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Entries for August 2012

Friday, August 31, 2012
August 31, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:11 PM :: 6837 Views
  1. Anti-Rail Candidate Sam Aiona Running for Honolulu Council Dist 6
  2. Thirteen Candidates File to Run in Honolulu Council Special Election
  3. Six Candidates File to Run in Maui OHA Trustee Special Election
  4. DLNR Releases State Historic Preservation Five-Year Plan
  5. VIDEO: Dylan Nonaka Leads Pledge of Allegiance at Republican National Convention
  6. Mitt Romney speech to GOP convention (Full Text, Video)
  7. Native Peoples Call for Recognition, Consultation on Climate Change
  8. Souki’s willing to replace Say if change is in order in House
  9. Yoshimoto, HELCO demand Independent Power Producers renegotiate contracts
  10. UH Manoa coaching staff supports Rockne Freitas as new AD
  11. Fontaine a class act, asset to people of South Maui
  12. President, Romney to Visit Areas Damaged By Hurricane Isaac
  13. Hirono Buys $51K of TV Ads
  14. Shield Law: AG Louie Takes Aim at Bloggers
  15. Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation discusses legal strategy in wake of court ruling
  16. Honolulu rail transit board approves $7.2M change order for Kiewit
  17. Yoshioka: More Privatization Needed for Handi-Van
  18. Maui Ron Paul Delegate Shows True Colors: Plans to Vote for Obama
  19. Rail design, engineering to continue during building halt
  20. Florida firm in Stevie Wonder case claims tie to $13M Ponzi Scheme
  21. Lost UH supercomputing center contract worth at least $70 mill
  22. Hirono, Sierra Cub Play Politics as Usual
  23. Inouye Endorses Kenoi for Reelection
  24. Pelosi to Present Tulsi Gabbard at Democrat Convention
  25. The Man from HOPE
  26. Condo Owners Want Deposits back after Losing Fee Conversion Suit
  27. Is Larry Ellison planning a new yacht harbor for Hawaiian island of Lanai?
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Thursday, August 30, 2012
August 30, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:22 PM :: 5959 Views
  1. Dylan Nonaka to Lead Pledge of Allegiance at Republican National Convention in Tampa
  2. Ten Candidates File to Run in Honolulu Council Special Election
  3. Money: 'Philanthropists' to Join Akaka Tribe at CNHA Convention
  4. Governor Nominates Members to Ethics Commission and Paroling Authority
  5. Kawauchi Explains Why She Missed State Election Officials Meeting
  6. Hawaii Electronic Medical Records to Regulate Your Diet?
  7. HTA: Tourism Up Again in July, on Pace for Record Year
  8. Sam Aiona to File for Honolulu City Council, will be Anti-Rail Candidate
  9. Hirono: Don’t Use Natural Gas, Give Money to Wind Farms Instead
  10. Lo: 2009 Autonomy Bill Allows MMMC to be Privatized, HGEA Dumped
  11. Doctors Offices to be Built at Kona Airport
  12. UNITE HERE Local 5 Dispatches Hundreds to Oppose PLDC
  13. Yoshioka Refuses to Restore Bus Service
  14. Ewa Start: The Flaw Underlying all Flaws
  15. Change Orders? FTA to implement new safety standards for rail transit
  16. Honolulu’s July unemployment rate drops to 5.7%
  17. $40M Given to 362 Hawaii Homeowners
  18. State senators to probe Stevie Wonder blunder, Point Fingers at Everyone Except Freitas
  19. Crowley Campaigns in Hilo
  20. Court Ruling Awaited in HD6 Kona Election Challenge
  21. State Legal Notices Recognize Kuleana Water Rights
  22. Government Propaganda Station Pitches for More Money
  23. Injustice seen in handling of trustee appointment
  24. Kawaiahao Church Unearths Nearly 600 Burials
  25. Kauai County Loses, Finds $1M, ‘No Smoking Gun’
  26. Ex-prison guard pleads guilty to taking money to smuggle cigarettes
  27. State AG Grabs $2.7M from Pharmaceutical Company
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012
August 29, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:35 PM :: 8951 Views
  1. Hawaii Physicians Endorse Lingle for Senate
  2. Ten Candidates File to Run in Honolulu Council Special Election
  3. Waiting for Mr Romney: HSTA Stalling RTTT Until Obama Gone
  4. New ‘yardstick’ sizes up anti-bullying policies
  5. UH Manoa Libraries Rated Among Nation's Worst
  6. Did Abercrombie Punch a Teacher at Maui Airport?
  7. Special Education: Federal Court Punishes DoE For Failure Again
  8. Pressured by Abercrombie Health Exchange, HHSC Considers Privatization
  9. UH loses supercomputer contract, its biggest ever worth tens of millions
  10. UWHO Chancellor Ran Campus Construction Project Under Research Grant?
  11. Senate could take closer look at UH debacle
  12. Hawaii tourist arrivals and spending continue to soar in July
  13. Sen. Fukunaga, Co-sponsor of Rail Tax Hike, runs for city council
  14. Rail is the Next Walmart? Archaeological Survey is the Easy Part
  15. June-July Rail pacts worth $75M
  16. Rail Chief: 75% Of Archeological Studies Unfinished
  17. Frantic: HART, Inouye Scramble to Save Federal Funding for Rail
  18. Honolulu rail lawsuit attorney alerts federal judge about Hawaii Supreme Court ruling
  19. Caldwell still supports rail, won't speculate on project's future
  20. Council Majority Redoubles Effort to Silence Berg
  21. Henry Curtis: Sunshine Needed at the PLDC
  22. Tiffany Au, daughter of Vietnam boat refugees runs for Hawaii House of Rep.
  23. Pacific Islands Policy? Akaka Has Been a Complete Failure
  24. Soft on Crime: Nanakuli Schools Locked Down by Standoff with Lifelong Criminal on Parole
  25. Honolulu's Most Dangerous Intersections
  26. CB: HPD Officers Rack up Overtime Protecting ‘Communist Propaganda Chief’, Obama
  27. Paramedics help sex trafficking victims
  28. Appeals Court Sides with Lanaians for Sensible Growth
  29. Bidding process closing for what will be Hawaii’s tallest building
  30. Hawaii to License Online Teachers?
  31. Progressives Campaign for Control of Kauai Prosecutor’s Office
  32. Flags to Fly at Half-Staff Friday, August 31, in Honor of Neil Armstrong
  33. Honolulu Civil Beat hires Jayson Harper as GM
  34. New show follows Hawaii Life Flight crews
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012
August, 2012 Letters to the Editor
By Letters to the Editor @ 2:54 PM :: 6131 Views

·       Is the UH-USC Game ‘Really’ Booked?

·       The History of July 4th in Hawaii

·       Tom Berg Prophet?

