Wednesday, December 8, 2010 |
December 8, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:06 PM :: 10156 Views
Abercrombie’s first-day furlough fakery
Abercrombie: Release fulfills agreement, does not end teacher furloughs
Judge Samuel P King remembered
US Civil Rights Commission warns against Akaka Bill Sneak Attack
Djou applauds tax compromise
Complete factional breakdown in State House
Abercrombie’s Democrat youth movement
SA begins process of making Hawaii’s nutty First Lady acceptable
Lingle: Welfare Rolls Decreased 40 Percent Under My Watch
Shapiro complains that Lingle backed Republicans for president
AP Finds Republicans quoteworthy When they are supporting a Democrat
SA: Tighten schools' nepotism rules
OHA’s Stender: Captain Cook to blame for DoE’s failures
Qwest, Verizon, ATT challenge taxpayer giveaway to Al Hee’s Sandwich Isles Scam Company
Discounts lure more to hotels
Religious war: Mormons vs Enviros duke it out over Laie
Isle initiative fuels hydrogen cars
Two Council Candidates Face Residency Challenges
Kauai County Worker allegedly threatens supervisor, then gets promoted
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010 |
December 7, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:07 PM :: 8312 Views
Pearl Harbor, Civil Rights, and Hawaii Statehood
Rep. Ward: If DoE won’t ban nepotism, insist on WASC Accreditation
GOP: “Hawaii can count on us to keep a watchful eye”
Abercrombie’s first act: Raid $90M to feed HSTA, HGEA
Hawaii arrest shows Revolution Muslim Shifting from Ideological to Operational
Meth Project Named Third Most Effective Philanthropy In the World
Website GovernorLindaLingle.com Launched
Pearl Harbor survivors gather 69 years later
Extra! Extra! How Did Journalists Cover Pearl Harbor The Day After?
Pearl Harbor is State’s Number One Tourist Draw
Abercrombie celebrates One-Party State, demands Republican shut up, yuks it up with fawning media
American flag, National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance return to Iolani
Cabinet: No Tourism Liaison for Abercrombie?
Slavery lawyer turns down Abercrombie’s Attorney General offer
Don't say 'retirement' to Linda Lingle
Residents Rally Around East Oahu Schools as BoE threatens closure
Eco frauds cheer: Aquaculture on the Ropes in Hawaii
Hawaii suspends court search fee
Hawaii County Council inaugurated: Yagong calls for 'accountability, transparency' in tough times
LUC upholds Ooma denial
NPR: Destructive Bug Infests Hawaii's Kona Coffee Fields
Enviros, Island nations seek money using non-existent sea level rise as excuse
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Monday, December 6, 2010 |
December 6, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:59 PM :: 7879 Views
SA suggests Abercrombie might kill STEM Education
Protestors wear black for Abercrombie inauguration
ILind: Abercrombie insiders need to be warned against stealin’
Abercrombie awaits his economic hand
Union contracts coming up in June
Dear Gov. Abercrombie ...
CB: Dissecting Abercrombie's 'New Day'
Inauguration rite will precede luau
Convicted felon Gary Safarik makes bid for Kokubun's state Senate seat
Rail Consultant Defends Report
Council Candidate McDermott Blast’s State’s Rail Analysis
Latest DoE report blames kindergarteners for schools’ failure
Enviros continue assault on fishing industry
Water storage benefits everyone, so all should pay
Ariyoshi appeals lawsuit dismissal: The former governor and others also fight to avoid attorney fees
Kaiser raising co-payments New Year's Day
Small businesses to suffer as Obama comes to Hawaii again
Atheists attack Hawaii Senate
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Sunday, December 5, 2010 |
December 5, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:41 PM :: 9732 Views
Lingle: “I look forward to staying Involved”
Abercrombie appoints five more directors
Six Hawaii Robotics teams advance to World Championship
Kaauwai On Lingle's Legacy
SA: The Lingle Years
Efforts have failed to outlaw employing close relatives
After 40 years of trying, Progressives take the helm of Hawaii's ship
Coronation of King Abercrombie
Asselbaye moved to Hawaii in 2003 and immediately began working for Akaka Tribe
Inouye, Nakashima want Takamine's Senate seat
Farmers Beware: Kokubun nominated to lead ag 'renaissance'
After being cancelled and then rescheduled, the Mayor's Craft Fair is held
Hawaii's nursing shortage turns to surplus - but not for long
Hilo hospital rated poorly by patients
Kauai Co Clerk pay may be illegal
Prefect Title scammer in court again
Cancun Climate Change: Turn out the lights, the party's over
Reports: Russian satellites fall into Pacific
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Saturday, December 4, 2010 |
December 4, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:31 PM :: 11209 Views
How Inouye sabotaged Akaka Bill
Another Akaka Bill sneak attack? GOP Senators tell Inouye to back off
Full Text: Rail Financial Plan Assessment Report
Panos on Rail Analysis Report: Carlisle doesn’t know what he is talking about
Governor Lingle announces direct China-Hawaii fights for Chinese New Year
Governor Lingle announces 44 pardons
Home of Hawaiian language books to go digital
Djou welcomes US-South Korea Free Trade deal
Koller announces online processing for Medicaid applications
“Computer study of computer studies” -- UH Manoa Climate research questioned
UHERO assesses first year of Obama Economy
NRO: Lame Duck the Akaka Bill?
NRO: The Discriminatory Akaka Bill: ‘Infamous’ Indeed
Predictable news: Mayor claims state's rail review is flawed
Party Unity? Mufi still Lost in Space
Gay molester stalks UH Manoa
Gay-Atheist Civil Beat continues to obsess about Duke Aiona’s religion
Akaka, Inouye support ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ repeal
Lingle's Administration Moving Out
Lingle will advise bipartisan think tank
Ramsay Wharton returns to Sunrise!
Abercrombie campaign raised $4.5M to defeat Aiona
Warning: Abercrombie coming to Sister islands
VIEWPOINT: Fontaine: It’s time to look ahead, not back
Haleakala: Attorneys for shake-down activists could still sink or delay project
Arakawa names four to serve in county planning, parks positions
Community College Job-skills program let go
Decreasing Fights Leads to One School's Success
Electronic cigarettes: Are they safe?
New Age Scam #1: Herbalife Millionaire Claims Marriage Con--State Supreme Court Considers Voiding Her Divorce
New Age Scam #2: Implicated in death of child, Hawaii’s Oklevucha Native American Church Appeals to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for Ceremonial use of Cannabis
WHT publisher Asbach to retire
WikiLeaks cables reveal how US manipulated climate accord
Hawaii Marine Dies In Afghanistan
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Friday, December 3, 2010 |
December 3, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:24 PM :: 5347 Views
Rail plan is $1.7B short, EIS still incomplete
BoE sneaks off to Lanai, reelects Toguchi Chair, Yee Vice Chair
Djou censures Rangel, Hirono demurs
Djou, Hirono back Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010
House Democrats, Ron Paul, Vote To Saddle Small Businesses With A Job-Killing Tax Hike
1,000 Solar Panels to be Installed at Kalanimoku State Building
A new spotlight on rail funding
SA: Failure to extend middle class tax cut will be “dire”
Rep. Calvin Say is one vote shy of returning as House speaker
Unions to demand more secrecy
Senators grovel before Young Bros monopoly, will sabotage Pasha in 2 yrs
Honolulu Police Introduce Online Crime Map
New Pearl Harbor Visitor Center Opening
State OKs Maui Solar Telescope, Hawaiian Opponents claim to Feel Burned in preparation for lawsuit
EPA honors Hawaii geology professor Fletcher
Without tax credits, Condominiums slow to join Hawaii’s move to solar
Abercrombie’s visit to Obama in DC dominated by discussion of Obamacare repeal
Visa rules hold back US tourism: Hawaiian Airlines
KITV: Abercrombie said it was a "very happy meeting."
Illegal alien activist meets with illegals in Kona, Honolulu
Shake-down artists meet on ahi aquaculture farm Kapa’au
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Thursday, December 2, 2010 |
December 2, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:30 PM :: 12496 Views
Cayetano on DBEDT Pick: “Dobelle thought Richard Lim was trying to intimidate him”
S510: TEA Party fights against FDA control over small farmers and farmers markets
Democrats point fingers: Heen blames DHHL, OHA, CNHA for death of Akaka Bill
Lynn Finnegan named executive director of Hawaii Charter School Network
More federal Funds? Abercrombie’s meeting with Obama produces no announcement
Abercrombie: Bring your own cup to the swearing in
Hawaii Mayors Want To End Furloughs
Carlisle eyes Lingle appointee for Budge Director?
