Entries for August 2015
Monday, August 31, 2015 |
August 31, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:32 PM :: 2840 Views
- Manufacturing a (Tax) Problem
- Honolulu: Mayor Caldwell Gives up $575,000 to aid Gun Manufacturers
- Court: Removal of Protest Signs OK After City Finally Figures out how to Seize Property
- DOE has no plan to boost students' college-readiness
- UH Defers Maintenance seeking $50M Grift to Contractors
- Star-Adv to Feds: We Built America's Largest Homeless Tent City--Where's Our Prize Money?
- How Cheaper Energy Could Change Our Lives
- Inmates on work furlough to don electronic monitors in Bid for more Funding
- BOE to Consider Milder Student Discipline Policy Tuesday
- Pop Warner Anti-Bullying Campaign
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Sunday, August 30, 2015 |
August 30, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:18 PM :: 6794 Views
- What are Homeless Hawaiians Worth to OHA?
- Hawaii is Worst State to Start Post-College Life
- Taxing Digital Goods
- State Workers Obstruct Tech Upgrades so they can Milk Overtime System
- DoTax' Next Tech Disaster Takes Page from DoT's Last Tech Disaster
- OHA Subcontractor Nai Aupuni Repeats Debunked Claim it is Independent of OHA
- Challenge the constitutionality of Hawaii's Act 195
- Homelessness Industry Plans Shelter Space Shell game
- NextEra Rebuttal to Ige Due Monday
- Caldwell Now Claims no Sewage Pumps Were Offline
- Getting browned off by dirty water, murky politics
- Group of Kauai voters want to know AG’s intentions for criminal prosecution of Rep. Tokioka
- Chronicle of a reporter and his pet politician
- Tainted soil found at Makalapa Elementary School
- KSBE to Redevelop Hotel as 'Education Center'
- Borreca: GOP risks losing everything with Trump
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Saturday, August 29, 2015 |
August 29, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:42 PM :: 3768 Views
- Feds Secretly Threaten to Revoke UH Manoa Biolab Permits
- UH Manoa Army ROTC named one of the best in the nation
- Ignacio to hit Big Island Monday, Jimena Following
- State, feds to waste another $3.3M and $2.8M on Hawaii Health Connector
- Rail: Oh now you hire an Accounting Expert
- Union Hospital Status Quo is Unsustainable
- Jones Act: Why it's so Expensive
- Caldwell Coverup: Environmentalist criticizes city for not testing for sewage in Waikiki on day of spill
- Caldwell Sets New Record for Sewage
- Kakaako homeless Have Plenty of Excuses for Refusing Shelter
- Local developer: public private partnership key for affordable housing to end homelessness
- Water Bills Drop 21% Due to Lower Electric Rates
- The Student-Loan Siphon
- Caldwell to Remove Lane from South Street
- Soft on Crime: 36 Priors and Does it Again, Gets 6 Years
- 75 foot Hose to be used to Spray Haleakala with Roundup--Protesters Silent
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Friday, August 28, 2015 |
August 28, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:13 PM :: 5403 Views
- Moody's Downgrade: Is Ige's LNG Edict a Poison Pill Defense?
- Excise Taxes: Hawaii Ranks #5
- Federal Judge Blocks Federal Grab for Control of Waterways
- Marcia Tagavilla Appointed Executive Director of Hawaii GOP
- Hawaii Supreme Court Preparing Excuses to Reject Telescope
- Hallmark of the Ige administration: the lack of an explanation
- Ige's LNG Decision Will Lead to Rate Hikes
- Hawaii electricity cost drop 23 percent after oil price fall
- North Shore Unanimously Rejects sea wind farm
- Unfunded Liabilities: Billion Down, Ten Billion to go
- Hanabusa Postures on $9M Ansaldo Giveaway
- Kakaako homeless to be removed from only One Street
- OHA Still Hoping to Score Megabucks off Homelessness Crisis
- Soft on Crime: 22 Priors, Out on the Street, Stabs Another
- Honolulu Is the Nation’s Most Expensive City for Singles
- Kauai: Influx of Mainland Progressives Causes Inequality
- With Cane Smoke Suit Looming, HC&S Seeks to Eliminate Requirement to Provide 'Firm Power' to MECO
- Civil Beat: Lets Find New and Amazing Ways to Stick it to Fishermen and Consumers
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Thursday, August 27, 2015 |
August 27, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:44 PM :: 4655 Views
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 |
August 26, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:12 PM :: 4827 Views
- Hawaii: Tech Still Receiving Massive Business Tax Subsidies
- After Lying, Caldwell Admin Finally Admits Waikiki Flooding is Purely Due to City's own Incompetence
- Telescope Case Goes Before Supreme Court Aug 27
- Ige Leadership Big Announcement: 28 Shelter Spaces Open Up
- Rep McDermott and Darryl Vincent Discuss Veteran Homelessness in Hawaii
- Hope Street: New Teacher Leadership Growth in Hawaii
- Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Buyer Wants “Another 50 Livers/Week”
- Leftover Inouye Cronies Dysfunctional, Weak
- LNG: Ige Nukes Hawaii--How Much Damage?
