Black paying $125M for Advertiser (Clippers buy Lakers, fire Lakers players)

Star-Advertiser lifts off tomorrow

Aloha, Star-Bulletin

Omidyar’s Civil Beat attacks human trafficking—but not at ML&P

EPA: Studies show effluent seeping off Kaanapali’s coast

Time's running out on popular refrigerator rebates

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Saturday, June 5, 2010
June 5, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:11 PM :: 13976 Views

Aiona: “I am committed to making Hawaii the greenest place on Earth”

Djou: “With Ed gone, we are alone in being voice for mainstream in Hawaii”

Jobs: Tax-n-spend policies favored by Hanabusa fail to deliver

No sea level rise: Pacific islands growing not shrinking, says study

VIDEOS: Flotilla “Peace Activists” chant “Oh Jews, the army of Mohammad will return”

Tracy Nakano Bean: “Hawaii Legislature has never met a tax it didn’t like”

Earmarks set aside for campaign donors, report finds (Inouye #1)

Airlift executive files ethics complaint against Sen. Inouye (#2)

WSJ: A Case of Hanabusa

Abercrombie accuses Hannemann violating “spirit of the Constitution for his own personal advantage”

HNN: Layoffs continuing at Star-Bulletin and Midweek

Slom: Hawaii Lost the Honolulu Star-Bulletin; Now What?  (Hawaii Reporter print edition?)

Developer 'out of cash,' forced to sell 1,923 acres on Oahu and Big Island

Cost of summer school rising

Gay Pride Parade Marches Into City

KITV: Expert Says 30 Percent Of Hawaii Homeless From Out Of State

Former islander in Turkey after flotilla experience

'Princess Kaiulani' actress arrested at White House (a treehugging actress, how original)

Ka Iwi shoreline reclassified to conservation by Hawaii Land Use Commission

Metal piling up on Moloka'i

Taxes: Hawaii Council to tackle budget, amendments

Hawaii officer had census worker arrested for trespassing

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Friday, June 4, 2010
June 4, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:12 PM :: 5809 Views

Sen. Dan Inouye Helps open Hannemann HQ

ADV admits motive: OHA sabotaging settlement offers to push Akaka Bill (oops!) 

Hawaii DoE dreams improvements at schools will lure $75M in grants

Board of Education agenda: less school, more cost

Honolulu Council Members Pave Way For Nanakuli Park (Hannemann VS Hanabusa)

Council Narrows List To 6 For Djou's Successor: Djou's Favorite Given First Consideration

Honolulu's unemployment rate drops to 5.2%

Upcountry Maui residents urged to conserve water (just wait ‘til OHA gets its hands on your water)

Kenoi decries council budget amendments (defends $23M tax hike)

Law Enforcement Lines Up Against Human Trafficking Bill

Isle gun death rate lowest in U.S.

Morioka: Hawaii Legislature Didn’t Pass Important Bills to Alleviate Traffic

Obama sets dates for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum

Private roads subject to laws

Another Hawaii activist tied to anti-Israel scam (Invented Human Shields movement for Saddam Hussein)

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Thursday, June 3, 2010
June 3, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:25 PM :: 7961 Views figures show: Abercrombie nine times less effective than Mazie Hirono

Hawaii Republican Assembly: Home to Hawaii’s moderate Republicans

Lingle establishes Hawaii Surfing Reserves

Abercrombie finally endorses Hanabusa

SB editors join Honolulu’s Maoist circus against Israel

Veteran Reporters Left Off Star-Advertiser Staff

Lawmakers seek solutions to homeless arrival surge

Task force opposed to closure of Kaaawa Elementary

Lingle saves surf bill that lawmakers killed

PUC eases rule limiting solar panels

Satellites Offer Timing Relief To Bus Riders

Maui Bill would alter (raise) condo property taxes by $2500/year

Hawaii Co. Councilmembers unveil cost-trimming proposals

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010
June 2, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:49 PM :: 8421 Views

Honolulu Maoists & Holocaust Deniers protest against Israel: Star-Bulletin calls them ‘peace activists’

Case 'showed he was a Democrat.' So what's Inouye?  (Is Dan Inouye a Democrat?)