Retirement System to propose benefit cuts
Monopoly Denied: PUC denies Young Bros.' request to reconsider Pasha decision
Thielen: Hawaii Parks in 'Deplorable' Condition
Abercrombie press secretary is Senator’s sister
Dudley Circus erupts at neighborhood board meeting
State Holding Hearings On Giant Telescope Project
With Tuition increases pending, UHH defends swank rental
Djou, Hirono vote for $4.5B child nutrition bill
Hawaii Organizing Committee a No Show at Miss 2010 South Pacific Pageant
Cleanup underway after Homeless tent city dispersed in Waipahu
Bus Company's Safety Record Is Questioned
Charity's anger at proposal to make child porn legal 'to protect children from abusers'
Legalize Child Pornography? Researchers Say It Deserves Consideration
BIW: New bill could regulate food safety, but crush local food producers
Courses on genetics are not propagandized
Hawaii death penalty case moving forward
Yagong targets cost overruns
KGI: Mayor’s inaugural speech unveils visionary plans
Maui: Affordable housing plan nixed over timing
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010 |
December 1, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:20 PM :: 14634 Views
New Hawaii website targets “waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer dollars”
Earmarks: Desperate Inouye lashes out at Obama
UH Manoa Researcher pushes to legalize kiddie porn
Nader Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Hear His Hawaii Ballot Access Case
Abercrombie Selects Budget Director, Labor Team
Abercrombie names five Cabinet appointees
Abercrombie names communications staff
VIDEO: Newly elected GOP Reps plan for upcoming Legislative session
Quid pro Quo with Mehau? Takamine, Cayetano retread, to head DLIR
Kalapa: "This is the worst time. There is no money.”
Shapiro: Legislature not place I’d go for talent
Shapiro: Abercrombie transplants campaign to Administration
Slom: Say down to one vote, Democrat factionalism will disrupt agenda
Carlisle: “I believe furloughs were invented by the devil and should go back to purgatory”
Decimated Democrats forced to pick Hirono for Democratic Steering and Policy Committee
4,100 in Hawaii to lose jobless benefits as Democrat lame duck supermajority fails to renew
Isles' visitor count, spending see double-digit gains in October
Kauai County clerk job up in air
Arakawa names two top people at Public Works
Maui Water Sabotaged again: Piiholo South well deal dead for now
Public Protest blocks County borrowing: $56M bond approval put on hold
S. Kona bypass road bond under advisement
Hawaii Ranks Among The Nation's Worst For Meth Abuse
Planned Parenthood senses opportunity as Hawaii AIDS cases spike
SA: Repeal DADT
KITV helps researcher promote kiddie porn
Sex Offender Openly Promoted Child Sex
Obama might postpone isle visit
Honolulu Startup Weekend Planned
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Tuesday, November 30, 2010 |
November 30, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:29 PM :: 16458 Views
Wikileaks cables reveal China 'ready to abandon North Korea'
Anti-Military DLNR Pick demands Prayer as part of Public Hearings
Abercrombie DBEDT Pick financed biofuel, solar projects
Abercrombie: Clayton Hee has destroyed his chances of ever getting anywhere
Inouye offers defense of congressional earmarks
COFA medical care: Abercrombie will have to clean up his own $8M mess
Hawaii's initial unemployment claims fall 25.8%
Special Election: LoPresti claims trucker tried to run car off road
HPR Candidate Forum for Honolulu Council Special Election
A.G. Mark Bennett joining Starn O'Toole Marcus & Fisher
Shapiro: A Target on my back
US Supreme Court to rule on “equalizing” funds to publicly-financed candidates
SA: Set priorities for dam repairs
Public hearings set for Na Wai Eha water withdrawal applications
Arakawa names key water, finance directors
Kaua‘i’s government hospital
Hawaii’s QUEST Expanded Access Long Term Care Recognized Nationally
Human Rights Day Candlelight Vigil in Solidarity with Chinese Dissident Liu Xiaobo
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Monday, November 29, 2010 |
November 29, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:03 PM :: 7896 Views
Hawaii Concealed Carry launches Firearm Permit Initiative
Deadline Today to register to vote in special council race
Shapiro: Abercrombie serves up waffles on BOE
Cachola: Counties’ Legislative Package hinges on aquarium fish
Civil Beat Publishes salaries of Honolulu County Employees
Lawmakers return to US Capitol to clean up leftovers
Obamanomics keeps construction prices, activity depressed
43% of DoE teacher hires not licensed
SA: Patients before policymakers
Nuclear option advances energy independence
Hawaii Senate panel holding hearing on PUC decision to allow Pasha inter-island cargo business
Democrat WHT targets Univ of the Nations
Residents protest rate-of-growth bill
Video captures lava igniting home in Kalapana subdivision
Tax Hike shuts Fiji’s namesake Bottled water firm
Location of firing range challenged on Guam
Gay Atheist behind leaks of 250,000 State department cables, military files
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Monday, November 29, 2010 |
November, 2010 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 10:11 AM :: 9869 Views
Kue! Sovereignty Activists to protest Abercrombie Inauguration
Slavery: Defender calls Federal Prosecutor “corrupt”
Honolulu Mayor Expects $100M Budget Shortfall, but Rail is Still On
Hawaii Sunshine better than TV
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Sunday, November 28, 2010 |
November 28, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:23 PM :: 13409 Views
As debate looms, Honolulu Council Special Election residency challenges multiply
UPDATE: Residency Challenge filed against Kioni Dudley Council Candidacy
Hawaii Anti-Trust Adventures: Rubber hose enforcement
Fragile Urban Families: New findings show just how bad things are for the kids
Who will pick the BOE?
Star-Advertiser, Toguchi agree: Colleges to blame for failure of DoE
Private School Enrollment slide continues
AP Interview: Gov. Lingle defined by struggle
Abercrombie thesis applies Marcuse, Gramsci
Legislators’ Favorite Convicted Child Molester attacks Rep-elect Fontaine
Back to the bad old days: Takamine to head Labor Dept?
Abercrombie fundraiser busted with 6oz Marijuana
New details on two men arrested near military housing
Suspicious vehicle searched for possible explosives; Two men arrested
Hawaii Vendors Prepare For Tax Crackdown
War on Agriculture: Proposed hike in Dam and reservoir compliance fees
War on Aquaculture #1: Fish to be covered by Maui animal cruelty laws? (But who will protect fishermen from eco-cruelty?)
War on Aquaculture #2: UH Manoa Prof joins war against local food production, attacks fish farms (He’s a seismologist!)
Fast-tracking eases permitting, approvals for affordable housing in Kihei
Lava Destroys House at Kalapana Gardens
Am Samoa: Togiola Upstages Faleomavaega with Hillary Clinton
Tuvalu: Christians too intelligent to fall for Gaian Cult of Warming
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Saturday, November 27, 2010 |
November 27, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:49 PM :: 16006 Views
Register by Monday to vote in District 1 election
Auditor finds minor problems with 121 state funds
Lingle reflects on her governorship, eyes future political endeavors
SA: Tam should serve jail time
Atheist Capitol protestor found not guilty by Democrat judge, lawyer hopes case will bring an end to public prayer
Acquitted of lesbian murder attempt in Hawaii, woman goes on to rob banks in KY
Kauai Mayor Bernard Carvalho announces incoming cabinet
Nissan's silence on Leaf shipment frustrates isle residents
Harnessing the elements: Water Department turns to air for power
Greenpeace demands West & Central Pacific Fisheries commission ban fish aggregators
Flashback: Honolulu Record backed North Korea
Documentary will feature never before seen photos of Atomic tests
1860 Portland Oregonian publisher became emissary to Sandwich Isles
1931 Kamehameha School for Girls–”Everything Hawaiian was suppressed”
Pro-democracy movement wins Tongan election
FDIC Chair: Will the next fiscal crisis start in Washington?
