Saturday, December 31, 2011 |
December 31, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:24 PM :: 16065 Views
- Mufi Hannemann and Ernie Martin Operative: Patty Teruya Forced out by Ethics Investigation
- Hoku Can’t Pay Its Electric bill in Idaho, Freezing Temps May Destroy $390M plant
- Update: Hawaii's Civil Union Law Greeted With Lawsuit, But No Injunction
- DLNR Seeks Nominees for Forestry Committees
- Abercrombie Releases $63.7M in CIP Funds
- Full Text: PUC Annual Report
- Abercrombie Running on Lingle’s Record
- 2011: Dope, Taxes, and a Senate Without a Prayer
- Visitor Spending Up 15 Percent This Year Through November
- Gabbard Calls for Repeal of DOMA after being Targeted by Gays
- Rod Tam begins jail sentence
- Agent accused in fatal shooting can travel
- 3rd Monk Seal Death not ‘suspicious’
- Food truck crackdown spurs move to alter law
- Protesters now occupy city sidewalk
- Navy Captain Called Workers ‘Slackers” so Tripler faces $20 million racial discrimination lawsuit
- Federal judge throws out Guam firing range lawsuit
- Bringing Mainland Tribal Troubles to Hawaii
- In first year, ignition interlock law called a success
- 50,000 year old Moss found Growing In Hawaii
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Friday, December 30, 2011 |
December 30, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:40 PM :: 11496 Views
- Obama Admin, Heritage Foundation Look Toward Consumer Incentives in Medicaid Reform
- Hawaii has Nation's Highest Mortgage Balances, Payments
- FTA: No Commitment on Federal Funds, Rail Demolition May Begin
- State Senate to Censor Senators’ Online Comments
- EPIC FAIL: None of DoE High Schools, only One Middle School Meets Requirements of 180-day law
- Oral Arguments in Hawaii State Reapportionment Challenge Set for January 4
- More Financial Troubles: Wahiawa General Had Been Prepared To Cut Jobs, Hours To Stay Afloat
- HART Chair Carrie Okinaga's New Gig: First Hawaiian Lawyer
- Hawaiian Electric blending news and advertising
- Energy Efficiency? Hawaii Spends $117 per Capita and Reduces Electricity Usage only 1%
- State-Run Superferry Bill Coming Back
- A five-course meal at Honolulu's priciest restaurant after golf with his hooker-loving buddy
- Hawaii churches fight civil unions law
- Occupy protesters pushed out of Thomas Square
- Occupy Hawaii Island Movement Plans Protest Near Pelosi's Posh Hawaiian Hotel
- City Completes Survey of Thomas Park, Occupy is Camping in Park Illegally
- Should property tax exemptions for Hawaiian Homes lessees be ended?
- PBN Looks Towards 2012:
- Will Obama Pay if Iraq Spirals?
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Thursday, December 29, 2011 |
December 29, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:33 PM :: 15966 Views
- Assisted suicide still a no-go in Aloha State
- Berg Wins Backing for New Waianae Access Road Study
- Full Text: US DoJ Memo Suddenly Legalizes In-State Online Gaming
- Hawaii's Civil Union Law Greeted With Lawsuit
- Lingle Ranked #2 in Construction Job Growth, Abercrombie Ranks #38
- Under Lingle State Saved $20M in Electricity Costs, Abercrombie Claims Credit
- Pali Momi, Wahiawa General: ‘Standing Room Only’
- Republican National Committee Ted Liu vs Willes Lee
- Organic Cultists Shocked: Aloun Farms Growing GMO Corn
- Wanna-Be Hawaii Electric Vehicle Manufacturer Goes Bankrupt In Korea
- Wasted In Hawaii Site Satires Obama Vacation
- Hawaii Kai Realtor Fired for Challenging Gay Lords
- Gays Demand Catholics Hand over Children
- Put state on spending diet rather than impose soda tax
- Rep Fontaine Leading Charge for Kihei High School Project
- Hawaii loses 3,200 retail jobs in five years
- Hawaii sheds 1,000 government jobs since 2006
- DOE Substitutes Must Have College Degrees In 2012
- SA: Plague of Frogs unless Fees hikes, positions created
- Maui: 30 Eco-Faddists Protest Because Aquarium Fish Dies
- Another Monk Seal Found Dead on Molokai
- Hawaii teamsters endorse Mufi Hannemann for congress
- Hawaii ranked tops for energy investment savings
- Island seniors encouraged to weigh in on long-term care report
- Obama nominates new chief of US Pacific Command
- Amid Arlington Grave Issues, VA Says Punchbowl Review 'Not Necessary'
- Hawaii Supreme Court to Convene in Kapolei to Hear Arguments Involving Marital Property Dispute
- Stephens Media owner in deal to buy 16 papers from NY Times
- MF Global chief missing $1.2B is financial adviser to EPA
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Wednesday, December 28, 2011 |
December 28, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:14 PM :: 16823 Views
- Jihadi Wanna-be Names Names in New York and Hawaii
- Organ Transplant, Bio-Fuel Tax Credits, Fee Increases may be Fast-Tracked by Legislature
- Public Hearing on Leeward Oahu School Impact Fees
- Island Democrats prepare to challenge “open primary” election law
- Bankrupt Hospitals Now Say 500 Workers Laid Off
- Excessive OT for Ambulance Workers Highlights Strain on Pension System
- Hanabusa One Year Serving Campaign Donors
- Website slams Obama's Hawaiian vacation
- WSJ: HSTA Contract is Major Stumbling Block
- Omidyar Site: If Bridge Aina Lea is Appealed, Higher Court Could Create New Precedent
- Star-Adv Says Let the Criminals Run Free
- Tax Credit Scammers: Solar is Married to tax Credits, Wind is Object of Derision
- Fireworks: Snobs Take Fun out of New Years
- Large part of Waikiki will be razed for Queen’s development
- Hawaii Supreme Court Rules ‘Known or Obvious Danger’ Defense Not Viable
- Hawaii Primary Late But Not Latest
- Iannucci reflects on era of change at KPD
- Another Homeless Camp Murder
- Civil Unions Rev “Anticipating Kinks”
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Tuesday, December 27, 2011 |
December 27, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:52 PM :: 15773 Views
- VIDEO: Charles Djou Christmas in Afghanistan
- Every Honolulu Emergency Room Closed to Ambulances Thanks to HMC Debacle
- State Releases 128 High Risk Repeat Offenders without Supervision
- SA: Why is Abercrombie Rewarding School Bus Contractors with $25M While FBI Investigates Bid Rigging?
- HGEA DoTAX Workers Cost HGEA $56.7M
- Kailua MD: 'Medical industry' ran afoul when it adopted manufacturing ideas
- Act 221 Scammers: When Big Wind Dies, all will be lost
- UH Scrambles to Block Evaluation of UH Education School
- Is Athletic Program under UH Control or UH-Manoa Control?
- Federal agency gives $10.7M to isle homelessness efforts
- 28 Families Awarded Homestead Leases on Maui
- Energy Efficient Lighting Causes Cancer, Kills Birds, Turtles
- Can Pro-Business Charity Pay For Rail Lawsuit?
- Hawaii couples planning first civil unions for New Year’s Day 2012
- Hawaii New Year's fireworks ban plays a different tune
- Solyndra: Politics infused Obama energy programs
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Monday, December 26, 2011 |
December 26, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:58 PM :: 15515 Views
- Big Wind, Big Cable: To Stampede Legislature, HECO Trumpets High Rates
- Land Swap: City Hedges its Rail Bet
- DoE, HSTA Begin Finger Pointing over Loss of Race to the Top Funds
- Obama Admin: Hawaii DoE in Danger of Losing Funding
- Advertiser suddenly Likes School Sports
- Inouye Orders Obama to Come up With Micronesia Action Plan
- Coast Guard enforcing Oahu security zone
- Nuns describe what life was like for Mother Marianne Cope
- CATO Institute: Ron Paul is Abhorrent
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Sunday, December 25, 2011 |
December 25, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:21 PM :: 17063 Views
- How Christmas Came to Hawaii
- In Hoc Anno Domini: So the light came into the world
- View Back Provides Valuable Insights
- HB 608: Legislators Could Have Saved HMC Organ Transplant Center Last Year—Bill Was Killed at Last Minute
- After Lowering Tax Revenue Estimates, Rail Now Claims to Exceed
- Honolulu Rail Costs $7,600 Per Person
- Con artists could take advantage of New Mortgage Refinancing Program
- Aloha Stadium Security Somehow Misses ATM Theft in Broad Daylight
- Pelosi Slips Quietly into Big Island Resort
- Hawaii Had Internet First, Blew It
- Chinese Government Propaganda Reporter to Edit Kauai Garden Isle
- Global Warmers Cry Because They Can No Longer Blame Everything on Global Warming
- After Obama Withdraws Troops, Iraq PM Warns of ‘Rivers of Blood’
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Saturday, December 24, 2011 |
December 24, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:57 PM :: 15082 Views
- How Christmas Came to Hawaii
- Europe Non-Stop to Hawaii: Airlines cleared to use Santa's short-cut
- Fed Once-Secret Central Pacific Bank Loan Data Released to Public
- Malulani Foundation Continues Push for New Hospital in Kihei
- DLNR, Ritte Accuse Molokai Residents of Killing Monk Seals
- Chief Justice Recktenwald Appoints DesJardins as District Court Judge on Maui
- Hirono, Hanabusa Vote Against One Year Extension of Payroll Tax Cut
- ‘Green’ Energy: HECO Launches Propaganda Blasts Designed to Stampede Legislature
- X-Mas Present: Abercrombie Administration Approves Another Insurance Rate Hike
- Kam Schools Spent $106M on DoE Programs
- Hilo: School Janitor Allegedly Phone in Threats
- Snakes, Coqui Deployed in Effort to Rustle Up More HGEA, UPW Positions
- Sierra Club, Greenies, team up to Extract More Money from Ratepayers, Consumers
- Hilo Mortician Gets Fate Waihee Evades
- 9th Circuit Overrules Seabright, Kiddie Porn Seized by TSA is Admissible
- Judicial panel's chief led way to rule change
- Hawaii joins other states in supporting cigarette labels
- Inouye Endorses Congressional Candidate Takano in CA-47
- President Obama starts delayed Hawaii vacation
- Obama Blames Hawaii For His Laziness
- Revolving Door: Kauai Garden Isle Editor Takes Utility Job
- HNN Video: 25th Infantry Soldiers talk one-on-one
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Friday, December 23, 2011 |
December 23, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:17 PM :: 17494 Views
- AG Louie: Assisted Suicide Not Legal in Hawaii
- Pacific Command studying negative attitudes toward Hawaii's public schools
- Abercrombie's "Surplus" Comes out of Your Pocket
- National Journal: Hawaii Democrats Running Scared Through Primary Minefield
- In Defense of the Plastic Bag
- A Primer on Bridge Aina Lea Case
- City Has Two Multiple-Convicted Felons Working Crime Scenes
- U.S. Education Secretary: Hawaii Lacks 'Sense of Urgency'
- Victory Achieved, so End in Sight for HSTA's Complaint Against Hawaii?
