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Hawaii Daily News Read

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Saturday, December 31, 2011
December 31, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:24 PM :: 16065 Views
  1. Mufi Hannemann and Ernie Martin Operative: Patty Teruya Forced out by Ethics Investigation
  2. Hoku Can’t Pay Its Electric bill in Idaho, Freezing Temps May Destroy $390M plant
  3. Update: Hawaii's Civil Union Law Greeted With Lawsuit, But No Injunction
  4. DLNR Seeks Nominees for Forestry Committees
  5. Abercrombie Releases $63.7M in CIP Funds
  6. Full Text: PUC Annual Report
  7. Abercrombie Running on Lingle’s Record
  8. 2011: Dope, Taxes, and a Senate Without a Prayer
  9. Visitor Spending Up 15 Percent This Year Through November
  10. Gabbard Calls for Repeal of DOMA after being Targeted by Gays
  11. Rod Tam begins jail sentence
  12. Agent accused in fatal shooting can travel
  13. 3rd Monk Seal Death not ‘suspicious’
  14. Food truck crackdown spurs move to alter law
  15. Protesters now occupy city sidewalk
  16. Navy Captain Called Workers ‘Slackers” so Tripler faces $20 million racial discrimination lawsuit
  17. Federal judge throws out Guam firing range lawsuit
  18. Bringing Mainland Tribal Troubles to Hawaii
  19. In first year, ignition interlock law called a success
  20. 50,000 year old Moss found Growing In Hawaii
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Friday, December 30, 2011
December 30, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:40 PM :: 11496 Views
  1. Obama Admin, Heritage Foundation Look Toward Consumer Incentives in Medicaid Reform
  2. Hawaii has Nation's Highest Mortgage Balances, Payments
  3. FTA: No Commitment on Federal Funds, Rail Demolition May Begin
  4. State Senate to Censor Senators’ Online Comments
  5. EPIC FAIL: None of DoE High Schools, only One Middle School Meets Requirements of 180-day law
  6. Oral Arguments in Hawaii State Reapportionment Challenge Set for January 4
  7. More Financial Troubles: Wahiawa General Had Been Prepared To Cut Jobs, Hours To Stay Afloat
  8. HART Chair Carrie Okinaga's New Gig: First Hawaiian Lawyer
  9. Hawaiian Electric blending news and advertising
  10. Energy Efficiency? Hawaii Spends $117 per Capita and Reduces Electricity Usage only 1%
  11. State-Run Superferry Bill Coming Back
  12. A five-course meal at Honolulu's priciest restaurant after golf with his hooker-loving buddy
  13. Hawaii churches fight civil unions law
  14. Occupy protesters pushed out of Thomas Square
  15. Occupy Hawaii Island Movement Plans Protest Near Pelosi's Posh Hawaiian Hotel
  16. City Completes Survey of Thomas Park, Occupy is Camping in Park Illegally
  17. Should property tax exemptions for Hawaiian Homes lessees be ended?
  18. PBN Looks Towards 2012:
  19. Will Obama Pay if Iraq Spirals?
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Thursday, December 29, 2011
December 29, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:33 PM :: 15966 Views
  1. Assisted suicide still a no-go in Aloha State
  2. Berg Wins Backing for New Waianae Access Road Study
  3. Full Text: US DoJ Memo Suddenly Legalizes In-State Online Gaming
  4. Hawaii's Civil Union Law Greeted With Lawsuit
  5. Lingle Ranked #2 in Construction Job Growth, Abercrombie Ranks #38
  6. Under Lingle State Saved $20M in Electricity Costs, Abercrombie Claims Credit
  7. Pali Momi, Wahiawa General: ‘Standing Room Only’
  8. Republican National Committee Ted Liu vs Willes Lee
  9. Organic Cultists Shocked: Aloun Farms Growing GMO Corn
  10. Wanna-Be Hawaii Electric Vehicle Manufacturer Goes Bankrupt In Korea
  11. Wasted In Hawaii Site Satires Obama Vacation
  12. Hawaii Kai Realtor Fired for Challenging Gay Lords
  13. Gays Demand Catholics Hand over Children
  14. Put state on spending diet rather than impose soda tax
  15. Rep Fontaine Leading Charge for Kihei High School Project
  16. Hawaii loses 3,200 retail jobs in five years
  17. Hawaii sheds 1,000 government jobs since 2006
  18. DOE Substitutes Must Have College Degrees In 2012
  19. SA: Plague of Frogs unless Fees hikes, positions created
  20. Maui: 30 Eco-Faddists Protest Because Aquarium Fish Dies
  21. Another Monk Seal Found Dead on Molokai
  22. Hawaii teamsters endorse Mufi Hannemann for congress
  23. Hawaii ranked tops for energy investment savings
  24. Island seniors encouraged to weigh in on long-term care report
  25. Obama nominates new chief of US Pacific Command
  26. Amid Arlington Grave Issues, VA Says Punchbowl Review 'Not Necessary'
  27. Hawaii Supreme Court to Convene in Kapolei to Hear Arguments Involving Marital Property Dispute
  28. Stephens Media owner in deal to buy 16 papers from NY Times
  29. MF Global chief missing $1.2B is financial adviser to EPA
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Wednesday, December 28, 2011
December 28, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:14 PM :: 16823 Views
  1. Jihadi Wanna-be Names Names in New York and Hawaii
  2. Organ Transplant, Bio-Fuel Tax Credits, Fee Increases may be Fast-Tracked by Legislature
  3. Public Hearing on Leeward Oahu School Impact Fees
  4. Island Democrats prepare to challenge “open primary” election law
  5. Bankrupt Hospitals Now Say 500 Workers Laid Off
  6. Excessive OT for Ambulance Workers Highlights Strain on Pension System
  7. Hanabusa One Year Serving Campaign Donors
  8. Website slams Obama's Hawaiian vacation
  9. WSJ: HSTA Contract is Major Stumbling Block
  10. Omidyar Site: If Bridge Aina Lea is Appealed, Higher Court Could Create New Precedent
  11. Star-Adv Says Let the Criminals Run Free
  12. Tax Credit Scammers: Solar is Married to tax Credits, Wind is Object of Derision
  13. Fireworks: Snobs Take Fun out of New Years
  14. Large part of Waikiki will be razed for Queen’s development
  15. Hawaii Supreme Court Rules ‘Known or Obvious Danger’ Defense Not Viable
  16. Hawaii Primary Late But Not Latest
  17. Iannucci reflects on era of change at KPD
  18. Another Homeless Camp Murder
  19. Civil Unions Rev “Anticipating Kinks”
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Tuesday, December 27, 2011
December 27, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:52 PM :: 15773 Views
  1. VIDEO: Charles Djou Christmas in Afghanistan
  2. Every Honolulu Emergency Room Closed to Ambulances Thanks to HMC Debacle
  3. State Releases 128 High Risk Repeat Offenders without Supervision
  4. SA: Why is Abercrombie Rewarding School Bus Contractors with $25M While FBI Investigates Bid Rigging?
  5. HGEA DoTAX Workers Cost HGEA $56.7M
  6. Kailua MD: 'Medical industry' ran afoul when it adopted manufacturing ideas
  7. Act 221 Scammers: When Big Wind Dies, all will be lost
  8. UH Scrambles to Block Evaluation of UH Education School
  9. Is Athletic Program under UH Control or UH-Manoa Control?
  10. Federal agency gives $10.7M to isle homelessness efforts
  11. 28 Families Awarded Homestead Leases on Maui
  12. Energy Efficient Lighting Causes Cancer, Kills Birds, Turtles
  13. Can Pro-Business Charity Pay For Rail Lawsuit?
  14. Hawaii couples planning first civil unions for New Year’s Day 2012
  15. Hawaii New Year's fireworks ban plays a different tune
  16. Solyndra: Politics infused Obama energy programs
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Monday, December 26, 2011
December 26, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:58 PM :: 15515 Views
  1. Big Wind, Big Cable: To Stampede Legislature, HECO Trumpets High Rates
  2. Land Swap: City Hedges its Rail Bet
  3. DoE, HSTA Begin Finger Pointing over Loss of Race to the Top Funds
  4. Obama Admin: Hawaii DoE in Danger of Losing Funding
  5. Advertiser suddenly Likes School Sports
  6. Inouye Orders Obama to Come up With Micronesia Action Plan
  7. Coast Guard enforcing Oahu security zone
  8. Nuns describe what life was like for Mother Marianne Cope
  9. CATO Institute: Ron Paul is Abhorrent
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Sunday, December 25, 2011
December 25, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:21 PM :: 17063 Views
  1. How Christmas Came to Hawaii
  2. In Hoc Anno Domini: So the light came into the world
  3. View Back Provides Valuable Insights
  4. HB 608: Legislators Could Have Saved HMC Organ Transplant Center Last Year—Bill Was Killed at Last Minute
  5. After Lowering Tax Revenue Estimates, Rail Now Claims to Exceed
  6. Honolulu Rail Costs $7,600 Per Person
  7. Con artists could take advantage of New Mortgage Refinancing Program
  8. Aloha Stadium Security Somehow Misses ATM Theft in Broad Daylight
  9. Pelosi Slips Quietly into Big Island Resort
  10. Hawaii Had Internet First, Blew It
  11. Chinese Government Propaganda Reporter to Edit Kauai Garden Isle
  12. Global Warmers Cry Because They Can No Longer Blame Everything on Global Warming
  13. After Obama Withdraws Troops, Iraq PM Warns of ‘Rivers of Blood’
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Saturday, December 24, 2011
December 24, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:57 PM :: 15082 Views
  1. How Christmas Came to Hawaii
  2. Europe Non-Stop to Hawaii: Airlines cleared to use Santa's short-cut
  3. Fed Once-Secret Central Pacific Bank Loan Data Released to Public
  4. Malulani Foundation Continues Push for New Hospital in Kihei
  5. DLNR, Ritte Accuse Molokai Residents of Killing Monk Seals
  6. Chief Justice Recktenwald Appoints DesJardins as District Court Judge on Maui
  7. Hirono, Hanabusa Vote Against One Year Extension of Payroll Tax Cut
  8. ‘Green’ Energy: HECO Launches Propaganda Blasts Designed to Stampede Legislature
  9. X-Mas Present: Abercrombie Administration Approves Another Insurance Rate Hike
  10. Kam Schools Spent $106M on DoE Programs
  11. Hilo: School Janitor Allegedly Phone in Threats
  12. Snakes, Coqui Deployed in Effort to Rustle Up More HGEA, UPW Positions
  13. Sierra Club, Greenies, team up to Extract More Money from Ratepayers, Consumers
  14. Hilo Mortician Gets Fate Waihee Evades
  15. 9th Circuit Overrules Seabright, Kiddie Porn Seized by TSA is Admissible
  16. Judicial panel's chief led way to rule change
  17. Hawaii joins other states in supporting cigarette labels
  18. Inouye Endorses Congressional Candidate Takano in CA-47
  19. President Obama starts delayed Hawaii vacation
  20. Obama Blames Hawaii For His Laziness
  21. Revolving Door: Kauai Garden Isle Editor Takes Utility Job
  22. HNN Video: 25th Infantry Soldiers talk one-on-one
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Friday, December 23, 2011
December 23, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:17 PM :: 17494 Views
