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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
February, 2011 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 2:18 PM :: 26905 Views

Not ready for plastic bag ban

Prayer: Tsutsui shows lack of respect, humility

Republicans, TEA Party must speak up against Pension Tax

Ewa Neighborhood Board Members upset over Bryan Mick Appointment

Assisted Suicide? “I was afraid to leave my husband alone again with doctors and nurses”

Opponents of training flights are a disgrace

HB331, SB246 extends leases for Kanoelehua Industrial Area

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
February 15, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:09 PM :: 10459 Views

Assisted suicide: Death as a Salesman

Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How they voted Feb 7-14

VIDEO: House GOP Floor Speeches Feb 11-14

Obama’s 2012 Budget: Taxes, taxes, and more taxes—and more spending too

Abercrombie: Raising GE Tax may not be enough – Everybody’s taxes will go sky high

Billionaires seek handout: Studio Construction Pitch Shows Star Power

Labor’s Fears Confirmed: Abercrombie is Cayetano

Washington Examiner: In Hawaii, a dispiriting glimpse of one-party rule

Gov.'s 60-40 Healthcare Split Moves Forward

First Grader outsmarts BoE on School Closures: “What is more important to you -- the children or Hawaii, education, or making an office for the Democrats?"

Closing schools to create office space for DoE bureaucrats

Civil unions on the brink of approval

SA: All couples deserve equality

Hawaii Lesbians demanding children, marriage

Soda Tax Dies; Alcohol Tax Hike Still Alive

Humane? Alexander, Brower push for Tent City as tweekers, crack-heads arrive from Mainland

Clayton Hee’s wife joins Greenwood Mafia at UH

Arizona private prison oversight bills die

Obama’s SBA pushes back against Inouye’s OHA Profiteers

Senator asks for hearings on Hawaii, Alaska Native American Contracting preferences

Inouye proposes more Pork as Obesity solution

Am Samoa Cancer Patients no longer referred off-island

Obama’s D.O.A. Budget includes $250M for Honolulu Rail

Hawaii State ERS Underfunded by $7 Billion

Second Worst of last 7 years: Hawaii hotel room revenue grows 8.7 percent

Religious Leftists organize Foreclosure Agit-Prop show at Bank of America office

Import-Export UHM style

Lifetime goes nuts with Roseanne Barr: Half-hour reality show to follow comedian on her farm

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Monday, February 14, 2011
February 14, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:36 PM :: 20743 Views

Pensions, Rail, Earmarks: Abercrombie and Obama wage war on Inouye

Gaming Lobbyist describes much deeper involvement in selecting Abercrombie Cabinet

A State-Recognized Indian Tribe for Hawaii?

Wolfson: Push past civil union to gay marriage

Report: Lottery remains a poor bet for education funding

Human Trafficking Bills to be Heard Tuesday

Farmers send two tons of Kona Coffee to troops in Afghanistan, Iraq

Petition drive to stop Mauna Kea Sheep Slaughter

West Maui Taxpayers Association to hold Annual Meeting

Supreme Court to hear Case: Do elected officials with Conflict of Interest have a right to vote?

Radcliffe: Raising GE Tax Will Happen

Kalapa: Leave The Excuses On The Table And Just Call It A Money Grab

Can Hawaii Pensioners help out Bill Clinton’s Billionaire Movie Moguls?

A good deal: A U.S.-Korea free trade pact would promote prosperity and regional stability

SA Raiding Party: Special funds, justify yourselves

Raid on Highway Funds becomes excuse for Weight Tax Hike

Meet the lawyer who will cash in on State-mandated Foreclosure Mediation

Today 3PM: BoE to hold hearing on Lilioukalani, Puuhale and Kalihi closures

Cronies to cash in as DoE becomes Land Developer 

Phony Rail Groundbreaking: “All you need are a few politicians and a shovel"

PBN: Lawmakers should keep gaming out of Hawaii

Perry and Price talk Gambling

Hawaii lawmakers consider back-to-school tax holiday

Maui Considers Waste-to-Energy

KIUC Election: KCC to host Candidate Forum

UH Ignores requirement to buy Local Ag Produce

Luddites Crushed as Anti-GMO bills go down in flames

Hawaii ranks #2 in Homelessness

Former Prison Inmate Wins $83,000 Settlement

Isle prisons become key source of labor

Brown U, Kohala Ctr team up to provide Advanced Brainwashing

Why Are Islanders The Fattest People?

Losers: Clinton, Obama point fingers at each other over Failure in Egypt

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Sunday, February 13, 2011
February 13, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:00 PM :: 12756 Views

Honolulu Neighborhood Board Elections to be Cancelled?

New Study on Bag Taxes: Economically Destructive, Job-killing

Hawaii Renewable Energy Mandates driving Utility Bills sky high?

Fighting Meth With Miles around Oahu

VIDEO: Nerf Gun Means Jail for Seven Year Old

Tricky Aila to Fickle Hawaiians: “I'm not William Aila now, I'm the chair.”

Elementary kids most expelled over fake guns (and this is being used as an argument FOR a toy gun ban)

Raid on Tobacco Settlement Funds: State finalizing partnership with Tobacco Industry?

KGI: Hawai‘i should set shield law in stone

HB385: Card-check legislation back on the agenda

Reapportionment: Democrats talk up shifting House seats to Democrat Areas

DHHL gives lease to man waiting 44 years, Abercrombie fails math test

Fixing the foreclosure 'mess'

Death Lobby Regroups with schemes to impose suicide

More workers freed from domination of Old Boy Companies and their Unions

Bag Tax: Pair of measures would mean fees for disposable bags

Excellent News! NIMBYism obstructs Hawaii’s move to wind power

Kamehameha Schools planning wind farm in Haleiwa

Columnist takes anti-Telescope Shakedown Scammers at their word 

Tom Berg: Honolulu Council Members Should Not Demand Apology from Rush Limbaugh

Judd: I pardoned Massie under Democrats' threat of Martial Law

Hawaii war hero remembered

Years of toil led to freedom for innocent man

Alaska and Hawaii subsidized flights 'may' continue after 2013

Saddle Road project receives prestigious award

Protest against Desmond Tutu set for Honolulu Psychiatrists meeting

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Saturday, February 12, 2011
February 12, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:48 PM :: 13661 Views

How They Voted: Civil Unions passes House 31-19

Rep Ward, Sen Slom invite public to speak out on pension tax, other issues

Censorship: Courts would strike down unconstitutional Hawaii 3rd Party liability law

Beverage tax vote scheduled Monday in Hawaii Senate Health Committee

SB1449 Hearing Saturday: Hawaii Sunset Advisory Commission to assess Government Agencies

Gov’t Employees mock Abercrombie: “Idiot.  What a jerk.  You’re full of shit.”

Abercrombie: “I am the governor. I’m not your pal.” (ringtone available)

Hawaii House passes same-sex civil unions bill

City Moves for Dismissal of anti-Rail lawsuit

Big Isle bag ban moves forward even as food service owners protest bag ban on Kauai

PVT Land Co. sues union attorney for defamation

UHERO: Economic growth not enough to pay for Abercrombie decision to end Furloughs

Legislators want to give away $46.3M to Clinton’s billionaire cronies, ACT 221 scammers

Honolulu water rates to go up 25%

State politics potpourri smells like mean spirit

Special Fund Raid would steal UH Student Activity Fees

Sovereignty Activists sue: Being denied chance to brainwash and recruit prisoners

Kauai: Solar gets the hype, Hydro does the work

Borders bankruptcy imminent, report says

Hawaii residents have second-highest credit card debt


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Friday, February 11, 2011
February 11, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:32 PM :: 11386 Views

SB 232 Civil Unions to be voted in House Friday

38.9%: Hawaii has most deviant Legislative Districts in Nation

Hawaii 2010 Election: Democrats outraised Republicans $13M to $3M

UPDATE: Freedomnomics Author John Lott to Speak in Honolulu

Transparency: Regents Candidate Advisory Council Names Finalists for UH Board of Regents

ACT 221 Scammers rejoice: Bill Clinton tells Hawaii legislators to fork over your tax dollars to his Movie Studios

City Schedules Feb. 22 Groundbreaking for Rail Transit Project

Rail: Is Mica Really good for $1.85B?

Deferred, but not dead: Illegal, Unconstitutional Bill seeks seizure of special funds

Brewbaker: Hawaii budget problems would be solved if State could just stop growing budget

Hawaii offshore gambling approved by committee

Key Akaka Tribe Opponent will not seek reelection in 2012 (Who will save Hawaii from the Akaka Tribe in 2013?)

