Entries for September 2015
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 |
September 30, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:54 PM :: 4574 Views
- Nai Aupuni Candidate List Released
- No Public Hearings Set for Federal Hawaiian Indian Tribe Rules
- Indian Tribe for Hawaii? Grassroot Challenges Interior's End Run Around Congress
- Full Text: OHA, DHHL, Politicians Comment on Proposed Federal Indian Tribe Rule
- VIDEO: OHA Crying Over Mauna Kea Rent Money
- GAO: Jones Act Ships Drive up Cost of US Food Aid
- Online Travel Companies Pay $53.1M Hawaii Tax Judgment
- Hawaii AG on Reapportionment: We Want to Count Everybody--But only in Texas
- Panos: Why Rail Projects Don't Get Stopped
- Hilo: Testimony Runs 10-1 Against NextEra
- Many Hawaiians Angered as Feds Ignore Testimony Against Fake Indian Tribe
- Even Supporters Admit 'Aha is All About Federal Recognition
- Hawaii PUC ruling cuts off federal subsidies to Criminal Hee's Company
- HMSA 50% Obamacare Rate hike is #1 in USA
- Anti-GMO Activists, Anti-Telescope Activists, Kauai Democrats Team up to Train Candidates
- Mauna Kea: Not A Sacred Place, But A Precious Resource
- Carlisle: Court Will Soon Let Lawyers Work for Weed
- Why Can’t the State Make Developers Keep Their Promises?
- Former DOE official sues department--Claims She Was Fired for Supporting Ige
- NextEra faces opposition on the Big Island
- Homeless Manslaughter and Mayhem
- Statewide Pesticide Sales
- Faculty salaries at Hawaii colleges and universities
- IHS program helps 550 people on the verge of losing housing
- It begins: Product laced with marijuana extract sickens several teens
- Former Honolulu police officer gets 4-year probation
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Tuesday, September 29, 2015 |
September 29, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:17 PM :: 4224 Views
- Feds Demand their Money Back from Dysfunctional Hawaii Medicaid Fraud Unit
- Attorneys Evaluate Hawaii Obamacare Waiver Proposal
- Electric Rates: Hawaii 90% Higher Than #2 State
- Economic Growth? Honolulu Ranks 428th
- HTA: Visitor Arrivals Set New Record in August
- Hawaii 6th Worst Sinkhole State--Out-dated accounting policies blamed
- 10 things Hawaii Can Do So That Everyone Gets Richer
- Hawaii DoE Pledges to 'Reset Career Education'
- Video: Democrats Breaking the Mold (with Rep. Sharon Har)
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposes Protections for 49 Species in Hawaii
- Kaneohe Base commander told 'God bless' sign can stay
- Caldwell Campaign Strategy: Blame HART
- OHA Grabs for Pohakuloa Lease Money
- Military Spending Down $500M -- 9.9% of Hawaii GDP
- 69% Support “God bless the military” sign on the grounds of Marine Corps Base Hawaii in Kaneohe
- Commission Tightens standards for charter schools
- Honolulu Charter Commission--a Chance for Police Reform
- DelaCruz Writes "Genealogy of Energy Development in Hawaii" for NextEra
- Arakawa Kokua Fund Scrutinized, Legal
- Online Petition Targets 5th Principal This Year
- Sex Offender Program Claims 2% Recidivism
- HPD finally done with internal investigation into Sgt. involved in violent video
- Sweeps Forcing More Homeless People to Finally Accept Shelter
- Free Clinic Waikiki Health Experiences 'Explosive Growth'
- Hawaii Supreme Court drafting proposal to amend legal ethics for 'medical' marijuana
- Communists Run Another Bumpy Kanahele Fluff Piece
- Honolulu Tunnels, Roads, Schools, Piers Falling Apart
- DLNR Plans More Aerial Shooting of Pigs, Goats, and Sheep
- Less Smoke, More Complainers
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Monday, September 28, 2015 |
September 28, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:30 PM :: 3485 Views
- Tulsi Gabbard to be Republican Cabinet Appointee?