  1. AG Louie: Assisted Suicide Not Legal in Hawaii
  2. Pacific Command studying negative attitudes toward Hawaii's public schools
  3. Abercrombie's "Surplus" Comes out of Your Pocket
  4. National Journal: Hawaii Democrats Running Scared Through Primary Minefield
  5. In Defense of the Plastic Bag
  6. A Primer on Bridge Aina Lea Case
  7. City Has Two Multiple-Convicted Felons Working Crime Scenes
  8. U.S. Education Secretary: Hawaii Lacks 'Sense of Urgency'
  9. Victory Achieved, so End in Sight for HSTA's Complaint Against Hawaii?
  10. Hawaii unlikely to absorb all HMC employees
  11. Medved Show – 12/21/2011 -H2 – Lesbian couple’s lawsuit claims discrimination by Hawaii BnB
  12. Honolulu Council Chair Ernie Martin to Push Plastic Bag Ban
  13. Gary Hooser Demands We Keep the Homeless Homeless
  14. Clean Energy Scammers Rejoice: To Stampede Legislature and Justify High Electric Rates, HECO Begins Running TV Propaganda
  15. 23.6/kwh Hawaii Solar Developer Laughs All the Way to the Bank
  16. Omidyar Front Group Seeks to Unite TEA Party, Occupy behind Push for Higher Fuel, Electricity Prices
  17. Federal Judge Throws Out Discrimination Complaint Against Six Hawaii Farms
  18. Legislators Again Consider State-Run Superferry
  19. Navy gets OK to buy two Hawaii Superferries
  20. Documents about Eric Lighter from a lost archive
  21. Mufi Operative Complains that Republicans Support Lingle
  22. Hawaii Division of Financial Institutions is requesting 41 additional Fees
  23. Hawaii REIT to Launch IPO
  24. Alexander & Baldwin's CEO Discusses Separation Plan Announcement - Conference Call Transcript
  25. Hawaii Cracks Down on Beachfront Property Owners in Kahala
  26. How To Donate To Philippine Typhoon Relief
  27. Prosecutor had no grounds to charge officers of puppy mill's corporate owner
  28. Obamacare will Hike Insurance Rates 14% per year
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Thursday, December 22, 2011
Letters to the Editor, December, 2011
By Letters to the Editor @ 10:37 PM :: 5652 Views

Hawaii County: Government Without Limits

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Thursday, December 22, 2011
December 22, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:13 PM :: 16438 Views
  1. Big Victory for HSTA: Obama Admin Seizes Control of Hawaii RTTT Funds
  2. Hawaiian Telcom to Impose Contract on IBEW; Legal Challenge Anticipated
  3. End of Year Tax Reminders
  4. NYT: Lingle is Change Candidate
  5. Leukemia: Bone Marrow Patients Must Go To Mainland Now
  6. 14 State Tax Employees Under Investigation
  7. Star-Adv: $75M grant at risk
  8. Timber! Hawaii County Bag Ban Will Lead to Increased Paper bag Use
  9. Multi-Kilo Dope Minister to be Charged With Money Laundering
  10. PUC Allows Green Energy Scammers to Save $40K By Making their Electricity Even Less Reliable
  11. Solar Contractor Tries to get Legislators Drunk
  12. Hawaii Veterans Have Lower Unemployment
  13. Sovereignty Scammer Lighter Convicted in Tax Evasion Case
  14. Hawaiian Increasing Seoul-Honolulu Service to Daily
  15. Inouye Slips CoFA Fix into Appropriations Bill
  16. Kauai County Sits on $57M
  17. Kauai Councilman Could Face Jail over Home Improvements
  18. Pacific Wings contests Kalaupapa subsidies award
  19. Honolulu's Response to Too-Popular Service: Stop Offering It
  20. Al-Qaeda Bombs Shia to Stoke Sectarian Tensions in Iraq
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011
December 21, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:44 PM :: 13967 Views
  1. How Christmas Came to Hawaii
  2. KOS: Ed Case is Vile Mockery
  3. Hirono, Hanabusa: Goebbels is not Proud of Us
  4. Hawaii One of Only Seven States Where Unemployment is not Dropping
  5. Wall Street Journal John Fund Heading to Hawaii for Smart Business Hawaii Conference
  6. HMC Closure Challenges Abercrombie Administration, Congressional Delegation
  7. EMS Makes Heroic Effort, Kuakini Admissions up 150%
  8. St. Francis Healthcare CEO will retire
  9. Shan Tsutsui Tries to Explain Bond Sale
  10. Auditor Reviews Public Libraries, DOE, OHA Funds
  11. HSTA Fails Teachers so badly they must seek second jobs
  12. Inouye Slips Full E-W Center Funding into Appropriations Bill
  13. Legislators Plan Whole New Charter School System
  14. Shakedown: Ritte Demands “Profit Sharing” With Molokai Cruise Yacht Operator
  15. Big Island County Council to Vote on Plastic Bag Ban
  16. SA: Keep domestic violence victims in our hearts
  17. Schizophrenic Stabs Board and Care Home Operator After Fridge is Padlocked
  18. Global Horizons Trafficking Trial Set for February 2012 Delayed Seven Months
  19. Civil Beat Still Crying About Extra Police Patrols in Waikiki
  20. Civil Beat Still Crying about Imprisoned Multi-Kilo Dope Dealer
  21. North Korea, budget cuts among topics at military conference
  22. Chow says nothing is official on Hawaii
  23. Kailua Neighbors Give Obama Thumbs Down on Job Performance
  24. Kiwis, Omidyar team up to Launch Dairy
  25. Need A Job? AP Wants You in the Legislature
  26. Rolling waves not joints
  27. Another surfer admits they are all on drugs
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011
December 20, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:38 PM :: 16438 Views
  1. Medicare Fraud: FBI Investigating Failed HMC Buyer
  2. Abercrombie Schemes to make Legislators do Heavy Lifting, Introduces Budget with More Spending, No Tax Hike
  3. Secret Furloughs? Two More Executive Orders Appear on Abercrombie Website
  4. Pilago Seen as Swing Vote on Hawaii County Bag Ban
  5. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted December 19, 2011
  6. How Christmas Came to Hawaii
  7. Mixed emotions as Schofield troops leave Iraq
  8. Army Cancels Plans To Deploy Entire 29th Infantry
  9. Governor sees surplus even if nobody else can
  10. Radcliffe: Legalize Hawaii’s $1B Illegal Gambling Business
  11. Queen's Applies For Organ Transplant Program
  12. Filling the organ transplant void may take one year
  13. Hochberg, ADF to Defend Against Lesbian Suit
  14. Gays aren’t Spending Much on Union Ceremonies
  15. Fluke: State Judge Rules in Favor of Billion Dollar Developer
  16. Hawaii personal income growth lags nation
  17. Charter Schools' 'Glaring Concerns' Raised at Briefing
  18. Legislators to Take Hurricane off Hurricane Fund
  19. $490M in Hawaii Pork in Senate Spending Bill
  20. Pope approves miracles of Blesseds Marianne Cope and Kateri Tekakwitha
  21. Anxiety, hope fill island Koreans
  22. Honolulu Property Tax Overhaul Dead On Arrival?
  23. Kamehameha Schools wins $1.4M settlement in alleged breach case
  24. Typo Makes Gabbard Frontrunner
  25. Forbes: Bank of Hawaii 2nd Most Profitable in Nation
  26. KIUC getting set up for solar—Installs 1st of 3 Giant Battery Systems
  27. Cruise Allowed To Return To Molokai Next Month
  28. Failure is a key component of learning
  29. UH OKs contract negotiation with Norm Chow to lead Warrior Football team
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Monday, December 19, 2011
December 19, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:20 PM :: 13760 Views
  1. Abercrombie Doubles Down on Policies Which Killed HMC Hospitals
  2. State Joins Lawsuit Seeking to Force Hawaii Kai Homeowner to Rent Room to Lesbians
  3. VIDEO: Representative George Fontaine's Christmas Message 2011
  4. Schofield soldiers return to Hawaii as part of the last group of U.S. forces to leave Iraq
  5. Abercrombie: No apologies--I Always Get Elected Because People Disagree With Me
  6. City Risk Manager Steered Rail Insurance Contract to Marsh
  7. State Could Pay Millions for HGEA's Favored Nation Perk
  8. Decoupling Contributes to latest HECO Rate Hike
  9. Bond Sale Doesn't Affect Ed Department's Capital Improvement Plans
  10. Honolulu Seawater Air Conditioning does pipeline survey
  11. Ernie Els Golf Course Has Yet to Deliver on Ewa Community Benefits
  12. Alleged Multi-Kilo Dope Dealer Still in Jail and Civil Beat is Really Upset
  13. Nonprofits benefit from HI-5 donations
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Sunday, December 18, 2011
December 18, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:35 PM :: 14600 Views
  1. Kalapa: Legislature Will Turn its Attention to Gaming
  2. Rep Pine Renews Push for Cybercrime Legislation
  3. Last American Troops Leave Iraq Marking End of War
  4. As environmental lawsuit looms, city has contracted out nearly $3 billion for Rail
  5. New study offers ways to streamline the justice system to ease overcrowding
  6. SA: Tread lightly in reforming property tax
  7. Machida: Public employee pension spiking is expensive flaw that needs fixing
  8. Bidding irregularity and delays imperil rail insurance program
  9. Wahiawa, Pali Momi already Filled Up with Waianae Coast Emergency Patients
  10. With More Vacation Days and Separate Travel, Price of Obama’s Annual Hawaiian Holiday Rises to $4M
  11. Financial Exploitation of Senior Draws Prison Term
  12. Snob Power: HPD to arrest any Juveniles Caught Setting off Fireworks
  13. Developer: Haseko has gone the extra mile to be a good neighbor in Ewa Beach
  14. Kauai Water Rates to Jump 11% per Year every year til 2014
  15. Hawaii County property tax system being audited
  16. The Betrayal of Liliuokalani an Embarrassment to Researchers
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Saturday, December 17, 2011
December 17, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:43 PM :: 20401 Views
