Tuesday, May 3, 2011 |
May 3, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:11 PM :: 15058 Views
- SB1274: Obamacare being used to Weaken Right to Appeal Insurance Coverage Denials
- Abercrombie signature gives special rights to Men who wear Dresses
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission looking into Depleted Uranium paperwork violations
- Maritime Industry Leader: Throw out Jones Act requirement for US Built ships
- Poverty Pimps Thrilled about State Akaka Bill
- After they raise our taxes, legislators will be seeking cover
- Pay raises for legislators not dead yet
- Abercrombie, Obama’s Sister and Omidyar cronies to discuss how to protect HSTA/DOE/BoE from angry parents
- Abercrombie Donor Kelly Hu Hosts Poker Tourney
- Pork Project: Hawaii Legislature Finds Money to Help Oahu Slaughterhouse
- Money for Inter-Island Cable, Credits For Clinton Crony Studio Dead?
- Governor Lobbies Lawmakers to pay for dark cable to Lanai, Molokai Big Wind projects
- Wind farm, ACT 221 scammers, push back against Geothermal expansion
- PUC denies First Wind's request for 'Big Wind' extension
- Michigan Welfare Money being Spent in Hawaii
- Do you know how long I’ve been in Government? Honolulu Councilmembers shout at testifiers
- WHT: Kenoi Campaign Manager cancels no-bid Police Services Contract after media Inquiries
- Kyo-ya Hotel: Three of Five Zoning Board Members have Conflicts of Interest
- Hawaii Trial Judges Worst Paid in U.S.
- Crisis? 16.9% More Spending for Kauai Human Resources Dep’t
- Crisis? $30M Projects for Kona
- Hawaii homeowners threatened by foreclosure would have options to stay in homes
- Hawaii Muslims painted as Victims by Islam Day Proponent
- Six decades after death, Maui man receives Medal of Honor
- State Court Employees Contribute $19,489 to Japan Relief Fund
- Hawaii Seeks to Prohibit Sale of Intact Pets
- With Enactment of Hawaii Employment Non-Discrimination Law, One-Quarter of U.S. States Ban Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity
- Program nurses a need
- Work resumes at Oahu's oldest church for construction of a multi-purpose center
- Obama’s friend pleads no contest in prostitution case
- Rasmussen: No Osama Bounce for Obama
- Donald The Mole
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Monday, May 2, 2011 |
May 2, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:06 PM :: 19809 Views
- Special Forces exterminate Osama Bin-Laden: Hideout was mansion next to Pakistani Military Academy
- Legislature to vote on $350M Increase in GE Tax
- Whirlwind legislative session draws to a close May 5
- Abercrombie signs Eight More Bills into Law
- Local Reaction To Osama’s Death: Relief, Worry
- Threat Level Raised At All Hawaii Army Installations
- How Much Hawaii Legislature’s Tax Hikes Will Cost You ($600M)
- Hawaii Legislature Increases Taxes, Spending, but Some Controversial Tax Measures Die
- Pay Raises for Hawaii Lawmakers Still on Table
- Law Lets Session Draw to a Close With Few Legislators Filing Disclosures
- Legislative Session Schedule for This Week
- Mortgage Foreclosure Bill Makes Cut
- Obama's close friend to appear in Honolulu court on Prostitution Rap
- Bill to protect victims of abuse nears OK
- Hawaii has nation’s Highest Teen Suicide Rate
- BoE Chair Horner continues to abuse Audit word
- APEC conferees will see greener Nimitz Highway
- NYT: Standing Up for Guest Workers
- Project could help Nanakuli
- Honolulu Should Not Give Corporate Welfare Through Favoritism in Recycling Contracts
- Councilmember Tulsi Gabbard to drop use of Tamayo
- Four Seasons Resort reopens, recovered from tsunami damage
- Kauai Co Auditor surprised by county’s skyrocketing electric bill in 2010
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Sunday, May 1, 2011 |
May 1, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:47 PM :: 6936 Views
- Hawaii spending to increase despite down economy
- Contractors Fear GE Tax Hikes Will Hurt Business
- House, Senate Reach Deals on Tax Increases
- County looks ‘OK’ despite cap on TAT: If tourism picks up, any excess will go into state’s general fund
- Bailey: Why are we struggling so hard with the concept of the importance of instructional time in Hawaii?
- DoE: 66% of class of 2014 won’t be taking Algebra II
- UH pays teachers more than nearly 40% of other PH&D universities
- Casino: Midnight at The Sausage Factory
- SA: Panel must assure openness to Democrat groups in redrawing voter districts
- Obama not immune from state's twisted bureaucracy
- Failed Solar Water Heaters to be replaced by On-Demand Hot Water heaters at Mayor Wright…
- …meanwhile Hawaii Energy to hand out more Solar Water Heater rebates with federal funds
- It Begins: Snapshots of 1930s Japan add “context” at new Arizona Memorial Visitor Center
- Parks Statewide Get Sprucing From Thousands Of Volunteers
- Medical? Behind backs of Doctors, Doper slips cannabis oil into feeding tubes of cancer stricken child
- State Health Officials Declare Latest Dengue Outbreak Over
- Land titles expert wrote 'Mahele' book
- Hawaii UPW was trailblazer in Communists’ quest for Government Unions
- Republican Lawmakers push back against Democrats’ Birther scam
- Food shortages and a frigid winter intensify pressures in North Korea
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Saturday, April 30, 2011 |
April 30, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:04 PM :: 18131 Views
- Friends of Lanai Calls for Big Wind Bidding Process to be Reopened
- 'Birther' Myth First Spread by Hillary Clinton Supporters in 2008
- Capped Out: Conference Committee Seizes Some TAT Revenue from Counties
- GE TAX Raised: Will reverberate throughout the economy as higher prices for consumers
- Bill Would Raise Hawaii's Production Tax Credits by 20%
- Proposal to start a casino in Hawaii dies
- Foreclosure aid bills advances
- Reefer Madness: Medical marijuana bill dies at the Legislature
- Native Hawaiian Recognition Bill Moves Forward in 2011 Legislature
- Homeless Hotline Tally So Far: 100 Calls, Emails
- Supreme Court Picks Reapportionment Chair
- Kailua High teacher charged with throwing hammer at student
- Hauula Charter School plans under way
- Hawaii residents victimized in ponzi scheme
- Horizon Lines reports loss, cites Hawaii slowdown
- Is Obama trying to anoint Trump?
- Golden Week volunteers help earthquake victims in Japan
- Celebration to mark Day of Prayer
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Friday, April 29, 2011 |
April 29, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:37 AM :: 10958 Views
- Crisis? Arrivals up 9.1% spending up 16.9%
- Conspicuous Gallantry: Medal of Honor for Kaho’ohanohano, Svehla
- British Hawaii: U.K. flavor in the former 'Sandwich Isles'
- Immigration Files: UH Manoa Counseled Obama Sr. “about his Playboy Ways”
- Taxpayer Giveaway to Billionaire Clinton Cronies among Key Measures Being Voted Today
- Legislators cross swords with voting seniors at own peril
- House Wants Pension Tax, Senate Doesn’t
- Arrivals up 11.8% despite calamity
- Hawaii lawmakers reach deal on state budget, Required $500M in New Taxes
- Legalized Gambling Proposal Gains New Life at Hawaii Legislature
- HSTA/DoE Wins Big! Longer school day requirement in Hawaii delayed
- Big Win for Obama, Enviros: Maui town faces $6 gas amid record price surge
- Tax Set at Ten Cents, But Passage Not Yet In The Bag
- Crisis? Kauai County declares fiscal position sound
- City Lawyers Told Council Members What Not To Ask On Rail Fact-Finding Trip
- Redistricting panel's rules inhibit public's participation, groups say
- Legislators extend shield law protecting journalists' sources
- Hope Probation Strains Hawaii Criminal Justice System
- Lawmakers Finally Agree On Anti-Prostitution Bill
- Working together, we can break cycle of meth addiction
- Tsunami all clear put boaters at risk
- Arnold’s contract ordeal points to problems at UH
- Hanabusa Hosts Art Competition from which she is Excluded
- Relic of 'Blessed' nun to return to Hawaii
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Thursday, April 28, 2011 |
April 28, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:20 AM :: 13404 Views
- Hawaii Rated Worst State to Earn a Living
- Hawaii Anti-Trust Adventures: Investigating Big Five Control of Matson
- VIDEO: House GOP Caucus Hosts Balanced Budget Summit
- Abercrombie signs Six More Bills into law
- House saves the day after Senate votes 24-1 to dishonor Polynesian Discoverers of Hawaiian Isles
- Profitable Rhetoric: Mililani Trask signs Geothermal Deal
- Senate Run? Hanabusa’s got her hand out again
- Start over on Big Wind Bidding, group tells state
- Legislators May Finish Spending this Morning, Taxing Next
- Will Hawaii Legislators Take 5% Pay Hike???
- Bag Tax: Enviros Fight Amongst Themselves over how much to steal from Consumers
- Golden Week Travel Falls 5% to 30% after Quake
- Caldwell/FACE: Mortgage legislation should address only 'bad actor' lenders
- Court dismisses challenge of Hawaiian Homes exemption
- Suspect Killed by Police had long record: Would be alive today if he were in prison where he belonged
- Helping the homeless is byproduct of preparing for APEC
- Insurers, Contractors still arguing over who will pay Trial Lawyers
- Hawaii Kai residents upset over proposed sewer rate hikes
- St Francis Medical center confronts Chapter 11 Again
- Bill would add teeth to domestic violence law
- Peter Boy is still missing, and his case remains inactive
- Dopers in Frenzy over Elimination of “Medical” marijuana for those who just want to feel medicated
- State driver’s licenses, ID cards do not conform to federal rules
- Big Foot: Hawaii County carbon footprint report released
- Hawaii Endangered Bird Conservation Program Recognized For Propagation Achievements
- Kill The Frogs?