- Blue Planet, Skai Ventures Grab for Marijuana Licenses
- Feds to Cut off Funds: Hawaii DoH Fails to Spend $33M Federal Water Grants, Illegally Pools Money with DoT
- Study: Hawaii Is the 6th Worst State for Teachers
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted September 28, 2015
- GMOs Not the Ugly Monster We Thought
- Sweeps Force 90 Homeless to Accept Shelter
- ACLU Upset Because City Does not Return Feces and Used Syringes to Homeless
- It’s a Once-in-a-Decade Chance to Change the Honolulu City Charter
- STARS Supports Families of Crime Victims
- Three More Inmates Escape Over Weekend
- Solar Applicants Race to Beat Net Energy Metering Decision
- Once a Hedge Fund Favorite, SunEdison Has a Long Climb Out of Its Current Hole
- Regulations Force family business to shut 98 years after start
- Event unites kin of heroes killed on military duty
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Sunday, September 27, 2015 |
September 27, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:30 PM :: 6346 Views
- UH Scientists: Pacific Sea Levels DROP, Causing Massive Coral Die off
- Captive Insurance: The Clean Version
- Public Comment Period Opens for 1st & 3rd Circuit Judicial Nominees
- Hawaii AG Launches Charity Solicitor Database
- Alaska Rep Young Files Bill to Prevent Presidential Marine Monument Designations
- Al Hee Gave Stolen Money to Hawaii Congressmen, Senators
- Al Hee paid $6000 'Consulting Fee' to masseuse Diane Doll
- Politics plays important role in Kaiser's moves on Maui
- Caldwell: My Sudden Interest in HART Budget is Aimed at Council Tax Hike Vote
- Business Roundtable: DoE Should Stay the Course on Testing
- OHA's NHLC Lawsuit Against Pohakuloa Military Training Lease Goes to Trial
- San Francisco Develops $100K Toilets to Keep the Homeless Comfy on the Streets
- Cash, Tax Credits Buy More Affordable Housing
- No sharing, no caring with sewage, ethics on the line
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Saturday, September 26, 2015 |
September 26, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:07 PM :: 4320 Views
- Kaka‘ako enforcement continues next week
- Honolulu Police, Parents Discuss 'Drug Proofing Your Kids'
- Hee Crony Loses Support of other Kamehameha Schools trustees
- FTA Helping HART Squeeze More Rail Tax Money out of Legislature
- Pretending to be Frugal, HART Board Again Delays Ansaldo Delay Claim
- Hawaii Supreme Court Seeks Input on Whether to Let Lawyers Sell Weed
- More Marijuana Cronies Come out of Woodwork
- New Mental Hospital Needed Because of Homeless
- Kauai Homeless Camp clearing
- Anaergia charges HECO and MECO with "unlawful and wrongful behavior" after $0.26 per KWH rejected
- Not very tax friendly
- Hawaii retirement health care is a bargain
- Enviros Ask Court to Kill Off Hawaii Tuna Fleet
- UH Manoa Researchers Predict Sharp Drops in Sea Level Next Year
- BLNR approves Turtle Bay Development deal
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Friday, September 25, 2015 |
September 25, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:48 PM :: 4379 Views
- We Hawaiians need to quit feeling sorry for ourselves
- Caldwell, Hanabusa: HART Will Need More from Legislature
- Al Hee’s Campaign Contributions—Money Stolen from Native Hawaiians
- Mazie Hirono, Bernie Sanders Denounce Obamacare Cadillac Tax
- VIDEO: Free Market Solutions to Homelessness and Affordable Housing
- Study: Hawaii Hispanics 7th Most Assimilated
- Study: Hawaii #1 for Minority-Owned Firms
- Smart Growth Policies Worsened Hawaii Housing Crash
- Hawaii Apportionment Plaintiffs to Supreme Court: ‘Count Everyone’
- Hawaii GOP: Proud to be an American
- UHERO: Tourism, Construction Lead Economy
- Tropical Storm Niala Forms off Big Island
- Carlisle, Louie: Let Lawyers Work for Weed
- Marijuana: Many, many applications and very few licenses
- 6,700 Plants Confiscated: Big Island Police Use Medicated Marijuana Registry to Find Grow-Ops
- Homeless Leave hypodermic needles, possible chemicals, and 'biological things'
- Medicare Cuts Punch $838M Hole in Hawaii Hospital Revenue
- Hawaii is underserving its 12,000 youths who suffer from mental illness
- Two more tents are removed from Mauna Kea
- $75,000 tax exemption to rent to Section 8 tenants
- Public Utilities Commission asked to Investigate Different Utility Models
- Soft on Crime: 57 Priors, Out Two Weeks, Allegedly Does it Again
- Roads Full of Potholes-- Even the new ones
- Kauai Fields Far from Schools
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Thursday, September 24, 2015 |
September 24, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:34 PM :: 3511 Views
- Everyone’s talking about how Hillary Clinton ignited the birther movement
- Sen Keith Agaran's Law Partner Seeking Marijuana Dispensary License
- Kaiser Selected to Operate Maui Memorial Hospital
- Tsutsui: Ige Should Consider Halting Maui Hospital Negotiations
- Kiplinger: Hawaii 4th Least Tax Friendly State
- Kakaako: 126 Needles Found in Homeless Clean-Up
- Legislative Incompetence: Banks, Lawyers, and Marijuana
- Mauna Kea: More Empty Talk from OHA?
