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Entries for September 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011
Letters to the Editor, September, 2011
By Letters to the Editor @ 6:38 PM :: 9058 Views
  • Paper or Plastic: Let us decide for ourselves
  • Thanks Councilmen for Rejecting Impact Fees
  • Sakamoto Forced Medical Tourism on Maui
  • Hawaii County Impact Fees Unfair To Those Building Their Own Homes
  • Abercrombie Appointment an Insult to Maui
  • 2% for ‘Open Space’ is a Tax
  • 2012 Is All About Trust
  • Hawaii Council Impact Fee Making Affordable Housing Out of Reach
  • Ron Paul Supporter: 9-11 Commemoration Should Honor Conspiracy Theorists
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Friday, September 30, 2011
September 30, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:12 PM :: 21320 Views
  1. $170/barrel? PUC Rejects AKP Biofuel Contract
  2. For Sale Cheap: One Slightly Used Honolulu Rail Contractor
  3. State Releases Roadmap For Transforming Information Technology Systems
  4. Covering Half the World from Ft Shafter
  5. Hawaii Gay Marriage on Agenda for 2013
  6. Abercrombie Emergency Decree Tied to Pay to Play Contributor Mitsunaga
  7. Six weeks before APEC, Honolulu Airport “In need of an Upgrade”
  8. Inouye Fails: E-W Center Appropriation Cut $4.3M
  9. Did Duckworth Overstate Hawaii Support?
  10. Abercrombie Fails: Consumer Confidence worse than Cayetano’s Second Term
  11. Perfect Symbol: Closed Liliuokalani School to become DoE Administration Offices
  12. State GOP on KIPO's 'Town Square'
  13. Berg "Took a Beating" for Tax Increase Reso
  14. East Honolulu Asks: Is Rail Worth It After All?
  15. Former Hells Angels president surrenders at Ala Moana Park
  16. Sidewalk Possessions Bill Introduced
  17. State spending for Homeless Shelter to Be Cut after APEC
  18. Could HECO use all the power that solar farms produce?
  19. Oceanit creates hydro-power subsidiary
  20. Why are gas Prices so High in Hawaii?
  21. DOT study: ‘evidence’ of discrimination
  22. Some HPD Officers Post Questionable Facebook Photos
  23. Bring a Deer, Go to Jail
  24. Waianae Residents Vent Frustrations Over Past Flooding
  25. Emergency Repairs On Waikiki Natatorium Set To Begin
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Thursday, September 29, 2011
September 29, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:48 PM :: 14037 Views
  1. ILind: Spouses of top Inouye, Abercrombie aides employed by Emergency UXO Contractor
  2. SA: Abercrombie Secrecy on Child Deaths should be Swept Aside
  3. National Journal: Questions about Hirono’s Electability
  4. Hawaii Democrats Exporting More Obamanomics to Mainland
  5. Sorting out the Hawaii GOP Leadership Change
  6. Hawaii Got $20B From Feds Last Year
  7. Nurses: Arbitration begins September 30
  8. Malama Solomon’s Lawyer prepares to Sue
  9. Council might ban personal property on city sidewalks
  10. Vans and buses converted into paddy wagons ahead of APEC, Maoists Whine
  11. Vote by mail program sought for isle (again)
  12. Justice Reinvestment Panel Crunches Numbers
  13. City Leaves Key Questions About ORI Unanswered
  14. Higher Rental Car Fee Vacuums Extra $5 Million/Month out of Visitors Pockets
  15. Ansaldo Contract Dispute Moves To City Council Chambers
  16. Sen Pohai Ryan: Real Kauaians Want Tourists
  17. Aina Koa Pono Run Out of Town at Community Meeting on Big Island
  18. Kauai Hydro Projects take shape
  19. Students question tuition hike
  20. Ecos Grab for Coral Control
  21. Tree-planting company develops model for investors
  22. New Peeping Tom Allegations Against Honolulu Ex-Cop
  23. Six Criminal-Illegals Nabbed in Hawaii
  24. September 11th San Diego Terror Scare tied to Hawaii
  25. Kauai Biofool Plant will Reach into Your Pocket
  26. HECO signs deal to buy local algae-based biofuel
  27. Cecilio Rodriguez pleads not guilty in sexual abuse case
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011
September 28, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:46 PM :: 14219 Views
  1. Star-Advertiser: Republicans need to back Rail, Akaka Bill, Abortion, and Gay Marriage
  2. Attention Professors: Today you can Stop UHPA Spending Your Money to Elect Democrats
  3. Abercrombie: HSTA Theatrics Serve no Public Purpose
  4. Berg: People should decide on GE Tax Hike
  5. Study: Styrofoam Better for Environment than Tree Killing Paper Products
  6. Stop Rail Plaintiffs Respond to City, FTA “Nonsense”
  7. A&B: “Entitled land in a great place with high barriers to entry is good”
  8. General Fund Deception: Hawaii operating at 9.2% Deficit
  9. Abercrombie’s UXO Emergency Benefits Beadie Dawson Company
  10. Sen Donna Mercado Kim: Chinese are Abrasive and Rude
  11. High court clears the way for HSTA strike – But No Strike Vote Planned
  12. EIS edict makes future Pohakuloa Army training iffy
  13. OHA Cronies Seek Share of Geothermal Proceeds
  14. Thanks to State-Owned Land, Hilo Hotels are Dumpy
  15. Rail Transit Town Hall Meeting Draws Crowd
  16. APEC security cameras set for final City Council vote
  17. Hawaii County continues to issue permits despite LUC ruling
  18. Analysis: Hawaii Tax Review Commission Has Some Teeth
  19. HGEA endorses US Reps. Hirono, Hanabusa
  20. Hawaii Democrats Export Campaign Money to Illinois
  21. Expenses: How to read Campaign Spending Reports
  22. Gay Sailor: Personal Issues Come Second
  23. Micro-Minority: Even after Census Bureau Pumps Up Numbers, only 3,239 Same-sex households in Hawaii
  24. Kauai Revolving Door: Repeat Offender Child Molester Convicted Again
  25. Why Can't Hawaii Kids Join The Military?
  26. Coral-Wielding Feds Threaten Fishermen
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011
September 27, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:57 PM :: 11167 Views