- Hawaii unlikely to absorb all HMC employees
- Medved Show – 12/21/2011 -H2 – Lesbian couple’s lawsuit claims discrimination by Hawaii BnB
- Honolulu Council Chair Ernie Martin to Push Plastic Bag Ban
- Gary Hooser Demands We Keep the Homeless Homeless
- Clean Energy Scammers Rejoice: To Stampede Legislature and Justify High Electric Rates, HECO Begins Running TV Propaganda
- 23.6/kwh Hawaii Solar Developer Laughs All the Way to the Bank
- Omidyar Front Group Seeks to Unite TEA Party, Occupy behind Push for Higher Fuel, Electricity Prices
- Federal Judge Throws Out Discrimination Complaint Against Six Hawaii Farms
- Legislators Again Consider State-Run Superferry
- Navy gets OK to buy two Hawaii Superferries
- Documents about Eric Lighter from a lost archive
- Mufi Operative Complains that Republicans Support Lingle
- Hawaii Division of Financial Institutions is requesting 41 additional Fees
- Hawaii REIT to Launch IPO
- Alexander & Baldwin's CEO Discusses Separation Plan Announcement - Conference Call Transcript
- Hawaii Cracks Down on Beachfront Property Owners in Kahala
- How To Donate To Philippine Typhoon Relief
- Prosecutor had no grounds to charge officers of puppy mill's corporate owner
- Obamacare will Hike Insurance Rates 14% per year
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Thursday, December 22, 2011 |
Letters to the Editor, December, 2011
By Letters to the Editor @ 10:37 PM :: 5652 Views
Hawaii County: Government Without Limits
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Thursday, December 22, 2011 |
December 22, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:13 PM :: 16438 Views
- Big Victory for HSTA: Obama Admin Seizes Control of Hawaii RTTT Funds
- Hawaiian Telcom to Impose Contract on IBEW; Legal Challenge Anticipated
- End of Year Tax Reminders
- NYT: Lingle is Change Candidate
- Leukemia: Bone Marrow Patients Must Go To Mainland Now
- 14 State Tax Employees Under Investigation
- Star-Adv: $75M grant at risk
- Timber! Hawaii County Bag Ban Will Lead to Increased Paper bag Use
- Multi-Kilo Dope Minister to be Charged With Money Laundering
- PUC Allows Green Energy Scammers to Save $40K By Making their Electricity Even Less Reliable
- Solar Contractor Tries to get Legislators Drunk
- Hawaii Veterans Have Lower Unemployment
- Sovereignty Scammer Lighter Convicted in Tax Evasion Case
- Hawaiian Increasing Seoul-Honolulu Service to Daily
- Inouye Slips CoFA Fix into Appropriations Bill
- Kauai County Sits on $57M
- Kauai Councilman Could Face Jail over Home Improvements
- Pacific Wings contests Kalaupapa subsidies award
- Honolulu's Response to Too-Popular Service: Stop Offering It
- Al-Qaeda Bombs Shia to Stoke Sectarian Tensions in Iraq
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011 |
December 21, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:44 PM :: 13967 Views
- How Christmas Came to Hawaii
- KOS: Ed Case is Vile Mockery
- Hirono, Hanabusa: Goebbels is not Proud of Us
- Hawaii One of Only Seven States Where Unemployment is not Dropping
- Wall Street Journal John Fund Heading to Hawaii for Smart Business Hawaii Conference
- HMC Closure Challenges Abercrombie Administration, Congressional Delegation
- EMS Makes Heroic Effort, Kuakini Admissions up 150%
- St. Francis Healthcare CEO will retire
- Shan Tsutsui Tries to Explain Bond Sale
- Auditor Reviews Public Libraries, DOE, OHA Funds
- HSTA Fails Teachers so badly they must seek second jobs
- Inouye Slips Full E-W Center Funding into Appropriations Bill
- Legislators Plan Whole New Charter School System
- Shakedown: Ritte Demands “Profit Sharing” With Molokai Cruise Yacht Operator
- Big Island County Council to Vote on Plastic Bag Ban
- SA: Keep domestic violence victims in our hearts
- Schizophrenic Stabs Board and Care Home Operator After Fridge is Padlocked
- Global Horizons Trafficking Trial Set for February 2012 Delayed Seven Months
- Civil Beat Still Crying About Extra Police Patrols in Waikiki
- Civil Beat Still Crying about Imprisoned Multi-Kilo Dope Dealer
- North Korea, budget cuts among topics at military conference
- Chow says nothing is official on Hawaii
- Kailua Neighbors Give Obama Thumbs Down on Job Performance
- Kiwis, Omidyar team up to Launch Dairy
- Need A Job? AP Wants You in the Legislature
- Rolling waves not joints
- Another surfer admits they are all on drugs
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011 |
December 20, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:38 PM :: 16438 Views
- Medicare Fraud: FBI Investigating Failed HMC Buyer
- Abercrombie Schemes to make Legislators do Heavy Lifting, Introduces Budget with More Spending, No Tax Hike
- Secret Furloughs? Two More Executive Orders Appear on Abercrombie Website
- Pilago Seen as Swing Vote on Hawaii County Bag Ban
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted December 19, 2011
- How Christmas Came to Hawaii
- Mixed emotions as Schofield troops leave Iraq
- Army Cancels Plans To Deploy Entire 29th Infantry
- Governor sees surplus even if nobody else can
- Radcliffe: Legalize Hawaii’s $1B Illegal Gambling Business
- Queen's Applies For Organ Transplant Program
- Filling the organ transplant void may take one year
- Hochberg, ADF to Defend Against Lesbian Suit
- Gays aren’t Spending Much on Union Ceremonies
- Fluke: State Judge Rules in Favor of Billion Dollar Developer
- Hawaii personal income growth lags nation
- Charter Schools' 'Glaring Concerns' Raised at Briefing
- Legislators to Take Hurricane off Hurricane Fund
- $490M in Hawaii Pork in Senate Spending Bill
- Pope approves miracles of Blesseds Marianne Cope and Kateri Tekakwitha
- Anxiety, hope fill island Koreans
- Honolulu Property Tax Overhaul Dead On Arrival?
- Kamehameha Schools wins $1.4M settlement in alleged breach case
- Typo Makes Gabbard Frontrunner
- Forbes: Bank of Hawaii 2nd Most Profitable in Nation
- KIUC getting set up for solar—Installs 1st of 3 Giant Battery Systems
- Cruise Allowed To Return To Molokai Next Month
- Failure is a key component of learning
- UH OKs contract negotiation with Norm Chow to lead Warrior Football team
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Monday, December 19, 2011 |
December 19, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:20 PM :: 13760 Views
- Abercrombie Doubles Down on Policies Which Killed HMC Hospitals
- State Joins Lawsuit Seeking to Force Hawaii Kai Homeowner to Rent Room to Lesbians
- VIDEO: Representative George Fontaine's Christmas Message 2011
- Schofield soldiers return to Hawaii as part of the last group of U.S. forces to leave Iraq
- Abercrombie: No apologies--I Always Get Elected Because People Disagree With Me
- City Risk Manager Steered Rail Insurance Contract to Marsh
- State Could Pay Millions for HGEA's Favored Nation Perk
- Decoupling Contributes to latest HECO Rate Hike
- Bond Sale Doesn't Affect Ed Department's Capital Improvement Plans
- Honolulu Seawater Air Conditioning does pipeline survey
- Ernie Els Golf Course Has Yet to Deliver on Ewa Community Benefits
- Alleged Multi-Kilo Dope Dealer Still in Jail and Civil Beat is Really Upset
- Nonprofits benefit from HI-5 donations
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Sunday, December 18, 2011 |
December 18, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:35 PM :: 14600 Views
- Kalapa: Legislature Will Turn its Attention to Gaming
- Rep Pine Renews Push for Cybercrime Legislation
- Last American Troops Leave Iraq Marking End of War
- As environmental lawsuit looms, city has contracted out nearly $3 billion for Rail
- New study offers ways to streamline the justice system to ease overcrowding
- SA: Tread lightly in reforming property tax
- Machida: Public employee pension spiking is expensive flaw that needs fixing
- Bidding irregularity and delays imperil rail insurance program
- Wahiawa, Pali Momi already Filled Up with Waianae Coast Emergency Patients
- With More Vacation Days and Separate Travel, Price of Obama’s Annual Hawaiian Holiday Rises to $4M
- Financial Exploitation of Senior Draws Prison Term
- Snob Power: HPD to arrest any Juveniles Caught Setting off Fireworks
- Developer: Haseko has gone the extra mile to be a good neighbor in Ewa Beach
- Kauai Water Rates to Jump 11% per Year every year til 2014
- Hawaii County property tax system being audited
- The Betrayal of Liliuokalani an Embarrassment to Researchers
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Saturday, December 17, 2011 |
December 17, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:43 PM :: 20401 Views
- Federal Funding Rejection Reveals DoE Scheme to Profit by Labeling More Children “Special Needs”
- As Delisting Looms, Material Misrepresentation by Hoku Solar?