Not so akbar: Muslim terrorist wanna-be fails to blow up crowd at Portland Christmas tree lighting
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Friday, November 26, 2010 |
November 26, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:56 PM :: 5379 Views
Residency Challenge filed against Kioni Dudley Council Candidacy
Three Republicans seek Ewa-Leeward Council Seat
FULL TEXT: Hawaii $1.1B settlement agreement with Citigroup
Party Unity? Caldwell ignored by “Abercrombie people”
Borreca paints picture of “distant, ambivalent” Aiona
Volunteers to help Sen. Slom track Senate committees
SA: Improve access to Legislature
Coming to Kauai: Taxation Department cracking down on cash transactions
HSTA members upset by health insurance transfer back to the EUTF
Computer software shows teachers whether students understand lessons
After proposing massive tuition hike, UH requests $100 million in construction bonds from the Legislature
Deferred acceptance allows many to keep their criminal records clean
Ex-shelter director sent to jail
Kekaha farm owner has plans for much more than shrimp
Gas Co. will turn waste to fuel
Chevy Volt 93 mpg
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Thursday, November 25, 2010 |
November 25, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:50 PM :: 15582 Views
The hidden story of the third Thanksgiving: 1623--giving thanks for freedom
Gaming Industry Lobbyist, Progressive activist screen Abercrombie cabinet picks
Thanksgiving message from Lingle and Aiona
Mother of Lt Gov. Aiona dies at 93
UH considers raising tuition 185%
KITV VIDEO: Lingle says Hamamoto promised to keep furloughs on non-instructional days
AFL-CIO officer, HGEA operative fight Say over Speakership
Abercrombie caught lying about federal funds
Progressives name three possible Hanabusa replacements
Councilman Rod Tam, still in office for five more weeks, Pleads Guilty To Theft Charges
Federal employee sentenced to a month in jail for steering a contract
Con man Rewald directs a Los Angeles talent agency
Star-Advertiser & Honolulu Unitarian Church claim all human progress created by liberals
Kamehameha proposes to buy Haleiwa site eyed for hotel
Failed Delivery of overseas absentee ballots explained
Arakawa names flower farmer as economic official
A peek into the profitability of Star-Advertiser owner Black Press
POYNTER: 6 Months In, Honolulu Civil Beat Still Testing the Market For Paid Conversation
Your Tax Dollars at work: Hoku Corp. amends polysilicon supply agreement
Perfect Title scammer sues Obama
Kauai Bureaucrats play musical chairs
PUC does not answer call for Pasha hearings
Special session to consider $56M bond
Price doubles, hope fades for S. Kona police station
Ag board OKs coffee bean quarantine
Punatics protest TSA rules
Drug Enforcement Administration to Put Temporary Ban on Synthetic Marijuana
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010 |
November 24, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:31 PM :: 12721 Views
Aiona: “Maybe run again for Governor in 2014”
Hawaii High Schools ranked by college performance of graduates
The hidden story of the third Thanksgiving: 1623--giving thanks for freedom
Stop Treating Everyone As An Equal Threat
Carrier Group heads for Korea
Hawaii gets $1.1B settlement from Citi
Clayton Hee, Gary Hooser still in running for DLNR
HB444 Proponent Blake Oshiro mentioned as possible House Speaker
City Parks Director Quits over bungled Craft Fair closure
Council members pick committee posts
Hawaii DoE flew 652 Employees to Disney World “conference”
Shapiro: 1 giant store is to replace another in Kailua, ho-hum
Privately owned Big Isle Hospital beats HHSC Hospitals in survey
Selling Sex in Honolulu: Unlicensed Massage Parlors Lack Enforcement Scrutiny
Still not offered a job in Legislature, Maui man held on $1M bail on sex assault charges
2011 Nissan LEAF gets best-in-class 99 mpg EPA rating
HECO continues to push palm oil importation issue
Survey: Honolulu one of country's safest cities
Kauai Council backs Furfaro for chair, organizes committees
Contrails or chemtrails? Free floating Anxiety strikes Kauai dopers, trust fund babies
Memminger: Seven Simple Ways to Reduce the National Debt (Without Convening A Government Commission)
Nature Conservancy gives “scientists” junket to Palmyra in exchange for agit-prop on global warming, plastic
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010 |
November 23, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:32 PM :: 10883 Views
Heritage: Don’t Give In To North Korea Demands
The hidden story of the third Thanksgiving: 1623--giving thanks for freedom
New Biography: The Spirit of Father Damien The Leper Priest-A Saint for Our Times
'You did what?' How anti-trust lawyer broke up Big 5
Full Text: 18 Hawaii Groups call for greater openness at Legislature
Obama’s New START limits anti-missile defense
Last elected BoE to be sworn in Nov 29
Governor Lingle’s official portrait unveiled
Congress: How Hawaii delegation voted Nov 22
Federal Judge Agrees: CAIR Tied to Hamas
Concerned not enough dope is reaching cities, Hawaii Legislators call for expanded marijuana distribution
Registration deadline approaches for Special Election
Dissident group lining up to tackle House Speaker Say
Hawaii joblessness steady - but your island may vary
Responses refute existence of any recent 'Kill Haole Day'
Hawaii Welfare Recipients Spend Thousands In Tennessee
Advocates say halting mental-illness treatment leads to more problems
Lingle: “Don’t fire the Cabinet”
Isle artist Christy Fujii paints the state's first female governor
Hawaii Stands Alone on Charging For Review of Court Records
DoE News: Kahuku Football player commits suicide
DoE News: 2 boys arrested after explosion at school
Native Hawaiian Can't Live in State Park
Murkowski's opponent contests vote count in Alaskan Senate election
UH Manoa Study acknowledges that global climate models are “seriously deficient”
Insurgent attack kills fifth Schofield soldier
Muslim terrorist wanna-be arrested in Honolulu in plea deal talks
Hawaii ACLU looks for plaintiffs to file TSA Search lawsuit
One servicemember’s struggle with PTSD but he's not alone
Obama condemns N. Korea's 'outrageous act'
Star-Advertiser won’t participate in SPJ’s annual “excellence in journalism” competition
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Monday, November 22, 2010 |
November 22, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:59 AM :: 13496 Views
Hawaii GOP State Senate results underline importance of community commitment
First-hand report: North Korea has 2000 modern centrifuges
Slater: Honolulu rail project could hit state finances hard
Kalapa: Imbalance in next governor's agenda
Shapiro: City turns around PR disaster on senior fair
Half of Hawaii DoE class of '09 enrolled in college, but math and English pose a challenge for many
BoE Lunch Wagon: Did Hawaii become part of Cuba?
CB: Will Green Light for Tanoue Be Green Light for Developers?
CB: Prostitution Busts for Men Turn Up Mostly Locals, Few Tourists
Dissension in Doperville: NORML attacks THC Ministry, Roger Christie
Big Isle farm promises rich biofuel source
LA Times: Tidal power: Could waves provide 10% of America's electricity?