  1. National Journal: Good News For Hawaii Republicans?
  2. Hawaii GOP Chair Resigns, Issues Call for Unity
  3. Hawaii's Congressional Delegation: How they voted September 26, 2011
  4. Hawaii Republicans, Democrats on Equal Financial Footing
  5. New Day: Abercrombie’s BoE Balances Budget on Back of Special Ed Teachers, Students
  6. Borreca: Cayetano’s Second Term Better than Abercrombie’s First, but Cebu beats all
  7. Aloun Farms Buys 559 Acres Near Rail Route
  8. Berg proposes GE Tax increase for more roads and bike paths
  9. State revises count of kids who died in custody
  10. Feds Still Have 'Serious Concerns' About ORI Plan
  11. Malama Solomon: “You didn’t gimme a district, so I’m Suing”
  12. Styrofoam: Civil Beat Doubles Down on War Against Restaurant Industry
  13. Kona HHSC hospital faces budget cuts
  14. Telescope Shakedown Scammers Questioned
  15. Aloun Farms middleman wants charge set aside
  16. Chinese visitors to U.S. could reach 5 million by 2015
  17. Disney Projects $1.2B in Aulani Sales
  18. State picks 1 food bank out of 2 for Garden Island
  19. Conservation groups drop seabird suit against Kauai utility
  20. Seed crop industry up only 5 percent in isles
  21. City to cede 911 tapes of June 3 spree
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Monday, September 26, 2011
September 26, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:09 PM :: 16691 Views
  1. Hawaii Wind, Solar projects: Millions for Wall Street, Banks, maybe even Big Tobacco
  2. Hawaii Republicans Looking for Leadership Find only Factionalism
  3. Kalapa: History of the Hawaii GE Tax
  4. Abercrombie Admin Official Quietly Jumps Ship, Joins Private Sector
  5. Donations Pour In For Fallen Honolulu Police Officer
  6. Federal Law Some Child Deaths Should Be Public
  7. Red Tape Hindered Removal of UXO
  8. 232 Archaeological Surveys planned for rail route
  9. SA: Charter school panel fails to home in on results
  10. Maui News Praises Maui Memorial
  11. CB: China's PLA May Be on the Road to a Pearl Harbor
  12. Anti-APEC Protests begin October 17
  13. Born for Gangbanging: Young Criminals Make Film at HCCC, Abercrombie Applauds
  14. Who Controls the Mineral Rights to Hawaiian Home Lands?
  15. Thanks to Plastic Bag Ban 70% of Maui Residents Murder Trees
  16. Local bicyclists push for vulnerable roadway user law in Hawaii
  17. Self-Righteous Back to Nature crowd takes Hanalei Boatyard from Owner
  18. Hawaii commerce department debuts mobile app
  19. Disney adds second Hawaii cruise in 2012
  20. California Democratic Party among Solyndra’s creditors
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Sunday, September 25, 2011
September 25, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:17 PM :: 5433 Views
  1. Mufi Operative launches “fringe” GOP Senate Campaign
  2. VIDEO: Occupy Wall Street–Preview of APEC Protests?
  3. Abercrombie Admin Defends Emergency Decrees
  4. APEC Hint for Realtors: Top of Chinese wealthy's wish list? To leave China
  5. Borreca: Hawaii GOP merely devours its young
  6. Lingle should consider run for U.S. Senate
  7. Cataluna: Abercrombie is off the Leash, doesn’t care what people think
  8. Drunken Abercrombie Aide Arrested at Waikiki Bar
  9. Rail needs to Start over with new EIS, new Rail car contractor
  10. Visa policy clogs Chinese tourism
  11. Water Board Manager: We need your money
  12. Geothermal is latest Excuse for Interisland Cable
  13. $20/hr: Isle security guards get highest pay, report says
  14. Lawsuit Challenging Property Tax Rates for Native Hawaiians on Home Lands Appealed to the Nation's Highest Court
  15. Big Development proposed for Sand Island
  16. Kauai Food bank to launch investigation
  17. Kauai Council heats up over resolution on salary freeze
  18. Hawaii's East-West Center to open exhibition of photos, artifacts belonging to Obama's mother
  19. Enviro Job Panic: Cuts to Hawaii’s invasive species control funds could spell ‘havoc’
  20. East of Hilo, West of LA: NASA satellite plunges to Earth
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Saturday, September 24, 2011
September 24, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:53 PM :: 5305 Views
  1. Thanks Councilmen for Rejecting Impact Fees
  2. Disney Re-starts some Aulani sales after Hawaii approves 33% fee increase
  3. If GE Tax were a Sales Tax, It would be among Nation's Lowest
  4. "Get Ready Ewa Beach" Saturday
  5. Star-Advertiser: September 11th Julian Islam Day Festival is Celebration of Kokua and Peace
  6. Shapiro: Hawaii GOP Stuck in Ideological Divide
  7. DoE Panics as Students will be limited to only One Re-take on State Assessment
  8. After years of doing nothing, Mazie finally mentions COFA at meeting of Asian Victimology Caucus
  9. Halawa Prison Employees Able to Smuggle Contraband, thanks to UPW, HGEA
  10. HPD Officer Accused of Rape in Kailua
  11. Report: Hawaii has nation's most-expensive rent, houses
  12. Plaintiffs Step Up Campaign to Raise Funds for Rail Lawsuit
  13. Final Reapportionment Maps Due Monday
  14. Reapportionment Commission Prepares Alternative Maps for Judge to Help Malama Solomon get a District
  15. Berg Wins Support for West Oahu Shooting Range
  16. Sea-water air conditioning closer to reality
  17. After Gaming Advocates Use it as Talking Point, Navy Closes Bingo Night
  18. SA: Resist appeals to prop up Oahu slaughterhouse
  19. The Future of Industrial Solar: Thieves Loot Solar Panels at Makuu, Puna
  20. Styrofoam: Civil Beat Launches War on Restaurant Industry
  21. Papaya farmers eye threats as 85 more trees destroyed
  22. Self-righteous Diving Instructor Charged with Harassing Fish Collector
  23. County sues rubbish haulers
  24. Molester’s Former Underling Calls for Abolition of HOPE Parole
  25. Nine Months after Hawaii Conviction, Pervert Vanishes in Scotland
  26. Kona Village Resort to suffer fate of Coco Palms?
  27. Just in Time for APEC: Homeless Houseboat to be Scuttled
  28. Hawaii Meth Project selects Joe Perez as new Director
  29. Final 31 Permanent FEMA Homes Turned Over to American Samoan Families
  30. Obama Fundraiser Scored $107M in Wind Farm Credits
  31. Obama Administration Set to Ban Asthma Inhalers Over Environmental Concerns
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Friday, September 23, 2011
September 23, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:07 PM :: 4427 Views