- Star-Advertiser: Occupy brought “Heady Whiff of Revolution” to a “Self-Important Democracy”
- Hawaii Loses Only Organ Transplant Center
- First complaint filed under new city ordinance against personal property on sidewalks
- Hawaii high court will hear reapportionment challenge on Jan. 4
- Moribund Politics: Hawaii’s Legislative Candidates Fundraising Totals Stable over 2 decades
- Federal Judge Overturns LUC Theft of Bridge Aina Lea Zoning
- Planted? 1 Ounce Of Drugs At Police Major's House, Not Half-Pound
- Doper trying to Reduce Sentence in Grow-Op Murder, Dismemberment
- Charter school dismisses state audit
- After Oahu Farm Workers Fall Ill, State Inspectors Look Into Workers' Safety, Food Security
- Mokulele: Non-Stop to Chicago, One Stop to London
- Young Brothers gets OK to raise interisland shipping rates
- Abercrombie refusing to Release Funds for Kauai Emergency Bypass Road
- Romney's $10,000 wager was right
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Friday, December 16, 2011 |
December 16, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:49 PM :: 17463 Views
- Inouye: I Dumped Akaka Bill in Last Minute Horse-Trading
- Mysterious DoTax Internal Security Breach Referred for Investigation
- How Christmas Came to Hawaii
- Reliance on government jobs weakens Honolulu's recovery
- Hirono: Taxpayers Must Buy Dope For the Jobless
- Abercrombie: Lanai, Molokai Must Accept Big Wind
- Cronyism, Horse-Trading in Abercrombie’s Coup at Ag Corp
- Audit Rips Hawaii Charter Schools
- After Expose, Competition Returns For Hawaii School Bus Contracts
- HPD major accused of extortion released on bond again
- City anticipates revenue increase
- Archeologist for Haseko Challenges Claims About Native Hawaiian Cultural Sites
- Study: Honolulu 15th ‘most secure’ large U.S. city
- HMC, former St. Francis hospitals, shutting down
- Youth Correctional Facility Cleans Up Its Act
- HSTA’s 2012 Legislative Priorities
- Your Tax Dollars At Work: Hoku faces possible delisting by Nasdaq
- Ewa Developer's Switch from Marina to Lagoon Raises Legal Issues
- Ohio, Va., ready to fight military cuts—Lazy Hawaii says, Let Inouye Handle It
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Thursday, December 15, 2011 |
December 15, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:29 PM :: 16304 Views
- Hakim “Islam Day” Ouansafi to Direct Hawaii Public Housing Agency
- IBEW Votes Down Hawaiian Tel Contract Offer
- Roll Call: Hanabusa Refuses to Endorse Hirono
- HSTA: Abercrombie Admin Exaggerated Crisis During Legislative Session
- Broken Trust Waihee rouses OHA Cronies with Latest Plan to Squeeze Hawaiians out of State Akaka Tribe
- Political Radar: Romney. Paul Enter Hawaii GOP Caucuses
- Hawaii to Seek More Financial Disclosure From Super PACs
- Hawaii 2010 Legislative Campaigns Raked in $5M in Total Contributions
- Rejected: CBS Apology for Hawaii Five-O Crew Actions During World War II Commemoration
- Three More HPD Officers Face Criminal Charges
- Simon Wiesenthal Center Hits Democrat Bloggers’ Anti-Semitism
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation Larded With Millionaires
- Obama's isle vacation will be expensive
- State Medicaid spending soars 22.7%
- Honolulu housing costs eclipse most of nation
- DHHL Waiting List Offered Leases Again
- Farrington High School To Modernize Campus
- Half Vacant Aloha Tower Market Place Tenants Urging State To Ink Deal With Developer
- Koloa Camp residents to be evicted by Case Family Grove Farm
- Assaults have tenants seeking more control
- Settlement in Hokulia Bypass Case
- St. Francis Healthcare blocks bid to sell HMC hospitals
- The Gas Co. producing renewable natural gas
- Hawaii-based soldiers give eye exams to Waianae elementary school students
- Hawaii to Iraq and Back, No Easy Road
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011 |
December 14, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:05 PM :: 19240 Views
- Education Week: If Hawaii Doesn’t Lose its Race to the Top Money, Something is Wrong
- Mitt Romney and Ron Paul Register for Hawaii Republican Caucus
- Inouye Donors Score $99M in Earmarks with Only $166K in contributions—But He’s not #1 in Pork
- $149M: Inouye Makes Hirono #1 Sponsor of Earmarks in US House for 2010
- Curtis: HECO has Failed to Look at Alternatives to Big Wind, Should be Denied Rate Hikes to Cover Costs
- Predictably, Star-Advertiser Uses DHHL Suit to Argue for Akaka Bill
- Things go Better With Coke: Ernie Martin Holding Another Fundraiser as Mayoral Race Looms
- DoE/HSTA: No Progress on Key RTTT Proposals Since June 17
- DoE Exporting Millions in Hawaii Tax Credits to Mainland Company
- NYT Rips Parent Company of Hawaii Technology Academy
- Failing, Castle Complex Simply Changes Grading System to Make It Look Good
- Hawaii 47th State to Adopt Anti-Bullying Laws
- McMackin’s Salary Just the Tip of Greenwood’s Iceberg
- Abercrombie to Bellow About “Success” on Monday
- Oahu's North Shore To Host Hawaii's Largest Wind Farm – Just in time to Collect Federal Tax Credits
- $77K/year and still eligible: Hawaii Gives Away Insurance to Little Rich Kids
- Broken Trustee Sues Pioneer Seed Grower on Behalf of Kauai Luddites
- Although Honolulu PD Actively Opposes Legalization of Gambling; Officer’s Wife is Fronting Group Pushing Mainlanders’ Waikiki Casino Schemes
- Memminger Signs up With CCA
- Occupy Honolulu: Meeting with Mayor Didn't Go Well
- Funded by State’s Richest Resident, Progressives Get Together to Complain about Influence of Money in Politics
- Inouye Pushes to Featherbed Nursing Staffs
- Marriott Says Waikiki Edition Takeover Product of Conspiracy by Aqua
- Hawaiian Air unveils neighbor isle travel program with lower fares
- APEC - Representatives Gene Ward and Aaron Ling Johanson discuss Hawaii's Premier Event
- Hannemann Picks Up Labor Backing
- Small businesses should be supported, not taxed
- $30K Reward Offered In Papaya Destruction Case
- Hawaii AG Joins California in Supporting Genocide Insurance Law
- Republicans push payroll tax cut bill through House, despite White House veto threat
- Obama, Terrorists Cheer US Withdrawal from Iraq
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011 |
December 13, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:45 PM :: 19263 Views
- What to Do about Drug Shortages
- $149M: Inouye Makes Hirono #1 Sponsor of Earmarks in US House for 2010
- Curtis: HECO has Failed to Look at Alternatives to Big Wind, Should be Denied Rate Hikes to Cover Costs
- As rooftop solar surges, states hit brakes
- VIDEO: Jones Act Impact on Hawaii Business
- Drunken Abercrombie assistant fined for refusing to leave Waikiki bar
- Hawaii 5-0 Crew Insults Pearl Harbor Survivors at Punchbowl
- OHA: Hilo Meeting on Settlement is “Contentious”
- OHA Fails to Elect Replacement for Mossman, Kicks Decision to Abercrombie
- Survey: 41% say “Arrest Ritte”
- Judge refuses to Boot Cayetano, Others from Rail Case
- Bert Kobayashi is Author of Secret Study Approving Ansaldo Bond
- Tokuda: Education Reform Depends on Legislature Voting to Restrict its own Powers
- Scathing Audit: Honolulu Ambulance Service Lacking
- The Supernova Syndrome
- Real Life Version of "The Descendants" Now Playing In Court
- DHHL Pretends to try to tackle waiting list
- Property Tax Changes on deck for Kauai
- Video: Representative Cynthia Thielen and Jay Fidell discuss Wave Energy 2011
- Full Text: Sidewalk Property Ordinance
- Hawaii Pimp Gets 10 Years For Child Sex-Trafficking
- How Ranked-Choice Voting Silenced 31,500 Voters
- WaPo: Dan Akaka Demands to Know Why Teenagers Can’t Buy Abortion Pills without Prescription
- Hirono Still Trying to use Micronesians to Score more Bucks
- Hawaii-based soldiers to return from Iraq
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Monday, December 12, 2011 |
December 12, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:49 PM :: 12648 Views
- Poll of Hard-Core Hawaii Democrats gives Hirono 18-pt Lead over Case
- Flood of Money Pours into Lingle Campaign
- Duke Aiona Undecided About 2014
- Need $15,000? OHA Giving Away More Cash
- Supreme Court asks for Federal Input on Challenge to Hawaii Admission Act, Hawaiian Homes Commission Act
- Lingle: Grow the Economy to Raise Revenue
- Ed Case: Raise Taxes and Cut Defense Spending
- Sam Aiona, Dylan Nonaka Join Forces in Hawaii Super-PAC
- Planned Parenthood behind New Hawaii Super-PAC
- Hawaii Voter Turnout Correlates to Strong Republican Challenges
- SA: Ritte Should be Arrested Next Time, Maybe
- Big Wind Brinksmanship: The Fate Of Lanai Hinges On A Los Angeles Real Estate Tycoon
- Ending Homelessness: Interview with Marc Alexander
- Star-Advertiser does another Fluff Piece on Occupy Honolulu
- Unitarians, Crossroads Quivering With Excitement over Gay Civil Unions
- HOPE Probation Comes to Seattle
- Outgoing FCC Commissioner Calls for Change in Rules to Outlaw HNN
- HPD Issues First Smoking Law Citations In Years
- Hawaii does not have to be a pedestrian deathtrap
- Foreign visitors perk up recovering hotel industry
- State Still Trying to Shake Money Out of Catamaran Operators
- Whole Foods Touts Strategy in 'Buying Local'
- Students want say in selection of new football coach
- Occupy protesters seek to shut West Coast ports
- The Descendants Wins Best Picture, 2nd Best Screenplay
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Sunday, December 11, 2011 |
December 11, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:33 PM :: 12835 Views
- Colette Machado: I look at Kalaupapa--Native Hawaiians will fight against Assisted Suicide
- KOS: The perception of Occupy Honolulu is Universally Negative
- Verifying the Numbers a Challenge for Tax Department
- Church Volunteers Clean Waianae Storm Channels in Advance of Rainy Season
- "Accretion," Hawaii Style
- Hawaii Mortgage Down Payments 4th Highest in USA by Percentage
- Lingle Pushes back against Tax Hike
- City Council openings promise lively elections
- Gay Civil Unions Fix it Bill to Grab for Control of Children
- 'Forgotten' Sacrifice Honored In West Oahu
- Green Beret reflects on end of Afghanistan involvement
- Rail: 40% of the Financial Puzzle Comes Undone
- Pawns of Hotel Workers Local 5--Occupy Honolulu Targets Hyatt Hotel in Waikiki
- Inouye? Who’s That? Omidyar Continues Push to Grab Control of Non-Profit Sector
- Cataluna: Arrest Berg
- Did Burial Claim force Haseko to Abandon Marina Plan?