  1. Federal Funding Rejection Reveals DoE Scheme to Profit by Labeling More Children “Special Needs”
  2. As Delisting Looms, Material Misrepresentation by Hoku Solar?
  3. Star-Advertiser: Occupy brought “Heady Whiff of Revolution” to a “Self-Important Democracy”
  4. Hawaii Loses Only Organ Transplant Center
  5. First complaint filed under new city ordinance against personal property on sidewalks
  6. Hawaii high court will hear reapportionment challenge on Jan. 4
  7. Moribund Politics: Hawaii’s Legislative Candidates Fundraising Totals Stable over 2 decades
  8. Federal Judge Overturns LUC Theft of Bridge Aina Lea Zoning
  9. Planted? 1 Ounce Of Drugs At Police Major's House, Not Half-Pound
  10. Doper trying to Reduce Sentence in Grow-Op Murder, Dismemberment
  11. Charter school dismisses state audit
  12. After Oahu Farm Workers Fall Ill, State Inspectors Look Into Workers' Safety, Food Security
  13. Mokulele: Non-Stop to Chicago, One Stop to London
  14. Young Brothers gets OK to raise interisland shipping rates
  15. Abercrombie refusing to Release Funds for Kauai Emergency Bypass Road
  16. Romney's $10,000 wager was right
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Friday, December 16, 2011
December 16, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:49 PM :: 17463 Views
  1. Inouye: I Dumped Akaka Bill in Last Minute Horse-Trading
  2. Mysterious DoTax Internal Security Breach Referred for Investigation
  3. How Christmas Came to Hawaii
  4. Reliance on government jobs weakens Honolulu's recovery
  5. Hirono: Taxpayers Must Buy Dope For the Jobless
  6. Abercrombie: Lanai, Molokai Must Accept Big Wind
  7. Cronyism, Horse-Trading in Abercrombie’s Coup at Ag Corp
  8. Audit Rips Hawaii Charter Schools
  9. After Expose, Competition Returns For Hawaii School Bus Contracts
  10. HPD major accused of extortion released on bond again
  11. City anticipates revenue increase
  12. Archeologist for Haseko Challenges Claims About Native Hawaiian Cultural Sites
  13. Study: Honolulu 15th ‘most secure’ large U.S. city
  14. HMC, former St. Francis hospitals, shutting down
  15. Youth Correctional Facility Cleans Up Its Act
  16. HSTA’s 2012 Legislative Priorities
  17. Your Tax Dollars At Work: Hoku faces possible delisting by Nasdaq
  18. Ewa Developer's Switch from Marina to Lagoon Raises Legal Issues
  19. Ohio, Va., ready to fight military cuts—Lazy Hawaii says, Let Inouye Handle It
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Thursday, December 15, 2011
December 15, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:29 PM :: 16304 Views
  1. Hakim “Islam Day” Ouansafi to Direct Hawaii Public Housing Agency
  2. IBEW Votes Down Hawaiian Tel Contract Offer
  3. Roll Call: Hanabusa Refuses to Endorse Hirono
  4. HSTA: Abercrombie Admin Exaggerated Crisis During Legislative Session
  5. Broken Trust Waihee rouses OHA Cronies with Latest Plan to Squeeze Hawaiians out of State Akaka Tribe
  6. Political Radar: Romney. Paul Enter Hawaii GOP Caucuses
  7. Hawaii to Seek More Financial Disclosure From Super PACs
  8. Hawaii 2010 Legislative Campaigns Raked in $5M in Total Contributions
  9. Rejected: CBS Apology for Hawaii Five-O Crew Actions During World War II Commemoration
  10. Three More HPD Officers Face Criminal Charges
  11. Simon Wiesenthal Center Hits Democrat Bloggers’ Anti-Semitism
  12. Hawaii Congressional Delegation Larded With Millionaires
  13. Obama's isle vacation will be expensive
  14. State Medicaid spending soars 22.7%
  15. Honolulu housing costs eclipse most of nation
  16. DHHL Waiting List Offered Leases Again
  17. Farrington High School To Modernize Campus
  18. Half Vacant Aloha Tower Market Place Tenants Urging State To Ink Deal With Developer
  19. Koloa Camp residents to be evicted by Case Family Grove Farm
  20. Assaults have tenants seeking more control
  21. Settlement in Hokulia Bypass Case
  22. St. Francis Healthcare blocks bid to sell HMC hospitals
  23. The Gas Co. producing renewable natural gas
  24. Hawaii-based soldiers give eye exams to Waianae elementary school students
  25. Hawaii to Iraq and Back, No Easy Road
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011
December 14, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:05 PM :: 19240 Views
  1. Education Week: If Hawaii Doesn’t Lose its Race to the Top Money, Something is Wrong
  2. Mitt Romney and Ron Paul Register for Hawaii Republican Caucus
  3. Inouye Donors Score $99M in Earmarks with Only $166K in contributions—But He’s not #1 in Pork
  4. $149M: Inouye Makes Hirono #1 Sponsor of Earmarks in US House for 2010
  5. Curtis: HECO has Failed to Look at Alternatives to Big Wind, Should be Denied Rate Hikes to Cover Costs
  6. Predictably, Star-Advertiser Uses DHHL Suit to Argue for Akaka Bill
  7. Things go Better With Coke: Ernie Martin Holding Another Fundraiser as Mayoral Race Looms
  8. DoE/HSTA: No Progress on Key RTTT Proposals Since June 17
  9. DoE Exporting Millions in Hawaii Tax Credits to Mainland Company
  10. NYT Rips Parent Company of Hawaii Technology Academy
  11. Failing, Castle Complex Simply Changes Grading System to Make It Look Good
  12. Hawaii 47th State to Adopt Anti-Bullying Laws
  13. McMackin’s Salary Just the Tip of Greenwood’s Iceberg
  14. Abercrombie to Bellow About “Success” on Monday
  15. Oahu's North Shore To Host Hawaii's Largest Wind Farm – Just in time to Collect Federal Tax Credits
  16. $77K/year and still eligible: Hawaii Gives Away Insurance to Little Rich Kids
  17. Broken Trustee Sues Pioneer Seed Grower on Behalf of Kauai Luddites
  18. Although Honolulu PD Actively Opposes Legalization of Gambling; Officer’s Wife is Fronting Group Pushing Mainlanders’ Waikiki Casino Schemes
  19. Memminger Signs up With CCA
  20. Occupy Honolulu: Meeting with Mayor Didn't Go Well
  21. Funded by State’s Richest Resident, Progressives Get Together to Complain about Influence of Money in Politics
  22. Inouye Pushes to Featherbed Nursing Staffs
  23. Marriott Says Waikiki Edition Takeover Product of Conspiracy by Aqua
  24. Hawaiian Air unveils neighbor isle travel program with lower fares
  25. APEC - Representatives Gene Ward and Aaron Ling Johanson discuss Hawaii's Premier Event
  26. Hannemann Picks Up Labor Backing
  27. Small businesses should be supported, not taxed
  28. $30K Reward Offered In Papaya Destruction Case
  29. Hawaii AG Joins California in Supporting Genocide Insurance Law
  30. Republicans push payroll tax cut bill through House, despite White House veto threat
  31. Obama, Terrorists Cheer US Withdrawal from Iraq
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011
December 13, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:45 PM :: 19263 Views
  1. What to Do about Drug Shortages
  2. $149M: Inouye Makes Hirono #1 Sponsor of Earmarks in US House for 2010
  3. Curtis: HECO has Failed to Look at Alternatives to Big Wind, Should be Denied Rate Hikes to Cover Costs
  4. As rooftop solar surges, states hit brakes
  5. VIDEO: Jones Act Impact on Hawaii Business
  6. Drunken Abercrombie assistant fined for refusing to leave Waikiki bar
  7. Hawaii 5-0 Crew Insults Pearl Harbor Survivors at Punchbowl
  8. OHA: Hilo Meeting on Settlement is “Contentious”
  9. OHA Fails to Elect Replacement for Mossman, Kicks Decision to Abercrombie
  10. Survey: 41% say “Arrest Ritte”
  11. Judge refuses to Boot Cayetano, Others from Rail Case
  12. Bert Kobayashi is Author of Secret Study Approving Ansaldo Bond
  13. Tokuda: Education Reform Depends on Legislature Voting to Restrict its own Powers
  14. Scathing Audit: Honolulu Ambulance Service Lacking
  15. The Supernova Syndrome
  16. Real Life Version of "The Descendants" Now Playing In Court
  17. DHHL Pretends to try to tackle waiting list
  18. Property Tax Changes on deck for Kauai
  19. Video: Representative Cynthia Thielen and Jay Fidell discuss Wave Energy 2011
  20. Full Text: Sidewalk Property Ordinance
  21. Hawaii Pimp Gets 10 Years For Child Sex-Trafficking
  22. How Ranked-Choice Voting Silenced 31,500 Voters
  24. WaPo: Dan Akaka Demands to Know Why Teenagers Can’t Buy Abortion Pills without Prescription
  25. Hirono Still Trying to use Micronesians to Score more Bucks
  26. Hawaii-based soldiers to return from Iraq
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Monday, December 12, 2011
December 12, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:49 PM :: 12648 Views
  1. Poll of Hard-Core Hawaii Democrats gives Hirono 18-pt Lead over Case
  2. Flood of Money Pours into Lingle Campaign
  3. Duke Aiona Undecided About 2014
  4. Need $15,000? OHA Giving Away More Cash
  5. Supreme Court asks for Federal Input on Challenge to Hawaii Admission Act, Hawaiian Homes Commission Act
  6. Lingle: Grow the Economy to Raise Revenue
  7. Ed Case: Raise Taxes and Cut Defense Spending
  8. Sam Aiona, Dylan Nonaka Join Forces in Hawaii Super-PAC
  9. Planned Parenthood behind New Hawaii Super-PAC
  10. Hawaii Voter Turnout Correlates to Strong Republican Challenges
  11. SA: Ritte Should be Arrested Next Time, Maybe
  12. Big Wind Brinksmanship: The Fate Of Lanai Hinges On A Los Angeles Real Estate Tycoon
  13. Ending Homelessness: Interview with Marc Alexander
  14. Star-Advertiser does another Fluff Piece on Occupy Honolulu
  15. Unitarians, Crossroads Quivering With Excitement over Gay Civil Unions
  16. HOPE Probation Comes to Seattle
  17. Outgoing FCC Commissioner Calls for Change in Rules to Outlaw HNN
  18. HPD Issues First Smoking Law Citations In Years
  19. Hawaii does not have to be a pedestrian deathtrap
  20. Foreign visitors perk up recovering hotel industry
  21. State Still Trying to Shake Money Out of Catamaran Operators
  22. Whole Foods Touts Strategy in 'Buying Local'
  23. Students want say in selection of new football coach
  24. Occupy protesters seek to shut West Coast ports
  25. The Descendants Wins Best Picture, 2nd Best Screenplay
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Sunday, December 11, 2011
December 11, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:33 PM :: 12835 Views