  1. Honolulu Council to Consider Public Firing Range for Kalaeloa
  2. Tom Berg calls for Massive GE Tax Increase
  3. Contested Case Hearing requested over Oneula Burials
  4. Population Without Representation
  5. Details of baby's death to stay secret
  6. Abercrombie’s Emergencies Prove Republicans Right
  7. Hooser vs Hooser on Emergency Powers
  8. Aila vs Aila on Rail
  9. On Deadline Day, Sumitomo Still "Under Consideration"
  10. Lingle Was Right: Rail Projections based on $300M Cut to Bus Funding
  11. Failing DoE considering waiver for No Child
  12. Ethics Commission Dismisses HSTA Complaint Against Gov
  13. UPW, HGEA Contacts allow Halawa to Guards Sidestep Metal and Drug Detection
  14. List of Schools Looted by BoE
  15. Did BoE Violate Sunshine Law with Social Studies Vote?
  16. Double Dip? Tourist count, Spending tumble worst since 2009
  17. Sweeps: 13% More Homeless Forced to Accept Shelter
  18. SA Assists ACLU in Pre-APEC Protest Litigation
  19. Ex-officer faces trial in pay scheme
  20. Sen. Gil Kahele warns about Danger of Deer Poop
  21. Capitol full of ‘Rats
  22. As Bubble nears Popping, HECO “still comfortable” With Solar Gold Rush
  23. OTEC Set to Build First Plant … in the Bahamas
  24. Hospital systems’ construction will change medical landscape
  25. China Looks at TMT
  26. Hawaii attorney taking swing at Pacquiao - Mayweather fight
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Thursday, September 22, 2011
September 22, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:18 PM :: 6933 Views
  1. Hawaii Republican Presidential Vote Set for March 13
  2. Obama Admin gives Hawaii $3M to help Process “Increased Volume” of Insurance Rate Hikes
  3. Sakamoto Forced Medical Tourism on Maui
  4. Republican Presidential Caucuses will Help with Party-Building
  5. Oi: Abercrombie a One Term Governor?
  6. Hearing to address issue of children dying in state custody
  7. HSTA contract case expected to drag on for months
  8. Hawaii personal income growth lags nation
  9. Hawaii Ethics Director Responds to 'Brouhaha' Over Task Force Members
  10. Slaughterhouse reels as grocers reject pork shipped live to isles
  11. Overpriced Nene Removal, Road Project also Emergencies to Abercrombie
  12. AG Defends Gov's Emergency Authority
  13. Feds Liquidate Property Belonging to Malama Solomon’s Favorite Methamphetamines Gang
  14. Takitani Admits Reapportionment Litigation is all About Where he thinks Senate Seat should Go
  15. Ethics Commission: Lawmakers Can Accept Free Tickets to APEC Events
  16. Legislators Pant like Dogs as they Lap Up Prisoners’ Stories
  17. Hawaii County Impact fees rejected
  18. Maui Enviro caught lying about Bottled Water Project: “I don’t have to make sure that every fact is corroborated”
  19. Blogger To Face Trial for Obstruction
  20. Civil Beat Boss Pierre Omidyar only Hawaii resident on Forbes 400 list
  21. Director of Kona Sober Living Home Busted for Drug Possession, Assault on Police
  22. Five years after being sentenced to Ten Years, Hawaii Pedophile Busted in Bangkok
  23. Hawaii Can Breath Sigh of Relief as Rosanne Show Cancelled
  24. Massachusetts Welfare Money Spent In Hawaii
  25. Not enough Hippies in Hilo: Down to Earth Closes Organic Holistic store
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Wednesday, September 21, 2011
September 21, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:00 PM :: 17152 Views
  1. Parent Company of Honolulu Rail Contractor Ansaldo tied to Prostitution Ring
  2. UPDATE: Hawaii GOP Leaders Call for Ouster of Party Chair
  3. Perreira: Abercrombie Worse than Lingle
  4. Shapiro Misses Lingle Too: Abercrombie right at home with his scepter and throne
  5. Lingle Predicts More Women Leaders
  6. KITV: Opponents Trying to Starve Kaauwai Out, Have no Replacement
  7. SA: Who is behind effort to Oust Kaauwai?
  8. Rail At Risk: US House May Cut 37% from Hawaii Transit Spending
  9. Return to Secrecy: State unable to give count of children who die in foster care
  10. DoE to Cut Alternative Learning Centers?
  11. Tougher isle graduation standards will start with Class of 2016
  12. Josh Green Freaks out because Malama Solomon has been drawn into his district
  13. DoE: Laupahoehoe school may again face closure if Charter Conversion Halted
  14. Kauai Food bank loses federal support
  15. Horizon Lines troubles show need for reform of US build requirement
  16. Foodland, Times Supermarkets cut out Hawaii meatpackers to satisfy Animal Liberation Nuts
  17. Hawaii Government Approves Destruction of Rare Bird and Endangered Bat Habitat
  18. DoE Springs for Blackboard Software
  19. Hawaii Seeks 1 Gbps Statewide Broadband Access by 2018
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011
September 20, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:01 PM :: 4659 Views
  1. Ed Case, Brian Schatz back Obama’s Call for Massive Tax Hikes
  2. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted September 19, 2011
  3. Hawaii GOP Leaders Call for Ouster of Party Chair
  4. Hawaii Redistricting Panel Excludes Some Military—But Malama Solomon Still Out of Luck
  5. Labor Board to HSTA: "We just need to get this case over with"
  6. Bank CEO Horner announces retirement—Will Continue as Chairman
  7. Hawaii State Salaries 2012: Fewer Employees, Higher Costs
  8. Hawaii State Salaries 2012: Highest Paid Employees
  9. Hawaii County Council prepares to soak Homebuilders
  10. Hawaii Tourism Boosted as Canadians Flee Global Cooling
  11. Feds, State Team up to Attack Restaurants, Hotels, and Homebuilders
  12. Two Boobs Provide ACLU with A Pre-APEC Disruption warm-up Trial
  13. Four Blockheads Handle Niu Valley Boulder
  14. Will Convicted Killer get “Contested Case” over Kau Oceanfront Squat?
  15. 10 p.m. "quiet time" now enforced at Mayor Wright Homes
  16. Kamehameha Schools names finalists for Head of School
  17. Residents Demand EIS from Aina Koa Pono
  18. Confirmed: Pattern Energy JV will bid on 'Big Wind' project
  19. BMW Dealer gets a Bunch of Solar Panels
  20. Enviros Demand Bomb Squad File for EIS before Acting
  21. 2012 Congressional Medal of Honor convention in Honolulu
  22. UH Manoa Perfesser: Alcoholism, Drug Use will make you a self-worshipping Atheist
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Monday, September 19, 2011
September 19, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:37 PM :: 11099 Views