- Without Tax Credits, Solar PV More Expensive that HECO
- HNN Posts Video of Wind Turbine Burning
- Researchers uncertain about tsunami debris’ radioactivity, Certain about need for More Funding
- Smug Sociology Prof: UH football entertaining but unimportant
- As Predicted, Chaminade Asst Coach resigns, Apologizes
- Tsunami Aftermath: The Kona Coast has recovered, but not the Kona Village Resort
- Honolulu 7th Healthiest City for Women
- Tribal Leader: Alaska should be listed as non-self-governing territory
- Esther Kiaaina Plays Up Guam Roots
- Synagro Donates $25,000 to Support Sand Island Park Restoration Efforts
- Public Access Room workshops coming to Big Island December 12-17, 2011
- City Declaring War on Sex-for-Money Hostess Bars
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Saturday, December 10, 2011 |
December 10, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:59 PM :: 16366 Views
- China’s Startling Strategic Play in Micronesia
- DeMello Joins Abercrombie Communications Team
- Florida Marlins Holding Baseball Clinic at Schofield
- Gone with the Wind Subsidies
- VIDEO: 5 Questions with NEWS maker David Chang, Chair Hawaii Republican Party
- Fortunately for Abercrombie, Republicans Don’t Have a Strong Candidate for Governor in 2014
- Shapiro: Abercrombie’s Entire Career Built on Being Wrong
- We'll believe it when we see it, maybe
- Former Congressman Ed Case: If Hirono Wins U.S. Senate Democratic Primary, Former GOP Gov. Lingle Will Beat Her
- Bound for Hawaii on the wings of a soaring Australian Dollar
- Mayor signs abandoned property bill into law
- SA Cheers as Obama, Steve Case team up to Boost Business Cronies
- Abercrombie Sends $3M to Big Isle for no Particular Reason
- Laupahoehoe charter again seeks BOE relief after CSRP decision
- Waialua robotics teacher wins Milken award
- SA: Football Coach Salary Too High
- Onishi Lobbies Hawaii County Reapportionment, Gets Own District
- Bodhi Day Celebrated in Honolulu
- Ban likely to stifle New Year's fireworks
- Environmental Impact Statements for Sale?
- Plan seeks to replicate New Zealand's success by creating a sustainable dairy industry in the isles
- Traffic Fatalities Down on Big Isle
- State approves process to ban alcohol, drugs at Kaneohe sandbar
- Sold! DLNR sells all 16 Koke‘e cabins in auction’s first tier
- Hawaii Has Unclaimed Property
- 2012=1968?
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Friday, December 9, 2011 |
December 9, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:43 PM :: 13843 Views
- Hirono Camp: Case Unworthy of the People of Hawaii
- Pay to Play Fines Unpaid: Hirono for Governor Campaign Closes Owing State Elections Fund Over $98,000
- It Begins: Army to Cut 8,700 Civilian Jobs in 37 States
- Nonaka Launches 'Hawaii Solutions'
- Gloves Come Off As Hawaii Senate Race Gets Going
- Abercrombie’s Health Czar Takes Aim at “High-Tech Services”
- City Audit: Only 3 of 21 Ambulances Meet Emergency Response Time Guidelines
- Molokai business leader fears 'erosion of rule of law'
- Cruise line cancels a third Molokai call after protests
- HSTA Blocks Laupahoehoe Charter for at Least One Year
- $100M: Council faces tough choices on property tax exemptions
- State prosecutors Continue to Harass DEA Agent over Arrest of Alleged Tweeker
- $25 million offered for 2 St Francis hospitals
- Atheists Make Honolulu Manger a Non-Profit Responsibility
- Obamas Not Staying at Illegal Vacation Rental This Year
- Marcus Oshiro to Travel to Israel
- Pro-Rail Activist Files IRS Complaint Against Small Business Hawaii
- Hawaii About to Crack Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Roadblocks?
- PUC to Keep Using Outside Consultants to Drive Clean Energy Approvals
- New energy sources fuel interest from Secretary of the Navy
- Firm markets waste-to-ash technology to Hawaii hotels
- State to auction off forfeited property
- Land costs for Kona Judiciary complex range from $4.5M to $10.8M
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Thursday, December 8, 2011 |
December 8, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:56 PM :: 12987 Views
- State Sues to Get Back $39M Looted from Graves by John Waihee
- Ed Case: “Mazie's been selling her candidacy to DC insiders”
- Former State Administrators: Abercrombie’s Bond Sale Like setting up savings account by charging credit card
- Hawaii Physicians Rally Against Assisted Suicide
- Hawaii's Second Saint: Blessed Marianne Cope to be Canonized Next October?
- Another E-W Center Conference: Pearl Harbor Day at the NEH
- Obama Delays Hawaii trip after Romney hit
- Abercrombie Cronies Push Executive Director out of Agribusiness Development Corporation, Slip their Own Guy In
- Council passes abandoned property bill
- Waihee Tribe Disenfranchise Large Numbers of Hawaiians
- Hawaii Civil Unions Will Be Same as Marriage for State Income Taxes
- Slom: Gambling is in the Air, Bond Sale Means More Debt, More Burden for Taxpayers
- Military Families Support Training at Pohakuloa
- SA: Marines, residents should find accord
- Plan tightens rules for public charter schools
- Superferry Assassinated by a gang of granola-munching elitists and just-say-no localists and self-anointed culture-keepers
- Anti-GMO Luddites Fail to get GMO Bill in HSAC Legislative Package
- ILWU’s McElrath Rejects Occupy Attempt to Shut West Coast Ports
- Thielen Renews Push for Rooftop Solar On Bill Financing
- Video of Tom Berg Arguing With Secret Service at APEC
- Council grants permits for Hilton expansion
- Census: Median incomes highest in East Honolulu
- Republicans Prefer Hawaii 5-0
- Medical Center Lab Director Has Fake PHD from Hawaii Scam School
- Chaminade places coach on administrative leave for racial slur
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011 |
December 7, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:29 PM :: 14714 Views
- Sneak Attack: Re-write of Pearl Harbor History Awaits Death of WW2 Veterans
- Pearl Harbor, Civil Rights, and Hawaii Statehood
- Pearl Harbor Survivor to Direct ‘Mass Band Performance’ on 70th Anniversary
- Ewa Field Event to Mark 70th Anniversary of Attack
- Petition hits Hawaiian Airlines 'Price Fixing', seeks return of Superferry
- Hawaii Health Ranks #4 in Nation
- Feds Force DHS to Streamline Food Stamp Processing
- White House: North Korea making missile able to hit US
- Shapiro: Haughty Abercrombie's troubles are all his own, not Lingle's
- Star-Adv: New History of Pearl Harbor being Written as Generation Passes
- Hawaii soldiers return from Iraq
- Hanabusa: Military Strategic Doctrine Based on My Need to Deliver Pork
- DSCC Doubles Down on Rejection of Ed Case
- Planned Parenthood: Make Catholics Pay for Birth Control
- BoE Orders Audit of DoE Procurement
- DoTax was ‘Highly Politicized’
- Bhago on HGEA: "I can't tell them not to do it…I've never experienced this before, where we don't have the resources, per se, nor the authority ….”