·       Maui Council Votes Lipoa Point Out of Preservation

·       Stop Bus Cuts Testify August 15

·       Oil Cannot be Blamed for High Cost of Hawaii Electricity

·       Hawaii County Geothermal Bill 256, Hindering Success

·       Unfair to Berg

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012
August 28, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:57 PM :: 5603 Views
  1. Momentum: Lingle Ahead by 6 Points
  2. HART Halts Rail Construction
  3. Enviros win 90% in Hawaii Supreme Court
  4. Barron's: Hawaii Bonds Risky, Not Rewarding
  5. How Do You Say 'Public Forum Doctrine' in Hawaiian?
  6. 0.3% of Hawaiians Sign up for Akaka Tribe
  7. Rep Pine Asks Queen's to Expedite Reopening of HMC West Emergency Room
  8. Queens-HMC Agreement Outlines Plans for Ewa Beach Hospital
  9. Big Island is Obamacare Laboratory
  10. 82 Hawaii Republicans in Tampa for Convention
  11. Say, Souki coy about battle for speakership of House
  12. SA: Supreme Court Stretches Burials Law
  13. Lingle parallels Hirono on Social Security fixes
  14. Legislators, DLNR, Maui Councilmembers Begin Push for Environmental Courts in Hawaii
  15. State will conduct $2 million road study
  16. Kaleikini Was Plaintiff in Ward Village Burials Lawsuit
  17. Wonder Blunder Shows Violation of NCAA Rules?
  18. Troubled UHH telescope may not work for years
  19. Hawaii Parents Pay over $12K for childcare
  20. Judge Blocks Big Island Blogger's Efforts To 'Humiliate and Debase'
  21. Liberals: Gay Rabbi Should ‘Go Back to San Francisco’
  22. Alleged Homosexual on Trial for Allegedly Drugging, Raping Sailor
  23. Irradiation techniques help maintain food safety
  24. Cannabis smoking 'permanently lowers IQ'
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Monday, August 27, 2012
August 27, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:22 PM :: 7056 Views
  1. Battery Blues
  2. Commitment to Hawaii’s Kupuna: Lingle Launches New TV Spot
  3. VIDEO: Hawaii Leaders Debate Problems and Merits of Jones Act
  4. Wife of sailor killed in Afghanistan: 'I'm proud of him'
  5. Today is a Pivotal Day in Rail Project
  6. Queen’s Medical Center and St. Francis reach agreement on Hawaii Medical Center West acquisition
  7. Deletions in UH Stevie Wonder report appear contrary to state’s public records law
  8. Clean Energy? Where Was Hirono?
  9. Lingle Will Protect Social Security, Medicare
  10. The Future is Yours, Mazie Gets Nothing Done
  11. Beleaguered Public Land Corp. Agrees To Broadcast Oahu Meeting
  12. DHHL Director Faces Crisis of Support
  13. Caldwell Mocked on National TV
  14. 60%-40% Vote: Liberals Give Boot to Gay Rabbi
  15. Magoo’s Pizza Daughter Gets Waikiki Sweetheart Deal?
  16. Illegals: Star-Adv Welcomes New Democrat Voters
  17. Meet Kawika Crowley, Candidate for Congress
  18. Ethics, conviction rates fuel Iseri-Carvalho, Kollar debate
  19. Revisiting how UH governance might fit the “garbage can model”
  20. Indigenous groups seeking Polynesian Leaders' membership
  21. VIDEO: Mortgage Scammer Keanu Sai files protest at United Nations
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Sunday, August 26, 2012
August 26, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:13 PM :: 6316 Views
  1. 2016: Obama's America Now Showing in Honolulu
  2. Deficit Needs to be Addressed if Collapse to be Avoided
  3. Detainee Names Five Honolulu FDC Guards, Alleges Sex with Inmates
  4. Honolulu Federal Inmate Discovers 'Gays Not Born That Way'
  5. UH Concert fiasco—Focus Shifts to Clayton Hee’s Wife
  6. Grabauskas “Bones” Comment “an incredible insult”
  7. Maui: Democratic House candidate accused of violating spending laws
  8. Milner: Hawaii’s Low Voter Turnout Tied to Weakness of GOP
  9. Star-Adv: Candidates Should Be Barred from ‘Assisting’ Mail-In Voters
  10. Students give UH-Manoa dubious honors in guide
  11. Pihana-Equinix: Supreme Court Gives Away Another $500K to George Ariyoshi
  12. Waikiki Losing 2% of its Hotel Rooms Each Year
  13. Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation gets another win
  14. Fontaine Seeks Preservation of Makena State Park
  15. Mizuno, Inouye Order Mobilization of Gun Control Activists
  16. Haole-Hawaiian Alliance Accounts for 71% of Marijuana Arrests
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Saturday, August 25, 2012
August 25, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:02 PM :: 5291 Views
  1. Ed Case Releases Survey Results: Why Voters Chose Case, Hirono
  2. Nine Candidates File to Run in Honolulu Council Special Election
  3. Abercrombie Pinata: Pave Mother Waldron, Close Kulani School, Big Cable, and Millions for Solar Scammers
  4. Koa Ridge: Holdover Land Use Commissioner Not Disqualified
  5. UH Professors: Deadline Approaching to Object to Political Use of Union Dues
  6. VIDEO: Jana's Story: Life as an Underage Sex Trafficking Victim in Honolulu
  7. Grabauskas on Iwi Ruling: Make no Bones About it, Delays will cost Money
  8. Nago Decides to Stop Sabotaging Kawauchi
  9. State eyes reopening prison
  10. Abercrombie Works on Plan to Release More Lunatics
  11. Former regents, current faculty lament loss of confidence in UH leadership
  12. LUC Votes Unanimously to Reopen Kihei Mall Issue
  13. Poll Opened 10 Minutes Late in Puna
  14. Occupy Protests vs HELCO Rate Hike
  15. Gore Climate 'Reality' training for 11-year old
  16. Pflueger's Ka Loko manslaughter trial pushed back again
  17. HGEA Backing Kollar for Kauai prosecutor
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Friday, August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:54 PM :: 7510 Views

1.    Full Text: Supreme Court Decision Will Halt Rail Construction

2.    Hawaii Solar Installers Billed for Retroactive 250% Federal Tax

3.    Campaign Spending: HD11 Candidate Kaniela Ing Could Face $14,000 Fines, Felony Charges

4.    Lingle Challenges National GOP on Woman's Right to Choose

5.    Hill of Beans? Carroll endorses Hirono

6.    Regents Discussed Firing Greenwood, Apple

7.    Berg: How Much Do Bus Cuts Cost?

8.    UHM Chancellor appoints members of A.D. Search Advisory Committee

9.    How Jones Act May Swing Presidential Election

10.Fired Hilo Election Worker was Making Campaign Signs at Elections Office, Died Tuesday