  1. Colette Machado: I look at Kalaupapa--Native Hawaiians will fight against Assisted Suicide
  2. KOS: The perception of Occupy Honolulu is Universally Negative
  3. Verifying the Numbers a Challenge for Tax Department
  4. Church Volunteers Clean Waianae Storm Channels in Advance of Rainy Season
  5. "Accretion," Hawaii Style
  6. Hawaii Mortgage Down Payments 4th Highest in USA by Percentage
  7. Lingle Pushes back against Tax Hike
  8. City Council openings promise lively elections
  9. Gay Civil Unions Fix it Bill to Grab for Control of Children
  10. 'Forgotten' Sacrifice Honored In West Oahu
  11. Green Beret reflects on end of Afghanistan involvement
  12. Rail: 40% of the Financial Puzzle Comes Undone
  13. Pawns of Hotel Workers Local 5--Occupy Honolulu Targets Hyatt Hotel in Waikiki
  14. Inouye? Who’s That? Omidyar Continues Push to Grab Control of Non-Profit Sector
  15. Cataluna: Arrest Berg
  16. Did Burial Claim force Haseko to Abandon Marina Plan?
  17. Without Tax Credits, Solar PV More Expensive that HECO
  18. HNN Posts Video of Wind Turbine Burning
  19. Researchers uncertain about tsunami debris’ radioactivity, Certain about need for More Funding
  20. Smug Sociology Prof: UH football entertaining but unimportant
  21. As Predicted, Chaminade Asst Coach resigns, Apologizes
  22. Tsunami Aftermath: The Kona Coast has recovered, but not the Kona Village Resort
  23. Honolulu 7th Healthiest City for Women
  24. Tribal Leader: Alaska should be listed as non-self-governing territory
  25. Esther Kiaaina Plays Up Guam Roots
  26. Synagro Donates $25,000 to Support Sand Island Park Restoration Efforts
  27. Public Access Room workshops coming to Big Island December 12-17, 2011
  28. City Declaring War on Sex-for-Money Hostess Bars
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Saturday, December 10, 2011
December 10, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:59 PM :: 16366 Views
  1. China’s Startling Strategic Play in Micronesia
  2. DeMello Joins Abercrombie Communications Team
  3. Florida Marlins Holding Baseball Clinic at Schofield
  4. Gone with the Wind Subsidies
  5. VIDEO: 5 Questions with NEWS maker David Chang, Chair Hawaii Republican Party
  6. Fortunately for Abercrombie, Republicans Don’t Have a Strong Candidate for Governor in 2014
  7. Shapiro: Abercrombie’s Entire Career Built on Being Wrong
  8. We'll believe it when we see it, maybe
  9. Former Congressman Ed Case: If Hirono Wins U.S. Senate Democratic Primary, Former GOP Gov. Lingle Will Beat Her
  10. Bound for Hawaii on the wings of a soaring Australian Dollar
  11. Mayor signs abandoned property bill into law
  12. SA Cheers as Obama, Steve Case team up to Boost Business Cronies
  13. Abercrombie Sends $3M to Big Isle for no Particular Reason
  14. Laupahoehoe charter again seeks BOE relief after CSRP decision
  15. Waialua robotics teacher wins Milken award
  16. SA: Football Coach Salary Too High
  17. Onishi Lobbies Hawaii County Reapportionment, Gets Own District
  18. Bodhi Day Celebrated in Honolulu
  19. Ban likely to stifle New Year's fireworks
  20. Environmental Impact Statements for Sale?
  21. Plan seeks to replicate New Zealand's success by creating a sustainable dairy industry in the isles
  22. Traffic Fatalities Down on Big Isle
  23. State approves process to ban alcohol, drugs at Kaneohe sandbar
  24. Sold! DLNR sells all 16 Koke‘e cabins in auction’s first tier
  25. Hawaii Has Unclaimed Property
  26. 2012=1968?
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Friday, December 9, 2011
December 9, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:43 PM :: 13843 Views
  1. Hirono Camp: Case Unworthy of the People of Hawaii
  2. Pay to Play Fines Unpaid: Hirono for Governor Campaign Closes Owing State Elections Fund Over $98,000
  3. It Begins: Army to Cut 8,700 Civilian Jobs in 37 States
  4. Nonaka Launches 'Hawaii Solutions'
  5. Gloves Come Off As Hawaii Senate Race Gets Going
  6. Abercrombie’s Health Czar Takes Aim at “High-Tech Services”
  7. City Audit: Only 3 of 21 Ambulances Meet Emergency Response Time Guidelines
  8. Molokai business leader fears 'erosion of rule of law'
  9. Cruise line cancels a third Molokai call after protests
  10. HSTA Blocks Laupahoehoe Charter for at Least One Year
  11. $100M: Council faces tough choices on property tax exemptions
  12. State prosecutors Continue to Harass DEA Agent over Arrest of Alleged Tweeker
  13. $25 million offered for 2 St Francis hospitals
  14. Atheists Make Honolulu Manger a Non-Profit Responsibility
  15. Obamas Not Staying at Illegal Vacation Rental This Year
  16. Marcus Oshiro to Travel to Israel
  17. Pro-Rail Activist Files IRS Complaint Against Small Business Hawaii
  18. Hawaii About to Crack Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Roadblocks?
  19. PUC to Keep Using Outside Consultants to Drive Clean Energy Approvals
  20. New energy sources fuel interest from Secretary of the Navy
  21. Firm markets waste-to-ash technology to Hawaii hotels
  22. State to auction off forfeited property
  23. Land costs for Kona Judiciary complex range from $4.5M to $10.8M
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Thursday, December 8, 2011
December 8, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:56 PM :: 12987 Views
  1. State Sues to Get Back $39M Looted from Graves by John Waihee
  2. Ed Case: “Mazie's been selling her candidacy to DC insiders”
  3. Former State Administrators: Abercrombie’s Bond Sale Like setting up savings account by charging credit card
  4. Hawaii Physicians Rally Against Assisted Suicide
  5. Hawaii's Second Saint: Blessed Marianne Cope to be Canonized Next October?
  6. Another E-W Center Conference: Pearl Harbor Day at the NEH
  7. Obama Delays Hawaii trip after Romney hit
  8. Abercrombie Cronies Push Executive Director out of Agribusiness Development Corporation, Slip their Own Guy In
  9. Council passes abandoned property bill
  10. Waihee Tribe Disenfranchise Large Numbers of Hawaiians
  11. Hawaii Civil Unions Will Be Same as Marriage for State Income Taxes
  12. Slom: Gambling is in the Air, Bond Sale Means More Debt, More Burden for Taxpayers
  13. Military Families Support Training at Pohakuloa
  14. SA: Marines, residents should find accord
  15. Plan tightens rules for public charter schools
  16. Superferry Assassinated by a gang of granola-munching elitists and just-say-no localists and self-anointed culture-keepers
  17. Anti-GMO Luddites Fail to get GMO Bill in HSAC Legislative Package
  18. ILWU’s McElrath Rejects Occupy Attempt to Shut West Coast Ports
  19. Thielen Renews Push for Rooftop Solar On Bill Financing
  20. Video of Tom Berg Arguing With Secret Service at APEC
  21. Council grants permits for Hilton expansion
  22. Census: Median incomes highest in East Honolulu
  24. Republicans Prefer Hawaii 5-0
  25. Medical Center Lab Director Has Fake PHD from Hawaii Scam School
  26. Chaminade places coach on administrative leave for racial slur
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011
December 7, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:29 PM :: 14714 Views
  1. Sneak Attack: Re-write of Pearl Harbor History Awaits Death of WW2 Veterans
  2. Pearl Harbor, Civil Rights, and Hawaii Statehood
  3. Pearl Harbor Survivor to Direct ‘Mass Band Performance’ on 70th Anniversary
  4. Ewa Field Event to Mark 70th Anniversary of Attack
  5. Petition hits Hawaiian Airlines 'Price Fixing', seeks return of Superferry
  6. Hawaii Health Ranks #4 in Nation
  7. Feds Force DHS to Streamline Food Stamp Processing
  8. White House: North Korea making missile able to hit US
  9. Shapiro: Haughty Abercrombie's troubles are all his own, not Lingle's
  10. Star-Adv: New History of Pearl Harbor being Written as Generation Passes
  11. Hawaii soldiers return from Iraq
  12. Hanabusa: Military Strategic Doctrine Based on My Need to Deliver Pork
  13. DSCC Doubles Down on Rejection of Ed Case
  14. Planned Parenthood: Make Catholics Pay for Birth Control
  15. BoE Orders Audit of DoE Procurement
  16. DoTax was ‘Highly Politicized’
  17. Bhago on HGEA: "I can't tell them not to do it…I've never experienced this before, where we don't have the resources, per se, nor the authority ….”