- Matson pledging not to scrap ships in South Asia
- Chief Justice Seeks Public Comment on Judicial Nominees
- Public Comments Invited on Project to Erect Wall Around Ala Wai Canal
- KIUC Offers Daytime Electric Discount--25% Off
- DBEDT: State Was Opposed to First NextEra Application, Undecided on Second
- 17 Years Too Late: Soon-to-be-ousted KSBE Trustee Claims Sandwich Isles will Finally Get Around to Keeping Promise to DHHL
- Feds, Danner Sisters Staging Phony 'Listening Session' to make Indian Tribe Look Good
- Akina: Hawaiians Are an ‘Inclusive People’
- Ige Admin Working on Inventory of all State Land
- Omidyar Rag: Lawyers Must be Freed to do Weed, Gil Keith-Agaran Agrees
- Two Groups Quit Dispensary Process After Lawyers Barred
- Joe Souki wants Hawaii lawmakers to scrutinize fantasy sports betting
- HPD Ignores ‘Toothless’ Police Commission in Use of Force Case
- Maui: Homeless Steal Drugs, are Mentally Ill and Infected with Diseases
- Are Hawaii Nursing Home Clients Coerced Into Arbitration Agreements?
- Hawaii Supreme Court Rules Against Kyo-Ya Shoreline Exemption
- Cool Our Keiki Rallies Planned
- New Chinese Sub Could Nuke US Mainland from Hawaii
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015 |
September 23, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:18 PM :: 3771 Views
- Hawaii Supreme Court: Political Cronies Who are also Lawyers will be Iced Out of Marijuana Goldrush
- Will Jones Act Lobby Sink Puerto Rico to Save Itself?
- VIDEO: How Surfing the Nations Transformed Downtown Wahiawa
- UH: Telescope legal costs over $2.2M
- No Ho'oponopono for Telescope Protesters
- PUC Dysfunctional: Henry Curtis Debunks Civil Beat
- Judge Rejects ACLU Effort to Keep the Homeless out of Shelters
- City Finds More than 100 Needles While Removing Trash from Kakaako Homeless Camp
- Campaign spending filing targets PRP
- Rail Plan to Eliminate More Lanes: "Streets are not for cars"
- Hawaii's charter schools face new contract renewal criteria
- Anti-GMO Activists Harass UH Professors
- Developer Stiffs DLNR, Keeps Getting Extensions
- Meth Dealer Admits She was Lying About Prosecutor
- More than 100 vacancies in Honolulu parks department
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Tuesday, September 22, 2015 |
September 22, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:02 PM :: 4780 Views
- Hawaii's Largest Windfarm Developer Investigated for Self-Dealing
- DoH Releases Master Plan for Mental Hospital
- Was The Hawaiian Kingdom Race-Based?
- 'Natural' Supplements Sold in Hawaii Recalled -- 'Could be Lethal'
- Honolulu Charter Commission Seeks Proposals
- Marijuana Dispensary Licenses: An Unregulated Lobbying Cronyfest
- Hee Crony Lining Her Own Pockets at KSBE
- Nai Aupuni Violates its own Rules to Get Aha Candidates Registered
- TMT protest enters new phase
- Ernie Martin close to missing his chance to run for mayor
- City was warned in 2010 of rail’s costs
- TRO against Honolulu’s homeless sweeps would leave the City without an alternate plan
- Another $26M to be Wasted on Obamacare Connector
- UH Cancer Center Can't Get its Act Together
- Treating homeless patients costs Queen's Medical Center millions
- Private and public sector officials talk solutions to Hawaii homelessness
- Can Churches Help Hawaii’s Homeless?
- Does rule protecting Kauai endangered birds jeopardize students’ health?
- Touring the Kauai Seed Fields
- Hanalei, Koloa Schools Top Kauai Assessment Results
- Hot classrooms prompt DOE to rethink starting school year in July
- Molokai Speaks up Against NextEra
- Plan looks to turn Lake Wilson into energy producer
- Pete Hoffman announces Hawaii County mayoral bid
- Maui cop charged for flashing
- Economist to speak at Friday event
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Monday, September 21, 2015 |
September 21, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:03 PM :: 3956 Views
- Nai Aupuni: We are Legal Because we are Organizing an Indian Tribe
- DLNR Removes Telescope Protest Tent
- Hawaii's Poor, Middle Class Among Most Overtaxed in US
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted September 21, 2015
- Feds Coming for 14th Annual CNHA Confab
- Sovereignty Activists Running for 'Aha to Block Indian Tribe
- Telescope: OHA to Grab for More Ceded Lands Money at Legislature
- OHA Power Struggle--Akana, Hulu Lindsey Ousted
- Iwase Pushes the PUC
- Boulder Colorado Municipalizing Shareholder-Owned Utility Which Dared to Oppose Rooftop Solar
- How Do Kids Feel About Being Homeless? We Asked Them
- Multiple Convictions--Back at Work Driving Cab
- City 'Abandons' Taxi Complaints
- Dead in the Water
- Scott Walker drops out of '16 race, has harsh words for Trump
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Sunday, September 20, 2015 |
September 20, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:30 PM :: 4458 Views
- Petition: Hawaiians Protest Na'i Aupuni
- Feds Rate Hawaii Health Insurance Plans
- Can We Save the EITC by Making the Form Tougher?