- Rate Hikes Coming: Solar Scammers Cheered by Ige's Rejection of LNG
- PUC Faces Oct 1 Deadline to Kill Off Hee's Scam Company
- AG files campaign reporting violation charges against Kauai Rep Tokioka
- What the state is looking for in a Maui hospital private partner
- Slow Section 8 Inspections Blamed for Lack of Subsidized Units, Homelessness
- Anti-GMO Leader Peddles 'Chemtrails' Conspiracy Theory
- Hawaii DLNR Official Hired, Fired Virginia Shooter
- Air Force Worried about N Korean Missiles Hitting Hawaii, Deploys B-2 Bombers to Guam
- Jones Act Lobby Gets Panicky over Puerto Rico
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015 |
August 25, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:39 PM :: 11139 Views
- Smoke-Belching 'Biomass' Project Tops Hawaii 'Clean' Energy Leaderboard
- Affordable Retirement? Honolulu Ranks 145th
- Mainland Homosexual Pleads No Contest to Murdering Boyfriend in Waikiki, Chopping up Body
- Increased Incarceration Reduces Hawaii Crime Rate Sharply
- Kaiser Permanente Hawaii and Hawaii Pacific Health vie for Maui hospital merger
- HHSC Privatization: Maui, Hawaii Co, Kauai Next?
- Chun Oakland's Reelect Me Event in danger of falling over ethics cliff
- Star-Adv, HNN Agree Homeless Do Not Need Permanent Housing (!)
- Ige Comes out Against LNG for Hawaii
- Customers would save $400 over five years under NextEra plan, exec says
- Lanai Windfarms--31 Months of Secrecy
- The Players: Meet Linda Lingle, Superstar Illinois COO
- Kauai: Guardian's Anti-GMO Piece Debunked
- Guam: Jones Act Reform an Alternative to Federal Handouts
- Bill 20 Would Chip Away at Housing Shortage
- Star-Adv Printing Press Still Fried
- Flooding, Sewage Spills Across Oahu
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Monday, August 24, 2015 |
August 24, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:18 PM :: 3439 Views
- Tulsi Gabbard Running for Vice President
- Federal Prosecutors Fight Back After Judge Orders Return of $167K Seized from Maui Resident
- OHA Funded Waikiki Anti-Telescope March, Contributed Red Nai Aupuni Shirts
- Star-Adv: Homeless Crisis Should be Milked for COFA Money
- First-Ever Head of Hawaiian Education Foresees ‘Revolutionary’ Changes
- Bike-sharing program is Excuse for More Lane Eliminations
- Council Opposes HART Use of Eminent Domain to Seize Blood Bank for Rail
- Lawyer: Homosexual Dismembered Boyfriend's Body Before Fleeing to Mainland
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Sunday, August 23, 2015 |
August 23, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:41 PM :: 6078 Views
- IRS, Could You Please Answer the Phone?
- Will PUC Finally Shut Down Al Hee's Scam Company? -- Bishop Estate Trustee Implicated
- Housing adviser’s strength should be policy, not politics
- Too much time has been wasted while homeless children live on the street
- Profitable: OHA Demands 'Fair Market Rent' to Allow Massive Oceanfront Homeless Shelter
- Maui Solar Telescope Benefits 350 Students at UH Maui Campus
- NextEra Beat Down Continues
- Appeals court upholds authority of State Ethics Commission to enforce ethics laws
- Chatter About Gabbard Running for VP Continues into Fourth Day
- Kauai: UK Guardian Sprays Island With Anti-GMO Ignorance
- Eco-Morons Want to Construct 60-mile Lay net in Mid Pacific
- Activists Push for Family Leave Law--Unfunded Employer Mandate
- BoE Begins Lobbying Legislature for More Money
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Saturday, August 22, 2015 |
August 22, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:49 PM :: 3657 Views
- Hawaii & The USA: A Union Worth Celebrating!
- Jones Act Reform to be Part of Puerto Rico Relief Package?