  1. Appointments: Abercrombie lays three eggs, Wings off to Paris
  2. Maui News: Lingle run would be welcome
  3. Panos: Is HART Chair Don Horner Shamelessly Dishonest?
  4. Royal State Redux: Is HSTA Contract Fight about VEBA?
  5. Abercrombie’s DHS Secretly returns to Secrecy—No answers to Questions about Death of 9 month Old Child
  6. KSBE’s Kakaako development will not include Affordable Housing
  7. Hawaii GOP Plans to Field CD2 Candidate?
  8. DoE Leaves UH History as an Elective, Gramscians sense Opportunity
  9. UK Independent: America's homeless crisis washes up in Obama's birthplace
  10. State works to finish beautification projects ahead of APEC
  11. With Politics so Lucrative, Oahu crime rate lowest since '75
  12. Clean Energy Summit Devolves into Kuokoa Sales Pitch for Hostile Takeover of Hawaiian Electric
  13. Parental discipline defense upheld in alleged child abuse case
  14. Shellfish show promise in Hawaii
  15. Kauai Council Slyly arranges Pay Hikes for Elected Officials, Department Heads
  16. Kauai County names sustainability czar
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Sunday, September 18, 2011
September 18, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:07 PM :: 6293 Views
  1. Panos: Is Sopogy Hawaii’s Solyndra?
  2. Kalapa: Tax Review Commission must confront Pension Tax, Income Tax, Act 221
  3. Borreca: Will GOP Factionalism Derail 2012 Campaigns?
  4. After Obama Burns Treasury, Budget woes hang over isle military expansion
  5. Infamous for Blocking Hospital on Maui, Sakamoto picked for #2 Health Job by Abercrombie
  6. Rowena Akana ‘Enthusiastic’ about the Feared Changes Coming to OHA
  7. Kam Schools gets Easy Walk to Development in Kakaako
  8. ML&P Owner Pierre Omidyar Buys Activists
  9. A&B Grasps for Solar Tax Credits, Ratepayer Cash
  10. Sempra Energy Plans Pearl Harbor Solar Project to Beat Windfarms
  11. 9-11 Trooother Group Demands to know why UXO is Emergency
  12. California Models Program on Hawaii’s HOPE Parole
  13. Mother speaks out on daughter's death
  14. Falling Satellite to Pass over Hawaii
  15. Kauai Council Passes Law against Pissing on County Building
  16. Hawaii County too Disorganized to Collect Tipping Fees
  17. VIDEO: Over 100 Waikoloa donkeys board plane for California
  18. Iceland, Hawaii hold the secret to Origin of Water?
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Saturday, September 17, 2011
September 17, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:22 PM :: 4907 Views
  1. Pearl Harbor Salutes Air Force: Free Admission, Sept. 17-25
  2. Retirees, Tourism make Hawaii 10th Wealthiest in Nation
  3. Hawaii Council Impact Fee Making Affordable Housing Out of Reach
  4. Ron Paul Supporter: 9-11 Commemoration Should Honor Conspiracy Theorists
  5. Abercrombie’s PUC Pick demands bigger Ratepayer giveaways to Green Energy Scammers
  6. Futility: Case Begs Unions Officials for a Meeting
  7. Schatz in charge for next Ten Days as Abercrombie Jets off to Paris
  8. Robert Bunda selected as tenth HART member
  9. Council passes Laie hotel special permit
  10. Tom Berg Calls for Massive GE Tax Increase
  11. Hawaii Gov Orders Boards to Post Agendas Online
  12. Del Castillo to challenge Hannemann in 2nd CD Dem Primary
  13. Topless Protest sets up ACLU Rehearsal of Courtroom Antics to Disrupt APEC
  14. Hawaii Guardsmen Rescue Injured at Reno Air Show
  15. HPD Officer Targeted for Posting Photo of Burned Copper Thief
  16. PSD Director Speaks Up for New Maui Jail
  17. Honolulu wants to transfer control of 12 apartment buildings
  18. Tuition rise would balloon toward end of 5-year plan
  19. Attention Cronies! Hawaii soliciting bids for employee training contracts
  20. Eric Lighter Faces California Fraud Charges
  21. Questions about murder, money and lies follow man to Hawaii
  22. As APEC Approaches, Honolulu TSA is Fourth Slowest in Survey
  23. TSA fires 28, suspends 15 in Honolulu baggage investigation
  24. Bird Mitigation at Local Airports Costs Hawaii Taxpayers Millions of Dollars
  25. Tighter rules on tropical fish collection eyed AGAIN
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Friday, September 16, 2011
September 16, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:09 PM :: 24496 Views
  1. Panos: Did Mishandling Cause the Death and Injuries of HPD Officers?
  2. Abercrombie Cabinet Member Suddenly Resigns, no announcement until Replacement Named
  3. Summer Snow Falls on Mauna Kea after Al Gore’s “24-Hours of Reality” broadcasts from Hawaii
  4. Best in Nation Hawaii Overpaid “only” $9.5M in Unemployment
  5. Former Kaneohe Marine Awarded Medal Of Honor
  6. After Manoa Liberals Apologize to Muslims for Sept 11, Muslims to Stage “Islam Day” Celebration on Sept 11th Julian at Site of Apology