- Soft on Crime: Convicted Felon Threatens Armed Action Against Telescope
- TMT still shooting for 2024 completion Work continues on mirror, other telescope features
- 'Build rail better' devolves into just build rail somehow
- Rail Wastes Another $100M
- Olds’ bid to remain trustee splits Kamehameha Schools
- Shapiro: Hawaii Global Warmers a Bunch of Phonies
- Windfarm Request to kill more bats, nene pending
- Tightening the screws on Procurement
- HMSA, state seek price transparency on medical services
- Homeless “just doesn’t want to deal with the bills”
- Taxi contract lacks bidding competition
- Oakland: Hawaii needs to decide if state should support Children and Youth Day events
- Ethics Commission helping DOE bring school-related travel into compliance
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Saturday, September 19, 2015 |
September 19, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:47 PM :: 6390 Views
- Guam: Busted Again, Sex Offender Resigns as Rep Bordallo's Chief of Staff
- Courtroom Showdown: Hee Crony to be Ousted from KSBE Board of Trustees?
- Fake Indian Tribe Aha--Court Hearing October 20
- How Executive Branch Lobbying is Exempted from Ethics Rules
- NextEra, HEI recruit boosters
- Feds: Rooftop Solar is Useless, Hawaii Needs More Windfarms, Industrial Solar
- Arakawa: Maui Electric Co-op? Muni? Report Due in October
- UH president discusses building on school’s scientific strengths
- Mental Health Plan: No Psychiatrists and No Money to Pay Doctors
- Next phases of Kakaako enforcement to take place Monday and Tuesday
- 100 Homeless Vanish into Thin Air
- Retired police major arrested again for negligent homicide
- Hawaii Population up 1.1% to 1,419,561
- Criminal Defense Lawyer Happy: Appeals Court Finds Way to Reverse Murder Conviction
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Friday, September 18, 2015 |
September 18, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:19 PM :: 3821 Views
- Telescope Protesters Agree to Remove Tent from Mountain
- Report Finds Hawaii’s Obamacare Exchange Wasted At Least $11 Million
- US Navy, Coast Guard Sinking Under Weight of US Shipbuilders
- Federal Funds for Road Building? Hawaii Dead Last
- 'Smart Growth' Causes Hawaii Losses in Affordable Housing
- Economic Freedom of the World: US Ranks 16th
- TMT controversy Could Cost Big Island $30M/Year and 275 Jobs
- KIUC on Track for 50% Renewable
- DoE: Some Schools 90% Proficient--Others 0%
- Pay Scale: Real estate brokers and lifeguards are No. 1 in Hawaii
- Gifts Given to Honolulu Officials Remain Under Wraps
- Anti-Dairy Protesters Make Fools of Themselves Again
- 5 million gallon oil plume beneath Pearl Harbor
- Hawaii’s uninsured population on decline, Census Bureau finds
- Hawaii one of only Three States With Increasing Prison Population
- Star-Adv: Caldwell Homeless Plan Similar to Seattle Tent City Nightmare
- "Seriously disturbed and dangerous" homeless people roaming Wailuku
- City sweeps second area in Kakaako Makai After More Homeless Refuse Shelter
- Honolulu Plans Modular Housing for Homeless in Waianae (Almost oceanfront)
- Lawsuit alleging misconduct in Maui’s Liquor Control Dept. returns to court
- Breene Harimoto: "I Tell Everyone I Will Be Back"
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Thursday, September 17, 2015 |
September 17, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:57 PM :: 4250 Views
- OHA’s Mauna Kea Payoff
- ACLU Sues Honolulu in Bid to Keep Homeless out of Shelters
- Report: Challenges Facing Hawaii 40 Years After the Prepaid Health Care Act
- Hawaii tsunami watch after 8.3 Temblor in Chile
- The Supreme Court’s ‘One Person, One Vote’ Case
- Worthless Hawaii County Council Rejects Kenoi Reprimand 7-1
- Perhaps profits went to Hee’s massage therapist
- AG, Ethics Questions About LoPresti's 'Cool Schools' Fundraising
- Hawaii's energy chief, governor mum on stance towards NextEra-HECO sale
- WaPo on Kauai: Why storing solar energy and using it at night is closer than you think
- Hawaii Senators Provide Key Votes for Obama's Nuke Iran Plan
- BoE, DoE Squabble over Ige's 10% Budget Restriction
- Pearl City Regrets Rail Support
- Isles have highest median housing costs, census data show
- Kaneshiro Proposes Homeless Court
- DLNR to protesters: Remove the camp
- 'Bi-Polar' Anti-Telescope Protester Arrested for Breaking into Car on Mountain
- Anti-Dairy Farm Protesters Funded by Tourism Industry deliver petition to Ige
- Shipping containers taking shape as transitional housing
- Hawaii Deserves Better than Anti-GMO Nonsense
- Are Pono Choices pono?