- VIDEO: Abortion Dealers Laugh About Shipping Whole Baby Cadaver
- Federal Judge Orders EIS for Windfarms
- When Windfarms Fail, Oahu Risks Blackouts
- Sick Leave Abuse: Hospital Must Replace 40-50 HGEA, UPW Members Daily
- SA: Link UH raises to performance
- Council committee OKs bill allowing second homes on lots
- Proposed Charter Amendment Would Take Hawaii Co Ethics Comm Away from Mayor
- Study: Oahu Rising from the Sea for Next 1.5M Years
- Sen. Slom holds national distinction
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Friday, August 21, 2015 |
August 21, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:08 PM :: 5269 Views
- Hawaii Statehood: Tiny 1959 opposition was anti-Japanese, not anti-American
- Hawaii Senate Minority Celebrates 56 Years of Statehood
- It was 56 years ago today we added the 50th state
- Light Wind, Worthless Windfarms Leave Oahu at Risk for Blackouts
- TS Kilo Emergency Declared
- Feds Congratulate Hawaii: Kakaako is Nations' Largest Homeless Tent City--First Place Prize Money Coming
- City Council Fills New, $84K Housing Position With Political Operative
- A governor who acted on homelessness? See Lingle
- Faster Permitting Urged for State Public Housing Work
- Should Hawaii Public Housing Make Homeless Children a Higher Priority?
- Micronesian Immigration an ‘Important Civil Rights Issue’ Facing Hawaii
- Judge Rushing Mauna Kea Case so Telescope Protesters can Celebrate ... Equinox
- Senator Chun Oakland violated ethics code for years
- Gabbard continues to Talk Up Vice Presidential Run
- NextEra hires former Inouye aide to Twist Arms
- NextEra Big Cable project--Spend $800M to Save $423M
- 19 Priors Since 1998: Out on the Streets, now Charged with Attempted Murder
- Some Honolulu police officers using personal body cameras
- Regents Reward Incompetence: Approve $1M raises for University Administrators
- Court Upholds Self-Dealing Ruling Against School Employee
- Ex-Certified Hawaii exec pleads no contest to Nine Years of theft of townhouse funds
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Thursday, August 20, 2015 |
August 20, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:29 PM :: 7009 Views
- Jeff Stone Wants to be Your Cannabis Connection
- Hale Mauliola construction contract awarded: Caldwell Vetoes One Sit-Lie Bill, Signs Another
- DBEDT: Hawaii Growth Up but Still Short of 5% Dream
- Key Rail Contractor owned by Felon--Tangled Up in Fraud Allegations in Hawaii Courts
- Mauna Kea Suit will be Heard in Environmental Court
- Police arrest 8 in telescope protest at Crater Road site
- Telescope Protester "a sorry white girl who needed help”
- Hilo Hospital to Partner With Castle, Adventist?
- Consumer Advocate seeks subpoenas for utility CEOs
- Listening Sessions set to discuss NextEra HECO bid
- Large class sizes, teacher shortages linger into school year
- HSTA may take legal action against new educational travel rule
- BOE wants time limits in inquiries of alleged misconduct
- Homeless encampment along Keehi Lagoon growing
- Ex-prison guard locked in federal pen
- Council Panel Agrees to Nearly $1M Subsidy for Mainland Recycling Company
- Tulsi Gabbard Running for Vice-President
- Maui County Republican Picnic set for Labor Day
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Wednesday, August 19, 2015 |
August 19, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:39 PM :: 3769 Views
- Kauai Republican Presidential Straw Poll Results
- Enviro Wars Episode IV: A New Court
- Rep Tupola Hosts Mauna Kea Info Session at Kealakehe HS
- Study: Hawaii is the Best State for Women’s Equality
- Second Senate Democrat Comes Out Against Iran Nuclear Deal
- CNHA Takes Reins of DBEDT 'Community Development Accelerator'
- VIDEO: Planned Parenthood Customizes Late Term Abortions for Superior Product
- PBN: Who do you support for the 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination?
- Where are we with rail? Way over budget, as predicted
- Caldwell: Ige's Leadership Keeping Homeless in Kakaaako
- Star-Adv: How Did Hee Get Away With if for all Those Years?
- Hawaii County P-Card Bill Postponed
- Hypocrites: Hawaii County Council Keeps Roundup
- Maui telescope convoy, protesters face off again
- Making Mauna Kea Sacred
- DOE investigations into alleged employee misconduct
- $40M spent thus far on major Central Oahu agriculture initiative and .... ?