  18. Gov Cuts Funding for Special Ed Supplies In Budget Request
  19. Director hired for Hawaii health insurance exchange
  20. Laotian Workers Suffer Health and Financial Problems on Oahu Farms
  21. Honolulu Panel: Property Tax Exemptions Unfair
  22. Last Ditch Effort to Water down Sidewalk Property Ban
  23. Taxpayers sacrifice, not politicians or union workers
  24. Honolulu Roads to be Repaved after 21 Years
  25. Kekaha public housing residents go from ‘paradise to living hell’
  26. Eric Ryan’s Latest Vendetta (Yawn)
  27. IRS has $1M tax lien on Guirguis
  28. Biofuel to Power Navy Exercise
  29. CB Continues Styrofoam War on Restaurant Industry
  30. Kilauea’s History of Explosive Eruptions
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011
December 6, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:09 PM :: 25370 Views
  1. Confidential Memo: Wind Turbine Model Installed at Kahuku has Structural Problems
  2. LoPresti: Ewa Neighborhood Board 'Most Dysfunctional in USA'
  3. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted December 5, 2011
  4. Pearl Harbor Survivor to Direct ‘Mass Band Performance’ on 70th Anniversary
  5. Ewa Field Event to Mark 70th Anniversary of Attack
  6. Mission Memorial Auditorium Site of Rail Showdown December 6
  7. Hawaii Physicians Rally Against Assisted Suicide
  8. Duke Aiona to Address Pro-Life Group
  9. For The First Time In 70 Years, 24 Pearl Harbor Survivors Return
  10. FBI: Police Major got $6000/month from Illegal Gambling Room
  11. DoTax Manipulates Check Cashing Times to Suit Political Expediency
  12. State's constitution is what props up its credit rating, not Abercrombie
  13. SA Editors: We Look forward to Abercrombie Pushing thru OHA Settlement, Soda Tax, Kakaako Tower
  14. Roll Call: Hirono Probably Going to beat Case
  15. City officials opt to skip forum on rail transit project
  16. Fidell: Arrest Walter Ritte
  17. KIUC to delay smart meter install
  18. Anti-GMO Crackpots Win Maui, Kauai Council Support
  19. Santiago: Don’t Force the Homeless into Shelters, Give Money to PHOCUSED Instead
  20. Catholic Charities set to open transitional housing in Makiki
  21. Laupahoehoe appeals to BOE
  22. DoE Taken For A Ride: Fewer Players, Bigger Budgets
  23. Prediction: HSTA Dispute Won't End Before 2017
  24. Lingle: Feds Didn't Give Enough Notice On Monk Seal Rule
  25. While Our Leaders Doze, a National Plan to Hose Hawaii Moves Onward
  26. Honolulu property search still hides public information
  27. LIUNA Tries to Shake Down Saddle Road Builder
  28. Murder Suspect was Praised by Mayor Kenoi
  29. Soft on Crime: Out after Raping Step Daughter, Criminal gets Paltry 56 Month Minimum for Manslaughter
  30. Indicted in Hawaii, Alleged Scammers Pop Up In Connecticut
  31. Plug pulled on Hawaii Kai luxury condo project after financing fails
  32. Four Hawaii Post Offices Still on Chopping Block
  33. University of Hawaii students seek support for cargo container redesign
  34. Kauai’s oldest Catholic church to celebrate 170 years
  35. Has the War with Iran Already Begun?
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Monday, December 5, 2011
December 5, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:31 PM :: 13852 Views
  1. Lawsuit targets "Illegal" $117M Federal Loan Guarantee for Kahuku Windfarm
  2. Kalapa vs Property Tax Exemptions: Vitality of County Depends on Everyone Paying Their Share
  3. Hawaii Republican Presidential Vote to be Held in Every House District
  4. McIntosh to run for Hawaii County Council in 2012
  5. As WWII vet numbers dwindle, preservation of their legacy shifts to newer generations
  6. The More Abercrombie Rages, the More He is Ignored
  7. Secrecy Shrouds Abercrombie’s Year-Long search for Water Board Nominee
  8. 99% tell Occupy Honolulu: “Get a job. Go back to the Mainland.”
  9. Rail Planners Admit Most of their Plan is Flawed
  10. Honolulu Not Alone in Trying to Move Homeless from Sidewalks
  11. State Releases RFP for 650 foot Kakaako Tower
  12. Marina proposal at Sand Island is meeting some opposition
  13. 43% of Makawao Residents Pay 50% of Income in Rent
  14. Performance Contracts for Hawaii Charter Schools
  15. SA: More Money for Preschool
  16. More students receiving free & low-cost lunch
  17. SA Editors Waste More Ink of Cult of Gore
  18. CB Gives Doper Space for Long, Rambling Diatribe on Dope
  19. CB Gives Peak Oil Cultists Space for Long Rambling Diatribe on Peak Oil
  20. UH System to Give More to Green Energy Scammers
  21. Green Bubble About to Pop: Battery Makers don’t have Customers
  22. IRS Has $716K for Hawaii Taxpayers
  23. West Hawaii Bar Association civil unions seminar (Dec. 12)
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Sunday, December 4, 2011
December 4, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:03 PM :: 18362 Views
  1. Hawaiians’ Anger and Distrust towards OHA Settlement: “Theft, Perversion”
  2. SA: Bond Sale Will Lead to Legislative Spending Frenzy
  3. Cost of electricity is silent factor in Hawaii energy policy
  4. Abercrombie Stumbles in First Year, Plans More of the Same for Next Three
  5. Bad New Day: Abercrombie Already Planning for 2014 Election
  6. Matayoshi Subverts State Law to Reorganize DoE Upper Echelons
  7. How The DoE Promotes Hawaii’s Income Gap
  8. PHOCUSED Boss of Profitable Nonprofits to Seek Tom Berg’s Council Seat
  9. Socialist Morons Can’t Figure out Why there is a Shortage of Cancer Drugs in Hawaii
  10. Occupy group, city officials put actions on hold for now
  11. Honolulu Drowning In Water Main Breaks
  12. Hawaii County: $7.5M in fuel taxes goes unspent (some money sitting since 1998)
  13. Domestic Migration 2008-2009: More People Leaving Maui than Arriving
  14. Honolulu joins the "city camp" initiative
  15. Hawaiian Hiring Flight Attendants
  16. Homeless Advocate: Newt is wrong, Food stamps are For Buying Drugs, Not Going to Hawaii
  17. UH Prof Publishes Eminent Domain Book
  18. Hawaii perfectly placed to watch the December 10th total lunar eclipse
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Saturday, December 3, 2011
December 3, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:29 PM :: 17552 Views
  1. Thielen: Federal Takeover of Hawaii Shorelines Would Endanger Clean Energy Projects
  2. Obama to Vacation in Hawaii Dec 17-Jan 2
  3. Fontaine Factor: Volunteering and Giving During the Holiday Season
  4. DoE Data: Not Linked, Not Supported, Not Accessible
  5. Hawaii Physicians Rally Against Assisted Suicide
  6. UHERO: Slowing Asian Growth, Drop in Mainland Arrivals Squeeze Hawaii
  7. Obamacare Push: Insurance Executive Tim Johns to head Hirono's Senate campaign
  8. BoE: Maybe We Should Stop Interfering with Our Own Audit Department
  9. Lingle backs Visa Reforms to boost Tourism
  10. State Energy Office: Anti-Superferry Protester knows how to Profit from “Clean” Energy
  11. BOSS Poll of 400 local business leaders goes inside the local economy and forecasts what’s ahead
  12. Hawaii County Council to have Five Open Seats in 2012
  13. SA Editors Use Berg to Push for IRV Voting Again
  14. Ballot News Looks at Hawaii Reapportionment
  15. VIDEO: HSTA Continues to Attempt to Derail Laupahoehoe Charter School
  16. Beachgoers Complain About Homeless Defecating In Waikiki
  17. Honolulu Offers Homeless Maid Service
  18. Sovereignty Activist Rejects OHA Land Deal
  19. Feds ask again for more time to sort through 101 million documents in Global Horizons human trafficking case
  20. Omidyar Discovers that Local Farmers can charge more
  21. Hilo TSA Hammered for Catching Alleged Pedophile
  22. Yagong wants to privatize Hilo sort station
  23. Proposal would increase UH-Manoa parking rates
  24. Electric car rental firm expands to Oahu
  25. Church's Construction Halted For Removal Of Buried Human Remains
  26. Asbestos Leads to $9000 Fine
  27. WWII records available free online up to Dec. 7
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Friday, December 2, 2011
December 2, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:29 PM :: 16563 Views
  1. Abercrombie Refusing to Accept Responsibility for his own Wreckage, Fiscal and Otherwise
  2. Ewa Field Event to Mark 70th Anniversary of Attack
  3. Mission Memorial Auditorium Site of Rail Showdown December 6
  4. Sabato: Ed who? Democratic Establishment coalescing around Mazie Hirono
  5. $800M Borrowed to Sit Money in Hurricane, Rainy Day Accounts
  6. Bankers, Wall Street Pleased by Abercrombie's Willingness to Raise Taxes
  7. Full Text: Hawaii Scores 'F' in Sex Trafficking Prevention
  8. Lihue TSA Worker Sues, Claims Sex Assault
  9. Men’s Health Mag ranks Honolulu Happiest Town in USA
  10. Borreca to Media: Lingle will now fade from Our Screens
  11. Inouye: Federal Rail Funding not certain, Honolulu one of nine competing for $510M
  12. Rail Judge: Feds Must Produce Full Record before Groundbreaking
  13. Citizens Challenging Rail Project May Have to Wait a Year for Case Resolution Because of City's Delays
  14. Maui Now: Loathsome, Dangerous, Abercrombie
  15. Abercrombie Gloats over “Gift to Business Community”
  16. Abercrombie claims his Charisma Swayed Investors to Buy Hawaii Bonds
  17. Bullying: ‘It’s OK to be different’
  18. Property Tax Recommendations to be Presented to Honolulu Council
  19. Ritte Demands “Participation and Control” over Cruise Yacht, Molokai Again Compromises With Shake-Down Thugs
  20. State files suit against woman accused of preying upon distressed homeowner
  21. Harimoto: Strip Berg's Voting Rights Until He Calms Down
  22. ACLU, NAACP Join Effort to Target TSA Workers Who Catch too Many Illegals, Find too Many Drug Smugglers
  23. Captain Kirk Ramps Up 2012 Campaign for Mayor
  24. Hawaii bankruptcies fall in November for eighth straight month
  25. Hawaii Federal Judge: U.S. Won't Pick Up Tab for Aloun Farms Defense
  26. SA Spies Way to Increase Power of Burials in Development Disputes
  27. PHOTOS: Iao Stream Shanty Town Residents Face Eviction
  28. State Audit: "Atmosphere Of Intimidation and Fear" at Maui Housing Project
  29. MoveOn Drops Use of Occupy, Goes under its own name for latest protest
  30. Alexander & Baldwin to subdivide into two companies
  31. Company directors fought similar move back in 1988
  32. Retreat will address future, structure of state education
  33. State Rep. Chris Lee recovers from stroke, warns others of danger
  34. Puna to gain council seat
  35. Bigeye tuna fishing ban canceled
  36. Criminal Who Led Police on Cross-Island Chase had been Arrested by SWAT Team Jan 26, then Released
  37. Inouye Votes for Indefinite Detention of US Citizens Captured on US Soil
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Thursday, December 1, 2011
December 1, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:16 PM :: 11260 Views