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Wednesday, September 16, 2015 |
September 16, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:26 PM :: 5621 Views
- DoE Releases First Common Core Test Results
- Full Text: Hawaii AG Supports Vermont GMO Labeling Law
- Study: Hawaii Ranks 4th in Safer Sex
- Increased marijuana, heroin use contribute to highest reported illicit drug use in more than a decade
- Conference to discuss development opportunities, environmental issues along rail line
- Hawaii Hits Residents with Wave of New Bans
- NextEra? Iwase Laughs in Schatz' Face
- Higher Costs and More Delays on the Way for Honolulu Rail
- Yet Another Fundraiser for Caldwell
- OHA Flunkey Running for Aha from Kauai--Guaranteed vote for Federal Recognition
- Hawaii's Phony '100% Renewable' Law could allow the use of up to 50 percent fossil fuels three decades from now
- NextEra Holding on for $90M?
- Bloody Windmills not so ‘clean’
- Anti-sugar-farming views represent effort to instill fear in community
- Will Anti-GMO Lunatics Make Hawaii a Model for the rest of USA?
- Caldwell Admin Still Can't Get Sewage Spill Story Right
- Sit-Lie Pushes 246 Bums to Finally Accept Shelter
- Lawyers, Civil Rights Commission Unveil Groovy New Plan to Sue Homeless Shelters
- State IDs New Oceanfront Homeless Shelter Site
- Employee: State Hospital downplayed assault by violent patient
- Have your say on Kakaako Makai
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015 |
September 15, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:40 PM :: 5656 Views
- Video: Why are there so few doctors in Hawaii?
- Planned Parenthood Baby Parts: “Everything we provide is fresh”
- Illegal Immigration Demographics in Hawaii
- ACLU Scores Big Wins for Panhandlers and Potheads
- Recession Recovery? Honolulu Ranks 59th
- Livable? Honolulu 37th
- Sexually Active High Schoolers Without Birth Control—Hawaii Ranks 7th
- Study: Hawaii #1 in Hedonism and Depression
- GOP Boots HIRA Leader
- Schatz Backs NextEra After Receiving Campaign Cash
- Sen DelaCruz Comes up with Cool New Way to Score NextEra Money Without Reporting it
- NextEra Burns $21M Buying Favor in Hawaii
- Hawaii employers share a heavy burden of rising health care costs, study shows
- First World Anti-GMO Activists Can't Face Third World Realities
- Intelligent people to Discuss What to do with Anti-GMO Idiots
- Common anti-GMO Narcissists
- Global Warmers Try to Have it Both Ways
- Anti-Telescope Ahu Knocked Down Last Month Nobody Noticed til Now
- College graduation rates in Hawaii fall behind national average
- State crews resume cleanup of homeless encampments
- Honolulu Police Officer Sued For Killing Mentally Ill Man
- Dope Activist Busted for Selling Drugs (again)
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Monday, September 14, 2015 |
September 14, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:24 PM :: 3440 Views
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted September 14, 2015
- UH Manoa Comes up with new Scheme to Waste $300M on Nothing
- Recycling Wastes $1.2M/Year in Honolulu
- More to Waste: Hawaii tax revenues jump 17% in first two fiscal months
- A Year After Sit-Lie--Predatory Bums out of Waikiki and No Lawsuit
- Can Rapid Rehousing Get Homeless Families off Street
- Poverty and Hazardous Waste Go Together
- Killing Nene, Hoary Bats--A High Price for Energy
- LNG Secrets: 9200 Pages Turned over by HEI, NextEra
- State Stops Posting Care Home Inspection Reports Online
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Sunday, September 13, 2015 |
September 13, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:30 PM :: 4978 Views
- FULL TEXT: Hawaii DoT v Ciber
- Kahuku Windfarm Batteries Fail Before They Are Installed
- New Federal Overtime Proposal Affects 45% of Salaried Hawaii Workers
- Attorney Timothy Sutton Takes the Helm of Senate Minority Research
- Tax Cheat Al Hee Ripped off Native Hawaiians, Could Get Boot from Hawaiian Homelands
- Rail’s changing course on design plans means up to $100M wasted funds
- Complaints reveal the grip developers have on Council
- Star-Adv: Ige Shows Lack of Leadership on Mauna Kea
- Big Q: How should the state be handling the Mauna Kea / TMT situation?