Inouye requests Indian Affairs Hearing to attack media coverage of Native Hawaiian federal contracting preferences



Panel grills school's board: Myron B. Thompson Academy officials pledge to fix past errors

Physicians Seek Legislative Rx for Torts, Growing Doctor Shortage

Hawaii House approves moratorium on foreclosures

UH Cancer Center: Stimulus funds help trial lawyers win Mesothelioma Cases

Tweet in Hawaii and Be Sued

Text and Be leaked

Hawaii needs nonpartisan budget office to estimate how much new laws would cost us

Alaska Looks into Hawaii’s Future: “Time to grow up”

Rep. Mazie Hirono Appointed to Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment

Lawyer: Nader v Hawaii Case will rewrite First Amendment Election Law

Puna Geothermal Venture to sell Additional 8MW of Dispatchable Geothermal Power without tying to price of oil

Green Energy Cult keeps poor freezing at Mayor Wright

Henry Curtis: Proposed Big Wind Monopoly in Hawaii Should Be Opposed

US Energy Dep’t Proposes Offshore Wind Farms for Hawaii

Hawaii "Invasive" Species List Could Grow to Include Any Inconvenient Animal



AP Scores: Hawaii DoE keep state way below average

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Thursday, February 10, 2011
February 10, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:04 PM :: 10614 Views

SB 232 Civil Unions to be voted in House Friday

House GOP Caucus leads successful effort to Keep Prayer in Daily Sessions

HB12: Ag theft bill before Ag Committee Friday

SB1425: Legislative Committee to discuss banning all Oahu Landfills

Abercrombie appoints Don Horner to BoE, plans to appoint Horner to New BoE

Soda-tax proposal fizzes on arrival: Political Theater to push GE Tax hike

Bingo to be legal on DHHL?


Secrecy: Abercrombie Admin plays hide the sausage with list of Inaugural Bll donors

Retaliation: Will Abercrombie Admin reappoint OIP Director?

Retaliation: Progressives claim another pelt

House, Senate agree on appointed school board

4 schools could win exemption from 180-day state minimum

Clayton Hee kills OHA settlement (Again)

Republicans make difference as State House votes to keep Invocations

House Invocation: New Rule vs Old

On fast track, civil unions could go to governor next week

Atheists continue assault on Mormon construction project

Rosanne Barr helps fund gay agenda in Hawaii

The Socialist State: After 9 years, Hot water should be priority

Food safety concerns prompt amendment: Council considers loosening bag ban

Big Island merchants wary of plastic bag ban

Neo-Luddites plan angles of attack against Geothermal

A short commentary on comments to the mariculture article

Council decides not to ban Segways from Tent Cities…err Parks

Revolving Door: Ex-County Clerk gets ethics waver to become lobbyist


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Wednesday, February 9, 2011
February 9, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:35 PM :: 13064 Views

Transcript: Greta Van Susteren, Tucker Carlson on Hawaii Toy Gun Ban

The transsexual agenda for Hawaii schools

Homeless tent cities: Seattle’s decade-long nightmare coming to Honolulu?

First Morita, now Hooser: Abercrombie appoints another anti-Superferry protester

Sen. Gary Hooser campaign website linked to Holocaust deniers

Rep Pine introduces 18 bills

Fifteen Election-related Bills awaiting consideration

Abercrombie Admin. Blacklist: “It’s a SECURITY ISSUE to invite some media like eTN to a media conference”

Both sides Agree: Civil Unions will lead to Gay Marriage

House Labor Ctte begins considering Pension Reform

Governor names AFL-CIO VP as State’s Chief Labor Negotiator

Cayetano: Cost Overruns for Rail Systems Average 40 Percent

Ex-Director: Charter Schools Need Reform

SA debunks doper lie: Legalizing Marijuana will not empty prisons  

The Wages of Welfare: $17.50 an hour

Homeless Tent City: Hawaii County grovels before Sovereignty Activist/convicted  murderer, could lose $2.5M Federal Grant

Homeless Tent City in Aala Park “intolerable”

Homeless Man Names Every Nation Alphabetically

Global Horizon Founder Disputes Trafficking Charges

Desperate, Deserted and Destitute, Thai Laborers Tell Their Stories About Their Journey to America

Case not made on secrecy of judicial selection process

Public Access at the Legislature: Equal for All?

Surf Nazis: North Shore 'enforcer' found not guilty of assault

Isle leaders don't have even a prayer to calm media riot 

Things that make you go hmmmm...WHERE ARE OUR PRIORITIES? 

Hawaii May Buy Into the Plastic Bag Ban Trend

Comment period for wind farm reopened

More than 3,000 bills introduced at Legislature

Censorship: Legislation holding publishers liable for trespassing accidents passes committee 

Honolulu City Council Establishes Working Committee on Humor Review (satire)

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011
February 8, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:36 PM :: 7652 Views

Could Djou Challenge Akaka?

SB803 Assisted Suicide Killed in Committee

Feb 7, 2011: How Hawaii’s Congressional Delegation Voted

Emergency Landing gives Koko Head Elementary students chance to learn about helicopters

Feb 18 deadline to Neighborhood Board Candidates to file for election

Pensioner:  Governor Abercrombie, please don’t throw us out of the canoe

Gambling on table as HGEA Begins to detail Negotiating Position

More Secrecy? Rumors swirl over Morita’s replacement

Tax Department Report Calls Act 221 Job Creation “Disappointing”

Young Claims Hawaii’s Debt high due to DoE

Transsexual DoE Anti-Bullying Bill Gets Overwhelming Support

180 Days? House Ed Cttee approves bill to legalize DoE illegality, incompetence

DOE recommends closing Liliuokalani Elementary

Star-Advertiser columnist endorses Censorship of Limbaugh as Council passes resolution

Tom Berg votes for Censorship resolution after criticizing it

Rep Pine: Legislators should be able to exercise religious freedom, too

Prayer: Politicians, like alcoholics, need humility

Religious Left being squeezed out by Atheist-dominated Hawaii Democrats

Hawaii Legislature scuttles assisted suicide

Dante Carpenter: Death with dignity deemed priority issue for Hawaii Democrats

Star-Advertiser Editors Endorse Tent City Nightmare for Kakaako

'Dead' English man who stole brother's identity found homeless in Hawaii

House Bill would create domestic violence court

HB1178: Legislators seek to Slash and Burn Car Audio

Toy gun sales would be banned under proposed Hawaii legislation

Water rate increase sought

Hawaii Health Department removes more items from First Commercial Kitchen recall list

When Should Names of Police Officers Be Public?

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Monday, February 7, 2011
February 7, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:34 PM :: 8378 Views

Abercrombie: Some Retirees do not “make positive contributions in our community”

Don’t Mock Hu Jintao: Honolulu Councilmembers demand Rush Limbaugh be censored

Beware of government leaders who want to punish speech

Abercrombie’s DHHL pick pledges to abandon mission, build rental projects instead

SB232: Clayton Hee pushes bill which will lead to Civil Unions Litigation

Matsumoto ERS pension-benefit short $7B because State, County skimmed, union members abused pension formula

It’s a New Day and it sucks

Hawaii Is the Only State to Assess Hotel-Room Tax on Timeshare Owners

Full Text: Rail Litigation

HB1627: A State-recognized Indian Tribe for Hawaii?

Progressives scrounge for ways to get control of Hawaii Public Housing Authority, oust Lingle appointees

Inside Gaming: Another effort to legalize gambling in Hawaii will most likely fade like a Honolulu sunset

Workers comp medical providers deserve better treatment in Hawaii

Hawaii enrolls more kids for health insurance

Bill Watch: School Bullying

Will Honolulu Ban Plastic Bags?

Aila: “There is no problem with Aquarium fish”

New Bill Aims to Keep Puppy Mills Out of Paradise

Hawaii Banning Toy Guns?

Document Forgery factory helps illegals trick Hawaii Farmer

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Sunday, February 6, 2011
February 6, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:15 PM :: 9735 Views

VIDEO: 100th Birthday of Ronald Reagan

Djou: Hawaii bets on Machine Politics for the 21st Century

Harvard Study explains how Inouye’s pork kills business

KTA, Safeway, Walgreens: Excessive Amounts of Lead Found in Reusable Grocery Bags

Sen Schumer Demands Investigation: Reusable Bags Contain Harmful Chemicals and Harbor Bacteria

Hawaii's Governor Manipulates Birthers

Tea Party Revival author Leland Baker to speak at Maui Event

Freedomnomics Author John Lott to Speak in Honolulu

Inouye’s Democrat Borreca: Obama is stupid, opportunistic

Abercrombie: Retirees do not ‘make positive contributions in our community’

Abercrombie pushes for $200M raid on Rail Funds

SA Stepping up in lean times (except for Gov’t unions)

SA Pushes Lottery to feed HGEA

State opens de-facto Homeless Tent City at Kakaako Park

Opposition ‘very troubled’ by ‘big wind’ planned for Lanai  (Corporatist ILWU left flapping in the wind)

State must save, not end, open-ocean fish farming

UPW Legislators demand Big Island School, Nature Preserve be converted to State Prison

School to put it all online: Kapolei Middle kids will be able to learn from home next year (DoE embraces Homeschooling?)