- 3 Hawaii employers among semifinalists for award recognizing support for Guard, reserve troops
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011 |
April 27, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:23 PM :: 11796 Views
- Abercrombie: HGEA Settles “without accusations and confrontation”
- HB1405: Lawmakers attempt an end run around the public in order to pass State Akaka bill
- Birthers vs. Truthers: The Double Standard on Conspiracy Theories
- White House Releases Obama’s Long-Form Birth Certificate
- Ignored Locally: Hawaii Investigative Reporter Gets National Recognition
- BoE says “Audit”, but No FINANCIAL Audits are planned
- Now that a Democrat is Governor, it is Time for Legislature to undo its “mistake” on UH regents
- Conference Committee Still Considering More Spending
- Abercrombie to Legislature; Just Ignore my AG on Medicare Pt B
- $150M Medicaid cuts risk care, opponents say
- Hawaii Legislative Conference Committee Working Hard on Instant Runoff Voting Bill
- HB688: Transsexual Agenda For Hawaii Schools
- Trial Lawyers seek Profit from Mass Release of Criminals
- Hawaii Human Trafficking Bill One Step From Governor's Desk
- Japanese Tourists 'Will Be Back Soon' to Hawaii
- Another Australian Airline to Fly Hawaii Routes
- No Hawaii Lawmakers Disclose Dependents With Stocks, Mutual Funds
- Josh Green finally figures out Medical Marijuana is a Scam, Pushes for Big Island Dope Dispensary
- HGEA vote fell well short of a mandate
- Nurses Head for Arbitration?
- HGEA Nurses underpaid compared to Private Hospitals
- SA: Don’t give more to nurses
- Bag Tax: Legislators plan to screw Retailers after luring them in with Revenue Sharing
- Coffman Screws Residential Solar Installers, Homeowners
- Hawaii to Drain Hurricane Fund to Cover Shortfall
- Obama Friend Titcomb Pleads Guilty In Traffic Court Case
- He’s No ‘Birther’ but Hawaii Senator Tackles Issues Surrounding Obama’s Birth Certificate
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011 |
April 26, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:51 PM :: 17808 Views
- Back to bargaining Table: HGEA Nurses Reject Contract, other 6 Units Ratify
- Djou: Oahu has nation’s Highest Gas Taxes, City may raise higher
- Honolulu Pacific Office Properties could be De-listed by Stock Exchange
- HCR135: Special Interests hijack ALOHA Resolution
- Abercrombie signs Eight More Bills into Law
- Abercrombie announces Homeless Hotlines
- Birthers vs. Truthers: The Double Standard on Conspiracy Theories
- Panos for Mayor Again? Decision waits until after APEC in November
- Shapiro: Sam Slom moves to the fringe
- HSTA/DOE Join to Push Back against 180-day Law: Legislators want to fudge it
- Legislature resists governor's 'transformation of politics'
- Conference Committees To Focus on Tax Hikes Today
- Lawmakers still assuming fantasy returns on Pension Investments
- SA: Don't borrow to build rental-car facility (Capital converted to operating!)
- 7000 Join AARP tele-Town Hall, Protest Pension Tax
- Department of Taxation suddenly decides cutting GE Tax exemptions will produce $41M less
- Amazon will dump Hawaii Affiliates if Legislature imposes GE Tax for online purchases
- The Price Is Wrong: Legislative Disclosures Undervalue Real Estate by $100,000s
- Hawaii County Property Valuations better than anticipated
- Kokobun’s Pork Project: State purchase of slaughterhouse key to food security
- Morita, Coffman team up with HELCO to deny Homeowners Solar Funding
- Slavery: Another supervisor pleads guilty, Cooperating with Feds?
- Kalapa: Nudging Government Toward Reform
- City & County of Honolulu Details Rail Bond Financing
- Schatz: Homeless 90-day Plan all about APEC
- Failed former Senator Ron Menor still out there pushing Gas Cap
- Another Honolulu Police officer to be arraigned on another drunken-driving charge
- Former TSA screener admits to stealing
- Act221 Scammers look to China
- Stockbroker Kimura Pleads Guilty
- Hawaii Government Employees Association Negotiations Not Authentic
- Abercrombie Rejected 2x: Selection Process for University of Hawaii Regents is Suddenly ‘Broken’
- Caesars CEO: Poker indictments present opportunity
- Judge halts foreclosure; others vulnerable?
- Stalinist Media Council still trying to seize HNN Broadcast License
- Plans for wave energy on Oregon Coast progressing
- Carter and other ex-leaders in North Korea on 3-day visit
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Monday, April 25, 2011 |
April 25, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:09 PM :: 14086 Views
- Hawaii, Other States, Form Caucus to Oppose TSA Intrusions
- Will legislators share in the pay sacrifices?
- Taxes On Plastic Bags, Rental Cars, State Pensions, Alcohol Considered
- A User's Guide to Hawaii Conference Committees
- Hawaii Disclosure Law For Government Officials Not Transparent
- Honolulu Department's OT Jumps 49 Percent, Director Won't Talk About It
- Real ID: Unfunded federal mandate to increase county costs
- Will Animal Liberation Nuts Torpedo Hawaii’s Collectivized Pork Slaughterhouse?
- Do Native Hawaiians Have The Right To Break Rules?
- Schools use Financial Aid to replace Family with Government
- Do it for the children: Hawaii's Sex Abuse Treatment Center is truly a lifeline for child victims
- Abercrombie plans new initiative to finance Homelessness Industry
- On-bill Financing Would Make Clean Energy Accessible to Everyone
- Queen Lil Trust pays $100 Tax on $9.9M property
- Indicted Scammer makes one last sales pitch … in Hawaii
- Sun Country Airlines is Making Profit – Looking at Hawaii
- 'Spice' traps troops
- Forty-Four Years Later: Worthless dope smoking Bums not welcome at Haight-Ashbury
- Why The "Birther" Conspiracy Is Great For Obama
- Human Events: Birthers are Best thing Obama Has going for Him
- Hawaii senator questions Obama's true birth father
- Blessed Marianne Cope Returns to Molokai
- Christians save Students from latest DoE Mess, 75% to graduate
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Sunday, April 24, 2011 |
April 24, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:27 PM :: 14707 Views
- Battery-Back Up system catches Fire at new Kahuku Windfarm—Haz Mat team called in
- First meeting promises new direction for BOE (promises, promises)
- Unlike Dods, Horner gives to Dems and GOP
- Some Worry Dead Excise Tax May Come Back
- Deadline looms for lawmakers struggling to balance budget
- State's spurious financial crisis has prompted legislators to look at funds previously off limits
- Calif-Hilo flights projected to bring in $50M, begin June 9
- New tuition hikes loom: State’s deficit delays decision on a price increase for UH (Tax Hike Propaganda pt1)
- Funding for dams and reservoirs should be restored
- SA: Oahu's rail panel needs technical expert aboard
- Utility lines to be moved for Honolulu rail
- Federal contracts come to women and minorities
- Your Tax Dollars At Work: Groups Sue over use of “Wailuku Main Street” Name
- Big Isle redistricting to begin
- Obamanomics: Teen Unemployment hits 27%
- Fish farms struggle as DC-based Luddites try to stop them
- As Gays lose interest, Oahu Co Democrats demand State promote Gay Sex Tourism
- POLITICO: More than half of Democrats are 9-11 Trooothers
- Reality: Donald Trump Is President Obama’s New Best Friend
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Sunday, April 24, 2011 |
April, 2011 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 1:48 AM :: 11760 Views
- Sentencing reform creates liability issue
- No Development Moratorium in Kau
- Romy Cachola threatens Barbers Point Park Deal
- Habitat for Humanity accepting applications for Homes
- Honolulu Rail isn't that much different than Wisconsin
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Saturday, April 23, 2011 |
April 23, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:22 PM :: 15009 Views
- About the Birth Certificate
- Newsflash: DAGS releases comprehensive fiscal report for 2009
- SA: Feds need to ensure integrity of Hawaii's health care law
- HHSC Nurses rejecting HGEA Contract
- Hawaii lawmakers to decide on taxes and spending to balance projected $1.3B deficit
- Maui Chamber of Commerce: We’re TEA (taxed enough already); cut government instead
- High Gas Prices: Just one more excuse to raise taxes
- Measure seeks instant runoffs
- Real Clean Energy: KIUC Pushes Hydro Power
- Nonprofit Directors ask for maintained funding, restoration of grants
- Moana Surfrider: Two Honolulu Zoning Board Members have hidden Conflicts of Interest
- Nanakuli industrial park dead
- Police officer arrested after Kona Street crash
- Herb Kane’s Wisconsin Roots
- Gay-Atheists hijack “Aloha Spirit” Resolution
- Chemophobia: Increasing levels of mercury found in rare Pacific albatross
- Birtherism: Where it all began
- Perfesser: Obama provides glimpse of future U.S. leaders
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Friday, April 22, 2011 |
April 22, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:18 PM :: 12320 Views
- Killing the 180 Day School Year: HSTA caught in a lie
- GOP: Legislature putting Prepaid Health Care Act at risk
- Berg: Cut the Golf Subsidy, no new taxes
- TEA Party: Support Sen Slom’s No New Taxes Budget
- Applicants Sought for Chair of Hawaii Reapportionment Commission
- Former California Mayor Jumps Into Hawaii Election Legislation Controversy
- Don Horner: “Just like Walter Dods”
- Shapiro: Legislature should democratize itself before meddling in city elections
- Hanabusa Still hasn’t moved into District, wants District to move to Her
- Solomon, Galuteria push State Akaka Bill in Conference Committee
- Borreca: A balanced budget is nice but it's not really required
- Fontaine: Conference Committee could slip 1% GE Tax hike into HB793
- Bill would lets 1000s of Criminals out of Prison Early
- Green Energy Scammers offer UH $6M Bribe
- SA: Lower barriers to solar power
- Land officials vote to revert Aina Lea land
- Crisis? Maui Council gives $243K to Nonprofit that has already banked $300K of taxpayer money
- Lawmakers advance 2-year extension of shield law
- Transit Authority: Council Must pay for What We Spend
- New Tech School Model frees Nanakuli from DoE Failure model
- Student Veterans At UH Snub their Own Forum
- Suits Allege “Deplorable” Conditions at Mayor Wright Homes
- Robert Carson Godbey to be named Corporation Counsel for City & County of Honolulu
- Sierra Club: Bag tax Honors Our Religion on Earth Day
- Sierra Club takes stance against Anaina Hou permits
- VP Dan Quayle in Hawaii
- Civil Beat Endorses Censorship
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Thursday, April 21, 2011 |
April 21, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:30 PM :: 16348 Views
- Shell Game: Rail Costs down, but Handi-van getting $1.15B?