Mormon temple in Laie is still place of 'refuge'
U.S. official calls North Korea's nuke claim disappointing and provocative
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Sunday, November 21, 2010 |
November 21, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:41 PM :: 15226 Views
Aloha Family Alliance: Our advice is do not give up
Democrat-Advertiser still crying about loss of Inouye Earmarks
Delusions and Panic: Abercrombie can go back to Congress and save the S1011 version of Akaka Bill
Maui MD: Medicare cuts a concern to Hawaii doctors
Isle fish farming good for environment and economy
Protesters aim to deflate Lanai wind project
State lays groundwork for more clean energy
Mateo set to remain chairman of council amid reorganization
Kailuans take on Target
Kona: Pine Trees development plan blocked
Amendment to law allows state officers to have Tasers
Scientist: North Korea has 'stunning' new nuke facility
800 isle soldiers deploying to Iraq
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Saturday, November 20, 2010 |
November 20, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:08 PM :: 12105 Views
In face of opposition, lame duck Maui Council punts on property tax hike
BoE refuses to follow law: Rejects meal price increases
14 candidates seek District 1 Council seat vacated by Apo
TAT, Water top Arakawa Agenda
Carlisle hit over illegal seizure from pawn shop/fence
Speaker: Say still 2 votes short, Rep Roy Takumi mentioned as possible compromise candidate
Okino compared to neutered donkey
Advertiser, Eric Ryan team up to cheer attack on GOP Chair Michael Steele
“Progressive” Ian Lind defends earmarks: Hamakua ditch spending at top of list
Unity? Kona faction Council chair appoints Kenoi loyalist Co clerk
Kauai utility receives $110M loan guarantee
University of Hawaii's Final Report from secret negotiations on HRS 343
Abercrombie no response on Civil Commitment for pedophiles
Honolulu Reporter searching for Court files on prostitution cases finds himself surrounded by Deputy Sherriffs
East-West Center Responds to Criticism
Big Isle UH campus announced
Micronesians sue to block cuts in Hawaii’s Taxpayer-Sponsored Healthcare Benefits
No cash No PASH: Feeeel-good liberals renew assault on pig hunting
No cash, no PASH: Fighting over the meaning of the native Hawaiian rights defense in the Kalalau Valley
Kauai TVR fight: Director Ian Costa resigning from Planning
Feds Won’t Block Aloha Petroleum’s Purchase of Shell Oil Hawaii Operations
A place to pay tribute to Hawaii's Fallen Law Enforcement
Lame Duck: Web Censorship Bill Sails Through US Senate Committee
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Friday, November 19, 2010 |
November 19, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:43 PM :: 9618 Views
FULL TEXT: State Senate Committee Assignments Finalized
FULL TEXT: New version of Akaka Bill introduced in US Senate
Honolulu Shipper Maersk fined for doing business in Iran
Hawaii DoT sells $201M in bonds
Democrat Borreca: We need Inouye’s earmarks because they are …uh…just symbolism
SA: Raise Retirement age for Gov’t employees and cut pension benefits
Fate of Civil Unions tied to leadership struggle in House
Tokuda pledges to slow walk appointed BoE
CB Publishes list of OHA cronies and their salaries
It begins: Texas firm with Abercrombie ties to take over Big Island development
Abercrombie won't attend seminar for new governors
Crony Watch: Governor-elect offers glimpse of hope, change, employment
Bureaucrats gone Wild: Mayor's craft fair rescheduled just days after its cancellation
Moiliili: Homeless Tent City vanishes after police arrest 15 for meth
How Edison turned DoE’s big failure into a huge success
Federal Suit Says U.H. Security Breaches Harmed 100,000
Hawaii's economic forecast for 2011: Growth in Tourism, Government
Weak economy inhibits charitable giving
Foreclosure Alternative: Hand over deed, walk away, and get $3000
Kukui phases in rent rises
Kaua‘i homeless rate drops, state figure rises
Kauai: Asing’s lengthy council career ready to sunset
Time Magazine/PEW: Marriage: What's It Good For? (yes, this is a warm-up for civil unions)
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Thursday, November 18, 2010 |
November 18, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:05 PM :: 9138 Views
Honolulu Council Special Election: Mel Kahele, Waimanalo Gulch, and other baggage
FULL TEXT: Report on Hawaii Personal Information Breaches -- 479,000 victims in state
Four Loko: Does The FDA Really Need More Power?
Hawaii County seeks nominees for Reapportionment Commission
Excellent news: GOP push to end earmarks could hurt funding for Inouye cronies
State owes $10.8B for workers' retirement, has nothing
Hawaii physician shortage to grow to 2,000
Akaka submits new version of Hawaiian recognition act
Former Advertiser Editor: Average Americans are more of a threat than al-Qaeda
Hawaii Election Commission releases updated results
Abercrombie insists on having BoE Albatross hung around his neck
McCully Homeless Tent City: 15 arrested on drug charges
Wisconsin Gov aims to cancel rail “boondoggle”
After 8 years in public eye, Lingle deserves time to herself
Kalihi, Puuhale Elementary Facing Possible Consolidation
State Tax Crackdown Has Market Vendors On Edge: Vendors Say State 'Picking On The Little Guy'
Allegiant puts off Hawaii to 2012
State sued for food stamp delays
Some in isles could run out of federal jobless benefits
Mentor brings meaning to Koloa Technos
Isle seed crop value jumps 26 percent
Colorado dope dealers come to Hawaii Capitol
Akaka Bill supporter Murkowski wins reelection
Recession reduces rents, homelessness
Attention Rida Cabanilla & Roz Baker, another potential staffer:
NYT: Stepfamilies are rethinking post-divorce living arrangements
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010 |
November 17, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:27 PM :: 8280 Views
New version of Akaka Bill introduced in US Senate
Panos: Carlisle’s start disappointing
S&P Downgrades Hawaiian Electric to Brink of Junk, Conservation, Regulatory Lag Blamed
Christmas cancelled: Hawaii Tax collectors force shutdown of craft shows
Shapiro: Abercrombie needs to evaluate rail funding
Hawaii ERS has only 65% of what it needs to meet pension obligations
Abercrombie teams up with Homeless Tent City Supporters
Gay-Atheist Oahu Democrats trying to cut off Lingle’s funding for 2012
Panos Prevedouros plans run for Mayor 2012
Inouye says he knows more than Obama
CB: Will Big Island Gain a House District?
Murderer eighth to move here
West Oahu Parents Protest School Firings
Large union rally invades Hilton property
SA: Anonymity, not 'haole,' is issue
Feds: Put rare Hawaii dolphin on endangered list
Illicit fireworks will draw more state scrutiny
Maker of Four Loko drink to remove product from stores
Website will accept applications to supply renewable energy to HECO
Kona Residents gaining water option through improvement district
Drug treatment facility gaining support on Kaua‘i
Attention Hawaii Democrats: Potential Legislative Office managers available
The Hawaii Environmental Movement: A Brief History by Henry Curtis
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010 |
November 16, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:33 PM :: 12551 Views
Inouye becomes useless? House, Senate Republicans place moratorium on Earmarks
NYT: Obama’s economic view rejected on world stage
Aloha to Current Nonprofit Property Tax Exemptions?
Maui Council to consider property tax hike on residential homeowners
Special Election: McDermott, three others see Apo’s Council seat
New lines will be drawn, but likely no additional House seats for Big Isle
Gay-Atheist SA Editors: Tax Churches, Hospitals, Schools, non-profits to feed the machine
Neil Abercrombie’s ‘New Day’ Comes With A Price
Abercrombie, Legislators form conspiracy
2,400+ Apply For Jobs With Abercrombie
Borreca: Will Say hold on to Speakership?
Hawaii public school fees on the rise
Futility: Daniel Inouye defends earmarks
Hawaii's General Fund Down 6% So Far This Fiscal Year
EW Center defends WW2 Program
Washington: Hanabusa participates in new member orientation
S&P Downgrades Hawaiian Electric to Brink of Junk, Conservation, Regulatory Lag Blamed
US Treasury Grants for Solar, Wind to Expire
Secrecy surrounds Parker Ranch's sale of 3,509 acres to biofuel pioneer
Star-Advertiser gives DC-based Luddites space to bash Fish farming
Farm lease dispute goes to arbitration
Cataluna: 'Kill Haole Day' myth diverts attention from real problems
Road to Riches: Overtime at City Road Division
Maui County unpaid for roadwork for decades: Developers could owe millions for deferred infrastructure fees
Who would marry a killer?
Hawaii prisons have lowest ratio of guards to prisoners
Maui News: Corals love sewage
Reuters: Obama’s Asian failure to be matched by European failure
CB: State Allows Developers to Flout Solar Mandate
Alcoholic beverage Four Loko under fire
ACLU looks at justice in Indian country (Akaka Bill preview)
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Monday, November 15, 2010 |
November 15, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:17 PM :: 6222 Views
VIDEO: Bishop Estate refuses to negotiate lease with Kamilonui Valley farmers
Marumoto challenges latest Gensiro Kawamoto scheme
Redrawing District Boundaries One Consequence of Election
National Journal: 2012 Hawaii Senate race to be top GOP priority
Hawaii Legislative Agenda for elderly: Legal dope and assisted suicide
Elderly Fraud Cases In Hawaii Exploding: Cases Increase 110% Within Last 2 Years
Job applications for Abercrombie administration due Monday
Shapiro turns Kamilonui Valley into argument for tax hike
Vote to hike Hawaii County debt set Wednesday
Young Bros mobilizes flunkeys to protect monopoly
Ethics Complaints Up at Honolulu Hale
Number of North Korean defectors to South Korea tops 20,000
Judges cite 'Kill Haole Day': After a court rejects anonymity for plaintiffs suing Kamehameha Schools, the dissents note racism
SA: Ailing Akaka Bill inexcusable
Hobbled Dems, eager GOP back for lame-duck session
Brainwashing: UH Hilo Diversity Committee sponsors a Diversity Symposium
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Sunday, November 14, 2010 |
November 14, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:01 PM :: 13412 Views
AP Exit Poll: Hawaii is only state where independent voters don't think government is doing too much
Even After Resignation, gay-dominated Oahu Democrats vote to oust Okino over Gay Civil Unions
Slom outlines strategy to take on Legislative Democrats
Abercrombie’s new Chief of Staff implicated in Akaka Bill debacle, has only been in Hawaii since ‘03
Fidell urges Act 215/221 scammers to pack Abercrombie cabinet
Honolulu council considers massive property tax hike for churches, non-profits
SA: Charter School shows superiority of independent boards
HTH: Appointed school board a long way off
70% of DoE Teachers are in first five years of employment
Quiet Controversy in Schools: Noncertified Teachers
Losing with grace can lead to winning opportunities
Delusional SA Editors: Obama’s G-20 Failure sets stage for Hawaii to become “Geneva of the Pacific?”