- Danner Desperately Tries to Coopt Mauna Kea for Fake Indian Tribe
- Procedural Intrigue in HECO-NextEra Merger Deal
- Mainland cities tapped for homeless tips
- Hawaii County Now Hiring Dopers
- Ewa Beach community holds ‘fan drive,’ as more ACs installed in Campbell High classrooms
- Another Tech Debacle: City may have to scrap costly high-tech parking meters
- Cemetery Unlicensed for 20 Years
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Saturday, September 12, 2015 |
September 12, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:27 PM :: 4208 Views
- Hawaii Learning Pitfalls of renewable energy
- Evenwel v Abbott Could Affect Hawaii Reapportionment
- Sen Ted Cruz Backs Airline Deregulation for American Samoa
- Report: Meth use among older Hawaii adults nearly doubles
- Obamacare Waiver: Ige Plans Statewide Hearings
- DoE Outlines Heat abatement program at public schools
- Remembering September 11 Attack
- Strengthen government ethics rules
- Solar has a Carbon Footprint
- Activists Promote Gay Sex Ed to Trans-Form Kids
- New Way to Cover Up Hawaii's Affordability Crisis
- Flag flap in Kapolei neighborhood
- Electric Car Not Quite Enough for Kauai Driving
- Medical Marijuana Advocate Busted Allegedly Selling Drugs--Again
- Solar Schemers a No-Show for their own Community Meeting
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Friday, September 11, 2015 |
September 11, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:55 PM :: 4362 Views
- Who is running for the 'Aha? Candidate List Secret until too late
- Media Monopoly Grabs for Tourism Market
- Hawaii: $10,137 State, Local Bond Debt Per Capita
- Keli'i Akina: Silent Majority of Native Hawaiians Reject 'Aha
- AG Chin Takes on Kenoi, Ciber, Legislators
- Honolulu Rail Contractor Entertains Rail Consultant Who Oversees Him
- A wrong that is entrenched is unlikely to be made right
- Lanai ILWU Backs NextEra Merger
- NextEra: HEI is not Local
- Council to consider toothless resolution reprimanding Kenoi
- 200 Criminals Run Chop Shops under airport viaduct
- Mauna Kea: DLNR vs OHA
- Protesters Expect to be Double-Crossed by OHA
- McKinley HS Students, Faculty, Alumni Reject Rename Demand
- Parents, keiki rally for cooler classrooms in light of record-breaking heat
- How Honolulu paychecks stack up
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Thursday, September 10, 2015 |
September 10, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:53 PM :: 3881 Views
- Permission to Work in Hawaii?
- Fake Indian Tribe Coopting Aloha `Aina March?
- Gabbard vs Clinton: Tulsi Demands More Presidential Debates
- Hawaii 4th Best State to Have a Baby
- Drug Proofing Your Kids
- Rail Builds Four Miles, First Car Shipped from Italy
- VIDEO: Eight Arrested on Mauna Kea
- NextEra, Hawaiian Electric Clear Another Hurdle
- The Anti-GMO Club is a Danger to Native Hawaiian Forests
- Where did our interisland ferry go?
- 'Smart911' Gives Your Profile to Emergency Responders
- Homelessness Effort: Business as Usual?
- Mauna a Wakea? Economist Magazine Falls for Name Change
- Rate Hikes Coming--Solar Scammer Scores 23.8 cents per kwh Wholesale
- US DOE Inter-island Final Programmatic EIS finally available
- City preps for next round of homeless enforcement in Kakaako
- Honolulu’s Affordable Housing Rules Only Produced 33 Units in FY 2014
- New Incentives for Affordable Housing Development?
- Unwarranted Privileges for Chun Oakland
- Ethics Board ponders trips paid by anti-tobacco lobbyists
- Activists Put Corporations in Control of Agriculture
- If the minority gets its way, many will be out of work
- Kauai: Will Hordes of Lunatics Follow Water Commissioners on Inspection Tour?
- DOE distributes air conditioners based on temperatures, electrical capacity
- Hanalei Elementary School principal under fire for management style
- Lahainaluna principal removed and investigated after tough back-to-school message
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Wednesday, September 9, 2015 |
September 9, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:18 PM :: 4108 Views
- Full Text: Lawsuit Seeks Nullification of Six Councilmembers’ Rail Votes
- Rail Revote: Is There Anybody Without a Conflict of Interest?