- Honolulu Council Unanimously Opposes Instant Runoff Voting
- Slavery: Federal Suit targets A&B, ML&P Farms
- Missile Defense: Hawaii Five-O
- Gulen Cult trying to bribe Legislators with Free Trip to Turkey
- Conference Committee Starting with Tax Hikes
- SA: Don’t Count Deployed Military when redistricting
- State tax collections fall short of prediction—or do they? (more tax hike propaganda)
- Golden Week loses some luster in Hawaii (more tax hike propaganda)
- House Clashes Over Saving Hawaii Health-Care Law
- True Colors: HSTA Freaks out over last minute Effort to save 180-day bill
- Hawaii Leads effort to Protect Transsexual Preschool Teachers
- Legislators should cut spending instead of increasing tobacco taxes
- Preserve the tobacco prevention fund for its intended purpose
- Rise in city gas tax makes it through Council hearing
- Council members question direction of rail authority
- Fired Honolulu Employee: Lax Oversight Led to Overtime 'Free-for-All'
- Maui Council Member: High Taxes are used to discourage Business (and this is an argument FOR tax hikes)
- The Right Price: A Few Favors For Neil’s Favorites?
- Mufi Launches Column, Discovers Tourism is Big in Hawaii
- Daily KOS: Hirono, Hanabusa start off slow in Senate race
- US, S. Korea Sign Agreement on Missile Defense System Development: Pentagon
- Mainland Firm Accused of Embezzling City Money
- After Obama’s sister Hired, Administration stops trying to cut E-W Center Funds
- HCC Chancellor Candidates Interviewed
- DOH: Waikiki restaurant one of 55 bed bug complaints in state
- Foie Gras Removed from Glamorous Maui Event After Animal Liberations Nuts outdo themselves in Sanctimony
- Married and in Hawaii, paroled killer complies with parole
- Hawaii Defense Attorney takes advantage of clients, is ordered to stop practicing law
- City considers relaxing fireworks storage law
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011 |
April 20, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:20 PM :: 11779 Views
- Slavery: Federal Suit targets Six Hawaii Farms, labor contractor
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How they Voted April 18, 2011
- SB99: Preserve Young Bros Monopoly on Inter-Island Shipping
- Balance Budget Summit April 20 at Capitol
- Shapiro: HSTA drama could win back HGEA Concessions
- SA: Give DoE an extra $16.4M (more tax hike propaganda)
- Honolulu Seeks $2B Bond Issue to fund Rail
- Berg: Hawaii Profiteering Off Honolulu Taxpayers
- Hawaii Transportation Costs to Climb Again
- Arts Support may dull budget blades
- Crisis? Kauai county Agency on Elderly Affairs seeks more spending
- Tax Increases: Payback Time for the Environment
- Arakawa reduces Tax Hike Request
- Matsuoka, Cayetano’s Director of troubled Office of Youth Services, approved to Head Hawaii Paroling Authority
- Inouye: USDA-UH research aims to rein in child obesity
- CB to Carlisle: Make HPD Obey Open Records Law
- Hawaii's first female narcotics undercover officer shares memories, hardships in world of narcotics trafficking
- Hawaii Legislature grants legal protection to any man willing to put on a dress
- Enhanced solar water heater rebate program ends
- Team of UH West Oahu students to compete in national free enterprise competition
- Hawaii Patient Info to go online
- Nation of Islam Visits Hawaii
- Trump, Abercrombie team up to promote Birtherism
- Media doing excellent Job Promoting Birther Candidate
- Should Radiation from Japan Scuttle Spring Break in Hawaii? A Mom Agonizes
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011 |
April 19, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:46 PM :: 10169 Views
- Abercrombie to Conference Committee: We Must Raise Taxes!
- Inouye: Ed Case will not be allowed to Crucify Me
- Inouye claims Lingle supports current version of Akaka Bill
- Carlisle nominates Horner, Okinaga, Hong to Transit Authority
- Redistricting Committee Log jam to be Broken by Recktenwald
- Hawaii, Yes We Can Cut Government and Stop Excessive Spending – Without Increased Taxes
- MMMC nurses protest growing cuts in contract (HGEA Circus to pressure Legislators for Tax Hikes)
- Medicaid cuts of $180M warned (Abercrombie’s DoHS Boss stages Tax Hike Dog n Pony show for Conference Committees)
- State's financial woes could mean fewer options for students in the fall (So we must raise taxes!)
- Businesses suffer from fewer Japanese flights (So we must raise taxes!)
- Another Abercrombie Appointment bites the dust
- 6 transit board nominees named
- Carlisle, Caldwell, Prevedouros: Next year's mayoral race could be re-run of last year's
- Hirono Steps up Fundraising after Akaka Announcement
- Rally today to support HB1520 and “on-bill financing” of clean energy solutions
- Sovereignty activist, convicted killer, faces eviction after decade of squatting
- SA: Slaughterhouse none of state's business (your tax dollars at work)
- State, geologists create plan to prevent climate change-induced erosion at Kailua Beach (Your tax dollars at work)
- Kona Farmers: Coffee Bill On Gov's Desk Creates More Confusion, Not Less
- Hawaii Bio-Gasification Project features in Corporate Buyout (your ratepayer and tax dollars at work)
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Monday, April 18, 2011 |
April 18, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:36 PM :: 12535 Views
- How They Voted: House approves Pension Tax and GE Tax Hikes
- After lobbying in Hawaii: Online Poker sites seized by FBI, execs Indicted
- Hawaii Windfarms killing endangered Birds: After five years Mitigation Lags
- Kabuki Over: Legislators to meet for two weeks behind closed door, make real decisions
- Losing bidders might delay rail project
- Hawaii tram plan to learn from Edinburgh fiasco
- City Council Nominates Financial, Union Leaders to Transit Board
- STEM: A Private foundation is doing the job the DoE won’t
- SA: Campbell High is too big, so Conference Committees must Raise Taxes
- Senate Bill 249 gives the government rights to purchase Oahu's only slaughterhouse
- Eco-Religion Begins Warm-Up for Earth Day
- In Nine Months, Police Dept. Arrests Just One Pimp
- Your Tax Dollars at Work: State burns $100K on Bicycle-Sharing program
- Hawaii County Building: Roof repair needed just two years after $27.7M renovation
- Parents: Teacher Hit Kailua Teen With Hammer
- Honolulu gas prices near record; Maui at all-time high
- Tsunami flotsam reaches Kauai?
- HNN: Republicans cause Teen Suicide (no media bias here, eh?)
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Sunday, April 17, 2011 |
April 17, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:49 PM :: 10591 Views
- Democrat Staffer, Obama voter heads Trump’s Birther Campaign
- GET exemptions in peril: Lawmakers want to reap taxes by spreading GE Tax
- Star-Advertiser: Taxes must be raised to pay for Tattoo Parlor Inspections
- SA: Cutbacks cripple many government functions (Propaganda)
- SA: Unions not resisting Pension restrictions for new hires (Propaganda)
- After six months of Abercrombie, and a lifetime of HGEA: Government Employees’ Morale is low, thousands retiring June 30 (Propaganda backfires)
- HECO, Big Wind, Big Solar continue to obstruct rooftop installations
- Crisis: Maui Nonprofit banks $374K from County Grants
- Hawaii Reapportionment Commission starts work
- Naturopathic “Physician” presides over death at Childbirth
- Animal Liberation Nuts flood Leg with Opposition to State-Owned Slaughterhouse
- Bill mandates 'fixing' of cats, dogs before sale
- SA: Homeowners need shield from lenders' mistreatment
- Scammer Steals from Homeowners facing Foreclosure
- Enviro-Religion sees opportunity in High Oil Prices
- Fireworks storage called wrong place to start disposal
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Saturday, April 16, 2011 |
April 16, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:05 PM :: 10879 Views
- HGEA Contract: Government Workers get Paid to Stay Home Three Months
- SB756: Satellite TV Tax in omnibus Tax Bill
- Creative Accounting 101: Special Fund Raids
- Akaka’s Whistleblower Bill cited as example of Over-criminalization
- VIDEO: House GOP speaks up on Pension Tax, GE Tax, Internet Tax, Fees, and Special Funds
- VIDEO: House GOP debates Prepaid Health Care Act, Billion Dollar Cable, Foreclosures, Marijuana and More
- VIDEO: Hawaii Tea Party movement protests slew of tax proposals
- HGEA Contract: State creating new haves, have-nots
- ILind: Hawaii Taxes are about Average
- Hawaii Fires 10 Teachers for Misconduct in 2 Years
- Crisis? Hawaii jobless rate holds at 6.3 percent
- Hawaii’s Instant Runoff Voting Legislation – Veto Needed
- More Federal Funds? Not! Reality begins to settle in for pork-fed Hawaii Politicos
- Big Wind and Big Solar continue to resist residential installations
- Heir to Vanderbilt Fortune to Represent Molokai?