Borreca: Face of isle Democrats older (and whiter) but issues thrive

Lingle to reveal final decision on civil unions after Asia trip

Shapiro: Carlisle invisible on campaign trail

Musubigate: Federal judge rules law targeting HRPT's Hawaii leases is unconstitutional  (Calvin Say not mentioned in article)

SB: Trash deal is valuable lesson

Honolulu City Council has 27 contenders for Djou's empty seat

ADV: Vote-by-mail offers a better way to ballot

Hotel workers protest Kyo-ya Co. Ltd.'s plans for Moana Surfrider

Hawaii bankruptcy filings up 34.4%

Hawaii cuts result in 10% fewer families taking preschool aid

Group works to set up a charter school in Keanae

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010
June 1, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:40 PM :: 8829 Views

ADV: Mufi and Neil might “persuade the voters to hate both of them”

Aiona promoting summer job program for teens

5 political veterans vying for Honolulu mayoral seat

Candidates Scramble For Ed Case's Voters

SB: Case leaves race with sound advice

Hawaii health plans back 'game-changing' reform

Deadline nears for city council applicants

Slom: Hawaii Council of Revenues Economic “Turn Around” Prediction May Be Premature

Opposition speaks out on TVR bill

WHT: Feds intervene after Hawaii Co.Police arrest Census taker  (DRUDGE now linking to this story)

Israeli forces capture Hawaii activist attempting to smuggle supplies to Hamas head choppers

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Monday, May 31, 2010
May 31, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:58 PM :: 10372 Views

Memorial Day Commemorations: Punchbowl, Magic Island

Ed Case quits race: “Dream of a better way forward” crushed by Hawaii Democrat old boys (again)

Case “unity” statement: “Colleen, I don’t hate you…”

Case stuns with withdrawal from Hawaii congressional primary

Local community helps with lei shortage at Punchbowl

Shapiro: Furloughs over, but our black eye lives on

Donovan Dela Cruz opens campaign headquarters

Ranking of top cities calls Honolulu best in the U.S.

Thielen: Water decision meets most demands

Kalapa: Don't overlook obvious approach to reduce government spending

Baldwin principal says letter to parents is reason for probe

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Sunday, May 30, 2010
May 30, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:56 PM :: 8361 Views

Lingle: Hawaii economy recovering thanks to collaboration and sacrifice

Hawaii Democrats focus on suicide, taxes, and gay marriage

Memorial Day: Residents respond to request for lei donation

ADV: Charles Djou Our man in Washington

Hawaii Democrats facing contentious primary fights

Hawaii Democrat Chair: “We were counting our chickens before they hatched”

Ed Case: No booth at Dem Convention

SB: Hawaii needs bold leadership  (Begging Democrats not to self-destruct)

Time to ease up on UH tuition increases

Hawaii eases limit on number of new charter schools

Hawaii's interisland airfares settling down: Hawaiian wielding control of cost after 5 years of volatility

Honolulu furloughs may hit Hanauma Bay, park programs

Courts Move To Collect Unpaid Bail

State seeks stimulus fund accounting from County

Pahoa: Chalk graffiti spurs suspensions

Civil Beat is too civil

Sarcasm leads Djou to claim political attack  (SB covers for Barney Frank)

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Aloha Pregnancy Care Center


Antonio Gramsci Reading List

A Place for Women in Waipio

Ballotpedia Hawaii

Broken Trust

Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii

Cliff Slater's Second Opinion

DVids Hawaii


Fix Oahu!

Frontline: The Fixers

Genetic Literacy Project

Grassroot Institute

Hawaii Aquarium Fish Report

Hawaii Aviation Preservation Society

Hawaii Catholic TV

Hawaii Christian Coalition

Hawaii Cigar Association

Hawaii ConCon Info

Hawaii Debt Clock

Hawaii Defense Foundation

Hawaii Family Forum

Hawaii Farmers and Ranchers United

Hawaii Farmer's Daughter

Hawaii Federation of Republican Women

Hawaii History Blog

Hawaii Jihadi Trial

Hawaii Legal News

Hawaii Legal Short-Term Rental Alliance

Hawaii Matters

Hawaii Military History

Hawaii's Partnership for Appropriate & Compassionate Care

Hawaii Public Charter School Network

Hawaii Rifle Association

Hawaii Shippers Council

Hawaii Together


Hiram Fong Papers

Homeschool Legal Defense Hawaii

Honolulu Navy League

Honolulu Traffic

House Minority Blog

Imua TMT

Inouye-Kwock, NYT 1992

Inside the Nature Conservancy

Inverse Condemnation

July 4 in Hawaii

Land and Power in Hawaii

Lessons in Firearm Education

Lingle Years

Managed Care Matters -- Hawaii

Missile Defense Advocacy

MIS Veterans Hawaii

NAMI Hawaii

National Parents Org Hawaii

NFIB Hawaii

NRA-ILA Hawaii


OHA Lies

Opt Out Today

Patients Rights Council Hawaii

Practical Policy Institute of Hawaii

Pritchett Cartoons

Pro-GMO Hawaii

Rental by Owner Awareness Assn

Research Institute for Hawaii USA

Rick Hamada Show

RJ Rummel

School Choice in Hawaii

Talking Tax

Tax Foundation of Hawaii

The Real Hanabusa

Time Out Honolulu

Trustee Akina KWO Columns

West Maui Taxpayers Association

Whole Life Hawaii