Read Aloud Program is a proud product of Hawaii

Space centers need cash to stay aloft

33 cameras sit idle as Hawaii County government tries to figure out how to plug them in 

Nonprofits given funds should report to public

Cold water plagues Mayor Wright residents

Maui enviros cheer Obama’s Misanthropic Poet Laureate

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Saturday, February 5, 2011
February 5, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:58 AM :: 7147 Views

U.S. Supreme Court Requests a Response from Hawaii in Nader Ballot Access Case

Bachmann visit shows there is hope for the left after all

Inouye introduces Felony Fishing Bill

Hawaii Meth Project Sponsors Student Artwork at the State Capitol

SB 197: Senate Committee to debate Dim Bulbs Feb 8

SB602: Legalized Gambling to be heard Thursday Feb 10

House Hawaiian Affairs Ctte Hearing TODAY On State-Recognized Indian Tribe for Hawaii

Pensioner: Abercrombie makes me vomit

Hawaii unemployment, underemployment averaged 16.9% in 2010

Star-Advertiser co-owner backs Abercrombie's Secrecy

More Lies from Abercrombie Admin: Hawaii Health Department Director Gary Gill must go

The Gay Advantage: McKenna wins Senate Judiciary vote

OIP becomes tool to undo Recreational Renaissance

US Supreme Court asked to consider if Hawaii’s non-judicial foreclosure law is Unconstitutional

Bill would hold publishers liable for accidents while trespassing

Chromium 6 Scam: Expert Witness readies himself to profit from Erin Brockovich Assault on Honolulu

Tree Huggers begin burning trees

Powerful year for solar energy in Hawaii

Senate Committee Votes to Decriminalize Marijuana

Obama's Visit Cost HPD $228,000 In OT

Vehicle registration fees racing upward

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Friday, February 4, 2011
February 4, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:29 AM :: 15924 Views

SB803 Assisted Suicide to be heard Monday

Abercrombie names anti-Superferry protester Morita to head PUC

CAGW warns Inouye against “Phonemarking or other underhanded techniques”

HB1058: Buying Office Equipment with Capital Improvement Bonds

VIDEO: Fontaine “HB166 is an anti-business bill”

Borreca: Don't count on riding Honolulu rail any time soon

McKenna Confirmation Hearing At 10 a.m.

OIP: Governor must reveal candidate list

Department of Human Services will end contracts with 41 organizations to relieve a $116 million deficit (While HGEA furloughs set to be eliminated)

Broke Hippie: Abercrombie Running Low on Cash, Seeks Extra $1M

Legislators obsessed with getting more Marijuana into hands of voters

Green Energy Scammers thrilled at Morita PUC appointment

Weight Tax Increase? Souki admits road maintenance funds have been regularly raided

Aloha Stadium honcho says fixing the venue entirely now is the best option while waiting for a new stadium to be built (Undoing Lingle #1)

Kuhio Park Terrace Public Housing Refurbishment Plans Questioned at Legislature (Undoing Lingle #2)

300 paying customers: Gumapac copies Keanu Sai’s Mortgage Scam

UH Manoa Asian Studies Chair backs Burma’s Military Junta

SA: Give superintendent needed tool

Charter Schools Chief Forced To Resign

SB871: Homeschool Extracurricular Activities

Zone adjustment would help small schools stay open

Recyclers' Big Subsidy Could Be Cut

Acupuncturists to fight bill they say would lower standards

Domestic abuse survivors urge lawmakers to close loophole in TRO law

House committee tables Silver Alert bill

Brainwashed Ecomatons harass Kona Fish farm

Clean energy blocked: Sierra Club Vetoes Hydro Plant on Kauai

Land Use Commission Blasts City Landfill Manager

Credit union board reduces its perks after members' criticism

Honolulu FBI targets stimulus fraud with new hotline

Global Warmists tell Samoans to stop eating

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Thursday, February 3, 2011
February 3, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:44 PM :: 18046 Views

Two Civil Unions Bills to be heard Tuesday

US Senate repeals part of Obamacare: Inouye, Akaka left out in cold among 17 bitter-enders

Roll Call: Akaka offers no indication he will run in 2012

Aquarium Diver: State has found no decline in fish stocks

SB715: Repeal Ethanol Mandate to be heard Thursday

Abercrombie Accepting "Long Term" Applications for BOE Vacancy

Abercrombie’s Kupuna Tax would soak State Retirees $3894/year

Sabotaging RTTT:  HSTA, HGEA fight Bill giving superintendent power to revamp failing schools


Judiciary Committee Hearing On Appointment Of Judge Sabrina McKenna FRIDAY

Okomoto Confirmation hearing: Violence, threats, and restraining orders

Young: Budget will only be Two months late—$50M to $250M in new spending

SA to Legislature: Decide on gambling without letting people vote

Judicial Secrecy: Abercrombie, Hifo defend Lawyers’ right to deceive clients

The Weaning:  Some Inouye Cronies learned to survive without Earmarks

HB1244: Will Churches Have right to refuse to perform Gay Civil Unions? 

Atheists Panic: Hawaii Senate Invocation Ban Goes Too Far

Haters should be removed from MLK Day March

SB651: Homeowners lobby lawmakers for help fighting foreclosure

City personal services contracts return to the public record

Hotel Workers vs Enviros: Green program that made housekeeping people lose benefits and hours of work

Former President of Filipino Chamber of Commerce indicted in ‘Easy Mortgage’ Fraud

A Danger Demanding Sunshine — The Consequences of Hawaii's Public Pension Shortfall

Smug Civil Beat makes fool of itself covering Bachmann speech

WASHINGTON REPORT: Congressional Mood Will Bring Austerity to Territories

Kamehameha Schools’ Endowment rises to $7.82 Billion

Scant Details Available About Hawaiian University


Hawaii Targeting Growing Use of “Bath Salt” Stimulant

NYSE asks Maui Land & Pineapple about 'unusual' trading activity

Atomic Monkey pushes Wind Farm Scam

American Samoa government told to sell cable shares to overcome deficit

Obama the Hobo of Punahou

WikiLeaks: US vs China in battle of the anti-satellite space weapons

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011
February 2, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:54 PM :: 6971 Views

Inouye will not accept Earmark requests for Next Two Years

HB1464 to be Heard Wednesday -- Ethics rules for Homeowners Associations

UPDATE: HB1468 Flagpole Bill will NOT be heard Wednesday

ProPublica evaluates Honolulu Medical Examiner

No Hawaii Beverage Tax: “Leave our grocery budget alone”

Hawaii: Islam Day is OK but Celebrating Christianity is Verboten

Another Victory on the Road to Repeal

Senate set to vote on Obamacare Repeal

Bachmann giving speech in Hawaii

$321M in pork gone: Isle programs could lose out after U.S. Sen. Inouye bans earmarks following a pledge by Obama

Hawaii GOP lawmakers propose that each bill should state financial impact

FULL TEXT: Anti-Rail lawsuit (RE: Burials)

Lawsuit Seeking Procurement Changes Could Affect Honolulu Rail Contracts

SA: Clarification Needed, Give pension tax a hearing

Hawaii general fund tax collections slip 2.8%

Judge Bambi Weil/Eden Hifo: Keep Juridical Nominees Secret

Talks Start About Proposed Wind Farm: Residents Have Until March 1 To Voice Concerns

Hawaii Co Council forwards plastic bag ban

Kauai starts to choke on Bag Ban: Council to hear amendments

New rules for redistricting Hawaii county advances

SB411: After creating COI to Dump Driskill, HHSC Board to be restructured again

Labor Leaders Support Abercrombie Appointment: Dwight Takamine Seen As Pro-Labor Labor Director

Mass Psychosis hits Legislature: 1000s testify on cat-trapping bill

Civil Beat suddenly interested in lobbying violations by Hawaii Hotel and Lodging Association

HB638 “Instant Runoff Voting” deferred until Feb 15

Dope, Collective Bargaining on the Legislative Agenda 

KIUC agrees to purchase power for 20 years: State’s largest solar project ready in Kapa‘a

State Surveillance Drones ‘Under Review’

Obama appoints Steve Case to head up Department of Potemkin Jobs

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011
February 1, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:34 PM :: 6985 Views

Hawaii County Plastic Bag Ban? “Stop micro-managing our lives”

Full Text: Obamacare ruled unconstitutional -- Again

Wanna-be Dearborn Mosque bomber was mentally ill Wikileaks supporter

Jan 31, 2011: How Hawaii Congressional Delegation Voted

HB1468 Flagpole Bill will be heard Wednesday

Pension Report puts Hawaii in a Bad Moody

HB48: Mandatory Voter Registration bill deferred

Secrecy, Conflicts of Interest permeate Oregon Assisted Suicide system

Cook Political Report: Lingle vs Akaka is a Toss Up

Akaka is not fundraising

Senate Bill 953: Medicaid Cuts Up For Discussion At State Capitol

Cayetano turns on Carlisle, leads anti-rail Charge

Lawsuit filed against Honolulu Rail Project; Groups Say City Should Reconsider

Hawaii's 'Big Wind' Power Project Stirs Up Fans, Foes

Business, health officials react to proposed soda tax

Civil unions are not good enough

Hawaii: Celebrating Christianity is Verboten

Muslim with guns, taken in for psych evaluation, to get $240K from Honolulu

State Senate Unanimously Approves Appointed BOE

Crooks form new Hui to milk DoE

Gaming Lobbyist Radcliffe describes deep involvement in Abercrombie Cabinet Selection

Gaming Lobbyist: Abercrombie will sign Gambling bill

Gambling bill's delay could signal tough row

Time-Share Developers Oppose New Taxes

Senate Transportation Cttee passes Vehicle Weight Tax Increases

Media ‘Shield Law” up for renewal

Arakawa adds a third ex-Council member to staff

Fading NIMBYs continue to harass Kailua Target

Army says environmental assessment exaggerated flight plans

Northern California Minority Supplier Development Council seeks Hawaii businesses

Lawmakers aim to ban aquarium fish collecting

Hawaii Supreme Court Nominee Target of Facebook Fraud

Hawaii Heats Up Again Over Proposed Foie Gras Ban

After all the hype…a single Leaf falls on Hawaii

Abercrombie’s Incompetent DoH falsely blames EPA for Waimanalo Gulch spill

Abercrombie’s incompetent DoH issues Revised, revised list of recalled foods from health department

Director of 9-11 Conspiracy Movie “Loose Change” Busted Selling Heroin


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Monday, January 31, 2011
January 31, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:46 AM :: 10223 Views

Four assisted suicide bills introduced to Hawaii Legislature

SB711: Luddites attack Hawaii GE aquaculture

Transparency in judicial selection procedures increasingly common on the mainland

Cayetano group renewing attack on Rail?