- Cachola: Don’t Piss off the Legislature
- SA: Tighten historic homes rules
- Hawaii Dopers giving up on Fake Urine
- Aina Haina gunman released from Prison in January
- Crisis: Hawaii County Unveils $50M Government Building
- Contractors lobby for Insurers to Cover Shoddy Workmanship
- NYT: Waikiki Hotel using RFID Chips to track Stolen Towels
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Friday, April 15, 2011 |
April 15, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:59 PM :: 15624 Views
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Honolulu, Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
- HGEA Negotiators: Hide furlough days, recoup losses after Legislature adjourns
- Birthers thank Abercrombie, Obama Thanks Birthers
- Group: Abercrombie using ‘strong arm tactics’ to force Beverage Tax
- Marumoto: Pension Tax is a foot in the door towards taxing moderate, low income Pensioners
- Balance Budget Summit April 20 at Capitol
- How They Voted: SB1329 House passes Motor Vehicle tax Hike
- Honolulu Councilmembers reject Berg resolution, cite fear of retaliation
- Inspecting his cattle: Jeff Stone Polls Democratic Senate Primary
- Hanabusa: Lingering resentment toward Case among “Multi-cultural base”
- Good economic news belies Abercrombie’s Tax Hike Pitch
- Democrat ‘Non-Profits” Demand Tax Hikes
- OHA strengthens grip on Non-Profit sector
- Legislature proposes welfare for losing contractors
- Bombardier: Honolulu Didn't Keep Its Word on Rail Contract
- Breene Harimoto pulls back from Brink in Rail Fight
- NYT: Hawaii Doubles Down on 'Big Wind’
- Online Poker Sites which lobbied Hawaii Legislature Indicted by FBI
- Abercrombie’s Priest rejects Homeless Tent Cities, looks to River Street as model
- Times have changed for the Big Five, big labor
- VIDEO: MauiTime Publisher Tommy Russo Assaulted By MPD, “Dog the Bounty Hunter” team
- Maui Bag Ban: 75% Now Use Paper Bags as tree-huggers become tree-choppers
- Auwahi Wind, Sempra proposes Wind Farm on 18,000 acre Maui Cattle Ranch
- Senate's approval of appointed members marks a major change for school governance
- SA: Reconsider diploma decision
- 3 foreclosure reform bills could pass
- King of Pork Inouye appointed to serve on bipartisan federal deficit reduction team
- U.S. stages "most challenging" missile-defense test
- Hawaii, Other States, Form Caucus to Oppose TSA Intrusions
- Hawaii blast came as workers dismantled fireworks
- Federal Pork: Bill Kills Off Program on Hawaii Whaling Industry
- Forums to be held on 4 candidates for chancellor of Hawaii Community College
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Thursday, April 14, 2011 |
April 14, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:38 PM :: 8509 Views
- Crisis? GE Tax receipts up 5.9% in February, TAT up 22.4%
- Abercrombie keeps pounding drums for more taxes, spending
- Senate votes to delay 180-day School Year
- Toothless Resolution: Audit the DoE
- Shapiro: Sen Kim really interested in House Race
- Sixteen Abercrombie Nominees Have Withdrawn
- SA: Legislature should not re-write Prison Sentences to release criminals
- Senators moot requiring tax payments for online sales
- Senate passes HB985 giving money to losing bidders
- Engineering Firm that designed defective $1.9 water tank continues to bid
- State Tax Credits On Chopping Block At Legislature (Plenty of money for Corporate Welfare)
- Honolulu County: Higher gas tax advances
- FTA did NOT require Phased-In Approach For Rail
- Councilman loses bid to stop state from "looting" rail funds
- Hawaii Investigates with Matt Levi: A New Television Series Begins This Week
- Unity House files for Bankruptcy
- Foreclosure counts expected to rebound
- Central Pacific stock down more than 20%
- Anti-GMO Luddites cry about their failures in Legislature
- Fireworks blast victims died from carbon monoxide inhalation
- WSJ: The GOP and the Birther Trap
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011 |
April 13, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:09 PM :: 8026 Views
- New Federal Budget kills old Earmarks--Honolulu Rail, Highway, Sewage Treatment Funding in Danger?
- Brookings: Honolulu Rail Cost Overruns inevitable
- Berg: Council could reverse Ansaldo Rail Contract
- POLITICO claims Sen. Daniel Inouye goes silent on Hawaii Senate race
- House votes for Pension Tax, Bag Tax, Liquor Tax, Auto Tax and GE Tax Hikes
- Attorney General says Pension Tax may be challenged in Court, House passes anyway
- Carlisle: HGEA Agreement “an albatross”
- Carlisle: Borrowing Rail Funds could jeopardize rail Project
- Berg: Stop state from using city's rail fund as its own piggy bank
- Shapiro: Schatz is closest thing to a fresh face
- Crisis: City of Honolulu Personal Service Assistants make $65 per hour
- Hawaii Lawmakers Pass Employment Protections For Males who choose to wear dresses
- VIDEO: OHA Cronies now grub for money from Geothermal
- OHA Connection? Fireworks Explosion Contractor tied to Native Hawaiian Affirmative Action Contract
- House Approves Buying Slaughterhouse
- Instant Runoff Voting Heads for Conference Committee
- Honolulu Council Advances Property Tax Bills
- Honolulu Council Special Meeting on State management of Rail Funds
- Want Lingle Back? Holter cites Abercrombie leadership on “Bee Industry”
- APEC Preview: Travelers Review Honolulu Airport
- FACE: Why Hawaii Needs A State Bank
- Symphony accord reached
- A study of single, childless urban workers between the ages of 22 and 30 found that women earned 8% more than men
- Bill O'Reilly Debunks Obama Myths: He 'Does Have A Legitimate Birth Certificate'
- Nearly 300 to depart Marine Corps Base Hawaii for deployment to Afghanistan
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011 |
April 12, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:00 PM :: 7810 Views
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Honolulu, Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
- Djou: Hawaii needs Civil Service Reform
- April 11, 2011 How Hawaii’s Congressional Delegation Voted
- Sumitomo Files Protest: Flawed Rail bid selection may cost taxpayers $900M
- HCR71: HPV Vaccination Mandate Deferred
- Atlas Shrugged to Open In Honolulu April 15
- Abercrombie’s “Open” Administration lined with Campaign Donors
- SA: Abercrombie’s OIP Raid a “preemptive strike motivated by revenge?”
- As vote Approaches, Senators balk at Accepting Abercrombie Budget
- Fidell: No Internet Tax
- SA: Pay gaps that hurt women are costing isles
- All School Construction Wiped from Budget as Negotiating Position for Tax Hikes
- SB249: $1.6M for State-Owned slaughterhouse (pigs subsidized $53.25 each)
- Coalition breaks ground for new senior housing
- Lawmakers fold; poker bill fails to advance
- Sumitomo, Bombardier file rail contract complaints
- Mufi: Polls shows I could be Viable Candidate against Case
- Coffman takes over as state House Energy Committee chairman
- Borreca Touts Doomsday Cult: Believers in 'peak oil' preparing for when a fill-up costs $100 (OHA’s latest money-making scam)
- Kauai Council: They already knew prior to the meeting that Kuali‘i was going to be chosen
- Castle & Cooke strikes deal on proposed Molokai wind project
- Prison activists brief Hawaii lawmakers about how to let even more criminals loose
- Act 221 Scammers: Economic recovery relies on supporting homelessness Industry
- VIDEO: Debris from Japan tsunami will wash ashore on Hawaii
- Trace Levels of Radiation Detected in Hawaii Milk
- Akaka also fails for 11 years to get Whistleblower Bill Passed
- Akaka Campaign Strategist found dead at 57
- Is Donald’s Trump Birther baloney a vast conspiracy ... to get Obama re-elected?
- And the answer is…YES! -- Trump Will ‘Probably’ Run as Independent If He Doesn’t Win GOP Nomination
- Obama’s sister, Aunt keep talking Birtherism Up
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Monday, April 11, 2011 |
April 11, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:31 PM :: 4259 Views
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Honolulu, Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
- VIDEO: Ed Case Announces US Senate Campaign
- Daily KOS: “I had really hoped we were done with Ed Case”
- VIDEO: Sen. Slom introduces Balanced Budget with no tax hikes
- Romy Cachola threatens Barbers Point Park Deal
- Kalapa: Next Stop, A Tax Increase
- Lawmakers aim to soak consumers for $122M/year by collecting on Hawaii residents' Internet purchases
- Shapiro: Djou Back in the Saddle Again
- ILind: Emperor Abercrombie to seize Molokai, Decapitate Residents
- Hawaii Reapportionment Commission to Meet today
- Council meeting today to pick Kawakami’s successor
- Dinner held for Maui County soldiers who spent a year in Afghanistan
- FTA will help both the U.S. and Hawaii
- HSTA Flack demands less accountability, more money
- UH Wants Money, Threatens Tourism School
- FACT CHECK — Board of Water Supply Says Honolulu Has Fewer Water Main Breaks Than Average?
- After Stalling Repairs, Abercrombie puts on Show and then lets Contractors go to work at Mayor Wright Housing
- SA: No excuse for lack of warning signs
- First Hawaiian Bank Signals Recovery with Business Up First Quarter
- Central Pacific Financial Corp. Announces Commencement of $20 Million Common Stock Rights Offering
- Hawaii Correctional Facilities to Use Electronic Medical Records System
- Concert raises $1.6M for tsunami victims
- Company To Be Questioned Monday Over Hawaii Blast
- Obama Senior Advisor: I hope Birther Trump keeps on rising
- Trump to Obama aide: I’m your ‘worst nightmare’
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Sunday, April 10, 2011 |
April 10, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:32 PM :: 12796 Views
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Honolulu, Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
- VIDEO: Abercrombie holds fake news Conference to Announce HGEA's fake 'sacrifice'
- Abercrombie: State could seize 1/3 of Molokai for Wind Farm
- AP: HGEA members gain 9 more days off under contract
- Abercrombie’s Backer Reveals himself: Kenoi Claims Hawaii County will save $3M under HGEA contract
- Carvalho: Mayors trying to come together on HGEA agreement
- Sen. Slom Announces balanced budget with no new taxes
- Second Decking Deadline
- Borreca compares Ed Case to Aaron Burr, praises Case for apologizing, dropping out
- Homelessness Industry: State seeks to fill Moiliili Apartments with drug addicts, no treatment required
- Ansaldo Trains to be Driverless, Company tied to Watts Constructors
- Molester’s friend Bertram sues to seize land from Haleakala Ranch
- The new director of the OIP says she was not directed on IDing judicial nominees
- Crisis? Hawaii County wastes millions on Garbage
- Last blast for the rejected elected: BoE imposes two track Diploma system on DoE
- A&B: Ability to navigate Hawai Land Use Process one of our Core Competencies
- Legislators propose law to convert consecutive sentences into concurrent, let thousands of criminals out of prison
- Permitting reason for return to public service
- 4 charged in beating death of gambling house worker
- Death toll hits 5 in Hawaii fireworks bunker blast
- Fukino Debunks Birther BS --- Again
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Saturday, April 9, 2011 |
April 9, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:14 PM :: 12013 Views
- Abercrombie’s $100M omission: HGEA settlement tied to other secret labor agreements
- Government workers’ agreement to add more than $100 million to state deficit
- House GOP: HGEA Settlement is expensive, unfair
- Unity House HQ up for Sale
- VIDEO: Heritage Foundation Leader interviewed in Hawaii
- Tsunami: Obama signs Disaster Declaration for Hawaii
- Bonham: Peak tax and business revenue returns sometime in 2012
- Maui Chamber of Commerce: 95% oppose either type of GE Tax hike
- Shapiro: Budget is so bad….
- After voting to Shut down Federal Government three times, Hirono, Hanabusa pretend to be against it
- OHA to turn its operatives around on Geothermal in Puna at Meeting today
- Kenoi profits 58% from Subdivision approval
- Crisis? Hawaii County finds $16M for Hilo Bayfront paths
- Crisis? $800,000 in county checks uncashed
- Former KPD officer convicted of driving drunk
- NYT: Explosion Kills Workers at Facility for Fireworks
- Did Trump really send investigators to Hawaii?