11. Caldwell’s Pothead Daughter Steals Cayetano Signs, Lights them With Bong

12. Hirono a no-show when she’s supposed to be working

13. Pro-rail group might continue anti-Cayetano ads, Cayetano Threatens Lawsuit

14. Unions leading increase in Hawaii campaign spending

15. UHflubbed concert planning from start

16. IRS Attacks Honolulu TEA Party

17. Owner: Kahuku Fire Burned 12,000 Lead Batteries, Produced no Environmental Impact

18. Angry HECO Customers Flood Star-Advertiser with Complaints

19. Gays Wage War to Capture Control of Honolulu Jewish Temple

20. Two Long-Dead Priests Accused of Molestation

21. Pre-kindergarten education should be free or subsidized, 77% of voters report

22. Woman told to repay stolen DLNR funds

23. Jones Act draws fiery debate in Hawaii

24. By Getting Rid of Aloha, Hawaiian Built Foundation of Profitable Monopoly


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Thursday, August 23, 2012
August 23, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:05 PM :: 6480 Views
  1. Full Text: UH 'Factfinders' Report on Wonder Blunder
  2. Three Candidates File to Run in Honolulu Council Special Election
  3. Lingle, Hirono Agree to Five TV Debates
  4. Slater: Pro Rail Attorneys All Over the Place With Irrelevancies
  5. Akaka's Granddaughter Demands Supreme Court Order New Election in Kona HD 6
  6. HPD Sued Over 'Censorship' of Facebook Comments
  7. Berg to Carlisle: Reopen Budget to Restore Bus Service
  8. Federal Grant Supports Obamacare Insurance Exchange: Hawaii One of Top Four States
  9. NYT: The Case for Natural Gas Exports
  10. Chicago, Philadelphia and Hawaii Are Big Winners On's List Of Top 50 Destinations For Labor Day 2012
  11. Hawaii GOP in the Black
  12. Hirono to Reporter: You want my phone number so you can bug me 24 hours a day? I’m too busy Taking Care of Mom
  13. Gay Atheists: Hirono is 100% With Us
  14. Nago Admits Seizing Hawaii County Election Record Books
  15. Political veterans line up to try out City Council seat
  16. Regents Decide to Support Greenwood, Apple
  17. Progressive Activists Prepare to Transform 2380 Hawaii Illegals into Lifelong Democrat Voters
  18. Gang of Big Island Old Boys Attacks Aina Koa Pono
  19. SA: Satisfying Matson on Jones Act is Key to Bringing LNG to Hawaii
  20. Star-Adv: Rail Will Broaden state's recovery efforts
  21. HHSC Launches New Electronic Records System
  22. Kalaeloa Planning Hearings Scheduled
  23. Handyman hopes to go from homeless to Congress
  24. NYT: Ellison Renovating Manele Bay Resort
  25. Kamehameha Schools to close, demolish Keauhou Beach Resort on Hawaii’s Big Island
  26. State Leased Land to Illegal Alien Fraudster Suspected in Rape
  27. State to regain the Natatorium from city control