  7. Sept 19 Reapportionment Commission to Re-vote on Disenfranchising Military for Malama Solomon
  8. Are UPW talks coming to a head?
  9. Unions Agree to back proven loser Mazie Hirono after pretending to have Democratic Discussion
  10. Abercrombie’s secret decree is black eye for Legislature
  11. Abercrombies Jet off to Paris for Ten Days
  12. Three of top Five Positions held by Same Three Oldsters for total of 103 years
  13. UH Manoa is the Source of the Problem
  14. Homeless campsites torn down and air-lifted off Diamond Head
  15. Doped Up Teachers have to Fail test Three Times Before They Can be Fired—unless Union Looks the Other Way
  16. WSJ: Finmeccanica Executive Offers To Quit After Bribery Reports (Parent Company of Ansaldo)
  17. Hawaii jobless rate climbs to 6.2%
  18. Luddites Drive Kona Fishfarm Out of Business
  19. Maui Water Well Opponents Using Junk Science to Push Hidden Agenda
  20. Solar project Driving Up Maui Electric Bills
  21. Act 221 Company Deigns to Keep HQ in Hawaii
  22. Class-action lawsuit claims Safeway profited from Kona coffee’s reputation, misled consumers
  23. Inouye writes Micronesia Immigration Restrictions into Homeland Security Budget
  24. Volunteer Program Repairs Oahu’s Public Housing Apartments
  25. Message in a bottle found during Kauai beach cleanup—but it’s not plastic
  26. Kauai County ends fiscal year with 160 jobs open
  27. City Council may say ‘Never on Sunday’ to tour vehicles
  28. Former HPD officer accused of ID theft
  29. Hawaii Political Party Backed Initiative and Referendum 104 years ago
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Thursday, September 15, 2011
September 15, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:19 PM :: 15016 Views
  1. The Future of Honolulu Rail? Libyan Rebels forced to Push when Ansaldo Motor Won’t Run
  2. Kaauwai: NY, NV Republican Victories Send Message
  3. DoE Commits $6M for Pre-School Vouchers for 800 Children
  4. “Title Insurance Issues” may force FannieMae to release and re-foreclose Hawaii properties
  5. Gun Control: A Relic of Racism
  6. Fund established to help fallen and injured police officers
  7. Ed Case calls for Massive Tax Hikes
  8. Delusional Abercrombie: “Everyone—from business to labor, the Legislative and Executive Branch—can come together around our New Day Plan”
  9. ILind: Potential conflict in review of rail contractor
  10. Honolulu Rail Agreed to Pay Broken Trust Lobbyist $300,000
  11. While DoE Claims Massive Success, SAT Scores Drop Sharply
  12. Hawaii Ed Department Drops Plan to Cut Social Studies Requirements
  13. Shapiro Pines for the World before The Generation of 1968
  14. Aila, Louie stalled for months until Abercrombie gave Munitions Disposal Experts Exemption from EIS to Detonate Unexploded Ordinance
  15. $800K of Federal Pork for Political Activist Group FACE
  16. Green Energy Scammers, Legislators all Concentrated in One Place
  17. Money Grubbing Activists Demand Rent from Mauna Kea Telescopes
  18. Hawaii Post Offices Off Potential Closure List
  19. Hawaii foreclosure filings drop 75% in August
  20. Will Honolulu Media Council attempt to Litigate against Honolulu Star-Advertiser link with HNN?
  21. 8-year-old girl arrested for allegedly punching vice principal
  22. Pennsylvania Welfare Money Spent in Hawaii
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011
September 14, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:07 PM :: 5873 Views
  1. Mānoa campus ranked #164 among U.S. News & World Report's 'Best Colleges'
  2. Feds give Abercrombie $7M to Boost Green Energy Scammers
  3. Berg Fighting to Terminate Ansaldo
  4. Malama Solomon: Gimme a District or I’ll Sue!
  5. ILind: Felon “Keanu” Sai gets free ride because of Political Correctness
  6. Hawaiians Demand Makua Valley be used for Military Training
  7. SA: APEC work pace worrisome
  8. Bombardier Lawsuit Denied
  9. Shapiro: Say, Tsutsui are Demanding Right to Divide the Spoils with Campaign Contributors
  10. ILind: Abercrombie, Carlisle more Secretive than Chicago Machine
  11. Legislators not Consulted on Abercrombie’s Unnoticed Emergency Proclamation
  12. Even after District Redrawn to include her Home, Hanabusa claims she will still leave KoOlina
  13. Is Rail Already Hurting Hawaii's Economy?
  14. GE Tax Take Up 9%, TAT up 24%
  15. Panel Picks Honolulu Council Redistricting Plan
  16. Obama’s Fake DOA “Jobs” Bill has over $200M in Fake Pork for Hawaii
  17. 20% of Hawaii is on Medicaid
  18. Kauai Luddites now Claim Hydro Kills Taro
  19. Maui Housing Project Residents Defend Resident Manager
  20. Kakaako planners consider updating guidelines
  21. Civil Beat is Wrong Again – This Time Regarding Job Creation
  22. AARP Discusses Safety Improvements For Hawaii's Roadways
  23. Har: State, Federal Government Must Collaborate on Monk Seal Protection
  24. Senate Oceans Caucus launched
  25. Obama Rejected: NYC Congressional Seat goes Republican for first time since 1920s
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011
September 13, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:58 PM :: 16696 Views