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Friday, April 8, 2011 |
April 8, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:07 PM :: 14526 Views
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Honolulu, Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
- HGEA: Contract Agreement includes Paid Time Off
- VIDEO: Lanai Wind Fall Out
- Abercrombie Announces $300M in new CIP Spending—“This is just the beginning”
- Full Results: Daily Kos Hawaii Poll
- GOP: Abercrombie Approval rating down to 48%
- Hirono, Hanabusa vote for Government Shutdown, stop paying troops
- Akaka Bill Passes Indian Affairs Committee
- How They Voted: Senate Ways and Means votes to hike GE Tax by eliminating exemptions
- SB1363 10-cents-per-bag Tax: Greens, Big Business, Big Government team up to Rip Off Consumers
- Borreca: Abercrombie is Tanking
- Rebellion in the Senate Kills 1%GE Tax Hike Proposal—Exemptions to be hit
- HGEA Agreement amounts to 1.5% Pay Hike—Carlisle
- Star-Advertiser: Abercrombie not upfront with public about HGEA Deal
- Federal Shutdown: Inouye uninterested in the kind of cutting that Democrats now see as necessary
- State-run Superferry plan still afloat
- Forum on geothermal energy to include OHA Cronies
- Elected BoE sez Bye-Bye
- Boaters bemoan lack of aid after Schatz comes back from DC Empty handed
- Meetings will gather comments on proposed wind farm
- Wood-Burning Power plant vote delayed
- IRV Produces results like Berg’s Win in Council District 1
- Hawaii journalist shield law extension advances
- Banned Fireworks Storage: Explosion claims Four Lives
- Ways and Means votes against Legislators’ 5% Salary Hike
- Judiciary Committee defers bill to convert Sick Leave into vacation Days
- Inouye, Akaka: Let gay sex tourists give away Green Cards
- Prison Guard gets 18 months for Gay Rape of inmate
- University of Hawaii Wants To Close Major Research Group
- With Tourism squeezed, Rep Roy Takumi pushes against Free Trade with S Korea
- Ex-Reform Party Birther Trump touted Pelosi as “The Best”
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Thursday, April 7, 2011 |
April 7, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:08 PM :: 14892 Views
- State Reaches Agreement with HGEA
- Unemployment rate dips to 5.2 percent in Honolulu (oops!)
- GE Tax hearing: Democrats demand choice between two types of GE Tax Hike, nobody fooled
- Democrats to buy Support for GE Tax hike with $100M in tax Credits
- HGEA: Tentative Agreement on Parameters of Contract
- HGEA Comp Time: Governor Just Kicked the can down the road again
- Mayors still in dark about HGEA Contract
- House Finances passes Tax Credits for Billionaire Clinton Cronies, Bag Tax hiked to 10 cents for middle class
- Study: U.S. has 4M gay adults; 1.7 pct. of populace
- Committee Approves Five Hawaii Ed Board Appointees
- Kauai Council Rejects Biodegradable bags
- Rush to Use Crops as Fuel Raises Food Prices and Hunger Fears
- Hawaii County Council to burn through $56M—14 new projects
- Case to announce Senate bid within 10 days, claims to be OK with Inouye
- Loss of Hawaiian album Grammy greeted with dismay and shrugs
- Obama golf pal arrested in Honolulu prostitution sting
- Trump: I Have Investigators in Hawaii...'They Cannot Believe What They're Finding'
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 |
April 6, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:50 PM :: 10377 Views
- HB793: Hikes GE Tax 25%, eliminates exemptions, Hearing Wednesday
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Honolulu, Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
- GE Tax Showdown in Senate—A vote to remember in November
- Senate Indian Affairs Committee to vote on Akaka Bill Thursday
- Ward: 100s of alternatives to tax hike
- House GOP Calls on Abercrombie to Cut Spending
- SB570: Hawaii Pension Tax Bill Alive and Well
- Recktenwald appoints Acoba Kauai District Court Judge
- Hawaii Guard told to prepare for possible deployment
- Senate Budget demands $650M in new Revenues
- Sen. Sees Unions Behind Tax Increase Proposal
- Airlift capacity nearly unchanged
- McDonald's Hiring 1,000 New Hawaii Employees (no crisis here)
- Shapiro: New developments show rail project way off track
- Civil Beat catches up to Hawai’i Free Press on Todd Apo Ethics Violations
- Martin: No problem with Garcia’s $60K Side Job
- Maui Green Police hunt down Bag Ban Violators –impose $1000/day fines
- Senate Hearing Begins on Board of Education Nominees
- Bills target isle harbors for private development
- Insurer, hospital agree on new compensation system
- UH advised to ‘forgive’ debt
- UH-Hilo seeks $36M to build student housing
- Hawaii County to buy 3000 ac of ‘open space’
- Man Who Conned Hawaii Inmates Pleads Guilty
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Tuesday, April 5, 2011 |
April 5, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:15 PM :: 14613 Views
- Todd Apo and KoOlina: Ethics Violation kept secret since 2007
- VIDEO: GOP balances budget without Tax Hikes
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Honolulu, Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
- Hawaii’s Congressional Delegation: How They Voted April 4, 2011
- Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders own 11,383 Hawaii businesses
- Abercrombie gets around to announcing appointment of Kawakami to State House
- Abercrombie Appoints Judge Loo to Maui Circuit Court
- Hawaii Gun Permits hit new record in 2010
- Kaauwai: Are you better off now than you were 2 1/2 years ago?
- Senate Dems to Force choice between two types of GE Tax hike
- GE Tax Hike: Tell them what you think
- Now Where Will They Find The Money?
- Unions Rally at Capitol, Demand more Spending
- Ethically Challenged Apo among picks for Transit Authority
- A State Indian Tribe for OHA Cronies
- Loser Van Dyke on New Akaka Bill: Nothing to see here, just move along
- Judiciary to Vote on AG Louie
- Senate Hearings for BoE Nominees to Begin Tomorrow
- Japan Airline Cuts countered by increases elsewhere, Charters planned for Golden Week
- Timeshare in Hawaii: Build it and They Will Come
- Movie stars, billionaires and corporate execs are arriving more often in private jets
- Lawmakers give men wearing dresses a chance to strike it rich
- Shapiro: Where was the vetting on Maui judge appointment?
- Kalapa, Milks win majority on Credit Union Board
- Kamehameha headmaster to retire after 23 years
- Clayton Hee about to Kill Shield law
- It's Too Early For Law Regulating Undersea Cable
- Borreca: Global warming should be on governor’s agenda
- Superferry Redux: Pasha Line new vessel to offer roll on-roll off service
- State held responsible for deaths of 2 women
- ABC News: Duckworth for Hawaiian Senator?
- Bill Clinton: 'Birthers' will hurt GOP
- LA Times: Why Hillary Clinton must run in 2012
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Monday, April 4, 2011 |
April 4, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:10 PM :: 13052 Views
- HB793: Hikes GE Tax 25%, eliminates exemptions, Hearing Wednesday
- Save Our Jobs—Stop SB741 Alcohol Tax
- Abercrombie’s Board of Education: Accountability begins now, and it’s already ugly
- U.S. Supreme Court Won't Hear Nader Hawaii Ballot Access Case
- Abercrombie Administration delays endangering lives of Combat Pilots, soldiers
- Hawaii Hotels posting strong revenue and occupancy rates
- Prudential: Worst may be over for Oahu Real Estate Market
- Senate to Hear Testimony against both kinds of GE Tax hikes Wednesday
- Unions, Non-profits to push for more spending at Rally today
- Governor has no clue on balancing budget
- Tax Hikes Pending in Hawaii Legislature Might Require Cigar Smokers to Take Out a Second Mortgage
- HD 14 Nomination raises ethical questions
- Bill: Instant Runoff Voting
- Rail: Council grills Carlisle Admin on Billion Dollar Deception
- Berg Cheapest On Honolulu City Council
- Former news anchor ready to give her all for schools (Another one who did not apply)
- Council to consider county furloughs, wage cuts
- SA: Turtle Bay reset welcome
- California firm joins Molokai wind project: Pattern Energy Group is expected to “engage all of the community”
- Ocean AC project is safe, firm says
- US Rep. Hirono says she advanced measure granting $6M Hawaii airport improvement pork
- Brockovich still pushing Hexavalent Chromium Scam
- 175 years of boarding at LHS celebrated at David Malo Day
- The quiet Draft of Tammy Duckworth?
- Samantha Power to be the next Secretary of State?
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Sunday, April 3, 2011 |
April 3, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:27 PM :: 11923 Views
- City finally 'Sees the Light' on Lunalilo Home Rd
- Waialua Robotics wins big in Vegas
- Abercrombie Secretly Appoints Kawakami to replace Morita in State House
- Hawaii Legislators Dump 180 day school year
- Brian “I am not a clone” DeLima: BoE Policy Audit to “look at what decisions can be handled by the superintendent and her staff, and reduce our footprint”
- Star-Advertiser: Akaka should submit bill that had Lingle’s support
- Hawaii sees travel numbers rise
- The drop in tourists from Japan to Hawaii may not be as severe as originally thought
- HTA: Japan Tourism Drop Less Than Expected
- GOP hits Garcia on conflict of interest
- SA: The HIPA clout
- Respect citizenry via judicial selection transparency
- Volokh Conspiracy: Hawaii Ban on Photographing Human Remains Older Than 50 Years?
- Success: Homeless Sweeps push families into Shelters
- Abercrombie's Priest calls on public to ignore child neglect and abuse by homeless
- Progressives launch attack on MRC Greenwood spending
- Widely implemented ‘food safety’ program hurts local farmers
- DDT being used to wipe out Mosquitoes in Kaiula
- HPD’s pitch for more funds: “Budget cuts slashing DARE program on Oahu”
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Saturday, April 2, 2011 |
April 2, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:17 AM :: 14689 Views
- GOP Files Ethics complaint over Nestor Garcia’s $60K side job
- Abercrombie names DBEDT Deputy Director
- HB1049: Raid on Hurricane Fund to Trigger 7.5% Tax on Premiums?