  1. OHA Announces Public Meetings to discuss Tentative Land Deal
  2. Backed by Federal Loan Guarantees, Merrill Lynch Finances $1B in Military Solar Projects
  3. Quality of Living: Honolulu #29 in World, right behind ... Stuttgart
  4. Report: Hawaii Ranks 3rd in Protecting Kids from Tobacco
  5. PUC Breaks 15% Limit on Solar Systems
  6. Visitor Spending breaks $1 Billion per Month
  7. Pearl Harbor Survivor to Direct ‘Mass Band Performance’ on 70th Anniversary
  8. KHON: The Making of a Governor
  9. Opponents Threaten To Halt Rail Project
  10. Putting two and two together—OHA land transfer and secret government/private development meetings
  11. At 70th anniversary, urgency to observe WWII, honor vets
  12. Lingle raises questions about federal monk seal petition
  13. Hawaii Utility Regulators' Lack Of Data Is 'Troubling'
  14. Court rejects challenge to state use of surplus health funds
  15. Reason to Vote: Inouye says Gingrich as GOP Nominee 'Frightens Me'
  16. Obama Nominates Hawaii Woman to Social Security Board
  17. Malama Solomon May Escape Fine For Trespass, Damages
  18. Police: Berg, Reeking Of Alcohol, Argued With Secret Service At APEC
  19. A&B Condo Project to Spark Development Boom again?
  20. Hawaii County tries to delay Abercrombie Administration’s Waiawi Control insect release
  21. EPA Orders Additional Safeguards at Waimanalo Gulch Landfill
  22. Dotson Leaves MADD
  23. Jon Van Dyke Dies
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
November 30, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:06 PM :: 11001 Views
  1. Finmeccanica Trumpets Honolulu Rail Deal
  2. Lingle Best Positioned for Victory Next Year
  3. Lingle calls for Delay in Federal Grab for Control of Hawaii Shorelines
  4. IBEW to Vote on New Offer from Hawaiian Tel
  5. Nominations Sought for State Water Commission
  6. Inouye Claims Honolulu Rail Will Get Federal Transit Funding Next Year
  7. Kobayashi: Hold on to Your Wallet
  8. Slom: Rail Roaded
  9. State to Teachers: Drop Your Complaint and Strike
  10. Utility bills may sink Hawaii’s economy
  11. Good News! Time Running Out For Hawaii Mafia Wind Farm Grant
  12. 15,000 Military Go Unrepresented in Any State Elections Because of Redistricting Controversy
  13. Supporters are urged to wear black for National Meth Awareness Day
  14. Honolulu Clears Homeless from Stadium Park, Three More Accept Shelter
  15. Patients counting on Hawaii’s Only transplant clinic to stay open
  16. Queens Nurses Approve Three-Year Raise
  17. Real and Affordable Green or Misguided Dream?
  18. State taxpayers may have to foot cost of returning 350 new guns
  19. HPD Major's Drug-Dealing Girlfriend To Testify
  20. Maui Police Officer Arrested For Spousal Abuse
  21. Cancel the Second Digester?
  22. Maui Charter Commission tables district voting
  23. Maui: Couch seeks cap on vacation rentals
  24. Kauai Island Utility Cooperative gets green light for smart meters
  25. Hawaii Co 'Bag ban' vote expected Dec 21
  26. TRO halts construction at Kawaiahao Church
  27. Jon Van Dyke Dies in Australia
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Tuesday, November 29, 2011
November 29, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:12 PM :: 15235 Views
  1. Abercrombie's Medicaid Cuts based on Obamacare Requirements
  2. Lucky Hawaii: Bond Sale Benefits as Investors Flee Europe
  3. Booted from Big Island, DoE Now Seeks to Force Carlisle to Collect its Impact Fees
  4. US Supreme Court to Decide Whether to Hear Lawsuit Challenging DHHL, Admission Act
  5. Postal Service Announces Hawaii Christmas Mailing Deadlines
  6. US Civil Rights Commissioner to speak on End of Victimology
  7. Abercrombie “Damn Serious” about Oath, Judges aren’t Like Dogs or Ponies
  8. Abercrombie Considered Shutting State Down for Two Weeks in June, Blames Lingle
  9. Abercrombie Wants to Build 'Third City'
  10. Favored Nation: Did HGEA get better deal?
  11. HART Signs $1.4 Billion Contract With Ansaldo
  12. Is Honolulu rail contract a legal defense tactic?
  13. Abercrombie Still Pushing to Disenfranchise Military personnel
  14. Judicial nominees put up earlier
  15. Feds Give Abercrombie $14m to Organize Obamacare Insurance Exchange
  16. Honolulu water rates to soar 70%
  17. Recession costs Hawaii hundreds of businesses
  18. Hawaii unemployment claims rise 18%
  19. TRUE: 'There is Space' in Shelters for Stadium Park Homeless
  20. Molokai Thugs Chop Down Trees, Obstruct Two Public Highways—Still No Arrests
  21. Multi-Millionaire 9-11 Truther Roseanne Barr Occupies Waimea, Guillotine a No-Show
  22. Hoku considers outside help to complete polysilicon deals
  23. Hawaiian Holdings Ranks the Highest in Terms of Operating Margin in the Airlines Industry
  24. ORI Cabins Not in Good Standing With the State
  25. Legislators look at Clean and Sober Living
  26. Hawaii State Courts Improve Access to Electronic Records
  27. Karate instructor accused of molesting teen re-indicted on sex assault charges
  28. Honolulu Traffic Violations Bureau to Close on Wednesday Nights
  29. After a Decade, ‘Process’ continues to push back Maui isle plan
  30. A&B Master Planned Waiale Project Calls for 2,550 Residential Units (no protests here, of course)
  31. Hawaii dodges major storms as hurricane season ends
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Monday, November 28, 2011
November 28, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:33 PM :: 16747 Views
  1. Kalaeloa Solar: Hawaii Ratepayers to Bankroll 'Green Fiesta'
  2. Failing, Central Pacific Got $337M in Secret Federal Reserve Loans
  3. Lowell Kalapa to Address Kona TEA Party
  4. Duke Aiona to Address Pro-Life Group
  5. UPW Contract, HGEA Reopen menace Legislature
  6. DoE to Pay Contractors to Churn SpEd Programs
  7. School Bus Contacts Rise 192% after Collusion Begins
  8. Challenge to Honolulu Rail Project Goes to Federal Court Wednesday
  9. SA: Outspoken Berg driven by passion, desire for change
  10. SA: OHA infighting may Derail Kakaako deal
  11. Gov. Abercrombie vs. the 99%… why?
  12. Homeless Avoid Shelter, Stay Drunk
  13. Cruise Yacht Outfoxes Ritte, Docks at Molokai
  14. Volunteers Clean Kahuku Beach, Find No Plastic Bags
  15. Two Mauna Kea telescopes face funding cuts
  16. Final hearing backlog turns injured workers into hostages in paradise
  17. County quiets nonprofit's rock-crushing operation
  18. DoE Group seeks to undermine Private Schools
  19. KPD set to start accreditation process
  20. SBA lends record amount in isles
  21. CB: How Hawaii Reps Would Save $1.2 Trillion
  22. Desperate to Save Obama, Americans Elect Petitions for Hawaii Ballot
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Sunday, November 27, 2011
November 27, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:32 PM :: 13655 Views
  1. Forced by JSC, Abercrombie Grudgingly Releases Names of Judicial Nominees
  2. Hawaii Supreme Court to Consider Limit of Parental Discipline
  3. Kalapa: Ubiquitous General Excise Insures Accountability
  4. UPW Contract Triggers ‘Favored Nation’ HGEA to Reopen Negotiations, fight for Furloughs
  5. Governor Abercrombie pissy to the end in judicial disclosure case
  6. Atheists Planned Disruption of Windward City Lights Celebration Thwarted
  7. Illiterate Occupy Honolulu Protesters Instruct 99% to “Think”
  8. Ritte Didn’t get Paid: Lawless Thugs Block Cruise Ship from Molokai
  9. SA Editors: Better to Cut People off Medicaid After 30 Days than to Limit Eligibility
  10. Automated Trash Trucks increase UPW Productivity 5-fold
  11. Freshwater Pool for Natatorium?
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Saturday, November 26, 2011
November 26, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:36 PM :: 15694 Views
  1. Hint to Hawaii: Google Abandons Concentrating Solar Power Project
  2. Oahu Democrats Fail in Effort to Break up Hawaii News Now
  3. Abercrombie Wins Approval to Take $1.06M from Pre-School, Sister Isles, spend it on Central Office Bureaucrats
  4. Suspended Attorney Says 'Vindictive' Navy Purposely Sows Intimidation & Fear in Civilian Counsel
  5. Horner: Ansaldo OK to Build Rail after Financial Analysis Shows Libya Revolt is Root of Company’s Problems
  6. WSJ July 28: New Finmeccanica Boss Pledges To Clean Up Group's Act, Considers Sale of Ansaldo
  7. OHA goes back to drawing board after failure to elect new trustee
  8. DoE wins RTTT Approval to Tinker With Assessments Again
  9. Star-Adv Comes out against Laupahoehoe Charter School
  10. Choosing legislative theme can be a gamble for Dems
  11. Price of car insurance rises a smidgen
  12. City replaces scorned towing firm
  13. Kauai’s economy has ‘settled back to 2003 levels’
  14. Telescope funding under fire
  15. Convicted Killer Lui—now a sovereignty activist-- gets his day in court Tuesday
  16. USS Lassen Sailors Contribute to Flood Cleanup in Thailand
  17. 25th ID Gets New Commanding General
  18. Hawaii History: Selective Editing Project Begins
  19. Descendants: Roth, Daws, Hemmings Guided Producer
  20. Descendants: First Popular Film to See Us Through an Insider’s Eyes
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Friday, November 25, 2011
November 25, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:06 PM :: 21142 Views