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Wednesday, August 22, 2012
August 22, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:48 PM :: 5847 Views
  1. Freitas Maneuver to Grab Greenwood's Job? As Regents Prepare to meet, MRC Panics
  2. Hirono Misses Third Debate in a Row
  3. Explosives expert killed in war zone leaves isle widow
  4. DoE Pays School for Handicapped Children, Avoids Federal Court Contempt Finding
  5. BoE Grades Matayoshi ‘C’
  6. Will UH Release Results of Wonder Probe?
  7. Legislators Demand Donovan Return
  8. Geniuses at UHWO Used Wrong Address for Months
  9. Clapp is finalist for AD job at Montana
  10. North Shore Enviros Prepare to Defeat Fale in Favor of No-Name Democrat
  11. Secretive HGEA, ILWU, AFSCME Super PAC Burns Dues Money on Hirono, Hanabusa
  12. Progressives Remain Bitter that HMC Hospitals Were Not Forced to Close Back in 2003
  13. Federal Judge Hears Oral arguments in Rail Case
  14. Carlisle paid price at polls for beefing with Cayetano
  15. Only a Few Millionaires in Legislature
  16. Absentee Voting: Negatives Greatly Outweigh the Positives
  17. PEW: Hawaii Voter Participation, Registration Lowest in Nation
  18. Bribery? A&B Hands out Cash to More Non-Profit Executives
  19. Wind Farm Operators Plan to Bring More Toxic Lead Batteries to Kahuku
  20. Quid: Gentry Gives OHA $7.5M Discount on Pacific Design Center
  21. 1,000 Units Planned for Old Advertiser Site
  22. Hawaii and Japan Forge Renewable Energy Commitment
  23. Administrator Scammed Queens out of $640K
  24. Gun advocates banned from HPD's Facebook page sue city
  25. President Cleveland grandson Feature in Sovereignty Activists’ Dog n Pony Show
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Tuesday, August 21, 2012
August 21, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:39 PM :: 5787 Views
  1. Martin Han Accuses Joey Manahan, Romy Cachola in Vote-by-Mail Fraud
  2. HB1957: Legislators Wipe 50 Medical Privacy Laws off the Books
  3. "Numbing Delay, Decline, Lack of Leadership" Puts UHWO Accreditation At Risk
  4. Live Stream: Senate Candidate Forum at Kahala Business Association
  5. Full Text: Kawauchi Requests State Takeover Office of Elections
  6. Lorraine Inouye Drops Election Challenge
  7. HSTA, Abercrombie Agree to Federal Mediation
  8. Reality: Mazie’s Mom Was US Citizen Returning to Hawaii
  9. Stop Rail Lawsuit to be Heard Today
  10. Cashing In: Hawaii's Top Ten Campaign Donors
  11. Abercrombie: Use Hawaii County Election Snafu to Impose Romy Cachola Plan
  12. With Tulsi Gone, Race for Honolulu Council District to be Marquee Mud Wrestling Match
  13. State Ethics Commission opens new window on alleged violations
  14. Sierra Club Members Shout at Land Development ‘Nazis’
  15. Bio-Logical Capital: Lies, Fat Money and Crooked Politics
  16. Idle Kahuku Wind Farm Still Costing Ratepayers
  17. Like Hawaii, Big Cable Peddled for Puerto Rico, USVI
  18. Trial for Maui teacher accused of taking lewd photos is rescheduled
  19. Maui man pleads guilty to illegally moving invasive axis deer
  20. Go! plagued by bomb threat, fisticuffs, broken airplanes
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Monday, August 20, 2012
August 20, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:28 PM :: 5953 Views
  1. Pattern Energy: “The bad stuff just goes on and on”
  2. Motion to Intervene Against Expensive Aina Koa Pono Biofuel Scheme
  3. Experts Unanimous: Hawaii Will Not Determine Control of US Senate
  4. Election Official Calls for Ouster of Nago
  5. Maui News: Lingle is smart, moderate, honest
  6. Hirono Identified as a Zero
  7. At Last, Rail Lawsuit Is Getting Its Day in Court
  8. Gambling Lobbyist Tops List of Legislative Campaign Donors
  9. Will EPA Order HELCO to Use Natural Gas?
  10. Bone marrow, cell collection to begin again
  11. Star-Adv Endorses Supreme Court Water Ruling
  12. State settles class action lawsuit over disability rights
  13. Civil Beat Helps out with Hamas Fundraising
  14. Abercrombie, Gabbard, Pohai Ryan Attend Services at Hare Krishna Temple
  15. Kauai: Schizophrenic Two Time Loser was Licensed Gun Dealer
  16. Justice Reinvestment: Third Escape in Month
  17. Hawaii County Police Officer Faces Second DUI Arrest
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Sunday, August 19, 2012
August 19, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 4:59 PM :: 6574 Views
  1. ‘Lodging Development’ Planned for Hana Ranch?
  2. Meet the Insurance Executive Behind Assisted Suicide in Hawaii
  3. Destined to Follow in Greece’s Footsteps?
  4. Abercrombie, Gay Activists Plan Push for Gay Marriage in Next Legislative Session
  5. If Lingle Loses, Hawaii Will Be a One Party State Again
  6. Democrats Counting on Hordes of Obamabots to Save Lazy Mazie
  7. More cuts to The Bus begin Sunday
  8. New Lane on H1 Eases Traffic, Concerns Rail Advocates
  9. Inouye: Raise Taxes to Pay for Rail, Akaka Bill, and Hirono
  10. Message to Pattern Energy: ‘No Big Wind on Molokai!
  11. UH deserves a big, fat 'F' in wake of Donovan debacle
  12. Islam Day Author Forces UPW, HGEA Members Out of a Job, Plans to Close Mayor Wright for Rail TOD
  13. Environmentalists jubilant over water ruling rejection
  14. Maui Voter Doesn’t Have ID, Gets to Vote Anyway
  15. Kauai Prosecutor candidates debate Tuesday
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Saturday, August 18, 2012
August 18, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:08 PM :: 5252 Views
  1. Murder at Pier 23: The Death of Hawaii Animal Agriculture
  2. Yoshimura: Drunk Solar Scammer Wants to Return to Honolulu Council as Pro-Rail Vote
  3. Natural gas could cut Hawaii power bills "for years to come"
  4. Kenoi: “Were only interested in Cheaper Renewable Energy”
  5. Yagong throws mayoral endorsement to Kim
  6. Aiona Return Control of Elections to Lt Governor
  7. Kona: Three late-opening precincts lagged in voter turnout
  8. Honolulu Tells HUD Troubled Wahiawa Senior Center Making Strides
  9. Pro-Rail Activist Michelle Saito Loses Job as Farmers Hawaii CEO
  10. Government employment declines slightly in Hawaii
  11. Nation's choices will impact Hawaii's clout in Congress
  12. Thanks to Soft on Crime Judge, Knife Wielding Lunatic Will Get Escort to College Classes
  13. Hawaii-Based Soldiers Among Seven Killed in Afghanistan
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Friday, August 17, 2012
August 17, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:05 PM :: 6781 Views