- A Growing Consensus that the Hawaii State Hospital Must Expand
- Homeless Bills: Caldwell to Sign one, Veto Other
- City Pays $15K/week to Provide Trash Hauling Service to Homeless Camps
- Drugs: How 'Educated Woman' Ends up Homeless
- Soft on Crime: Child Rapist Gets 1 Year
- Another Bogus Study Claims Low Injury Rate Shows Gun-Control Laws Work
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Tuesday, August 18, 2015 |
August 18, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:12 PM :: 4055 Views
- Profiting from Homelessness: Publicist, Lobbyist Take Control
- Survey: 78% of Homeless Willing to go to Shelter--Yet Don't
- Video: Tulsi Gabbard praises her Guru Chris Butler on 50th Anniversary of Hare Krishna in USA
- Most Educated Cities? Honolulu Ranks 24th
- Legislative Agenda: Sex, Drugs, and Suicide
- Travel Technology Industry Applauds Maui's Proactive Approach to Short-term Rentals
- Campaign Spending: A-1 A-Lectrician Appeals to US Supreme Court
- Star-Adv: Nai Aupuni 'Not giving equal access to voting to all Native Hawaiians'
- Borreca: OHA Set up a Tortured Process
- Document: Kenoi Flunkies Lied to Ethics Committee--Mayor signed off on hiring campaign manager
- Can We Un-corner Markets in Our Over-Priced State?
- North Shore to hear about ocean-based wind farm scheme
- Kauai: Tourism Operators Attack Agriculture Again
- Big Island: 30% of Babies Born to Drug Addicts
- In the shadow of hazy marijuana laws, Hawaiian 'patients' rely on a network of hush-hush growers
- Homelessness team begins Pretending Homeless are on Street due to Lack of Shelter Space
- Homeless Criminals Stealing Lots of Bicycles
- Homeless Break in to Olelo Offices at Waipahu School
- Air Conditioning: DOE didn't ask for much and Lawmakers funded just one third of requests
- UH raises for Admin would cost $1M
- Castle Resorts, Oahu Publications form partnership
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Monday, August 17, 2015 |
August 17, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:05 PM :: 3975 Views
- Accused of Self-Dealing, UH Foundation Makes Inconvenient HNN Story ‘Disappear’
- Desperate, Nai Aupuni Claims Not to be Controlled by OHA
- Suing to Preserve the Aloha Spirit
- Failed Obamacare State Exchange May Cost Taxpayers Millions More
- NRA: Honolulu's Shame
- Sex Ed: Hawaii School Board decision is concerning
- If Planned Parenthood Loses Government Funding, Here’s a Map of Health Clinics That Could Take Its Place
- NextEra Would be 'Major Player' in Hawaii Politics--But Will they Comply With One Party System?
- Can Sanity Win an Election in Puna?
- Abercrombie's Justice Reinvestment Goes Nowhere
- Newly hired instructors staying put longer here
- Should children stay with their parents if they are homeless?
- After Bickering Over 75 Cents, Maui County Plans to Post List of Lobbyists Online
- PBS Newshour: 'Ugly Moments' after Solar Contractor Tricks Oahu Consumer
- NZ Geothermal Developer Ends Relationship with IDG, Maori Get only 6% Ownership
- HPD officer faces drug charges, released after posting bail
- Soft on Crime: 116 Priors, Now Wanted for Number 117
- Homeless Criminals Overrun Nimitz Businesses
- Primary fishing grounds for bigeye tuna close early
- Council Continues to Harass Bird Owners
- Chronic kidney disease takes heavy toll in Hawaii
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Sunday, August 16, 2015 |
August 16, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:38 PM :: 5646 Views
- Misrepresentation: Keanu Sai Again Ordered to Cease and Desist
- Survey Finds 38% of Hawaii Union Households Unaware of Right to Opt-Out of Union Membership
- Penny for Your Thoughts? No? How About 50 Million Then?
- PBS: Jones Act suffocating Puerto Rico
- Biotech supporters learn from campaign that turned tide on anti-vaxxers
- Feds Cut off $1.36M/month Subsidy to Criminal Al Hee--Will DHHL End Monopoly?