Ahi farm's ocean lease OK'd
Kenoi tries to fast-track park deal before Lingle term ends
Kauai Council: Furfaro for transparency?
Will Republicans cut out Inouye’s Earmarks?
Sorority stands up for fallen sister
Universities in Hawaii, Chicago in early stages of eyeing proposals for an Obama library
Maryland Con-Con vote similar to Hawaii
Hamas Terror Group rated “A-“ by Better Business Bureau
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Saturday, November 13, 2010 |
November 13, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:15 PM :: 11143 Views
Hanabusa pledges to raise taxes on small businesses
Maui Council considers $6M property tax hike
Hawaii Senate committee lines up for civil unions
Schatz announces appointments to staff posts
BLNR grants wind farm lease to company facing bankruptcy, licensed to kill Nene, Shearwater, Pueo
Achievement: Black students leave Hawaii DoE in the dust
Hawaii robotics teams win Tokyo tournament
Technology spreads bullying in Hawaii schools
The secret life of a tracker: How one man made himself the public shadow of Charles Djou for three months during his special election campaign
Mom of slain Eastern Illinois coed is 'outraged' that killer will be in 'paradise' in Hawaii
Drink linked to UH attacks
Kaiser Permanente Hawaii Receives National Recognition for Integrated Care Model
State Must Pay For Reef Restoration: Construction Causes Damage To Live Coral Reef
Kauai Auditor to probe enforcement of county permits
Marsland family trust gives $1M to Shriners
First democratic elections risk unsettling balance in Tonga
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Friday, November 12, 2010 |
November 12, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:14 PM :: 6671 Views
CBS News: Hawaii AG Bennett’s suit could be deathknell to drug price manipulation
The Obamacare Burden To Your State Budget
Lingle and Lee honor state's U.S. veterans
McDermott vs Kahele for Leeward-Ewa Council Seat
Budget: Abercrombie discovers there is no tooth fairy
Point man for federal stimulus spending in Hawaii sees the benefits -- and limitations
DoE/BoE wants to close 5 schools-but opposes Audit
Hawaii-based Marines leave for 7-month deployment
Hope for Hawaii's homeless veterans
Star-Advertiser pushes for Homeless tent cities
WaPo looks at Lingle’s 2012 plans
Overseas ballots arrived too late to vote
State refuses to hide suicide's case records
Under Wraps: $2M in Contracts to Lychee Production headed by Mufi campaign aide
A Council measure is drafted to address lax oversight of breaks for historic properties
Vote to reclassify Koa Ridge is not valid, the Sierra Club says
Affordable-housing plan needs county's OK
1,271 Hawaii Foreclosures in October
Hawaii remains tops in millionaires
Dope smoking progressives at Maui Time love Eric Ryan
Murderer’s wife identified as UH Prof Rachael Rivers Boulay
Abercrombie Announces Leader to Plan Inaugural Events
Ellsberg in Hawaii: Obama more secretive than Bush
Bad Joke: Democrat media finds Hanabusa “crushworthy”
Gay Lobby continues to use school bullying to impose agenda
$824,373 fine sought for damage to coral
Republican leader Dick Tuell dies at 75
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Thursday, November 11, 2010 |
November 11, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:25 PM :: 9491 Views
Hawaii Veterans Day Events
Gary Okino forced to resign from Democratic Party
Tourism Marketing: In London and ashamed to be from Hawaii
Hokulia Bypass: Hawaii Supreme Court upholds land acquisition for road
US Supreme Court refuses to hear Hawaii beach accretion case
Speaker? Calvin Say two votes shy
Governor Lingle says she will consider running against U.S. Sen. Dan Akaka
Failure of Akaka Bill dims Akaka’s 2012 chances
Shapiro backs DoE school closures
Josh Green: I’m keeping my seat
DCCA: Easing regulations and expanding online services helped Hawaii businesses
Green groups oppose MECO plan to bring in palm oil
Stalinists, Soros team up in attack on HawaiiNewsNow
Carlisle nominee Chin: “not intent of admin to grow number of City employees”
Maui: Council members discuss leadership posts
Decision pending on Alii Health
State sues 2 firms over alleged prescription drug price gouging
Bank lawsuit seeks to overturn nonjudicial foreclosure by condo association
Controversy persists over possible road sale
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010 |
November 10, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:13 PM :: 5124 Views
Maui Victims of Sovereignty Mortgage Scammers may lose home
Special Election: Former Rep. Bob McDermott to seek Todd Apo’s Honolulu Council seat
Maui TEA Party to gather Veterans Day
AP: Akaka Bill “as good as dead”
Gay-Atheist lobby will control selection of Hanabusa’s replacement
Moves afoot to appoint Mr Kim Coco Iwamoto to new BoE
Legislative Democrats maneuver in secret to shape new BoE: How will they keep it under HST/HGEA control?
Abercrombie has work cut out for him stamping out economy’s bright spots
Hawaii RNC members continue to back Steele
Colliers: Honolulu has highest industrial rents in North America
Honolulu Mayor Expects $100M Budget Shortfall: Carlisle Plans To Drastically Reduce Construction Budget
After losing election, Tavares’ minions decide to lessen their oppression of small business signage
OHA stalling request to cough up employee salary list, claims not to be public agency
Kauai Community calls for drug treatment center
Prosecutor Tries To Block Killer's Hawaii Move: Kaneshiro Says State Missed Required Steps
International Transformation meeting in Honolulu
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010 |
November 9, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:45 PM :: 9008 Views
East-West Center hammered for “sustained, biased and politically-motivated attack on World War II veterans”
Democrat Borreca, Willes Lee team up in effort to split faith-based voters off of GOP
Shapiro: The road doesn’t get easier for the Hawai‘i GOP
Special election set to fill Apo's city council seat
Honolulu Muslim Terror suspect was 'polite, friendly'
DOE wants to close two schools in Kalihi
Charter school heads fired: Kamaile Academy's board says the move was needed to qualify for federal funding
Carlisle Supports Tanoue As Head Of DPP
Tax Hike Pending in Honolulu City Council for Hawaii Historic Properties
Maile named administrative director of the courts
Local 5 and Kaiser Permanente reach contract agreement
Convicted Illinois Killer Coming To Hawaii to live with UH Perfesser
In Korea, Inouye, Illinois Republican thinking about Free Trade
EW Center Ripping the USA: Revising History Dismally
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Monday, November 8, 2010 |
November 8, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:14 PM :: 7583 Views
Church-based voter drive brings 15,000 to polls, powers GOP House gains
Stacey Djou: On the bright side
Shapiro: Sen Donna Mercado Kim to terrorize tourism, witch-hunt Lingle appointees
Civil Union Supporters Hopeful After General Election
Abercrombie's 17-point victory startles some, despite his union help
Hawaii Progressives thrilled by GOP gadfly Eric Ryan
NYT: In Waikiki, Fears That Construction Will Spoil Beach
WSJ: Hawaii Local's Inside Play
Kobayashi to back Garcia for council chair
Kona faction retakes Hawaii Co Council: Yagong Chair, Hoffman V Chair
Hawaii's economy is improving, but the degree of the rebound is uneven (job growth is flat)
Kalapa: Just say no to more tax subsidies for business
BOE meeting to discuss closing Farrington complex schools
Hawaii Mafia enforcer back in court again
Kauai County plans meetings on drug treatment programs
Procedure change at Hawaii Community Correctional
Efforts to curb use of injection wells continue: Maui Wastewater Working Group doesn’t want work tossed aside
Akaka Bill backer Murkowski appears on target to win Alaskan Senate seat
Clinton visits American Samoa after two-week trip to Asia
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Sunday, November 7, 2010 |
November 7, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:20 PM :: 7654 Views
Gay Civil Unions has four vote margin in Hawaii House
Business leaders will keep watch on Abercrombie’s pledge to hold down taxes: "If one public-sector job may be lost, we won't do it."