  1. Hawaii Statehood: Tiny 1959 opposition was anti-Japanese, not anti-American
  2. AUDIO: Abercrombie Voicemail Message to HSTA, Mediation Proposed
  3. DBEDT: Tourism Only Thing Holding Economy Together
  4. No Need MEADS: Sens. Inouye Porker of the Month
  5. Hirono Finally Finds Something She's Willing to Debate
  6. Maui Council Votes Lipoa Point Out of Preservation
  7. Hirono on Green Energy: Shallow Knowledge, Lack of Effort
  8. HELCO Requests $19.8M Rate Hike to Pay for Solar, Wind
  9. Hanabusa Invokes Gestapo, One-Party State
  10. No HiroNo
  11. Hirono, Lingle set first debate in US Senate race
  12. Kauaians Remember Spontaneous Celebrations of Statehood
  13. HRS 19-3: Romy Cachola Could be Denied Office
  14. Special Election for Maui OHA Seat—Abercrombie Appointed Goes Back on Word
  15. Rail Suit to be Heard Tuesday
  16. Pro-Rail Star-Advertiser: TheBus is an ‘Unaffordable Operation’
  17. Company Will Build Free Digester in Exchange for License to Sell Electricity
  18. Sam Aiona to Run for Council District 6?
  19. Council Candidate? Karl Rhoades Married to Pro-Rail Lobbyist
  20. Some 10 candidates may seek Gabbard's just-relinquished Council seat
  21. Court correct to affirm marriage is between a man and woman
  22. SA: What do you think about a federal judge upholding Hawaii's ban on same-sex marriage?
  23. SURVEY: Hawaii DoE HS Students Above Average Rates of Suicide, Drug Use
  24. Mystery still surrounds Larry Ellison’s purchase of Lanai
  25. Office Full of Attorneys Cannot Reach HECO to Pay Bills
  26. What rising cost concerns you the most due to inflation?
  27. Complaints flood HECO and PUC
  28. Discrepancy: Nago 13 Late, Kawauchi 4
  29. Hawaii economy plodding along despite tourism boom
  30. Black Hawk that crashed in Afghanistan was from Schofield
  31. Revolving Door: Top PUC Official Joins HawaiiGas
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Thursday, August 16, 2012
August 16, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:45 PM :: 11308 Views
  1. Windfarms Set to Lose 50% Federal Subsidy
  2. Jamae Kawauchi Asks Kona TEA Party for Election Volunteers
  3. Na Wai Eha: Supreme Court Rules Against Water Commission
  4. Justice Kennedy: US Constitution is Part of Hawaii's Heritage
  5. Three Seats Open: UH Seeks Nominees for Board of Regents
  6. Windfarm Developer in Complex Deal to Buy Hana Ranch
  7. Vote by Mail Fraud: Romy Cachola Barged In, Wanted Ballots
  8. Tulsi Gabbard resigns from Honolulu City Council, Sets Up Special Election
  9. NYT: Hawaii Democrats Can Relax, Lingle Won’t Win
  10. 2300% ROI: Waihee Cons $30M, AG Settles for $1.3M
  11. Voting process out of control
  12. Proposed Public Land Development Rules Arbitrary, Lack Oversight
  13. HSTA Doing Nothing to Negotiate Contract as Next Expiration Looms
  14. Freitas Will not Give Up UH VP Position to Take Athletic Directorship
  15. Lawsuit Threatened: Council reinstates vetoed ban of commercial activity at beach
  16. Frustrated HECO callers urged to seek help online
  17. Hirono: Hawaii Style Green Energy Scammers Should go National
  18. Taxpayers pay for DOE wrongdoing
  19. Bonham, Fooks: Hawaii Cannot Change High Cost of Living, Deal With It
  20. Bullying: Teaching Morals vs Policing Speech
  21. ‘Pregnant Man’ Thomas Beatie Attempting to Force National Recognition of Gender Reassignment on Birth Certificate
  22. Female Veterans in Congress
  23. UH Manoa Prof Writes Frank Marshall Davis Book
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Wednesday, August 15, 2012
August 15, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:50 PM :: 6105 Views
  1. Mama's Boy: Cabanilla, Manabat Accused of Nepotism
  2. Tulsi Gabbard's precincts Inversely Correlated with Mazie Hirono's
  3. Do The Math: Hirono Passes Zero Bills in Six Years
  4. Full Council to Vote on Bus Service Restoration Today
  5. "Mad As Berg And Not Going To Take It Anymore"
  6. 55 Medal of Honor Recipients to Gather in Honolulu
  7. Moody's Withdraws Rating for Hawaii's Largest Coal Plant
  8. Where's Mazie? Hirono Refuses to Debate Before Maui Chamber of Commerce
  9. Gallup: Hawaii, Utah, South Dakota Lead in "Thriving"
  10. Brady Center Urges Appeals Court to Dismiss Challenge to Hawaii Gun Laws
  11. Governor Releases $92 million for University of Hawaiꞌi CIPs
  12. Supreme Court Seeks Applicants for Board of Bar Examiners
  13. $152M Increase: Cost of Rail Property Acquisitions Triples
  14. Shapiro: Hirono Using Mufi’s ‘I look like you’ Playbook
  15. Lazy Mazie: Dan Inouye Didn’t Get All Those Earmarks, I did!
  16. While Mazie Snoozed, Don Young Rounded Up Democrat Votes for Native Hawaiian Programs
  17. Maui Chamber of Commerce Endorsement? Hirono Doesn’t Even Try
  18. Depledge: Democrats Must Use Lingle’s Focus on Congress to make Race about Ryan
  19. 25 Polling Places Open Late? Nago Suddenly “Doesn’t know where that number came from”
  20. Hawaii's Voter ID Law Apparently … No Big Deal
  21. Gabbard weighs giving up Council seat before election
  22. A`ama Crabs Gather for ‘Unity Rally’
  23. Bureaucrats Give Queens Permission to Buy HMC-West
  24. Pine Urges Queen's to Expedite Opening of Emergency Room at HMC-West
  25. Japan, Hawaii Governments Work Together to Jack Up Electric Rates, Funnel Money to Green Energy Scammers
  26. HECO Hangs Up on Customers Calling about Soaring Electric Bills
  27. SA: Donovan Payoff Looks Like Freitas Job Switch
  28. Honolulu City Council taking up commercial beach activities ban again
  29. NHLC Sues to Block Haleiwa Hotel Deal
  30. Tesoro eyes West Coast empire with BP refinery deal
  31. Poll: Californians Favor GMO Labeling
  32. Justice Kennedy Defends Ninth Circuit’s Maui Conference
  33. Is Slavery and Human Trafficking legal in the United States?
  34. Shooting at Family Research Council HQ
  35. To protect ethanol, Obama seeks to inflate meat prices
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Tuesday, August 14, 2012
August 14, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:41 PM :: 6982 Views
  1. Medicare Administration Exposes Substandard Hawaii Hospitals, Nursing Homes
  2. Why fish raised in strange metal pods could be better for us
  3. State of Hawai‘i Data Book 2011 Now Available on the Internet
  4. Hawaii Co Elections: Jamae Kawauchi to Address Kona TEA Party
  5. New Solar Scam: Hawaii Tax Money to Be Exported to China
  6. Lingle Campaign Launches 'Voices of Hawaii' Radio Ad
  7. Three Hawaii Marines killed by Muslims in Afghanistan
  8. Stop Rail Lawsuit to be Heard Next Week