- Bumpy Kanahele seeks Takeover of Aha
- NextEra: "We were criticized for participating in the political process"
- Emails Show HART, PRP, Caldwell Coordinating Pro-Rail Message
- Push is on to Eliminate Polling Places, go to 100% Mail-in
- Housing First Delayed Until January For No Particular Reason
- Do-Gooders Working Overtime to Keep the Homeless on the Streets
- More Homeless Means More COFA Funds? Federal Money Starts to Flow In, Enriching Nonprofits
- Ige's 'Plodding' Approach to Homelessness, Come up with Money by End of Year
- Waipahu Intermediate Overrun by Homeless Camp
- While State Dithers, City's Sand Island Center to House 83 in Containers
- Home Construction falls far Short of Population Growth
- Rate Hike Coming: Big Island FEMA Flood Maps to be Released
- Author spins colorful yarns but fails to tie up loose ends of Hawaii corruption
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Saturday, August 15, 2015 |
August 15, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:55 PM :: 4649 Views
- Obama Administration to Propose 'Procedure' for Recognizing Fake Hawaiian Indian Tribe
- Maui's New Public-Private Partnerships--Panel Discussion on Possibilities and Challenges Ahead
- What Rep. Sylvia Luke, Sen. Brian Schatz, the City Council and the Mayor don’t know about solving Honolulu’s homelessness crisis
- Interior Grants $500,000 to Stand Up Micronesian One Stop Service Centers in Guam and Hawaii
- Hawaii Property Tax Rate Lowest in USA
- How Free Market Environmentalism is Transforming Parks
- Big Cable EIS to be Released Soon
- $60M More Needed to Upgrade DoTax Computers after Latest Tech Disaster
- State Employees Watch 300 hours of Netflix on the Job
- Kaiser blames ObamaCare for $4.3M Q2 loss
- Opponents of Haleakala telescope planning another Blockade
- Mainland Homeless Arraigned for Attempted Murder
- Sovereignty squatters arrested
- KPD Officer Faces Negligent Homicide Charge
- Hawaii Inmate Strangled: Was Alone in Cell With Homosexual Murderer
- Cabbies complain about kickback schemes
- After 15 Years, Molokai veterans finally celebrate opening of their own center
- Hospital Training of Caregivers would be Lucrative for Lawyers
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Friday, August 14, 2015 |
August 14, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:12 AM :: 5229 Views
- Governor, AG Oppose Proposed Federal DHHL Rules
- Marijuana behind OHA's push for Federal Recognition?
- Six DoE Sex Education Curricula Reviewed
- DBEDT Releases New Edition of Hawaii Data Book
- Marijuana Dispensary Licensing "Rigged, Headed Down Wrong Path"
- Hint Hint: As Cane Burning Case Approaches, Supreme Court Justice Wilson Says 'Environmental Court' will take care of "environmental problems that need to be addressed that aren’t being addressed"
- AG Subpoenas Hawaii County Officials in Kenoi pCard investigation
- Electric Rates Drop 2.5% on Lower Oil Prices
- DoTax Claims to be Modernizing, Begins Spending $32M
- State lawmaker requests emergency funds for 24/7 security in Kakaako
- Lawyers Eager to Keep Homeless on Street
- PHOCUSED Plan: Keep Homeless on the Street to Rack up Federal Money
- Asset Forfeiture -- HPD's $15M stash of cash
- Honolulu Police officer arrested again, this time in SWAT raid
- Air Conditioned Portables for Campbell, Kealakehe
- School parking lot project delayed five months, cost rises 25%
- Tarnas to Challenge Evans for HD7
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Thursday, August 13, 2015 |
August 13, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:50 PM :: 6112 Views
- Lawsuit Challenges Kanaiolowalu, Na'i Aupuni, OHA
- How transparent is your state's lobbying disclosure?
- CIO: State Computers Slow Because Employees Watching Hulu, Netflix all Day
- 'Old' HPD Computer System Crashes for Several Days
- Temp inside Kailua classroom measured 108 degrees
- Teachers Union Says No Homework
- Special Education Is Backsliding in Hawaii, Teachers and Advocates Say
- Bullying: Homosexual Sues to Impose Gay Agenda on DoE
- Homosexual Child Molester Finally Gets Jail Term
- More jail space long overdue
- ‘Shady Characters’ Tell a Spicy History of Hawaii
- State Energy Office Works Against LNG to Keep Electricity Expensive
- Obama Forcing Closure of American Samoa's Largest Private Employer
- Rich Eco-Hypocrite Busted for Stealing State Conservation Land
- Anti-GMO? How 3% Manipulate 70%
- Crime up Everywhere Around Kakaako Tent City
- Med Students Terrified Because HGEA Taking over Security at JABSOM
- Wide cost disparity revealed as Hawaii law enforcement agencies replace guns
- Hawaii District Court seeks new federal Magistrate Judge
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Wednesday, August 12, 2015 |
August 12, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:01 PM :: 3896 Views
- 117 years ago today: The U.S. becomes a global power
- Last Day to Comment on Proposed Hawaiian Homelands Rules
- Hawaii DoE to request School Improvement Grant Waiver
- Renewables Offer No Bang for Your Megawatt
- NOAA Proposes New Monk Seal Rules
- Bids are in for the next rail section, but details are a secret
- Hospital partner selection imminent
- Now That Astronomy Conference is out of the Way, We Need to Solve Telescope Issues
- Feds Threaten to Take Away $100M the State can't be Bothered to Spend
- Burning of sugar cane should not be stopped
- Kakaako violence and vandalism: Human waste in mailbox
- Should City Provide Dumpster to Pearl City Homeless Camp?