SA Editors back Kaauwai, Nonaka GOP candidate recruitment efforts
Sole GOP senator, Slom plans program to keep public informed about bills in Legislature
Borreca: Slom communications onslaught can start GOP rebuilding
Guard salutes Lingle, Lee: “Two of Hawaii’s most deserving figures”
Manga Tropica takes look into Hawaii’s future under Abercrombie, Dems
Maui: Molester’s underling and failed Dem HD11 candidate keeps agitating against new jail
SA: More HGEA hires can protect Hawaii from rampaging lunatic murderers
Tesoro profit up; Hawaii production down
Hawaii Governor Commends Pearl Harbor Shipyard for Support of Innovation Initiative, STEM
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Saturday, November 6, 2010 |
November 6, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:05 PM :: 9673 Views
House Republicans elect Rep Gene Ward Minority Leader
Senate Democrats announce Committee Chairs
Election Results: Dems hold Samoa, GOP holds Guam
Reward for organizing Furlough Agit-Prop: Omidyar operative named Abercrombie’s deputy chief
Maui's Shan Tsutsui will become the first non-Oahu president in more than 30 years
Maui Chamber of Commerce “disappointed” by Tsutsui
Kokubun shut out of Senate presidency
Guard to honor Lee and Lingle in ceremony
SA: After this time, Hold line on A+ fee hikes
Kaua‘i gets night game, hosts Kalaheo Saturday
Economist looks to 2011 for sustained recovery in Hawaii
LUC denies Ooma development, saves developer from wasting millions on lawyers
Human Trafficking Charges Against Aloun Farms Owners Multiply
Star Advertiser rate hikes may drive Leg to move legal notices online
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Friday, November 5, 2010 |
November 5, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:35 PM :: 10878 Views
NRO: Finally, They Tossed Out That Classy, Polite, Dignified Incumbent!
Rail funding in jeopardy as key House sponsor ousted by Americans
Abercrombie lied: Clayton Hee to head DHHL?
Peter Principle: Transsexual, other elected BoE members expect Abercrombie to appoint them to BoE
Inouye: Akaka Bill “not a priority”
Djou: Won’t rule out future run
Lingle: “Wait and see”
Too fast for Democrats to kill project, Lingle, Brass re-dedicate Kulani Prison as School
Election-day Registration: Progressives new scheme to maximize Democrat voting & Fraud
State Senate Democrats select Maui's Tsutsui to replace Hanabusa as president
Kremlinology Hawaii Style: Democrats comment on new Senate Leadership
Abercrombie to flood Democratic Party with Obamabots, wipe out old boy factions
Oshiro to introduce Civil Unions bill again
Oahu’s rash of incumbents
House GOP caucus to elect new Chair
Abercrombie: Finances not important to Rail EIS decision
Abercrombie Announces Transition Plan
Sen. Josh Green applies for DoH Director
Abercrombie reaches out to education leaders in first act as Governor-Elect
Sam Slom: Grand Old Party of one
Cataluna: Pull up stakes, Colleen, and move to your district
SA to Carlisle: Emulate Tavares on vacation rentals
Enviros team up with future jailbird GTMO Greenwell to stick it to aquarium business
Surfrider Foundation Strongly Opposes Reclassification of ‘O’Oma Land
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Thursday, November 4, 2010 |
November 4, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:52 PM :: 5139 Views
Full District by District Gubernatorial Results: Aiona wins HD40, near tie in two other districts
Inouye: “Odds of passing the Akaka Bill are bad”
Hawaii Right to Life PAC: “All pro-life candidates are winners”
Democrats: Hawaii is different, suckers
Slom: Election shows Democrat/union machine is alive and well
Aiona, Djou thank their supporters
Nominations sought for State Water Commission
Hawaii now has most one-sided state legislature in the country
Nonaka: GOP already regrouping
Exit Poll: Drawdown of Lingle popularity by HSTA/DoE/BoE/SOS furlough scam was key to Abercrombie victory
New School Board Could Be Appointed By March
September visitor arrivals climb 8.9%
Transition Hawaii
Recount Requests Possible in Two Races
Djou wins in East Oahu, Ewa, Mililani
Precinct numbers show candidates' strong area
Many incumbents lose in neighbor isle races
Turnout figures show Democrats elected by swarms of wealthy, connected insiders
The Future: Kids Vote favors Aiona, Djou
Hawaii Co: Yagong could be in line to chair council
Slew of changes ahead for Honolulu City Council
Maui: Arakawa begins forming cabinet
Christmas in Hawaii: Obama invites the Americans he impoverished to live vicariously through him
Lawmakers pretend to address foster care issues
DoE can’t educate children, but they can ban peanut butter
A+ poised to increase its monthly fee by $25
County closes most sex discrimination cases: Some settled, some dismissed
Judge torn on fate of nuke victims' care (Thanks, Neil)
HW: A new look at “haole” covers familiar ground
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010 |
November 3, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:58 PM :: 10676 Views
Democrats: Hawaii is different, suckers
Everything you need to know about Abercrombie and Hanabusa
Full State by State results: Republicans win control of House
Final Read: Hawaii General Election Results -- Abercrombie, Hanabusa win
UH Manoa Anti-Americans place E-W Center funding at risk
Voters want, and due, action (What they want)
A clear path on gay unions (What they get)
Voters favor appointed BOE
Voter turnout remains low
Big election, big puzzle: What’s wrong with the polls?
Second guessing the Republican campaign
Hanabusa: Negative campaigning worked
Hon Council 4 Races Decided In Election; Apo's Resignation Coming
Killed by Steve Case? Hukilau Foods files for bankruptcy
Lawyers for officers claim charges overblown
UH Security Breach of Personal Information Could Have Been Prevented, Expert Say
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010 |
November 2, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:59 PM :: 17358 Views
VOTE TODAY til 6PM Find your polling place
Photos: Aiona, Finnegan tour Roberts Hawaii, other businesses
The Morning after the Election
Hawaii Family Forum makes final push to Get Out the Vote
Hawaii Right to Life PAC Urges Vote for Aiona
New Aiona-Finnegan radio ad trumpets Hilo, Maui endorsements
Gallup predicts Largest Republican margin in Several Generations
VIDEO: Aiona on HNN Sunrise
Abercrombie admits responsibility for costing Hawaii millions under Compact of Free Association
Former AG Lilly: Hanabusa Responsible for Superferry Demise--Not Aiona
SA: Aiona, Djou victories would mark “historic shift”
Republicans excited about Election Day
145,000 Votes Already Cast
Boylan points to possible GOP Legislative gains
Obama jumps into Hawaii race
GOP, Dems make final push in Hilo Monday
Justice: GTMO Greenwell goes from Council to jail
Abercrombie campaigners complain about sit-in arrest
Justice Dept. Deploying Hundreds to Monitor Polls
Gubernatorial candidates address stadium concerns
After election, talking stink goes from roars to whispers
City housing office would lack expertise to fulfill goal
Streamlining permits gets mayor’s boost
S.I. Man Charged in Terror Investigation Due in Court (Hawaii terror arrest)
Hillary Clinton speaks out on Hawaii Slavery case
Geothermal's Second Chance: Lessons from a turbulent past could help expand this renewable energy’s future
Ranking Hawaii’s Big Charities
Common sense trumps bag bans
Hawaii bankruptcy filings go below 300
Survey measures gay marriage in US
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Monday, November 1, 2010 |
November 1, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:50 PM :: 12234 Views
VOTE Tuesday Nov 2 Find your polling place
Aiona-Finnegan Closing TV Ad: Jobs, Education, Economy
Hawaii Tribune-Herald Endorses Duke Aiona and Lynn Finnegan
Gallup predicts Largest Republican margin in Several Generations
Aiona campaign rally at Kuhio Terrace
'Vote for righteousness,' flock told: Candidates compete on a chart in church
Carlisle Looking To Fill Key Administration Posts
GOP looks to Hawaii to make waves
Another progressive says Hawaii vote is referendum on Obama
Kalapa: Holding Your Breath Won't Help, Get Out And Vote
Volcanic Ash wins hypocrisy contest
The Hypocrisy of Putting Down ‘Mainland Money’ Flowing into Hawaii
Maui County's strict rules keep rentals in check
HECO, IBEW talk past deadline
Foreclosure crisis mounts in Kona
Group to buy cultural site from builder
Former NRA President to speak in Kaneohe
Big Isle mayor takes heat for TV program expenses
Seed industry answers latest Sierra Club lies
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Sunday, October 31, 2010 |
October 31, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:48 PM :: 7109 Views
VOTE Tuesday Nov 2 Find your polling place
This Democrat didn’t forget who the real Neil Abercrombie is
Abercrombie: Little to point to in the way of achievement
Hanabusa Insurance: Medicare cuts, higher prices, and denial of care
Photos: Duke and Lynn express comes to Big Island
Lingle saves Hawaii refineries from EPA
Progressives becoming “exhausted” as they are exposed by campaign ads
West Hawaii Today calls for One Party System
Aiona rejects call for One Party System
Abercrombie accused of resorting to dirty tricks
SA: Hawaii vote is referendum on Obama
Democrat Boylan: Hawaii vote is referendum on Obama
Last Minute GOP spending
Accused murderer is Homelessness Industry activist
Terror threat: Hawaii Jewish leaders inspecting incoming mail carefully
Plunking promoted
Ballot Counting System Checked ahead of Tuesday's Election
Obama care starts with free birth control