- Gov Cuts Funding for Special Ed Supplies In Budget Request
- Director hired for Hawaii health insurance exchange
- Laotian Workers Suffer Health and Financial Problems on Oahu Farms
- Honolulu Panel: Property Tax Exemptions Unfair
- Last Ditch Effort to Water down Sidewalk Property Ban
- Taxpayers sacrifice, not politicians or union workers
- Honolulu Roads to be Repaved after 21 Years
- Kekaha public housing residents go from ‘paradise to living hell’
- Eric Ryan’s Latest Vendetta (Yawn)
- IRS has $1M tax lien on Guirguis
- Biofuel to Power Navy Exercise
- CB Continues Styrofoam War on Restaurant Industry
- Kilauea’s History of Explosive Eruptions
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011 |
December 6, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:09 PM :: 25370 Views
- Confidential Memo: Wind Turbine Model Installed at Kahuku has Structural Problems
- LoPresti: Ewa Neighborhood Board 'Most Dysfunctional in USA'
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted December 5, 2011
- Pearl Harbor Survivor to Direct ‘Mass Band Performance’ on 70th Anniversary
- Ewa Field Event to Mark 70th Anniversary of Attack
- Mission Memorial Auditorium Site of Rail Showdown December 6
- Hawaii Physicians Rally Against Assisted Suicide
- Duke Aiona to Address Pro-Life Group
- For The First Time In 70 Years, 24 Pearl Harbor Survivors Return
- FBI: Police Major got $6000/month from Illegal Gambling Room
- DoTax Manipulates Check Cashing Times to Suit Political Expediency
- State's constitution is what props up its credit rating, not Abercrombie
- SA Editors: We Look forward to Abercrombie Pushing thru OHA Settlement, Soda Tax, Kakaako Tower
- Roll Call: Hirono Probably Going to beat Case
- City officials opt to skip forum on rail transit project
- Fidell: Arrest Walter Ritte
- KIUC to delay smart meter install
- Anti-GMO Crackpots Win Maui, Kauai Council Support
- Santiago: Don’t Force the Homeless into Shelters, Give Money to PHOCUSED Instead
- Catholic Charities set to open transitional housing in Makiki
- Laupahoehoe appeals to BOE
- DoE Taken For A Ride: Fewer Players, Bigger Budgets
- Prediction: HSTA Dispute Won't End Before 2017
- Lingle: Feds Didn't Give Enough Notice On Monk Seal Rule
- While Our Leaders Doze, a National Plan to Hose Hawaii Moves Onward
- Honolulu property search still hides public information
- LIUNA Tries to Shake Down Saddle Road Builder
- Murder Suspect was Praised by Mayor Kenoi
- Soft on Crime: Out after Raping Step Daughter, Criminal gets Paltry 56 Month Minimum for Manslaughter
- Indicted in Hawaii, Alleged Scammers Pop Up In Connecticut
- Plug pulled on Hawaii Kai luxury condo project after financing fails
- Four Hawaii Post Offices Still on Chopping Block
- University of Hawaii students seek support for cargo container redesign
- Kauai’s oldest Catholic church to celebrate 170 years
- Has the War with Iran Already Begun?
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Monday, December 5, 2011 |
December 5, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:31 PM :: 13852 Views
- Lawsuit targets "Illegal" $117M Federal Loan Guarantee for Kahuku Windfarm
- Kalapa vs Property Tax Exemptions: Vitality of County Depends on Everyone Paying Their Share
- Hawaii Republican Presidential Vote to be Held in Every House District
- McIntosh to run for Hawaii County Council in 2012
- As WWII vet numbers dwindle, preservation of their legacy shifts to newer generations
- The More Abercrombie Rages, the More He is Ignored
- Secrecy Shrouds Abercrombie’s Year-Long search for Water Board Nominee
- 99% tell Occupy Honolulu: “Get a job. Go back to the Mainland.”
- Rail Planners Admit Most of their Plan is Flawed
- Honolulu Not Alone in Trying to Move Homeless from Sidewalks
- State Releases RFP for 650 foot Kakaako Tower
- Marina proposal at Sand Island is meeting some opposition
- 43% of Makawao Residents Pay 50% of Income in Rent
- Performance Contracts for Hawaii Charter Schools
- SA: More Money for Preschool
- More students receiving free & low-cost lunch
- SA Editors Waste More Ink of Cult of Gore
- CB Gives Doper Space for Long, Rambling Diatribe on Dope
- CB Gives Peak Oil Cultists Space for Long Rambling Diatribe on Peak Oil
- UH System to Give More to Green Energy Scammers
- Green Bubble About to Pop: Battery Makers don’t have Customers
- IRS Has $716K for Hawaii Taxpayers
- West Hawaii Bar Association civil unions seminar (Dec. 12)
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Sunday, December 4, 2011 |
December 4, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:03 PM :: 18362 Views
- Hawaiians’ Anger and Distrust towards OHA Settlement: “Theft, Perversion”
- SA: Bond Sale Will Lead to Legislative Spending Frenzy
- Cost of electricity is silent factor in Hawaii energy policy
- Abercrombie Stumbles in First Year, Plans More of the Same for Next Three
- Bad New Day: Abercrombie Already Planning for 2014 Election
- Matayoshi Subverts State Law to Reorganize DoE Upper Echelons
- How The DoE Promotes Hawaii’s Income Gap
- PHOCUSED Boss of Profitable Nonprofits to Seek Tom Berg’s Council Seat
- Socialist Morons Can’t Figure out Why there is a Shortage of Cancer Drugs in Hawaii
- Occupy group, city officials put actions on hold for now
- Honolulu Drowning In Water Main Breaks
- Hawaii County: $7.5M in fuel taxes goes unspent (some money sitting since 1998)
- Domestic Migration 2008-2009: More People Leaving Maui than Arriving
- Honolulu joins the "city camp" initiative
- Hawaiian Hiring Flight Attendants
- Homeless Advocate: Newt is wrong, Food stamps are For Buying Drugs, Not Going to Hawaii
- UH Prof Publishes Eminent Domain Book
- Hawaii perfectly placed to watch the December 10th total lunar eclipse
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Saturday, December 3, 2011 |
December 3, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:29 PM :: 17552 Views
- Thielen: Federal Takeover of Hawaii Shorelines Would Endanger Clean Energy Projects
- Obama to Vacation in Hawaii Dec 17-Jan 2
- Fontaine Factor: Volunteering and Giving During the Holiday Season
- DoE Data: Not Linked, Not Supported, Not Accessible
- Hawaii Physicians Rally Against Assisted Suicide
- UHERO: Slowing Asian Growth, Drop in Mainland Arrivals Squeeze Hawaii
- Obamacare Push: Insurance Executive Tim Johns to head Hirono's Senate campaign
- BoE: Maybe We Should Stop Interfering with Our Own Audit Department
- Lingle backs Visa Reforms to boost Tourism
- State Energy Office: Anti-Superferry Protester knows how to Profit from “Clean” Energy
- BOSS Poll of 400 local business leaders goes inside the local economy and forecasts what’s ahead
- Hawaii County Council to have Five Open Seats in 2012
- SA Editors Use Berg to Push for IRV Voting Again
- Ballot News Looks at Hawaii Reapportionment
- VIDEO: HSTA Continues to Attempt to Derail Laupahoehoe Charter School
- Beachgoers Complain About Homeless Defecating In Waikiki
- Honolulu Offers Homeless Maid Service
- Sovereignty Activist Rejects OHA Land Deal
- Feds ask again for more time to sort through 101 million documents in Global Horizons human trafficking case
- Omidyar Discovers that Local Farmers can charge more
- Hilo TSA Hammered for Catching Alleged Pedophile
- Yagong wants to privatize Hilo sort station
- Proposal would increase UH-Manoa parking rates
- Electric car rental firm expands to Oahu
- Church's Construction Halted For Removal Of Buried Human Remains
- Asbestos Leads to $9000 Fine
- WWII records available free online up to Dec. 7
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Friday, December 2, 2011 |
December 2, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:29 PM :: 16563 Views
- Abercrombie Refusing to Accept Responsibility for his own Wreckage, Fiscal and Otherwise
- Ewa Field Event to Mark 70th Anniversary of Attack
- Mission Memorial Auditorium Site of Rail Showdown December 6
- Sabato: Ed who? Democratic Establishment coalescing around Mazie Hirono
- $800M Borrowed to Sit Money in Hurricane, Rainy Day Accounts
- Bankers, Wall Street Pleased by Abercrombie's Willingness to Raise Taxes
- Full Text: Hawaii Scores 'F' in Sex Trafficking Prevention
- Lihue TSA Worker Sues, Claims Sex Assault
- Men’s Health Mag ranks Honolulu Happiest Town in USA
- Borreca to Media: Lingle will now fade from Our Screens
- Inouye: Federal Rail Funding not certain, Honolulu one of nine competing for $510M
- Rail Judge: Feds Must Produce Full Record before Groundbreaking
- Citizens Challenging Rail Project May Have to Wait a Year for Case Resolution Because of City's Delays
- Maui Now: Loathsome, Dangerous, Abercrombie
- Abercrombie Gloats over “Gift to Business Community”
- Abercrombie claims his Charisma Swayed Investors to Buy Hawaii Bonds
- Bullying: ‘It’s OK to be different’
- Property Tax Recommendations to be Presented to Honolulu Council
- Ritte Demands “Participation and Control” over Cruise Yacht, Molokai Again Compromises With Shake-Down Thugs
- State files suit against woman accused of preying upon distressed homeowner
- Harimoto: Strip Berg's Voting Rights Until He Calms Down
- ACLU, NAACP Join Effort to Target TSA Workers Who Catch too Many Illegals, Find too Many Drug Smugglers
- Captain Kirk Ramps Up 2012 Campaign for Mayor
- Hawaii bankruptcies fall in November for eighth straight month
- Hawaii Federal Judge: U.S. Won't Pick Up Tab for Aloun Farms Defense
- SA Spies Way to Increase Power of Burials in Development Disputes
- PHOTOS: Iao Stream Shanty Town Residents Face Eviction
- State Audit: "Atmosphere Of Intimidation and Fear" at Maui Housing Project
- MoveOn Drops Use of Occupy, Goes under its own name for latest protest
- Alexander & Baldwin to subdivide into two companies
- Company directors fought similar move back in 1988
- Retreat will address future, structure of state education
- State Rep. Chris Lee recovers from stroke, warns others of danger
- Puna to gain council seat
- Bigeye tuna fishing ban canceled
- Criminal Who Led Police on Cross-Island Chase had been Arrested by SWAT Team Jan 26, then Released
- Inouye Votes for Indefinite Detention of US Citizens Captured on US Soil
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Thursday, December 1, 2011 |
December 1, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:16 PM :: 11260 Views
- OHA Announces Public Meetings to discuss Tentative Land Deal
- Backed by Federal Loan Guarantees, Merrill Lynch Finances $1B in Military Solar Projects
- Quality of Living: Honolulu #29 in World, right behind ... Stuttgart
- Report: Hawaii Ranks 3rd in Protecting Kids from Tobacco
- PUC Breaks 15% Limit on Solar Systems
- Visitor Spending breaks $1 Billion per Month
- Pearl Harbor Survivor to Direct ‘Mass Band Performance’ on 70th Anniversary
- KHON: The Making of a Governor
- Opponents Threaten To Halt Rail Project
- Putting two and two together—OHA land transfer and secret government/private development meetings
- At 70th anniversary, urgency to observe WWII, honor vets
- Lingle raises questions about federal monk seal petition
- Hawaii Utility Regulators' Lack Of Data Is 'Troubling'
- Court rejects challenge to state use of surplus health funds
- Reason to Vote: Inouye says Gingrich as GOP Nominee 'Frightens Me'
- Obama Nominates Hawaii Woman to Social Security Board
- Malama Solomon May Escape Fine For Trespass, Damages
- Police: Berg, Reeking Of Alcohol, Argued With Secret Service At APEC
- A&B Condo Project to Spark Development Boom again?