Doing the job DoE won’t: Kamehameha now spending $102M on educational outreach programs

SA: DoE Failing?  Its Bush’s Fault

Myron B Thompson Nepotism leads to Probation

DoE not seeking ways to cool classrooms

Gay Atheist Victory Lap around Hawaii?—No, just getting warmed up

On cue from Atheists, Osorio revises Hawaii’s Christian History

State seeks input on wind energy plan

Funds elude Kakaako: “Not much revenue generation”

Hawaiian Electric Powers Up First Utility-Scale Biofuel Generator

Laundered money from drugs that go through Hawaii helps keep Burma's junta in power

First chartered flight arrives with high-spending China visitors

Mass Psychosis hits Big Island: 200 call Humane Society to complain about stuffed pig

Obama will go down in history as the president who lost Egypt

Supreme Court reversals deliver a dressing-down to the inferior judges of the liberal 9th Circuit

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Sunday, January 30, 2011
January 30, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:15 PM :: 9676 Views

Rep Michele Bachmann to speak on Oahu, Maui

Borreca: Abercrombie has gone back to the dark days

Pension-tax plan pilloried: Elders are reportedly "adamant" about opposing the proposal

SA: Cayetano-era legislators cut pension contributions to give State employees  a pay hike

Next Stop: Rail transit authority: A powerful new 10-member panel to oversee and operate rail will be determined by July

Self Dealing Board members under fire at financial institution that serves county and state workers

DoE ignores BoE, raises lunch  prices

Drawing the line: Ford proposes law to make redistricting more fair opportune

Army responding to public concerns agitators whining about training on Big Island

Goat eradication postponed after Abercrombie’s Out of Control DoFAW becomes argumentative

Kenoi's State of the County address praised, even if light on budget details

New Moody's Rules Make Hawaii The Worst State In The Nation

Timeshare taxes: Hawaii tourism “on the brink of chaos”

New attendance boundaries may keep small schools open

Bills seek to destroy Hawaii aquarium industry

Under new direction: New Honolulu Academy of Arts Director Stephan Jost knows how to guide museums toward success

SB13: Hawaii Bill Would Make Humanely Trapping Cats a Crime

Food Security, Sustainable Energy, Native Hawaiian Culture: top priorities of the 2011 Environmental Legislative Network

Bungled Food Recall Hurting Local Businesses: One Company Losing 'Thousands' Since Being Placed On Recall List by incompetent DoH

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Saturday, January 29, 2011
January 29, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:22 PM :: 10658 Views

Abercrombie Administration admits lying about Palafox withdrawal

How They Voted: Civil Unions passes Senate 19-6

GOP: Moody’s puts $7,987 price tag on Hawaii Democrats’ failure

SB 713 & 712: Luddites attack Hawaii agriculture

Bills would spend $4B on roads, bridges

Hawaii Meth Project names Teen Advisory Council

Senate passes civil unions bill

Sen Koichi: Many issues not dealt with in civil unions bill

House Judiciary may hear Civil Unions week of Feb 7th

Hee: McKenna approved using her example as an argument for Civil Unions (Just another unbiased Judge, eh?)

Kokubun hiring more HGEA members

Businesses fear debate will turn to G.E.T. hike

One of top ten Ear-markers, Hirono demands more debt to feed cronies


Neil Abercrombie – God’s Gift to Birthers

“Unseemly Friend” of Abercrombie vets appointments

SA: Tighten murder definition


US Senate Ends Practice of Secret Holds to Block Bills

State Plans to Use Surveillance Drones

Marines want to be off grid by 2015


Senator Slom and Representative Ward Discuss the Opening of the House Session 2011

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Friday, January 28, 2011
January 28, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:40 PM :: 13872 Views

The Real State of the State: An Uncensored Look at the Fiscal Challenges Facing Hawaii

Carnegie Institution Study: Genocide reduces global warming

House GOP Caucus introducing transparency bills

Hawaii Senate takes up civil unions

Hawaii's debt burden highest in the nation

Pro Bowl At Risk: Abercrombie, medical waste, Aloha Stadium work

Pension Tax “could be biggest anti-incumbent bill of the year”

No Pain for HGEA: Hawaii's Kauai mayor ends county worker furloughs

Budget fight will keep lobbyists splashing out mega bucks

The tourism agency's new goals speak to lower expectations and slower recovery

Retirement, Pension key issues as 800 Hawaiian Electric Employees Prepare For Strike

Sen. Baker files bill to remake PUC because it is not supportive enough of Young Bros monopoly

State again considers ban on plastic bags

Feedback sought on Big Wind project

Women’s Caucus Targets Sex Crimes, Healthcare, Domestic Abuse

Akaka gets no respect

Abercrombie is all foot-in-mouth on Obama birth

OIP opinion appears to require disclosure of nominee names after selection is made

Medicare Cuts strangle Local Home Health Provider

It begins: Abercrombie unleashing 82 felons on Hawaii

Our Glorious State prisons: State Pays $149,500 Over Injured Inmate

Mainland dopers thrilled at Hawaii’s possibilities

Hawaii Governor Appoints Out Lesbian To State's Supreme Court

Big Island Lesbian gets 10 years for molesting girls

Whiner whines about being called on it

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Thursday, January 27, 2011
January 27, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:53 PM :: 8370 Views

Inouye becomes Useless: Democrat leader says “Senate is out of the business of Earmarks”

Moody’s: Hawaii among states with largest debt—bond rating at risk

Palafox subject of Fraud Investigation? Abercrombie’s DoH pick withdraws

Life? Hawaii ranks 48th, lacks basic protection for women, unborn children, and terminally ill

House GOP Caucus: 10 Questions following State of the State

SB819 would study Mileage Fee for Hawaii Motorists

Full Text: Recktenwald’s State of the Judiciary Speech

Congress debates State Bankruptcy plans

Alaska Native Firms Shift Stimulus Work to Outsiders

SA: Open Judicial Selection process to public view

Murray, Dems boot Akaka from Veterans Affairs committee

Money Woes Not a Priority For Health Fund Trustees

Hawaii's Retirement System — A Danger Demanding Sunshine

Governor Wants Overtime Excluded From Pension Base

Abercrombie Proposes Doubling Vehicle Weight Tax

Beverage Daily: Hawaiian governor Abercrombie proposes soda tax

ACT 221 vs Earned Income Tax Credits

Hawaii attracted 7 million visitors, $11.4 billion in spending in 2010

Ige: Hard time justifying Abercrombie’s Aloha Stadium plan

Bishop Silva: “Marc Alexander is still a priest”

Politicos make sure they are photographed sneaking prayer in Godless Senate

Atheists cheer Senators’ prayer huddle

Sen Slom says he voted against Senate Prayer ban

VIDEO: Hawaii Right to Life demonstrates in Hilo

Recall botched by lazy bureaucrats: Small Businesses angry

Cabanilla proposes Birther Tax: Hawaii lawmakers want release of Obama birth information

Bill would disregard intent in second-degree murders

George Perry Jr., Athletic Trainer, Alleged Hawaii Mob Figure, Dead at 77

The Challenge(s) of Geothermal: Does a new report promise too much, too soon?