Dopers shocked, just shocked to discover themselves arrested after trying to take dope thru airport security
Man held on $1 million bail for multiple drug and fraud charges - 34 priors
Hawaii's Most Wanted: Richard Miyasato – 16 priors
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Saturday, October 30, 2010 |
October 30, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:15 PM :: 13153 Views
Early Voting open Oct 19-30: Find your polling place
New Poll: GOP leads generic ballot in Hawaii, Djou up by 6%
Fact check: Superferry, Aloha, Rail, Furloughs
Attack ads "coordinated' with alleged Pay-to-Play engineering firm
Barking Sands: Japanese Missile Intercept Sends Message to North Korea
$23M Emergency funds giveaway called “blind promise”
Abercrombie’s 100% anti-life voting record
VIDEO: Aiona focuses on drug prevention for a healthier Hawaii
Humpbacks recover, but Hawaii still losing sovereignty over State waters
Hawaii HEART: Moving 4,000 people from homelessness to permanent housing
Hawaii windfarm developer “could go under”
Terror Suspect Lived In Upper Manoa: Neighbors Were Suspicious Of Young Man In Million-Dollar Home
Aiona, Finnegan make final pitch to E. Hawaii
Political radar: Rundown on competitive Senate and House races
The Election Is a Third Over
“Progressive” Ian Lind votes against Appointed BoE
Former School Administrative Services Assistant Charged with Felony Theft and Forgery
Evans, Henderson vie for District 7 seat
City Council Candidate Rich Turbin Receives Djou, Hirono Endorsements
Proposed expansion of whale sanctuary draws controversy
Judge upholds part of laws on political action committees and ads
Karr re-elected as UH Board of Regents chairman
Obama returning to Honolulu for third straight Christmas
Southwest Airlines CEO mentions possible Hawaii route
New feed-in tariff has critics even before it begins
Hawaiian Electric Co. will begin high-tech grid upgrades with higher rates
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Friday, October 29, 2010 |
October 29, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:50 PM :: 12825 Views
Early Voting open Oct 19-30: Find your polling place
Hawaii GOP: Election shaping up “just like 2002”
KoOlina and Hanabusa: Another land deal, another ex-cop, steroids, broken teeth, and Saigon Passion
Facing default, Hawaii windfarm operator cancels IPO
Barking Sands: Japanese Missile Intercept Sends Message to North Korea
Aiona: Abercrombie inconsistent, dishonest, and unwilling to make the tough decisions on Education Reform
Rep. Djou pleased by Clinton support for free trade with South Korea
Lingle authorizes another $5.2M to make up for DoE failure
Djou leads fund race
Can’t say no: Hanabusa’s Tax-raising record
Hawaiian Telcom Emerges from Chapter 11 Reorganization
Photos: Aiona-Finnegan bus tour hits Maui, Kauai
Abercrombie Will Harm Hawaii’s Relationship with Foreign Countries
Hawaii election a dead heat
Democrats divided on Civil Unions
Significant voter movement as independents decide to vote for Republicans
Pay to Play Mitsuniga funding Democrat attack ads
Dems spend big to win Hawaii seat
Lingle: Anti-Aiona ad is a smear
Schatz promises to protect DoE corruption from Audit
Cavasso undeterred by odds in campaign against Inouye
If Neil Abercrombie is Hawaii’s Next Governor …
Learning Coalition founder bankrolls appointed BoE ads
Djou says he backs advisory vote on Akaka bill
WaPo: New slavery charges levied against Hawaii farm owners
Honolulu Weekly to get new editor
HECO and users await PUC ruling on higher rate
State is fined $100,000 for Big Isle cesspools
Judge orders release of defendant charged with killing and dismembering a Mililani man
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Thursday, October 28, 2010 |
October 28, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:33 PM :: 11931 Views
Aiona-Finnegan launch Statewide bus tour
Early Voting open Oct 19-30: Find your polling place
RCP: Hawaii Governor’s race a “toss up”
Rep Roland Sagum (D-Kauai) endorses Duke Aiona for Governor
Hawaii, DC Terror Arrests Seen as Part of a Wider Plot
Lingle: $35M spent on Robotics helped win $75M Race to the Top
Hanabusa could have saved Superferry, did nothing
Filipino community leaders join Lynn Finnegan to cast early ballots
Abercrombie voted against tougher penalties for criminals who kill unborn baby
Aiona announces Hot Water, Cool Rates solar power incentives
KHON: Hawaii Man Facing Terror Charges Worshipped in Manoa
Rep Ron Sagum endorses Aiona-Finnegan, media demands expulsion from Party
Inouye again hints he may be seeking final term
Osborne named to oversee election complaints
Justice Dept. pushes states on new law to protect military voters
Poll shows voters favor appointed school board
HSTA outspent 6-1 on Appointed BoE
HSTA, HGEA still sabotaging Race to the Top, may yet destroy it
Aiona, Abercrombie much closer in cash on hand
Hawaii Unions Donate Just $275K to Campaigns
Republicans look to Hawaii to make waves in House
Maui News ENDORSEMENT: Fontaine for state House
Maui News ENDORSEMENT: Aiona for governor
Maui News ENDORSEMENT: Arakawa for mayor
Roads, rail top Council candidate issues
Transsexual Agenda: Hawaii leaders work on ways to curb bullying
Progressive Democrat column about losing Primary
Kauai County mum on former worker accused of harassment
Army violated Makua agreement, judge says
Hillary Clinton arrives in Hawaii Wednesday afternoon, plans to ignore Abercrombie, Hirono
Hawaii to get 7 percent more air capacity
Bed bugs a challenge for paramedics
Honolulu makes the top 100 for third-quarter foreclosures
Gov. Lingle unveils new affordable housing for the elderly on Maui
Hawaii Pacific Health, HMSA announce agreement on new contract
Public Campaign Funding Pledge Fizzle
After Kaloko: DLNR proposes its rule changes for dams
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010 |
October 27, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:10 PM :: 14058 Views
Aiona-Finnegan launch Statewide bus tour
Early Voting open Oct 19-30: Find your polling place
FULL TEXT FBI Warrant: Honolulu Muslim busted allegedly trying to join Taliban
Aiona campaign calls on supporters to vote “yes” for appointed BoE
Christian leaders push back against smears from Abercrombie campaign
VIDEO: Cam Cavasso advert “Mountains of Debt”
Hawaii Right to Life releases candidate endorsements
Harris Poll: Obama approval rating drops to 37%
Smart Business Hawaii “Yes on appointed BoE”– plus positions on City Charter Amendments
ABC News: For Dems, 50th State Becomes Hawaii Uh-Oh
SA: Terror suspect prayed at Honolulu Mosque
Democrats complain that Lingle supported Charter Schools instead of feeding HSTA
AP: Republican grassroots vs “two white men”
Teachers Union Gears Up Opposition To Amendment
Abercrombie, Schatz busted on missing federal Funds
Gay marriage activists: Strategy tied to Abercrombie
Aiona has endorsement of Hawaii Island Contractors’ Association
Saved by Lingle-Aiona administration, Kukui Gardens celebrates 40 years
Mayor Carlisle to sign homeless sidewalk ban
Condominium foreclosures could face increased scrutiny
Unions burn $200,000 of your dues money on Abercrombie
UH Manoa fails to turn out brainwashed drones
Star-Advertiser pushes publicly funded elections
Star-Advertiser endorses Seven More Democrats
District 13 candidates’ appeals are personal
Government needs to pay up to fix hot-water system now
New deal between the insurer and hospital system takes quality of care into consideration
Flash: Gov’t construction project on time, under budget
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010 |
October 26, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:27 PM :: 12299 Views
FULL TEXT FBI Warrant: Honolulu Muslim busted allegedly trying to join Taliban
Early Voting open Oct 19-30: Find your polling place
Closing Argument: Djou vs Hanabusa (video)
Fund Race: Aiona-Finnegan pull in $484,158 in 30 days
Aiona unveils College Tuition Assurance Program
Future of Hawaii: Djou winning 2/3 of independents, young voters
Hawaii Family Forum: iVote to improve the future of Hawaii
Gov. Lingle releases $140M to build UH Cancer Center
Japanese Chamber of Commerce endorses Aiona-Finnegan
The Segregated Sisterhood of Neil Abercrombie and Nancie Caraway
Progressives busted on lies about Aiona’s Religion
Rep Coffman and Democrat Buckstead could face prosecution
Voters favor an appointed school board: The proposal has broad support, but undecided residents' blank votes could prevent its passage
GOP ad attacks Hanabusa's corruption
Abercrombie Raises Twice As Much As Aiona
SA: Candidates to keep us moving
2012: Lingle vs Case or Hannemann
HD11: Molester’s ally Bertram whines about “old news”
HD 12: Exposed by Rinaldi, Yamashita denies he’s party ‘puppet’
SD2: Incumbent Kokubun faces Hale for state Senate seat
Maui: Looser home business law sought
Kauai: County still eyeing 2% fuel tax to expand bus service
Honolulu Police Officers Charged In Overtime Abuse Case
Hawaii Medical Board Takes Action Against Three Doctors
Opportunity lost: HPR survives NPR fallout
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Monday, October 25, 2010 |
October, 2010 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 3:54 PM :: 7539 Views
DemsForDuke to rally in Kona Friday
Let Honolulu Petition
Kona Democrats Rally for Aiona-Finnegan
Corruption in American Samoa: A Thank You from Pago Pago
Slavery defender says Hawai`i Free Press lacks “integrity”
Scoutmaster doesn't qualify as "active civic leader"
Former Planning Commission member questions Laie development plans
Maui, 32 years later
Are YOU exporting jobs?