- Hawaii County tries to delay Abercrombie Administration’s Waiawi Control insect release
- EPA Orders Additional Safeguards at Waimanalo Gulch Landfill
- Dotson Leaves MADD
- Jon Van Dyke Dies
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011 |
November 30, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:06 PM :: 11001 Views
- Finmeccanica Trumpets Honolulu Rail Deal
- Lingle Best Positioned for Victory Next Year
- Lingle calls for Delay in Federal Grab for Control of Hawaii Shorelines
- IBEW to Vote on New Offer from Hawaiian Tel
- Nominations Sought for State Water Commission
- Inouye Claims Honolulu Rail Will Get Federal Transit Funding Next Year
- Kobayashi: Hold on to Your Wallet
- Slom: Rail Roaded
- State to Teachers: Drop Your Complaint and Strike
- Utility bills may sink Hawaii’s economy
- Good News! Time Running Out For Hawaii Mafia Wind Farm Grant
- 15,000 Military Go Unrepresented in Any State Elections Because of Redistricting Controversy
- Supporters are urged to wear black for National Meth Awareness Day
- Honolulu Clears Homeless from Stadium Park, Three More Accept Shelter
- Patients counting on Hawaii’s Only transplant clinic to stay open
- Queens Nurses Approve Three-Year Raise
- Real and Affordable Green or Misguided Dream?
- State taxpayers may have to foot cost of returning 350 new guns
- HPD Major's Drug-Dealing Girlfriend To Testify
- Maui Police Officer Arrested For Spousal Abuse
- Cancel the Second Digester?
- Maui Charter Commission tables district voting
- Maui: Couch seeks cap on vacation rentals
- Kauai Island Utility Cooperative gets green light for smart meters
- Hawaii Co 'Bag ban' vote expected Dec 21
- TRO halts construction at Kawaiahao Church
- Jon Van Dyke Dies in Australia
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Tuesday, November 29, 2011 |
November 29, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:12 PM :: 15235 Views
- Abercrombie's Medicaid Cuts based on Obamacare Requirements
- Lucky Hawaii: Bond Sale Benefits as Investors Flee Europe
- Booted from Big Island, DoE Now Seeks to Force Carlisle to Collect its Impact Fees
- US Supreme Court to Decide Whether to Hear Lawsuit Challenging DHHL, Admission Act
- Postal Service Announces Hawaii Christmas Mailing Deadlines
- US Civil Rights Commissioner to speak on End of Victimology
- Abercrombie “Damn Serious” about Oath, Judges aren’t Like Dogs or Ponies
- Abercrombie Considered Shutting State Down for Two Weeks in June, Blames Lingle
- Abercrombie Wants to Build 'Third City'
- Favored Nation: Did HGEA get better deal?
- HART Signs $1.4 Billion Contract With Ansaldo
- Is Honolulu rail contract a legal defense tactic?
- Abercrombie Still Pushing to Disenfranchise Military personnel
- Judicial nominees put up earlier
- Feds Give Abercrombie $14m to Organize Obamacare Insurance Exchange
- Honolulu water rates to soar 70%
- Recession costs Hawaii hundreds of businesses
- Hawaii unemployment claims rise 18%
- TRUE: 'There is Space' in Shelters for Stadium Park Homeless
- Molokai Thugs Chop Down Trees, Obstruct Two Public Highways—Still No Arrests
- Multi-Millionaire 9-11 Truther Roseanne Barr Occupies Waimea, Guillotine a No-Show
- Hoku considers outside help to complete polysilicon deals
- Hawaiian Holdings Ranks the Highest in Terms of Operating Margin in the Airlines Industry
- ORI Cabins Not in Good Standing With the State
- Legislators look at Clean and Sober Living
- Hawaii State Courts Improve Access to Electronic Records
- Karate instructor accused of molesting teen re-indicted on sex assault charges
- Honolulu Traffic Violations Bureau to Close on Wednesday Nights
- After a Decade, ‘Process’ continues to push back Maui isle plan
- A&B Master Planned Waiale Project Calls for 2,550 Residential Units (no protests here, of course)
- Hawaii dodges major storms as hurricane season ends
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Monday, November 28, 2011 |
November 28, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:33 PM :: 16747 Views
- Kalaeloa Solar: Hawaii Ratepayers to Bankroll 'Green Fiesta'
- Failing, Central Pacific Got $337M in Secret Federal Reserve Loans
- Lowell Kalapa to Address Kona TEA Party
- Duke Aiona to Address Pro-Life Group
- UPW Contract, HGEA Reopen menace Legislature
- DoE to Pay Contractors to Churn SpEd Programs
- School Bus Contacts Rise 192% after Collusion Begins
- Challenge to Honolulu Rail Project Goes to Federal Court Wednesday
- SA: Outspoken Berg driven by passion, desire for change
- SA: OHA infighting may Derail Kakaako deal
- Gov. Abercrombie vs. the 99%… why?
- Homeless Avoid Shelter, Stay Drunk
- Cruise Yacht Outfoxes Ritte, Docks at Molokai
- Volunteers Clean Kahuku Beach, Find No Plastic Bags
- Two Mauna Kea telescopes face funding cuts
- Final hearing backlog turns injured workers into hostages in paradise
- County quiets nonprofit's rock-crushing operation
- DoE Group seeks to undermine Private Schools
- KPD set to start accreditation process
- SBA lends record amount in isles
- CB: How Hawaii Reps Would Save $1.2 Trillion
- Desperate to Save Obama, Americans Elect Petitions for Hawaii Ballot
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Sunday, November 27, 2011 |
November 27, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:32 PM :: 13655 Views
- Forced by JSC, Abercrombie Grudgingly Releases Names of Judicial Nominees
- Hawaii Supreme Court to Consider Limit of Parental Discipline
- Kalapa: Ubiquitous General Excise Insures Accountability
- UPW Contract Triggers ‘Favored Nation’ HGEA to Reopen Negotiations, fight for Furloughs
- Governor Abercrombie pissy to the end in judicial disclosure case
- Atheists Planned Disruption of Windward City Lights Celebration Thwarted
- Illiterate Occupy Honolulu Protesters Instruct 99% to “Think”
- Ritte Didn’t get Paid: Lawless Thugs Block Cruise Ship from Molokai
- SA Editors: Better to Cut People off Medicaid After 30 Days than to Limit Eligibility
- Automated Trash Trucks increase UPW Productivity 5-fold
- Freshwater Pool for Natatorium?
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Saturday, November 26, 2011 |
November 26, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:36 PM :: 15694 Views
- Hint to Hawaii: Google Abandons Concentrating Solar Power Project
- Oahu Democrats Fail in Effort to Break up Hawaii News Now
- Abercrombie Wins Approval to Take $1.06M from Pre-School, Sister Isles, spend it on Central Office Bureaucrats
- Suspended Attorney Says 'Vindictive' Navy Purposely Sows Intimidation & Fear in Civilian Counsel
- Horner: Ansaldo OK to Build Rail after Financial Analysis Shows Libya Revolt is Root of Company’s Problems
- WSJ July 28: New Finmeccanica Boss Pledges To Clean Up Group's Act, Considers Sale of Ansaldo
- OHA goes back to drawing board after failure to elect new trustee
- DoE wins RTTT Approval to Tinker With Assessments Again
- Star-Adv Comes out against Laupahoehoe Charter School
- Choosing legislative theme can be a gamble for Dems
- Price of car insurance rises a smidgen
- City replaces scorned towing firm
- Kauai’s economy has ‘settled back to 2003 levels’
- Telescope funding under fire
- Convicted Killer Lui—now a sovereignty activist-- gets his day in court Tuesday
- USS Lassen Sailors Contribute to Flood Cleanup in Thailand
- 25th ID Gets New Commanding General
- Hawaii History: Selective Editing Project Begins
- Descendants: Roth, Daws, Hemmings Guided Producer
- Descendants: First Popular Film to See Us Through an Insider’s Eyes
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Friday, November 25, 2011 |
November 25, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:06 PM :: 21142 Views
- Bishop Silva, Doctors, Attorneys to Speak out on Assisted Suicide
- Matt Romney to Campaign for Father in Hawaii
- Suspended Attorney Says 'Vindictive' Navy Purposely Sows Intimidation & Fear in Civilian Counsel
- American Shipper: Effort Underway to Loosen Jones Act Restrictions
- State APEC Costs below projections
- Maui Smart Grid Demonstration Project to Begin Next Year
- December vehicle registration notices contain error
- Final approval of $1.4B rail deal is put off
- Pushback against rail gains momentum with new allies
- Thanksgiving homecoming for hundreds of Kaneohe Marines
- Military spending cuts would rock HI
- Federal Contractors will not face 3% Withholding
- VIDEO: JFK monument re-dedicated at Hilo Peace Corps reunion
- Star-Advertiser, Occupy Honolulu Denounce the 99%
- Tough Love: City Homeless Sweep aims to Push Homeless into Shelters
- In Bizarre Twist, Civil Beat Prints Some Facts About Styrofoam
- Lawsuit again stops Kawaiaha'o work
- Decision is expected soon on fate of Superferry vessels
- Nurses union reaches tentative agreement with Queen's
- Will Transplant Institute Survive St Francis Sale?