  1. Bishop Silva, Doctors, Attorneys to Speak out on Assisted Suicide
  2. Matt Romney to Campaign for Father in Hawaii
  3. Suspended Attorney Says 'Vindictive' Navy Purposely Sows Intimidation & Fear in Civilian Counsel
  4. American Shipper: Effort Underway to Loosen Jones Act Restrictions
  5. State APEC Costs below projections
  6. Maui Smart Grid Demonstration Project to Begin Next Year
  7. December vehicle registration notices contain error
  8. Final approval of $1.4B rail deal is put off
  9. Pushback against rail gains momentum with new allies
  10. Thanksgiving homecoming for hundreds of Kaneohe Marines
  11. Military spending cuts would rock HI
  12. Federal Contractors will not face 3% Withholding
  13. VIDEO: JFK monument re-dedicated at Hilo Peace Corps reunion
  14. Star-Advertiser, Occupy Honolulu Denounce the 99%
  15. Tough Love: City Homeless Sweep aims to Push Homeless into Shelters
  16. In Bizarre Twist, Civil Beat Prints Some Facts About Styrofoam
  17. Lawsuit again stops Kawaiaha'o work
  18. Decision is expected soon on fate of Superferry vessels
  19. Nurses union reaches tentative agreement with Queen's
  20. Will Transplant Institute Survive St Francis Sale?
  21. Homeless find shelter, work on buses
  22. H-Power Ash to Become Building Material?
  23. Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate
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Friday, November 25, 2011
Letters to the Editor November, 2011
By Letters to the Editor @ 12:01 AM :: 8290 Views
  1. Where is the EA or EIS for Maui Smart Grid?
  2. Bag Ban Detrimental To The Environment
  3. Makaha Resident backs Mag-Lev
  4. Open Spaces Rip-off
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Thursday, November 24, 2011
November 24, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:02 PM :: 15436 Views
  1. Outdoor Circle Comes Out Against Rail
  2. New Batch of Global Warmers’ Emails: “We're choosing the periods to show warming”
  3. Judicial Selection Commission Releases List of Nominees for Second Circuit Court
  4. NCAA “Extremely Concerned” about UH Point-Shaving Allegations
  5. The hidden story of the third Thanksgiving: 1623--giving thanks for freedom
  6. Assimilation, American style
  7. Shapiro: Abercrombie has no Principle Left to Stand On
  8. Hawaii Defense Cuts Loom After Super Committee Implodes
  9. Sempra's Giant Solar Farm Unlikely Replacement for Molokai Big Wind
  10. Rooftop Solar Contractor Upset as PUC opens up HECO to Big Renewables
  11. The Politics of Digitizing Hawaiian Language newspapers
  12. Waikiki Business May Sue over Lousy APEC Sales
  13. 89% Vote for Furloughs: UPW ratifies two-year contract
  14. After Price-Fixing Exposed, Major Mainland School Bus Company Considers Hawaii
  15. HPH Touts Voluntary Medical Home Plan
  16. Hawaii Non-Profits suffer Loss of “Unlimited Government Funding”
  17. Molokai: Taxpayer funded Enemy of Jobs
  18. GMO Labeling, TAT Considered for Maui Legislative Package
  19. Judge tries to Hold off Lawyers Circling Dorcy Estate
  20. Pedestrian critically injured in accident involving police officer
  21. Special report: law enforcement faces backlog of 87,942 state warrants
  22. Nofoa Beats Rap In Ex-Girlfriend's Murder, still Faces Original Kidnapping Charges but She won't be Around to testify
  23. HPA only cuts Four Years off Rapist’s Prison Sentence
  24. Police Release 911 Tapes Of Fatal Waikiki Shooting
  25. HGEA, UPW members Fail in Effort to grab State, County Surplus Payments to Health Fund
  26. Kahuku Hospital Bankruptcy “Good for Creditors”
  27. Security cameras installed on buses
  28. Two PhDs Debunk Lies of Anti-Aquarium Campaigners


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Wednesday, November 23, 2011
November 23, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 9:48 AM :: 15725 Views
  1. UH Point Shaving? Blown Leads and Significant Movement in Money Line
  2. #OccupyFail: A Profile in Bad Choices from Hilo
  3. Bill Seeks Terror Designation for Gaza Flotilla Groups with Hawaii Connections
  4. Mitch Roth announces Campaign for Hawaii County Prosecutor
  5. DBEDT upgrades Hawaii's economic outlook to paltry 1.4% Growth
  6. PUC approves Tier 3 Feed in Tariff program so that Bigger Green Energy Scammers can Cash In
  7. Abercrombie’s New Medicaid Plan: 30 Days in Hospital, then you get cut off
  8. Child Welfare Services contracts being reduced or terminated
  9. Schatz: APEC cost less than expected
  10. State Supreme Court denies Pflueger's appeal of manslaughter ruling
  11. Impoverished India to Give $150M to Telescope: Fat OHA Cronies Demand $50M Payoff
  12. Micronesia Poor Business Climate Drives Exodus
  13. KaLeo Editor Gets Prize for Dull, Pedantic and Banal Cartoon Depicting TEA Party as Racist and Stupid
  14. Hawaii State Salaries 2012: University of Hawaii
  15. Djous Give Thanks
  16. Report on Hawaii's Homeless Doesn't Tell Whole Story
  17. Matson Hikes Rates Again
  18. Extra space needed for church’s ‘steady growth’
  19. Sewer bill to increase for Hawaii Kai residents
  20. Air Service for Kalaupapa Residents
  21. Japan to Run Smart Grid Study on Maui
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011
November 22, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:27 PM :: 16486 Views
  1. Hawaiian Tel to Impose Last, Best and Final Offer on IBEW
  2. Lingle: Super Committee Failure Shows Lack of Bi-Partisan Leadership
  3. New rules turn GOP race from sprint into marathon, early nominee unlikely
  4. National Journal: Hawaii Senate Race Up for Grabs
  5. Feds: Even with Low Usage, Hawaii Still has Highest Electric Bills
  6. Djou Featured in National Journal
  7. Hawaii Unemployment Tax Rates To Rise?
  8. SA Editors Make Error Upon Error pushing to Reduce complexity of tax exemptions
  9. Top Three: ERS Trustees to Consider Limits to Pension Spiking Schemes
  10. Leadership: Judicial commission acts while Abercrombie dithers
  11. Abercrombie Backs Malama Solomon’s Demand to Disenfranchise Military Voters
  12. New public land agency hires executive director from Campbell Estate
  13. Abercrombie Flip-Flops on Free Trade
  14. Hawaii Army National Guard soldiers headed for Kuwait
  15. Deedy’s Lawyer to Lynch Mob: Wait for the Trial (Innocence Project pronounces Guilt?)
  16. New DoE Talking Point: Hawaii is #2 in Cuts to State School Spending
  17. State Raids Maili Condo Site on Behalf of Carpenters Union
  18. Police Called on Councilman Berg Rail Rant
  19. MORE Illegal Dumping by Honolulu City Workers
  20. Hawaii State Salaries 2012: Highest Paid at University of Hawaii
  21. Do I want to work? UH Hilo Dropout from Joins ‘Occupy’
  22. Kauai Luddites Demand GMO Labeling to Assist in Hysterical Propaganda Campaign
  23. Hawaii regulators approve Kapolei solar farm
  24. Pono Chong named House Majority Leader
  25. Civil Beat Decides Hawaii Needs a 'Butt Bill'
  26. Hawaii residents struggle with long-term healthcare
  27. Dozens of seniors on waiting list for meals
  28. Guam Senator Blas sends letter expressing disappointment to Obama
  29. Matson “Christmas Tree Ship” Arrives Saturday
  30. APEC - a lost public relations opportunity for the State of Hawaii?
  31. Rep. Gene Ward Discusses The Hawaii Library System
  32. Rain files claims suit vs. concert promoter
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Monday, November 21, 2011
November 21, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:11 PM :: 29064 Views
  1. NYT: Occupy Honolulu Looks Like Just Another Homeless Camp
  2. Report: Hawaii Among Lowest Health Insurance Costs in Nation
  3. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted Nov. 21, 2011
  4. Akaka on New Akaka Bill: “It’s Sneaky” -- Hanabusa: Akaka Bill must Stay off Radar to Pass
  5. Hanabusa: I wouldn’t go to dinner with Mazie Hirono
  6. Lingle Listed at Palm Beach Event
  7. Hawaii Delegates OK With Pizza as a Vegetable
  8. Job of U.S. troops is far from over as Iraq War closes
  9. Sending aloha to the troops in Afghanistan
  10. HSTA Pushing to Divert Race to the Top Money to Salaries
  11. HSTA Organizes to Reverse Laupahoehoe Charter School Approval
  12. Former school employee admits to stealing nearly a half million dollars
  13. Procurement Office rejects contract targeting Big Wind opponents
  14. Improved youth prison still concerns ACLU
  15. APEC: Occupancy Up 1%, Rates Up 28%
  16. Agent Charged in Hawaii Shooting Pleads Not Guilty
  17. Navy hopes to gain two Hawaii superferries
  18. Lack of Farmers Drives Decline in Hawaii Flower Industry
  19. Na Wai Eha water use process OK’d
  20. SA: Developments can evolve, too
  21. City Pays Landfill Operator $2.6M for Spill Cleanup
  22. Lanai: Entire Island Lines up for Free Turkeys
  23. Hawaii Co Readies to Sell Uni-Dev Project Homes
  24. County to open West Hawaii transitional housing
  25. HNN: No conclusive evidence regarding the effectiveness of ban against cell phones while driving
  26. Marriott spins off timeshare operations
  27. Kickstarter Funding Hawaii Projects
  28. Kauai Doper Gets Marijuana Prescription to Ease Addiction to Oxy
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Sunday, November 20, 2011
November 20, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:36 PM :: 18075 Views
  1. Ansaldo Debacle: HART, Council, Ariyoshi all Looking at Rail Re-bid
  2. Using Public Services not a Free Lunch
  3. 14,000 Abandoned Wind Turbines in USA
  4. Wind Farms Interfere With Military, Civilian Radar
  5. US Civil Rights Commissioner to speak on End of Victimology
  6. Harimoto: Any Delays will be the End of Rail
  7. FBI Raid on HPD Major tied to Investigation of Samoan Prison Gang
  8. Kakaako, OHA Settlement, new hotbed of land activity and political intrigue
  9. Cataluna: Abercrombie is a Loud Fire-Breather
  10. Hawaii employer payrolls are not expected to reach pre-recession levels until After Abercrombie’s Term is Up
  11. Hint to DoE: Audits can help companies prevent embezzlement
  12. Hawaii to eliminate work incentives for people moving off welfare
  13. 1,422 Homeless on Big Isle
  14. First public bathroom opens in Chinatown
  15. CoFA Money Chase: Guam Senator Demands to know where Annual CoFA Reports Are
  16. Hoku Ke`a Telescope Parts Shipped back to Mainland for Re-Work
  17. Police Shut Down Parade by Jerry Chang’s Motorcycle Club
  18. APEC: Star-Adv Gives one Last Boost to anti-Capitalist Propagandists Masquerading as Artists
  19. Honolulu Recycling Program Relies on Behavior Modification Techniques
  20. The Downside of ‘Buy Local’
  21. Luddites Triumphant: Maui Bottled Water Plant Killed
  22. Victorino proposes sweeping changes to Maui water legislation
  23. Kauai Council Backs Aquarium Trade Ban
  24. Swordfish Longliners Hit Turtle Cap; Bigeye Fishery Closed in West
  25. 'Carrot Mob' Descends On Honolulu Store
  26. National Guard Volunteers Clean up Illegally dumped tires in Waianae
  27. FCC Proposing Leaving Local TV/Radio Ownership Caps In Place
  28. PBS Hawaii back on the air after fire
  29. Fundraiser for law enforcement memorial in Hawaii
  30. Information on civil unions now online
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Saturday, November 19, 2011
November 19, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:56 PM :: 14111 Views
  1. Whipped in Court, Undercut by JSC, Abercrombie Admin not ready to abandon Defense of Judicial Secrecy
  2. Court Ruling on Judicial Secrecy an Embarrassment to Abercrombie’s Neutered OIP
  3. Hirono, Hanabusa Say ‘No’ to Balanced Budget Amendment
  4. Lingle Unveils Issues-Based Video on Economy
  5. Rothenberg: Hawaii Senate Race ‘In Play’
  6. Hawaii Debt Highest in Nation as Percentage of Private Sector Production
  7. Ceremony Recognizes Aviation Brigade Deployment to Afghanistan after Pohakuloa Training
  8. Suspended Police Major Collected Full Pay While Allegedly Dealing Drugs
  9. Mitch Roth to Challenge Old Boy Lincoln Ashida for Hawaii County Prosecutor
  10. Hawaii 4th-Highest Debt Per Capita
  11. Berg: Voters deserve another crack at city rail proposal
  12. Star-Adv: OHA Land Deal Shows Promise (Just like all the Previous Deals)
  13. House Dems Seek New Majority Leader
  14. Judge Ezra Issues Injunction: State must Speed Foodstamp Applications, Stop Violating Federal Law
  15. Soft on Crime: 18 Months For Homosexual Gang Rape at Maui Homeless Camp
  16. After APEC Lull, Honolulu Police Back to Making Prostitution Arrests
  17. Maui County Council Considering Massive Property Tax Hike aimed at Farmers
  18. Hawaii's jobless rate climbs to 6.5 percent in October from 6.4 percent the previous month
  19. APEC Gave 1% Boost in Occupancy, 28.8% Boost in Rates
  20. $64.8M School will save $22,000/year, pay for itself in 2,945 years!