- After Photographing Homeless People For 10 Years, She Discovered Her Own Father Among Them
- Should Care Homes Know When Inspectors Are Coming?
- NextEra Energy Claims Hawaiian Electric deal to bring $1B in customer savings, economic benefits
- Styrophobe Inveighs Against H-Power
- Honolulu Art Museum Scammed for $890K
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Tuesday, August 11, 2015 |
August 11, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:55 PM :: 3865 Views
- Hilda expected to make closest approach to Hawaii Island late Wednesday
- Honolulu City Lights non-profit application deadline is August 31
- Healthy, Affordable Retirement? Honolulu Ranks Near the Bottom
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted August 10, 2015
- PHOCUSED Exec Appointed Governor’s Coordinator on Homelessness
- State Consumer Advocate Recommends Rejecting NextEra-HECO Merger
- Check out the Big Real Estate Money Behind 'Aloha Aina'
- Phocused First Move: Leave Homeless on the Streets, Demand More Money from Legislature
- Poll: 74% of Oahu residents want Kakaako Tent City Gone
- Homeless Surround Dep't of Public Safety HQ, Guards Hired
- UPW Debunks its own Hospital lawsuit
- After All the Hype, Martin in no Hurry to Move on Rail Tax Hike
- UH Moves to Ban Sex Between Instructors and their Students
- Why Are Honolulu Rents Getting More Expensive?
- Electric vehicles park free for days, weeks at airports
- State pension fund manages meager 4% gain
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Monday, August 10, 2015 |
August 10, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 2:48 PM :: 4495 Views
- Honolulu Police Department to Destroy Guns Worth $500,000
- Hawaii 24th Best State for Children
- DLNR Sets Public Meetings on Wildlife Action Plan
- Big Telescope Protest in Waikiki -- 'This is about political Pressure'
- Hawaii County Police Commission Hears Complaint from Mauna Kea Protesters
- Poll: Politicians’ response to Homelessness rated poorly
- Poll: Everyone Would Support Homeless Shelter as long as it is Ewa, Leeward
- Martin: I will toy with Rail Tax Vote until Opportune Moment Presents Itself
- While Pushing Rate Hikes, Water Dep't Fails to Use $100M in Federal Drinking Water Funds
- HHSC: We're Already Bankrupt
- Pakalolo and Profits: Hawaii’s Emerging Medical Marijuana Industry
- Special agent has fought Medicare fraud for decades
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Sunday, August 9, 2015 |
August 9, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:44 PM :: 3559 Views
- Relativity Media: E + mc = 0
- Ige to hear Testimony on Maui Memorial Partnership Plan Tuesday
- Kelii Akina vs Kanaiolowalu: Next Steps
- HTA "Will Continue to Monitor the Jones Act"
- Video: New Allies for Jones Act Reform
- Friends of NRA Events Set for Kauai, Kona, Kaneohe
- Parallel Reality of Anti-Cane Burning Activists
- Hawaii Foster Care Class Action Lawsuit
- Hawaii Praised for Cancer-Fighting Public Policies
- Hilda Cat 3 -- Projected Hilo Landfall as Tropical Storm
- Randy Perreira: I am such a Pathetic Union Boss that many of My Members Could Qualify for Welfare
- New direction for Maui region hospitals
- Ian Lind: Ige Admin in Private Meetings on Mauna Kea Situation?
- Poll: Oahu residents believe the homeless problem is worsening
- State Orders Homeless Tweekers out from under Airport Viaduct
- Rail Wrecking Waipahu Businesses
- Kewalo Basin Development Scheme: Fancy restaurants, wedding venue, parking structures
- Legislators Work towards All Mail-In Voting
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Sunday, August 9, 2015 |
Letters to the Editor, August, 2015
By Letters to the Editor @ 12:22 AM :: 3555 Views
Parallel Reality of Anti-Cane Burning Activists
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Saturday, August 8, 2015 |
August 8, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:49 PM :: 4328 Views
- The Future of Hawaii Can’t Rest in a Protest
- CDC: Hawaii #1 for Drunk Driving
- New Catastrophic Hurricane Plan Signed By State, Federal Partners
- Honolulu Auditor Praises Himself for Undoing PKF Contract Months Before Embezzlement Case Became Public
- Hurricane Hilda Now Category 4--Winds 140mph
- Two John Carroll Cases Thrown out of Court in One Week
- Lawyers Scored $26.8M on Aloha Airlines Bankruptcy
- Council Ethics Blockade: Rail Becomes Unconscionable Political and Legal Morass
- Mauna Kea visitor station quietly reopens
- Hawaiian Electric, NextEra Plan $235M LNG project without Bulk Terminal
- HECO tries to oust solar industry lobby from proceeding on future of net metering
- Touring the Kauai Seed Fields
- Homegrown solution to teacher shortage
- Individual assessments planned in Kaka'ako homeless camp ahead of sweep
- 95% Criminals at State Mental Hospital
- Feds Make City spend millions on storm drain upgrades at police stations
- Cellmate of Waikiki Homosexual Murderer Dies in Arizona Prison
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Friday, August 7, 2015 |
August 7, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:17 PM :: 4339 Views
- Audio: Native Hawaiian Attorneys Skeptical of Nai Aupuni, Kanaiolowalu
- Illegal Lobbying by Planned Parenthood behind New Sex Ed Program?