  1. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted, September 12, 2011
  2. Rail Plaintiffs: Motion to Dismiss is Frivolous
  3. South Korea Free Trade: All Talk, No Action from Obama
  4. CB: After Lingle’s Sunshine, Abercrombie Thrusts Hawaii Into Dark Ages
  5. Fidell: As soon as Lingle Left, Distraction set in
  6. Rail Lobbyist at Center of Effort to Relocate Kamehameha Schools to South Dakota Indian Reservation
  7. Borreca: Inouye Overplays his hand against Ed Case?
  8. Progressive Trashes Hirono for Vote in Favor of Continued Afghan War
  9. Influence Peddling at Risk: Tsutsui, Say ask Louie to save them from The ‘Chilling Effect’ of Ethics
  10. Abercrombie Lawyers Defend Judicial Secrecy
  11. SA: Charter schools bound by state law
  12. State falls behind in fix-up projects for APEC meeting
  13. Bag-screening gear goes kaput, adding to airport kerfuffles
  14. Abercrombie chases Homeless Out Of Waikiki, into Your Neighborhood, for APEC
  15. Abercrombie’s BoE Takes Aim at Military Students, Rural Schools
  16. HSTA, ACLU, Abercrombie all agree to let Teachers Do Drugs more easily
  17. Disability Rights Center Hammers Money-Grubbing DoE over Discrimination
  18. Legislators to Celebrate Victory of Communism In China
  19. Supporters of Mass Murderer to Lead Protests against APEC
  20. State Lawmakers Threaten to Fight Proposed Monk Seal Protections
  21. Hawaii Public Pension System Will burn $2.4M to eliminate Backlog in Benefit Calculations
  22. Political ties a boon for nonprofit
  23. California Republican former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger visits Kalihi school
  24. Patten Energy to Submit New Molokai Wind Farm Proposal
  25. HECO signs deal to buy 10 million gallons of local biofuel
  26. OTEC and geothermal should be considered first
  27. Police Claim Blogger was Drunk, Combative
  28. Honolulu hotel rates second-highest in U.S.
  29. LA Times: Disney's new Aulani hotel dining options are few and pricey
  30. Kaua‘i secures $138M in state CIP budget
  31. Maui Charter panel: District voting worthy of look
  32. Maui: 62% of respondents want to ban Styrofoam
  33. Bureaucratic bungling Leaves Nature Reserve unpatrolled
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Monday, September 12, 2011
September 12, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:35 PM :: 19179 Views
  1. Kalapa: Council on Revenues skeptical about Tax Revenue Increases
  2. Hirono Team Rebukes Dangerous non-theist Supporters “Raatz” and “BooMan”
  3. 9-11 Tributes in Hawaii
  4. Fontaine: Day an experience that ‘changed my life’
  5. Key Rail Lobbyist at Center of Broken Trustees’ Lobbying to Shield themselves from IRS
  6. Convicted Perfect Title Scammer David “Keanu” Sai responds to Hawai`i Free Press
  7. Sunshine? Abercrombie Administration Ends Lingle-era Requirement to Posting Meeting Agendas and Minutes Online
  8. Progressives: “Suck it, Ed Case”
  9. Gay Civil Unions to Have High Tech Processing System Not Yet Available to Straight Marriages
  10. Tongans: “We like it here in Utah”
  11. Horizon Lines Troubles Show Need for Reform of US Build Requirement
  12. The new 'R' in education—Robotics
  13. Homeowners Insurance Rates coming Down
  14. Honolulu Preparing to Exit Affordable Housing Business
  15. Federal Court says "aloha" to hotel service charge practices in Hawaii
  16. Enviros do two Beach Clean-ups and Sail through Pacific Gyre—AND FIND NO PLASTC BAGS
  17. Ecos becoming Dimly Aware that Fishing Ban harms Monk Seals
  18. $7.2M to Fly Lihue Airport Nene to Big Isle, Maui
  19. The Street: Maui Land and Pineapple Upgraded
  20. China’s Army no longer Accepts Communist Party Control
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Sunday, September 11, 2011
September 11, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:03 PM :: 21807 Views
  1. Kaauwai: Unity in Remembrance of 9/11
  2. Bush: One of the lessons of 9-11 is that evil is real, and so is courage
  3. Paul Krugman NYT: Fake heroes like Bernie Kerik, Rudy Giuliani, and, yes, George W. Bush raced to cash in on the horror.
  4. AFL-CIO: Wealthy CEOs, anti-government extremist front groups and frothing talk show hosts … pushed open the door to hate
  5. Star-Advertiser: Hawaii’s Greatness Showcased by “Islam Day”
  6. Manoa Liberals complain that some people Doubt Islam
  7. Abercrombie: Refocus on Diversity
  8. SA Editors: War Against Terrorists is Murky
  9. Charter school sues to block ethics query
  10. Self-Insuring Shields Companies from Burden of Federal, State Health Insurance Regs
  11. More visitors are vacationing in Hawaii despite higher security and the 9/11 anniversary
  12. Extreme disparities in Maui property tax system
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Saturday, September 10, 2011
September 10, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:48 PM :: 14043 Views
  1. Medicaid: Abercrombie sides with Big Business
  2. Son-of-a-glitch: Abercrombie defends turning state’s disabled population into second class citizens
  3. Hanabusa Wipes Prince Kuhio --and Robert Wilcox-- out of History Books
  4. HART Director: Feds will not invest in Rail if they have Doubts
  5. Meet Rail’s Million-Dollar Lobbyist
  6. Is Hawaii safe in post 9/11 era?
  7. Reapportionment: Hawaii County Can’t Find So-Called Non-Residents Either
  8. Soft on Crime Activists Demand No New Jail on Maui
  9. State Gives Clayton Hee a Seat at Hoopili’s Table
  10. Pflueger Defaults on Settlement for Victims of His Ka Loko Dam Breach
  11. Hawaii Bottled Water Manufacturer Hit with $5M Fine
  12. Maui County to take Drinking Water from Polluted Well
  13. Bhagowalia: Hawaii IT only 20 years Behind
  14. Carlisle: Rats are like Homeless
  15. 9-11 trooother Roseanne Barr on Medical Marijuana: 'It Works for Me'
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Friday, September 9, 2011
September 9, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:27 PM :: 18236 Views
  1. Charles Djou leaves for Afghanistan
  2. Hanabusa Wipes Prince Kuhio --and Robert Wilcox-- out of History Books
  3. Hawaii, Maui, Kauai: Stop And Remember 7AM Sunday 9-11-11
  4. Kahului, Kailua-Kona TEA Party to Commemorate 9-11
  5. Pacific Command to Host 9-11 Remembrance at Fort Shafter
  6. Gallup: Hawaii has 4th-lowest rate of Uninsured Persons
  7. Full Text: Obama Speech to Congress
  8. Comprehensive List of Obama Tax Hikes
  9. Hanabusa Wipes Prince Kuhio out of History Books
  10. Abercrombie Appoints Waihee, Danner to Decide which Native Hawaiians are "Qualified"
  11. National Journal: Old-Boy Democrats, Unions Protecting Hirono
  12. Borreca: More tax revenues for state unlikely to grow economy
  13. AP FACT CHECK: Obama's jobs plan paid for? Seems not
  14. Reaction to Obama Speech:
  15. Horner listens to Ansaldo for 2 hours, pretends they are going to be OK
  16. Carlisle in DC: Rail Opposition is Inconsequential, Delays, Snafus Should be Dismissed
  17. Campaign Spending Law keeps Herd of Democrat Also-Rans Prosperous
  18. HSTA Lawyers “demonstrate egregious and reckless disregard for the truth”
  19. After APEC, $6M less federal funding to pay for Homelessness
  20. Randy Iwase “Accidentally” Locks Public out of Tax Review Commission Meeting
  21. Contractors deserve an update on Marines’ buildup in Guam
  22. Housing Agency Confirms "Compliance Audit" Of Maui Project
  23. Hawaii County Council Votes for Hefty Building Tax
  24. First Wind Has no Maintenance plan beyond Eight Years
  25. Huge Solar project is planned for Archaeological Site at Barbers Pt.
  26. Hawaii County Council: Mailing Junk TVs to Honolulu is not Good Waste Disposal Plan
  27. Hawaii widow sues big bank over 'vicious' foreclosure effort
  28. The Port of Seattle is silenced by a longshoremen strike
  29. Marine told fellow Marines to stop alleged hazing
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Thursday, September 8, 2011
September 8, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:58 PM :: 20494 Views
  1. Report: 42% of young Adults Obese in Hawaii
  2. Parker Ranch, A&B, Grove Farm, Castle& Cook all Rake In Megabucks from State Tax Credits
  3. Tax Credit lobbying: $10,500 in Bribes to 24 Hawaii Lawmakers Unaccounted For
  4. Thumb on Scale: City adds 30 to 200 pounds in figuring vehicle weights
  5. SA: Keep wary eye on new land-use panel
  6. Sacrificial Lamb: Jamila Resigns From Planning Commission
  7. Disability Mom: Abercrombie Makes Medicaid Population Second Class Citizens
  8. Labor Board asked to void HSTA subpoenas of legislators, governor
  9. Hirono: Stimulus Wasn’t Big Enough
  10. Hirono Team Rebukes Dangerous Atheist Supporter “Raatz”
  11. Progressives still Worming their way towards Disenfranchising Military
  12. Study: HECO can use unlimited Solar—But only from Very large Arrays, Homeowner installations limited
  13. CSC Approves Public-Funded Campaigns without Unconstitutional Equalizing
  14. It Begins: Anti-Globalization Circus to Descend on Hawaii to protest APEC
  15. APEC Warmup: Hyatt Waikiki Hotel Workers Strike, Wake up Neighbors at 3AM
  16. Edition hotel case extended
  17. Fall enrollment for UH system hits record high
  18. Kamehameha Schools' lawsuit delayed
  19. Parties ask for more time in Matee Chowsanitphon conviction review
  20. Civil Beat hires Editor known for Attack on Sheriff Joe Arpaio
  21. Maui County Nonprofits never get Audited
  22. Kauai Nonprofits work to Help Criminals avoid Jail Sentence, Wipe Record
  23. Now Free: Thousands of Historical Hawaii Journals
  24. Pahoa Reuse-Recycling Center Shut Down Because people actually wanted to Reuse Material
  25. ILWU storms port, hold guards hostage in effort to drive out competing Union
  26. FBI Raids Obama’s Bankrupt Solar Company
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Wednesday, September 7, 2011
September 7, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 12:33 PM :: 21680 Views