US judge affirms $353-M fine on Imelda, Bongbong Marcos

U.S. EPA applauds Maui and Kauai for decision to ban plastic shopping bags

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011
January 26, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:37 PM :: 11225 Views

SB 232: Civil Unions passes Senate Judiciary Committee

Public Safety vs. Saving a Buck: SB47 allows early release of Felons

Epic Fail: After giving away $1.3B in Tax Credits, Hawaii ranks 36th in High Tech

Ceded Lands Decision Author Justice Samuel Alito to speak at Hawaii Supreme Court Wednesday

Governor Abercrombie Names Judge McKenna to State Supreme Court

Financial State of the State: Actual taxpayer burden is $18.2 Billion

BoE Member Lei Ahu Isa suddenly resigns

Full Text and Video: Obama’s State of the Union Speech

Full Text and Video: Rep Paul Ryan (R-WI) response to State of the Union

Shapiro: Abercrombie judicial secrecy disregards lessons of Broken Trust

Abercrombie’s Happy face disappears when asked about secrecy

Army Times: Akaka Staffers “depressed” by loss of VA Chairmanship

Washington Post: Hawaii DoE puts the lie to Obama’s RTTT claims

Science Scores: Failed Hawaii DoE beats only Mississippi

Sierra Club’s David Frankel defends attack on DHHL

WSJ: Hawaii Timeshare Owners- The Governor Doesn't Think You Are Paying Enough in Fees!

SA endorses Abercrombie’s $500M Aloha Stadium pipe dream 

Abercrombie wants to pay less without furloughs


Hawaii House Republicans’ top 10 questions

Abercrombie’s Gay Supreme Court Nominee Hopes To Inspire Youth

Gay Sex Tourism seen as boon to Hawaii

Meet your new Rulers: Triumphal Mainland Homosexuals celebrate conquest of Hawaii

An uneasy peace on civil unions?

Hawaii Governor plans to juggle tourism dollars

Perfesser: State can release lots of criminals

Kaneshiro Wants Stiffer Prostitution Penalties

Abercrombie’s DoH wrongly recalls 100 local food products based on website claims

State health department says testing shows water safe

"Gasification" plant eventually could supply electricity to 12,000 homes on Oahu, divert waste from PVT

EPA sets deadlines for landfill upgrades

Treehugger: Hawaii Proposes Legislation to Bring Devastating Fish Farms Under Control

DC enviros sue to demand harsher action against Hawaii fishermen

Panel wants more answers from Thompson

Friend of Abercrombie goes Birther, apologizes

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011
January 25, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:09 PM :: 13245 Views

Full Text: Abercrombie’s State of the State Speech 2011

National School Choice Week is Underway

Obamacare: How Hawaii’s Congressional delegation voted

Intimidated by ACLU, Hawaii Senate prohibits itself free exercise of Religion

State of the Union? Denial

Abercrombie Lied: "We Will Not Be Raising Any Taxes" VIDEO

State of the State:  Democrat Borreca still can’t say “capsize”

Star-Advertiser lines up behind Boss of Corporatist State

Abercrombie: Steal $100M from granny to feed State

Gov: Create Soda Tax, Raise Alcohol Taxes

HGEA, HTA denounce Abercrombie plan

Granny Taxes: Abercrombie steps into radioactive buzzsaw

Civil Unions Hearing: Clayton Hee wants to wear Kevlar Vest

Senators Vote On School Board Appointment Bill

CB:  Abercrombie Backs Off Campaign Energy Plan

Alito in Hawaii, Other Supremes skipping “juvenile spectacle” State of the Union

US spy for China Noshir Gowadia jailed for 32 years

SB 624: Bill to Hide public employee Salaries

State greenlights Kawaiaha’o: Christian burials can be unearthed, pre-Christian burials cannot

Interview: William Harrison of the Hawaii Innocence Project

Sunshine Market vendors frustrated with plastic bag ban

Yagong: Time to cut costs

Iran: Abercrombie has been thwarted

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Monday, January 24, 2011
January 24, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:25 PM :: 7873 Views

Truth in Accounting: Hawaii hiding an additional $11.9B in debt

Transparency? Abercrombie administration brings secrecy back to Capitol

On second try, Abercrombie makes birtherism mainstream

Abercrombie delivering first State of the State

Akaka Bill Fails, Lobbyists Collect $3.2M from OHA

Shapiro finally notices that MRC Greenwood is a money grubber

Hawaii Deserves Better Than Industrial Wind Power from 'Big Wind'

Green Energy: Appearances can be Deceiving, rate hikes become easier

Mikulina unwittingly describes How Hawaiian Electric will go bankrupt

Chamber of Commerce: Hawaii will lose $10B/year if military cannot train

Hawaii governor makes Obama birth controversy worse

Brazil Times: Abercrombie stars in Fractured Fairytales

Maui Man Faces Sentencing in China Military Secrets Case

DNA test frees rape suspect

Audit finds lack of accountability in city grants

Trash accumulates with landfill closed

Green Police State: The Second Foot Falls on the Aquarium Trade in Maui County

Investigators looking into the cause of another shark tour boat fire

AtomicMonkey is back

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Sunday, January 23, 2011
January 23, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:22 PM :: 11976 Views

SB232: Senate Judiciary Committee to hear Civil Unions Tuesday

SB120 would Repeal Dozens of Special Funds

Lingle recognized with National Boating Access Award

1000 at Capitol: Anti-abortion rally appeals to younger set

SB8 to be heard Monday: Direct appointment of BoE

Borreca: Abercrombie speeches “an exhibition of illusions”

Espero: We need more dope

Maui News: Global Warming Cranks at Science Magazine spread fake Nobel’s starvation story

Malarial Mosquitoes released on Oahu

Hawaii Co Fire Captain not fired after pleading no-contest to felony hit and run killing

Your Act 221 Tax Dollars at work: Hawaii 43rd in patents

SA: Selecting BOE members should be governor's kuleana

HSTA Demands School Librarians where there are no school libraries

Obamacare Bribery: Hawaii Seniors Get 'Donut Hole' Checks

OHA Inventor Frenchy Desoto Dies

Kauai: Confusion persists over new plastic bag ban

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Saturday, January 22, 2011
January 22, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:38 PM :: 4676 Views

March for Life planned for Honolulu, Hilo

SB232: Senate Judiciary Committee to hear Civil Unions Tuesday

Speaker Say announces Democrat Leaders, Committee Chairs

Legislative Timetable Published

Lingle receives National Boating Access Award

Secret Court Nominees: Abercrombie refuses to reveal High court hopefuls list

Unions lose 12,000 in isles

Civil Union Bills to be Heard Tuesday

Gay Civil Unions lobbyists outraged by Abercrombie’s Priest Pick

New state homeless coordinator shares his vision

Casino Gambling Web: Casino And Lottery Gambling On The Agenda Of Hawaii Lawmakers

Committee extends deadline for Maui Circuit Court applications

Pohakuloa Upgrade in sight

Abercrombie Admin files brief backing Socialist takeover of health care

Progressives upset that Star-Advertiser opposes their attack on DHHL

State House clerk bars live broadcast of House session in which speaker is to be elected

Maui Mayor in serious talks with Hollywood media company

Winter White House owner warned against criminal Obama vacation rental

Grubbing the “Green” from energy

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Friday, January 21, 2011
January 21, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:58 PM :: 9681 Views

Analysis: Hanabusa’s glorious DC MetroRail would leave Rida Cabanilla stuck in traffic

DoE now complaining about Lack of Audits—wants more money

Bankruptcy?  Path Is Sought for States to Escape Pension Burdens

Rep Mica Commits to Rail Project

Godless Hawaii Senate, bows to ACLU, Mitch Kahle, ends daily chamber prayers

Catholic second in command quits Priesthood to serve Abercrombie administration

Legalized Gambling Under Consideration

SA: Ruling on DHHL misses mark

New OHA chairwoman’s top priority is ceded-lands resolution

Oshiro: We can get anything past Abercrombie--We will defend the whole building

Three more years for UH President Greenwood

Geothermal Renewable Energy Talks on the Big Island

CB/FACE: Heroic Communists maintained a muscular progressive vision, pulling all of Hawaii's body politic in their direction

Developer dumping $47M of Hawaii real estate: “We should have done this a while ago”

Your Tax Dollars at work: Tennessee Banker moving to Hawaii to cash in on Hi Tech

David Henkin: The lawyer for Earthjustice won a long campaign to stop the Army's live-fire training in Makua Valley

Malaria returns to Hawaii?

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Thursday, January 20, 2011
January 20, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:54 PM :: 9636 Views

Governor Babblecrombie does it again: Open mouth, insert birther

Full Text: House Minority Leader Opening Day Address

No Fiscal Notes: Hawaii Legislators shopping without price tags

Hanabusa admits failure to get Appropriations Committee seat

Governor Seeking Applicants to Board of Education

National Alliance for Public Charter Schools: Hawaii Law still needs Significant Improvement

Abercrombie appoints Georgette Jordan HD 45 Representative

Hawaii Senate delays plan to ban chamber prayer

Our Magnificent DoE: Teacher arrested for “unlawful imprisonment” after allegedly tying child to toilet

Former DOE secretary arrested for forgery, theft

Prisoners jump the line

Redistricting was part of Settlement with Calvin Say

House Dissidents Humbled: Gay atheist Civil Beat mentions assassination, Civil War

Hawaii Health Systems Corp. Says No Emergency Funding Needed

Lingle Workers Fired From Hawaiian Home Lands Department

Telemarketing Fraudster among top Carlisle Donors

Inouye Wants an Office at City Hall to shepherd Rail

Hanabusa appointed to armed services and natural resources committees

Loophole Limits Disclosure of Lawmakers' Income

Hawaii scores #5 in Gay/Atheist tolerance

Big Isle Councilman Recovers From Heart Attack

Residents to Army: NO -- Testifiers oppose Pohakuloa training plans

Breakdown causes propane shortage

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011
January 19, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:35 PM :: 15606 Views

Full Text: Sen. Sam Slom Opening Day Address

House Republican caucus announces Legislative Package

House Republican Caucus announces Committee Assignments

Fiscal Notes and Economic Impact Statements for Hawaii Legislation?