- CDC Report Claims Hawaii Schools' Early Starting Time Makes Kids Fat Drunks
- European Trade Negotiators Push Jones Act Reform
- $40M CIP Released
- Luke, Tokuda Against Housing First: "Placing Homeless in a Home is not Right Solution"
- Over 100 homeless vets receive immediate relief
- The Rules Homeless People Refuse to Follow
- Hawaii Republicans Host Debate Watch Party
- Rep Chris Lee Promises Bullying Bill to Mainland Homosexuals
- A&B says Sugar is Drain on Real Estate profits
- “Hawaii Astronomy: Past, Present, and Future.”
- After Wasting Millions Without a Plan, UH Cancer Center Hires Consultant
- Kohala NIMBY group opposes pot farms there
- Domestic use of plastic bags altered since law took effect
- Radford contamination investigation uncovered suspected ordnance
- Lava scare cost DOE millions in school moves
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Thursday, August 6, 2015 |
August 6, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:07 PM :: 6206 Views
- UPW Sues to Block Maui Hospital Privatization
- Wikileaks: Japan refused Obama Hiroshima Apology
- This Day in History: Truman Announces Hiroshima Bombing
- Is Your Name Part of a Criminal Enterprise?
- HECO Uses Electric Vehicles to Introduce Time-of-Use Rates
- Public Hearings Set for NextEra Merger
- Cronies Try to Hide Marijuana License System to Grab Monopolies for Themselves
- Strange Union: Activists, Tourism Industry Join Forces Against Agriculture, Telescopes
- Ilagan seeks Senate seat Occupied by Worthless Anti-GMO Nut Ruderman
- Touring the Kauai Seed Fields
- Honolulu council expands ban after complaints about homeless
- Caldwell Paid off with $500K from Usual Suspects, Martin Grubs up only $116K
- Rate Hikes Coming as State Air Pollution Law Kicks in
- Saipan has no water, electricity in aftermath of powerful Typhoon Soudelor
- Former charter school principal accused of stealing $100,000 pleads guilty
- Hit and Run Suspect with 10 Priors on Lam After Being 'Released Pending Investigation'
- Overcrowding riles MCCC inmates
- Maui County might acquire power firm, it informs NextEra
- HECO Dumps Chevron, Issues RFP for Oil Supply
- HPD will destroy 2,300 perfectly good guns worth $500K
- Guillermo retains tropical storm strength, could pass over Oahu, Kauai
- UH Students: Polygamy is Next
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Wednesday, August 5, 2015 |
August 5, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:07 PM :: 4084 Views
- Nai Aupuni 'Notice of Elections' Posted Online
- Track Takes Guillermo Northwest of State, Possibility of Heavy Rainfall
- Anti-Cane Burning Suit to be First Case Heard by Hawaii Environmental Court
- Hawaii Launches On-Line Voter Registration Site
- Fitch Affirms 'A' Rating on DHHL Bonds
- FACE: Let Homeless Stay on the Street and Give us Millions
- Telescope protests at astronomy meeting
- Hawaii Schools Begin the Year Short on Teachers — Again
- Three Charter School Proposals Rejected
- Initial costs for Hawaii's transition to federal health exchange likely to reach $2.5M
- Restaurant ratings pass, tech fails
- UHERO Study Bought and Paid for by NextEra
- Will Former Legislator Turned Ethics Commissioner Toughen Up Enforcement?
- Hawaii County Council debates pCard reforms
- Partnering with a private company to replace Hawaii’s oldest prison?