- Homeless find shelter, work on buses
- H-Power Ash to Become Building Material?
- Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate
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Friday, November 25, 2011 |
Letters to the Editor November, 2011
By Letters to the Editor @ 12:01 AM :: 8290 Views
- Where is the EA or EIS for Maui Smart Grid?
- Bag Ban Detrimental To The Environment
- Makaha Resident backs Mag-Lev
- Open Spaces Rip-off
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Thursday, November 24, 2011 |
November 24, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:02 PM :: 15436 Views
- Outdoor Circle Comes Out Against Rail
- New Batch of Global Warmers’ Emails: “We're choosing the periods to show warming”
- Judicial Selection Commission Releases List of Nominees for Second Circuit Court
- NCAA “Extremely Concerned” about UH Point-Shaving Allegations
- The hidden story of the third Thanksgiving: 1623--giving thanks for freedom
- Assimilation, American style
- Shapiro: Abercrombie has no Principle Left to Stand On
- Hawaii Defense Cuts Loom After Super Committee Implodes
- Sempra's Giant Solar Farm Unlikely Replacement for Molokai Big Wind
- Rooftop Solar Contractor Upset as PUC opens up HECO to Big Renewables
- The Politics of Digitizing Hawaiian Language newspapers
- Waikiki Business May Sue over Lousy APEC Sales
- 89% Vote for Furloughs: UPW ratifies two-year contract
- After Price-Fixing Exposed, Major Mainland School Bus Company Considers Hawaii
- HPH Touts Voluntary Medical Home Plan
- Hawaii Non-Profits suffer Loss of “Unlimited Government Funding”
- Molokai: Taxpayer funded Enemy of Jobs
- GMO Labeling, TAT Considered for Maui Legislative Package
- Judge tries to Hold off Lawyers Circling Dorcy Estate
- Pedestrian critically injured in accident involving police officer
- Special report: law enforcement faces backlog of 87,942 state warrants
- Nofoa Beats Rap In Ex-Girlfriend's Murder, still Faces Original Kidnapping Charges but She won't be Around to testify
- HPA only cuts Four Years off Rapist’s Prison Sentence
- Police Release 911 Tapes Of Fatal Waikiki Shooting
- HGEA, UPW members Fail in Effort to grab State, County Surplus Payments to Health Fund
- Kahuku Hospital Bankruptcy “Good for Creditors”
- Security cameras installed on buses
- Two PhDs Debunk Lies of Anti-Aquarium Campaigners
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011 |
November 23, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:48 AM :: 15725 Views
- UH Point Shaving? Blown Leads and Significant Movement in Money Line
- #OccupyFail: A Profile in Bad Choices from Hilo
- Bill Seeks Terror Designation for Gaza Flotilla Groups with Hawaii Connections
- Mitch Roth announces Campaign for Hawaii County Prosecutor
- DBEDT upgrades Hawaii's economic outlook to paltry 1.4% Growth
- PUC approves Tier 3 Feed in Tariff program so that Bigger Green Energy Scammers can Cash In
- Abercrombie’s New Medicaid Plan: 30 Days in Hospital, then you get cut off
- Child Welfare Services contracts being reduced or terminated
- Schatz: APEC cost less than expected
- State Supreme Court denies Pflueger's appeal of manslaughter ruling
- Impoverished India to Give $150M to Telescope: Fat OHA Cronies Demand $50M Payoff
- Micronesia Poor Business Climate Drives Exodus
- KaLeo Editor Gets Prize for Dull, Pedantic and Banal Cartoon Depicting TEA Party as Racist and Stupid
- Hawaii State Salaries 2012: University of Hawaii
- Djous Give Thanks
- Report on Hawaii's Homeless Doesn't Tell Whole Story
- Matson Hikes Rates Again
- Extra space needed for church’s ‘steady growth’
- Sewer bill to increase for Hawaii Kai residents
- Air Service for Kalaupapa Residents
- Japan to Run Smart Grid Study on Maui
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011 |
November 22, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:27 PM :: 16486 Views
- Hawaiian Tel to Impose Last, Best and Final Offer on IBEW
- Lingle: Super Committee Failure Shows Lack of Bi-Partisan Leadership
- New rules turn GOP race from sprint into marathon, early nominee unlikely
- National Journal: Hawaii Senate Race Up for Grabs
- Feds: Even with Low Usage, Hawaii Still has Highest Electric Bills
- Djou Featured in National Journal
- Hawaii Unemployment Tax Rates To Rise?
- SA Editors Make Error Upon Error pushing to Reduce complexity of tax exemptions
- Top Three: ERS Trustees to Consider Limits to Pension Spiking Schemes
- Leadership: Judicial commission acts while Abercrombie dithers
- Abercrombie Backs Malama Solomon’s Demand to Disenfranchise Military Voters
- New public land agency hires executive director from Campbell Estate
- Abercrombie Flip-Flops on Free Trade
- Hawaii Army National Guard soldiers headed for Kuwait
- Deedy’s Lawyer to Lynch Mob: Wait for the Trial (Innocence Project pronounces Guilt?)
- New DoE Talking Point: Hawaii is #2 in Cuts to State School Spending
- State Raids Maili Condo Site on Behalf of Carpenters Union
- Police Called on Councilman Berg Rail Rant
- MORE Illegal Dumping by Honolulu City Workers
- Hawaii State Salaries 2012: Highest Paid at University of Hawaii
- Do I want to work? UH Hilo Dropout from Joins ‘Occupy’
- Kauai Luddites Demand GMO Labeling to Assist in Hysterical Propaganda Campaign
- Hawaii regulators approve Kapolei solar farm
- Pono Chong named House Majority Leader
- Civil Beat Decides Hawaii Needs a 'Butt Bill'
- Hawaii residents struggle with long-term healthcare
- Dozens of seniors on waiting list for meals
- Guam Senator Blas sends letter expressing disappointment to Obama
- Matson “Christmas Tree Ship” Arrives Saturday
- APEC - a lost public relations opportunity for the State of Hawaii?
- Rep. Gene Ward Discusses The Hawaii Library System
- Rain files claims suit vs. concert promoter
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Monday, November 21, 2011 |
November 21, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:11 PM :: 29064 Views
- NYT: Occupy Honolulu Looks Like Just Another Homeless Camp
- Report: Hawaii Among Lowest Health Insurance Costs in Nation
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted Nov. 21, 2011
- Akaka on New Akaka Bill: “It’s Sneaky” -- Hanabusa: Akaka Bill must Stay off Radar to Pass
- Hanabusa: I wouldn’t go to dinner with Mazie Hirono
- Lingle Listed at Palm Beach Event
- Hawaii Delegates OK With Pizza as a Vegetable
- Job of U.S. troops is far from over as Iraq War closes
- Sending aloha to the troops in Afghanistan
- HSTA Pushing to Divert Race to the Top Money to Salaries
- HSTA Organizes to Reverse Laupahoehoe Charter School Approval
- Former school employee admits to stealing nearly a half million dollars
- Procurement Office rejects contract targeting Big Wind opponents
- Improved youth prison still concerns ACLU
- APEC: Occupancy Up 1%, Rates Up 28%
- Agent Charged in Hawaii Shooting Pleads Not Guilty
- Navy hopes to gain two Hawaii superferries
- Lack of Farmers Drives Decline in Hawaii Flower Industry
- Na Wai Eha water use process OK’d
- SA: Developments can evolve, too
- City Pays Landfill Operator $2.6M for Spill Cleanup
- Lanai: Entire Island Lines up for Free Turkeys
- Hawaii Co Readies to Sell Uni-Dev Project Homes
- County to open West Hawaii transitional housing
- HNN: No conclusive evidence regarding the effectiveness of ban against cell phones while driving
- Marriott spins off timeshare operations
- Kickstarter Funding Hawaii Projects
- Kauai Doper Gets Marijuana Prescription to Ease Addiction to Oxy
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Sunday, November 20, 2011 |
November 20, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:36 PM :: 18075 Views
- Ansaldo Debacle: HART, Council, Ariyoshi all Looking at Rail Re-bid
- Using Public Services not a Free Lunch
- 14,000 Abandoned Wind Turbines in USA
- Wind Farms Interfere With Military, Civilian Radar
- US Civil Rights Commissioner to speak on End of Victimology
- Harimoto: Any Delays will be the End of Rail
- FBI Raid on HPD Major tied to Investigation of Samoan Prison Gang
- Kakaako, OHA Settlement, new hotbed of land activity and political intrigue
- Cataluna: Abercrombie is a Loud Fire-Breather
- Hawaii employer payrolls are not expected to reach pre-recession levels until After Abercrombie’s Term is Up
- Hint to DoE: Audits can help companies prevent embezzlement
- Hawaii to eliminate work incentives for people moving off welfare
- 1,422 Homeless on Big Isle
- First public bathroom opens in Chinatown
- CoFA Money Chase: Guam Senator Demands to know where Annual CoFA Reports Are
- Hoku Ke`a Telescope Parts Shipped back to Mainland for Re-Work
- Police Shut Down Parade by Jerry Chang’s Motorcycle Club
- APEC: Star-Adv Gives one Last Boost to anti-Capitalist Propagandists Masquerading as Artists
- Honolulu Recycling Program Relies on Behavior Modification Techniques
- The Downside of ‘Buy Local’
- Luddites Triumphant: Maui Bottled Water Plant Killed
- Victorino proposes sweeping changes to Maui water legislation
- Kauai Council Backs Aquarium Trade Ban
- Swordfish Longliners Hit Turtle Cap; Bigeye Fishery Closed in West
- 'Carrot Mob' Descends On Honolulu Store
- National Guard Volunteers Clean up Illegally dumped tires in Waianae
- FCC Proposing Leaving Local TV/Radio Ownership Caps In Place
- PBS Hawaii back on the air after fire
- Fundraiser for law enforcement memorial in Hawaii
- Information on civil unions now online
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Saturday, November 19, 2011 |
November 19, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:56 PM :: 14111 Views
- Whipped in Court, Undercut by JSC, Abercrombie Admin not ready to abandon Defense of Judicial Secrecy
- Court Ruling on Judicial Secrecy an Embarrassment to Abercrombie’s Neutered OIP
- Hirono, Hanabusa Say ‘No’ to Balanced Budget Amendment
- Lingle Unveils Issues-Based Video on Economy
- Rothenberg: Hawaii Senate Race ‘In Play’
- Hawaii Debt Highest in Nation as Percentage of Private Sector Production
- Ceremony Recognizes Aviation Brigade Deployment to Afghanistan after Pohakuloa Training
- Suspended Police Major Collected Full Pay While Allegedly Dealing Drugs
- Mitch Roth to Challenge Old Boy Lincoln Ashida for Hawaii County Prosecutor
- Hawaii 4th-Highest Debt Per Capita
- Berg: Voters deserve another crack at city rail proposal
- Star-Adv: OHA Land Deal Shows Promise (Just like all the Previous Deals)
- House Dems Seek New Majority Leader
- Judge Ezra Issues Injunction: State must Speed Foodstamp Applications, Stop Violating Federal Law
- Soft on Crime: 18 Months For Homosexual Gang Rape at Maui Homeless Camp
- After APEC Lull, Honolulu Police Back to Making Prostitution Arrests
- Maui County Council Considering Massive Property Tax Hike aimed at Farmers
- Hawaii's jobless rate climbs to 6.5 percent in October from 6.4 percent the previous month
- APEC Gave 1% Boost in Occupancy, 28.8% Boost in Rates
- $64.8M School will save $22,000/year, pay for itself in 2,945 years!