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Monday, October 25, 2010 |
October 25, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:52 PM :: 8438 Views
The Segregated Sisterhood of Neil Abercrombie and Nancie Caraway
Hanabusa & Jeff Stone: Coincidence or Corruption? You decide.
Aiona: Campaigns are won by those who work hardest over the last seven days
Hawaii Island Contractors' Association Endorses Aiona-Finnegan
Democrat Media Poll shows Abercrombie, Aiona approval at 61% to 60%
Aiona to hold campaign event at Radford HS tonight
Democrat Media Poll: Djou ahead 48% –45%, Hirono 77% to 16% Willoughby
Most surveyed voters dislike Lingle's performance
Hanabusa tries to convince voters she is not a pit bull
Hanabusa criticizes GOP ad suggesting corruption
Online ballots available to Hawaii overseas voters
CB: Ed Silvoso Responds to 'Aiona, God and State' Article
As bedbugs creep out NYC, tourists crawl away (Waikiki next)
SA: Re-elect legislators in city core
The lost generation in Hawai‘i politics
Maui mayoral race tight
Fontaine endorsed over incumbent Bertram
Kalapa: Hypocritical fight of 'special interest' groups
Campaign Profiles:
Lawyer works to strike down limits on independent election spending
Obama's isle judicial pick stalled
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Sunday, October 24, 2010 |
October 24, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:34 PM :: 12737 Views
Early Voting open Oct 19-30: Find your polling place
Aiona: "My opponent will cut programs or raise taxes”
Democrat media poll shows Aiona pulling 63% of Mufi Voters and 15% of Abercrombie voters
Hannemann: I’m on the taxi squad
Borreca: Leading Democrats here would be ideal job for Hannemann--except for the gays and the greens
Abercrombie on DoE finances: Don’t ask, don’t tell
Next governor will carry background into office
Willoughby vs Hirono: Can’t think of anything they agree on
NYT celebrates victory of eco-religion over football
NYT celebrates as Iwamoto and other surgically altered men run for offices nationwide
Vote for me, Schmucker says, I’m not a Democrat
Council candidates agree on fixing infrastructure
HMSA wants 14.8% boost in large employer group rates
Son's altercation leads state to evict disabled parents
'Hawaii is the guinea pig' (suckers)
Ag officials: Kona coffee facing quarantine
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Saturday, October 23, 2010 |
October 23, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:44 PM :: 16821 Views
Early Voting open TODAY: Find your polling place
KITV Debate: Abercrombie can't name a single issue on which he differs with HSTA
New Poll: Djou winning 44%-35%
Aiona encouraged by 1,400 new construction jobs, will expedite projects worth $946M
REUTERS: Hawaii wind farm operator faces default risk
Coordinated campaign: Aiona campaign calls Democrats on “distraction”
Abercrombie, Hirono tried to impose gay marriage nationwide
Momentum: Djou outraises Hanabusa by $167,000 in six weeks
Aiona continues to hammer Abercrombie over DoE Audit
Case: Only 1/3 of my voters will back Hanabusa, will not direct his supporters to vote for her
Hanabusa, Djou spar over spending, senior programs
Cataluna afraid of who Abercrombie would appoint to BoE
Djou wants to hold the line on federal taxes and regulations
Former Prosecutor Carlisle Underscores Transparent, Corruption-Free Administration
Hawaii Dems file complaint against Aiona, GOP group
W. Maui candidates showcased at forum
Kauai Candidates ‘walk the walk,’ narrowing carbon footprints to honor goddess Gaia
Trojan Horse for gay agenda? State Rep. Mizuno introducing anti-bullying bill
BOE votes to proceed with Kihei high school
County racks up $2M in OT: Despite furloughs, employees still getting time and a half
Quarter of state's food stamp recipients live on Big Island
Improvement in the job market drops the September rate to 6.3 percent
Kauai Plastic-bag-ban bill has some ‘murky’ provisions
Solar Failure: Mayor Wright housing residents want to be in hot water
Teams Work For Kahoolawe's Rebirth
Maehara, Clinton to reaffirm importance of alliance at Hawaii talks
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Friday, October 22, 2010 |
October 22, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:25 PM :: 12358 Views
Early Voting open TODAY: Find your polling place
Ethics Violation? UH Manoa helps Democrats build get out the vote rally
Obama’s first take pulled because Obama mispronounced Hanabusa’s name
CNN: Djou is well-positioned to keep his seat
Momentum: Djou outraises Hanabusa by $167,000 in six weeks
Abercrombie, Hirono tried to impose gay marriage nationwide
Video: Aiona highlights Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative
Cost of Hanabusa’s tax hike: $1,784 per family per year
Dan on the Record
James ‘Duke’ Aiona: ‘Fiscal discipline is with me’
KITV: Hawaii Unions Use Mainland Money to smear Djou
Case family Advertiser backs Hanabusa, touts willingness to raise taxes
Lingle: Abercrombie spreading falsehoods in whisper campaign
Hillary Clinton coming to Hawaii, plans to Ignore Hanabusa, Abercrombie
Bill Clinton endorses Hanabusa, cites “Coast of student loans”
Obama Albatross tapes commercial for Abercrombie, Hanabusa
We likely haven't seen the last of Linda Lingle
Democrats have lock on local ad agencies
Democrat media figures try to knock another GOP ad off the air
Chief’s wife, Drunk Driver headline new additions to Honolulu Prosecutor’s office
Attorney, aide seek seat on Council
Gay GOPers make Hawaii media buy
(Obama losing it in Chicago) Political Heavyweights, teachers union May Be Forming Anti-Rahm Alliance
Look out HSTA, Obama’s sister endorses “Waiting for Superman”
Freeman Guards files bankruptcy, 200 laid off
More working families getting government food aid at $59K a year
“Suitcases of cash from Honolulu” Hawaii meth supplier on trial in Sacramento
Refi mania as Hawaii mortgage rates lowest in six decades
Bubble about to burst, so First Wind announces IPO just in time
Enviros threaten lives of Kauai children to save birds
Hawaii Rejects Proposed Ban on Solar Energy
Council candidates weigh in on Apollo Kaua‘i island energy issues
Hawaii County settles Higa harassment claim
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