Prisons May Release Up To 1,000 Offenders

House Leadership Fight Could Spill Into Opening Day

Leadership void persists

Feds Clear Way For Transit Construction

Politico: Hanabusa suddenly doesn’t want to bend rules to dictate policy

Debate might hold up switch to appointed BOE

DANGER: Legislature in Session

Former city supervisor gets jail time for stealing nearly $20K in taxpayer money to inflate pension

Publisher: Nobody wants to share Civil Beat

FCC OKs local airing of satellite radio

MMMC poised to be among state’s largest heart programs

Disney Looking To Hire 1,200 For Aulani Resort In Koolina

Hawaii Democrats say world will end if Obamacare repealed

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011
January 18, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:11 PM :: 9357 Views

Calif. Mayor’s Open Letter to Honolulu Council: Instant Runoff Voting is undemocratic

Abercrombie:  I am Legislature’s messenger boy, boat is about to capsize, I will not write budget


Common Cause backs Instant Runoff Voting scam

ACLU “Civil Rights” agenda: More dope, let criminals out, let criminals vote, and tell the Christians to shut up

One Day to go: Say has No agreement with Dissidents

Tsutsui plans big parties for opening day, Souki predicts extended session

Say and Oshiro aim to cut pension benefits, double tax businesses

Hooser: Legislators will simply ignore the rules in pursuit of passing their particular priority initiative

SA: HSTA must stop sabotaging RTTT

More on Scheme to shut down DHHL

Lanai resists plans for 200 wind turbines, each taller than the First Hawaiian Bank Building

Developers may face 15-year time limit due to Land Use Ordinance amendment

Food Nazis use Foie gras ban to open up attack on cattle ranching 

Lobbying Workshops: Find your voice, and use it

Group touts geothermal energy for Hawaii

Free Flow to explore hydroelectric projects in Hawaii

State bar to share evaluations

Ordered by Jeff Stone: Committee will consider alternatives to Waimanalo Gulch Landfill

After 32 years in Hawaii, hippie returns to Flint, MI

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Monday, January 17, 2011
January 17, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:33 PM :: 6480 Views

Martin Luther King Jr held these truths. Do you?

Djou: House leadership fight a travesty


GOP to push for Fiscal Notes

SA: Model Hawaii anti-nepotism statute on Federal law

Note to Hawaii: Gambling has failed Nevada

William Aila: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Tom Berg hires Eric Ryan

Hirono, Abortion lobby, claim 77% of Hawaii women are pro-abortion

Homosexual guard raped Hawaii inmate in Arizona

Two criminals per month released in retaliation for furloughs

Liberty monopoly offers dialysis clinic space to Kaiser to block competition

Asia Experiences Huge Birth-Rate Decline

Koreans mark more than 100 years of US migration

Cashing in on the “Green” from energy


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Monday, January 17, 2011
January, 2011 Letters To The Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 1:25 AM :: 15685 Views

Warning to Mokapu: Age and Sex discrimination at Gulen Charter School

Sovereignty Activist rejects SPLC claim of tie to Tucson shootings 

Teacher: Welfare payments should be tied to children’s school performance 

DoE Teacher:  Waianae, Hilo, Hana Students are Degenerates

Shindler, Sugihara, Bingham

Sen Malama Solomon: Comment about plastic bag ban

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Sunday, January 16, 2011
January 16, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:59 PM :: 18152 Views

March for Life planned for Honolulu, Hilo

Prayer: Will Hawaii Senators surrender to ACLU?

Abercrombie, Legislators scheme to divert capital improvement money to General Fund

Honolulu Grand Jury charges two more in human trafficking case

Tucson Shooting: Progressive activist who blamed Palin flips out, held for psychiatric evaluation

Comprehensive List of Tax Hikes in Obamacare

Atheist praises Nestor Garcia for replacing pastors and rabbis with secular Demi-Gods

NCTQ: Only the Legislature can stop HSTA from sabotaging RTTT

Civil unions and budget top Hawaii Democrats' list

Vituperative Abercrombie suddenly quiet on state’s budget mess

Borreca: Inouye got three fireplaces, he will get us our pork

Geothermal: Act 221 scammers and Sovereignty Perfessers team up to line OHA’s pockets

Sierra Club, OHA’s NHLC team up to stop DHHL from building houses for Hawaiians

Serving the Corporatist State: “Radical” Aila overules Oahu Burial Council

Video: Canonization for Hawaii’s Mother Marianne Cope

Free VA Workshop for Nonprofits to Benefit from Two Federal Grant Programs Aimed at Ending Veteran Homelessness

Attorney General's office works through budget problems

Mortgage fraud boosts isle foreclosures

Paper bags proliferate as tree huggers become tree choppers

Piles Of Medical Waste Continue To Wash Onshore

Honolulu Pacifists, Maoists team to recruit kids to : “F*** the USA”

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Saturday, January 15, 2011
January 15, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:19 PM :: 9711 Views

Honolulu Grand Jury charges two more in human trafficking case

Goodwin Liu to rule over Hawaii? Obama’s Most Radical Judicial Nominee re-nominated for 2011

Tax hikes? Gambling? Defeated bills from 2010 session may reappear in 2011

Reince Priebus elected Republican National Committee Chair

State's RNC members sided with new GOP chairman


Hannemann says he won’t challenge Akaka in 2012

Arakawa sticks to open-door office pledge

State labor contracts making it hard for county to balance budget

Gambling Opponents, Supporters Lining Up for Start of Hawaii Legislature

Mercado Kim suggests Abercrombie Administration filled with inexperienced incompetents

Tokuda pushes for direct Gubernatorial appointments to BoE

Say rejects power grab by Dissident HGEA operatives

Legislature: Safer to be feared than Loved

City of Honolulu: Tax Charities to feed HGEA

Atheist County: Councilmembers “Impressed” by Atheists research on taxing charities

Atheist State: Some Senators question Atheist Control over Invocations

Kim still looking for a DoT scandal

Honolulu Star-Advertiser’s Anti-First Amendment and Second Amendment Agenda Exposed in Opeds on Arizona Shooting

Hawaii Not Flagging Mentally Ill in Gun Background Check System

Catastrophic decline in carbon dioxide

Hawaii foreclosures hit new high in ’10—2% of all homes

Foreign investors must report ag land holdings

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Friday, January 14, 2011
January 14, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:11 PM :: 14802 Views

650% return on Inouye: $1.9M in contributions, $1.25B in earmarks

Instant Runoff? Low-income voters struggle with ranked-choice voting

Flashback: Obama defends Christian Invocation at Inaugural

Michael Steele drops out of race for Republican Party chairman, endorses Cino


$1.7B Short?  City and state clam up on rail

Local Reporters “genuflected and basked in the aura” of Dan Inouye

Inouye warns House Democrats to resolve dispute

INOUYE FLASHBACK Dec 2006: Heads on Stakes, Blood on the floor

Republicans give Say leverage against Dissidents

HGEA operatives Claim no more workers can be cut

Mainland Gays excited by Hawaii civil unions

Pray to Prey?  Invocation offered for success of Akaka Bill

Cayetano Officials Re-Unite Under Abercrombie

Talent goes where it is appreciated:  Koller chosen to head South Carolina Social Services 

Incarceration not Education: Abercrombie Admin may close Kulani Challenge Academy and reconvert to prison

School keeps principal's kin as personnel

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss: Aila continues Theilen’s DLNR Rules changes

Micro-Minority: Only 3.5% of workers are dopers—1% on meth

Sale of American Savings Bank not a slam dunk

Squabbling Tax Credit Beneficiaries continue war

Some not surprised that shark tour boat burned: Arson aboard a vessel was bound to happen, says a member of a surfing organization

Another Maui Ponzi Scheme? True Wealth Group Mortgage Scammers continue to implode

5,226 Acres of Big Isle Koa Forest May Be Sold in Bankruptcy

Drug Dealers with Gun roam KS Campus

Micronesia could be the 51st state

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Thursday, January 13, 2011
January 13, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:18 PM :: 13738 Views

Anti-gay religious cult tied to torture seeks Charter conversion of Mokapu Elementary

“More Federal Funds?” S&P, Moody's AGAIN Warn On U.S. Credit Rating

End run around law: Rail to raid $300M from City General Fund

SA: DoE is cutting Excellence to preserve mediocrity

The Chaos Begins: Sierra Club wins right to attack Hawaiian Homelands leasing, finances in Court

Say, Luke: Negotiations about negotiations….