- Panos: Wind Study doesn't answer questions about Cost
- Abercrombie names new UH Regents, E-W Center Board members
- Friday Night Surprise: GET Hike Back on Table
- Maui News: Abercrombie is “pathetic excuse for leadership” we need Linda Lingle
- Legislators prepare to gut 180 day law
- Rail Funds: Oahu Taxpayers $623M, Congress $34M
- Bombardier wants the city to disclose more information about Ansaldo’s Winning Rail proposal
- Molokai expels Wind Farm, Maui could be next Victim
- Carlisle says labor savings may have to go beyond 5 percent
- Secret labor Agreement: Hawaii commerce department to end furlough days
- Tax Sweeps of Vendors Begin Again
- Obamacare Preview: Penalties for those with health risks considered in 2009 by Hawaii’s public employee health plan
- One week after Dengue Fever, Mosquito Control becomes excuse for Tax Hikes
- VIDEO: Prison or Youth ChalleNGe? The future fate of Kulani
- Brewbaker resists jumping to conclusions about Japan Tsunami
- Airport parking rates to increase statewide
- Office of Information Practices Director Selected
- Bankruptcies average 297 per month, down from 330
- Canadian Hawaii Real Estate Fraud to face trial
- US task force arrests 61 fugitives on Maui
- Ariz. law bans abortions based on race or gender
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Friday, April 1, 2011 |
April 1, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:02 PM :: 15664 Views
- House GOP releases Balanced State Budget without Tax Hikes
- Wildman’s Firm didn’t pay Payroll Taxes
- Mufi on Senate race: Washington DC has always been an interest of ours
- Hawaii House GOP Proposes Budget Fixes without Tax Hikes
- Abercrombie Head Fake: Senate to decide between Two types of GE Tax Hike
- More Federal Funds? Schatz returns from DC Empty Handed
- Asselbaye: “We cannot continue cutting government”
- Tax on sugary drinks would be discriminatory and seriously harm our economy
- Hawaii Tax Revenues rise with Gas Prices
- Hawaiian Airlines to DOUBLE flights to Japan (Meanwhile Abercrombie prophesizes doom)
- Tsutsui Names Ex-Rep Amaral to judge selection panel (Crony of Danner sisters, tied to new version of Akaka Bill)
- Lambda, ACLU drop suit, plan for next suit: “We’ll be watching closely for any signs of problems” with Civil Unions
- Abercrombie: My relationships with Legislators are excellent, we’re not pals
- New BOE era off to good start
- Senate to vote on Closing School, converting to Prison
- Former Casino Boss; Don’t Do it!
- Legalized Bribery Bill Tabled
- Hawaii State Bank resolution still alive
- The Bus: Doesn’t have the financial mobility to add routes—as Rail expenses mount
- Stock buy foments talk of A&B breakup
- State receives 12 more suspected cases of dengue
- States Propose Measures to Alter, Remove CON Processes
- Program may bring displaced citizens of Japan to stay on Maui
- Turtle Bay project pared down
- $45M fine tilts Horizon to bankruptcy
- Birthers have nothing on rabid anti-Bushers
- Found Photos: The Story of Chicago's "Little Hawaii" Neighborhood
- With mom in hospital, “Psychic” Sylivia Brown’s son struggles to keep up
- Sale of $100M home has Hawaii connections
- Omidyar Accidentally Buys Hawaii
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Thursday, March 31, 2011 |
March 31, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:22 PM :: 12502 Views
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
- 2011 Akaka Bill grants Tribal officials broad immunity from Hawaii Criminal and Civil Laws
- 2011 Akaka Bill: More than 73% of Hawaiians not "Qualified" for membership in Akaka Tribe
- Tax Freedom Day in Hawaii: April 6
- Governor renews push for beverage taxes
- Palafox Redux? Wildman withdraws over “unresolved situation”
- Hawaii Right to Life: Oppose HCR 71 on HPV vaccination
- Supreme Courts seeks Six Volunteers to Discipline Lawyers
- ...Hillary Nears All Time High
- One Dead In Marine Helicopter Crash Off Kaneohe
- Abercrombie backs GE Tax hike on Shipping, Airlines, Cellphone bills
- New Akaka Bill Ignores Lingle Concerns
- City's deceptive bidding process for rail contract hid $900M in costs
- Legislators want to accept $200 bribes from unions, business, pension funds
- Abercrombie’s New BoE to do Policy Audit, NOT Financial Audit
- SB1284 Designed to force Disabled children back into DoE Schools
- Shapiro: Dope Bills all about Money, not ‘Compassion’
- Painters’ Union leader arrested at rally
- APEC planners: Hawaii will be ready
- Hawaii could be fallback site for firms in Japan
- Hurricane Fund, Rainy Day Fund wiped out Just to get thru June
- While Abercrombie preaches Doom and Gloom, Stalled condo projects on Oahu move forward
- Effort to Amend Kauai Plastic Bag Ban becomes entangled in procedure
- Study: Big Isle least healthy in State
- FERC approves Wailua hydro
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011 |
March 30, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:37 PM :: 10799 Views
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Kona, Hilo, Kahului, Lihue
- Daily KOS Polls Hawaii Senate Race: Mufi 47–Lingle 40
- CoR: Tsunami effect smallish, Weak February tax receipts major factor
- COFA Migrations: Field work complete, GAO Audit report due in September
- VIDEO: House debates Retirement, Gambling, Insurance—and frozen Bread
- HTA addressing “short-term consolidation of flights” by JAL
- State honors sacrifice of 17 with medal
- Hawaii Visitors Up 11.8% in Feb—so how are tax receipts down?
- Pot, Kettle, Black: Abercrombie calls Trump Bankrupt
- Forbes: Honolulu most expensive tourist destination, prices up 20% on strong demand
- Media Portrays Public as supporting Tax Hikes, Lottery
- Cayetano, Slom and Slater plan to sue over rail project
- Akaka Bill Reintroduced to Congress
- Precisely as Predicted: Hawaii's Race To The Top Delayed
- Kauai Dems Name three to Replace Rep Morita
- AARP Rallies against Pension Tax, for more spending
- Last Appointment: Hee v. Louie
- Two Hawaii Labor Trafficking Bills Still Alive
- Gay Marriage: Invented in Hawaii for first time in history of human race
- Medicaid for non-American non-immigrants?
- Japan's tsunami debris headed for West Coast, then Hawaii
- Abercrombie Fundraiser to be sentenced on Dope Charges
- Punatic Dopers Sue County, demand $5M
- Kakaako homeless: where are they now?
- Hi Co Furloughs: Council Pressures Kenoi on bargaining position
- Zoo accreditation in jeopardy
- Tsutsui on Akaka: New definition of Obsequious
- Pawlenty Calls Out Trump’s Birtherism
- Why Liberals Love the Birthers
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Tuesday, March 29, 2011 |
March 29, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:23 AM :: 10280 Views
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Kona, Hilo, Kahului
- Hawaii Legislature to Honor 16 fallen Heroes
- Djou: No plans to seek seat in Senate
- Durbin's Flawed Islamophobia Hearing
- Rep Brower: “Info Brief Your Ego”
- Was Abercrombie Bragging about Secret Labor Settlement?
- Delayed Refunds: Abercrombie could use Budget trick he derided as Phony
- Senate Ways and Means Committee considers 5% GE Tax
- Making The Tax Increase Hidden
- State’s Finances Grim, State Agencies Asked to Cut Spending by 10 Percent, Legislators debate excuses needed for GE Tax hike
- Soda tax getting another look in Hawaii
- Senators seek specifics on Abercrombie's vow to remake government
- But Administration Testifies in favor on more spending
- Kouchi: What state services do you want to keep? (Peddling Tax Hikes)
- DoE Advertiser claims cuts will end Education reform
- JAL drops one Honolulu Flight for three weeks in April
- Gaming advocates are seizing on the Tsunami panic
- Hawaii’s public financing pilot project likely to fall along with Arizona’s campaign law
- Alexander to preach Abercrombie to Catholics
- “More Federal Funds” Ecos now claim “$10s of Millions in Tsunami damage” to NW Hawaiian Isles
- Honolulu City Council Chairman: 'Don't Tell Me I'm a Whore'
- Carlisle’s Roads Nominee is stockholder, employee of Contractor CH2M Hill—But Councilmembers approve anyway
- Berg, Anderson: Counties being ‘robbed’, State ‘skimming’ TAT
- Committee OKs bill to end discount on recycling fees
- Maui residents oppose wind farm access road plans
- Hawaii WWII Vets Mark Anniversary: Group Plans Celebration For Congressional Gold Medal
- Japan nuclear isotope that reached Hawaii identified as iodine-131
- Pearl City river considered a breeding ground for mosquitoes
- SA: Stop shark tour boat violence
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Monday, March 28, 2011 |
March 28, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:45 PM :: 10651 Views
- SB605: Legislators to raise Salary Caps for DoE Bureaucrats?