- Fire Forces PBS Hawaii Off The Air Indefinitely
- OTEC Uses No Government Money
- Hawaii Conference Highlights Federal Funding Opportunities for Small Businesses
- Sacred Hearts consolidation is complete
- Niu Valley playground gets $15,000 online boost
- Hawaiian Immersion Preschool faces closure
- NPS Doesn’t Allow Hunters, But May Exterminate Pigs, Goats
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Friday, November 18, 2011 |
November 18, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:50 PM :: 15545 Views
- WSJ: Finmeccanica Rushing to Sell Honolulu Rail Contractor Ansaldo
- Report: For Families in Poverty, Hawaii Income Tax is #2 in Nation
- Animal Liberation Groups Demand Matson End Pig Imports to Hawaii
- Dillingham DMV employee, driving instructor charged with Selling Drivers Licenses to Illegal Aliens
- The hidden story of the third Thanksgiving: 1623--giving thanks for freedom
- HART reviewing $1.4 billion Ansaldo contract
- New GOP Chair to Focus on Recruiting Strong GOP Legislative Candidates
- Judge’s Ruling on Judicial Secrecy an Embarrassment to OIP
- Sidewalk Bill Advances Despite Occupy Honolulu
- Slow Economic Recovery Expected For Hawaii
- Solar Installers May Go Out of Business as 15% Threshold Reached on More and More Circuits
- Morita: At Least One Year Before 15% Threshold Can Be Raised
- Maui sees a clean-energy surplus Without Big Wind
- OHA Deal Would Push Two State Departments out of Office Building
- Bill aims to fix flaws in Hawaii's civil unions law
- APEC committee alerted to possible data breach
- Federal Agent’s Lawyer: Knife was not Part of Incident
- U.S. Army Tests Secret Hypersonic Weapon From Kauai
- New Marine Corps Base Hawaii commander
- Castle & Cooke's Rumbaoa to Head Molokai Ranch
- Ho'opili project competes with OHA, KSBE over Development Profits
- Family's land claim snags Hawaiian Village permits
- Hawaiian Adding Five More A330s and A350s by 2015
- Hawaii Hotel and Lodging Assn. Changes Name
- Health Dept. Puts the Kibosh on Customers' Containers
- OTEC International to build ocean power plant in Hawaii Co.
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Thursday, November 17, 2011 |
November 17, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:14 AM :: 13491 Views
- Abercrombie, OHA to Propose Yet Another Ceded Lands Deal to Legislature
- Hawaii National Guard Mobilization Supported APEC Summit
- Council majority urges city to delay final rail approval
- Ansaldo’s local manager has long political track record
- First Rail Lawsuit Hearing Nov 30
- Panel to disclose judicial nominees
- Hawaii’s Tax Burden on Low Income Residents #2 in Nation
- Scammed In Laos, Trapped in America
- Oahu electric rates hit another high
- Up in the Air: Still No Easy Answers For Big Wind
- US must help establish standards for seeking compact-impact funds
- Sen Slom Endorses David Chang
- Suicide Activists try to Talk To Elderly Democrats into Dying for Test Case
- Civil union applications not available until Jan. 1
- OHA May vote on Mossman Replacement this Month
- APEC Reduces Crime, Cures Sickness, Trims Profligacy
- Agent shot to protect self, others, lawyer says
- Grand jury indicts Special Agent in Waikiki killing
- Even With Free Makana Concert, Only 60 People Show Up for Occupy Honolulu
- Occupy Wall Street Movement Has Been Fun To Watch But The Party’s Just About Over
- Youth corrections director says facility is safe
- Media Need Permission to Record at Capitol?
- SA: Reef fish need wise protection
- Punatics Very Pleased with New Council Districts
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011 |
November 16, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:09 AM :: 4495 Views
- Lingle Joins in Bi-Partisan Policy Summit
- Homeless Service Utilization Report: Hawaii 2011
- Bag Ban Detrimental To The Environment
- Feds Raid HPD Major's House; Drugs Seized, Charges Filed
- Council Chair recommends for rail contract rebid
- Ansaldo Front man Hired Councilmember
- SA: Revise pact with Pacific islanders
- Murdock Puts Lanai Up for Sale
- Lack of world attention for APEC was good sign
- Abercrombie Security Detail Costs $1.2M, Racks Up Overtime
- Iolani Palace reopens after Abercrombie forced closure
- Sovereignty Activists Recruiting at Arizona Prison
- Sidewalk Bill A Threat To Occupy Honolulu Protest?
- GMO Labeling: Luddites Demand We Facilitate Boycott Driven by Anti-Science Hype
- Skies above Marine base expected to grow busier
- Navy to take at least another 2 years to decide training range locations on Guam
- Hawaii coffee growers favor free trade deal
- 'Unprofessionalism' drives Hawaii State FCU head to resign
- HMSA posts $12.9M earnings as it seeks rise in premiums
- Prime Healthcare trying to buy bankrupt Hawaii Medical
- Celebration of Life Memorial Service
- Bishops approve memorials for late pope, Mother Marianne Cope
- UPW Gets Paid Just for Showing Up
- Ho'opili serves as a model for all developers
- Hayashino to head Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii
- West Hawaii Civic Center approaches Zero Waste
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Tuesday, November 15, 2011 |
November 15, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:32 AM :: 15586 Views
- New GOP Chair Pledges to Focus on Grassroots
- GAO: Improvements Needed to Assess and Address Growing CoFA Migration
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted November 14
- Proposed Lanai Wind Farm Site named among State’s Most Endangered Historic Places
- Hawaii Green Energy Scammers Do Deals with China
- Mesa Announces Sale of Mokulele Turboprop Operation
- Senator Upset after GAO Report Slaps down Bid for more CoFA Money
- Usual Assortment of Crooks, Cronies at Obama KoOlina Fundraiser
- Report: DoE Funding Formula Incentive to Keep Kids in Special Education Classes
- Governor must disclose judicial candidate list, judge rules
- Kamehameha Schools, Hawaiian Homelands Eyeing Maili Development without Jeff Stone
- Bumbling Abercrombie Could Have Closed, Iolani, Allowed APEC Delegates’ Tours
- Democratic Party Kupuna Caucus to Consider Suicide Nov 16—Former Insurance Co Exec Encourages Them
- Hirono Doubles Down on Obamacare
- President Obama Golfing With Pal Nabbed in Prostitution Sting
- Waikiki residents bid "good riddance" to APEC
- Obama Gives Hawaii to Asia in Trade Deal
- Up In The Air: Will Molokai's Resistance Save It From Big Wind?
- EW Center Cuts Pacific Islands Report regional news service, more cuts to come
- Trustee wins Ruling in Maui Industrial Ponzi Scheme Case
- Hawaii County urged to purchase Banyan's Beach
- Paauilo land attracts Lease bidders
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Monday, November 14, 2011 |
November 14, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:15 PM :: 16098 Views
- Video: Makana, Wearing “Occupy” T-Shirt, Plays Protest Song at APEC Dinner for Obama, World Leaders—Nobody Notices
- Tim Lussier elected Hawai‘i Pacific Univ Student Body President
- Detroit-based Website Takes Aim at Honolulu GOP Treasurer over ties to Radcliffe, Gambling
- Maggie’s List Endorses Linda Lingle for U.S. Senate
- Mafia-Connected FirstWind Got $117M in Federal Loans for Kahuku Windfarm
- Study Examines the State of Faith in Hawaii
- Duke Aiona to speak on “A life of service”
- State-funded Marketing, Manipulation to target Big Wind opposition
- How Will APEC Be Remembered?
- HPD helps Sovereignty Activists Block Traffic, Convicted Felon Henry Noa gets Attention from Chinese Dictator
- Thousands get stuck in "Carmageddon"
- CB: Inside the Occupy Honolulu Encampment
- Hundreds of Guard troops called to duty
- Spear Bill would take aim at Drug Dealing MDs, Pharmacists
- SA: Strive to retain International Marketplace's charm
- Dudley: Ho'opili farming initiative is a myth
- Lincoln Ashida to run for Hawaii County prosecutor
- Kauai Volunteers stage Massive beach Cleanup, Find no Plastic
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