Michael Medved: Hawaii Senate 'Insane' to Ban Invocation

Shapiro: Church-State concerns target Christianity, rather than religion in general

Kamehameha Parents fear retaliation more than lunatic with guns

Prison Probe Of Suicide Finds Guards Falsified Records, Neglected Bed Checks

SA: Big Island prosecutor to retire after 19 years

UH Seeks Extra $170M as Stimulus, furlough end approach

Kokubun puts Barrel Tax back on the Agenda

Kenoi: 'We now have a county government we cannot afford' (So he asks for $35M more)

Judicial Selection Commission meets to consider Supreme Court Nominees

Walter Ritte opposes wind on Molokai

A 25-Year Legal Odyssey for Dictator's Victims

State names interim energy administrator

Oahu loads up with guns: Gun deaths are among the lowest in the U.S., but ownership is growing

Rat Lungworm Disease Anyone? Enviro Cult renews raw foods hype

Army ends live-fire training at Makua

Lack of REAL ID could shut Hawaii residents out of air travel starting May 11

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011
January 12, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:09 PM :: 11513 Views

Governor Abercrombie Appoints Kahele to Senate Seat

Abercrombie announces four more appointments

Judge: Federal Court ruling “leaves Honolulu police officers no safe course” to detain mentally ill persons with guns

Hawaii Concealed Carry: More Guns, Less Crime

'Great Garbage Patch' Not So Great After All

Spring Cleaning at Hawaii’s oldest Home

Speaker Say, take GOP's offer

Groups fear damage to land by Lanai, Molokai wind farms

Hawaii Renewable Energy goals: Wild, crackpot

Atheist State: Hawaii Senators recommend halt to opening-day invocations, House may follow

Grade Inflation: Hawaii schools given C-plus

Kamehameha Schools explains extra security on campus

Borreca, Shapiro join Chorus of liberals attacking First and Second Amendments

New Law Prohibits Ethnic Studies Courses from Inflaming Racial Hatred and Anti-Americanism

Hope and Redemption

Tree hugger becomes tree chopper: Gabbard may propose plastic bag tax

Kauai County website spreads Pacific Garbage Patch scam

Meet the Hawaii House of Representatives 2011 Republican Caucus

CB: Hawaii's Human Services Department Says It's Nearing 'Stimulus Cliff'

Several dead, but Hawaii Lawsuit For Severely Disabled Rejected

Roberts Hawaii reaches $330K settlement with tour bus drivers

Hawaii Supreme Court denies lawyer's reinstatement bid

Seed capital: a third of Hawaii farm revenue

AINA LEA, LLC Gets Approval to Build One of The Largest Solar Farms in the State of Hawaii

Hilo Target to open July 24

WSJ: North Korea's Imminent Threat

Green energy: Burning dollars to generate electricity

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011
January 11, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:13 PM :: 8871 Views

Gates: North Korea will soon have missiles capable of hitting Hawaii with A-bomb

Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted January 5-10, 2011

SPLC ties Tucson shooter to leader of Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement, 2008 Iolani Palace takeover

Shapiro: Hawaii Democrats Blatantly target Christianity for obliteration

Idiot progressives think Army Nuked Kawaihae Harbor

HGEA, UPW benefit: Airport Officials Race To Hire 200 Workers

Same-Sex Civil Unions Supporters 'Optimistic'

Another day, another Advertiser Puff piece:  Finance director nominee Kalbert Young is praised for his brilliance

Anti-Superferry protesters upset over GOP support for Say

Aiona nails Saiki for partisanship

FULL TEXT: Jan 5 DoE Budget Briefing to Ways and Means Committee

Hawaii is top spender on State hospitals

Lopez is not ready to lead DCCA

Kauai canceling furlough Friday this week, perhaps rest of the year

Five Hawaii County prosecutors may quit when Kimura goes

Billion Dollar Default: Grand Wailea investors give up ownership

Buy American rule means military contract windfall for Hawaii Solar contractors

Cashing in on “green” energy

Perry and Price, KSSK keep isle radio leads

Honolulu Officials At Odds With Winter White House Owner's Take on Law

Study boosts defense of aquarium fish industry

Kill the First Amendment: Star-Advertiser: Beware dangerous public rhetoric

Kill the Second Amendment: Democrat Borreca blames Palin, conservatives for shooting

Liberals using Tucson shooting to boost gun control in Hawaii

Chun Oakland: Mental illness is real issue

How America's elite hijacked a massacre to take revenge on Sarah Palin

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Monday, January 10, 2011
January 10, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:15 PM :: 14692 Views

Tucson Shooting: After blaming Palin, TEA Party, Hawaii media liberals seek to end discussion


But 9th Circuit rules that Honolulu Muslim with guns, detained for 5150 mental health exam, had rights violated because someone mentioned terrorism

SA: Not clear DOE will obey 180-day law

Kalapa: Abercrombie may eliminate all vacant positions

Democrats nominate three to replace Kokubun

Does Abercrombie’s DCCA pick have a conflict of interest?

Lee transfers command of Hawaii National Guard, state Civil Defense

Maui News: Starting Tuesday, customers should bring bags to markets

Census: Idle Youth swarm Maui, Kauai, Kona, Volcano, North Shore

There goes the neighborhood: Rosanne Barr describes her “Nut farm’ on Hamakua Coast

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Sunday, January 9, 2011
January 9, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:00 PM :: 12884 Views

Djou “Shocked and saddened by shooting of Rep Gifford”

SA Admits: Abercrombie was lying about either transparency, federal funds, furloughs, new departments, no GE Tax hike, or no TAT raid

SA peddles expensive new DoE contractor to Legislature

Hawaii has Union political power, but not workers’ rights

Ethics panel seeks 2 new members

Democrat Borreca, Eric Ryan team up to attack GOP (again)

Priorities: Foie Gras back on Legislative Agenda for 2011

TIMBER! Kauai Businesses gear up for bag ban, switch to paper

Kauai Council forms committee to stop it from breaking its own rules

Another attack on affordable housing: Enviros demand ban on gas water heaters, require $6000 solar water heaters

Maui Anti-Superferry Protesters attack Affordable Housing Development

“Any Interested Person” could make Maui Planning Department revoke permits

People blamed for lack of Hawaii agriculture

Mauna Loa Observatory admits Volcano affects CO2 readings

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Saturday, January 8, 2011
January 8, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:48 PM :: 13368 Views

Stalemate Broken: House Republican Caucus backs Calvin Say for Speaker

Rep. Marumoto Bill to mandate DNA collection from arrested suspects

After brother pleads guilty in Ponzi scheme, Hawaii County prosecutor announces plans to resign, move to Maui

More Atheist garbage: Activist Questions Church Waivers

UH Profs dropped $100/each to embarrass their profession by electing The Abercrombie

Ed Board Appointees Could Take Seats By Summer

Senator pulls out of DHHL lawsuit

Lanai wind farm term agreement negotiated

Reported bid for Hawaiian Electric raises questions of conflicts, ethics

Hawaiian Electric Takeover Spurs Angry E-mails (Green energy descends into farce)

HNN: Hawaiian Electric “we have nothing to date”

Sabato on 2012: Dan Akaka “Safe for Now”

New Adjutant General Takes Command of Hawaii National Guard

Feds Investigate Alleged $1 Million Embezzlement by a Hawaii Bank of America Employee

Fire Guts Controversial Shark Tour Boat

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Friday, January 7, 2011
January 7, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:29 PM :: 15995 Views

Hiram Bingham IV, the secret rescuer

Criminals in DoE, HSTA continue to openly violate 180 day law 

Abercrombie short $529M in 2012, tells legislature to fix it 


Democrats secretly vote to end Senate Invocations


Palafox: Doctors, Hospitals not cost effective

Maui, Kauai Counties Expect Budget Surpluses

2012 Warmup: Kenoi strikes back, Contractors buddies denounce Yagong

Hawaii, the Islands of Missed Opportunity

DoE attacks affordable housing: Developers to be assessed impact fees for new schools

School transport contractors collude to jack up prices

New economy: Robin Danner in Guam to score piece of Military Buildup

Old Economy: HBO chief's Big Isle project bankrupt

New Economy: After constructing “Green” energy economy, Hui tries to buy HELCO

New Economy: “Green” energy: Burning money to generate electricity

Republicans not kicked out of Senate Studio

Congresswomen Hirono and Sanchez meet with Hawaii's Hispanic community

Gov. Abercrombie, you’re gonna have your hands full

Public Housing Tenants Vent Frustrations Over Washing Machines

Obama Hawaiian Vacation Tops $120K/Day

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Thursday, January 6, 2011
January 6, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:09 PM :: 16067 Views

WaPo: Futile, Discouraging, Depressing -- Hanabusa joins the lowest of the low

Djou: Our hard-fought battle allowed the GOP to gain 3-5 additional seats on the mainland

Hanabusa: One Day on the Job, One Broken Promise

Full Text: Speaker John Boehner takes gavel

Convicted felon, newsrack thief, Larry Mehau associate among eight vying for Senate Appointment


Conspirators meet in secret attempt to divvy up House Committees

Carlisle: “I don’t plan to cooperate with Abercrombie”

Will Obama Silence Blundering Abercrombie?