- Chevron Hawaii Sale Still Simmering
- Rejection of TPP would hurt U.S., Hawaii
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Tuesday, August 4, 2015 |
August 4, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:20 PM :: 4685 Views
- Krugman: Puerto Rico Crisis 'exacerbated by Jones Act'
- Obama Announces Carbon Emission Standards for Power Plants
- Hawaii Congressional Delegation How They Voted August 3, 2015
- Students in Debt: Hawaii 2nd Fewest in USA
- Jury Questionnaires to be Mailed Out for 2016
- Leadership? Ige's Homeless Committee Says Moving Bums Back to A'ala Park 'has great promise'
- After 3 tries, advocates unable to get judge to force mentally ill woman into treatment
- Taxpayers provide Harding Avenue Homeless with Trash Removal Service
- VA Workers Sue Duckworth for Retaliation
- Downtown Law firm, Mainland Corporation Behind so-called Native Hawaiian Constitutional Convention
- Astronomers, Protesters Descend on Waikiki
- Next Era Still Delusional About Chances in Hawaii
- Voting Rights Act: Hawaii Celebrates Lowest Turnout
- 30 Years Ago Molasses Spill Was no Big Deal
- Honolulu May Spend $75K to Settle Case of Alleged Police Brutality
- Toxic Radford H.S. dirt sent to Kaneohe home
- PUC Approves Four Solar Farms
- Hawaii Need not Cut Emissions under Obama Plan
- Schatz Dodges Question About Dead Baby Sales
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Monday, August 3, 2015 |
August 3, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:12 PM :: 4247 Views
- Hawaiian Homes Commissioners, KSBE Trustees and OHA Trustee not on Kanaiolowalu Roll
- 2015’s Best & Worst Large Cities to Live in -- Honolulu Ranks 17th
- NextEra Kicked out of Hawaii Because they are Republicans
- New law pushes treatment for the oft-jailed mentally ill
- Proportion of Mentally Ill HPD Arrestees Doubles Since 2010
- Ige: Number of Hawaii Inmates Imprisoned in Arizona Will Go Up
- Kauai Dopers Plan for Legal Marijuana Monopoly
- Hawaii lawmakers tour Green Mile marijuana shops
- Recycle program in need of repair
- State Dumps Contractor for restaurant ratings system -- $158K Redo
- Hawaii mortgage closing costs top U.S.
- Arizona Memorial Shut Down 3 Days due to Presence of Endangered Turtle
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Sunday, August 2, 2015 |
August 2, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:35 PM :: 3714 Views
- Prosecutor Defends Policy on Sex Trafficking
- You Can Have That Road, Alphonse…No! You Take It, Gaston!
- VIDEO: What’s the Future of Maunalua Bay?
- Comparing the occupation of Haiti to the supposed “occupation” of Hawaii
- Stopping TMT would be tragic for all in Hawaii
- Honolulu Rents up 14.8% In Year
- In Trade-Dependent Hawaii, Entire Delegation Panders to Anti-Trade Know-Nothings
- On state homeless crisis, governor is late to the table
- Police are pursuing mental health care, not arrests, for people who desperately need assistance
- Homeless Former DoE Teacher Will be tried for Murder of Homeless Man
- Being mindful of what the average folks want
- Luxury Realtors Could Shut Down HC&S, Build Condos--If they choose to Hype Public Over Maui Molasses Shipments
- End of the Imperium: Rainforest-Cutting Biofuel Company Assets Sold
- Maui Residents Blast NextEra Windfarm Lies--Lower Electric Bills? Not True!
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Saturday, August 1, 2015 |
August 1, 2015 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:04 PM :: 3665 Views
- Over 80% of Hawaiians Excluded -- Tribal 'Notice of Election' to be Mailed Monday
- Travel Taxes: The Hidden Trifecta
- Assault: HPD Officer Pleads Not Guilty, Asks for Jury Trial
- DoTax Admits Manipulating Rail Tax Revenues, HART Promises New Financial Plan to justify more Tax Hikes
- Rail Conflict of Interest Votes? Caldwell's Pet Lawyer Claims Nothing to See Here
- Council on Revenues Boosts projection for personal income growth
- After Wasting $130M, Health Connector RFP for Dismantlement
- HECO Has Conflicts of Interest Everywhere
- Protesters mull next move after Arrests
- Great News: Mainland Anti-Telescope Protesters Promise not to Visit or Move to Hawaii
- Star-Adv: DLNR unwise to hide behind media blackout
- Robotics Competition Disrupted by Telescope Protests
- Farmers say Turtle Bay Ag 'Preservation Plan' Will drive them out of business
- Old technology blamed for more than $1M over payment to state employees and vendors
- New EMS Schedule Cuts Service to Ewa
- Kapahulu homeless to receive Waste Removal Service in August
- Military housing allowance and the rental market
- Hawaii County Council to Consider Ban on Pesticide Use on County Property
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