- Feds Asked to Step in Earlier on Future West Coast Port Disputes
- Obama Nominates Clare Connors Hawaii Federal Judge
- Silent Majority of Hawaiians Gain Voice
- Lawsuit filed to invalidate rail vote
- HGEA helps Coach Get Away with Millions from UH
- Lawsuit: How Ciber Bought Abercrombie
- NextEra Opponents 'Represent Mainland Interests'--Want high electric rates
- Track record makes county poor choice to run utility
- Maui Wind Farm Wants to Kill More Bats, Nene
- Eight arrested on Mauna Kea
- Heat emergency! A thousand portable A/C units sought for Hawaii's public schools
- Kakaako Sweep Pushes 11 More Homeless into Shelters
- Kakaako Homeless "Like What They're Doing"
- Homeless: We Resist Sweeps Because We Want You to Give Us Cash Instead
- Sand Island homeless facility to be ready by Dec 18th
- Pure Anti-GMO Hypocrisy
- Activists Demand McKinkley HS be Renamed
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Tuesday, September 8, 2015 |
September 8, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:07 PM :: 5164 Views
- Hawaii: $100M in Tech Fraud in Just one Year
- Ige's DoT Slaps Down Takai's $100M Rail Bailout Scheme
- Lawmakers will have more money to fritter away
- Tax cheat Al Hee asks for a new trial, blames the IRS
- Hospital Privatization Marks Shift from Public Sector Labor to Private Sector Labor
- Can Consumers Use NextEra Chaos to Get Better Deal on Rates?
- Malia Zimmerman asks state court to order sale of Sen. Slom’s house
- 71 Empty Beds as Homeless Continue to Refuse Shelter
- Agreement with HCDA allows all sidewalks in Kakaako to be cleared
- Hawaii's Useless Congressional Delegation Still Dreams of Using Kakaako Camp to Score Federal Funds
- Bizarre News: Honolulu Among Top Cities Showing Improved Livability
- Time for New Approach to Fast-Rising Heroin Addiction
- UH Med School Built Child Care Center, Forgot About it for Decade
- Kindergartner goes to ER for dehydration, police reports filed
- HPD internal affairs probes deaths of 2 dogs left in van outside cell block for 24 hours
- Shortage of Dock Space Leaves Hawaiian Sailing Canoe Adrift
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Monday, September 7, 2015 |
September 7, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:35 PM :: 3338 Views
- Autism: Federal Judge Orders DoE to Pay for Special Education in Private Schools
- 9 Years of Hawaii Law Blogging
- Mayor’s 9-11 Remembrance Walk held Sunday
- Telescope: Major delay and added costs coming
- Charges for medevac flights soar
- Waikiki condo manager frustrated by homeless woman who refuses help
- Star-Adv: Oppose Bike Lanes? Sit down and shut up
- Obama: Federal Contractors must pay for sick leave
- The Grinch is about to give back Christmas
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Sunday, September 6, 2015 |
September 6, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:15 PM :: 5053 Views
- New UH Policy: Rape is just another Violation of Political Correctness
- The State of Fathers in the State of Hawai‘i
- Hawaii Free Market Solutions to Homelessness & Affordable Housing
- Statewide immunization rates for HPV lagging
- What Should We Be Asking of the HECO Merger?
- Revealed: How Telescope Fits in to OHA's Ceded Lands Cashflow
- DLNR Expects Mauna Kea Land Transfer before Legislature Convenes
- State lawsuit weaves a tale of graft, political cronyism
- Public Favors Electric Co-op, Opposes Government-Owned Utility
- Coop? Public Ownership? Former PUC Chair Speaks Out
- Borreca: Ige, NextEra Not Listening to Each Other
- 'Value-based' payment a threat to Hawaii health care
- Organizers cancel Children and Youth Day event at state Capitol
- Child-abuse list at heart of a lawsuit filed against state agency
- Oahu Beset With Commuter Chaos
- Researchers are trying again to help you take your medicine
More.. |
Saturday, September 5, 2015 |
September 5, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:53 PM :: 3432 Views
- Hawaii Republican Presidential Caucus Set for Tuesday March 8, 2016
- Supreme Court to take up case involving alleged retaliation by powerful state senator
- Governor Touts 13 Kakaako homeless moved to shelter--but 6 Return to Street after One Night
- Honolulu Gun Destruction Reveals Radical Gun Control Agenda
- Drillers Unleash 'Super-Size' Natural Gas Output
- Deadline to File as Candidate for 'Aha is September 15
- Former top UH budget exec qualifies for retirement nine months after being replaced
- Maui Gives State Utility Regulators an Earful on NextEra Deal
- NextEra Energy underestimated challenges in Hawaii during HECO sale process, exec says
- DoT to Waste $2M Studying 'Water Recycling at Airports'
- Hawaii County 'Ethics' Commission to Pretend to Question Kenoi Crony
- Kakaako Homeless Refuse Shelter, 51 Empty Beds in Waipahu Available
- Criminal With Lengthy Rap Sheet Violated TRO Got Probation Before Home Invasion
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Friday, September 4, 2015 |
September 4, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:49 PM :: 3374 Views
- Auditor: DoTax allows $2B in Tax Credits Without Checking
- Obama Push for Federal Recognition is On
- Lawmakers Call for Exploration of Publicly Owned Utilities for Hawaii
- Ward: Coop Does not Mean Lower Rates
- Report: Hawaii 1st in solar energy per capita
- Bridge Aina Lea: Federal Court Dismisses Most of Case
- A Mom on a Mission for Science
- Omidyar’s EBay urged to Stop Selling Illegal Drugs
- Call for nominations for University of Hawaiʻi Board of Regents
- Moody's Downgrades UH as System Burns Cash Reserves
- DoTax Wastes $87M on Failed Tech Upgrades, Wants $30M More
- Morita: Utility ownership models a distraction
- Wrong Species: Caldwell Spokesman says Sewage Flooding Claims are 'Bullshit'
- 13 More homeless moved out of Kakaako and into shelters
- CoR: More Money for 2016, But Hawaii’s Fiscal Forecast Less Certain Later
- iLEAD Charter School denied second time
- Legislators: We Gave DoE $258M for AC--Where is it?