  21. Fire Forces PBS Hawaii Off The Air Indefinitely
  22. OTEC Uses No Government Money
  23. Hawaii Conference Highlights Federal Funding Opportunities for Small Businesses
  24. Sacred Hearts consolidation is complete
  25. Niu Valley playground gets $15,000 online boost
  26. Hawaiian Immersion Preschool faces closure
  27. NPS Doesn’t Allow Hunters, But May Exterminate Pigs, Goats
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Friday, November 18, 2011
November 18, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:50 PM :: 15545 Views
  1. WSJ: Finmeccanica Rushing to Sell Honolulu Rail Contractor Ansaldo
  2. Report: For Families in Poverty, Hawaii Income Tax is #2 in Nation
  3. Animal Liberation Groups Demand Matson End Pig Imports to Hawaii
  4. Dillingham DMV employee, driving instructor charged with Selling Drivers Licenses to Illegal Aliens
  5. The hidden story of the third Thanksgiving: 1623--giving thanks for freedom
  6. HART reviewing $1.4 billion Ansaldo contract
  7. New GOP Chair to Focus on Recruiting Strong GOP Legislative Candidates
  8. Judge’s Ruling on Judicial Secrecy an Embarrassment to OIP
  9. Sidewalk Bill Advances Despite Occupy Honolulu
  10. Slow Economic Recovery Expected For Hawaii
  11. Solar Installers May Go Out of Business as 15% Threshold Reached on More and More Circuits
  12. Morita: At Least One Year Before 15% Threshold Can Be Raised
  13. Maui sees a clean-energy surplus Without Big Wind
  14. OHA Deal Would Push Two State Departments out of Office Building
  15. Bill aims to fix flaws in Hawaii's civil unions law
  16. APEC committee alerted to possible data breach
  17. Federal Agent’s Lawyer: Knife was not Part of Incident
  18. U.S. Army Tests Secret Hypersonic Weapon From Kauai
  19. New Marine Corps Base Hawaii commander
  20. Castle & Cooke's Rumbaoa to Head Molokai Ranch
  21. Ho'opili project competes with OHA, KSBE over Development Profits
  22. Family's land claim snags Hawaiian Village permits
  23. Hawaiian Adding Five More A330s and A350s by 2015
  24. Hawaii Hotel and Lodging Assn. Changes Name
  25. Health Dept. Puts the Kibosh on Customers' Containers
  26. OTEC International to build ocean power plant in Hawaii Co.
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Thursday, November 17, 2011
November 17, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:14 AM :: 13491 Views
  1. Abercrombie, OHA to Propose Yet Another Ceded Lands Deal to Legislature
  2. Hawaii National Guard Mobilization Supported APEC Summit
  3. Council majority urges city to delay final rail approval
  4. Ansaldo’s local manager has long political track record
  5. First Rail Lawsuit Hearing Nov 30
  6. Panel to disclose judicial nominees
  7. Hawaii’s Tax Burden on Low Income Residents #2 in Nation
  8. Scammed In Laos, Trapped in America
  9. Oahu electric rates hit another high
  10. Up in the Air: Still No Easy Answers For Big Wind
  11. US must help establish standards for seeking compact-impact funds
  12. Sen Slom Endorses David Chang
  13. Suicide Activists try to Talk To Elderly Democrats into Dying for Test Case
  14. Civil union applications not available until Jan. 1
  15. OHA May vote on Mossman Replacement this Month
  16. APEC Reduces Crime, Cures Sickness, Trims Profligacy
  17. Agent shot to protect self, others, lawyer says
  18. Grand jury indicts Special Agent in Waikiki killing
  19. Even With Free Makana Concert, Only 60 People Show Up for Occupy Honolulu
  20. Occupy Wall Street Movement Has Been Fun To Watch But The Party’s Just About Over
  21. Youth corrections director says facility is safe
  22. Media Need Permission to Record at Capitol?
  23. SA: Reef fish need wise protection
  24. Punatics Very Pleased with New Council Districts
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011
November 16, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 11:09 AM :: 4495 Views
  1. Lingle Joins in Bi-Partisan Policy Summit
  2. Homeless Service Utilization Report: Hawaii 2011
  3. Bag Ban Detrimental To The Environment
  4. Feds Raid HPD Major's House; Drugs Seized, Charges Filed
  5. Council Chair recommends for rail contract rebid
  6. Ansaldo Front man Hired Councilmember
  7. SA: Revise pact with Pacific islanders
  8. Murdock Puts Lanai Up for Sale
  9. Lack of world attention for APEC was good sign
  10. Abercrombie Security Detail Costs $1.2M, Racks Up Overtime
  11. Iolani Palace reopens after Abercrombie forced closure
  12. Sovereignty Activists Recruiting at Arizona Prison
  13. Sidewalk Bill A Threat To Occupy Honolulu Protest?
  14. GMO Labeling: Luddites Demand We Facilitate Boycott Driven by Anti-Science Hype
  15. Skies above Marine base expected to grow busier
  16. Navy to take at least another 2 years to decide training range locations on Guam
  17. Hawaii coffee growers favor free trade deal
  18. 'Unprofessionalism' drives Hawaii State FCU head to resign
  19. HMSA posts $12.9M earnings as it seeks rise in premiums
  20. Prime Healthcare trying to buy bankrupt Hawaii Medical
  21. Celebration of Life Memorial Service
  22. Bishops approve memorials for late pope, Mother Marianne Cope
  23. UPW Gets Paid Just for Showing Up
  24. Ho'opili serves as a model for all developers
  25. Hayashino to head Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii
  26. West Hawaii Civic Center approaches Zero Waste
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Tuesday, November 15, 2011
November 15, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:32 AM :: 15586 Views
  1. New GOP Chair Pledges to Focus on Grassroots
  2. GAO: Improvements Needed to Assess and Address Growing CoFA Migration
  3. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted November 14
  4. Proposed Lanai Wind Farm Site named among State’s Most Endangered Historic Places
  5. Hawaii Green Energy Scammers Do Deals with China
  6. Mesa Announces Sale of Mokulele Turboprop Operation
  7. Senator Upset after GAO Report Slaps down Bid for more CoFA Money
  8. Usual Assortment of Crooks, Cronies at Obama KoOlina Fundraiser
  9. Report: DoE Funding Formula Incentive to Keep Kids in Special Education Classes
  10. Governor must disclose judicial candidate list, judge rules
  11. Kamehameha Schools, Hawaiian Homelands Eyeing Maili Development without Jeff Stone
  12. Bumbling Abercrombie Could Have Closed, Iolani, Allowed APEC Delegates’ Tours
  13. Democratic Party Kupuna Caucus to Consider Suicide Nov 16—Former Insurance Co Exec Encourages Them
  14. Hirono Doubles Down on Obamacare
  15. President Obama Golfing With Pal Nabbed in Prostitution Sting
  16. Waikiki residents bid "good riddance" to APEC
  17. Obama Gives Hawaii to Asia in Trade Deal
  18. Up In The Air: Will Molokai's Resistance Save It From Big Wind?
  19. EW Center Cuts Pacific Islands Report regional news service, more cuts to come
  20. Trustee wins Ruling in Maui Industrial Ponzi Scheme Case
  21. Hawaii County urged to purchase Banyan's Beach
  22. Paauilo land attracts Lease bidders
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Monday, November 14, 2011
November 14, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:15 PM :: 16098 Views
  1. Video: Makana, Wearing “Occupy” T-Shirt, Plays Protest Song at APEC Dinner for Obama, World Leaders—Nobody Notices
  2. Tim Lussier elected Hawai‘i Pacific Univ Student Body President
  3. Detroit-based Website Takes Aim at Honolulu GOP Treasurer over ties to Radcliffe, Gambling
  4. Maggie’s List Endorses Linda Lingle for U.S. Senate
  5. Mafia-Connected FirstWind Got $117M in Federal Loans for Kahuku Windfarm
  6. Study Examines the State of Faith in Hawaii
  7. Duke Aiona to speak on “A life of service”
  8. State-funded Marketing, Manipulation to target Big Wind opposition
  9. How Will APEC Be Remembered?
  10. HPD helps Sovereignty Activists Block Traffic, Convicted Felon Henry Noa gets Attention from Chinese Dictator
  11. Thousands get stuck in "Carmageddon"
  12. CB: Inside the Occupy Honolulu Encampment
  13. Hundreds of Guard troops called to duty
  14. Spear Bill would take aim at Drug Dealing MDs, Pharmacists
  15. SA: Strive to retain International Marketplace's charm
  16. Dudley: Ho'opili farming initiative is a myth
  17. Lincoln Ashida to run for Hawaii County prosecutor
  18. Kauai Volunteers stage Massive beach Cleanup, Find no Plastic
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