  9. Except Inouye, Everybody Who Touches Rail Gets Burned
  10. Borreca: Case, Hannemann Finished Politically
  11. SA Hawaii Democrats Should Use Ryan to Destroy Lingle, Djou
  12. Joe Trippi Handled Gabbard Communications
  13. Molokai: IAM Slams ‘Sellout’ Ritte
  14. Broken Trust Spokesperson Elisa Yadao Jumps into Hawaii County Election Snafu
  15. County Council to meet over voting problems
  16. Kim, Yagong Supporters Must Unite to Crush Kenoi
  17. HPD Finally Fires Marijuana Growing Cop
  18. Overtime Scam Blows 200 DUI Prosecutions: 7 ex-HPD Officers make deal on false-report counts
  19. Hawaii county elections under state and council review, court likely
  20. Hanabusa’s Fault: Hawaii ERS Shortfall Now Exceeds $8.3B
  21. Mother and Son in Hawaii House of Representatives?
  22. Berg taken off 2 committees after outburst
  23. Daryl Smith Plans for SD2 Showdown
  24. After Poisoning the Sacred Aina, First Wind Plans to Re-install Lead Batteries at Kahuku
  25. First Wind Takes Aim at Protest-Free Maui
  26. Sempra scraps plans for 300-MW solar farm near Hawaii’s Pearl Harbor
  27. When US at Brink of Default, Hirono was not a Leader
  28. State Rep. Takai calls for Donovan's reinstatement
  29. UH chancellor defends athletic program's red ink
  30. POHAKU Investigation Tabled
  31. Hawaii joins states backing racial preferences in college admissions
  32. TSA Agents Probed for Catching too Many Drug Smugglers, Illegals
  33. Iran’s Voice in Honolulu Pipes Up
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Monday, August 13, 2012
August 13, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:15 PM :: 6633 Views
  1. Lingle: My Opponent is one of the '12 Percenters'
  2. Djou: On to the General Election!
  3. Lingle Releases Comprehensive Debate Schedule
  4. Ed Case Thanks Supporters, Not One Word About Hirono
  5. Lorraine Inouye: ‘Not Satisfied This Election Was Fair and Legal’
  6. Surgical Safety: Hawaii Hoispitals 2nd Worst in Nation
  7. Open Letter to Holder: Thai Workers Protest DoJ Abandonment of Hawaii Slavery Case
  8. Loraine Inouye May Demand Recount
  9. Hirono Missed Over 120 Votes in Congress
  10. Star-Adv Editors Beg Caldwell to tell PRP to Stop Talking About Pay to Play
  11. Abercrombie Demands Silence on Pay to Play, Cayetano Promises Retaliation
  12. Tulsi Gabbard Suddenly ‘Proud’ Hindu, Continues to Lie about Mike Gabbard’s Religion
  13. DoE Doubles Down in Attack on Disabled Children
  14. Progressives: Stop Building Homes, We Will Always Have a Housing Shortage
  15. Hide The Knives! Democrat Unity Breakfast Joins Inouye, Cayetano—Hannemann Skips
  16. Case’s 10% Gap Similar to 2006
  17. Cayetano's support stretches across rail's path
  18. Gabbard defeats Hannemann in all voting districts except 1
  19. Case, Cayetano, Gabbard Strong in Similar Districts
  20. Molokai: Walter Ritte Hopes for Wind Farm Payoff from New Project Director
  21. Donovan is Fall Guy in Freitas’ Power Play
  22. Fisheries Service pressed to use false killer whales in war on Longliners
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Sunday, August 12, 2012
August 12, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:11 PM :: 6337 Views
  1. August 11 Hawaii Primary Election Results
  2. Hawaii County: "Kona Ballot Cans Arrived Unsealed, Disorganization Looks Purposeful"
  3. After Complaint from Gabbard Campaign Abercrombie Orders Extended Hours for Big Island Polling Places
  4. Live Webcast: Lingle to Comment on Primary Results
  5. Lingle: Abercrombie, Schatz Should Apologize for 'Birther' Remarks
  6. Lingle: Hirono Has Failed Hawaii
  7. Inouye, Abercrombie, Chong Look to Alaska for Natural Gas
  8. Hanabusa: Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid -- it is all at stake
  9. Denying Responsibility for Tax Loss Just Typical Legislative M.O.
  10. Cayetano Counting on High GOP Turnout to Put Him Over Top in November
  11. Progressives to Union Bosses: You Can’t Beat Us So Fall In Line
  12. Maui Democrat Denounces Ing
  13. Lorraine Inouye Likely Filing Election Protest
  14. Chaos at Kona Polling places
  15. 2002 Redux: Hirono, Lingle Advance to General Election
  16. Djou-Hanabusa Head for Third Contest
  17. After Decades of Lying, Gabbards are Suddenly Hindu!
  18. Mufi Blames ‘Special Interest Money’ For Latest Election Defeat
  19. Crowley Easily Beats DiGeronimo for GOP 2nd CD Nomination
  20. Turnout 41.7% down slightly from 2010
  21. Mixed Decision on Polling Results
  22. Legislative, Council Results
  23. 2012 Senate Polls Match 2002 Gubernatorial Polls
  24. Abercrombie Decision Helped Hirono?
  25. Subprime Lending for Hawaii? FACE, SSFM Predict Rail TOD Will Push Back NIMBY Resistance to Affordable Housing
  26. Will Solar, ‘Communal Lithium’ Replace HECO?
  27. Ernst & Young illegally appraising real estate, state alleges
  28. Legislators step in on military noise
  29. Wastewater tunnel route a danger
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Saturday, August 11, 2012
August 11, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 5:02 PM :: 5507 Views
  1. Romney-Ryan: Smart Democrats Should Be Worried
  2. Romney-Ryan: “The Courage to Tell You the Truth”
  3. Grievance Filed After Tribune-Herald Names Hunter Bishop as Source of False Hawaii County ‘Yellow Card’ Story
  4. GOP Threatens Lawsuit Over Big Island Election Debacle
  5. VIDEO: Djou Interviewed by Washington Post
  6. NRA Rates Hawaii Candidates
  7. Abercrombie Releases $16.9M CIP, Grants in Aid
  8. VIDEO: Hawaii Democrats come together for traditional Grand Rally in Hilo
  9. Find Your Polling Place
  10. Sen Josh Green Asks Abercrombie to Extend Polling in Kona
  11. Complete Pre-Primary Rundown on Legislative Races
  12. Polls Open Late at Four Kona Polling Places, Ewa Beach
  13. Problems at Aiea, Mililani Kona Polling Sites
  14. Old Boy Sabotage Suppressing the Kona Vote?
  15. ‘Start-Up Problems’ at Polls in Aiea, Mililani
  16. Problems on Big Island Could Delay Results Statewide
  17. Hirono Arrogantly Acts as if She Already Won Primary
  18. Record number of voters cast their ballots early for primary election
  19. Mitsunaga Backs Malama Solomon, Rail Money Flows to Sierra Club’s Wooley
  20. Self-Dealing Justice ‘Reinvestment’ on Kauai
  21. Legal Ad Revenue Threatened, Kauai Garden Isle Suddenly Develops Interest in Investigative Journalism
  22. Arizona Judge May bust Hawaii Gay Marriage Dodge: ‘Pregnant Man’ not Legally Married in Hawaii
  23. West Oahu ‘Second Safest Weather in the West’
  24. The Japan Holocaust Deniers