- Redistricting for A Republican Hawaii
- Abercrombie to Petty, Bogged Down Legislature: Stop bickering and pointing fingers
- Hawaii Wind Developer tied to Largest-ever asset seizure by anti-Mafia police
- SB1363 Bag Tax: Greens, Big Business, Big Government team up to Rip Off Consumers
- CB: Raising GE Tax “looks increasingly plausible”
- ACT 221 Scammers Push for Hawaii Stock Exchange Formation
- OHA Homeless Tent City , Akaka Tribe Bills nearing final approval
- SA: Poker Bill violates Federal Law
- Poker Alliance “dubious” about State regulation of Internet Poker
- Alaska looks at Tourism: “Hawaii’s success story”
- Japan Airlines cuts flights to Hawaii and other destinations
- SA: Palolo Elementary a model for improvement
- Isle food stamp use rises As state gives them to families making over $48K/year
- Keeping Hawaii Inmates' IDs Out of The Trash
- Haleiwa businesses rally around shark tour owner
- Senate Judiciary Committee Sitting on Human Trafficking Bill
- 9th Circuit Panel Upholds decision in suit against Hawaii's State Historic Preservation Division
- 2 Big Island resorts still closed because of tsunami damage
- Bill seeks end to city subsidy for recycling
- Revisionist History: Godless Senators now consider abolishing Columbus Day
- Prominent Chinese blogger charged as crackdown deepens
- Birther Trump: I want Hawaii governor 'investigated'
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Sunday, March 27, 2011 |
March 27, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:57 PM :: 15684 Views
- Djou: Presidential Leadership is Missing in Libya
- No New Taxes! Rally April 15--Kona, Hilo, Kahului
- Case: Poll shows I whip any Democrat in 2012 Senate Primary
- VIDEO: FBI investigating Gulen Charter Schools, parents pulling kids out
- Hawaii to keep prisoners on Mainland: Lack of space forces state to continue to bid out for incarceration
- Robotics: Six Hawaii Teams headed for St Louis Championships
- Still No response from Obama as Hirono, Abercrombie beg for Disaster Declaration
- $2900/month from Ewa developer: Nestor Garcia has ANOTHER side job
- HECO to select Cable Contractor, Hand Ratepayers the Bill
- Abercrombie uses Kahuku Wind Scam to pressure Lanai, Molokai
- Louie’s Record as Chair of Aloha Tower Development Corp should bar confirmation by Senate
- Chang: Poker Casinos don’t go far enough
- Tsunami justifies push for State Pension Reforms
- Hawaii may drain hurricane funds to pay for Abercrombie give aways
- Cayetano, Dan Case back Abercrombie’s Judicial secrecy
- Ed Case to Decide About Hawaii Senate Bid Soon
- Only Four Legislators think Abercrombie’s pet Think Tank is worth $200
- SA: Tsunami justifies push to diversify Tourism Market
- Democrat Operative pushes to revive Single Casino proposal
- Crime in Waikiki: Tourism Industry pushes back against Homelessness Industry
- Hawaii medical (sic) marijuana dispensary bill amended—could open up in Waikiki
- Alaska Airlines Begins Service to Lihue from Oakland and San Jose 1,000 new visitors every week
- Diabetes Program Begins in Vulnerable Marshall Islands
- Gay opposition rises against Israel Apartheid Week
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Saturday, March 26, 2011 |
March 26, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:20 PM :: 12360 Views
- Prince Kuhio: The bridge from Kingdom to State
- Hawaii Internet Poker Bill part of nationwide effort by illegal Gambling Sites
- Hotwire: Hawaii hotel rates jump 25%, growth tops nation
- Side Effects: Children Face Reduced Access to Coverage Under Obamacare
- Waialua HS takes lead in Robotics Regionals
- Another Secret Labor Agreement Exposed: Paid Time Off given 4,900 UPW, HGEA members by Abercrombie Admin
- Inouye Backs Obama’s Libya War
- Progressives want to silence debate over Senatorial race
- Japan Tsunami now becomes excuse to drain Hurricane Fund to pay for Abercrombie Giveaways
- Hawaii seeks to protect its unique health law?
- Stanford Carr: “Maui Real Estate is booming”
- Naval shipyard: “We’re Hiring”
- Hawaii House committee chair doesn't want to hear from Ethics Commission
- Inouye pushes Kalaupapa flight subsidy for Contributor
- Cronies squabble over how to profit from School Closures
- OHA’s End-run Bad For All Hawaii
- Tobacco tops list as Ethics Commission Releases Lobbying Expense Disclosures
- Pearl City residents asked to clean up dengue breeding grounds
- Rep Rivere to speak out against North Shore Arsons
- The Best and Brightest: Rep Jerry Chang Trapped in London, needs $2800
- Maui Internment Camp: “He was treated good”
- Plastic ‘disappears’ from garbage patch
- Laysan Island completely covered by Tsunami, Seven workers survive
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Friday, March 25, 2011 |
March 25, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:24 PM :: 9855 Views
- Conservatives lead Hawaii GOP--but will they pay for it?
- VIDEO: “All Costs for Wind Cable are on the Ratepayer”
- Berg, Tamayo to host Community Meeting on Emergency Preparedness, Waimanalo Gulch
- “More Federal Funds”: Abercrombie pumps Tsunami claims up to $30.6M
- Abercrombie reopens nominations for Commission on Water Resource Management
- Borreca: Democrats wrong if they think U.S. Senate race is a slam dunk
- Council Chair collects $60,000/year “salary” from Pro-Rail Developers’ group
- TRUTH: Hawaii hotels three-fourths full, room rates mostly up
- LIES: Hawaii's New Budget Deficit: $1.3 Billion
- Hawaii Taxation Report outlines plan to pick your pocket
- SB755 Gaming Bill passes Second Read
- Online Gambling: “A Grey, Murky, Quasi-legal Area”
- True catastrophe is failure of state leaders
- Ethics: Legislators Retaliation threats against Kondo alarming
- State Jobs for Life: Hawaii Departments Fired 67 out of 14,000 in 2010
- Myron B Thompson Nepotism: Vice principal's bonus and a $175K gift to a support group
- Hawaii now an option for military dependents evacuating Japan
- St. Francis to resume control of Hawaii Medical
- Pastor of Kawaiahao Church reminds critics that the history of his congregation is that it is native Hawaiian but also Christian
- Man raped in Lahaina Homeless Tent City
- Kahuku Community spilt on Wind Farm as Ribbon Cut
- SA: Sink state-run superferry idea
- Arson suspected as another shark tour boat burns
- Anti-plastic Luddites target food industry
- Shinseki still forced to deny rumors spread by 9-11 trooothers
- Dengue fever hits Pearl City
- Parole Denied in 40-Year-Old Murder Case
- Kalaupapa residents lobby for lower airfares after monopoly hikes price to $500
- Honolulu TV stations claim wins and growth
- Hawaii Parental Rights Amendment to be heard
- Human remains found in Sand Island freezer—no foul play suspected?
- Birthers Hound Kapiolani Hospital
- Hawaii Reporter: World Famous Psychic, Author Sylvia Browne Hospitalized in Hawaii
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Thursday, March 24, 2011 |
March 24, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:33 PM :: 12498 Views
- SB218: House Health Committee may save St Francis Hospitals from Closure
- Surprise: Gaming bill passes House Committees
- House GOP: Democrats Support Gambling Instead of School Supplies for Children
- Attorney General demands $170M from Online Travel Companies
- Kapolei Shopping Center lease to generate $140M for DHHL
- Hawaii Rifle Association annual meeting Sunday
- Hilo, Kapaa top list of Drunkest Cities in America
- Hawaii: The Worst State to Shop Online
- Rep Fontaine supports SB 52 Registration of Sex Offenders
- Slom: Gambling & Tax bills bargaining chips for GE Tax hike
- Bad Bills Still Alive as Legislation Cross Houses
- DoE killing 180 day law with help of Senate Education Committee
- Star-Advertiser: Instant Runoff Needed to Prevent Republicans from Winning Elections
- House Republicans score 5x the CIP of Dissident Democrats
- House Committees Approve Poker Proposal --Surprise Amendment Would Allow Poker Tournaments, On-Line Hosting
- Rep Brower gets Schooled on Gambling Law
- Things that make you go hmmmm.....THE GAMBLING BAIT AND SWITCH
- Council on Revenues will meet Tues to give Abercrombie the numbers he needs to justify Tax hikes
- GE Tax Exemption bill Held, more Prep for overall GE Tax Hike
- Prep-Work for GE Tax Hike: “Disaster's tourism impact isn't just Japan”
- Census: Hawaii 1 of top 5 states in tax growth
- HTA to spend $3 million to stampeded Legislature into Hiking GE Tax after Japanese arrivals drop
- Judge rejects suit challenging rail survey (nice show for LaHood)
- New rail lawsuit takes shape
- Feds tout Honolulu rail project
- SB367: HECO wants to socialize cable cost, privatize any profit
- Electricity utility and state officials will dedicate Oahu’s first large-scale wind farm today
- HB680: Bill would abolish Kakaako makai community panel
- Kauai Council to Hike Property Taxes $144/year
- Election 2012: Kenoi buying Kona Votes with CIP
- Cabanilla Resolution: Eliminating NIMBY
- Looser ethics bill for legislators will make influence-peddling easier
- State Senate Honors Ronald Reagan
- Matsumoto in smack down of Berish on ERS
- Online Travel Companies Owe Hawaii $170 Million In Unpaid Taxes
- Hawaii: 35% of teen Pregnancies end in Abortion
- SA: ‘Obamacare’ not so abominable for Hawaii’s Medicare beneficiaries
- ILWU Pushing Frozen Bread Bill to boost Love’s
- Former GM: Scrap Yard Doesn't Need Subsidy
- Murderer may walk streets thanks to Judge Michael Town
- Ex-officer admits vandalizing SUV
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011 |
March 23, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:53 PM :: 14301 Views
- Legislators, DBEDT support two casinos and Internet Gaming—Amendment violates Federal Law
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation AWOL on Libya
- 9-11 truthers claim Shinseki running for Hawaii Senate seat, Inouye’s office forced to deny
- US Approaching Insolvency, Fix To Be 'Painful': Dallas Federal Reserve Chair Fisher
- Only “modest decline” in Japan travel
- Shapiro: Governor needs to deliver on vow to do more with less
- Abercrombie on Rail: “It’s all photos and photo-ops right now. I’ve seen those before.”
- Honolulu Council plays hardball over Transit Authority
- State Still Wants to Cap Counties' Share of TAT
- Public Workers “comfortable with furloughs” -- May Be Offered 'Mini Furlough'
- Legislators, Big Business push Bag Tax on Hawaii shoppers
- First Hawaiian: $1.8M raised for Japan relief
- Bill legalizing $200 bribes still alive
- HCR107 to investigate secession from United States
- SA: DoE Doesn’t need to test students (SB1282)
- Panel tables bill over electing attorney general
- Mysterious Abercrombie OIP pick Rejects Offer, vanishes
- Hawaii Legislature Backs Off Punishing Tourism Publications
- Developer: Maui Windfarm to be dead in 25 years
- Akaka teams up with 47 Senate Dems to protect Green Energy Scammers
- Resurrected: Gambling Inserted into Shell Bill
- County mum on felon fire captain
- Former Maui officer charged with sex assault, kidnapping
- Despite Furloughs, Overtime Down in Most City Departments (Oops!)
- Other Cities Report Problems with Honolulu Rail Contractor
- County hearing officer recommends Hu Honua permit approval
- Hawaiian Elec. in Solar Power Pact
- Developer gets approval for new mall on DHHL land in Kapolei
- Tsunami, Power Outages Still On Minds Of Many Ewa Residents
- Hawaii’s #6 Tax Delinquent ensnared in Calif. building dispute
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011 |
March 22, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:11 PM :: 8881 Views
- Kucinich, Nader: Obama could be Impeached for Libya War
- Tsunami Roulette: Are Kahului fuel tanks and sewage plant at risk?
- Regime Change is goal of Obama’s Libya War
- Hanabusa still lives at Ko Olina
- Subcontractors, airlines, others would pay the GET
- UHERO: We still think the economy is going to recover
- Borreca Joins Abercrombie’s Doom and Gloom Brigade
- Delta: Japan travel decline a 6 to 9 month one time event
- Hawaii’s February unemployment holds steady at 6.3%
- SA: Reject Abercrombie’s assault on travel media
- Is Wildman a Pay-to-Play Judicial Appointment?