  1. Abercrombie: More Taxes and Spending Key to Economic Recovery
  2. Public invited to 9/11 memorial commemoration at Honolulu Community College
  3. Honolulu Events to Mark 9-11 Anniversary
  4. Lack of Heavyweight Competition Gives Mufi Free Ride to Congress?
  5. Carlisle compares Anti-Rail Critics to Chinese communist thugs
  6. Council on Revenues: Higher Taxes still come up $120M short
  7. Tax Hike May Delay New Construction Starts for Two Years
  8. Milner: Democratic Primaries will be More Polarizing and Less Civil
  9. Hawaii DoE Students top Nation in Suicidal Thoughts
  10. Carlisle Says ORI Wasn't 'Following Rules'
  11. Medicated marijuana: Doctors Set up in Hawaii Hotel Rooms, Score Big Bucks
  12. Aloun Lawyers call Prosecution ‘Frivolous’ Demand $366K
  13. Civil Unions Licenses To be Available Dec 3
  14. BOE members raise concerns about Likelike Elementary closure
  15. Report highlights 42% Hawaii obesity
  16. Late: BLNR to Vote on Army High Altitude Training Friday
  17. Arson damages Maui Drug Court Office
  18. Kauai Food Bank Selling Donated Food
  19. State DoH receives more Federal Funding, Adds no Staff
  20. VIDEO: Marshallese in Hawaiian Ocean View gathering
  21. NoMoola: Profitable NonProfit Activists Launch Anti-APEC Site
  22. Hawaii’s Largest Market Research Firm Headed by Obama Appointee
  23. Hawaii Business Magazine Looks At Nonprofit Leadership
  24. Blueprint for safer roads under final review
  25. Photon Finance LLC, Island Pacific Energy LLC, Pacific Energy Solutions LLC to Split $500M Solar Job
  26. SA: GMO papaya export welcomed
  27. Hawaii is #6 in Shrimp
  28. Commanders Livid at Obama Iraq Withdrawal Plans
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Tuesday, September 6, 2011
September 6, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:15 PM :: 14524 Views
  1. Big Wind: Does Abercrombie want Giant Boondoggle as his Legacy?
  2. Borreca: Abercrombie like red-neck, knuckle-dragging sheriffs in Arkansas backwoods
  3. Shapiro: Abercrombie All Talk and No Action
  4. Hirono Demands Infrastructure Bank so US Can Run Up More Debt
  5. 43% of DoE Secondary Schools not good enough for Six-Year Accreditation
  6. Reapportionment: Big Island Democrats to put on anti-military circus next Week
  7. State Left 10 Concessions in Teachers Contract
  8. Carlisle: Homeless Worse than Rats
  9. Hawaii Ranks 48th in Patents per Capita
  10. UH-Tokai deal will bring 'unique partnership' to West Oahu campus
  11. Isle restaurateurs support efforts to ease visa rules for foreign visitors
  12. SA: Give Seals a chance to Rule over Humans
  13. Feds Demand Maui Animal Shelter Kill Animals
  14. Council to Vote Wednesday on Vacation rentals
  15. Honolulu Office Buildings Worth Sixty-One Cents
  16. Hawaii One of Only Five States to Ban Write-In Voting
  17. Latest Sovereignty Mortgage Scam Debunked
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Monday, September 5, 2011
September 5, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 1:47 PM :: 12002 Views
  1. DoE Boosts AYP Standing by Kicking Students off Testing Roster
  2. Abercrombie Booed at UH Game
  3. Abercrombie’s AG Tries to Block Burns, Case, Moon, and Bennett from holding Private Debate of Judicial Secrecy
  4. SA: HSTA Heading In Exactly the Wrong Direction
  5. Extortion case is the latest incident in a string of suits, violence and fines at The Shack
  6. Waikiki Event aims to show union members they "are not forgotten"
  7. Haleakala Telescope to kick in $20M for Science Education, OHA Cronies demand theirs
  8. Ethics Rules Selectively Enforced against Legislative Republican
  9. Chinatown drenched in Urine by Homeless
  10. After NW Hawaiian Isles Fishing Ban cause Seals to be crowded out, Officials want to bring them here
  11. Hawaiian Monk seals to soon have better Medical Care than Humans
  12. Panos: Ten Reasons Why Nuclear Energy Is Necessary For Another 50 Years
  13. Hawaii health officials plan events for National Suicide Prevention Week
  14. CB: Local Food
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Sunday, September 4, 2011
September 4, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:12 PM :: 14498 Views
  1. Classified Documents reveal United Farm Workers made pact with Global Horizons in hope of profiting from Immigration Reform