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Friday, August 10, 2012
August 10, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:23 PM :: 5530 Views
  1. 3,200 Hawaii Illegals to be Given Work Permits
  2. Hawaii Family Forum Releases Primary Voter Guide
  3. Save Oahu Farmlands Alliance Announces Candidate Endorsements
  4. Got Rules? Public Land Development Corp to Hold Hearings
  5. Want a House? CNHA Handing Out $15,000 to 400 Families
  6. Gas Company Requests Permit to Import LNG to Hawaii
  7. Lingle Campaign Launches HDTV Channel
  8. Hawaii Marriage Decision Underlines Importance of Studies
  9. Last Minute Money Grab: As Voters got to Polls, HART Approves Two Big Change Orders
  10. Democrats Burn $4.9M Fighting Amongst Themselves
  11. Sabotage: With election days away, Old Boy Loyalists Go On Strike at Hawaii County clerk's office
  12. Unions Failing Against Cayetano, Say
  13. Hawaii Senate Primary: Which poll to believe?
  14. What's At Stake In Hawaii's Primary Election
  15. Walk-In Voting Down, Mail Voting Up From 2010
  16. Big Brother in the Passenger Seat?
  17. Late Money Flows to Caldwell in Honolulu Mayoral Race
  18. Log Cabin Republicans to Endorse Djou
  19. Legislators on the Move - Cynthia Thielen and Charles Djou
  20. Statewide pilot project explores how to rate quality of preschools
  21. Hawaii and China to Sign Energy Investment Agreement
  22. Pacom Supports Partnership, Stability Through Health Engagements
  23. Illegal Alien Caught, Released in Hawaii on Trial in NY Hammer Attack
  24. Occupy Morons Allowed to Sit in HPD HQ for 24 Hrs, File Charges Against Officer
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Thursday, August 9, 2012
August 9, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 8:41 PM :: 5721 Views
  1. Hundreds Celebrate Court Decision Upholding Traditional Marriage
  2. A Stroke of Judicial Sanity on Marriage
  3. Heritage: Federal Court Upholds Marriage in Hawaii
  4. Memo to Mitsunaga: If it’s a fact you’re squeaky clean…do you really need the services of Michael Green?
  5. Kaiser: 30% of Hawaii Doctors Refuse Medicaid Patients
  6. LNG could ease Hawaii’s high energy costs
  7. Access to Justice Room Opens August 10
  8. Early Voting Ends Today
  9. The idea that Aloha Spirit makes politics here less nasty is nonsense
  10. Cayetano Out of Hospital, PRP Ads Back Up
  11. Gay-Atheists All Get Decision Wrong the Same Way
  12. Rail Opponents form New Environmental Coalition
  13. HART to increase rail seating
  14. The big election matchup: Robo polls vs. traditional political surveys
  15. Success is Failure: False Killer Whale Count Triples, EarthJustice Lawyers Still Attack Commercial Fishermen
  16. Judge Perkins Releases Knife Wielding Lunatic to Attend Windward Community College
  17. Make it easier to vote absentee
  18. ‘Occupy’ Morons Allowed to Block Entrance to HPD HQ All Day Wednesday
  19. Temp Worker Quits Hawaii Election Office, Predicts Disaster
  20. VIDEO: Hawaii County Council district 8 race
  21. While Politicians Babble about agriculture, Professional Dairy Farmer Comes to Big Island, Doubles Herd, Production
  22. Thanks to Fishing Ban, Monk Seal Births Tumble to Record Low
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Wednesday, August 8, 2012
August 8, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:09 PM :: 5886 Views
  1. Federal Audit Catches Takamine's 'Economic Opportunity Council' Misusing DLIR Funds
  2. Pay to Play Mitsunaga Challenges White to Take a Fake Polygraph Test
  3. Case: Hirono is Living in a Fantasy World
  4. Saltchuck to Convert Alaska Ships to run on Natural Gas
  5. Video: Randy Roth Clobbers Wayne Yoshioka
  6. Hawaii Receives Tier 1 Status in State Rankings in Combating Human Trafficking With Legislation
  7. Cayetano: Unions Unchecked Become Dangerous to the Democratic Process
  8. Shapiro: Cayetano is Eisenhower
  9. 36% of Rail reserve fund Has been Given Away to Contractors
  10. Political Insiders Detail Conspiracy to Control Your Health Care
  11. Obama Appointee: Need to Overcome Jones Act to Ship LNG to Hawaii
  12. Hirono Poll: Hirono 50, Case 33
  13. CB Poll Case 47%-Hirono 46%
  14. WaPo: Hirono Doesn’t Capture Attention of Liberals
  15. Case: Last Time I felt this Momentum was 2002
  16. Civil Beat Poll - Full Questionnaire and Results — August 2012
  17. J Kalani ‘Powdernose’ English out of Touch With District
  18. Elections office to delete duplicate registrations
  19. How NCLB saved Hilo School
  20. Bumbling Defense Lawyer gives Federal Judge excuse to Remands Deedy to be Hung in State Court
  21. Open Letter to Oracle CEO Larry Ellison
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Tuesday, August 7, 2012
August 7, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:37 PM :: 6479 Views
  1. Early Voting Ends August 9--Find Your Polling Place
  2. Featured on Glen Beck: Wallbuilders’ David Barton to speak at Maui, Oahu events
  3. This Day in History: Truman Announces Hiroshima Bombing
  4. Eliminate Bus Fares to Solve Traffic Woes?
  5. Hawaii Congressional Delegation: How They Voted August 6, 2012
  6. Poll: Cayetano at 51%--Flood of Obamabots Could Defeat him in November
  7. After Denouncing US Constitution, Pollack Sworn in as Hawaii Supreme Court Justice
  8. Cayetano Hospitalized for Ulcer
  9. PRP Pulls Ads after Cayetano Hospitalized
  10. Imua Rail Canvassers Told to Make Deceptive Statements About Their Employer, Their Background and the Rail Project
  11. Lingle Raises Triple Hirono’s Haul
  12. No absentee ballot drop off in Kona
  13. 300 more volunteers needed for Election Day; $85 stipend
  14. DLNR Dep Director Joins Windfarm Scammers
  15. Inouye confident rail will get built no matter the outcome of election
  16. Imua Rail Enormous Conflict of Interest
  17. U.S. Rep. Hirono Absent Again During Congressional Votes
  18. Ad Revenue Threatened, SA’s Stunning Display of Investigative Journalism Continues into Day 2
  19. City road division employees under probe in bizarre incident involving a dead pig
  20. Sister of Hawaii Five-O Teamster Killed During Arrest Sues City
  21. First Wind Desperately Seeking Excuses for Kahuku Fire
  22. More ‘Tulsi-is-a-Hindu’ Stuff
  23. HART Closes Lanes for Archaeology
  24. Land and Power: Sierra Club opposes ‘flawed’ process
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Monday, August 6, 2012
August 6, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:39 PM :: 6847 Views
  1. Early Voting Begins Monday July 30--Find Your Polling Place
  2. DoE Spends $3M/yr Suing Disabled Children, Forces Closure of Loveland Academy
  3. Featured on Glen Beck: Wallbuilders’ David Barton to speak at Maui, Oahu events
  4. Alumni, Students Denounce UHPA Smear Campaign
  5. Case: Featherweight Hirono Can’t be the Solution When She’s Part of the Problem
  6. Rail, RTTT, Obamacare, 'Green' Energy: The Ulterior Motive
  7. CB Poll: Gabbard 49-29 over Hannemann
  8. Hannemann: CB Poll Oversamples Haoles
  9. Cayetano Donates to Ed Case Campaign
  10. Civil Beats Enviros Who Stray from Sierra Club Rail Line
  11. With Profits Threatened, Star-Advertiser Suddenly Does Investigative Journalism
  12. Churches revisit suit over civil union rites
  13. SA: Aina Koa Pono “Depend on ratepayers for exorbitant or indefinite subsidies”
  14. DoE: After Somebody Gets a Contract, AP Courses Soar
  15. JACL to Abercrombie: Lay off the Micronesian Bashing
  16. GE vs Sales tax analysis pits rate vs. base
  17. The Economics of Recycling in Hawaii
  18. 63% of Honolulu Water Pipes Over 40 years Old
  19. Old Boy Dreams Harnessed to State Land and Power Corp.
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Sunday, August 5, 2012
August 5, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 3:28 PM :: 5748 Views