- Hawaii reapportionment commission forms
- SB367: Oahu electric customers would pay for undersea power cable under pending legislation
- Green Energy Scammers Panic over 2016 Sunset (HB1270/HB566)
- Honolulu Contracts for 80 rail cars at $574M
- City Says Rail Contracts Coming in Under Budget; Critics Not Convinced
- House Has Approved Government Purchase Of State-Run Superferry
- Luddites Frantic as First Application For Factory Fish Farm in U.S. Waters Poised for Approval
- BoE Chair Toguchi calls for suspension of 180-day law
- “Worse than Furloughs” DoE, BoE promise chaos if Legislature Cuts Budget $110M
- Legislature pushes plan to close school, convert to prison
- Still Celebrating Islam Day on September 11, Muslims give away shoes in Kalihi, SA helps them raise money
- Hawaii County Cuts Spending, Holds line on taxes
- OHA $329K buys favor from Hawaiian Orgs
- Hokulia Plaintiff: “My Mom, an Eighty Eight Year Old Bar Fly in Kailua-Kona”
- Officer probed for crash Sunday after license was revoked
- Hawaii Doper Church defeated: Idaho Supreme Court rules against claim that marijuana is a religious sacrament
- HMSA applies to raise plan premiums by 4.2%
- NLRB: OK To Spy on Your Boss
- Threat to internet links? “We need to go out and find out what the hell is happening in Hawaii”
- 125th Anniversary of ILWU
- Mufi: 'CNMI could learn from Hawaii strategy'
- Pacific troops get new leader: The crisis in Japan is a top priority as Francis Wiercinski takes charge
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Monday, March 21, 2011 |
March 21, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:09 PM :: 11432 Views
- The plan to Overhaul Straight Hawaii
- Hawaii 2011 Reapportionment Commission includes Jeff Stone's Wife, Hannemann Staffer married to Rail Contractor
- Hanabusa, Hirono vote for Government Shutdown—Oppose Afghan Withdrawal
- HECO: IBEW got raises, we got two-tier Pension Plan
- Rep Fontaine interviews Bishop Silva, Darryl Vincent on Homelessness
- Excuse: Senate Money Chairman: Hawaii House Budget 'No Longer Valid'
- Visitors still arriving from Japan
- Intent: Anything that is rented or shipped will pay GE Tax under House Scheme to extract $729M from Hawaii residents ($521 per person)
- Tax The Peasants: GE Tax to hit Shipping, Phone bill, Airline travel
- SA: Approve city gas tax increase
- SB367: Committees to discuss $1B undersea Cable Scam Today (Give our money to billionaire wind-scammers)
- Number of bills alive in Legislature shrinks
- HPD Officer Salaries: A Tale of Confusion and Contradiction
- Chairman of ERS Board Responds to George Berish Series on Public Pensions
- Businessman offers plastic bag alternative
- Tipping Fees: Should Private Scrap Yard Get $1.9 Million Subsidy from Honolulu?
- Hawaii burns $2.35M on “Open Space”
- AT&T to buy T-Mobile USA for $39 billion
- Four Hawaii Borders bookstores will close
- Hawaii Small Businesses Absorbing Soaring Gas Costs
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Monday, March 21, 2011 |
March, 2011 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 10:34 AM :: 9962 Views
- What Did Rep Brower say about “intolerant” Hawaii?
- Ministry Group Buying out Porn Shops in Wahiawa
- HB548: Trespassing Liability Taskforce to Exclude Publishers
- Tom Berg saves Barbers Point Ewa Stables
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Sunday, March 20, 2011 |
March 20, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:27 PM :: 14144 Views
- SB1282/HB1055: Bills would “repeal norm-referenced testing” in the DoE
- Hawaii’s Bernard von NotHaus Convicted of Minting His Own Currency—could get 15 years
- Borreca: Hirono vs Hanabusa for Senate?
- Schatz in DC to Cash in on Tsunami
- Japanese tourists still coming to isles –strong Yen is factor
- Ratepayers to be stuck with bill for $1B cable project to bring wind electricity to Oahu
- Clayton Hee: Sustainability=State Ownership (PUBLIC)
- Clients burn over kitchen's closing by State (PRIVATE)
- Captain Admits Young Bros causes extensive unreported Coral Reef Damage
- District Cooling in Hawaii—Importing a ready-made Profitable, Politically Connected, Non-Profit
- Enviro scammers: Bag taxes are Fun! (SB1363)
- Union Bosses continue to Loot Unity House Assets
- BOE chief pitches ads on campus--Toguchi proposes selling advertising space at public schools as a way to raise cash
- Kauai Budget climbs as tax assessments fall
- Hawaii Dope Doctors giving Medical Marijuana to Minors
- MELE minds music's business
- Legislature, Landed Aristocracy seek to silence discussion of PASH rights
- Kawaiahao burials dispute a defining moment for Hawaiians
- Protecting the Kona name
- KIUC Voters reelect incumbents
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Saturday, March 19, 2011 |
March 19, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:46 PM :: 8863 Views
- Case: Inouye not in control, won’t be able to designate next Senator
- Abercrombie picks Wildman for Circuit Court, refuses to name nominees
- HB638--New Voting System for Hawaii: Round up as many candidates as possible, gang up on the front runners
- Enviros win 90% in Hawaii Supreme Court
- Defeating Assisted Suicide: Four Victories - One to go
- Full Text: Pacific Commander Admiral Willard Q&A on Search and Rescue in Japan
- Ghouls: Do Japan's woes make hiking GET more palatable?
- Abercrombie thrilled about new Spending
- Abercrombie has to be living in Cave
- Another Step Taken To State-Owned Slaughterhouse
- Ethics: Is Rail worth $36.75 to Legislators?
- CONFIRMED: DoE Bullying Policy Serves Transsexual Agenda for Hawaii Schools
- Scientists Predict Japan's Tsunami Trash To Hit Hawaii Shores in 18 mos
- Abercrombie to join wind energy scammers at Grand Opening
- VIDEO: Hawaii Council chair “deeply concerned” with Kenoi budget
- More Revisionist History hits bookstores Next Week
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Friday, March 18, 2011 |
March 18, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:30 PM :: 20793 Views
- UN authorizes Military action against Gaddafi, airstrikes could begin within hours
- Day One of Obama’s War, Airstrikes Don’t Begin: Gaddafi forces shell west Libya's Misrata, 25 dead
- Hillary dumps Obama over refusal to act in Libya: “Not happy with dealing with a president who can’t decide if today is Tuesday or Wednesday”
- The Future of the Grassroot Institute
- HB1300: Legislature takes its time abolishing a law that it says is ‘devastating’ to business
- House Republicans Introduce Welfare Reform Act of 2011
- Hurricane Shelters: Hawaii Still Counting on a Lucky Miss
- Abercrombie’s dismissal of nuclear fears tied to Mainland Tourism
- Japanese Arrivals drop 86%
- Hawaii Council on Revenues Can't Regroup for Another Month
- Town hall meeting by Hawaii House Republicans to discuss proposal for state's 1st pension tax
- Oshiro Punts budget: “Now it's up to governor and unions”, hints at lower Pension Tax Threshold
- Senate rushes $18M to pay for Abercrombie’s Government Union Giveaway
- Abercrombie thinks Unions are going to give back $88M/year
- HSTA, UPW Collective Bargaining Bills Hit Glitch
- Green Energy Scammers Claim they can provide 25% of Hawaii Electricity (Ratepayer Beware)
- Richard Lim confirmed as DBEDT Boss
- Honolulu City Council Battles Administration for Control of Rail Agency Budget
- Transparent? Mayor Makes $44M Disappear
- Anderson, Berg Speak Out Against Fuel Tax
- Hanabusa appeals to Congress in Hunt for “Sand Lady”
- SA: Close nepotism bill loophole
- CENSORSHIP: Aila threatens SA, KITV over photos of Pearl City graves
- CENSORSHIP HB548: Civil Beat finally figures out that Hawaii is like Cuba
- CENSORSHIP: Stalinist Media Council continues to harass HNN
- Dissidents’ Bills shut out of Legislative Committees, but not as badly as Republicans’
- Foodstamps: 78% of eligible persons use them in Hawaii
- Kauai Mayor delivers 3rd State of the County address, burns up Reserve Fund
- HHSC has new CEO
- Owners of tsunami-damaged property should call 2-1-1
- Newly released tsunami video shows waves sweeping through Kailua-Kona store
- Hawaii County's 32 hurricane shelters can withstand no more than Category 1 hurricane
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Thursday, March 17, 2011 |
March 17, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:59 PM :: 13657 Views
SB218: Will Legislature force St Francis Hospitals to close over forced abortion?
Abercrombie to open new State Information Technology Department with donation from dot.com Billionaire (No conflict of interest there, eh?)
Blabercrombie: “The war of each against all, which has an iron grip on our country, is coming to an end in Hawaii”
Mercado Kim says Hannemann is Godfather as ‘divisive’ Democrat Primary goes from crowded to jam-packed
Is Linda Lingle Competitive? Cast your vote as PPP considers poll on Hawaii Senate Race
Hawaii presents the most decisive defeat for assisted suicide and euthanasia to date
Dismissed in Federal Court, Convicted Felon Keanu Sai fails in effort to seize control of Hawaii
House OKs $21 billion draft budget—GE Tax hike on Horizon
Abercrombie Now 'Flexible' On Raising GET
Abercrombie During the campaign vs. post swear-in
Abercrombie launches Office of Information Management and Technology with Donation from dot.com Billionaire (No conflict of interest to see here, just move along.)
Ethics Commission Opposes Bill; More Free Invites for Lawmakers
Kauai Budget hikes spending 12%—property tax hike still on table
No Budget Approval Needed for Rail at this Time, City Council Told
Abercrombie’s Sales Pitch for Hawaii Tourism: “A drug cartel is not going to murder you here."
Tsunami cripples 2 Big Isle hotels, one may never reopen
Tsunami claims 8 homes on East End Molokai
Hawaii Lawmaker: Nuclear Energy Still 'Viable Option'
Slom gives rundown on Morita
Dopers not pleased with Single Dispensary on Maui
Homeless removed from Kakaako lot—25 finally choose to go into shelters
Taxpayers, Ratepayers forced to subsidize Unwanted Solar Water Heaters
Mandatory Spending Now Exceeds all Federal Revenues
Desperate Luddites: GMOs make you fat
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