Hanabusa fails to get Appropriations committee seat

Kimura surrenders after admitting that he bilked up to $20M from various investors

Criminal DoE refuses to obey 180 day law

Price of Failure: Hawaii Public Schools Ask for $1.8 billion, Plus $29 million 'Wish List'

New Mexico judge gets Hawaii post

SA, Landed Aristocracy have High hopes for ag designation

Environmental Group Complains About Rail Transit Hearing

Civil Beat: Are haoles victimized

Obama's Winter White House an Illegal Rental

Reps hold meeting on chemophobia Scam

Atheist to get money from State, end public prayers?

SLARS Investigation by Hawaii Lawmakers a Flop

Yagong 'welcomes' ethics hearing (pushback from Kenoi 2012 campaign)

Transparency comes to change orders: Council to review costly contract additions

Councilman Fred Blas advances funding for Puna park

Family sues over lost safe deposit box

Retracted Autism Study An ‘Elaborate Fraud,’ British Journal Finds

Large fire continues to burn at Hawaiian Waste Systems

“Green” energy scammers continue to salivate over Hawaii

WSJ: Q&A With Steve Case About Ron Klain, LivingSocial & Venture Capital

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011
January 5, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:01 PM :: 11871 Views

$126M Giveaway: Abercrombie quietly boosts spending on Public Employees’ Insurance

Birthers “Born Again” thanks to Abercrombie

Instant Runoff Voting debunked

Pinching the Power of Dan's Purse

Rail Money: “There’s just no chance at all”

Shapiro: Djou departs political life, slamming door behind him

Don't raise fees for status quo

Budget Director Doesn't Have All the Answers for Lawmakers

Pension, Health-Care Costs Contribute to State Budget Gap

Hawaii government boosts its share of health costs

Abercrombie demanding emergency funding for Governor, Lt Gov office

Hawaii tax revenue down 5.5 percent in fiscal year

State's Billion-Dollar Investment Still Frozen

Landed Aristocracy cash in on Hawaii Tax credits

Principal's absence disturbs parents

Better Government with Rep Fontaine

Mass Psychosis on Big island after boy touches turtle

Dialysis monopoly accused of Predatory Pricing

Soak the Homeowner to feed contractors?  Hawaii County council debates impact fees

“Green” Energy: X-treme power 4th Hawaii Wind project

Hanabusa Prepares To Take Office: Hawaii Democrat Faces GOP Majority

HNN VIDEO: Interview: Mufi Hannemann on media exposure and tourism

American Samoa school official pleads guilty to bribery charges

Birthers: The more Abercrombie talks, the more unbelievable his story gets

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011
January 4, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:04 PM :: 6034 Views

Robert Iwamoto trust sued over Maui Ponzi scheme

Calif. EIS shows plastic bag ban harms environment

VIDEO: Steele Faces Rivals in RNC Chair Debate

Abercrombie gift to Unions: State to pay 60% of Medical Insurance costs


Grabbing for $100M, Lawmakers target Building contractors for double taxation

Tsutsui, Abercrombie: No TAT Raid

Honolulu Mayor Pushes More User Fees To Balance Budget

Case family operative called back from gig as VP Biden’s Chief of Staff

After Republican elected to Council, Democrats conspire “to prevent such an election in the future”

Maui Council organizes Committees

Maui Dialysis Monopoly challenged

Hawaii Tops Nation In Bankruptcy Increase: Bankruptcy filings hit 5-year high

Lenny Klompus goes to work for House Minority Caucus

Calvin Say faction negotiates for one last vote

Hawaii Budget Hearings: Council on Revenues

CB: What Brain Drain?

Former bank supervisor sentenced to four months in $183,000 embezzlement

Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz names senior adviser, director of Fair Share Initiative

Molokai Ranch owners seek ruling on land use

“Green” Energy hustlers rake in bucks

Alaska Dispatch: The rise of Native Hawaiian companies

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Monday, January 3, 2011
January 3, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:07 PM :: 10782 Views

WaPo: Abercrombie “taking the pole position of political surrealism”

December 7 battlefield to become Regional Park

Birther War Year Two: Hey Neil, Don't feed the trolls

Faking it again: Change in law blocks Abercrombie from delaying tax refunds


Mayor Arakawa Take 2

New Oahu Council Members Take Office

Michael Steele counting on Hawaii

Hawaii GOP sets special state committee meeting

DBEDT: Cashing in on ‘Green’ energy

Kalapa: Act 221 advocates to blame for your tax increases

Horrible tragedy: Sierra  Club hacked, year-end donations blocked

SA: Audit sows seeds for change

Progressives demand “consequences”: Department of Taxation took “unprecedented” action to hinder critical audit

No ‘consequences’ here: Repeat burglar released from jail into drug rehab

Tam's spending unverified

Mizuno’s Playoff push Panders

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Sunday, January 2, 2011
January 2, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:46 AM :: 6935 Views

Former attorney general faults Akaka for failure of namesake bill

SA: Hawaii to lose $800M in 2012, Time to Buckle Down

Rail, schools and APEC challenge isles

Garden Isle still giving Abercrombie credit for Lingle’s decision ending instructional day furloughs

37 HPD officers disciplined in 2010

Hawaii prison system attempts to block auditor’s access to information

Weak economy has led to fewer people willing to take in children

Tough Pet Care Law Taking Effect: Neglectful Owners Face Criminal Penalties

Maui's plastic bag ban to go into effect January 11

Across Hawaii, Romney is also thinking of 2012

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Saturday, January 1, 2011
January 1, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:28 PM :: 9007 Views

Abercrombie’s Birther War named in top ten Flubs of the Year

AFP: 2011 brings tougher challenge, greater rewards

Hawaii Land trusts merge to finance grab for thousands more acres

Djou leaves Congress with House Republicans lined up for Akaka Bill, Rail funding

Condo owners target as Calvin Say proposes $100M in new Taxes

Guard to welcome soldiers home from Afghanistan

HECO chastised for mismanaging its energy program's move to a private firm

Final day of fireworks sale as snobs’ law brings darkness to Oahu

Maui Tax Group has new Chair

2010 Year in Review

A raft of apt quotations offered to isle politicians



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Friday, December 31, 2010
December 31, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:21 PM :: 7605 Views

Hartford Courant: Who’s Abercrombie kidding?

HuffPo: Abercrombie on a fool’s errand

Rep Djou announces US Service Academy Nominations

FreedomWorks: 2010 Year in Review

Newest KSBE Trustee: Lawyer for Al Hee’s Sandwich Isles scam

Star-Advertiser’s #1 Man for 2010: Blake Oshiro, of course

9-11 Trooother TV Crew Covering President Claims Mistreatment

KITV: Under-Funded State Pension Issue Looming

Carlisle: City in Better Financial Shape Than Expected

Neglect leads to junky parks, state reports says

Marketing Hawaii tourism done in secret executive sessions

Child molesters thrilled as Hawaii Legislature begins hiring

PBN Looks forward to 2011

Housing authority shuts down Waimanalo residents’ greywater system, calls it “pollution”

Some low-income families living with no electricity, HECO proposes assistance

Lawsuit: Hawaii’s Wonderful In-State Prison System holding prisoners beyond their sentences

New Yorker Brady thinks Buffalonian Abercrombie brings new day to Hawaii

Hawaii Homeless man arrested, extradited to Arizona

New Contractor takes over BI Head Start

Yamada & Sons has lease on land key to Hilo garbage plan

UK Daily Mail: Obama given a  20-MAN motorcade to visit childhood friend in Hawaii (no wonder his Christmas holiday is costing the country $1.5m)

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Thursday, December 30, 2010
December 30, 2010 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:41 PM :: 7637 Views

Republican Tom Berg wins Council Special Election

GOP: Berg's years of service to community recognized

2011 Legislative Agenda: ERS benefits to be slashed, “all eligible members to retire”

Theme of Prison Audit lifted from Kat Brady commentary

Audit fuels “clinically psychotic” HGEA effort to strangle tax collection

Hawaii’s Leftist Governor Seeks Birther Revival

Abercrombie’s Birther Crusade: Day Five

HuffPo: Abercrombie on a fool’s errand

Hawaii Legislature doesn’t know difference between entrepreneurs and Crony Moguls

Council on Revenues forecasts $44M more revenue

Reaction to Tom Berg Victory


The Micromanagement begins: Takamine asked to intervene in bakery dispute

‘Green” Energy: Residential electric bills going up next month

State auditor: "Quick and dirty" management of inmates on the mainland

Panel advocates foreclosure protections

State tax forecast up: The Council on Revenues predicts 3 percent growth this fiscal year

Council on Revenues to Change Reports Because of 'Media Confusion'

State Sen. Kokubun resigns for administration post

Solomon Withdrawing From Lawsuit

No action by Kenoi on 'greatest environmental risk'

Hoffmann takes on affordable housing

SA editors back Young Bros monopoly, demand “clarity”

Roth:  A strong sense of justice, and his good humor, made Judge King special

1971 House Leadership fight decided by Republicans

3 medicated marijuana patients caught with 643 plants, 7 lbs

Woman who stole $13K in schools funds avoids jail time

Chromium: Where’s The Balanced Reporting?

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