  1. Dependency Creates Apathy, the Beginning of the Downward Spiral
  2. Union Leaders Seeking Candidate to Oppose Abercrombie
  3. Environmental impact assessment begins after battery storage fire
  4. Biofuel: Led by Crackpots, Inouye, HECO, Landowners Grab for Ratepayer Dollars
  5. Abercrombie Admin Renews Pledge to Gut Prepaid Healthcare Act
  6. Licensed Pawnbroker Was Four-Time Convicted Felon, Burglar
  7. HSTA Position Makes no Sense
  8. Big Isle mayor's race could last until fall
  9. McDermott Faces Six Democrats for HD40
  10. HD11: Fontaine vs Bush League Carpetbagger?
  11. Keith-Agaran is ‘Underdog’ Because Opponent not Tainted by Union Endorsements, Contributors
  12. UH should detail how it spends donations
  13. Hawaii forces in Afghanistan fly 3500 hours / wk
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Saturday, August 4, 2012
August 4, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 6:16 PM :: 6524 Views
  1. UPW Endorses State Legislative Candidates
  2. UHERO Annual Hawaii Forecast: Tourism Hot, But Broader Growth Still Elusive
  3. Gallup: Hawaii, Rhode Island Top Democratic States
  4. HART: Reducing Rail PR is a Federal Civil Rights Violation
  5. $170/barrel? PUC Rejects AKP Biofuel Contract
  6. Cost of Rail Jumps another $160M
  7. Another city road division supervisor under ethics probe
  8. UHPA, Sierra Club Burn Money on Case, Gabbard
  9. Watch Those Surcharges On Your Bills!
  10. Alert: New Push Poll Attacking Cayetano Underway
  11. HGEA, UHPA, Sierra Club Launch Anti-Pono Chong Campaign
  12. As UH Manoa Closes in on HQ, Abercrombie, Steve Case, Meet with Tax Credit Scammers
  13. Army, HECO Plan 50 MW Biofool Plant at Schofield
  14. Arrest of Waikiki Pawnbroker, Meth Dealer Leads to Call for New Regulations
  15. Do-Gooders Desperate to Shovel Free Breakfast Down Kids Throat
  16. Unopposed Hawaii Co Council Candidate Admires Clayton Hee, Billy Kenoi
  17. Punatics Grab for $200K Geothermal Payoff
  18. Star-Adv: Which Religion Should the State Establish: Old Pagan or New?
  19. Rejected by Greens, Wanna-Be President Rosanne Barr tries Peace & Freedom Party
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Friday, August 3, 2012
August 3, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:36 PM :: 7933 Views
  1. To Stop Mufi, Mrs Abercrombie Joins the Chris Butler Cult
  2. NYT: Three Ingredients for Republican Victory in Hawaii
  3. 2010 Flashback: Xtreme Power: A Pig-in-a-poke For Hawaii Wind Farm
  4. AKP Demands $1/month from Oahu, Big Isle Ratepayers
  5. Pacom: Asia-Pacific Focus Represents ‘Whole of Government’ Rebalance
  6. 'Non-Partisan Hawaii Ohana' 2012 Candidate Endorsements
  7. Act 183: First Injunctions Filed under New Mortgage Rescue Fraud Prevention Law
  8. Judge Orders State DPS to Allow Inmates to Marry
  9. Mercatus: Economics and the History of Cronyism
  10. Taxpayers pay UPW Members $50K to Attend Campaign Rallies for Hirono, Hannemann, Kenoi
  11. Kahuku Windfarm Fire Spews Toxic Lead Over Watershed Areas
  12. Tulsi: More Limited Hangout of “Lifelong Hindu”
  13. DoE: The Longer Students go to School, the Dumber they Get
  14. Star-Adv: To Disguise DoE Failure, We Must Deny Parents the Clarity of Numbers
  15. Karen Street: The head of Hawaii’s new charter school panel brings a business background to the task
  16. Campaign money watchdog wants PRP $1 million spending details
  17. MidWeek Voters’ Guide to Non-Incumbent Candidates
  18. Only a handful of lobbyists disclose any expenses
  19. Atheists ‘Unhappy’ With HFF/HCC Lobbying Settlement
  20. Queen's files papers to buy HMC West
  21. Non-Traditional Buyer for Tesoro Refinery?
  22. Rep Fontaine Galvanizes the Community
  23. Solar Co Buys Seven Hawaii Projects, Rush to Complete
  24. POHAKU: Kauai Criminal ‘Diversion’ Program Dodges Procurement Code
  25. HPD officer admits role in pot operation, May Return to Work
  26. Money: Mainland Anti-GMO Activists Grab for KSBE Assets
  27. Audio: Big Island Health IT Talkstory
  28. HNL TSA boss who claims he was wrongly fired wins settlement, retirement
  29. Hawaii's Silent Extinction
  30. Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day: America Defends Free Speech
  31. The big bash: 86 percent of Romney coverage negative
  32. Was Pres. Obama channeling Willy Maunawili?
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Thursday, August 2, 2012
August 2, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 7:04 PM :: 10655 Views
  1. Gallup: Obama losing in 37 states, gets 63% Approval in Hawaii
  2. Hawaii Congressional Candidates on the Jones Act
  3. DCCA: Let your auto insurer spy on you and save money
  4. Hawaii DoD Launches ‘Hawaii Civic Justice Corps’
  5. Hawaii-Based Task Force Stems Chemical Trafficking in Asia-Pacific
  6. Hawaii Firefighter Fatality Report Examines Cardiac Death
  7. 9th Annual Navy League Golf Tourney
  8. Forbes: The Hawaii Marxist Who Mentored President Obama On General Motors
  9. Ono Good! NOAA to Conduct Status Review of Green Turtles
  10. Kahuku Wind farm Catches Fire AGAIN, Battery Building Burns Down
  11. Lanai: Murdock Keeps Elephant Tusks, Used Volkswagen, Windfarm and other Junk
  12. Hawaii County Election: It’s the Girlfriend, Stupid
  13. Gabbard Ad Hammers Hannemann over $700M Pay to Play
  14. Hawaii Full of Bullies
  15. PRP Burns $900K for Rail
  16. Cayetano is focused on Campaigning While Carlisle, Caldwell Scramble for Contributions
  17. HD19: Yamane vs Kobayashi Two Old Boys Fight to Get Back In House
  18. Maui Council Races
  19. Facing Ban, Tobacco Users Claim Religious Rights
  20. Hounded and Harassed by Abercrombie, Haleiwa Farmers Market Finds Refuge in Waimea Valley
  21. HECO Gets $217, Ratepayers Get $0.91
  22. Home Health Care Provider Owes $5M in Taxes
  23. AG Louie Fights to Steal Land from Bridge Aina Lea
  24. After a Decade, State is Allegedly Ready to Renovate Empty Downtown Office Building
  25. But First, State Builds Brand New Empty Building
  26. Desmond Tutu Live Stream?
  27. Agit-Prop: Nobody killed in Hilo ‘Massacre’
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Wednesday, August 1, 2012
August 1, 2012 News Read
By Andrew Walden @ 10:58 PM :: 6395 Views
  1. Rail: Leading Environmentalists Push Back Against Sierra Club, Endorse Cayetano
  2. Lingle Urges Supporters to Vote in Republican Primary
  3. Djou: Our Polls Show us Ahead
  4. Veterans in Politics Endorses Ed Case
  5. Abercrombie Video Touts DoE, Financial 'Success'
  6. Life Expectancy: Move to Hawaii if you want to live longer
  7. New Name for The Gas Company
  8. 235,000 Hawaii Juror Questionnaires to be Mailed Out
  9. 'Pay to play' remains a reality in isle politics, corrupting all involved
  10. Hawaii Co. Audit Reveals Nago’s “Overreaction to Minor Problems”
  11. 33% of Voters Will Have new Polling Place
  12. Lingle Campaign Pushes Back Against UHPA Attack
  13. Lingle to Co-Chair ‘Jewish Americans for Romney’ Coalition
  14. Useless and Insignificant: Hirono, Hanabusa Ignored as House Blocks Massive Tax Increase
  15. Lingle camp raises $170,000 in 3 weeks
  16. Trailing Gabbard, Hannemann Gives Campaign $150K
  17. Sierra Club Spending On Wooley Mailers
  18. HART: Piddling 840 Local Rail Jobs Created
  19. Report: Move fewer Marines to Guam, but get it done now
  20. Man once arrested in Hawaii attacks tourist in New York with hammer
  21. 49lbs of ‘Medical’ Marijuana: HPD Officer’s Girlfriend Pleads Guilty
  22. City Shells Out $600k But For What?
  23. 100 At Grassroot Institute Dinner
  24. A Foundation of Lies – Hawaii’s ‘secret cult ‘ and this year’s Election
  25. Esquire Names Case to ‘Best Dressed Candidates’ List
  26. Philosophy vs Bullying?
  27. Delicious Sea Turtles to be Delisted?
Read More..


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