- Start School Cool--After Labor Day
- Trifling over field trips does disservice to teachers, kids
- Soft On Crime: Multiple Felony Convictions, out on the Street Does it Again
- Cops in Court
- Anti-GMO Activists Hold Back Progress
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Thursday, September 3, 2015 |
September 3, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:34 PM :: 4488 Views
- Djou: "I don't care for Mr Trump"
- State Sues Tech Firm for Buying Influence with Abercrombie Administration
- Big Solar's Subsidy Bubble
- Former World Bank Chief Economist: Jones Act Very Costly
- Honolulu Recycling Plan Needs Revisions
- Apo: Failure of Akaka Bill Creates Power Vacuum
- Chang: Telescope Gonna Lose at Supreme Court
- Council re-vote on rail measures considered
- New Proposal Means More Questions for Hawaiian Electric?
- Does Health Connector Ineptitude Mask Wrongdoing?
- State officials want to Build Homeless Housing on Waianae Coast
- Kailua residents concerned with growing number of aggressive homeless
- Kakaako homeless camp attracting flies
- Assault reported on another worker at State Hospital
- Oahu teacher sent to ER due to heat exhaustion in classroom
- Council approves mayor’s bill for accessory dwelling units
- Refined Oil is Hawaii's Largest Export
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Wednesday, September 2, 2015 |
September 2, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:30 PM :: 4394 Views
- Closing the DoE achievement gap: "Inadequate Progress Made"
- Maui Hires Consultant to Study Utility Takeover Options
- Video: Baby Parts dealers “funding places in Hawaii for themselves”
- Telescope Prediction: Hawaii Supreme Court Will Rule for Challengers
- Morita: "Very expensive energy transformation done on the backs of those who can least afford it"
- NextEra Pushes Back Against Utility Coop Model
- NextEra Energy's initial HECO sale application doesn't apply anymore, exec says
- When Cops Become Criminals: Arrests of HPD Officers Point to a ‘Culture of Corruption’
- Honolulu earns a C grade for small business friendliness, Thumbtack survey finds
- DOE’s budget to air-condition schools Debated
- Hawaii Board of Education Passes Student Discipline Policy
- BoE Seeks Ethics Workaround on Free Travel
- Councilmembers vote to override veto of sit-lie ban expansion
- Schatz: Housing First Is Solution to Hawaii’s Homelessness Problem
- Homeless Taking over Kewalo Basin
- Hawaii County Council Grudgingly Votes to Raise Ethics to Kenoi's Level
- Residents petition DOH for stricter cane burning rules
- First Plea in Molokai Fishing Attack
- Fishing Dispute Muddies Already Confusing State of Sovereignty Claims
- Why one naturopath quit after watching her peers treat cancer patients
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Tuesday, September 1, 2015 |
September 1, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:25 PM :: 7372 Views
- VIDEO: Suit Gives Voice to the Silent Majority of Hawaiians
- Full Text: NextEra Makes its Case for Merger
- Auditor: Hawaii Health Connector Sent $21.6M to a House in Virginia
- Hawaii Community Colleges Ranked
- Auto Theft, Fuel Cost, and Commute Time Make Hawaii one of Worst States for Drivers
- Eight Legislators to Face Criminal Charges--Rep Tokioka agrees to plea deal
- Renewable? 100% Does not Really Mean 100%
- Anti-Cane Burning Activists: We are Planning A&B's Future
- Takai Plan: Loot Highway Funds to pay for Rail
- Millionaire Eco-Hypocrite to Co-opt Public Land on Diamond Head?
- DoE 1,100 Homeless Families Send Kids to Schools
- UH Admin Racks up $18M in Deferred Maintenance to Justify Awarding $50M to Contractor
- DoTax to Hire Private Bill Collector to Chase down Tax Debtors
- Bills would extend help to businesses coping with rail construction
- Christians Help Kakaako Homeless into Apartments
- Maui County Council Hides Minutes from OIP
- $173M Proposal to Wall off Ala Wai Canal
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