  2. Kalapa: Taxpayers suffer as ACT 221 Scammers laugh all the way to the bank
  3. 1959: Martin Luther King Jr Salutes Hawaii Statehood
  4. Berg: Council to hear testimony on Waianae Sustainability Communities Plan
  5. VIDEO: Hundreds bid farewell to fallen Navy man from Maui
  6. Cayetano blasts Carlisle: “Another week and you probably would have lost”
  7. SA: Caution Lights Flashing on Rail Project, Bunda is Lousy Pick
  8. Hawaii, Income, Expenses, and Budget “Virtually Unknowable” – Kalbert Young
  9. Husted to Unions: Stop Assuming Every Democrat will Protect You
  10. HSTA Operatives Sow Dissension in effort to reverse Laupahoehoe Charter
  11. With no tax credits to gain via ownership, agencies use solar panels owned by others
  12. Homeless Woman to become DoE Teacher Next Semester
  13. Gambling Advocates Latch on to Military Bingo
  14. Weak Dollar Boosting Hawaii Tourism
  15. Is Oahu Dense Enough for Rail?
  16. Judges need more options for youth offenders
  17. Secrecy of court nominees seems to put Hawaii out of the judicial mainstream
  18. BLNR to intervene on Behalf of Convicted Killer Claiming Ownership of 551 acre Shoreline Parcel
  19. Resort Workers Clean Kauai Beach—No Mention of Any Plastic Bags
  20. Obama’s Mother argued against Modernity
  21. VIDEO: Hilo-based National Guard deploys to Iraq
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Saturday, September 3, 2011
September 3, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:20 PM :: 12999 Views
  1. Murder in Kona: A flurry of phone calls, then Union Leader Walks Free
  2. UHERO: With Hawaii Growth Slow, US Risk Looms Large
  3. Flags to Fly at Half-Staff in Honor of Senior Chief Petty Officer Kraig M. Vickers
  4. Manoa Liberals to Apologize to Muslims for September 11th
  5. Carlisle, HART officials headed for DC Money Train
  6. Community objects to plan to close Likelike Elementary
  7. Halawa Could Make Millions for Hawaii
  8. Slom: Labor Day Should be for All Workers — and Jobs
  9. Foreign Journalists begin Arriving for APEC
  10. He's Not the 'Shot Caller', But Federal Judge Denies Shack Patron Jesse Yoshino Bail
  11. Probationer with 21 convictions let loose on bail after being arrested again
  12. Subcontractors: Troubled Waikiki Hotel Owes Them Money
  13. The MODERN Honolulu Granted Temporarily Liquor License, But Spa License Still on Hold
  14. Kaneohe sandbar deemed safe after radiological testing
  15. Big Island fish farm says water pen experiment a success so far
  16. Small businesses key to employment
  17. Politics in play over Say’s attack on Fontaine’s meeting
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Friday, September 2, 2011
September 2, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:27 PM :: 5603 Views
  1. Bombardier to HART: Our Rail Bid would have won if not Disqualified
  2. Full Text: HSTA Loses Drug Testing Appeal
  3. Hawaii Leads the Nation for Methamphetamine Use in the Workforce
  4. After Boycott Threat, Safeway Agrees to Change Labels on “Kona Blend”
  5. Marriott: M Waikiki Owners Self-Destructive
  6. News and Video from House Minority: Ward, Thielen, Ching, Pine, Rivere
  7. Construction Industry Group says Hawaii’s rural roads, bridges need work
  8. Pepeekeo Biomass Plant Granted Air Pollution Permit
  9. Slideshow: 66th Anniversary End Of WWII On Mighty Mo
  10. Governor Linda Lingle on Reforming Education in Hawaii
  11. Boylan: There is No Canoe
  12. Republican Missing from CD2 race as Hawaii undergoes Tectonic Shift
  13. Star-Advertiser Publishes Serious Misstatement in Pro-Rail Article, Critics Say
  14. Rail Foes Decry 'Hatchet Job' CB Fact Checks
  15. PIG picks Bunda for HART, will not reveal identities of Unborn Piglets
  16. SA: OHA may descend into Hee-esque Chaos Again
  17. Another Honolulu school may close
  18. Carlisle Wants $1B Rainy Day Fund as Legacy
  19. Sept 9 Lahainaluna HS Rally for America
  20. Price: Statehood Something To Celebrate
  21. Hawaii's genetically modified papayas to be exported to Japan after 10-year approval process
  22. PBN: UH must get better at technology transfer
  23. Second Shack Defendant Denied Bail
  24. Nearly Half Of Big Island Babies Subject To Intoxicating Substances In Womb
  25. Jury finds marijuana grower guilty of murdering Jamil Khan
  26. Counterfeit Female pleads not Guilty to Counterfeit Check Charges
  27. Prayer Meeting: NOAA asks for input for monk seal recovery
  28. Forest Stewardship Panel Meeting Violates Sunshine Law
  29. Senate approves Nakasone appointment to Circuit Court
  30. Laupahoehoe faces effort to roll back Charter Approval
  31. Ethics Brushes Back Waialua Girls Softball Fundraising
  32. Maui Wind Farm to Kill Five Nene
  33. Gay & Robinson plans larger Hydro Project, wants to Sell Energy to KIUC
  34. UH Manoa to Burn $35M on Solar Panels
  35. Honolulu Seawater Air Conditioning months away from breaking ground
  36. Activist concerned about possible radioactive contamination at Kaneohe Sandbar
  37. Feds Propose New Dog Import Regs for Hawaii
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Thursday, September 1, 2011
September 1, 2011 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:12 PM :: 14006 Views
  1. Flags to Fly at Half-Staff Saturday in Honor of Senior Chief Petty Officer Kraig M. Vickers
  2. Marriott Managers, Security turned away from Waikiki Edition
  3. Aiming for $1M Dollars, Djou reaches out to Grassroots Donors
  4. Hawaii Right To Life becomes Aloha Life Advocates
  5. Djou heads for Afghanistan: “I am part of that Mission”
  6. Hirono renews attack on 18% of Hawaii’s Economy
  7. 41% of DoE Schools suddenly “Meet Standards” after “misplaced students put in correct category”
  8. Abercrombie Creating Positions: State DOT looking to hire 200-300 people
  9. SA Backs latest Proposal to Lets lots of Criminals out of jail
  10. Fiscal Discipline: Kobayashi proposes $75 million to go to artwork at rail stations
  11. Honolulu Spends $77M/year on Road Repairs
  12. Redistricting: Mufi Operatives complain about being cut out of CD2
  13. Del Castillo Running For Congress—CD2
  14. With Ansaldo on Ropes, Bombardier asks to be Re-Qualified
  15. HSTA's rebuff of deal shut down talks, former HSTA President says
  16. Return to Chaos? Namuo to leave OHA
  17. Honolulu Unemployment 15th Lowest in nation
  18. Influence? Thirteen Lobbyists on Commissions
  19. ACLU, School Bullies team up to impose Mandatory Sex Education
  20. A "Culture Of Violence" At Waikiki Nightspot
  21. Honolulu Police resist giving up Names and Salaries of Officers
  22. Manoa Liberals get together to commiserate about 9-11
  23. Berg Plan to Build Waianae Bypass Road Killed
  24. School secretary gets probation, fine in theft case
  25. AKP Biofool Producer allowed curtailed power sales denied to Wind Scammers
  26. States Rights: Fishermen to ask for time to discuss monk seal plan
  27. Senate committee votes 4-0 to endorse Nakasone judicial appointment
  28. Abercrombie appoints deputy finance director
  29. Debunking the Latest Hawaiian Sovereignty Scam
  30. Dopers Complain about High Electric Bills in Hawaii
  31. Honeywell UOP Breaks Ground On Biorefinery Demonstration Facility In Hawaii
  32. Hawaiian raises interisland air luggage fee
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